Make Instalable For Sql Report 2005

Nov 13, 2007

I made a sql report and deployed it on my system.Its working fine.
Now i need to install the same report on my client system.The client wants an installable package kind of thing which when runs installs all the report on that system.
How do i acheive this???
please help

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How Do You Make A Report Parameter Invisible???

Jun 4, 2007

Hi, I have 3 report parameters.

If a user selects 'value1' from the first parameter list then parameter list 2 & 3 should be open for the user to make their selection. BUT if the user selects 'value2' from parameter 1 then only parameter list 2 should be open and parameter list 3 invisible. Is this possible??

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Make A Report Against An InSQL Database (was Question.....)

Jul 9, 2007

I am new to the database world and I am trying to understand how all this works. I understand Access and SQL for the most part. My idea that I want to implement is that I want to be able to implement a maintenance log that records motor running life, and piston cycles in the plant. I have a PLC communicating to a server to an InSQL database. Where do i start if i want to make a report that basically counts the total hours that a motor is running, or how many times a piston goes in and out?

any help would be appreciated.

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Reporting Services :: How To Make RDL Report Dynamically

Jul 27, 2015

I Need to make RDL report dynamically.Is there any library or dll that i can use?

I am Using

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Transact SQL :: How To Make A Report On Difference Between Rows

Nov 16, 2015

Given a table that has three columns that together create a key and two columns that together define NameValue pairs, how can the difference between instances of values be calculated and displayed?One table is used to contain periodic dumps of data from various sources. Because this is an early stage of development for the software project instead of having explicit columns that contain specific data the table contains name/value pairs. This allows the software to export anything to the database table. When this data is imported, earch row shares the same key (three columns containing a machine type, serial number and a timestamp), a name that identifies the data and a string that contains the actual data. While this arrangement makes it trivial to support the addition of any data that the software developers want to export, it makes it less obvious as to how to generate reports.Let's make an example. Lets assume that there are two vending machines, each of which has just 3 snacks and each of which generates two separate reports.

Type Sn Timestamp Name Value
A 1 2015-08-15 12:34 Snick 5
A 1 2015-08-15 12:34 Mars 10
A 1 2015-08-15 12:34 MandM 0B 2 2015-08-15 15:31 Snick 1
B 2 2015-08-15 15:31 Mars 9
B 2 2015-08-15 15:31 MandM 0A 1 2015-08-21 09:12 Snick 11
A 1 2015-08-21 09:12 Mars 18


So, the names of the values become the report's columns. The reports are sorted by timestamp, then by type, then by serial number.The value associated with the previous row that shares the same name is subtracted from the value of the next row in which the same name occurs and that becomes the displayed value in the report.

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Make Reports In Report Manager Stop Paginating?

Apr 4, 2008

IS there a way to do this?

I want everything on one page, no matter how long it is.

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Make Series Field Invisbile In Graph Report.

May 19, 2008


I am using SQL Server 2008 SSRS Feb CTP

I am using a standard graph report where i want to hide some of the series fields.

This is not working at all.
I hid all the series fields but all were still showing.

Is this a bug in SQL 2008 or am i missing something.

All i did was right click on the series -> Series Properties -> Visibility -> Select Hide

Thanks in Advance

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How To Make Footers Page Number Appear When I Print The Report

Jan 10, 2007

I have the footer with the following in it,


= " Page " & Globals!PageNumber & " of " & Globals!TotalPages & " " & String.Format(Globals!ExecutionTime, "dd-MM-yyy uu:mm")


When i view the report it shows the page number and time, but when i print it does'nt appear at all on the print paper( page number and time)

is there a trick to make it appear on the print.

Thank you very much.

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How To Make The Report Show Fields In Multiple Columns?

Jul 18, 2007

I am writing a report in SQL server 2005 Reporting service. The report has two parts: first part shows basic information about the client; the second part lists all the softwares the client has. My question is how to make the softwares listed in two columns as shown below?

John Smith

Title: MSTP Location: Main Campus IP:


Adobe Standard 7.0 Access 5.0

Internet Explore 6.0 Office XP

Any suggestion is appreciated.

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Ho To Make Data Source Web Method Execute Once Per A Report?

Jan 11, 2007

My report works with XMLDP data provider and obtains source data as a
result of a web method call. This memthod returns all data necessary
for the report. Thus, all of about 20 report datasets query the same
web method with the same parameters and then select appropriate data
with different ElementPath expressions. It's so inefficient and
time-consuming! I cant have respective web method for every dataset.
How can I configure SSRS to call web method only once while the report
is executing? Or how can I leverage the performance at all?

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Continuous Priniting - PDF (MSFT Workaround: Make Sure That Your Report Does Not Use The Subreport Control.)

Nov 6, 2007

I have a report that has one subreport. I am finding that if the entire content of the subreport will not fit within the space remaining on the page that it will not start displaying data from that subreport until the next page of the report, leaving a blank section in the report. I would like it to display as much as possible on the first page and then continue on subsequent pages.

Is there a way?

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Reporting Services :: How To Make New Directory (folder) In Which To Save New SSRS Report

Sep 17, 2015

When I go to Save As Report it doesn't allow me to create a new directory (folder)

Here is where the directory (folder) needs to be created: gdgdb01preportserverProduction.

Where can I create this directory (folder)?

