List Of Sql Server 2005 Machines

Jun 17, 2008

How do I get a list of sql server 2005 machines from the network please?

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How Do I Connect Client Machines To SQL Server 2005 Installed On A Windows 2003 Server

Apr 11, 2008

I am new to SQL server 2005

Windows 2003 Server and all client PCs are all on the same network. I installed SQL 2005 std version on windows server 2003 and created a database and tables in it.

I have two users, who want to connect to SQL server 2005 from their PCs (they have windows XP):

These are two things that I need to facilitate:

1) They want to be able to write queries using Query Designer and run from their PCs.

2) I created an MS Access database on my PC, I want to use Access database as a front end to the SQL server database. I will create queries, forms in Access DB, and I want to be able to get the data from SQL server Database to do this. I guess I can use ODBC to connect to tables in SQL server database.

3) I want to connect SQL server to Oracle database, and run oracle stored procedures. I want to load the results of oracle stored procedures into SQL server database tables. I guess I will use IIS for this.

Any suggestions are appreciated, especially with item number 1.

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SQL Server 2005 Stored Procedures Running On Server 2003 Machines

Jan 20, 2006

Stupid question but please be gentle and answer anyway please....

Background: We have SQL Server 2003 (32bit) running on our servers. Our .Net applications (from old release of VS) are still running on them and using the old databases. From what I understand there is no immediate plans to upgrade the servers. However the developers were just given this new upgrade (2005) SQL Server and VS (and fixing depreciated code etc in the .net apps).

Question: Can the applications and new stored procedures written via the 2005 environment be deployed successfully on the 2003 Servers? Same goes with Reporting Services?

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SQL Server 2005 Setup Of 2 Vista Machines, Can't Get Individual Network Login Accounts To Work On Each Others SQL Server

Apr 16, 2008

Hello all,

I have 2 networked PC's both running vista ultimate

1st is Laptop and is running its own SQL Server at laptoplaptopSQL
2nd is Desktop and is running its own SQL Server at desktopdesktopSQL

Now both machines have seperate windows login accounts.

When I go SQL Server management studio I go to browse and each machine can see the other machines SQL Server, but when I go to login I get SQL Login falied for users" The user is not associaed with a trusted SQL server connection".

So I then go to logins new login and try to add my other pc's user account.
The problem I see is that when I go to search and then location it only shows its own PC's location and not the location of my other networked pc? So if I am on Desktop and in my theory want to add laptopuser to the desktop SQL Server logins I get:

"create failed for login laptopuser

An exception occurred while executing Transact SQL statement laptopuser is not a valid windows NT name. give the complete name

Not sure on where to go from here.

Any help would be great

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Connecting SQL Server 2005 And Web Server (IIS 6.0) That Are On Two Different Machines

Mar 27, 2008

I am developing a web application. The database required for the application is in SQL Server 2005 installed machine. In another machine where the IIS 6.0 alone is installed, the compiled application is present. How do I connect web server with SQL Server 2005 so as to access data?

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How To Configure Filegroups On Multiple Machines - SQL 2005

May 15, 2008

Hi folks,

I am exploring various solutions to setting up a scalable database configuration. To do a proof of concept, I need to setup the database in such a way that the data is partitioned on 2 physical machines.

I looked at distributed partitioned views, which allowed me to create a table on databases residing on two different servers, and then I created distributed view (with appropriate range constraints) that supported distributed selects, joins, updates, and inserts. This seemed to be the solution we were looking for.

However, I ran into a major problem because of the fact that distributed partitioned views don't allow a table to maintain an Identity column with an identity seed.

I did more research and found the Partitioned Table concept that was introduced in SQL 2005. This partitioned table allows us to have a single table which is horizontally partitioned across multiple file groups. This table now is just like a regular table in that it supports the identity column and identity seeds and guarantees index integrity. We were successful in implementing the partitioned table on a single machine, with three filegroups.

