Jump To Report Warning Message

Apr 9, 2008

I'm getting the following error message

[rsNonAggregateInMatrixCell] The Value expression for the textbox €˜IMAGE_TOTAL_1€™ references a field outside an aggregate function. Value expressions in matrix cells should be aggregates, to allow for subtotaling.

the cell it is refering to is in the data area of a matrix.
The value expression is =sum(Fields!IMAGE_TOTAL.Value,"MAIN")

this cell also has a navigation set to "job to a report"

When i take out the navigation the warning messages go away.

Is there an issue with using navigation link on a textbox with an aggregate in it?

ps - everything runs fine I just get a warning message.

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Using Jump To Report Navigation Option- Jump To The Same Report

Apr 28, 2008

I have a report that uses report parameters and navigation in the textbox.
When I click in the textbox, it jumps to the same report, but I cannot see the report parameters any more(hidden ). I cannot change the report parameters.
When I use only the report paramenters (no navigation option), they appear always during the run time.
How can I do to keep the report parameters visible all the time using "jump to the same report"??

Thank you so much. indyw

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Warning Message 1708

Feb 25, 2004

I use VB 6.0 with ADO 2.6 to access an SQL-server.
I know that the table I wish to create generates this warning.

But from today ( without any changes to the SQL-server ) , this warning is reported as an error to the client instead of continuing.
So my error trap routine traps this as an error now.

I have a workaround that I would to avoid and that's reinstalling the SQL-server ( Only the MSSQL ).

Does anybody know a better solution.

PS : Changing the table structure is not possible in this case.

Thnx in advance,

Sven Peeters

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How To Disable A Warning Message ?

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I have a few create table statements which create temporary tablesthat has row definitions which exceeds the 8060 size limit, this causesa warning message being generated (Message 1708).Is there a way I can disable/avoid the warning message from beingprinted ?Thanks,joe

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How Do I Jump To Another Report Based On A Value In My Current Report? Report Has No Parameters.

May 3, 2007

How do I jump to another report based on a value in my current report. The report that I am jumping from has no parameters, just values.

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Warning Message In The Event Viewer

Jun 7, 2001


Can anyone tell me what this warning message in the Quotes below...
I get this on one of our servers every 15 minutes in the event Viewer..

Here is the message in the event Viewer..
"Replication of license information failed because the License Logging Service on server PSNJRPDC could not be contacted."

Thanks All,

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Page File Warning Message

Jun 27, 2001

We are seeing the following error message in our SQL logs and was hoping for some advice.

"Warning: the available page file space has dropped below 4 MB"

To fix the problem we thought we should increase our paging file size for our virtual memory on the server. The recommended allocation was 3083 MB and previously we were using less than the recommended amount so we allocated 7167 MB (the max we were allowed). Do you see any problems with this or have any recommendations?

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[SQL 2005] How Do I Prevent Or Hide This Warning Message?

May 10, 2007

"Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation."

i keep having this message while having some joint statement.

is there a way to prevent this or even hide this message?

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Report Viewer Jump To Issues With Relative Intra-report URLs

Dec 26, 2007


Very strange phenomenon with the "Jump to report:" Hyerlink Actions when I deployed my reports to the production servers:

The Actions no longer funcioned properly when attempting to go to one report to another. Sometimes, the same report would come up and sometimes a different report. It appeared that whatever mechanism Report Server uses to construct the proper URL when using "Jump to report:" is unreliable(or the URL is not being honored by the web-server).

All this is happening under the Report Viewer control. I have had to do a painful fix of manually constructing the entire absolute URL and including the reportviewer control in the url.

Any way to get back relative Jump to report: URL's?

Thanks JS

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Setup Question: ASP.Net Version Registration Requirement Warning Message

Jul 9, 2006


Hi there,

I have only this warning message during the System Configuration Check:

ASP.Net Version Registration Requirement (Warning)


ASP.Net Version Registration Requirement

64-bit ASP.Net is Registered. Required 32-bit ASP.Net to install Microsoft Reporting Services 2005(32-bit).

Does this mean that I can't install Reporting Services or should I pay no attention to it and continue to install?

I'm running on Windows 64-bit Pro. edition.



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SQL Server Express 2005 Warning Message In Event Log From SQL Browser Service

May 1, 2007


I have been trying to drill down to the cause for this event log message:
"The configuration of the AdminConnectionTCP protocol in the SQL instance
SQLEXPRESS is not valid."
It is reported from the SQLBrowser service as a warning when the service
starts. I have tried starting SQLBrowser.exe with -c flag, but the output reveals no
errors. I have seen this error on three computers. Two are running SQL 2000, 2005
and Express. One was only running Express, but still this message.
I then looked into the log for the SQL Express server itself. It shows this
message on startup:
"Dedicated administrator connection support was not started because it is
not available on this edition of SQL Server. This is an informational message
only. No user action is required."
Now, it appears to me that these two messages may relate to the same
"error" (or rather behaviour by design). So, can anyone confirm that the
warning in the event log from the SQL Browser service occurs becuase of that
the SQL Express edition doesn't allow any "AdminConnection", but the SQL
Browser service isn't aware of that SQL Express edition shouldn't support that, and
reports it as a warning (implying that we can't do much about this warning)?

