Know The Hard Disk's SQL Server Space Available From SQL Query

Oct 5, 2007

I would be able to determine how much hard disk space is available on the Server with a SQL Query, and from an other computer on the LAN.

How can I do something?

Thanks for your help.

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Sharing Hard Disk On Multiple SQL Server Instances

Jan 31, 2008

I have a situation where I would like to set up one DB server instance for US and anther one for AUStralia. The Instance should share the same data base/hardsisk. One of the instances will be running in using US time zone and anothe one in Australia time zone.
There will be 2 Application instaces one poinint to each SQL Server instance. This applications does write into the database

So the underlying requirment is to have 2 database server running in differnet time zones but accessing the same disk/set of data
What is the best way to do this? Is it linked servers?Girish

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How To Find Free Disk Space Available From SQL Query

Jul 14, 2004

Hi all,
I have to find free disc space in a drive from SQL Query and i am using MSSQL200. Does any body know the command for the same.

Also if i want to find hard disk space of a different machine on network, it is possible to get the data??

Also can i get the CPU/Memory usage data of our machine by some SQL/C++ commands??

Please let me know if u know any of the answer...


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Get Total Disk Size And Free Disk Space

Nov 13, 2007

-- Initialize Control Mechanism

SET@Drive = 97

-- Setup Staging Area
Drive CHAR(1),
Info VARCHAR(80)

WHILE @Drive <= 122
SET@SQL = 'EXEC XP_CMDSHELL ''fsutil volume diskfree ' + CHAR(@Drive) + ':'''


SETDrive = CHAR(@Drive)

SET@Drive = @Drive + 1

-- Show the expected output
SUM(CASE WHEN Info LIKE 'Total # of bytes : %' THEN CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Info, 32, 48), CHAR(13), '') AS BIGINT) ELSE CAST(0 AS BIGINT) END) AS TotalBytes,
SUM(CASE WHEN Info LIKE 'Total # of free bytes : %' THEN CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Info, 32, 48), CHAR(13), '') AS BIGINT) ELSE CAST(0 AS BIGINT) END) AS FreeBytes,
SUM(CASE WHEN Info LIKE 'Total # of avail free bytes : %' THEN CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(Info, 32, 48), CHAR(13), '') AS BIGINT) ELSE CAST(0 AS BIGINT) END) AS AvailFreeBytes
WHEREInfo LIKE 'Total # of %'
) AS d

E 12°55'05.25"
N 56°04'39.16"

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Multiple Hard Disk

May 29, 2007


I have 2 harddisk in my computer and I have SQL 2005 Express on 1 of them (let's say C:), however, my C: is going to be full soon! Once it is full, is it possible to create a table on my other harddisk which the server can recognise?


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SQL Server SQLMAINT And Disk Space

Oct 17, 2006

I have a 250 GB database and not much space left on the disk drive. I want to run SQLMAINT to do optimization and integrity checks on this db. My question is : How much work space does SQLMAINT need to perform these tasks?.
Thanks in advance for your help.

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How To Increase Disk Space In Server

Aug 11, 2015

How to increase disk-space of database in sql server?

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Identifying What Is Using My Hard Disk Cycles

Jul 25, 2001


I monitor a few "perfmon" counters which includes under the "system" object, "bytes transmitted/sec" and "file read bytes/sec". Every once in awhile, these counters will skyrocket, which can also be verified by the hard drive lights flickering like mad.

The only software installed on the machine is SQL Server 2K.

I was wondering if anyone knew how I could monitor within SQL 2K what process or user is using all of these cycles. If anyone could shed some light on this it would be greatly appreciated. Specifically, I would like to find out which database/query is doing this to minimize in the future as this affects all of the other connections.

Thanks in advance,

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Export Data Onto Hard Disk

Mar 10, 2004

Hello People,

I have began to store binary data in my database, for example word documents, PDF's....etc.

But now my database file is growing beyond what I want, and I need to move all of the files out of the DB onto normal hard disk space.

Is there anyway, say by using a bulk copy command, that I can write all the contents of the table into a folder on my hard disk...???

My database table consists of ID(int), Filename(varchar), Filetype(varchar), Filesize(varchar), Filebody(image)

Any help would be extremely appreciated.....

Many Thanks,


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Identifying The Remote SQL Server Disk Space?

Dec 6, 2007

How do we identify the total disk space of a SQL Server Remotely. The procedure xp_fixeddrives gives the available free space .. but I would like to know the total disk capacity .. Any pointers?


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Disk Space Information In SQL Server 2005.

Aug 4, 2007

As a normal sql user we are not able to get the disk space information by
executing 'xp_fixeddrive' extended stored procedure.
We are able to get the result using sa user and windows authenticated user.

Any help will be appreciated.

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Recover With MDF File Only Due To Hard Disk Failure

Nov 10, 2006

catcat writes "Hi All,

Our MSSQL 2000 server crashed yesterday and one database cannot be restored. the latest backup we have is june. We can only recover the MDF file from the harddisk and according to our admin, it cannot be restored anymore because no proper shutdown was made.

Will appreciate your help here."