Now I need to move these file groups to different physical machines. I have found some articles on adding file group on additional hard disks on the same machine - but nothing to setup a database that is comprised of multiple servers that each handle a part of the data partition.

Is it possible to create a database comprise of filegroups residing on different physical machines?


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Database Access By Machines Running SQL Servers 2005 32-bit And 64-bit

Oct 11, 2006


We have 1 machine running SQL Server 2005 x64 (64 bit). The other machine is backing this SQL Server up. It is a 32-bit machine, so it requires (?) a 32-bit version of SQL Server 2005.

Would this back-up machine work correctly on a database previously managed by a 64-bit machine and vice versa.

Thank you!

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Can't Connect From A Vista Client To SQL 2005 Box,other Machines Work Fine

Oct 27, 2006

Hey. I've a windows vista machine which can't connect to SQL 2005 box. Other machines which are lower than vista work fine. Also, vista box can connect to other SQL 2005 instances but can't connect to only one instance. But, I can connect to the instance fine from my XP box. Also, it's not a permissions issue. This user is an SA and can connect form some other machine. SQL 2005 box is at 2047 version right now. And, the user is able to connect to some other boxes which are also at 2047. Please help. Thank you

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SQL Server On Machines With 2 GB + RAM

Feb 28, 2002

Question - is there anyone out there running SQL Server on machines in the 2GB-4GB of RAM Range who has quick sec for a ? The documentation I have found for running SQL Server(native 32bit 2 GB RAM max) on 2GB+ machines is a little confusing (to me) if anyone can answer my question that would be great. I am running Ent SQL Server on WIN2K Adv box with 8 Xeons and 4 GB of RAM. I have enabled the /3GB switch in the boot.ini file but have not enabled AWE memory management in SQL. I have set the MAX amount of RAM avialble to my SQL box at 3GB and SQL Serve appears to be using all of the 3 GB under load. Is this the right way to set this or is there another more efficient way? Any answer explenations would be great. Thanks in advance

PS The server is only a SQL box no other apps / servers are running it.

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SQL Server & Virtual Machines

Jan 25, 2007

Good morning,

I am looking for some first-hand experiences from fellow DBA's where they had SQL Server running on a Win2K3 VM. What sort of issues (or successes) did you find re: resource sharing, swap files, etc? Are there any experiences where using a VM negatively affected your environment?

Thanks so much. What a great forum!

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Can Connect To Sql Server From Some Machines But Not Others...

Jul 31, 2007

I have a server with a sqlexpress database on it.
It has 'Allow Remote Connections' checked
It has the Browser Service enabled and started utilizing Surface Area Configuration
It has Local and Remote Connections Using both TCP/IP and named Pipes.

I have used

And one machine can connect to it fine.. .
but others can't?

Any Ideas?


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Error List, Sql Server 2005

Aug 4, 2006

Hello, I would like to know if there is an list of mistakes where appears all errors that you can find to interact with the SQL.

for example something similar like this:

Error number 2627 Means that exists a record with the same primary key

Error number 505 Means that ther is a row with doesn't accept nulls

Thanks, my email .

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Copying Server Jobs From Two Different Machines!

Feb 6, 2002

I am trying to copy DTS Packages and Jobs from two different Servers to one new server. I know I can script the jobs, but they won't run without the DTS packages. I have backed up and restored the MSDB database from Server 1 to my Main server and therefore I have all the jobs from that machine. My problem is how do I get the jobs stored in SERVER 2's MSDB over to my main server without replacing the tables I already have thus losing the jobs and packages that I imported? I have thought about backing up Server 2's MSDB then importing to another database,on the MAIN SERVER and then importing with an append to the 'live" msdb, but I believe the table names are the same and I may end up with duplicate entires. I don't know what problem this will cause. Any suggestions will be great. Thanks in advance

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Connections To Server From Non-Windows Machines

Oct 23, 2015

I'm specifically referring to 2008 R2, and TomCat in particular (not sure of the *Nix variant involved), where I was asked if there were any configuration settings on the database side (meaning SQL Server) that can be viewed to show how long a connection to the server, once idle, will last, before it is forcibly closed. I when Googling, but as I'm not very knowledgeable on that topic, I'm not really sure what I'm looking for, and the only results I came across didn't identify what I'm looking for. Of course, it may be that such a config setting doesn't exist, but it would be useful to know how such things are handled.

