Locally Connecting To An SQL File

Feb 6, 2008

I am trying to loaclly connect to an sql file, i have installed SQl server management studio express, and have downloaded the file, so that i can access it locally, i have trawled about the whole of this site, but can't seem to find anything that helps.
The problem i have is i have a couple of guys telling me that i need to download the backup of teh database, which is in a .BAK format, then rename to .sql, and the open using sql 2005. However when i do this sql 2005 opens, but the a copy of notepad open infront of this, and the .sql file opens up in that. I am a total noob when it come to SQL however, with the help of some online tutorials have managed to teach myself SQL code, and a bit of basic PHP, but nowhere does it go into any great detail about the software surrounding SQl, or accessing the database, all the information i could find is on the code.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as my employers are getting a little bit anxious about all of this now, i know that once these creases are ironed out then i don't have a problem, but getting to the point that i am competent at is the trouble.

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Connecting To Datafiles Stored Remotely From SQL Server--not Locally From The SQL Server

Jun 18, 2001

I had asked a question last week and I realized that I had phrased it in a misleading way. Within a lab environment at my company, we are experimenting w/ accessing remote SQL data files stored separately on another machine from the SQL server itself (whether it be another client or server).

The experiment is this: You have one client machine accessing a SQL server via Enterprise Manager. The datafiles that you are trying to access are stored on another machine that does not have SQL Server installed. This remote machine only has the datafiles.

Can one map a static path via UNC from the SQL server to the datafiles on the remote machine and then access these datafiles (as long as the user's account has the appropriate permissions to the remote machine)? To my understanding, within SQL server you can only access datafiles that are stored locally on the SQL server itself.

The other thing that I was wondering was if the type of user account had some significance in this situation. More than likely, a local user account would not be able to access the remote machine w/ the datafiles even if the SQL server could map an UNC path and retain it. A domainuser account might be able to do this though.

Any help that you could provide would be appreciated.

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Integration Services :: Send Excel File From SSIS Using Send Mail Task Without Saving Excel File Locally?

Jul 14, 2015

Is there anyway to  send excel file from ssis using send mail task without saving the excel file locally. I need to automate the process which involves loading the excel file from the database and send it to some people. 

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Connecting To MDF File Over Workgroup

Aug 16, 2006

I've build a client management (Windows) application in VS2005 which works fine on the local development machine but falls over when trying to connect to the SQL Server Express file located on a second machine on the same Workgroup. Several of the apllications will connect to the database file from networked computers.
The error I get when testing the connection or trying to connect via the App is:---------------------------------------------------------------The file "Z:BushBreaks.MDF" is on a network path that is not supported for database files.An attempt to attach and auto-named database for file z:ushbreaks.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened or it is on a UNC share.---------------------------------------------------------------
How can I configure this database and/or connection to be able to allow connections to the MDF file? Please note that security is not an issue if that is at all relevant.
Many ThanksJohn

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Connecting Mdb File To A Calendar

Feb 21, 2008

Hi Everyone.
 I’m trying to read data from a databasefile called database.mdf which has a connection string called “ConnectionString1â€?. The aim is to highlit specific days in my calender. For example if there is an event in my database that day on the calander will be highlited. The database has  a columb called “Dateâ€? in a table called “Datesâ€?. Please can you help? My knowlade in asp.net and VB is very limited. This is as far as I have gone. (I don’t realy understand the VB part as I have copyed it from somone) I just need the vb code to connect to the database.
Imports System.Data.SqlClientImports System.DataImports System.Data.OleDb
Partial Class _Default    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page    Protected Sub Calendar1_DayRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DayRenderEventArgs)        If IsExistMeeting(e.Day.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")) Then            e.Cell.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red            e.Cell.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow        End If
    End Sub
    Function IsExistMeeting(ByVal datestring As String) As Boolean        Dim constr As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString1").ConnectionString.ToString() '"your connection string"        Dim connection As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(constr)        Dim sqlsel As String = "select count(*) from Dates where CONVERT(char, date, 101)='" + datestring + "'"        Dim sda As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(sqlsel, connection)        Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet()        sda.Fill(ds, "Dates")        If ds.Tables("Dates").Rows.Count = 0 Then            Return False        End If        Return True    End FunctionEnd Class

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Connecting To MSDE W/read Only File?

