List The Primay Key In Entire Database
Apr 1, 2004
I'm running the below query for listing all the primary key in a database but it is retiving 0 rows.
DECLARE @cmdstr varchar(100)
CREATE TABLE dbo.TempTable
(TABLE_QUALIFIER varchar(10),
TABLE_OWNER varchar(5),
Table_Name varchar(10),
COLUMN_NAME varchar(15),
KEY_SEQ int,
PK_NAME varchar(50),
--Create Stored Procedure String
SELECT @cmdstr = 'sp_msforeachtable ''sp_pkeys "?"'''
INSERT INTO TempTable EXEC(@cmdstr)
Any body can give advice regarding this.
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,My company has a scenario where we would like to change the data typeof an existing primary key from an integer to a char, but we areconcerned about the performance implications of doing so. The scriptfor the two tables that we need to modify is listed below. TableFR_Sessions contains a column named TransmissionID which is currentlyan integer. This table contains about 1 million rows of data. TableFR_VTracking table also contains the TransmissionID as part of it'sprimary key and it contains about 35 millions rows of data. These twotables are frequently joined on TransmissionID (FR_Sessions is theparent). The TransmissionID column is used primarily for joins and isnot typically displayed.We need like to change the TransmissionID data type from int tochar(7), and I had a few questions:1) Would this introduce significant performance degradation? I haveread that char keys/indexes are slower than int/numeric.2) Are there collation options (or any other optimizations) that wecould use to minimize the performance hit of the char(7)...if so whichones?I am a software architect by trade, not a database guru, so please goeasy on my if I overlooked something obvious :)Any suggestions or information would be greatly appreciated.Thanks,Tim-------------------CREATE TABLE [FR_Sessions] ([TransmissionID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[PTUID] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,[PortNum] [numeric](6, 0) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_FR_Sessions_PortNum]DEFAULT (0),[CloseStatus] [varchar] (20) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[RecvBytes] [int] NULL ,[SendBytes] [int] NULL ,[EndDT] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_FR_Sessions_EndDT] DEFAULT(getutcdate()),[LocalEndDT] [datetime] NULL ,[TotalTime] [int] NULL ,[OffenderID] [numeric](9, 0) NULL ,[UploadStatus] [char] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOTNULL CONSTRAINT [DF_FR_Sessions_UploadStatus] DEFAULT ('N'),[SchedBatchID] [numeric](18, 0) NULL ,[SWVersion] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[DLST] [bit] NULL ,[TZO] [smallint] NULL ,[Processed] [bit] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_FR_Sessions_Processed]DEFAULT (0),[CallerID] [varchar] (13) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[PeerIP] [varchar] (16) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[XtraInfo] [varchar] (1024) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,[IdType] [char] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK_FR_Sessions] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([TransmissionID]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]CREATE TABLE [FR_VTracking] ([TransmissionID] [int] NOT NULL ,[FrameNum] [int] NOT NULL ,[LatDegrees] [float] NOT NULL ,[LonDegrees] [float] NOT NULL ,[Altitude] [float] NOT NULL ,[Velocity] [float] NOT NULL ,[NumPositions] [smallint] NOT NULL ,[NavMode] [smallint] NOT NULL ,[Units] [smallint] NOT NULL ,[GPSTrackingID] [numeric](18, 0) IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[dtStamp] [datetime] NULL ,CONSTRAINT [PK_FR_VTracking] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED([TransmissionID],[FrameNum]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 90 ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]
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Jul 31, 2007
What is the best way to create a blank copy of my database? I really want some of the tables to keep the data in them, these are some of the lookup table.
I appreciate your help.
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Jul 12, 2005
Hi, I'm a noob who sucks at programming, and sucks even more when it comes to database.
I'm operating a small website with an SQL Server database that drives my shopping cart. I want to close this website down, but I don't want to lose all the data in the database in case I want to do something in the future.
How do you backup the entire database into a file so i might be able to import it at later times? Do I have to do this with SQL, T-SQL, or the manager?
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Jul 23, 2004
I have built a template database which I'm finally pleased with, however I want to periodically duplicate the design - not data into a new database. How can I duplicate a database? I was hoping to right mouse, copy, then right mouse, paste, and then be prompted for the new name but no such luck.
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Mar 11, 2004
Is there any way to do a complete database search in SQL server? For instance, if I have a criteria "DBFORUMS", I would like to scan through all user tables in my database to get all records with the word "DBFORUMS" stored, just like want we are doing in "Quick Search" in dbforums site.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
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Aug 28, 2005
Hi friends
Suppose i have a table of 100 cols and 10000 rows i want to search a particular field called 'Newyork' . I dont no what the col is ?
Can anyone tell me how can i search that
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Dec 28, 2005
Hi, this is my first post on these forums, so please excuse me if this topic has already been covered.
I'm currently working in a power station for student vacation work placement. I need to export data from a database that gets it's data from machinery and inputs out in the plant. The machines that provide this input put it into a database, and I need to find the relevant data to export.
