Logs Getting Full

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all. If we have a long running process for a database and the log
is threatening to hit 100%, whats the best way to resolve it?

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Logs Are Getting Full?

Jul 17, 2014

I am db2 dba and in my environment we have ms sql server db. Sql dba is in leave .

Logs are getting full in below path . Can we remove the logs ? is it archive logs ?

Path : H:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10_50.MSSQLSERVERMSSQLDATA

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Transaction Logs Full

Aug 31, 2001

when i try to delete the records it gives the errror
suggest me how to deal with this problem
Msg 1105, Level 17, State 2
Can't allocate space for object 'Syslogs' in database
'armaster' because the 'logsegment' segment is full. If you ran out of
space in Syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE
or sp_extendsegment to increase the size of the segment.

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Transaction Logs Full

Aug 14, 2006

I am running a website with a SQL Server database attached.My transaction logs are full and my hosting co. won't allocate moredisk space for me.I need to delete my database transaction logs and asume I will need torun an SQL script to do this.Problem: I do not have MS Enterprise Manager of any database utilityon my website apart from MS Access. Where can I download a free SQLtool that I can use to delete the transaction logs from my database.Any help appreciated.ThanksFrancois Terblancheverismall.com

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How Do I Clear Sql 7 Logs They Are Full And I Am Stuck?

Jun 2, 2000

how do I clear sql 7 logs they are full and I am stuck?

thanks you

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Does A Full Backup Include Transaction Logs

Jul 12, 2007

In MS SQL 2005 when you do a Full Backup does it also backup andtruncate the transaction logs or do I need to back the transactionlogs up separately?Thanks.Brian

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In Restorc Can U Apply Logs Thru The Time Of Another Full Backup?

May 8, 2007

We run a disk backup (full) early in the evening, and then another bull backup to tape later at night. We also keep independent backups of the logs.

It seems that any full backup "resets" the ability to apply logs when restoring?

I want to be able to restore a full backup, and apply logs forward possibly more than 1 day, in case a backup is corrupted and not usable. But it seems I can only apply logs up until the time of the next full backup.

Is this true, and is there a way around this?

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SQL 2005 Std And Scheduling Backups To Include Full, Diff., And Trans. Logs

Feb 28, 2008

Regarding backups.
The first available time to do a full backup is at 11:00pm which also applies to diff. backups.
How often does the trans. logs need a back up?

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DB Engine :: Write Logs To Windows Event Logs?

Aug 6, 2015

OS: Windows 2012 Enterprise

SQL Server: 2012 Enterprise

I was wondering if there is any way all SQL Server error log entries could be automatically written to Windows Event Log. 

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SSIS Logs Vs Custom Logs Components

Feb 12, 2007


In my case I have to log the errors raised by any task in a package to either windows event log, text file or SQL server. Also I need to send an email notifications to a group of people telling them about the error.

Now can I use SSIS package logging for logging the errors into the required destinations. I mean right clicking on the package and selecting Logging, then adding the required log providers and enabling the events for logging into those. I think I have to upfront select the log providers to log the error, I will not have the liberty to log the error to the destination, the name of which is passed as a variable to the package. This is okay with me though.

Now what will a custom log provider help me to do in this case. Also can I somehow configure my package to call the send mail task everytime an error is raised.

Also, one more option can be developing a package that only does the error handling. It will take in the paramters or the error codes and descriptions, the destination to write to and a flag to send mail or not for that particular type of error.

What do you think? Kindly advise.

Thanks in advance for your help and time.



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SQL Server Logs (error Logs)

Aug 28, 2001

When looking at SQL Server error logs, I noticed that the current error
log had grown to 1MB whereas most of the files are only a few KB.

QUESTION 1: Can I set the max size for an error log file? If so, how?

QUESTION 2: If not, is there a workaround?


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Full-index Does Not Fully Populate When Doing Start Full Population

Nov 5, 2007

I have sql server 2000. I copied a database from one server to another. I have one table that has a full-text index. When I transferred over the database, the index still existed, but was not populated. I made sure the path for the file is pointing to a new correct location. I did "start full population". It only populated one entry @ 1MB. On the old server the index is 100MB with more than 3 million records.

I tried rebuilding, re-creating, and it all works, but when I run "start full population", it only populates 1 record. I double checked the table in question and it has over 3 million records and proper primary key.

How do I resolve this.

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Logs Are Getting To Big

Aug 4, 1998

the logs on our database keep locking up and return and file size of 0. Does any know of a way to dump the log file. I tried: Dump Transaction log to .... but it did not want to work any ideas.

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No Logs

Jan 26, 2008

I'm running a SQL Server 2005 Express installation.
Now I notice that the SQL Server logs (under Management in Mgmt Studio Express) are
empty - no logs are in there, neither under Current, nor under the "archived".
Do I have to switch on logging explicitly??
(I'm logging on as "sa".)

