Limit On SQL CE Upgrade.exe?

Feb 8, 2007

Is there a size limit on the upgrade.exe to convert the SQL 2.0 SDF file to the SQL Mobile 2005/SqL CE 3.0?

I have a 184M SDF that I tried putting through the upgrade but i got an error that it exceed a 128M limit? Is there a way around it? maybe another parameter I need to pass in?



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Setup And Upgrade :: Enable User Connections Limit Per Microsoft Database

Jun 26, 2015

How does one enable sql connections limits for user connections per new and existing databases? how to do it on whole server per database but not set a limit per user.Looks like this must be run on each databases but what if you have 100s of databases:

USE AdventureWorks2012 ;
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
EXEC sp_configure 'user connections', 325 ;

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Error When Attempting To Upgrade MSDE To Express Using Command Line /UPGRADE

Nov 29, 2006

When attemping to install SQL 2005 Express using the following command line arguments




the following error occurs.

Your upgrade is blocked. For more information about upgrade support, see the "Version and Edition Upgrades" and "Hardware and Software Requirements" topics in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

Edition check:

Your upgrade is blocked because of edition upgrade rules. For more information about edition upgrades, see the Version and Edition Upgrades topic in SQL Server 2005 Setup Help or SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

The following version and editions have been verified.

1. .NET 2.0 installed

2. Windows XP SP2

3. MSDE 8.00.2039(SP4)

4. all MSDE databases are owned by sa

5. Instance and SQLAgent running under user that is member of Administrators

What are the possible reasons this error is occurring?

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SQL Server Upgrade MSP Error: 29538 On KB934458 Upgrade

May 13, 2008

We have a server instance on SQL Server 2005 SP2 build 3042. We have a 32 bit x86 server. We attempted to upgrade to SP2 build 3054 KB934458. And we got the following error as stated in the Summary.txt file.

Code Snippet
Product Installation Status
Product : SQL Server Database Services 2005 (MSSQLSERVER)
Product Version (Previous): 3042
Product Version (Final) :
Status : Failure
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixSQL9_Hotfix_KB934458_sqlrun_sql.msp.log
Error Number : 29538
Error Description : MSP Error: 29538 SQL Server Setup did not have the administrator permissions required to rename a file: e:SQLDatamssqlsystemresource1.ldf. To continue, verify that the file exists, and either grant administrator permissions to the account currently running Setup or log in with an administrator account. Then run SQL Server Setup again.

The client tools and workstation components were successfully installed. The server is still reporting build 3042.

Here is the portions of the HotFix.log file.

Code Snippet
05/12/2008 09:19:09.041 Copy Engine: Creating MSP install log file at: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGHotfixSQL9_Hotfix_KB934458_sqlrun_sql.msp.log
05/12/2008 09:19:09.072 Registry: Opened registry key "SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller"
05/12/2008 09:19:09.103 Registry: Cannot read registry key value "Debug"
05/12/2008 09:21:29.382 MSP Error: 29538 SQL Server Setup did not have the administrator permissions required to rename a file: e:SQLDatamssqlsystemresource1.ldf. To continue, verify that the file exists, and either grant administrator permissions to the account currently running Setup or log in with an administrator account. Then run SQL Server Setup again.
05/12/2008 09:22:33.678 MSP returned 1603: A fatal error occurred during installation.
05/12/2008 09:22:33.724 Registry: Opened registry key "SoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsInstaller"

Any help would be appreciated.

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SQL 2005 SP1 Upgrade Error For Upgrade Advisor

Jan 19, 2007


We are performing a SQL 2005 SP1 upgrade from SQL 2000 on our Windows 2003 SP1 Standard Edition.

When we run the upgrade, we got a error "Upgrade Advisor Return -1" as a pop-up window.

When we run the Upgrade Advisor separately, we get this error :


Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program.


Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program. (System.Xml)

Program Location:

at System.Xml.Schema.SchemaInfo..ctor()
at System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet..ctor(XmlNameTable nameTable)
at System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings.get_Schemas()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.UpgradeAdvisor.ReportViewer.UAReportController.LoadAndValidateDataFile()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.UpgradeAdvisor.ReportViewer.UAReport.ValidateDataFile()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.UpgradeAdvisor.ReportViewer.UAIssueReport.Refresh()
at Microsoft.SqlServer.UpgradeAdvisor.ReportPanel.OpenReport(String reportFile)

We are in a lost for solutions. We do hope to hear from anyone asap...

Greatly appreciated for any kind assistance.


