Loop For Insert Into

Jun 3, 2006

I have 10 tables (T1Orj,T2Orj,€¦T10Orj) and I need to find modified rows from each table and insert them to T1Bak, T2Bak, €¦T10Bak. Although original and bak tables have the common fields , the original tables have more fields than bak tables, and T1Orj, T2Orj, €¦ T10Orj tables have different table structures.
I can go head and write a insert into query for each table, I am just wondering Is there any way I can do this in a loop for all tables?

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Doing An Insert In A ForEach Loop

Feb 27, 2008

Help with Looping in a SSIS Package
We have a web app that lets our existing clients insert new locations into a table (Clients) in a SQL Server DB. This table has an Identity column as the PK. This table also has another ID field HBID that is the PK for another table (HLocation) in another Database system (Sybase). The HBID field is given a Default value of €˜1€™ during an insert operation in our (SQL Server) table, Clients. The Sybase database uses a Sequence table for inserting a PK into the table. Whenever our clients insert a new record in Clients (SQL Server), I need to generate a new HBID from the Sequence table in (Sybase), update the HBID in the Clients table (SQL Server) and then finally insert the record with the new HBID into table HLocation (Sybase).
I have devised a SSIS package for this as following: Note all variables are scoped at the Package Level.
Execute SQL Task #1 that drives a For Each Loop with the following properties:
Connection Type: OLE DB
Connection: SQL Server DB
SQL SourceType: Direct Input
SELECT COID, HBID, Name, DateCreated
FROM Client

ResultSet: = Full Resultset

Result Set:
Result Name = 0
VariableName = USER::rsClient Variable Type = Object

ForEachLoop with the follwing properties:

Foreach ADO Enumerator
ADO Object Source Variable = USER::rsClient
Enumeration Mode = Rows in first table
Variable Mappings:
Variable: Index:
Name 2
DateCreated 3

Inside of the ForEachLoop I have another Execute SQL Task to generate a new HBID from Sybase set up as following.

Execute SQL Task #2

Connection Type: OLE DB
Connection: Sybase
SQL SourceType: Direct Input

ResultSet = SingleRow

Result Set:
Result Name = NewHBID
VariableName = USER::NewHBID, VariableType = Int32

Also Inside the ForEachLoop is a Script Task that has all of my variables as ReadWrite = COID, HBID, Name, DateCreated and NewHBID. I concatenate the values in a string a pass the string into a Message Box to make sure they are looping correctly and they are.For example the results might look like the following:

12698, 1, John Doe Trucking, 10/1/2007, 14550
13974, 1, Joe Smith Trucking, 10/1/2007, 14551
10542, 1, Dave Jones Trucking, 10/1/2007, 14552

The values 14550 -14552 are the new HBID being generated in the loop.

The problem is that when I try to Update the HBID in the Client table (SQL Server) with another Execute SQL Task I keep getting the same NewHBID number.
In this case 14550 would be updated for every record instead of the next number in the loop.

I have set up Execute SQL Task #3 as follows:

Connection Type: OLE DB
Connection: SQL Server DB
SQL SourceType: Direct Input
WHERE HBID = '1'(SELECT COID, HBID, Name, DateCreated FROM Client)

ResultSet: = Full ResultSet

Result Set:
Result Name = 0
VariableName = USER::rsNewClient, VariableType = Object

Parameter Mapping:
VariableName USER::NewHBID, Direction = INPUT, DataType = Long
ParameterName = 0

I€™ve tried putting Execute SQL Task #3 inside of the ForEachLoop, connecting it to the output of the ForEachLoop. I€™ve tried setting up a dataflow with a Derived Column using the USER::NewHBID as the Expression.

I still get the same results, 14550 added to every row.

Can any one help or shed some light?

Any and all suggestion will be deeply appreciated!

Thanks !!!

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Insert Records Loop For Dates?

Aug 27, 2012

I have a table with employee references and a startdate.

I want to insert into a new table an entry for each employee for each date since their startdate to today.





