I want to change the history retention time because the history stores about 1 gb of detail per database per day in the msdb
Some of the log shipped databases have a monitor server option that has a setting for retention time
but most of the log shipped databases are not using a monitor server since the option was unavailable at setup.
So is there a way to change the history retention time
I got this error every 15 minutes. I delete everything such as maintenance plan jobs, replication, log shipping, mirroring in my SSMS. I can't find out the solution for this error. I didn't know, how to resolve this problem.
I have members in a database who have paid thru dates. I am creating retention reports
I created a cross tab in Crystal (using SQL) that counts records that paid within a certain year. I need to create a script that will let me find when members skip payment for a year. Any ideas?
I was thinking of running a count of all paid (Activity) records, but still kind of stuck.
I currently have a simple transactional replication setup for a database. My publisher and distributor are on the same box. The subscription is setup using a push agent.
My question is related to recovery of the subscriber.
So lets say replication is setup and working fine. Suddenly we had a failure on the subscriber database. Now I could just reconfigure the subscription, and the subscribing database would be back up and good to go, but the problem is that over time, we have made some changes to the subscribing database that are not made in the publisher. For example, the tables have different indexes. Just reconfiguring the subscritpion would not recover these objects.
So I have to acutally restore the subscriber database. So I do that, and apply transaction logs up to the most recent transaction log backup. Now, consider that my transaction log backups on the subscriber happen every 4 hours, and the most recent transaction log backup I had was from 3 hours ago. So now at this point, my subscribing database is 3 hours behind my publisher.
Now, will the distribution agent resend the missing 3 hours of transactions?
In the distribution agent properties, there are two settings for transaction retention, "at least" and "but not more than". Currently they set to 0 and 72 hours respectivly. Now I would assume that if I set the "at least" setting to the subscriber transaction log backup period, in this case 4 hours, I would be covered, and the distribution agent would indeed re-replication the transactions that happend since the recovery point 3 hours.
I just wanted to verify that this is acutally what these settings are refering too, and that if I set the "at least" setting to 4 hours, I would be covered.
I'm curious what are considerations for choosing a good transaction retention time? The default SQL uses is 0 to 72 hours. With this setting I found that cleanup was taking upwards of 30 minutes (for a process that defaults to run every 10 minutes). I've read that lowering it can improve performance, and that also you don't want this running too long because of deadlock issues between this and the log reader. So how short is too short? Optimally, since the system this runs on is under heavy use I'd like to optimize this as much as possible, which makes me think that the smaller the retention the better, but is something like 1 or 2 hours too short? What are possible consequences of such a short period of time?
I have just started in the scary world of SQL Server admin and am trying to unravel the mysteries of backups etc. If I run 'BACKUP DATABASE xxx TO DISK = 'D:DB_Backupsxxx.bak' WITH RETAINDAYS = 7' each day, each db backup if appended to the same '.bak' file and the RETAINDAYS protects the backup from being deleted by SQL Server. OK so far. But does anyone understand what criteria is used to decide when to overwrite the older backups? My backup file is getting bigger everyday, with no sign of any of the old data being deleted! Do I have to wait for the entire disk to become full before they start to get overwritten? Or should I just not worry and trust that it will do it all correctly? Any ideas would be much appreciated.
In sql2005 the database backup retention has been added in sql server properties in database setting.
In 2000 we had a comfortable option to set retention based on maintenance plan,files and also our space availabilty.It has helped the dba's a lot.But it has been removed in sql 2005.
Is that sql server setting is the only retention period setting or do we have to set in anyother tabs..
I am running a couple of sql 2000 SP3a servers with merge and snapshot replication. One server acting as publisher and distributor and the rest subscribers. On one of the server I have got the error below and have tried most of the suggestions by msdn. This server has not crashed ever before or any hardware problems. It has been running for a couple of months and no problems. This has not happened no any of the other servers. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated as the only resolution I have left is to bring up a new instance, setup replication and see if this would resolve the issue. Stopping and starting of agents don't work.
