Listing SQL Server Databases On A Network

Dec 7, 2005

I would like to provide users of a client program a list of databases on the
network that match a certain pattern, like "%frp%". I have seen a list of
databases in the Windows XP ODBC configuration tool. What I would like to
know is can I get that information through a query to one of the databases,
or is there a control or application on the client machine that I can call
to get the list?

Does the thread "Databases not showing up in Enterprise Manager" refer to
what I am trying to do?

Best regards,
Steve Caldwell

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SQL Server 2014 :: Query For Listing Views In A Database Involving Tables From Other Databases?

Oct 19, 2015

script to get the list of views in a database, involving tables from other databases?I AM using SQL server 2014

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Network Instance Listing

Feb 6, 2008

Hi All,

I have installed SQL Server Express on several machines on my network using same command line, configuring remote connections to be allowed. I have also added SQL Server and SQL Browser to the exceptions list in Windows Firewall.

All the installed intances in the network are listed when using SMO enumeration to browse through the servers.

But, in one of the machines, only the local SQL Express Instance is listed. The same is the case when trying from SQL Server Management Studio. But when I manually type the remote instance name it successfully connects.

I also found that adding SQL Management Studio to the list of exceptions in the Firewall solves the problem. But I don't want to install Management Studio in my client machines.

Any alternate solution will be helpful

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Listing Recovery Modes On Databases With SP Or T-S

Mar 20, 2007

I need to display the recovery mode of ALL databases on a server into a table. (Just like the sp_helpdb prcedure extended with the recoverymodel of each Database).
Can anyone give me a hint on this or provide me with a little tsql code snipplet to realize this?

Thanks alot in advance

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Listing Size Of All User Databases In SQL2005

Aug 9, 2007

Can anyone please tell me of a way of generating a list of all user databases and their size with one command or view?


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Synchronize Databases Over Network

May 8, 2008


I have the following scenario:
There are 3 web applications in a local network which all have a local copy of the same database. Each of them can alter their local database (just the data, not the structure), and every time that happens the databases of the other applications should be updated immediately.
Are there any solutions out there for that? I found that most tools like slony only mirror one master database to multiple slaves, but I want every database to be able to be the starting point.
There could also be a central sync server, like in subversion..


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Synchronize Databases Over Network

May 13, 2008


I have a scenario which I need to implement at my work.

I need to maintain one Central SQL Server DB and multiple non central SQL Server DBs at different locations. Here the same DB schema is maintained at Center & non Central SQL Servers. The requirement is: each non central DB has to synchronize with the central DB and has to update the Central DB with the changes made locally.

Here the challenge is the intermittent connectivity between the DBs. The connection is not guaranteed to be alive 24 hours a day. It may go down frequently also. I would like to know the possible ways to handle my situation (i.e. synchronization). And also please suggest me if there is any support with the SQL Server DB itself.


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Creating Databases On Network Drives?

Jul 11, 2001

Is this possible? I seem to remember doing it with SQL Server 7 a long time ago. The Microsoft Knowledgebase says it's not possible with 4.2 through 6.5, but nothing about 7.0 and up.

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Copying Detached Databases Over The Network With T-SQL

Jul 25, 2006

I have a T-SQL script which deataches and attaches the database. Now here is what I want to do:
want to create a SQL Server Job and schedule it to run at a particular
time of the month to Detach all the databases on my local machine and
*Copy all the deatched databases over a network machine* and then
Attach those Database.

All this should be done in T-SQL. I
already have the T-SQLs for Attaching and Detaching. All I need is to
know the T-SQL (example) which will copy the *Detached Databases* from
mu local computer to my Network Computer. How do I achieve that?


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Trouble Backing-up All Databases To Network Folder Using A Maintenance Plan

Oct 10, 2006

I have set up a Database Maintenance Plan that does a nightly backup of all of my databases (about 12 of them) to a network folder. The plan works for about 95% of the job, but most nights there will be at least 1 database which will fail with the following error...
BackupDiskFile::RequestDurableMedia: failure on backup device '\myfileserverBackupSQLDatabaseDatabaseNameD atabaseName_db_200610081749.BAK'. Operating system error 64(The specified network name is no longer available.).
I know that this is not a permission or storage problem, because it works for most of the job. And a database that fails one night, may work fine the next night only to have a DIFFERENT database fail that night, and sometimes all databases work 100%.