What I require is


empref, Date

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Loop For INSERT ? [ Fast Reply Please ]

Jun 23, 2008

Hi everyone
I want to know if it's possible to do a for/while-loop so i can use INSERT

I've this int [] test = new test[140];
But i need to insert for every value (140) a number
so normally it would be :
INSERT ... (case1, case2, case3 ...) value (test[1],test[2],test[3] ...)
But isn't there a way to it with a loop?
SOmething Like this ?

for( int i = 0 , i< 140, i++) {
INSERT case[i] value test[i]

Thanks in advance


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Insert Into Table Inside For Loop

Feb 6, 2015

I wanted to insert values in columns as explained in below ex.

I am having a table that contains Column1,Column2,Column3,......,Column10.

Inside my for loop, i am getting Column1 value then Column2 then Column3 values and so on till Column10.

My requirement is that on each iteration,I wanted to insert value of Column1 in field Column1, value of Column2 in field Column2 and so on.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Loop To Insert 0s Into Table

Oct 22, 2015

I have a problem where I want to create a loop in my script to insert 0's into my table.

I have a temp table with a list of company codes.


This produces the following;

00X (there are 110 of these codes)

I want to insert data into a different table in the following format.

| CODE | Month | Value | Measure |
| 00C | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |
| 00D | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |
| 00K | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |
| 00M | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |
| 00Q | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |
| 00T | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |
| 00V | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |
| 00X | 01/09/2015 | 0 | HAR-01 |

The month will be set from a declared variable and the others will just be hard coded.

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How To Use For Each Loop To Read One Record And Insert The Same Into Destination

Jul 27, 2007


My procedure to implement a task is like this

I will be using execute SQL task to fetch the records from source,after this wanna use For each loop to access each record one at a time,perform some trnsformations and insert that record into destination.

Help me in accessing the data stored in the Variable(SQL task) in Dataflow task of foreach loop.

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Loop,file Exists And Insert To Table...

May 20, 2008


Here is the steps I should take...
1- Check for the log table and find run status ( there is a date field which tells the day run)
2- Lets say last day was 2008-05-15, So I have to check A1.DDDDMMYYY file exists in the folder for each
day like A1.20080516,A1.20080517 and A1.20060518 ( until today)
3- if A1.20080516 text file exist then I have to move it to the table and same thing for other dates
like if A1.20080517 exists I have to load it to table and so on

it looks like for each loop, first I have to get the last date and then I have to check the file exists for each date and
if the date file exists then I have to load it into table...

Please tell me How can I do it. it looks complex looping...


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SSIS - For Each Loop With Insert In Execute Task Failing

Oct 19, 2015

I have ForEach Loop using Foreach File Enumerator. Within this loop I have SQL Task containing an Insert statement. When I run the Insert statement in query builder the transaction inserts data into a table as expected.

However, when actually running the process I am getting the error message:

Executing the query "INSERT INTO dbo.TEST_TABLE
..." failed with the following error: "Value does not fall within the expected range.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

I currently have the ResultSet to "None" and have defined the parameter I am using. Where the process seems to joke is on my file_Name variable will I am trying to insert only part of the file name.

My insert statement looks as follows:

(IID, AN8, File_Type, IB_OB, File_Name, Processed_Flag, ReceiptDateTime)
RIGHT(LEFT(?, LEN(?) - 4), LEN(?) - 24),

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Insert Failure While Using ForEach Loop + Execute SQL Task.

Sep 10, 2007

Hello All

I was trying to insert some row from one table to another of different database.
I was using Execute SQL task along with Foreach loop container.

In my execute SQL task I am using this query


INSERT INTO dbo.Table1

SELECT * FROM DB2.dbo.Table2
WHERE TableKey = ?

When executed I get this error:
failed with the following error: "Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

While the same query when executed in Management Studio Its successful.

