Low Cost Method To Check Database Before Inserting Data
Jul 23, 2005
I developed a console application that will continually check a message
queue to watch for any incoming data that needs to be inserted into MS
SQL database.
What would be a low-cost method I could use inside this console
application to make sure the MS SQL database is operational before I
perform the insert?
I can't see what is going on, this is the situation:
I call the Pull method, specify the table to be affected, the query to be used, the connection string to the remote SQL server, the tracking options (On) and the Error table. The pull method executes with no errors however, no table is ever created. I don't know why, here's what I have done so far:
I read the SQL BOOKS ONLINE help on preparing RDA, I set up the IIS virtual directory for anonymous access and on the connection string I send in the user name and password for the SQL server, I went into the SQL Server and grated access to the user name to the database that I am going to access and I made the user a db_owner.
So, according to SQL BOOKS ONLINE I have everything right however, it won't populate, so right now I am open to suggestions on how to get this to work, heres the code: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ string rdaOleDbConnectString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=<Server>;Initial Catalog=<DB>; User Id=<User>;Password=<Password>"; (it's not exactly like this, but in it has the proper values) string connectionString = "Data Source="\Program Files\client\db\MobileDB.sdf"";
SqlCeRemoteDataAccess rda = new SqlCeRemoteDataAccess("", connectionString);
IList _tableNames = new ArrayList(); IList _queries = new ArrayList();
############ Code that prepares tables and queries ############
Hi, it is few days I posted here my question, but received no answer. Maybe the problem is just my problem, maybe I put my question some strange way. OK, I try to put it again, more simply. I have few textboxes, their values I need to transport to database. I set SqlDataSource, parameters... and used SqlDataSource.Insert() method. I got NULL values in the database's record. So I tried find problem by using Microsoft's sample code from address http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.ui.webcontrols.sqldatasource.insert.aspx. After some changes I tried that code and everything went well, data were put into database. Next step was to separate code beside and structure of page to two separate files followed by new test. Good again, data were delivered to database. Next step: to use MasterPage, very simple, just with one ContentPlaceHolder. After this step the program stoped to deliver data to database and delivers only NULLs to new record. It is exactly the same problem which I have found in my application. The functionless code is here:http://forums.asp.net/thread/1437716.aspx I cannot find any answer this problem on forums worldwide. I cannot believe it is only my problem. I compared html code of two generated pages - with maserPage and without. There are differentions in code in ids' of input fields generated by NET.Framework:Without masterpage:<input name="NazevBox" type="text" id="NazevBox" /><span id="RequiredFieldValidator1" style='color:Red;visibility:hidden;'>Please enter a company name.</span><p><input name="CodeBox" type="text" id="CodeBox" /><span id="RequiredFieldValidator2" style='color:Red;visibility:hidden;'>Please enter a phone number.</span><p><input type="submit" name="Button1" value="Insert New Shipper" onclick="javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("Button1", "", true, "", "", false, false))" id="Button1" /> With masterpage:<input name="ctl00$Obsah$NazevBox" type="text" id="ctl00_Obsah_NazevBox" /><span id="ctl00_Obsah_RequiredFieldValidator1" style='color:Red;visibility:hidden;'>Please enter a company name.</span><p><input name="ctl00$Obsah$CodeBox" type="text" id="ctl00_Obsah_CodeBox" /><span id="ctl00_Obsah_RequiredFieldValidator2" style='color:Red;visibility:hidden;'>Please enter a phone number.</span><p><input type="submit" name="ctl00$Obsah$Button1" value="Insert New Shipper" onclick="javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("ctl00$Obsah$Button1", "", true, "", "", false, false))" id="ctl00_Obsah_Button1" />In second case ids' of input fields have different names, but I hope it is inner business of NET.Framework.There must be something I haven't noticed, maybe NET's bug, maybe my own. Thanks for any suggestion.
Hi Friends, I am Ravi, I need a help. My case is like.. i need to upload data from csv file into sql server 2005 data table. but before that I need to check integrity of data for example: let us say csv data is like ISD CODE,STATE,NAME,QUALIFICATION 91,AP,KIRAN,MCA 01,MC,MIKE,MS
here i have to check that, wether there is an entry in ISD codes table for 91 and 01 (india and us) similarly AP , MC (Andhra Pradesh and MISSICippi) please suggest me a nice approach, no of records in ISD codes and States will 350-450 records.
I need to build TSQL query to return the Last unit Cost from my table of movement of goods SL (on CTE) but the MAX(Datalc) must be Less or Equal to my HeaderInvoice.