Is there a way to fix this problem? And if not, is there a way to be notified of which specific database in the maintenance plan is failing. The message on the job itsself is very non-descriptive and I have to manually search the logs to find out which databases were successful & which where not. It is very time consuming. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

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Server Listing For TCP Connection

Oct 25, 2005

I'm having trouble with an ODBC User that can't connect to 2003Windows Server with SQL2000.The ODBC fails when he tries to contact with TCP client connection.When I view the Network Connection it is displaying TCP is checked,but when I view the error log is doesn't display that it is listeningfor TCP.Is there any way to prove that my TCP connections are workingcorrectly or a way to make sure that my SQL server is listening forTCP?Thanks for reading my note and any help with this issue is greatlyappreciated.

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Listing Words With No Of Occurances In Sql Server

Dec 18, 2006


Is it possible to get words from text columns in a sql server database in the order of their occurances in that column with full text search or by any other method.

Thanks in advance.

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Sqldiag.exe Listing From SQL Server 2005

Sep 17, 2007

In SQL Server 2000, I ran the sqldiag.exe for all configuration parameters to be stored for disaster recovery references. Now, in SQL Server 2005, I want the same type of info but can't get this utility to list it. I am open for suggestions on how to get this info. Is there a way to use sqldiag.exe or should I be looking at something else?

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Listing In A Sheet All Server Of Netwaor With SQL Installed

Jun 1, 2006

Is possible to fill a sheet with the name of SQL Server in my form network? In effect scan all server in my farm lan and get only the name of SQL Server and put info into a sheet

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What Is Client Network And Server Network Alias In SQL Server.

Jul 28, 2007

Hi all,

What is client network and server network alias in SQL server.

when and why we should use that mean what is the requirement of ALIAS in SQL Server.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Calendar Style Report With 12 Months (as Columns) And Store Opening Listing In Rows

Oct 16, 2014

I am trying to create a calendar style report that will have 12 months (as columns) and store opening listing in rows. I have created a matrix, but the problem that I have is that the store opening listing displays in the right period, but they are not in any order. I would like to have the openings always on top, right under the header in the matrix. Now I have them scattered randomly all over the matrix. I tried numerous way of sorting and that does not work.

I am attaching a sample of what I would like to accomplish (months are columns).

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[DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead (recv()).]General Network Error. Check Your Network Documen

Sep 30, 2004

Hello all,

We have a Windows 2003 Web Edition server serving a site through IIS. It connects to a Windows 2003 Standard Edition server running SQL 2000 SP3a.

This site receives the following error as seen in the topic:
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead (recv()).]General network error. Check your network documentation.

We've configured the server network utility to only allow TCP/IP connections. The connection string for the site is as follows:

' FileName="Connection_ado_conn_string.htm"
' Type="ADO"
' HTTP="false"
' Catalog=""
' Schema=""
MM_connSpankMSSQL_STRING = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=SERVER_IP,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=ourmaindb_1;User ID=ourmaindb_1;Password=hotcookies;"

Any ideas or tips on solving this issue? We've noticed it is due to larger queries as smaller ones do work with no problems.

The servers are behind a BSD box running iptables, has 1433,1434 along with standard web ports wide open. Anything outbound is allowed.

Some further testing via ODBC on the IIS server improved things. No more connection pooling for the SQL Server driver allows for 1/3 of the query to run. Still 2/3s of it doesn't show up, and that general network error message appears.

Should have 330 rows if it works right.

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[DBNETLIB][ConnetionWrite (WrapperWrite()).]General Network Error. Check Your Network

May 19, 2004

While running a DTS, many times the error message: "[DBNETLIB][ConnetionWrite (WrapperWrite()).]General network error. Check your network documentation." appears.
Does somebody knows why?

I am running the DTS from a computer (not the server where the DTS is stored) and it is connected without any problem when this happens.

Lautaro - Argentina.

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ASP.Net 1.1 With SQL 2005 : General Network Error. Check Your Network Documentation

Oct 4, 2007

Hi Every one,

I am using .Net 1.1 for my web application.

And my database server is SQL Server 2005.

My application is running fine, as i can login to it and also able to view pages. But when i open Order management(having 3K records) its give me error,

General Network Error. Check your network documentation

I have also searched many articles and tried following solutions but nothing working

- connectiontimeout = 0, max pool size = 7500/100, pooling = false

- SSL disabling enforce security false as mentioned in microsoft kb article.

And there's nothing any issue with hardware/firewall as my application's login and other forms are working fine(which use same database with same connection string)

Can any one please help me to solve this error?