The properties I set

For Each Loop Editor Settings:
1) Collection: a) Enumerator Set to ForEach ADO Enumerator
b) ADO Object Source Variable: User:bjectVariablename
c) Checked Rows in the first table
2) Variable Mapping: New Int Variable2 and Index = 0 to set it to first colunm.
3) Expression: Left blank

Execute SQL Task Editor:
1) General: a) Timeout : 0
b) CodePage: 1252
c) Result Set: None
d) SQLSourceType: Directinput
e) SQL Statement: SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.Table1 ON INSERT INTO dbo.Table1 SELECT * FROM DB2.dbo.Table2 WHERE TableKey = ?
f) BypassPrepare: False
2)Parameter Mapping: Variable Name : New Integer variable2 selected
Direction: Input
DataType: Long
ParameterName: 0

Can somebody help me in this regards.

a) http://www.whiteknighttechnology.com/cs/blogs/brian_knight/archive/2006/03/03/126.aspx

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Problem With Bulk Insert Task In Foreach Loop

Dec 18, 2007

Hi Guys
The problem is...
When i try to bulk insert a single file its working fine. When i want to loop a set of files in a folder and use Foreach Loop and BulkInsert Task...its failing..

In the flat file connection When i specify usage type as existing file...its loading the same file "n" number of times where n is the number of files in the folder.

When i select usage type as existing folder i get error " Cannot bulk load because the file "....folder" could not be opened. Can someone help me out with this?
I have sql 2005 as as separate instance...beside my 2000 which is default


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Transact SQL :: Single Records - Loop To Only Insert Sum Total Of Each Day

Apr 22, 2015

I have the following query:


Declare @StartDt date = '2015-03-15'
Declare @EndDt date = DATEADD(M, 1, @StartDt)
declare @Days int = DATEDIFF(d, @StartDt, @EndDt)
declare @TBLSales as table(SaleDate date, Value money)
DECLARE @Today date
declare @TBLSalesCounts as table( StatusDesc varchar(100), Value money)

[Code] ....

I end up with the following result :

How would I alter my while loop to only insert the sum total of each day, instead of creating duplicates for each day.


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Inserting Multiple Records Using A @start And @count With One INSERT (and No Loop)

Aug 22, 2007

Is there a way to insert multiple records into a database table when you're just given "count" of the number of rows you want? I want to do this in ONE insert statment, so I don't want a solution that loops round doing 100 inserts - that would be too inefficient.

For example, suppose I want to create 100 card records starting it card number '1234000012340000'. Something like this ...

declare @card_start dec(16)
set @card_start = '1234000012340000'
declare @card_count int
set @card_count = 100

drop table card_table

create table card_table (
card_number dec(16),
activated char default 'N'

insert into card_table
... ???? ....

But WITHOUT using a while-loop (or any other kind of loop). I'm looking for fast and efficient code! Thanks.

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Bulk Insert In Foreach Loop Not Setting Source ConnectionString

Feb 22, 2008

Hello all,

I am running into an issue that seems to be collaborated here: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=188886&SiteID=1.

To summarize, I have a Foreach Loop that uses a Foreach File Enumerator. The loop writes the file names to a variable which is used in the Expressions property for a flat file's ConnectionString. The flat file is used as a source destination in a Bulk Insert Task that is inside the Foreach Loop. The flat file's connection string is not picking up the file name, resulting in this error: "The specified connection "test.txt" is either not valid, or points to an invalid object. To continue, specify a valid connection."

It doesn't work for a file connection manager or a flat file connection manager.

It does work if I replace the Bulk Insert Task with a Data Flow (flat file source -> ole db destination). It also works if I set the file's connection string manually in a script task.

It looks to me as though the Bulk Insert isn't calling whatever method in the connection manager that reevaluates the property expression. Am I missing something or is this a bug? I looked at the connect site, but couldn't find this particular scenario.

Thanks for any insight you might provide!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Compare Data / Loop Through Dates And Insert Into Table

Sep 21, 2015

I have three tables:


As per below

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PaymentsLog](

[Code] ....

Is there a way to look at the DatePeriod table and use the StartDtae and EndDate as the periods to be used in the select statement and then cursor through each date between these two dates and then insert the data in to the PaymentsLog table?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Difference Between FOR LOOP And FOREACH LOOP?

May 28, 2010

difference between FOR LOOP and FOREACH LOOP with example(if possible) in SSIS.

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Loop Though Table Using RowID, Not Cursor (was Loop)

Feb 22, 2006

I have a table with RowID(identity). I need to loop though the table using RowID(not using a cursor). Please help me.

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Foreach Loop Doesn't Loop

Mar 3, 2006

I have a foreach loop that is supposed to loop through a recordset, however it doesn't loop. It just repeats the same row, row after row.