My problem is that, in some cases, the sample data that i'm given may be under different field names, in a completely unrelated table. I was looking for a way to search the entire database (250+ tables) for a certain string, so I can find where it is in the database, and run queries on the table it originates from. For example:
My sample data shows me that I have an object with the ID Y03A3DEA_TH1. I know this ID will occur somewhere else in the database, but i'm just not sure where.
If anyone knows of any way that I can search the entire database for specific data, either using tools in MS SQL 2000, or 3rd party apps, i would greatly appreciate their help.
Thanks a lot,
Jack Smith
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Feb 4, 2008
Is it possible to copy a database from the existing database. I mean to say creating a duplicating database.
Note: I can do it by using "Generate SQL Server Script Wizard" or "Database Publishing Wizard" which saves a some filename.sql and later executing this will create another database by assigning some xyzdatabase name.
My main motive is copying a database in a single line script without using this lengthy sciprt.
FirstDatabase (contains 10 tables 10 stored procedures)
SecondDatabase (also contains 10 tables 10 stored procedures)
If possible, can you write a script that attach a database from the C:MyTemporaryDatabase
Because this i need through programming Visual Basic using SQL Server. I want to create some temporary database.
Waiting for your reply.
Best Regards
Kashif Chotu
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Jan 20, 2007
Im building a site on my pc using SQLExpress and i have a question about something. The database im working on has data inside the tables and i was wondering how i would move that to a different server though a script with all the data in the table.
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Nov 21, 2013
I have to replace gl_number 25050-80 with gl_number 25050-80 in the entire database. I know how to do that in a table but not in all tables.
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Apr 10, 2014
I want to replace every single 1/1/1900 date I have in my system with null, on an entire database level. I never want them, they cause multiple issues, and I need them gone.
I have made a trigger on a test table that works for inserts, but not updates:
IF EXISTS (select * FROM inserted WHERE CheckDate ='1/1/1900')
UPDATE test SET CheckDate=Null
FROM test T INNER JOIN inserted I ON T.AutoID=I.AutoID
WHERE I.CheckDate='1/1/1900'
Also, it only works on this table, and the specific field mentioned.
I am looking for a global, databse level trigger that will replace 1/1/1900 with null whenever it appears from an insert, or an update statement.
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Mar 17, 2008
I have saved a word somewhere in somefield which i can't remember..
is there any way to search for the word in the entire datebase and show in which table and field it is stored?
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Jan 14, 2005
I'm found this sample for BACKUP DATABASE statement in SQL Server 2000 Book
Online, but is seemed that only save file to server. How can I save backup
file to local computer? or there is other way as easy as this statement for
backup/restore database?
-- Create a logical backup device for the full MyNwind backup.
USE master
EXEC sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'MyNwind_1',
DISK ='c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLBACKUPMyNwind_1.dat'
-- Back up the full MyNwind database.
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Jul 27, 1998
After found out the `transfer object` command in MS SQL EM didn`t work well
in my databases, I started code by myself to generate the `Create xxx` statements to copy objects across databases (structure only) using SQL.
I`ve coded out most of them, logins, defaults, UDT, tables, stored procedures,
but then I started to have problems with primary keys and foreign key const.
Has anyone tried to do the same thing before or is there some SQL scripts created to handle this already? Please advise me.
I am thinking to use SQL-DMO with VBscript now. But I still prefer a good
SQL script (old thought, the DB-Lib based `isql` is more reliable than the
Thanks for any suggestion.
- Ken
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Jan 14, 2005
I'm found this sample for BACKUP DATABASE statement in SQL Server 2000 Book
Online, but is seemed that only save file to server. How can I save backup
file to local computer? or there is other way as easy as this statement for
backup/restore database?
-- Create a logical backup device for the full MyNwind backup.
USE master
EXEC sp_addumpdevice 'disk', 'MyNwind_1',
DISK ='c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLBACKUPMyNwind_1.dat'
-- Back up the full MyNwind database.
View 4 Replies
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Apr 4, 2012
I am attempting to only query the lowest year, and month from my entire production database. I am using the following query and when I do it individually it will bring back the lowest year but also with additional years. How can I remove those other years so I can only query the lowest year and month from the entire database?
select distinct RRCID, MIN(YEAR)as YEAR, MONTH
from Gas_Prodv1
where RRCID = 1221376
group by RRCID, MONTH
order by YEAR, MONTH
122137620071 <----- Only want this record
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Jul 15, 2007
This problem may appear trivial to you guys but is troubling me since quite some time now! The problem is that I created a website using express studio happily and it worked flawlessly on the local host. Now I want to move it to a remote server and my host created a database name ASPNETDB for me on the server. The problem is that that ASPNETDB database is virtually empty and I want to copy all my tables,stored procedures etc etc(complete database) to the remote ASPNETDB database. How can I do that? In the management studio express edition there is no command available to copy paste all contents of the database to another database. Please help I am quite confused!