Server: EASTSRV3 DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server Version: 08.00.0760 user name: dbo API conformance: 2 SQL conformance: 1 transaction capable: 2 read only: N identifier quote char: " non_nullable_columns: 1 owner usage: 31 max table name len: 128 max column name len: 128 need long data len: Y max columns in table: 1024 max columns in index: 16 max char literal len: 524288 max statement len: 524288 max row size: 524288
[4/18/2005 11:59:27 AM]EASTSRV3.ICASData: {call sp_MSgetversion } Percent Complete: 2 Connecting to Subscriber 'EASTSRV3' Percent Complete: 3 Retrieving publication information Percent Complete: 4 Retrieving subscription information Percent Complete: 4 The merge process is cleaning up meta data in database 'HO_Master'. Percent Complete: 4 The merge process cleaned up 0 row(s) in MSmerge_genhistory, 0 row(s) in MSmerge_contents, and 0 row(s) in MSmerge_tombstone. Percent Complete: 4 The merge process is cleaning up meta data in database 'ICASData'. The merge process could not perform retention-based meta data cleanup in database 'ICASData'. Percent Complete: 0 The merge process could not perform retention-based meta data cleanup in database 'ICASData'. Percent Complete: 0 Category:NULL Source: Merge Replication Provider Number: -2147199467 Message: The merge process could not perform retention-based meta data cleanup in database 'ICASData'. Percent Complete: 0 Category:COMMAND Source: Failed Command Number: 0 Message: {call sp_mergemetadataretentioncleanup(?, ?, ?)} Percent Complete: 0 Category:SQLSERVER Source: EASTSRV3 Number: 11 Message: General network error. Check your network documentation.
I want to store data warehouse source tables and files in an Archive schema and then delete / drop them after a specified period of time.
Is there a table property that I can set (can't find one) or some other mechanism so that I can easily identify these tables with a script.
If there is no such property or feature within the database engine I will define a metadata table and record it there, but a property or similar that I can set at archive time would be very handy.
We have retention policy , and pay at the time year completion , now policy change and it is converted from yearly to monthly and this with effect from April-15.Â
if calculate the pay system will generate the Arrear payment of the employee from the month of April  onward but i already paid the retention amount for month for two month April and May which i need to deduct the same otherwise this will double amount .
I could not able to find Forums in regards to 'Log Shipping' thats why posting this question in here. Appriciate if someone can provide me answers depends on their experience.
Can we switch database recovery model when log shipping is turned on ?
We want to switch from Full Recovery to Bulk Logged Recovery to make sure Bulk Insert operations during the after hours load process will have some performance gain.
I currently use 7 days for subscription expiration setting for my two merge publications, which will cause metadata to clean up very 7 days. Now I need to increase the retention period to be 14 days. How I can avoid missing metadata after cleanup? Microsoft ms151188 (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms151188.aspx) warns that publisher may not have enough metadata, which may lead to non-convergence. I want to change this setting without causing any data loss.
For the best practice I issued full SQL Server database, differential and transaction log backups. I have setup a process to backup to local disks and then also copy the files to a centralized set of storage. On a weekly basis the centralized file system is backed up to a tape backup device. I know I can get data off of the tapes, but that process is time consuming, not well tested from my perspective and I am not in control of the overall process. Can you offer some recommendations from a SQL Server backup retention perspective?
I got some issues in my production environment, so please help me out. The following is the message I got from the replication monitor and I don't what to at this point.
The merge process could not perform retention-based meta data cleanup in database 'TT'. (Source: Merge Replication Provider, Error number: -2147199467) Get help: http://help/-2147199467
Transaction (Process ID 73) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. (Source: ply-db-svr1, Error number: 1205) Get help: http://help/1205
I 'm sure I am missing something obvious, hopefully someone could point it out. After a failover log shipping, I want to fail back to my inital Primary server database; however, my database is marked as loading. How can I mark it as normal?
I did the failover as follow:
I did a failover log shipping from the 2 server Sv1 (Primary) and Sv2 (Secondary) by doing the following
1) Stop the primary database by using sp_change_primary_role (Sv1)
2) Change the 2nd server to primary server by running sp_change_secondary_role (Sv2)
3) Change the monitor role by running sp-change_monitor_role (Sv2)
4) Resolve the log ins - (Sv2)
5) Now I want to fail back - I copy the TRN files to Sv1 - use SQL Ent to restore the database at point in time. The task is done; however, the database is still mark as loading. I could not use sp_dboption.