Thanks for any input on this issue!

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How To Solve The Problem Of Warning Message 'Fail Components' And 'redirect Row' When Doing Text Mining?

Jul 11, 2007

How to solve the problem of Warning message 'Fail Components' and 'redirect row' when doing text mining?


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Jump To Report

Feb 1, 2007


I want to use Jump to Report option under Navigation tab.

I have two reports both with Same parameters and parameters are multiple value selectable.

In Jump to Report this is how I set the parameter value.

LeadershipTeamId =Join(Parameters!LeadershipTeamId.Value,", ")

CostCentreId =Join(Parameters!CostCentreId.Value,", ")

CostElementGroupId =Fields!CostElementGroupId.Value

This works fine if I have only one value selected for CostCentre and LeadershipTeam but when I select the multiple value I get the following error.

The value provided for the report parameter 'LeadershipTeamId' is not valid for its type. (rsReportParameterTypeMismatch)

Am I missing anything here?

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Best Regards

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Jump To Report

Mar 5, 2007

Hi all,

I have created a hyperlink(textbox) with an action property setting of "Jump to report" The report I am jumping to takes 5 parameters. I want to pass 4 of the parameters from the main report and have the user enter the 5th. I have mapped the 4 parameters and in preview mode, everthing works great. In preview mode, the parametrs are passed and the last parameter is left waiting for entry. After deployment, this is not the case. In the deployed state, I simply get an error that parameter #5 is blank. Is there there something I am missing?



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Jump To Report In New Window?

May 11, 2007

Hi all,

Is it possible to use the "jump to report " action and have the report open in a new window?



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Jump From Every Point On A Report

Dec 4, 2007


I have a report with a graph in it.

I want to jump to another url when I'm clicking on my report.

I know how to sat the action for clicking inside the report on one of the data number but I want it to jump when I'm ckicking anywhere on the report.

Is there a way to do so?


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Jump To Report Navigation

Sep 11, 2007

Can I have a report that is nothing more than a parameter and when the user selects from the list it will jump to another report based on which parameter was selected?

I can create a report with a text box that I can click to jump. I'd like to be able to eliminate the click on text box if possible and jump directly from parameter select pull down box.


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Hyperlink:Jump To Report

Mar 14, 2008


I have a report that uses Jump to Report and passes Reportname with parameter. Is
there a way to suppress the parameter value in the URL so the user is unable
to manipulate the parameter and execute the changed URL?

This is what I have so far..


because when reports exported to excel, hyperlink path will be displayed and should not display to the user.

Or can we set Hyperline action dyamically?

Thank you.

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Jump To Report With Parameters

Dec 7, 2007


I have a report (Report1) with a subreport (SubReport2). The subreport is a barchart. On the data values for the chart, I have a "Jump to Report" action defined. This jumps to another report(Report3) that has some parameters on it. Neither Report 1 nor SubReport2 have any parameters, only Report3.

When I jump to Report3, I would like to have it open up blank with the parameters open to be selected. I don't want to pass in any parameters as I jump to it. This works perfectly when I test it in my Preview pane in BIDS. However, when I upload the report to the ReportServer, when I click on SubReport2 to jump to Report3, I get an error saying

The 'Months' parameter is missing a value

There is no parameter pane for me to choose the parameters (or any other report viewer pane). However, if I open Report3 directly without trying to use Report1 and SubReport2 to jump to it, the parameter pane is there, everything works right.

Does anyone know how I can get the parameters pane to show up when I jump to Report3?


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Jump To Report Help Needed.

Nov 13, 2007

I am very new to SSRS & SSAS .

Here is my problem. I have a SSRS report that uses a SSAS cube for as it's datasource. I have a drop down parameter box where the user can select a year (2005,2006,2007,etc..) They click the View Report button and the report is generated. On one of the textboxes properties, on the navigation tab I have Jump to Report activated. I select the parameter from the receiving reports with the value of the dropdown box.

What I'm trying to do and can't, is to jump to that report passing the contents of the dropdown box. The receiving report is a SSRS report with a datasource being the SSAS. How do I make the receiving report open based on the parameter that was sent ??

All ideas are welcome...

Thanks ..

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Report Navigation And Jump Url

Feb 20, 2007

Hi all,

I have got a report with external hyperlink.

When I put this link in TextBox properties >> Navigation >> Jump URL of my gridView : http://www.micheldegremont.com it works.

However, if I put "http://www.micheldegremont.com?id=" + Fields!ID.Value it doesn't work. I haven't not link in my report.

And if I put http://www.micheldegremont.com?id=Fields!ID.Value my report create a hyperlink to http://www.micheldegremont.com?id=Fields!ID.Value and no http://www.micheldegremont.com?id=1

Thanks for you help.