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Jul 16, 1999
I need to create some kind of log file or table that will record whenever an insert, update or delete is made to any table in a database. I have seen triggers that do this kind of thing on a table level. Can this be done with a trigger or a stored procedure on a database level? If so some kind of example or syntax would be great.
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Aug 3, 2012
Any command which will make create script for my entire database including all sp's , tables, functions..i dont want to backup the db ..i want to create scripts for creating an entire database schema (only the structure and not data)
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Aug 28, 2015
I have Sql server 2008 database with 200 GB in production.But It will not support multilanguage Since all the tables and procs is having varchar datatype.
I need to change the Entire Tables and procs to support Multilanguage(nvarchar,ntext) .
I have Many Huge data tables with numerous index .ALso I could not afford too much down Time. How can I perform.
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May 14, 2014
how to copy one database tables, columns, store-procedures. to another database without any error
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Sep 18, 2013
I'm trying to create a query that searches an entire database for keywords inside of the columns for each table within the database. For instance my tables have 2 columns one named ID and the other Permission, I'd like it be able to return all the lines that are associated with that keyword. So if I search "Schedule" it returns all the lines containing that word in it within that database.
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Dec 14, 2007
I have read the previous threads on the bugs with this task mainly: . These are great posts that helpmed me avoid wasting time. I haven't seen one yet that addresses copying an entire database including the sql server logins.
I would like to import the ENTIRE database from one (2005) server to another(2005) using the SSIS Transfer SQL Object task (not just sprocs,tables,views and functions). I have figured out how to pull the tables,views,sprocs and functions ... by using an execute sql task to drop these objects. But I cannot get this to work for users since the user dbo cannot be dropped and guest can only be disabled. I am creating a new database (this is the database where the sql objects will be copied to) via management studio to test this. There has to ba a way to get this working ... Microsoft must have published some sort of KB article on this task or a Script Task using SMO object calls. If need be I can drop the entire database on the target machine and have SSIS recreate it.
The only reason I'm willing to take a risk with SSIS rather than backup and restore is because of time constraints (I assume the SSIS task is faster) and backup storage administration.
declare @name varchar(200)
declare @object varchar(200)
select table_name,table_type from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES
Select name,'SPROC' table_type from sys.procedures Where [type] = 'P' and is_ms_shipped = 0 and [name] not like 'sp[_]%diagram%'
select name,'FN' from sys.objects where type_desc like '%FUNCTION'
OPEN object_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM object_cursor INTO @name,@object
PRINT ' <<None>>'
if @object = 'BASE TABLE'
exec ('drop table ' + @name)
else if @object = 'VIEW'
exec ('drop view ' + @name)
else if @object = 'SPROC'
exec ('drop procedure ' + @name)
else if @object = 'FN'
exec ('drop function ' + @name)
FETCH NEXT FROM object_cursor INTO @name,@object
CLOSE object_cursor
DEALLOCATE object_cursor
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Apr 25, 2008
I've had issues where backup up and restoring data from sqlserver2005 does not reattach the data to the correct users. Any tips on how to best accomplish full database moves where data is owned by different security users?
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Jan 9, 2007
My Memebership table has Guid column as Primary key.
But I would like to add Auto numbering Identity column to this table.
Is this idea OK or it will bring some problems?
Thank you in advance for your help
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Jun 20, 2008
1) I can't get the 'copy database' function to work from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2005. I connect ok. Everything goes to the last step and then it fails.2) I cant get a SQL server 2008 backup to restore on SQL SEerver 2005 either.
The only way I know that works is to script the creation of all tables then export and import. This does work.
How can I get the 'entire' database, structure and data, from 2008 to 2005?
ThanksSQL newbie.
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Feb 11, 2004
How can I copy the entire database (all the objects from one database to another database)?
thanks in advance.
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Aug 4, 2015
I found this script online..
SELECT prin.[name] [User], sec.state_desc + ' ' + sec.permission_name [Permission]
FROM [sys].[database_permissions] sec
JOIN [sys].[database_principals] prin
ON sec.[grantee_principal_id] = prin.[principal_id]
WHERE sec.class = 0
ORDER BY [User], [Permission];
but the results are this: 2 columns - User and Permission
User Permission
IS there a way in SQL Server (2005/2008/2012) to run a script against a Database that will show all users that have permissions to that Database and the type of permissions?
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Jul 30, 2015
In SSMS, I connect Object Explorer to a partially contained database using a contained user login with password. This user has a database role of dbdatareader. When I try to expand the Tables in the database, I get the error:
The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'extended_properties', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 229)
Is there a way to set permissions for the contained user so that this could be done?
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Dec 13, 2007
Salam to All
Plz give me Sql query which return list of Database By providing these information(Server name, Uerid ,Pasword)
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Jan 22, 2004
How I get the list of tables in a database. I'm using sql server 2000.
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Sep 10, 2007
Is there a system table that holds the table definitions, names, properties, etc. for tables that I have designed? I would like to write a transact SQL query to insert a field in every table that I have defined.
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