I would like to look into the recordset variable but I can't because it is a COM object and the ADODB namespace is not available in the script task.

Any solution to this? anyone experienced anything similar

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Fishing For A Clue. To Loop Or Not To Loop

Jul 8, 2006

I have a table called Tbltimes in an access database that consists of the following fields:

empnum, empname, Tin, Tout, Thrs

what I would like to do is populate a grid view the a select statement that does the following.

display each empname and empnum in a gridview returning only unique values. this part is easy enough. in addition to these values i would also like to count up all the Thrs for each empname and display that sum in the gridview as well. Below is a little better picture of what I€™m trying to accomplish.


|empnum | empname | Tin | Tout | Thrs |

| 1 | john | 2:00PM | 3:00PM |1hr |

| 1 | john | 2:00PM | 3:00PM | 1hr |

| 2 | joe | 1:00PM | 6:00PM | 5hr |


| 1 | John | 2hrs |

| 2 | Joe | 5hrs |

im using VWD 2005 for this project and im at a loss as to how to accomplish these results. if someone could just point me in the right direction i could find some material and do the reading.

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ForEach Loop Or For Loop??

Feb 23, 2006

I have source and destination table names in the database(one table) and I need to read the source and destination tables one by one...

My Lookp table is like the following...

Srn srctable desttable




Now I want one package to load from source to destination.. how do I do it.. I dont know how to use....

How do I run the pacakge for each of the rows... ..............................

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Insert :) I Have Different Insert Code Lines (2 Insert Codelines) Which One Best ?

Jun 4, 2008

hello friends
my one insert code lines is below :) what does int32 mean ? AND WHAT IS DIFFERENT BETWEEN ONE CODE LINES AND SECOND CODE LINES :)Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ConnectionString)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("Insert into table1 (UserId) VALUES (@UserId)", conn)
'you should use sproc instead
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserId", textbox1.text)
'your value
conn.Open()Dim rows As Int32 = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()
conn.Close()Trace.Write(String.Format("You have {0} rows inserted successfully!", rows.ToString()))
Catch sex As SqlExceptionThrow sex
If conn.State <> Data.ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
End Try
MY SECOND INSERT CODE LINES IS BELOWDim SglDataSource2, yeni As New SqlDataSource()
SglDataSource2.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ToString
SglDataSource2.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text
SglDataSource2.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO urunlistesi2 (kategori1) VALUES (@kategori1)"
SglDataSource2.InsertParameters.Add("kategori1", kategoril1.Text)Dim rowsaffected As Integer = 0
rowsaffected = SglDataSource2.Insert()Catch ex As Exception
SglDataSource2 = Nothing
End Try
If rowsaffected <> 1 ThenServer.Transfer("yardim.aspx")
End If

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How Do You LOOP In T-SQL?

Aug 20, 2007

I used to loop through recordsets with ease in old classic .asp pages.
Please Help me understand how Professionals now loop through and update tables using JUST SQL Query Analyzer using my pseudo-code provided below.
I would love to learn how to do it to better develop my skills.
 SELECT * FROM zz_2007_Booth_Visitors
WHERE COALESCE ([Product Interest - Other Actuator],
[Product Interest - Chillers],
[Product Interest - Other Chiller],
[Product Interest - Electronic Products],
[Product Interest - Other network interfaces],
[Product Interest - Fittings],
[Product Interest - High Vacuum],
[Product Interest - Other high vacuum actuators],
[Product Interest - Pick& Place and Transfer],
[Product Interest - Teflon Products],
[Product Interest - Training],
[Product Interest - Valves& Manifolds],
[Product Interest - Actuators]) Is Not Null
Order BY [Contact Name]

IF [Product Interest - Actuators] IS NOT NULL THEN
UPDATE Booth_Visitors_Data Set Act_Phuematic = 1 Where [Contact Name] = [Contact Name]

IF [Product Interest - Other Actuator] IS NOT NULL THEN
UPDATE Booth_Visitors_Data Set Act_Electric = 1 Where [Contact Name] = [Contact Name]

IF [Product Interest - Other Chillers] IS NOT NULL THEN
UPDATE Booth_Visitors_Data Set Chiller = 1 Where [Contact Name] = [Contact Name]

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For Loop

Jan 12, 2008

Dear All.
 Have a nice day.
I have db table, I need to update all fields of table.
Please can you write code," for loop " how can update all fields of my table by loop.