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How Do I Jump To Another Report Based On A Value

May 3, 2007

How do I jump to another report based on a value in my current report?

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Going Back After Jump To Report

Dec 6, 2007


I jumped from one report to enter (useing the "jump to report" option).
How can I go back to the first report?

I tried with the "backspace" button and I tried useing "javascript:history(-1)".


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Report Parameters And Jump To Report

Jan 15, 2007


I have two reports, Report A and Report B.

Report A has two parameters defined as "Prompted", meaning the report input area is available for the user.

Report A parameters ---> StartDate, EndDate

When Report B invokes Report A using the Jump To Report Functionality and passing Report B's StartDate and EndDate parameters, Report A seems to think the parameters are implied and not needed and fails to drop down the parameter input area.

This is not desired because the user should be able to change report A's parameters. 

Anyone know a workaround? 


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Jump To Report Without Running It Automatically

May 18, 2007


I need to be able to click a hyperlink in one report to open a linked report, but without automatically running the linked report.


I have a report showing customer details and on this page there is a link to a price enquiry report. This price enquiry report has two parameters: customer code and product code.

When I click the price enquiry hyperlink in the customer details report I can only attach a value to the customer code parameter. The product code parameter is not known at this stage and would have to be provided by the user after the price enquiry report is opened (but not run). The customer code parameter should already be filled (carried in the link).

When I click the link at the moment I get the error "The 'product' parameter is missing a value".

Any advice much appreciated.



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Jump To Report - Parameter Missing Value

Nov 30, 2007


I have set up a report with a field in a list as a link to another report . I am passing all the parameters in correctly (4 parameters : 1 from a field value and 3 from parameter values). When I run the report and click the link, it jumps to the other report but one parameter is missing a value - the parameter I got from the field value. I really don´t know why this is happening as it was working fine until I added another parameter to the reports and suddenly it doesn´t work anymore.

Is there a limit on the number of parameters I can pass or something?

Please help!

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Drill Down Leads To Jump In Report

Oct 24, 2007

Hi all,

We are developing some reports in Reporting Services 2005 (deployed in Sharepoint). We are having a bit of a problem with the drill down functionality:

When drilling, the report page "jumps", repositioning itself so that the item I drilled is at the top of the page. Not what I wanted, I want it to expand the item without repositioning it.

So, any ideas on what my problem is? I am in kind of a hurry to fix this problem (as always ...).


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Jump To Report &&amp; Multi Value Vs. Single Value

Mar 22, 2007

I have a parameterized main report that contains a link to a sub report with parameters. Then from the sub report I have a link that takes you back to main report. If I use multi value parameters or single value parameters the links going back and forth between the two reports works just dandy, when I run it on my PC. However when I deploy the reports to the Web Server, the link going from the sub report back to the main report only works if the parameters are single select. Going from the Main to the Sub it doesn€™t matter.

This is the error I get using multi select parameters going from the sub report back to the main.

The path of the item "(null)" is not valid. The path must be less than 260 characters long and must start with slash. Other restrictions apply. (rsInvalidItemPath)

Any suggestions?

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Conditional Jump To Report In SRS 2000 Possible?

Nov 9, 2007

Hello, I've been researching this for some time. Does anyone know if you can conditionally jump to a report? Something like this:

=iif(Fields!TEST.Value = "?????" And Fields!TEST2.Value > 0, TestDetailReport, "")
I've tried this based on the text color also but keep getting errors like this:

The expression for the textbox €˜TESTBOX€™ contains an error: [BC30451] Name 'TestDetailReport' is not declared.

Is what I'm trying to do here just not possible?


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Option To Select Which Report To Jump To

Mar 2, 2007


Is it possible to set a "jump to report" option where the user can select which report to jump to from a list. E.g

If I click on the Company field it allows me to select to either jump to the company sales report OR the company purchases report


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Jump To Report (specific Bookmark)

Jun 7, 2006

Is there a way to jump from one report to a specific bookmark in the second report? I have a chart that jumps quite nicely to a filtered version of the report, but instead would like to be able to jump to the entire report at the specific location (e.g., Bookmark) related to the chart data item.

I know that it's quite easy to jump to a bookmark within the same report. What I can't quite determine is how to jump from one report to a specific section in a second report.


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Remove Jump To Report Links Programatically

Sep 28, 2007

In SSRS 2005, is there any way to programatically turn off a Jump To Report link. i.e. set Hyperlink action to none through code. Also is there any way to remove all links upon exporting to excel.


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Help! Jump To Report: Error With Web Reportviewer Control

Jan 14, 2008

Hello everyone,
I have a report that has a "Jump to report:" link in it and in the report it jumps to there is another "Jump to report:" link. When I click on this link I get the following error.

The path of the item '(null)' is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long; other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the path must start with slash. (rsInvalidItemPath)

I have tried moving the link from the header to the body of the report with the same results.

This is only happening in the web reportviewer control as our windows app works flawlessly.

We are running SQL SERVER 2005 SP2.

Does anyone have a fix, workaround or idea how to resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance


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