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SQL 2005 Upgrade Problem - In Place Upgrade

Feb 10, 2007


We are running a test upgrade form sql 2000 standard edition 32 bit to sql 2005 developer edition 32bit. Followed through all the steps and specified the account(SA priveleges and currently used by the 2000 version) and is the local admin on the box for the services and the setup seemed to move fine, except for when it got to the point of installing database services - This is the error message that I got:

MSSQLServer could not be started. Verify you have sufficient priveleges to start system services. The was no choice but to hit cancel and then the set up progressed with a final message of 'SEtup failed'.

Here is a portion of the error log:
Attempting to recover in-doubt distributed transactions involving Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.
Database Mirroring Transport is disabled in the endpoint configuration.
Starting up database 'master'.
Converting database 'master' from version 589 to the current version 611.
Database 'master' running the upgrade step from version 589 to version 590.
Error: 946, Severity: 14, State: 1.
Cannot open database 'master' version 589. Upgrade the database to the latest version.
System Task Aggregate global counters produced an error that was not handled. Major: 9, Minor: 46, Severity:14, State:1
Error: 928, Severity: 20, State: 1.
During upgrade, database raised exception 15151, severity 16, state 1, address 01C4C50B. Use the exception number to determine the cause.
Error: 15151, Severity: 16, State: 1.
Cannot find the endpoint 'TSQL Local Machine', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks KR

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Upgrade Advisor Post-upgrade

Dec 6, 2006


I have a client whose DBA upgraded their SQL 2000 database to SQL 2005. They still have it running in 8.0 compatibility mode, for various reasons, and would like me to help them develop a migration strategy to get them to full 9.0 compatibility.

My question is: can I run the Upgrade Advisor on a SQL 2005 engine database running in 8.0 compatibility mode and get anything useful? I already know there will be some issues with existing DTS packages but it would be nice to catch any other issues in advance.

I know that the Upgrade Advisor was run before the upgrade took place but to my knowledge the report was not saved and none of the recommendations were followed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Limit Of DTS?

Jul 6, 2004

Hi there guys!

I was wondering if anyone know the number of rows you can import from an external source into MS SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition?

I have tried importing a whole table from another database with over a million records. But failed after 1.7 million row.

Any ideas?

Thank you!

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2 GIG Limit

Aug 6, 1998

When creating a database, SQL Server 6.5 seems to have a 2 gig limit. What I mean is that if the device chosen is over 2 gigs SQL Server displays the size of the device as anegative number. This prevents me from being able to expand the database when I need to. Can anyone tell me why this is so, and if there`s anyway around it??

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Help In Limit

Feb 21, 2006

we all know
mysql: select * from table limit ?1, ?2


sqlserver: SELECT TOP ?2 *
FROM table order by IDENTITYCOL))

but the below SQL in mysql,how to convert?I enmesh...........
select pageid,pagename,pageaddr,pageauditflag,pageartaudi tflag,startplaytime
from pageinfo where entryid= ?1 and startplaytime= ?2
limit ?3, ?4


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Jul 20, 2005

hi,I have a question.Maybe You know the equivalent to command LIMIT from MySQLI couldn`t find something like this in MS SQLPSI try to display 10 records begining form e.g. 4 sort by idsomething like: "SELECT * FROM table WHERE name=... LIMIT 4, 10 ORDER BY id"in MySQLthanx,Urban

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4gb Limit

Mar 26, 2007

Hi There

I recently read up and found an msdn forum post that said the 4gb limit only applied to data files not log files.

However recently i had an error on a sql express database saying that the log file was full, the database log file was set to auto grow and there was plenty of space left.

So i am guessing the 4gb limit applies to any database file mdf or ldf, is this correct ?


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Limit Data

Jul 10, 2007

I have the fields in my table:
ID, Title, Description, Price, ImageData, Active
I only want it to be possible to have two records at any time with Active=Yes. Active is a Bit, Yes/No, field.
Any help is appreciated.

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Using LIMIT And UNION Together

Mar 19, 2008

hi,i have a union statement that works like a charm:SELECT
[EventID] AS [ItemID],
NULL AS [StartDate],
[Date] AS [SortDate],
[Type] FROM [Events]
AccessLevel <= @AuthenticationLevel


[TourID] AS [ItemID],
NULL AS [Date],
[StartDate] AS [SortDate],
'2' AS [Type]
AccessLevel <= @AuthenticationLevel

[SortDate]  this statement selects all the records i want from both tables, and orders the entire new table by sort date.what i want to do is to add a limitation on the number of records. i have tried using both LIMIT and TOP commands, but i can't get it working. both of the below statements give me a syntax error saying "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ORDER'"first try:SELECT * FROM (<same_statement_as_above>) ORDER BY [SortDate] LIMIT 2second try:SELECT TOP 2 * FROM (<same_statement_as_above>) ORDER BY [SortDate]what am i doing wrong, and how do i achieve what i want?i am working with mssql server 2005 (express locally, and standard on my hosting service). thanks for your help! 

