
Oct 8, 2007

hi all...

mycount = (cast(d.sss_er as varchar)).len

sss_er is a datatype money

error : Cannot call methods on varchar.


"I won't last a day without SQL"

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Lenght Cannot Be Less Than Zero. Parameter Name : Lenght

Jul 17, 2007

I'm using Visual Studio 2005, and when i try to drop a table from a data source( SQL Mobile database), to a new or existing form, always occors the error ""lenght cannot be less than zero. Parameter name : lenght"" , my project has more than one forms.
If i make the same steps on a new project with only one form, i can drop the same table without problems.
Anyone can help with this problem?

best regards,

Pedro Nogueira

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Lenght Fo A Column Value

Sep 5, 2001

I need to find the lenght of data like

column name data is 'SELVAM'


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The Lenght Of The Result Get's Cut Off

Feb 7, 2008


I've a simple question that I could not find an answere for.

When I do a select in sql server 2000 and 2005 the result from the table I am interrested in get's cut off in lenght so I do not get it all. It also gets cut off when I select the result to a file. The lenght of a row is 8000 and it gets cut of after maybe 100 or so.. but I need the enitre row.

Now I belive someone who is not here today made some configuration with exception on a few tables to speed things up.

I wonder, where I I add a table to such an exception list? (I was not here when they did it and not even sure if that's how they did it)

How do I make a configuration in my sql serve management studio 2005 to not have the result cut off?

Thanks a lot for help! :-)

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Maximum SQL Query Lenght

Mar 6, 2006

Hi all!

Does anybody know what is subject?


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After Copying A Record With An SP All Textfields Has Max Lenght

Jul 20, 2005

Dear All,After copying a record using an Stored procedure all textfields (nvarchar)has max lenght !See VBA-code and SP belowVBA-code tos execute SPDim objcommand As ADODB.CommandDim intReturnParam As LongSet objcommand = New ADODB.CommandWith objcommand.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc.CommandText = "FB_CopyOrder".Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("return_value", adInteger,adParamReturnValue).Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("ORD_ID", adInteger,adParamInput, , Me.ORD_ID).Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("ORD_P_ID", adInteger,adParamInput, , Me.ORD_P_ID).Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("ORD_PHTI_ID", adInteger,adParamInput, , Me.ORD_PHTI_ID).Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("ORD_NAME", adWChar,adParamInput, 50, Me.ORD_NAME).Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("ORD_CLIENT_CODE", adWChar,adParamInput, 50, Me.ORD_CLIENT_CODE).Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("ORD_INTERNAL_NOTE", adWChar,adParamInput, 1024, Me.ORD_INTERNAL_NOTE).Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("ORD_REQUESTED_DELIVERY_DATE",adDate, adParamInput, , Me.ORD_REQUESTED_DELIVERY_DATE).Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("ORD_REQUESTED_QUANTITY",adInteger, adParamInput, , Me.ORD_REQUESTED_QUANTITY).Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("ORD_AVAILABLE_QUANTITY",adInteger, adParamInput, , Me.ORD_AVAILABLE_QUANTITY).ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection.ExecuteintReturnParam = .Parameters(0).ValueEnd WithStored procedureAlter Procedure FB_CopyOrder--List of parameters to be added to the parametercollection of theADO-commandobject before executing the command@SourceOrderID int,@ORD_P_ID int,@ORD_PHTI_ID int,@ORD_NAME nvarchar(50),@ORD_CLIENT_CODE nvarchar(50),@ORD_INTERNAL_NOTE nvarchar(1024),@ORD_REQUESTED_DELIVERY_DATE datetime,@ORD_REQUESTED_QUANTITY int,@ORD_AVAILABLE_QUANTITY intasdeclare @err intdeclare @NewOrderid intbegin tran-- add new order values = command-parametersinsert into [ORDER] (ORD_P_ID, ORD_PHTI_ID, ORD_NAME, ORD_CLIENT_CODE,ORD_CREATION_DATE, ORD_INTERNAL_NOTE, ORD_REQUESTED_DELIVERY_DATE,ORD_REQUESTED_QUANTITY, ORD_AVAILABLE_QUANTITY)values (@ORD_P_ID, @ORD_PHTI_ID, @ORD_NAME, @ORD_CLIENT_CODE,convert(varchar,getdate(),101), @ORD_INTERNAL_NOTE,convert(varchar,@ORD_REQUESTED_DELIVERY_DATE,101), @ORD_REQUESTED_QUANTITY,@ORD_AVAILABLE_QUANTITY)set @err = @@Errorselect @NewOrderID =SCOPE_IDENTITY()etc...........................................

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How To Set Record Lenght For The Flatfiles In SSIS

Aug 27, 2007

I am trying to transfer the data from OLEDB source to Flatfile destination. My Client need the flatfile of Record Length 80 Bytes. What does this means? Does it mean the output width or does it mean the flatfile format should be fixed length? please explain?

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Linited Lenght For Parameters In Stored Procedures

Apr 14, 2005

I use EXEC statement to execute query in NVARCHAR format.
Query is constructed using WHILE loop. Lenght of parameter @query in limited on 4000 ch. But my parameter is longer.
Data types ntext and text can't be used for parameters.
Any idea?

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Changing Field Lenght Via Query Analyzer

Jul 17, 2004

My DB is on the web so but I want change Field Lenght of one of my Fileds on my DB

its 70 rights now I want change it to 120 its a nvarchar

how can I do it , I am using a ASP page


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OLEDB Data Source Limit Lenght Of String To 4000

Feb 5, 2008

I have 2 table, "table1" is the source one and the other one "table2" is the destination.
Columns in Table1 and in Table2 are nvarchar(max).
Data loaded from table1 is performed by SSIS OLEDB data flow source, I have found out that opening "Data flow Path Editor" in the Metadata, columns are as: DT_WSTR with lenght 4000.

First question:
Why SSIS limit the column to 4000.

Then I get some error for this issue, with the error:
input column "col1" (xxxx) and reference column named (coln) have incompatible data type.

As written before both columns are string, the problem is that SSIS limit the lenght of the string to 4000.

How can I solve this issue?


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