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Inventory SQL Server Machines On Your Network

Feb 22, 2008

What is a good simple way to scan the servers in your network for SQLServers?Does anyone have any scripts or code that would show me how to dothis?I think WMI might be able to do this but don't know where to start.If possible I'd like to be able to get the version (2000 or 2005) ifpossible.Thanks,Kelly GreerJoin Bytes!change nospam to yahoo

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Hyperthreading Enabled Or Not In SQL Server Machines.

Jan 9, 2008

I have to find out whether my servers have hyperthreading enabled or not???? I am running Windows server 2003 Standard edition on many of my machines. I have to configure the SQL Server, server configuration values according to the Hyperthreading. I know about the CPUcount.exe utility but is there anything else apart from it??????

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SQL Server Express And Client App Both On Win XP Machines ?

Mar 29, 2007


Can I access from App machine (on WinXP) to SQL 2005 Exp machine (on WinXP) ?

I installed SQL 2005 Exp SP2 on Win XP SP2 on my PC. Please consider following environment:

- My PC name: MyPC

- Database name : MyData

- Database role for MyData without any permissions: MyDBRole

- Application role for MyData having all permisions: MyAppRole

- Database user: MyDBUser

- SQL Login: MyLogin (WinXP Limited Login) mapped to MyDBUser

- Application Name to access MyData: MyApp

- Using Application Role MyRole in MyApp

I am accessing data from MyApp within MyLogin. When I want to access from other tool like Management Studio Express, I can not access it and that that is what I want.

Till now it is OK when I am doing all these things on MyPC.

Now question is : Is it possible to connect from other PC (say CleintPC) running Windows XP SP2 use MyApp ?

I think ClientPC should access MyPC through MyPC's MyLogin.

[ I have tried successful simple SQL server connection with MyPC's Guest Login]

Please tell me is it possible ? (Running SQL Express on one machine, Application on second machine and both machine's operationg system is Windows XP)


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List Of All System Tables In Sql Server 2005

Jan 16, 2007

Hi ,
I need help regarding list of all sql server 2005 system tables


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Get The List Of Catalog Views In SQL Server 2005

Oct 10, 2006

How to get the list of catalog views sys.* (sys.objects, sys.columns ....) in sql server 2005

select * from sys.objects where objectproperty(object_id, 'IsSystemTable') = 1

did not return the list as I've expected


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How Can I Get The Keyword List Indexed By SQL Server 2005

Sep 11, 2007

Full Text search must keep a list of key words or items somewhere.
How can I get access to this list to present to a user.
For example: show me all indexed words starting with letter a* and then ac*.
I'm trying to find this information without success.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Same Database With Two Different Machines At Different Times

Jun 19, 2015

For security reasons customer wants to put a SQL database on an encrypted thumb drive (IronKey). Here's the rub though. He wants to be able to work with the data on a workstation. Then, if he takes his laptop out of the office he wants to be able to simply plug that thumb drive into the laptop and fire up SQL on the laptop and use that same database. Procedurally this would work in that the database can be created so that the location is the same from both machine viewpoints, however will the two different SQL instances allow moving the database back and forth like this?