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Connections Limit?

Dec 27, 2004


I have an application with a DAL that has an interface with SQL Server.
The application has 400 users that open the web forms.
My question is:
Is there a limit of the parallel connections that can be opened? Or the IIS is managing all the access to the DB? Should I worry about the performance Or it's normal behaviour for ASP.NET applications?


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Permission Limit

Jul 13, 2001

hello everybody
I created user "MyUser " with rights
1. public for database "Orders"
2. select, update,delete, insert to table Orders.dbo.PersonalInfo

I have table Orders.dbo.PersonalInfoChangeLog
( it keeps information on any update on Orders.dbo.PersonalInfo including

So I don't want anybody to see even structure of this table(Orders.dbo.PersonalInfo ).

if person loged as "Myuser" he can use
1. sp_help PersonalInfoChangeLog
2.Enterpise Manager to see properties of the table

How can limit rights to see structure without generating Application role ?


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How To Limit SQL&#39;s CPU Usage

Jul 31, 2001

SQL takes all CPU resource on some of the intensive
queries. Is any way to make sure there is something left for other tasks
to be processed? Let's say limit SQL to use no more than 80% of CPU.


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Query Limit

Sep 17, 2001

I was wondering if anyone out there can help me as to how to limit the query results to show only the authors who have written more than one book?

SELECT a.au_lname, au_fname, COUNT(t.title_id)
FROM pubs..authors a
INNER JOIN pubs..titleauthor t ON (a.au_id=t.au_id)
GROUP BY a.au_lname, au_fname


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Limit In Sql Server

Aug 3, 2004

someone suggested I use:

select top 20 * from t
where pkc not in (select top 10 pkc from t order by pkc) order by pkc

to simulate the limit function in mysql.

i want to replace the 10 in the inner select with a variable. When I do this:

select top 20 * from t
where pkc not in (select top @counter pkc from t order by pkc) order by pkc

it gives me in an error in sproc. Pls help!!

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Row Limit In MSSQL

Sep 8, 2004

There is at present (as we accidently found) limitation of MSSQL to return per row maximally 8060 bytes. Message like this comes: "Cannot create a row of size 8279 which is greater than the allowable maximum of 8060".
My questions are :
- Is there any way how to pass it? If I split into more tables (as I have it now) and ask for result where these tables are connected over any ID the result is the same. If I use stored procedures it seems to be ok. Any other idea?
- Will be this ok in SQL server 2005?

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Limit Record

Jan 29, 2005

hi everybody,

Beside top statement what is the best statement used to limit the display the data?


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Limit The No. Of Users

Apr 17, 2006

I have an application that uses a small SQL Server database.
What I need is to prevent the access of an amount of users to the database.
At the beginning I want to limit the access only for 2 users but I want to be able in the future to grant the access to more.

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Is There An MS SQL Limit Function?

May 13, 2006

MySQL has a convenient syntax for paging data that looks like this:
SELECT * FROM MyTable LIMIT 10, 20
That would select 10 records, starting from record 20, so that it returns records 20 - 30. This is convenient way to page data, without returning anymore rows than than you need.

However, MS SQL doesn't appear to support that syntax. What is the equivalent sql code to select any N rows from an arbitrary starting point, without having to create a stored procedure?

Thanks in advance :)

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MS SQL Record Limit

Apr 19, 2004

Quick question, is there a record limit in MSSQL assuming that we don't use a identity key. I am going to be using a table to sava mail server logs. It will create about 5000 records a minute. Also are there any perfomrance issues once you reach a certain numberof records, assuiming i am indexing one of the columns.

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Using LIMIT And UNION Together

Jul 22, 2013

I have a extremely large table and out of that I just need 2 records but based on some logic . For example

set Employee_HAS_HOME to 1
set Employee_HAS_HOME to 0

Here I can not use just first 1000 records as I am not sure If I will cover the second condition in first 1000 rows . Then I came up with solution like : -

select * from employee_table where employee_address <> NULL LIMIT 1
select * from employee_table where employee_address = NULL LIMIT 1

And this will give me 2 records which I can use for my testing . But unfortunately this is not working.

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How To Limit The Records..?