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,Does anyone know how I can connect to an MSDE db using VB with aread-only file? The file will be on a CD, and is actually just archiveddata off a SQL server. I would like to package my app on a CD alongwith the data file and allow users to pop in the CD and run the app,assuming they already have MSDE running. Any help?Thanks,Jason

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Problems Connecting To Sql Express 2005 Server, Where Mdf File Go?

Jul 10, 2006

Hello, I have correctly installed sql express 2005 onto my company server. I can connect to the sql express 2005 fine within sql management studio express. I can also connect to it the within visual studio 2005 server explorer. I have my database (MDF) on our server. I am trying to run my application within my client computer. I have changed the connection string property to connect to the server:

"Data Source=CTSSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=UpdateAttributes;Integrated Security=True"

My program will only work if there is a local copy of MDF database located within my application directory. If I remove the local copy, it errors "No process is on the other end of the pipe" Is it possible to have my application without the local copy of the MDF? I thought the idea is to have the MDF on the server. Then my app would not have the MDF copy!?

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Connecting Database Engine (SQl Server 2005 File .*mdf) From Win CE 5.0 Platform

Jun 26, 2006

Is this possible to connect do the Database Engine (on sql server 2005 on XP platorm - file *.mdf (not mobile *.sdf)) from win CE 5.0?

I tried to do this :
ConnectionStringSQLServerCE = "Data Source=WORK_STATION\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=dbMachines;Integrated Security=False;Password=Panel;User ID=Panel";

SqlCeConnectionCE = new SqlConnection(ConnectionStringSQLServerCE);


but I catch error:
catch (PlatformNotSupportedException ex)
I noticed that I see server because when I use:
ConnectionStringSQLServerCE = "Data Source=WORK_STATION\SQLEXPRESS";

zwraca błąd typu

catch (SqlException ex)
€œLogin failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.€?

I used
using System.Data.SqlClient;

from Compact Framework 2.0 under Visual Studio 2005 Device Application Windows CE 5.0

can anyone help me?

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Cant Create Db Locally

May 2, 2007

Im running sql 2005 developer edition on my xp pro workstation. For some reason I can no longer create a database. I get an error such as the following:
"CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master' (Microsoft sql server error: 262)"

ideas ?

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How Can I Create A Db To Run Locally On My Pc

Oct 5, 2007

How can i create a new db to run locally on my pc using sql server.
I need also to install a copy of this new db in another pc. Do i need the sql server installed in the other machine also? I am thinking to create an application in vb to play with the db. Every time i start the sql server i see the window telling to connect do database engine, may be i am wrong but with this window i can create just a db in the server? i couldn't create a db locally yet, anyone can help me?

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Cannot Connect Locally

Nov 9, 2007

Hello Forum,
after installing 2005, if trying to connect to local server it is giving me the following error:

cannot connect to ols00038

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. when connecting to SQL server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote Connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error:2)

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Connecting To SQL Express 2005 Via Web.Config File In Visual Studio 2003

Oct 30, 2007

 I am following a project to build a small E-Commerce site from a book I have purchased and I have having problems connecting to the SQL Database with the code supplied.
The book is Apress Beginning ASP.NET 1.1 E-Commerce
 The code added to the Web.Config file is :
<add key="ConnectionString" value="Server=(local)NetSDK;Integrated Security=True;Initial Catalog=JokePoint" />
The connection details are in a class file called Catalog.vb and is as follows
Imports System.Data.SqlClientPublic Class Catalog
Public Shared Function GetDepartments() As SqlDataReader
'Create the connection objectDim connection As New SqlConnection(connectionString)
'Create and initialize the command objectDim command As New SqlCommand("GetDepartments", connection)
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
'Open the connection
'Return a SqlDataReader to the calling functionReturn command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
End Function
Private Shared ReadOnly Property connectionString() As String
GetReturn ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")
End GetEnd Property
End Class
 The error is.....
Cannot open database "JokePoint" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'MachineNameASPNET'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Cannot open database "JokePoint" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user 'MachineNameASPNET'.Source Error:

