Killing Sp, Undo All Statements In It?

Dec 17, 1999

if we kill sp, let's say, on the third statement, will the first two
be rolled back (undo) ?

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Undo Mechanism

Nov 21, 2004

Hello all,

I know that Oracle uses undo table spaces or rollback segments as its undo mechanism. what does Microsoft SQL Server use as its undo mechanism?


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With Standby UNDO

Feb 9, 2007

I'm confused how the undo works when you restore WITH STANDBY

Suppose I restore WITH STANDBY


How do I undo LOG C? Do I restore LOG B again?

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How To Undo Changes In A Db (by Using Logs) ...

Dec 9, 2007

Hello !

I have a big problem. I need to go back un changes that had been since the a specific date (beginning of november in my case).

Thanks a lot for any help on how to do this !


my favorit hoster is ASPnix : !

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Undo Last Statement

Apr 20, 2006

Is there anyway in SQL Server to rollback an SQL statement which wasalready executed. I know there is a transaction log but what itcontains and how it works is still a mystery to me.Assuming I delete all records from a table - can I somehow undo this?

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BIDS Undo Button

Apr 9, 2008

How come Undo button does not work? Thanks.

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How To Undo And Update To Field

Jan 17, 2014

I have update a table field and I like to know how do you "undo" the update? I set the field_length from 6 to 7 and like to undo this.Here is my command:

table = template_fileds
column= field_length.
filed name= field_name.
update template_fields set field_length='7' where field_name='assesscode9'

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Undo Restore (Urgent)

Dec 2, 2005

Muhammad Qasim writes "i hav query that i was just taking the backup of the database n by mistake i just clicked restore as the wizards are similar so i just restored the database to 10days old backup n now i have no latest backup so how can i just undo this restore if u hav any idea of how to overcome this plz reply as early possible lookin for replies"

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Undo Management In Sql Server 200

May 20, 2007

hai to every one,

i am pavan working as oracle dba. in oracle we have undo table space.
when we issue rollback oracle gets old image from undo tablespace.

in sql server where it gets from old image.

who performs instance crash recovery(which back ground is responsible for it)

in sql server we have logwriter, lazy writers(back ground processes)
what are the other processess.

and some doubts are

how insert query works
how update query works,
how select query works.

means i issue update statement. command successfully executed. late issue rollback, from where sql server gets old imege of the data

please send me any archetecture book /pdf/online link


Associate Oracle DBA

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How To Undo A Delete With Cascades

Aug 30, 2005

Hello,Somebody accidently deleted a record with cascade deletesand took out about 80 records.The database has been used heavily since then.How do I put back the data?I have spent hours researching BOL and all I can findis how to restore the database to a point in time.But that will lose all the work done after the mistake.(We do a full backup every week and log backup every day)Is there a standard way to do this?Morgan

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Undo Insert/ Update

Nov 29, 2007

Can somebody advice me on this:

I am trying to update a row, which is being pulled from another table.

i.e., I have two tables T1 and T2

I am getting a row from T2 and inserting it in T1
then I am updating that row in T1

What i want is if in case these is an error while updating this row I want to remove the row from T1
T1 and T2 are same.

declare @err1 int


INSERT INTO dbo.T1 SELECT * FROM dbo.T2 WHERE UpdateFlag = 'Y' AND ID = '12345'


UPDATE dbo.T1 set ReportDate= '9910-12-2006'

SET @Err1 = @@error



insert into errorlog values (error_message())


--if @err1<>0


--Rollback transaction


This work fine but I am not able to roll back the transaction

When I activate the codes fro roll back, it not performing the Logging operation in CATCH also terminating


1) Get the record in T1 from T2
2) Update the record in T1
3) IF step:3 good commit it, else remove the only the row which was pulled from T2. It must do this also log in dbo.ErrorLog the errored system message error_message()

Thanks a lot in advance

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Does The Undo Operation Work ?

Oct 11, 2006

Hi ,

I was working in the SSIS designer and when I found that the DataFlow task I deleted was indeed something I needed, I tried to Undo the operation but Alas the option is not enabled :(

Is there a way we can undo the operations?

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How To Undo The Last Sql Command Run In Query Analyzer

Apr 2, 2008

 I often run queries in Query analyzer. Today I accidentaly deleted some data from a table. Is their a way to undo the last SQL command executed?I have heard of the rollback command, but I don't know if that is applicable or not?

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Point In Time, UNDO/Restore

Nov 28, 2007

I have full Recovery mode.

I just accidently deleted a handful of records out of a table about 10 minutes ago. My last backup was last night.

Can I go back 10 minutes ago for a specific table? If so how... DO I need to backup now, then use the trans-logs to recover up to a specific point?


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Recovery :: Undo Applied Transaction Log?