Jun 5, 2007

I am working on building SSIS Packages which will need to extract records from OLTP Servers, and i am half way through building the package, i wanted to test if it is able to extract the records from a particular table on OLTP....basicall i want to test if the package built so far running good?....but the extraction part takes ages as there are millions of records in the OLTP ...i want to limit those records to say some thousands so that i can test it and work on cleaning part in the staging and later after all the chunks are working perfectly i want to set it completely to run for extracting all the millions of records.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.


Nothing much that i can do..!!

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Column Limit

Nov 14, 2007

I am working on a report split into 2 Excel spreadsheets because it is roughtly 350 columns wide. I know this exceeds the MS Access column limit, but is there a way to build this in a single table in SQL Server? If not, does anyone have any ideas.


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Limit Problem

Nov 20, 2007

I have a table tblclients where all my client information is. In my application, I can assign a client to a therapist which is simply inserting the client id (intclientId) into the table with the inttherapistId and the authorid was completed the transaction. because we want to know the history of the transfers, I have to have a separate table other wise I could have just crated a field in the client table for the therapist id.

Simply enough.

The problem is when I assign the client to a therapist more than once, on the client log (the screen that shows all my clients) the client appears twice- once for each therapist he has been assigned to. I only want the client to appear once- and show the name of the latest therapist he has been assigned to not all the therapist. The way I did the select was to do an left outer join on the tbltransfer based on the client id. Works but like I said it gives me the client twice, if I assign them to the therapist more than once. So here is my statement:

select c.strfirstname, c.strlastname, c.intlocationId from tblclients c left outer tbltransfer t on t.intclientId = c.intclientId

this works, but if I have more than one record for the same client in the tbltranfer (if I assign the client more than once) then the recordset that is returned contains two records- one for each therapist assigned and that my problem.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Sql Server Limit

Jul 20, 2005

I'm storing time series data in a table in SQL server 2000. The tablehas columns like: CodeEquity, PriceDate, LastPrice. To extract thelast price for a number of equities on COMMON DATES I have used thequery:select t.LastPrice,h1.LastPrice,h2.LastPrice,h3.LastPrice fromBlg_HistoricData t,Blg_HistoricData h1,Blg_HistoricDatah2,Blg_HistoricData h3where t.CodeEquity=114151 and h1.CodeEquity=112220 andt.PriceDate=h1.PriceDate and h2.CodeEquity=112580 andt.PriceDate=h2.PriceDate and h3.CodeEquity=112228 andt.PriceDate=h3.PriceDatethis works for about 20 self joined tables and then says syntax error.I'm wondering what sql limits it hits. Is it possible to do this inSQL for 300 tables?Thank you.

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Limit The Access

Jul 20, 2005

Hi, guys!Some of my applications are sharing same SQL login/password to connectto a database called "MyDB" on server "MyServer" . The password isencrypted and stored in registry or some configuration file theapplications use. The applications use certain arithmetic to decryptthe password and then connect to MyDB.The problem is a few developers know the arithmetic. So virtuallythere is no security here.I am wondering whether I can do anything on the MyServer/MyDB to limitthe access to the database so that only connection from certainservers are allowed. Say I only want connection with this knowncredential to be established if it is from server "Mybox". Noconnections from any other servers will be allowed. So even thedevelopers know the login/password, they won't be able to do anythingif they do have the access to server "MyBox".(I know some of you would ask why I don't use application roles. Let'ssay it's due to "historical" reasons and it's not totally up to me tochange the way the developers use database.)Any idea? Triggers in Master? Not a good idea, isn't it?Thanks in advance,Gary

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Limit CPU Per User

Mar 26, 2008

Does anyone know if there is a way to limit certain users/logins to only use 1 CPU on a box with 4 processors? I need to somehow restrict CPU utilization for a user and I'm wondering if this can even be done in SQL Server 2005. Any help would be appreciated.

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Any Movement On The 4 Gig Limit???

Aug 21, 2006

We're very interested in having our application use SQL/e but we can't have the 4 gig limit. It makes sense to me that SQL/e simply should not be able to access a file over the network, and then you wouldn't have any reason to put a 4 gig limit on it.

At that point it becomes a very flexible alternative for remote users that need to have a large amount of data (i.e. documents, images etc.) with them.

We'd love to start building an abstraction layer so that we can support both SQL Server and SQL/e so that we can support network and remote users and not have the nightmare that is SQL Server Express installation. (care of the windows installer group's bugs...)

Thanks! Hoping for a favourable answer!

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10 Database Limit

Jan 24, 2008

Hi there,

I am aware of the recommended practice of not mirroring more than 10 databases on a single instance but does this apply to 64-bit edition as well?


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