Line 15: 'Open the connection
Line 16:
Line 17: connection.Open()
Line 18:
Line 19: 'Return a SqlDataReader to the calling function
Source File: C:MyCommerceSiteJokePointBusinessObjectsCatalog.vb    Line: 17 Stack Trace:

[SqlException: Cannot open database "JokePoint" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'MachineNameASPNET'.]
System.Data.SqlClient.ConnectionPool.GetConnection(Boolean& isInTransaction)
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionPoolManager.GetPooledConnection(SqlConnectionString options, Boolean& isInTransaction)
JokePoint.Catalog.GetDepartments() in C:MyCommerceSiteJokePointBusinessObjectsCatalog.vb:17
JokePoint.DepartmentsList.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:MyCommerceSiteJokePointUserControlsDepartmentsList.ascx.vb:44
System.Web.UI.Control.OnLoad(EventArgs e)

The connection tests ok in Visual Studio 2003. All permissions are set using SQL Management Studio Express 2005.
The book is using SQL 2000, I have been trying different connection syntax's in the Web.Config file all day and now I have a big headache. I know its something simple, can anyone please advise ?
Thanks in advance.

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How Can I Create A New Db To Run Locally On My Pc Using Sql Server.

Oct 5, 2007

How can i create a new db to run locally on my pc using sql server.I
need also to install a copy of this new db in another pc. Do i need the
sql server installed in the other machine also? I am thinking to create
an application in vb to play with the db. Every time i start the sql
server i see the window telling to connect do database engine, may be i
am wrong but with this window i can create just a db in the server? i
couldn't create a db locally yet, anyone can help me? 

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Using MSDE Locally On A Webserver

Sep 13, 2004

Currently, we have our SQL database behind our firewall.
Our App is required to log each page hit to a DB table with some additional data that we would not get from the regular IIS logfiles. So every page hit means a trip through the firewall...

Since this type of activity is limited purely to DB inserts, i'm curious what the thoughts are on using a copy of MSDE on the webserver itself to store this data.

What is the lesser of 2 evils

-- Take a trip through the firewall for each page to log the hits in a secure SQL DB

-- Log the Hit in a less secure / limited version of a SQL DB

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EM Won&#39;t Connect Locally On SQL2k Box

Jan 24, 2002

Here is a strange one. Have a sql2k box that I upgraded from 6.5 back. Conversion went fine, everything was ok with the sql install. Created and scheduled maintenance jobs while logged on to the box. A few days after the conversion, Enterprise Manager cannot register the server(error message is 'Data source name not found and connection libraries do not exist'). This inablilty to register the server only occurs when working on the server itself. You can register the server while connecting from another box with EM.

So, do some checking and find that the box itself does not recognize SQLSRV32.dll (etc) as even existing on the box BUT IT DOES EXIST in the normal places, it was a working install just a few days prior. As far as the box is concerned, the network libraries do not exist. Therefore, cannot register the server locally, cannot create a Data Source using the SQLSRV32 driver, cannot start the Sql Server Agent(so no scheduled back ups, etc).

Went so far as to re install the connectivity and client tools, which did not fix the issue.

Does anyone have any ideas?

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Opening My Client's DB Locally

Mar 11, 2006

My client has given me a DB file (.MDF) and I need to open it in order to export it to the remote DB.
In Enterprise Manager I go to 'New Database' - create a new DB and click on the 'Data' tab to browse to my clients file. Enterprise Manager recognises the file and everything seems hunky dory. but the resulting DB seems to have no tables.
The DB file is 1600K and has some stored procedures but if I try to export the tables there is nothing. His ASP files refer to tables in the SQL as you would expect.
Am I missing something? it's the weekend so he is not available and I don't want to look tooo stupid!