Oct 21, 2015

USE [master]
RESTORE DATABASE [EmployeeRecovered] FROM  DISK = N'D:BackupsNormalEmployeeFULL.BAK' WITH  FILE = 1,  
MOVE N'Employee' TO N'D:MSSQLDATAEmployeeRecovered1.mdf',  
MOVE N'Employee_log' TO N'D:MSSQLLOGEmployeeRecovered1_log.ldf',  

[Code] ....

Now I realze the recovery point is somewhere in TranBackup2.trn and need to go back to the state where only TranBackup1.trn is applied. How can i do this ?

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Undo Updated Rows In Sql Server 2005

May 29, 2008

currently i m developing a web application with using sql server 2005
and i was testing yesterday a sql update query with sql server management studio.
in my update query i forgot to put where condition and now all the rows of table are updated. is there any solution to undo this and retrieve all rows back?
Regards Selena

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Undo Functionality In Data Driven Application

Sep 17, 2007


I am in a process of designing a web application (ASP.NET) which is mostly data driven. The application needs to provide an undo functionality to users for eg. Undo an Add, Update or Delete that has been already committed to the database.

We are using SQL Server 2005 at back end. What I need to know is how will I enable this feature at database level. I am sure we might have to play with triggers but that too might not help in achieving the UNDO functionality. If anyone can shed light on how to achieve this, it will be quite helpful. Thanks

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SQL 2012 :: List Denied Permissions And Undo A DENY

Dec 18, 2014

1. A few months ago, I received a request to deny delete to a group (Windows AD login) against 3 databases. So I issued a DENY DELETE to the relevant Windows login.

2. Now, someone is having trouble updating data. The issue seems to be that a trigger fires during the update. In the trigger the code tries to delete from a table in the previously delete-denied databases. So the update fails.

-- In retrospect, perhaps I should have used REVOKE - not sure

-- Also, I can't seem to find a listing of the DENY permissions - or rather, how to list what permissions are denied. I guess maybe that is a hard thing to do if the result of a DENY is to leave certain permission columns NULL (vs adding 'DENY'). But it would be useful for me to see what the current permission state is.

-- Finally, I tried to undo the DENY without success. Here is my attempt.

a. I tried GRANT DELETE... - no luck
b. Then I saw an article explaining to use REVOKE, so I tried 'REVOKE DELETE' followed by 'GRANT DELETE' - still no luck.

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Killing The Xp

Apr 11, 2000

How can we kill a process initiated by an Extended Stored Procedure.
For example, I issued
exec xp_cmdshell "C:Notepad.exe"
and scheduled as a job and it started running and it never finished.
I dunno watz goin on behind the scene and i couldnt kill the process.
Anybody who knows how to do it,please help me out. And my process is still
running in the server for more than two days. Do i have to restart the
server? If so, everytime when it get a problem like this, am i supposed to restart?

Please help me in this issue...

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TRANSACTION Is Killing Me...

Jul 8, 2005

Hi, i was try a very simple transaction, but it show me error: Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: This SqlTransaction has completed; it is no longer usable.   Below is my code, wat i did wrong for tis... i tried 2 days just for transaction alrd.... pls help.Sub bt1_click(sender as object, e as eventargs)       dim i as integer       Dim myTrans As SqlTransaction       dim strExDate,StrSAPNum,strID,StrPartNum,strRemark,strWAID,strQty,strQty1,StrPartNum1 as string     '================ loop thru n insert data===============================     try       for i=0 to DgData.items.count-1        strExDate = CType(dgData.Items(i).FindControl("tbExDate"), textbox).text        strRemark = CType(dgData.Items(i).FindControl("tbRemark"), textbox).text        strQty = CType(dgData.Items(i).FindControl("tbQty"), TextBox).text        StrSql="Insert into tbl_GrDE(Qty, ExDate, Remark, EntBy) Values " & _                (@Qty, @ExDate, @Remark, @EntBy)"       ObjCmd=New SqlCommand(StrSql, ObjConn)         With ObjCmd.Parameters:             .Add(New Sqlparameter("@qty", strQty))             .Add(New Sqlparameter("@ExDate", strExDate))             .Add(New Sqlparameter("@Remark", strRemark))             .Add(New Sqlparameter("@EntBy", session("User_ID")))         End with
       ObjCmd.Connection.Open()       myTrans = ObjConn.BeginTransaction       ObjCmd.Transaction = myTrans       ObjCmd.ExecuteNonQuery()       ObjCmd.Connection.Close()       next        myTrans.Commit()     catch ex as exception         response.write("error")         myTrans.Rollback()     end tryEnd SubRegardslife's Ng

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Killing Process

May 30, 2001

One DTs package job running and we stop the job.Job was stoped but process not killing.We tried using kill spid but no use.please any body give suggestion. this production server.

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HELP Killing Users

Jan 10, 2001

Please could anyone help I run an restore on a specific database overnight, in order to do so I have to kill all user connections. When I try to kill all user SPIDs some still remain ? , why please can anyone help me !