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ASP && SQL Server On Separate Machines Causes Performance Degragation

Jul 20, 2005

I am currently running a windows 2000 machine with asp, sql server,mail server, ftp server etc all on the same box.The site runs several hundred ecommerce stores. Recently theprocessor utilization has been spiking and I have decided to getanother server and use sql server on one and asp on the other.So now I have a new windows 2003 server that I have setup all of theasp code on. Problem is that when I run the asp code from the newwindows 2003 server it is extremely slow compared to the code runningon the old windows 2000 server which is where the sql server databaseis also located.From everything I have read the best way to optimize your site is touse 2 separate servers one for iis/asp and one for sql server.Am I doing something wrong here or is this normal??Could this possibly be just because the old server is still servingmany requests and is pushing the requests from the new server to theback of the line?Does anyone have any ideas?The syntax I am using to open the connection string is:db_ConnectionString = "Driver=" & db_Driver & ";Server=" & db_Server &";UID=" & db_UIN & ";PWD=" & db_pwd & ";Database=" & db_Database & ";"conn_store.Open db_ConnectionStringwhere db_server is the ip address of the windows 2000 serverIs there a better way to do it across a network??Any help or ideas would be much appreciated.

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Is It Possible To Send Message From SQL Server Express To Applications Using It On Different Machines ?

Mar 8, 2008


Is it possible to send message from SQL Server Express to Applications using it on different machines ?

For example When an important record is inserted or updated, a message appears on Application user's screen.

If yes then how ?


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Passing A List/array To An SQL Server Stored Procedure 2005

Aug 16, 2007

Hi, I m using sql 2005 as a back end in my application...
I am useing Store procedure..for my data in grid..
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ProductZoneSearct]
@Productid char(8),@Proname char(8),@radius int,@mode varchar(5) = 'M',@Zone nvarchar(1000),)
ASSET NOCOUNT ON;Create Table #Product (ProductID int, TimeEntered datetime, DateAvailable datetime, Productname varchar(80), City varchar(50), State char(4),Miles decimal, Payment varchar(40),UserID int, Phone varchar(15))
Insert #Product Select ProductID , TimeEntered, DateAvailable, Productname ,City,State,miles,Payment ,Miles, UserID, Daily, PhoneFrom [tblproduct] Where city IN (@Zone)
Select ProductID TimeEntered, DateAvailable, Productname City,State,miles,Payment ,Miles, U.Phone As phoneNumber, Company, , L.Phone As cmpPhone From #Product As L Left Join (Select UserID, Company, Phone, From [User]) As U On U.UserID = L.UserID  Order By DateAvailable
if i pass value in "where city in (@Zone)" and @Zone ='CA','AD','MH'  then it can not get any result..but if write where city in ('CA','AD','MH') then it give me perfact result..
I tried to below syntax also but in no any user Where city IN ('+@Zone+')
In short if i pass value through varibale (@Zone) then i cant get result...but if i put  direct value in query then only getting result..can anybody tell me what is problem ?
Please Hel[p me !!!
Thank you !!!

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Sql Server 2005: Get A List Of All Configured Web Services In The Object Explorer

Oct 21, 2005

Hello,i have created some (test) Web Services in a Sql Server 2005 via theCreate Endpoint Statement. Now i look for a node in the "ManagmentStudio" where i can see these Web Services. But i dont found that. Whatis the plainest way to do that? What alternatives are existent?Thank you,Hans

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List Of Supported Components For SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition?

Jan 17, 2006

Please can someone give me a url or even their own list of support / unsupported components in SQL server 2005 Standard edition.

I know fuzzy lookup is not supported. Is a slowly changing dimension supported?

Its a bit difficult to tell when I get bizzare "Product level is insufficient" error for even a basic derived column transformation when executing a package using SSIS unless it is executed using a scheduled job....



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Can SQL Server Be Forced To Use A Specific Interface On Multi-homed Machines...?

Feb 14, 2008

Hi Folks,

I have a 3 tier app and want to build a dedicated network between the app server and it's DB server. Both machines have an interface on the main network and also an interface on the dedicated network. I want to force all the SQL traffic (or even all traffic if that is the only solution) between the app and it's SQL server onto the dedicated network......?

We're using SQL Server 2000.

Any thoughts would be welcome.


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Security Question - SQL Server 2005 Express - List Of Allowed IP Address's

Aug 2, 2007

 Hi All,

I have noticed in the database logs that someone is trying to log
into our SQL Server express databases, is there a way of allowing only IP
address on a list to access the database. We really only need the local machine
and the office using SQL Express management studio to access the database.