With Regards,

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General Network Error. Check Your Network Documentation

May 26, 2007

Hi We have a written a error log in Global.asax. which capture below mentioned error in the prodcution server. Same applications is working fine in some locations and some loactions we are getting the error.Any body knows why this error is occurs.Any body knows why this error is occurs. Error Message:General network error. Check your network documentation.Stack Trace: at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OpenAndLogin() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection..ctor(SqlConnection connection, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() at datalayer.sqldb.Execute(String ProcedureName, SqlParameter[] Parameters) at lms.User.GetUserDetails(String strUserid)ITs at LMS.Login.w_btn_Login_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData)

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General Network Error. Check Your Network Documentation

Oct 4, 2007

 Hi,I am using .Net 1.1 for my web application.And my database server is SQL Server 2005. My application is running fine, as i can login to it and also able to view pages. But when i open Order management(having 3K records) its give me error,General Network Error. Check your network documentation  I have also searched many articles  and tried following solutions but nothing working- connectiontimeout = 0, max pool size = 7500/100, pooling = false- SSL disabling enforce security false as mentioned in microsoft kb article. And there's  nothing any issue with hardware/firewall as my application's login and other forms are working fine(which use same database with same connection string) Can any one please help me to solve this error? 

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General Network Error. Check Your Network Documentation

Feb 8, 2004

When I try to update the site setting, I get this Error and I don't know how to fix.

Server Error in '/DotNetNuke' Application.

General network error. Check your network documentation.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: General network error. Check your network documentation.

Source Error:

Line 281:
Line 282: myConnection.Open()
Line 283: myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
Line 284: myConnection.Close()
Line 285: End Sub

Source File: C:DotNetNukeComponentsAdminDB.vb Line: 283

Stack Trace:

[SqlException: General network error. Check your network documentation.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream) +721
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +196
DotNetNuke.AdminDB.UpdatePortalInfo(Int32 PortalId, String PortalName, String PortalAlias, String LogoFile, String FooterText, Int32 UserRegistration, Int32 BannerAdvertising, String Currency, Int32 AdministratorId, String ExpiryDate, Double HostFee, Double HostSpace, String PaymentProcessor, String ProcessorUserId, String ProcessorPassword, String Description, String KeyWords, String BackgroundFile, Int32 SiteLogHistory) in C:DotNetNukeComponentsAdminDB.vb:283
DotNetNuke.SiteSettings.Update_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:DotNetNukeadminPortalSiteSettings.ascx.vb:287
System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.OnClick(EventArgs e)
System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument)
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData)

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.573; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.573

Please Help!

Thank you,


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General Network Error. Check Your Network Documentation

Jan 9, 2006

I use sqlclient to connect directly from my mobile 5 pocketpc to a sql server 2005 database on my desktop.

I use a sqldatareader to traverse the results of a query that delivers 2 fields: (1) the filespec, and (2) the image field.

I use a filestream with a binary writer to write the contents of the image data to the pocketpc's storage card.

I have a test table with 10 images, not one more than 4 MB.  I cannot complete a test run prior to receiving the  general network error.

The pocketPC is connected via activesync to the desktop, and I connect to the database with:

Integrated Security=false;
user id=sa

Any help with this strange error would be greatly appreciated.


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General Network Error Check Network Documentation

Oct 11, 2006

Hi I get a "General Network Error Check network documentation" error sometimes, but its only while insert or update statements are fired while selects keep working perfectly.

The Error details are as follows:
General network error. Check your network documentation.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: General network error. Check your network documentation.
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:

[SqlException: General network error. Check your network documentation.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream)

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Job Listing

Mar 9, 2006

Hi fellas.

I need you to answer a question:
What should I do and which SQL Server tool do I have to use in order to find a job listing on the database ?

Thanks in advance,

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ASP.Net Unleashed Listing 12.16 Example

Dec 2, 2004

I am trying to get the following code to work but I keep getting an error.

DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'FK__titleauth__title__060DEAE8'. The conflict occurred in database 'pubs', table 'titleauthor', column 'title_id'.

Has anyone else experienced a problem with this example? Let me know what is wrong
with it.