Heres a typical example of what I am doing:

sp_who snapshot of before the kill:


Attempting to disconnect 2users


sp_who snapshot of After the kill:


I would greatly appreciate any help , im using SQL Server 7 currently

Many Thanks,

Marcus Stuart

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Help Killing Spid

Dec 22, 1999

I'm going to try to explain my situation.

I have a spid that I'm not able to kill, this were a select statement from with in access 97 application using a DNS connection.
So even that I reboot the client pc and kill the spid it still shows as active with status RollBack.
We have similar problem before and the only way that it disappear were re - starting Sql.
(system Sql 7.0 with sp1 and Access 97)


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Killing A Login

Apr 15, 2003

I have a script that I use to see if someone has been logged in for too long. Does anyone know how to take a varible spid and kill that login. I tried using kill @spid, but that does not work. Any Suggestions?

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Killing A Process In SQL 6.5

Aug 28, 2002

Dear SQLGuru,

I hope you can help me to find the way to resolve this issue.

When I've accidentally triggered a process in SQL 6.5 without knowing that it's going to hold a lot of resources and making the network very slow and end users will be started complaining about the slowness.

I've no other way other than the killing the process kill <spid>. Funniest part is, even it is not get killed even when I tried multiple times and the process is still active and still running.

When I tried to find the way out, One another guy stopped the SQL server and restarted again. That's it, it took a long time to stop and restart and ends up with the recovery mode of the database and it was running more than 3-4 hours to get into the usual mode.

Based on the scenario, what would be your suggestion when I've encoutered the same situation. I've triggered some application like DBCC checkdb and it's keep running for a long time. But I need to kill the process immediately without affecting any other process. Pls. advise me.

Thanks a lot,

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Killing Spid -2

Apr 15, 2002

I have a problem. I am trying to kill a spid that is blocking updates to a table.
The spid number is '-2'. I am using KILL with UOW and I am getting this error:

Server: Msg 6112, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Distributed transaction with UOW {FCF8D536-27ED-11D6-9CF2-0002A56BDA54} is in prepared state.
Only Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator can resolve this transaction. KILL command failed.

Users are connecting through MTS server. I am runnnig SQL2000 sp2 +hotfix, on NT4.0.

Has anyone encountered this problem before, and has a solution for it (besides rebooting the MTS and SQL Server)?



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Killing A Thread

Dec 2, 2004

Hey all,

Just wondering if there is any way to kill a thread within an sqlerver process. The thread we are trying to kill is a rollback statement that has been running for a very long time.

Any ideas ?

Thanks in advance,

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Killing A Process

May 25, 2008

If we have a deadlock we will check in the error log and and find the spids which are involving in the deadlock.
We will kill one of the process by using SPID (no) KILL.
Is there specific steps to consider while killing a process

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Transact SQL :: Undo Update And Bring Back Records To Their Previous Values

Aug 7, 2015

I have a table with 1 million records. I want to update only 400 records. The update statement is provided by a 3rd party vendor. Once i run the update statement it will update all the 400 records. Once the table is updated the users will validate the table

if the update is successful or not. What i'm looking for is:

1) Is there a way to identify what records were updated.
2) If the update done is not what the users wanted i need to undo and bring back the 400 records to their previous values.

I'm on sql server 2008.

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Killing The Duplicates From A Table Using Sql

Mar 24, 2004

hi, what is a good way to kill the duplicates from a table. when i say killing duplicated, i mean killing all the rows for the repeated row.

WorkTempID ItemNo Seq
100196 RTP-22 1
100197 RTP-22 2
100198 RTP-22 3
100199 RTP-22 3
100200 RTP-22 4
100201 RTP-22 4
100202 RTP-22 5
100203 RTP-22 5

see how Seq 3, 4 and 5 are repeated? so for the output i want.

WorkTempID ItemNoSeq

i DO NOT want this as the output. i already know how to achive this using DISTINCT keyword

WorkTempID ItemNoSeq

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Killing User Connections

Oct 19, 2000

Is there a way to kill all user connections to a database using T-SQL?


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Automated Killing Of Processes

Aug 30, 1999

I wish to select processes from sysprocess that are SLEEPING and more than a certain time old (say 10 minutes) so that I may KILL them. I can get the query to do the select, but how do I KILL the process? I have tried selecting the SPID into a local variable and then trying KILL @var_name, but I get "Incorrect syntax near '@var_name'".

I have tried all of the resources that I can find, but without success. Is this possible? If so, how do I go about doing it?

Thanks in advance.


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Killing A Blocked Process

Jul 21, 1999

If I kill a blocked process, why does the current activity window still show the process? Both processes, blocking and blocked, are scheduled tasks. Also, the blocked process is still listed as a running task in the manage scheduled task window.

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