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Export Db Tables For Use Locally On Another Pc

Dec 14, 2007

Hi,I've used SQL Enterprise Manager to Export my selected db's locally.My main question is how do I move the export to another pc - whichfiles need to be moved, etc?ThanksLouis

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Works Locally But Not On Host

May 1, 2008

I am very confused. I've finally gotten everything to work the way I want on my pc, but when I ftp to the Internet (URL is hosted on GoDaddy), everything goes haywire. I had to create a new database on the host server, and when I use an aspx login, I get the following message:

The SSE Provider did not find the database file specified in the connection string. At the configured trust level (below High trust level), the SSE provider can not automatically create the database file.

I know what the connection string to the database is, but where do I enter that information? I'm obviously new at asp.net and sql, and I need major help.

Thanks. Linda

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What To Install First To Run My Sql Server Locally

Jul 12, 2006

Hi i am a total newbe at asp
My goal is to be able to make survey on web pages related to my website and store info on my sql server 2005

I want to use my sql server 2005 as a database, and from what i understand so far i will be using visual web developer to prepare the commands on my webpage to get info colected from the survey sheet to the sql server, am i corect?.
What i need to know is where can i find the tutorial on what to do first.
I would like to install my sql on my computer as a local server first, so what do i have to install in order to do this.
From the main menu i see that i can install sql server "services" or sql server "network" or "native client". Wich one do i install first to be local??

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HELP: How To Avoid Ridiculous System Resource Issues When Connecting To A Huge Excel File

Sep 20, 2007

Hi all,

I have a 400MB Excel file that I consume from another automated process (don't ask). I copy this file down locally to my server, and I am attempting to create an SSIS package that points to this file via a connection manager. My computer starts gobbling up massive amounts of memory (devenv.exe gets up to about 800MB or so, then drops back down to 100MB) even when I attempt to rename the connection in the connection managers tab.

I have set all BypassPrepare to TRUE and ValidateExternalMetadata properties to FALSE, and still it can take up to 3 to 6 minutes for BI Dev Studio to respond. My specs:

Intel Centrino Duo 2.00 GHz
XP Pro SP2

There MUST be a way for me to work effectively on a file of this size. Please help! Thanks much for any assistance.


Brian Pulliam

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SQL 2012 :: Set Up Web Services Locally On Machine

Apr 6, 2014

I need to set up web services locally on my machine.I am working in a team. They gave project that I mapped to my local drive and take the latest version and build the solution. Some of them are configured to use IIS. So before build the solution, in the IIS manager I created the self certificate and added https binding.

I am not sure after that what I have to do? How to test my web services are running locally or not?Do I need to do anything else to set up web services locally?

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SQL 2012 :: How To Setup Services Locally

Apr 29, 2014

I need to set up the services locally.

I deployed the web services locally to iis. When I browse that web service, I am getting

<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true" Factory=" " Service=" " %>

What is that mean

I am using iis 8 version and windows 8

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View Works Locally But Not On GoDaddy

Jun 29, 2007

I have an application that utilizes aspnet for membership.
The application utilizes the same database (in SQLServer) for storage of other things. I have a view as follows:

USE [DB_Name]
/****** Object: View [dbo].[Authorization] Script Date: 06/29/2007 15:27:25 ******/
CREATE VIEW Authorization
SELECT dbo.Domain.Domain_ID, dbo.Domain.Domain_Name, dbo.Alias.Alias_Name,
dbo.Alias.Alias_Authority, dbo.Domain.Domain_ProcessType, dbo.Domain.Domain_Status,
dbo.aspnet_Users.UserName AS Owner_Name
dbo.Domain ON dbo.Alias.Alias_Parent_ID = dbo.Domain.Domain_ID INNER JOIN
dbo.aspnet_Users ON dbo.Domain.Domain_Owner_ID = dbo.aspnet_Users.UserId

This works fine locally. However, I am hosting this on GoDaddy and though it allows me to create the table, it seems to have a problem (I'm guessing because it is referencing differing schemas?) and I get an error of: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Authorization'.through the SQLServer Web interface whenever I attempt to view the data from this view.
I don't doubt that there is some kind of difference between the manner that SQLServer has set up the schemas and how they are set up on my local version.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am at a loss of how to get this info and truly want to utilize the view as it would improve performance over a query - at least I believe so. My thinking is that although there may be a performance drop when the item is being added, I gain on the back-end where I really need the performance over utilizing a query.