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Performance And Logs

Aug 27, 2006

Hi,I'm using SQL Server Management Studio Express and I have made a website that uses a database with stored procedures.When running pages in my webpages it cost around 2 seconds to load each page.Thanks too long!! But where is the problem???I like to see a list of all executed stored procedures with there execute time (for each page).In this way I can check if the problem is here.How can I get a logfile like this?Thanks!

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Transaction Logs

Apr 24, 2002

What is the best way to clear the transaction logs. My backup job each night is ending because it says it is running out of disk space and I need to clear up the transaction logs. Any help is appreciated. I see many different options (trucate option, auto shrink, etc.), just need some assistance tosome more specific best approaches. Thanks

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Please Help....backing Up Trn Logs

Aug 26, 2002


I have August22 full backup and August22 and August23 transactions log backups . I want to get the August23 and August23 full backup. So I performed a restore backup with August22 full backup and all the August22 trn backups. Then I backed up giving it August23 name and repeated the process with the August23 trn backups. But, I get an error saying that the transactions haven't been rolled foward far enough. But, I am not missing any trns! I will really be grateful if anyone would help.

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Transaction Logs

Aug 13, 2001

Im having issues truncating my transaction logs. I have logs in excess of 40 gigs. All the info in the BOL is very vague. Any assistance would be apreciated.


SeTi Ni

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Transaction Logs

Jun 22, 2000

When we backup the transaction log,will it truncate the log or it will grow from there?Truncate log on check point is desabled.

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Alert When Sa Logs In

Sep 19, 2000

Currently, my client is allowing all the developers to log in as sa and most servers have a NULL sa password. Not a good idea. I am recommending them to move to integrated security with NT groups and to move away from using the sa login altogether. Then to secure the sa login, actually give it a password (something cryptic). I also wanted to set up an alert whenever someone logs in using the sa password. How can that be accomplished? A trigger on the sysprocesses table would work but seems a little risky.

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DTS Error Logs.

Mar 9, 2000

I am currently trying to export from SQL to notes via NotesSQL.I have set up the necessary ODBC data sources & DTS job. I am encountering errors when I attempt to execute the DTS package . I.e "job failed"
- How do I drill down to aquire more detailed error logging on the package to find out exactly what's wrong with DTS?



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Backup And Logs

May 1, 2000

I've truncated and shrunk the database and now, it says that the size of the db is 14 mb and 8mb is free. However, on the file system, the mdb and
ldb files together adds up to 14 mb. How can I free up the 8 mb for other usage?


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SQL Server Logs

Jan 3, 2001

In Enterprise Manager, Management and then SQL Server Logs, when I clicked on Current or Archive#1 or 2 etc, nothing happens. This has been going on for the past 3 weeks does any one knows what is causing such problems?

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Error Logs

Oct 3, 2000

When I'm in EM, there is one log that when I click on it to view it hangs my EM. All other logs (current and others) I can click and view just fine. I'm on my way out to the server to see the log in the file directory but what could cause this?


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Transaction Logs

Aug 30, 2000

to take the transaction log back up regularly I should have truncate log on check point false. If I do so then how will I truncate the log.

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Disable Logs

Aug 28, 2000

Is there a way to disable logging ?
I'm about to split a 1000000 rows table into three other tables , and would prefere not to log this action ...
Does anyone know how to do it in a SQL 7.0 statement ?

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Transaction Logs

Aug 20, 1998

I am trying to import records via bcp (about 1,500,000 records) and I keep running out of disk space. Is there any way to limit or do away with the transaction log (and still be able to import)?

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SQL Error Logs

Apr 18, 2000

Is there another way to restart the SQL Error Log without shutting down and restarting the MSSQLserver service?

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Help On Backup Of Logs

Feb 21, 2001

Help on Backup of Logs
I get the following errors when I am trying to backup log every 15 minutes. It fails only during the peak hours.Does anyone have any ideas why it happens.

Cannot allow BACKUP LOG because file 'XX_data' has been subjected to nonlogged updates and cannot be rolled forward. Perform a full database, or differential database, backup. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 4213) Backup or restore operation terminating abnormally. [SQLSTATE 4200

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What Is The Best Way To Truncate The Logs

Dec 24, 2002

I want to have the Transaction logs truncate on checkpoint what is the best way to do this, I take a complete backup everynight of the database. Wouldnt this set a checkpoint and clear the logs? If so it doesn't do that for me.

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Transaction Logs Help!!!!!!!!!

Dec 14, 1999

how do i decrease the transaction log example 500mb to 100mb, can you help me with the syntax pls!!

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Transaction Logs

Sep 2, 2004

I need to move transaction logs to a different drive and am looking for a way to do it without detaching the db.

Can I create a second transaction log file for the DB and then delete the original log file?

What is the best way to do this for db's that are being replicated?

Ken Nicholson

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Shrinking Logs When Still In-use

Apr 15, 2005

Hi, my log has grown out of proportion after performing an indexdefrag in bulk-logged mode!
Now I cant shrink the damn thing coz I have forgotton how to shrink it when the logical log files are still in use.

Can somebody enlighten me please. thankyou.

error msg: "
Cannot shrink log file 2 (MyDatabase_Log) because all logical log files are in use."

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