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While Loop

Mar 3, 2008

Hello everyone,I've got this While loop here which is giving me a problem:WHILE (SELECT ProductId FROM _ShoppingCart WHERE CartId = @CartId) IS NOT NULLBEGIN            DECLARE @ProdId int, @ProdSize varchar, @ProdQuan int            SELECT @ProdId = ProductId, @ProdSize = ProductSize, @ProdQuan = Quantity FROM _ShoppingCart WHERE CartId = @CartId                                   If @ProdSize = 'XL'            BEGIN                UPDATE                    _ProductBatches                SET                    XL = '0'                WHERE                    ProductId = @ProdId            END            DELETE FROM _ShoppingCart WHERE ProductId = @ProdId AND CartId = @CartIdEND The problem is that the IF statement isn't being executed. And I know for a fact that 'XL' is ProductSize in my _ShoppingCart database. Whats even stranger is that my delete statement is being executed. So @ProdId is Being set correctly, but when it gets to the IF @ProdSize = 'XL' it doesn't get executed for some reason. If @ProdId is being recognized correctly in my DELETE statement, why is my @ProdSize not being reconized correctly in my IF statement. I checked my _ShoppingCart database, and my ProductSize is definitely 'XL'. Can any one see what could be going on here.  Thank you, Alec 

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More Of This While Loop

Mar 4, 2008

Hello everyone...... I'm trying to do the following but am having issues:WHILE (SELECT ProductId FROM _ShoppingCart WHERE CartId = @CartId) IS NOT NULLBEGIN        execute code with item......... erase itemEND      In the while loop I want to execute code from each item in my _ShoppingCart and then erase them until there are no more items. However the above code gives me the error: "Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted........" It works fine when there is only one item. Does any one know what format to use when dealing with more that one entry?  Thank you, Alec 

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For Next Loop

Sep 21, 2000

I am trying to find a way of using a loop that won't be an endless loop because I have to insert parts of a string until the string reaches the end. I am unable to make the loop get to a point where the statement is false.

Is there anyway I can find out the length of the string so that I can tell the statement to loop while the statement is true?


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For Loop

Jan 26, 2004

HeaderLoop: for forHeader as curHeader dynamic scroll cursor for
select lngALSHeadrID from "DBA".ALSHEADR where lngFedTaxID>0 do
set AcctNum=lngALSHeadrID;
exec "DBA".sp_ALSHeadr2Policy(AcctNum);
set Cntr=Cntr+1
end for;

The above is the sybase version of a 'for loop' . The query
select lngALSHeadrID from "DBA".ALSHEADR where lngFedTaxID>0 results in 1000 results.
How do I change that in SQL?? Do we have a for loop ??
I checked in BOL but it is confusing with "browse" etc n some other options.

can I write like this?

for { Browse { declare curHeader dynamic cursor for
select lngALSHeadrID from "DBA".ALSHEADR where lngFedTaxID>0 }
set @AcctNum=lngALSHeadrID;
exec "DBA".sp_ALSHeadr2Policy(@AcctNum);
set @Cntr=@Cntr+1

I duno its just my guess, can any one help me out. @Cntr and @Acctnum are declared
in the beginnning.


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Loop Help

Apr 11, 2008

I get the following results on a view.

Job | Qty | Desc
06-182 | 1 | B1011
06-324 | 2 | A1102
99-999 | 4 | AB839

What I would like is the following.

Job | Qty | Desc
06-182 | 1 | B1011
06-324 | 1 | A1102
06-324 | 1 | A1102
99-999 | 1 | AB839
99-999 | 1 | AB839
99-999 | 1 | AB839
99-999 | 1 | AB839

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Loop Won't End.

Apr 18, 2008

I have a loop is running with no end point. What I'm trying to do is get the Grand total of each row where BudgetNodeID = 120. Your help is much appreciated.