This is my script:
With MaxDates as ( SELECT ref, MAX(epcpond)[Unitcostprice], MAX(datalc) MaxDate FROM sl
the problem I have right now is that the Unitcostprice of my table of goods movements has a top date greather than the date of my bill.
invoice date : 29.01.2015 unitcost on invoice line = 13,599722 Maxdate (CTE) : 19.03.2015 unitCost from my table of movement of goods = 14,075
That ´s not correct because the MAxdates > invoice date and the unitCost of 14,075 is the cost on 19.03.2015 and not just before my invoice date.
I right in thinking that if the estimated subtree cost is higher than the cost threshold for parallelism then it will use a parallel plan? If so, I've read the cost threshold is measured in minutes but is the subtree cost measured in something else, the mysterious cost number? And if so, how are the two compared?
All -- Please help. I need to know how to check old-value VS new-value for a Linq-To-SQL OnValidate Extensibility Method. Below is some sample code that shows, more-or-less, what I am trying to do.public partial class MyObject{ #region Extensions
partial void OnValidate(System.Data.Linq.ChangeAction action) { if (action == System.Data.Linq.ChangeAction.Update) { if ((Ssn_Value_Old) == (Ssn_Value_New)) { //Continue. The new-value is the same as the old-value; so, do not bother checking for existence. } else { if (this.IsExistingSsn(Ssn_Value_New)) { throw new System.ApplicationException("The input is not valid. The new-value for the SSN is already existing."); } else { //Continue. The new-ssn does not already exist. } } } else { //Continue. This is not an update operation. } }
#endregion //Extensions}
Do you know how to do this without a separate lookup? Please advise. Thank you. -- Mark Kamoski
Hello friends.... I am looking for 2 things(using c#.net or vb.net and sql svr 2000) 1.convert data from sql server 2000 database (say customers table from northwinds database) to a text file(separated by commas or just plain space) 2.Insert the data from text file back to database. Can someone pls give me the detailed code to achieve this....really need this on urgent basis.......Thank You.
Hi iam working with the form which has fields like AuditName,Industry Name,Company Name,Plant Name,Group Name,AuditStartedOn,Auditperiod upto,CreatedOn,createdby I have dropdownlists for Industry Name,Company Name,Plant Name,Group Name.Data will be filled into Industry Name,Group Name when pageloads from the database and later depending on industryname company name and depending on company name plant name ddl's wiil be filled. Later to insert this into the Audit table i had given the Stored procedure as : create procedure CreateAudit ( @AuditName nvarchar(50), @IndustryName nvarchar(50), @IndustryID int output, @CompanyName nvarchar(50), @CompanyID int output, @PlantName nvarchar(50), @PlantID int output, @GroupName nvarchar(50), @GroupID int output, @AuditStartedOn datetime, @AuditScheduledto datetime, @CreatedOn datetime, @CreatedBy int ) as begin //Here iam getting the Id of the industryname selected in the ddl from industry table into an output parameter @IndustryID select @IndustryID=Ind_Id_PK from Industry where Industry_Name=@IndustryName //Here iam getting the Id of the companyname selected in the ddl from company table into an output parameter @CompanyID select @CompanyID=Cmp_ID_PK from Company where Company_Name=@CompanyName //Here iam getting the Id of the plantname selected in the ddl from plant table into an output parameter @PlantID select @PlantID=Pl_ID_PK from Plant where Plant_Name=@PlantName //Here iam getting the Id of the Groupname selected in the ddl from Group table into an output parameter @GroupID select @GroupID=G_ID_PK from Groups where Groups_Name=@GroupName Insert into Audits(Audit_Name,Audit_Industry,Audit_Company,Audit_Plant,Audit_Group,Audit_Started_On,Audit_Scheduledto,Audit_Created_On,Audit_Created_By)values(@AuditName,@IndustryID,@CompanyID,@PlantID,@GroupID,@AuditStartedOn,@AuditScheduledto,@CreatedOn,@CreatedBy) end Later called these parameters into class file:
namespace xyz{ public class clsCreateAudit {SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["constr"]); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();public clsCreateAudit() { con.Open(); }public void CreateAudit(string Audit_Name, int Audit_Industry, int Audit_Company, int Audit_Plant, int Audit_Group, DateTime Audit_Started_On, DateTime Audit_Scheduledto, DateTime Audit_Created_On, string Audit_Created_By) { cmd.Connection = con;cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandText = "CreateAudit"; SqlParameter AuditName = new SqlParameter();AuditName.ParameterName = "@AuditName";AuditName.DbType = DbType.String; AuditName.Value = Audit_Name;AuditName.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.Add(AuditName); SqlParameter AuditIndustry = new SqlParameter();AuditIndustry.ParameterName = "@IndustryName";AuditIndustry.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; AuditIndustry.Value = Audit_Industry;AuditIndustry.DbType = DbType.String; cmd.Parameters.Add(AuditIndustry); SqlParameter IndustryID = new SqlParameter();IndustryID.ParameterName = "@IndustryID"; IndustryID.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;IndustryID.DbType = DbType.Int32; //IndustryID.Size = 100; cmd.Parameters.Add(IndustryID);SqlParameter AuditCompany = new SqlParameter(); AuditCompany.ParameterName = "@CompanyName";AuditCompany.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; AuditCompany.Value = Audit_Company;AuditCompany.DbType = DbType.String; cmd.Parameters.Add(AuditCompany);SqlParameter CompanyID = new SqlParameter(); CompanyID.ParameterName = "@CompanyID";CompanyID.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; CompanyID.DbType = DbType.Int32; //IndustryID.Size = 100; cmd.Parameters.Add(CompanyID); SqlParameter AuditPlant = new SqlParameter(); AuditPlant.ParameterName = "@PlantName";AuditPlant.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; AuditPlant.Value = Audit_Plant;AuditPlant.DbType = DbType.String; cmd.Parameters.Add(AuditPlant);SqlParameter PlantID = new SqlParameter(); PlantID.ParameterName = "@PlantID";PlantID.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; PlantID.DbType = DbType.Int32; //IndustryID.Size = 100; cmd.Parameters.Add(PlantID);SqlParameter AuditGroup = new SqlParameter(); AuditGroup.ParameterName = "@GroupName";AuditGroup.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; AuditGroup.Value = Audit_Group;AuditGroup.DbType = DbType.String; cmd.Parameters.Add(AuditGroup);SqlParameter GroupID = new SqlParameter(); GroupID.ParameterName = "@GroupID";GroupID.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; GroupID.DbType = DbType.Int32; //IndustryID.Size = 100; cmd.Parameters.Add(GroupID);SqlParameter AuditStartedOn = new SqlParameter(); AuditStartedOn.ParameterName = "@AuditStartedOn";AuditStartedOn.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; AuditStartedOn.Value = Audit_Started_On;AuditStartedOn.DbType = DbType.String; cmd.Parameters.Add(AuditStartedOn);SqlParameter AuditScheduledto = new SqlParameter(); AuditScheduledto.ParameterName = "@AuditScheduledto";AuditScheduledto.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; AuditScheduledto.Value = Audit_Scheduledto;AuditScheduledto.DbType = DbType.String; cmd.Parameters.Add(AuditScheduledto);SqlParameter CreatedOn = new SqlParameter(); CreatedOn.ParameterName = "@CreatedOn";CreatedOn.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; CreatedOn.Value = Audit_Created_On;CreatedOn.DbType = DbType.String; cmd.Parameters.Add(CreatedOn);SqlParameter CreatedBy = new SqlParameter(); CreatedBy.ParameterName = "@CreatedBy";CreatedBy.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; CreatedBy.Value = Audit_Created_By;CreatedBy.DbType = DbType.Int32; cmd.Parameters.Add(CreatedBy); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); con.Close(); } } } Then i called these function into .aspx.cs file:
using xyz;protected void btn_CreateAudit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["constr"]); PCRA.clsCreateAudit obj = new PCRA.clsCreateAudit(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); //Iam getting the Session(UID) from my login page.obj.CreateAudit(txt_AuditName.Text, Convert.ToInt32(ddl_Industry.SelectedItem.Value), Convert.ToInt32(ddl_Company.SelectedItem.Value), Convert.ToInt32(ddl_Plant.SelectedItem.Value), Convert.ToInt32(ddl_Group.SelectedItem.Value), Convert.ToDateTime(txt_StartingOn.Text.ToString()), Convert.ToDateTime(txt_AuditPeriod.Text.ToString()), System.DateTime.Now, Session["UID"].ToString());lbl_Mesg.Text = "Your Audit Details are added succesfully"; }
But iam getting an error here near obj.CreateAudit as: Input string was not in a correct format. I even want to know if my storedprocedure reaches the requirement which i specified. please help me with this.Its very urgent.