Steven Henley

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Cannot Connect Locally To SQL Server Express

Aug 23, 2006


I'm trying to connect to a SQL Server 2005 express on my local Windows
XP Professional machine. I've searched the the MS fora and Google
but all the answers I find relate to trying to connect to a remote DB,
not local.

I run the aspnet_regsql.exe program in the interactive wizard mode, and
in the Select the Server and Database step when I click on the Database
drop-down list an error box pops up:

Connection failed

Failed to query a list of database names from the SQL server.

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the
server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be
caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not
allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 -
Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

Exactly the same error message appears when I:

* Change the 'Server' name from my computer's name to localhost,, or SQLEXPRESS. in the aspnet_regsql wizard.

* Stop my firewall (ZoneAlarm, native Windows firewall is disabled, and I switched off my cable modem at the time).

* Use the SQL Server surface area utility to enable remote connections
with both named pipes and TCP/IP), and also to enable CLR integration
in the Features section.

* Stop the SQL Server service. I did this to see if a different
error occurred, but it's as if aspnet_regsql.exe can't even see the SQL

* Have an additional instance of SQL Server running under my own username (see below).

I have an ASP.NET project (created by someone else on another computer) which attempts
to open a SQL Server database. It runs fine until the call to
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection::Open() which raises an exception
with exactly the same error string as above (including what's in
parentheses). The connection string is "Data
Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=blah;Integrated Security=SSPI;" where
blah is specific to the company I'm doing this for.

I've created a test ASP.NET project to which I added a SQL
Database. My only option was to create a .mdf file in the
APP_DATA folder. The connection string is "Data
Security=True;User Instance=True" and it works fine and displays the
data I've put into the database, but in the Task Manager another
instance of sqlservr.exe appears (running under my username; the
existing sqlservr.exe runs under the NETWORK SERVICE username).
Should this happen??

If I stop the SQL Server service (or both of them), an error message in my web browser
appears (no exception is raised because there's no code in the project,
just a data-bound control). The error is the same as above,
except the parenthetical part is "(provider: SQL Network Interfaces,
error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)".

Edit: oh yeah, I've also tried to set up an ODBC data source connected
to SQL Server throught the Control Panel/Admin, but the ODBC applet
can't seem to see SQL Server either.  I only get three options for
data sources: dBASE files (.dbf), Excel files (.xls), and MS Access
Database (.mdb).  If I click on 'Add' and select "SQL Server" and
go on from there, it comes back and says the server doesn't exist or
refuses access.  If I stop the service, the ODBC applet says the
sql server wasn't found.

Can anyone help please?

I'm stumped..

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SSIS Runs Locally, But Not On Server - Help!

Aug 4, 2006

My team is using SqlServer 2005 SSIS to develop package for Consolidated Views. This works fine on my machine in Visual Studio when they run it as a script from command prompt from their desktop. However, when they move this package to ETL box, the package runs fine Visual Studio environment but fails when run from the script with the errors:

Started: 12:57:45 PM
Error: 2006-08-04 12:57:45.87
Code: 0xC0011007
Source: {519D338B-8874-40A8-A385-0D53E868A57C}

Description: Unable to load the package as XML because of package does not have a valid XML format. A specific XML parser error will be posted.
End Error

Error: 2006-08-04 12:57:45.87
Code: 0xC0011002
Source: {519D338B-8874-40A8-A385-0D53E868A57C}

Description: Failed to open package file "C:SM_BI_EXTRACTS_SHAREDSharedInt
egrated ViewsIntegrated ViewsCV_Product.dtsx" due to error 0x800C0006 "The system cannot locate the object specified.". This happens when loading a package a nd the file cannot be opened or loaded correctly into the XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name was specified when calling LoadPackage or the XML file was specified and has an incorrect format.
End Error

Could not load package "C:SM_BI_EXTRACTS_SHAREDSharedIntegrated ViewsIntegrated ViewsCV_Product.dtsx" because of error 0xC0011002.