I would appreciate any help sometimes the database runs very
slow and we do not know what is causing this.

We are running server 2003 and SQL Server express.

Thanks in advance.


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Unistall Unsuccessful And Can Not See Microsoft SQL Server 2005 In Installed Programs List

Jul 7, 2006

I went through the install of the MS SQL Server 2005 Std Edt only to find that I can not open up the "SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio" since I was missing the exe to run it that should have been located at "C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEdevenv.exe".  Due to this happening it seemed to me that some of the install failed, so I went about trying to uninstall the SQL Server setup.  Within the "Add or Remove Programs" tool I selected the "Microsoft SQL Server 2005" from the list and clicked on the button that said "Remove".  This did not seem to do anything except for remove the "Microsoft SQL Server 2005" selection from that tool selection list.  It went way to quick and did not display any dialogs as it removed the engine.  Also I can still opent the Management Studio and see all the normal stuff and I can query the data within the databases.  The two part question is...

1)  How do I get the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 program relisted in the "Add or Remove Programs" tool's selection list?

2) How do I get the "SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio" installed correctly?

The only warning message I received during the install was in regards to the hardware not being quite up to par with amount of RAM.  I saw no errors within the install tool.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!!!  Please let me know if anything else is needed to answer this question.

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Custom Security Extension - Report Manager And Report Server On Different Machines

Sep 19, 2007


I'm trying to deploy Reporting Services on an Internet-facing web server using a custom security extension (forms authentication). We will be putting Report Manager on the Web Server outside of the firewall, and Report Server on another machine inside the firewall. When testing the solution in a development environment with Report Manager and Report Server on the same box, the solution works fine.

When testing it using the Internet-facing environment described above, it almost works but there seems to be an issue with the authentication cookie that is generated. Here's what happens:

1. User enters credentials on UILogon.aspx and submits form.
2. In the code-behind, LogonUser() is called through a web service proxy and the authentication cookie is returned successfully. The code used here to set the cookie is the same code used in the Forms Authentication sample that ships with RS2005.
3. The user is redirected to Folder.aspx, and the request hangs for a while, and eventually kicks you back out to UILogon.aspx, as if it lost the authentication cookie. When doing a trace on the HTTP header, the cookie is still there.

Is there anything special I need to do to make the Report Server "see" the cookie when I have Report Manager and Report Server on different machines?

Any help would be much appreciated!


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What If Machines Are Not On A Domain?

May 17, 2007

Windows Server 2003
SQL Server 2005 Enterprise SP2

The mirroring wizard insists I enter a fully qualitifeid domain name for my servers. But my servers are not on a domain - I just address them as machinenameinstancename, which the wizard convertrs to TCP://machinename:5022. When I click Start Mirroring it tells me that this is not a FQDN, which is true. How do I make this work?



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Best Way To Copy A Sql Db Between Machines??

Jul 2, 2007

SQL server 2005 developer version

I have about a dozen db's scattered on 3 machines and want to
consolidate all of them on my desktop with the data intact.

What's the easiest, best way to accomplish this?

Can I backup on one and restore on another?

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SQL And Forum On Seperate Machines....

Jan 16, 2004

Hi All,

I have got MSSQL 2000 set up on a machine in my rack at my local telehouse, and a web server set up at home on an ADSL line.

Both servers can see (ping) eachother fine , so you can rule out any kind of connectivity issues straight away, but when i try to get my forum to connect to the mssql database using the correct credentials it just fails saying that the credentials are incorrect ot the server does not exist.

I also installed an SQL database tool on my web server (Shusheng SQL Tool) and attempted to connect to my SQL server using that tool, and got the following message: '[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.'

The server is currently using mixed mode authentication (SQL/Windows) and has both TCP/IP and Named pipes enabled.

Is there some kind of 'Enable remote connections' option in SQL? I need to be able to allow connections to my SQL server from any system, anywhere...

Any ideas?

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