Following are statement which I am using when inserting data into database
Noticed that I dont have CELLNUM In my select statment, but I want to insert that number from textbox which I have on my webform. can some one tell me how do i do this query so i can insert data into database.
my requirment is insert TableName and JourneyDate and FlightNumber alongwith otherdata at RunTime but i get error, I tried it several times. Table Structure is: Create Table HA142 ( JourneyDate DateTime primary key, FlightNo char(5)not null FOREIGN kEY REFERENCES FLIGHTS(FlightNo), FirstClassSeatAvalable int, BusinessClassSeatAvalable int, EconomyClassSeatAvalable int, FsWaitingAvalable int, BsWaitingAvalable int, EcWaitingAvalable int ) string flightno = drpFlightNo.SelectedItem.Text; string JourneyDate = Session["JourneyDate"].ToString(); string newStrign = ",18,42,280,3,7,35)"; SqlConnection myConn = new SqlConnection("workstation id=JASIM;packet size=4096;user id=ASPNET;data source=JASIM;persist security info=False;initial catalog=Test"); SqlCommand populateFlightTable = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO "+flightno+" VALUES("+JourneyDate+","+flightno+newStrign,myConn); myConn.Open(); populateFlightTable.ExecuteNonQuery(); myConn.Close(); whenever compiler reached to populateFlightTable.ExecuteNonQuery(); I received error. i tried it to rectify several times but no result.plz hemp me...
Hi all, I want to insert some data that from a table into a database, and I got the error message-- "The variable name '@IssueID' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure." Is it anything wrong with my code? Thanks a lot.
Dim row As Data.DataRow For Each row In table.Rows DataSource.InsertParameters.Add("IssueID", row(0)) DataSource.InsertParameters.Add("UserName", Session("loginName")) DataSource.InsertParameters.Add("IssueCost", row(1)) DataSource.InsertParameters.Add("IssueDesc", row(2)) DataSource.Insert() Next row
How can i insert test Data in to the Database,I want to insert one million records in to the table,This is to test Database Performance. Can anyone help me in this regard,Do we have any scripts for this purpose??? thanks Mar
Hello, is it possible to insert new data into a datbasealphabetically? For example when a user enters a new row of data, Iwant the row inserted in the correct order. I do not think this ispossible.Thank you for the help!
I was able to get this code to work but now I get a SQL error if you try to submit the same information twice. How can I add a message saying that the "email" already exists in database without the SQL error? protected void Button1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=TECATE;Initial Catalog=subscribe_mainSQL; User Id=maindb Password=123456; Integrated Security=SSPI"); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [main] (, [userid], [fname], [lname], [degree]) VALUES (@email, @userid, @fname, @lname, @degree)", conn); conn.Open(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@email", email.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userid", uscid.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fname", fname.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@lname", lname.Text); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@degree", degree.SelectedItem.Value); int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Dispose(); }
i have created a button to add details into a SQL database but i want to check the details before i insert the new values from the textboxes
can anyone help....... this is what i have to insert into the database........i just want some help to compare the user name eg... if user name exists a message will appear telling the user to change a different user name
Hi, Can someone please tell me the best practices for checking the primary key field before inserting a record into my database? As an example I have created an asp.net page using VB with an SQL server database. The web page will just insert two fields into a table (Name & Surname into the Names table). The primary key or the Names table is "Name". When I click the Submit button I would like to check to ensure there is not a duplicate primary key. If there is return a user friendly message i.e. A record already exisits, if there no duplicate, add the record. I guess I could use try, catch within the .APSX page or would a stored procedure be better? Thanks Brett
I have a webpage where users can connect with other users by sending them a request. Sending the request just puts a row in a connect table that contains the users id, the targetusers id, a requesteddate, an accepted date and a disconnectdate (for the original requester to end the connection and a reject bit the the target can reject the request. Hoever I need to check to assure that the connect does nt already exist either as pending (requestdate is not null and accept date is null) or both dates are not null (connection already complete.).
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[requestConnect] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @requestor int, @requested int AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from interfering with SELECT statements.