Description: Failed to open package file "C:SM_BI_EXTRACTS_SHAREDSharedIntegr
ated ViewsIntegrated ViewsCV_Product.dtsx" due to error 0x800C0006 "The system cannot locate the object specified.". This happens when loading a package and the file cannot be opened or loaded correctly into the XML document. This can be the result of either providing an incorrect file name was specified when calling LoadPackage or the XML file was specified and has an incorrect format.
Source: {519D338B-8874-40A8-A385-0D53E868A57C}
Started: 12:57:45 PM
Finished: 12:57:45 PM
Elapsed: 0.016 seconds

C:SM_BI_EXTRACTS_SHAREDShared>rem "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DT
SBinndtexec" /f "C:SM_BI_EXTRACTS_SHAREDSharedSSISIntegratedViewsIntegrat

C:SM_BI_EXTRACTS_SHAREDShared>rem "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90DT
SBinndtexec" /f "C:SM_BI_EXTRACTS_SHAREDSharedSSISIntegratedViewsIntegrat

Can someone help us understand the problem? We are new to SSIS. We also want to know exactly what needs to be on the Server that will be running our SSIS ETL programs (that is, what components of SSIS -- SQL Server 2K5 is already loaded).

We are using SQL 2005 on Dell Servers running Win 2003, with the latest service packs. Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer Version 9.00.2047.00

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Calling DTS Via ASP.NET Works Locally But Not When Published To Intranet

Jan 19, 2007

I have a DTS package that I am calling in my code-behind (vb) of one of my asp.net pages on my intranet. The package takes a FoxPro table that is on our network and inserts it into a SQL Server table in one of our databases. The package gets called and executed properly when I am working on it in development on my local workstation, but when I publish it to our intranet, which is in the same domain and behind the same firewall, the package does not execute. No error shows up on the published page, but also nothing gets executed. Has anyone encountered this? Here is my code, which is pretty straightforward:
oPkg = Server.CreateObject("DTS.Package")oPkg.LoadFromSQLServer("[servername]", "sa", "[password]", DTSSQLStgFlag_Default, "", "", "", "Invoice Import")oPkg.Execute()
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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When I've Developed A Db Locally How Do I Then Upload It To A Remote Server?

Jan 21, 2004

I'm just wondering exactly how, as i will need to do it next week (providing I complete the first ASPNET site I've ever developed) and my tech support @my hosting does not seem to be familiar with the process in great detail.

Many thanks Neil

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Unable To Register Server On My Machine Locally???

Oct 27, 2000

I'm trying to installed SQL 2000 on a NT 4.0 Platform locally.
When I followed the wizard and specified the name of the server which is my machine name. I received the following message : "SQL Server does not exist or access denied. Connection open Connect()".

Any Suggestions!

Thanks in advance,

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Cannot Connect To Locally SQL Server In C#.net 2005 Express

Aug 30, 2006

I am trying to do the Chapter 1 project of Getting Started with ADO.net 2.0 Step by Step (microsoft press)...

I enter the data source configuration wizard and select database, and press next.

I then press the new connection button, and the Choose data source screen appears.

In the List are only 2 options:

Microsoft Access Database File

Microsoft SQL Server Database File.

The option they want me to choose does not appear in the list.

Microsoft SQL Server sqlclient

I tried following the instructions in this thread [http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/showpost.aspx?postid=85686&siteid=1] where a user had a similar problem, but had no success.

I have reinstalled C#, reinstalled SQL Server Express 2005 with Advanced Tools, but neither helped.

Any help would be greatly appriciated.


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Remote Connection Error - But Everything Installed Locally?

Mar 12, 2007

I have a visual basic 2005 application where I am storing some data in a Sequel Server Database. It's my first attempt using SQL Server. It was developed on my machine and the database is on my local hard drive.

It was put onto an industrial PC and shipped last December (the vb app is an HMI).

Our service guy is installing the machine and asked for some changes to the VB screens. I ran my app (on my computer) and it crashed when I selected the screen where I use the db.

So I decided to look at the database using Visual Basic and I get the following error:

Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified)

I then tried to create a new database via Visual Basic and get the same error. My boss has it installed on his machine. Same error there. These are both machines that had no problem back in December!