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SQL 2005 Express And Hard Disk Encryption

Jul 20, 2007

Hi All,

We have here a WinForms Application on laptops that uses SQL Express as its database. Initially all was going well, then it was decided that the laptop Hard Drive should be encrypted. Thats when the fun started.

It is now very hit and miss as to whether we can connect to SQL and service pack 2 will not install.

So now to the question :-

Does anyone know if there are any compatablity issues with SQL 2005 Express and hard disk encryption (particularly BeCrypt).



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Server Disk Space Is Getting Close To Full Capacity

Feb 18, 2015

My SQL server disk space is getting close to full capacity which is causing certain reports that we run via the SQL server to time out because I don't think there is enough space on the server.

Any tips on cleaning out a SQL server? Are there any folders that can absolutely be deleted to clear space? I know on a local computer that the %temp% folder can be cleaned out. I know when dealing with servers you do not want to make to many changes because it can cause major problems down the road.

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SQL Server Freezes : Consumes High Disk Space

Dec 19, 2005


The SQL Server Database hangs overnight and also consumes high disk space on one of our servers. This has been recurring for quite a few weeks and occurs daily.

Can somebody assist me in trouble-shooting the same

Thanks in Advance

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Required Free Disk Space For SQL Server Backup Operations

Feb 4, 2008

What is the percentage of FREE disk space that is needed for a backup? I have backups that are failing with no disk space errors. But there is enough disk. Does SQL Server need a percentage of free space all the time?



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SQl Transacction Log Is About Ti Full Filled My Hard Disk, How Can I Reduce Or Restart It?

Dec 10, 2007

I have a SQl 2005 Database server, but the transacction log is so much larg, i need to reduced.

My hard disk its near to full

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Rebuild Index Disk Space Requirement?

Sep 15, 2015

I'm trying to determine how much space I would need for my data drive and log file drive to do index rebuild. I have a database which is 100gb, it is in simple recovery mode. let me know what to have a look at to determine how much space.

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Recover A Database From Another Hard Disk With A Corrupted Windows 2000 Installation.

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I am trying to recover a SQL Server 7 database from another hard diskdrive that has a corrupted Windows 2000 Advanced Server installation. Iam not able to repair the corrupted Windows 2000 Advanced Serverinstallation but the file system is intact. I have installed a new copyof SQL Server 7 onto a new hard disk and have used the sp_attach_dbsystem stored procedure to attach the database from the old hard driveinto the new installation of SQL Server 7 on the new hard drive. Thedatabase shows up in the Enterprise Manager View and all the data andstructure are there, but when I try to run a Web site that uses ODBCconnections to the database I get the following error:ODBC Error Code = 08001 (Unable to connect to data source)[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]Specified SQL servernot found.I have double-checked that all the NTFS permissions, ODBC DSNs, and WebServer settings are correct and when I run the SQL Server ODBC drivertest at the completion of each ODBC DSN setup, it is successfull.1) Why am I getting this ODBC error?2) What steps have I missed in the recovery process?3) If I have done something wrong recovering my database, can I stillrecover it since I still have: a) The old master database file and logfile; b) The old database (non-master) file and log file; c)A backed-up(Enterprise Manager -> Right Click A Database -> All Tasks -> BackupDatabase) copy of the old database (non-master) file; ?My System Specifications:-Windows 2000 Advanced Server-SQL Server 7-IIS 5.0-Cold Fusion Server 4.5 Professional Full EditionThanks For Your Time,Nathan

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Need Help Approximating How Much Hard Drive Space I Need For My DB Table.

May 12, 2007

In our SQL Server database we will have a table that will be populated with about 2000 recordsper day. That is 2000 records per day for 5 days per week. Currently the computer we are using has about  50 gigabytesof available hard drive space on it. We are concerned that maybe we will need a bigger hard drive,based solely on the number of records entered into this table per day. The problem is I don'tknow how to calculate how much hard drive space we need. I think I read that using varchar,sql server 2005 really optimizes a database. Here is a typical example of data in ourdatabase. I put dots on three lines between the first and last sample record to justillustrate that there are many records in between.
Basically we only need 8 months of data at a time in the table and then we can purgerecords older than 8 months.Can someone help me approximate how much hard drive space I might need for 8 months of data,given the following sample record in the database?
Sample: -->34.5               4.08        10.6       .0012
Sample Table in my DB just for illustration:
(PPsquare inch)  (Diameter)  (Weight gm)     (coeffOfSatFriction)
34.5                      4.08            10.6                .0012...21.7               3.54        6.22         .019

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Disk Space

Nov 19, 2000

I need to setup a compaq sever with 300 MB database, and will be adding around 600 records on a daily basis. Can someone help with how much disk space i should have on sqlserver, providing i have c: and d: setup.

Thank you in advance for all the help.

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Disk Space

Feb 19, 2001

Hi All,

I have a server and it has C: D: F: I: Drives and all the system files are on C:Drive and and all the .MDF's and .LDF's(model,temp,master) are on the F: Drive and now I am running out of space on both(C: and F: Drives)

1. Can we add space to the C: and F: drives on the fly?.
2. Can I move the System databases ( MDF's and LDF's to some other drive)and if so, how do I do it?( Moving the databases ) and this is on the production database so when I have to do this.Will there be any impact.