The 'view job history' on Enterprise Manager is showing me only 4 or 5 run histories. I want to see more history on each of the jobs.Even I changed the limit to 10000 lones from 1000 lines on the server properties in the job system option, I am still seeing only the last 4 or 5 histories for each job(there are a total of 70 jobs on the server).Any ideas??Thanks. Reddy.
I have set up a job as sa.After that I changed the sa password.Now I am not able to view the job history since then.Do i need to delete the job and reschedule it?
I have a question about the sql job history. I have a sql 2000 server that was recording all the job history on my sql jobs just fine until the other day. Today I checked the history and the jobs didnt show the past history anymore. Just today's history. So if the job didnt run today there is no history for that particular job. This isn't true, the job was run a few days ago. I know that no one went in and cleard the history on the jobs. What causes this issue, is there a way to not make this happen in the future? Is there a way I can recover the past history for my jobs.
i have my job running every 5 min. I want to view the history log. In job history it shows only few hundreds of records.. But i want to see from beginning. where to view whole log of job history?
hello, I'm am looking for a smart solution for keeping history of changes in records in my sql database. Not only history of a record but also which user caused the change and when (I have the username in session). for now I added 4 fields to each table: "created by","created on","cancelled by",cancelled on", when the user create a record the 2 first fields are filled and and a user delete a record the two last fields are filled and the record is not really deleted but it won't be shown again (I'm using "where createdby is null"). this solution is taking the performance down and it does not solve the editing record tracking. creating new records and cancelling old ones for editing/changing solve that but than I m having problems with the primary key and relations to other tables. I tried also to use a table that holds records that descirbes every change in records in my tables. it's very hard to search old data that way. I know that oracle databases has a smart solution for history... please someone advise me.. Elad.
hi , i am working on an application using c#, visual studio 2005, sql server 2005. i have a few tables in sql server 2005. i need to save the history. (i.e) all the inserts, updates, and deleats performed on the tables. can any one suggest me how can i achieve that. should i use triggers and save the changes in another table ??? waiting for your suggestion?? thank you
Hi, I want to know where the history of stored procedures stored, I mean yesterday I created one procedure and today I dropped that procedure and recreate it, I checked in sysobjects table name,crdate it shows only the creation date of the procedure. Where can I find the Modification date or something related to procedure history.
I'm using merge replication between 10 SQL server 7.0 SP2 machines. One central server is the publisher and 9 subscribers. I’ve setup an alert to get a message in case of conflicts. I defined it to trigger everytime the performance counter conflicts/sec rises above 0.
After some experimenting this seems now to work reliable, but there is still one point which bothers me. All conflicts are kept in the conflict history and everytime I get a message through the alert the number of copnflicts stated in the message increases by one. Also if I open view replication conflicts in EM all conflicts can still be viewed even those I manually resolved. I can't even find a way to seen which conflicts are new ones and which have been resolved already. Does anybody know a way how to reset this numbers without going through all the conflict tables.
In SQL 6.5, when a scheduled job failed, you could see the error message in the history. In SQL 7.0, it simply tells you which was the last step to run. Is there a place which will report the actual error message generated by the task?
I have set up a job as sa.After few days I changed the sa password.Now I am not able to view the latest job history since then.It says the last run as 'succeeded',but it is not showing the latest history since the time I changed the password.It still shows the previous history only.Do I need to delete the job and reschedule it? Thanks!
I feel stupid asking this because I have worked with SQL Server 6.0/6.5 for serveral years now, but I can't seem to find the task history in 7.0. When I look at a task, I can tell if each step ran or not, but I am used to seeing error messages upon failure by right-clicking on the task and choosing history.
How do I find this in 7.0? In casual looking for a few days, I've come up empty.
Hi I have a full database backup scheduled at 2AM in the morning everyday and If I see that job status in Sql Server logs current activity , it shows me that database has been backed up at 2AM....But the problem is when I go to jobs and try to do a view job history it doesn't give me the details of the job and I didn't clear the job history..Can anyone tell me the reason why it doesn't show me the job history.
Hi - In order to restore a DB on another system I need to know the exact expansion history of the source DB in order to create/expand the devices on the target system the same way... Is there a way for me to see the history of expansions I did on a DB ?? Tanx, Paul