I also have a industrial PC on my desk to test my app and it STILL WORKS there. That one though is not connected to the internet and hasn't gotten any updates or changes or whatever since I last had it on in December. I don't know if it was a windows update or a network change? But as I said, I'm not connecting remotely - SQL Server and the db are on our local machines.

Interesting enough, if I go to the control panel | Administrative Tools | Services, SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) is set to automatic and is NOT started. I attempt to start it and get an error


Windows could not start the SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) on Local Computer. For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code 3417.

I am lost.

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Accessing Data Connection Works Locally, But Not When Deployed

Nov 15, 2005

Hi all, I hope this is a simple issue that I'm overlooking something or have contradicting permissions set somewhere. I have a fairly basic site with a subfolder containing an aspx page. The user logs in to gain access to the subfolder. That part works fine.On another page(also within a subfolder in the subfolder), they can post form data to a database (SQL Server 2000) which exists on a different server than my web server. This page opens fine, but when submitting the data (only one value to one field for my testing purposes), it bombs and returns the error "Login failed for user"...In my connection string I've specified the username and password which I assigned to the db in Enterprise Manager (not sa, btw). I've also tried letting IIS control the UID/PW, and even specified no UID/PW in either the connection string or the db. Anonymous access enabled in IIS for this virtual directory also returns the error. (?)I should mention that in Visual Studio, the connection string was automatically set to my local development machine's workstation ID. I removed that and have tried replacing it with the server name, blank, etc.(in notepad) - to no avail. dll's are in their proper places, etc. The only thing not working is the database connection.Using: IIS v6, SQL Server 2000, and Visual Studio.NET 2003 (1.1 framework)Anyway - any suggestions? There are so many places to enable/disable permissions, it's getting confusing. I hope it's something I'm overlooking and not a problem with our SQL installation...Thanks!--Donnie

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DTS Fails At Customer Site With Too Many Columns, Works Locally

Nov 16, 2004

I am having the most baffling problem with DTS.... :confused:

I have a set of ActiveX transforms that execute on my customers flat transaction data files, destination a single database table. Since they switched to a new method of generating the flat file using SAS, the DTS package mysteriously will fail at a couple select records. The error is always the same, and turning on error logging in DTS yielded this:

Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1' failed

Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services Flat File Rowset Provider
Step Error Description:Too many columns found in the current row; non-whitespace characters were found after the last defined column's data.
Step Error code: 80043013
Step Error Help File: DTSFFile.hlp
Step Error Help Context ID:0

Step Execution Started: 11/16/2004 6:37:51 PM
Step Execution Completed: 11/16/2004 6:39:39 PM
Total Step Execution Time: 107.415 seconds
Progress count in Step: 515000

The exact same file parses all the way through on my laptop, with the same DTS package. Tests have revealed no strange characters or whitespaces in the data file, not at that record (running a Test... on any of the active x transforms will fail at row 515186 always, until that row is deleted and it fails on some subsequent row - this iteration went on at the customer site until about 5 rows were deleted this month and it finally worked), not at any other records. My database and the customer database are both using the same, default character set.

The only microsoft KB article referencing anything resembling my problem is
but this does not hold because I am not specifying fixed width, but rather comma delimited.

If anyone has any ideas about what other environmental variables are coming into play here, please let me know - I'm at the end of my rope. I believe we are both patched up to SQL 2000 SP3. They have an XP client connecting to a 2003 server; I have an XP client/server. Neither machine has the NLS_LANG environment variable set.

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SQL 2012 :: OpenRowSet Works Locally But Not Over Networked Drives?

Jul 10, 2013

getting SQL able to import files via ORS. So we got it to work on local drives, but not over networked drives. This is the code and error:

select * into sample.dbo.[eriktest] from
'Data Source=serverSample est.xlsx;
Extended Properties="Excel 12.0 XML;HDR=YES;IMEX=1"')...[Sheet1$]
Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "(null)".

But going from the local C: or D: drives is fine. I also tried using xp_cmdshell (OPC) to map a drive, and then tried using ORS with the drive letter, and got the same error.

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