Thanks in Advance,

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Disk Space

Feb 21, 2003

Does anyone know how to get the free disk space for all drives in many different SQL servers.

I need to populate a report (right now output in Excel) with the free disk space of all drives on all of my SQL servers.

I found xp_fixeddrives but that is specific for the server where it is executed.

Any help or pointers to a script in the archives is much appreciated.


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Low Disk Space On C:

Aug 2, 2004

I noticed something strange today. I was running a query using query analyzer on a large database (8.8 million records) and the disk space on the c: drive was dropping and eventually went to 0. Availalbe space on the c: drive is 10GB. The query did complete. SQL server and all the databases are on the d: drive. After closing the query results in query analyzer the disk space returned. Is this a concern and is there a way to change it to use the d: for whatever it is doing?

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DTS Disk Space

Jun 30, 2006

This is my first attempt using SQL 2000 and DTS. I am importing an Access database using the DTS wizard. The process fails with a "Not enough space on temporary disk" error. There is definitely enough space on the physical disk. I don't have any limits on any folder sizes either. What "disk" is the error talking about, and how do I give it enough space. The database is relatively small, about 10MB. I believe the database was created using Access 97. Please help.

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Find Disk Space

Feb 21, 2002

I need a way to get the used space for a physical drive, or even the total capacity for a drive to do some calculations.

I don't want to have to write my own native code either.

Is there a stored procedure that will give this to me?

I saw the xp_fixeddrives that will give the free space, but I need one of the other as well.

Any way to get this?


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Evaluating Disk Space

May 9, 2000

We recently moved from v6.5 to v7.0. Now I have the databases and logs set to "autogrow". How can I monitor the disk space to ensure I do not run out of room (or is that preset as to how large it can grow ?). Can't find anything in the books online. Do I do this through the NT admin tool or through the SQL*Server Enterprise Manager and more importantly - how ???
Thanks so much for any help...

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Insufficient Disk Space

Feb 19, 2001

I'm trying to save a dts package and it keeps coming back with insufficient disk space. I noiticed that db MSDB was full so I manually increased the size. It was set to manually grow at 1 mb increments. But for some reason it didn't look like it was doing that so I manually increased it. Right now this is about 355 MB free so that should be plenty to save a package. But its still coming back with the same error insufficient disk space to complete operation. Any ideas on why or why it didn't grow on its own? Please help I can't seem to save any packages.

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Recovering Disk Space

Feb 2, 2000

Our database -SQL Server 7.0 sp1 (NT 4.0 sp5)- is growing at a very fast rate despite the fact that we are deleting old record. It doesn't seem to be recovering disk space for the deleted records. Please let me know if there is a specific setting that can help us recover disk space. )

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Obtaining Disk Space

Mar 23, 2006

I'm new to these forums (and to SQL Server), so please be gentle with me.

I am developing a process to obtain information on all our remote servers/databases, and store it in a single local database.
I'm after things like db size, last backup date, free drive space etc...the usual weekly statistics.

I've linked the remote servers to my local one, and have written a few simple procedures (which exist on the local server) to grab backup and file size information from the remote tables. The output is stored locally in tables which we can then query as necessary.

I am having difficulty obtaining the free drive space details.
I'm using :-
'exec <remote_server>.master.dbo.xp_fixeddrives' to get the info, but I cannot store the output in a table on the local server. (remote_server_name, date, drive_letter, space_mb)

I wish to avoid creating any objects on the remote servers if at all possible.
I really want to pass the remote server name into the procedure, and the output to be inserted into the table.

Many thanks

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Disk Space Alert

May 7, 2008

is there a tsql command that returns the amount of disk space available. I want to set up a job to run and email if it gets to a certain level.

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Disk Space Monitoring ...

Jan 18, 2007


I have 600 instances on my network .... I need to monitor the Disk Space ... how should I do that I mean the best way for this would be ???

By Disk Space I mean the SQL Instance should atleat have 10% of free disk space ... If it is less , maybe an alert can be sent or something of that sort .

Now it would be a pain configuring alerts on each machine.

Is there some good way to this

Thanks in advance.

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Disk Space Investigation

Aug 8, 2007


I think i know the answer to this one already, but would like to check before going back to my management.

Background. In the past 2 weeks, a number of our databases have shot up in size, and are now at 100% utilisation of allocated disk space. My management have asked me to look into what is causing these to fill up so quickly.

Unfortunatly there were no snap shots or information relating to the databases / tables so i can not determine which tables have grown and are causing the problems.

I have also looked through the sql logs and the event viewer logs to see if there is anything out of the ordinary, but again apart from log / database backups there is nothing of note in there.

I am going to be implementing a solution that I got off another thread which will give me some database / table history to help me in the future, but for now is there anything else i can do? or is it a case of me getting back to the application guys and getting them to reduce data (as there is no more disk space to give them).

Any thoughts or advice you can give me would be greatfully received.

-noob dba-

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