<%@ Page Language="VB" Debug="true" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<script runat="server">

Sub Page_Load
Dim dstPubs As DataSet
Dim conPubs As SqlConnection
Dim dadTitles As SqlDataAdapter
Dim dtblTitles As DataTable
Dim drowTitle As DataRow
Dim objCommandBuilder As New SqlCommandBuilder

' Grab Titles Table
dstPubs = New DataSet()
conPubs = New SqlConnection( "Server='(local)';Database=Pubs;trusted_connection=true" )
dadTitles = New SqlDataAdapter( "Select * from Titles", conPubs )
dadTitles.Fill( dstPubs, "Titles" )
dtblTitles = dstPubs.Tables( "Titles" )

' Display Original Titles Table
dgrdOriginalTitles.DataSource = dstPubs

' Add a Row
drowTitle = dtblTitles.NewRow()
drowTitle( "Title_id" ) = "xxxx"
drowTitle( "Title" ) = "ASP.NET Unleashed"
drowTitle( "Price" ) = 1200.00
drowTitle( "Type" ) = "Mystery"
drowTitle( "PubDate" ) = #12/25/1966#
dtblTitles.Rows.Add( drowTitle )

' Delete the First Row
dtblTitles.Rows( 0 ).Delete()

' Double the price of the Second Row
drowTitle = dtblTitles.Rows( 2 )
drowTitle( "Price" ) *= 2

' Generate the SQL Commands
objCommandBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder( dadTitles )

' Update Titles Table
dadTitles.Update( dstPubs, "Titles" )

' Display New Titles Table
dgrdNewTitles.DataSource = dstPubs
End Sub

<h2>Original Titles Table
<asp:DataGrid id="dgrdOriginalTitles" Runat="Server"></asp:DataGrid>
<h2>New Titles Table
<asp:DataGrid id="dgrdNewTitles" Runat="Server"></asp:DataGrid>

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Listing Indexes

May 31, 2001

Is there a way to list all table index in a user database? Not the system index.

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Index Listing

Aug 28, 2003

I want something like:

select TableName, IndexName
from SomeSystemTables
where TableName like 'Src%'
and IndexName not like '_WA%'

I plan on using this in a cursor in order to delete all indexes. Then I rebuild all tables from an old VMS.Ingres database and create new indexes.

I've looked over previous posts on listing indexes, but don't get the method for identifying both the tablename and the indexname in the same query. DB is SQL2000.



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Index Listing

Mar 21, 2001

Does anyone know of a system stored procedure that I can run to print a list of indexes for a specific datbase. I know I can do it for a specified table, but I would like it for all tables. Thanks!

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Listing Db Values

Mar 12, 2004

Hi, I want to make a logfile where i store all tables, collnames and values of a specified database. Which statement can I use in SQLserver or Oracle? I already found the following statements:

select * from all_tables
select * from user_tables

select * from sysobjects where type'='U'

So getting the tablenames isn't the problem. The question is how the get the matching columns with their type and value.


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Listing Zero Count

Jan 22, 2007

I have a query that lists the names of all employees and the number of training modules they have sat. The query is below:

SELECT distinct AS principals_name,
COUNT(*) AS coursecount
and like 'MT%'
and pps_principals.login like '%testlogin%'
and pps_transcripts.date_created between '2006-10-01' and '2007-09-30'
ORDER BY coursecount desc

The cont goes all the way down to those who have sat 1 module.

I now however need to be able to report all those names of individuals who have sat 0 courses.

Any help appreciated.

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Listing Data

Mar 30, 2008

sample Table and records.

id uname punchdate punchtime
1 Â A Â Â Â Â 1/1/2007Â Â 7:00am
1 Â A Â Â Â Â 1/2/2007Â Â 8:00am
1 Â A Â Â Â Â 1/4/2007Â Â 7:30am
1 Â A Â Â Â Â 1/6/2007Â Â 7:40am

let say i want to get a result which punchdate is from 1/1/2007 to 1/8/2007, how can i get a result like this one.?

1 Â Â AÂ Â 1/1/2007 Â Â 7:00am
1 Â Â AÂ Â 1/2/2007 Â Â 8:00am
1 Â Â AÂ Â 1/3/2007 Â Â <null>
1 Â Â AÂ Â 1/4/2007 Â Â 7:30am
1 Â Â A Â Â 1/5/2007 Â Â <null>
1 Â Â A Â Â 1/6/2007 Â Â 7:40am
1 Â Â A Â Â 1/7/2007Â Â <null>
1 Â Â A Â Â 1/8/2007 Â Â <null>

listing all data even if theres no punchdate and time in the table.

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Listing All Indexes

Jul 20, 2005

Still using SQL7.I am wondering how come there is not an Information_Schema view thatlists indexes? Information_Schema is supposed to be the safest way toobtain information on metadata, but it appears that the only way toget a list of indexes is with a system stored proc.

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