Hi everyone!Hope that someone can help me solving this problem.I have a form where the user can register by putting his private data. Each time that he submits his data, if he is using Internet Explorer, it will insert blank data into sql server database. But if user is using Firefox, everything is working well, and all data is inserted.What seems to be the problem?Why in IE, data is inserted as blank?!Thanks for your possible help and attention to this issue.Hope that someone can help me.Best regards,Mesk
I am trying to implement a code behind page (in VB) to insert data into a sql express database but something is not right. Any help would be greatly appreciated. The following is the code I have:Protected Sub SaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveButton.Click Dim connString As String = "Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|News.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True;Asynchronous Processing=true" Dim sqlInsert As String = "INSERT INTO news_Article (Heading, Story, Author, Show_on_homepage) VALUES(@heading, @story, @author, @show)" Dim conn As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connString) Dim cmd As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sqlInsert, conn) Dim heading = HeadingTextBox.Text Dim story = StoryEditor.Value Dim author = AuthorTextBox.Text Dim show = ShowHPCheckBox.Checked conn.Open() cmd.BeginExecuteNonQuery() conn.Close()End Sub
hi I want to read data from XML file and insert that data from XML file into the Database Table From ASP.NET page.plz give me the code to do this using DataAdapter.Update(ds)
what i understand if if the data field is integer or money, not string, then i need to do a convert(datatype, value) in the insert but how come its still not working INSERT INTO [Product] ([Title], [Description], [Processor], [Motherboard], [Chipset], [RAM], [HDD], [OpticalDrive], [Graphics], [Sound], [Speakers], [LCD], [Keyboard], [Mouse], [Chassis], [PSU], [Price]) VALUES (@Title, @Description, @Processor, @Motherboard, @Chipset, @RAM, @HDD, @OpticalDrive, @Graphics, @Sound, @Speakers, @LCD, @Keyboard, @Mouse, @Chassis, @PSU, convert(smallmoney, @Price))
i am creating a database driven website and i am using a sql database. I have a database called company with fields in it to do with a company, I have created a company.cs file which sets the variables, properties and methods and so on. These work fine. I have also stored procedures and they are right as far as i know. i also have coding behind the buttons of my page when i try and update or insert to the database. I am having the problem of when i enter data into the text boxes and click update, nothing gets inserted or updated and whats worst of all no error message appears. The table is used for storing profile data about a user, when a user logs on they enter their profile data, if i manually enter this data and input the username of a user into the username field within the database then the data appears fine in the textboxes of the update info page but the data will not insert or update. i have checked all the little things and i am stressing out cos i am running out of time and cannot find the problem...........please could someone help me!!!!! thanks
Heres my coding to some of my pages to help you.... the code behind the button using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using FYPtestsite.Classes; public partial class Employer_employerprofile : System.Web.UI.Page {protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {if (!Roles.IsUserInRole(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["employerrole"])) {Response.Redirect("~/Error1.aspx"); }Company objCompany = Company.GetCompany(Profile.UserName);if (objCompany != null) {
Hi! I have a vb.net program that writes data to an SQL Server database using ADODB. The problem is if I put the code that writes data to the database in between BeginTrans() and CommitTrans(), the database is not updated. Here is the flow of my program:
Dim connection as ADODB.Connection 'setup the connection to the SQL Server database here
InsertData() ' --> data is written to the database ' this function works properly
If I comment out the BeginTrans() and CommitTrans() functions, the data is properly inserted into the database.
Does an SQL Server database requires special settings to support transactions?
I have question on lock on table in SQL Server while inserting data using multiple processes at a single time into same table.Here are my questions on this,
1) Is it default behavior of SQL server to lock table while doing insert? 2) if yes to Q1, then how we can implicitly mention while inserting data. 3) If I have 4 tables and one table is having foreign keys from rest of the 3 tables, on this scenario do I need to use the table lock explicitly or without that I can insert records into those tables?
What do you use to check the data structure at a source database? For instance, i've got a database which i can connect to using the ODBC (ado.net) connection in SSIS. To get a better understanding on the data and the relationships in the tables i would like to get a database diagram (ERD) of the source DB. Also i would like to be able to import this diagram into SQL server in the database diagram section when i'm going to load this data into a DWH. Any tips or free tools on better understanding the structure of an external source DB?
I have two databases im working with, one is our public database GRM_Public, and the other is our production database GRM_Prod.
I'm trying to import data from a field called 'oldscreencodes1' from GRM_Prod.Transfer table into a field called 'Sale1Type' in GRM_Public.Real_land table.
For some reason I can't get this to work, I have in the past imported datatables from our production DB to our public DB by using 'insert into' but I've never inserted data into a single field within a datatable and I think I'm over thinking this process.
Is a 'join' necessary in order to accomplish this?
I found it pretty interesting. I checked the size of a database, before implementing database compression across all the user tables in a database. And Post implementation of compression too I checked the size of the database.
I did not find any difference. But if I expand the table and check propetires->storage and I can see that PAGE compression is implemented across all the tables, but no compaction in the size of the db. It still remains the same.
I have a column "Cost" (data type=varchar) and another column "Qty" (data type=int)
Now in outer query, I need to multiply this 2 columns Cost*Qty.But after trying some cast operation still getting "Error converting data type varchar to numeric."