Set NoCount on
Declare @Amt as bigint
Declare @Cont as bigint
Declare @Mark as Bigint
Declare @Total as bigint
Declare @BudgetNodeID as Bigint
Declare @GTotal as bigint
Set @BudgetNodeID ='120'
Set @Amt = 0
set @Cont = 0
set @Mark = 0
set @GTotal = 0

While exists (Select * from xBudgetNodeCosts where BudgetNodeID =@BudgetNodeID) Begin
select @Amt = IsNull(xBudgetNodeCosts.Qty,0) * IsNull(xBudgetNodeCosts.CostRate,0)
xBudget ON xBudgetNode.BudgetID = xBudget.BudgetID INNER JOIN
xBudgetNodeCosts ON xBudgetNode.BudgetNodeID = xBudgetNodeCosts.BudgetNodeID left JOIN
xProposalChanges pc on xbudgetnodecosts.ProposalChangeID = pc.ProposalChangeID
WHERE (xBudgetNodeCosts.BudgetNodeID = @BudgetNodeID) AND (xBudget.IsActive = '1') AND (xbudgetnodecosts.ProposalChangeID IS NULL OR

select @Cont = @Amt * (xBudgetNodeCosts.Contingency/100)
xBudget ON xBudgetNode.BudgetID = xBudget.BudgetID INNER JOIN
xBudgetNodeCosts ON xBudgetNode.BudgetNodeID = xBudgetNodeCosts.BudgetNodeID left JOIN
xProposalChanges pc on xbudgetnodecosts.ProposalChangeID = pc.ProposalChangeID
WHERE (xBudgetNodeCosts.BudgetNodeID = @BudgetNodeID ) AND (xBudget.IsActive = '1') AND (xbudgetnodecosts.ProposalChangeID IS NULL OR
select @Mark = @Cont * (xBudgetNodeCosts.Markup/100)
xBudget ON xBudgetNode.BudgetID = xBudget.BudgetID INNER JOIN
xBudgetNodeCosts ON xBudgetNode.BudgetNodeID = xBudgetNodeCosts.BudgetNodeID left JOIN
xProposalChanges pc on xbudgetnodecosts.ProposalChangeID = pc.ProposalChangeID
WHERE (xBudgetNodeCosts.BudgetNodeID = @BudgetNodeID) AND (xBudget.IsActive = '1') AND (xbudgetnodecosts.ProposalChangeID IS NULL OR
-- compute the sell

select @Total = @Amt + @Cont + @Mark

-- add to grand total
Select @GTotal = Sum(@Total+ @GTotal)

select @GTOtal

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Jun 17, 2008


I want to loop this command with a pause. It must run every 30 min to refresh my query. Can anyone assist me.

select * from BULKPICKXLOC


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For To Next Or Do While Loop In SP

Apr 11, 2006

Exist a funtion that I can use in a SP that do something like the for to next or Do while Loop do?

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While Loop

Jan 30, 2007

I need to keep the first 4 values above 80 or the first 2 values above 90. If there are not enough, I need to keep as many values as possible. Should this be done with a while loop, if so, how would it be done.

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Mar 13, 2007

i have this SP to tally up my inventory tables.. im finding a way to loop through my table tblitemdetail to get necessary parameter to be insert into my other SP (SP_StkAdj_tbl_alignmt) that should accept this params (from the itemdetail) :-
@ItemID ='',
@CustomLotNo ='',
@StockID ='0950-4388',
@RecvOwn ='OWN',
@ConsignorID ='JAB1MY'
EG:i will GROUP BY my itemdetail so it will give me the x records of data with :-

SELECT ItemID, CustomLotNo, Ownership, ConsignorID, RecvUDF1, RecvUDF2, RecvUDF3, ownerstatus
FROM tblItemDetail
GROUP BY ItemID, CustomLotNo, Ownership, ConsignorID, RecvUDF1, RecvUDF2, RecvUDF3,ownerstatus

with the result then, i need to insert the param into the SP:SP_StkAdj_tbl_alignmt so that it perform the calculation.

so i guess this will need some looping from the result set i get from the group by and some Sp calling from main Sp

~~~Focus on problem, not solution~~~

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