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Reporting Services :: Make Whole SSRS Report Repeat By Groups Of N Entities

Jun 14, 2015

Let's say I have an rdlc report for customers, and it has three sections with subreports:

CUSTOMER_INFO (name, phone, e-mail)

As the page only has 21cm and the report grows horizontally, I need to repeat the WHOLE report with all of its sections after every 4 customers. So if I have 5 customers, there would be three pages(let's say every subreport takes 1 page) for the first four customers, and then another three pages(with every section once again) just for one customer.

Is it possible? It doesn't seem somehing out of the ordinary, but I can't figure how to make it work. Everytime there is more than 4 customers, the report breaks its layout trying to accommodate the records in a new table below the tables of each subreport.

The expected result would be to bring all of exceeding data to new pages.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS - How To Make Report Page Size Dynamic

May 22, 2015

How to make SSRS report page size dynamic, or in a way where viewer can set it to the size they want? 

Set to 0

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How Can I Make Log Transactions Using SQL 2005

May 4, 2008

Hi all,
I am have database consist of 10 tables, I want to make log transactions for this tables, So any act happened on these tables, such as adding or modifying or deleting record, I want to put this information somewhere in the database, to determine the user who has done such acts on these tables.

I would high appreciate for any assistant.

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How To Make HTTP Request From SQL 2005

Oct 28, 2007

Hi All,

I want to make a simple http request from SQL to a web server, something like this:
I don't want to get any response back, just a request.
Is there something like this in SQL 2005? or if anyone had wrote something like this.. I'll be greatfull if you can help me.

Thanks in advance

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How To Make New Database Sql Server 2005!

Aug 29, 2006

i had no problems working whith sql server 2000
but whith 2005 i am unable to make new database!
question : HOW?
respond asap

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SQL 2005 Make Restoring User Db_owner

Feb 29, 2008

Hi all,

I'm kinda stuck with the following issue and would apreciate some help with it.

Basically i need to have a user within SQL that has rights to restore databases and is the owner of that database so it can alter the data. The problem i face is that at this moment i see no other way then making that user either member of the server role "sysadmin" or "serveradmin".

Anyway, these roles have to much rights. I tried using the dbcreator role which will make a the needed user db_owner but only when a new database is created, not when a database is restored.

Tried to resolve this with a DDL trigger and then temporarily run as a user with serveradmin rights, however there is no system event for restore database, so that doesn't work either.

Anybody got any suggestions?

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I Need To Make This Stored Procedure 2005 Compatible

Jun 22, 2006


I need to quickly make this proc compatible with SQL 2005 and am struggling. I have alot of catching up to do.

Basically, it checks for Foreign Key dependencies in a database. There might be a better way to do this in SQL 2005 but for know I really need to get this working. Any help is verry much appreciated!



ALTER Procedure aes.Check_Dependent_Rows_Exist
(@RowID int,
@has_rows int OUTPUT
DECLARE @Colname varchar(200), @Tablename varchar(200)
DECLARE @cnt int
DECLARE @temp_row int
DECLARE @owner varchar(25)
DECLARE @ownerid int
DECLARE @lstrSql nvarchar(2000)
-- #1: declare cursor for maximum performance

SELECT syscolumns.Name, OBJECT_NAME(fkeyid) AS FkeyTableName
FROM sysreferences
INNER JOIN syscolumns ON AND fkey1=syscolumns.colid
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(rkeyid)= 'customer'

OPEN lcur
CREATE TABLE #Temp (DependentRows int)
-- #2: only return a bit indicating if dependant rows exist or not

SET @has_rows = 0

FETCH NEXT FROM lcur INTO @Colname,@Tablename

SET @temp_row = 0

SELECT @ownerid = uid from sysobjects where name = @Tablename
SELECT @owner = [name] from sysusers where uid = @ownerid

SET @lstrSql= 'insert into #Temp Select DependentRows = Count(' + @Colname + ') from ' + @owner + '.' + @TableName + ' where ' +
@Colname + ' =' + CAST(@RowID AS VARCHAR(16)) + ''
--print @lstrSql
EXEC (@lstrSql)
SELECT @temp_row = ISNULL(DependentRows,0) FROM #Temp
IF @temp_row > 0
-- #3: stop processing as soon as dependant rows are found to exist
SET @has_rows = 1

FETCH NEXT FROM lcur INTO @Colname,@TableName

deallocate lcur


Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'dbo.order_detail'.
Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'dbo.invoice_header'.
Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'dbo.order_header'.
Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'dbo.payment'.
Server: Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'dbo.cash_on_account'.

(1 row(s) affected)

Cannot grant, deny, or revoke permissions to sa, dbo, information_schema, sys, or yourself.

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Nuisance: Help Make Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Better

Jun 6, 2006

I work for a consulting firm. Customers are reporting being annoyed with the popup "Help Make Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Better". Some customers don't want to be bothered with this even once. Is there a way to keep this popup from ever appearing?

The customers are intelligent. They understand why the popup appears and what its purpose is. The only point to address is that the customers have paid for SQL Server, they are annoyed by this feature and they want a way to suppress it. I want to give the customers what they want. When customers tells me something is a nuisance, it's not my place to tell them they are wrong.

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Mssql 2005. How To Make Update Stored Procedure ?

May 1, 2008

Hi ~
I made simple stored procedure that is to update user information following as...
ALTER PROCEDURE UpdateUserProfile(  @user_id uniqueidentifier,  @user_firstname nvarchar(50),  @user_lastname nvarchar(50),  @user_birth nvarchar(20),   @user_gender nvarchar(20)  )
 UPDATE user_profile    SET         user_firstname = @user_firstname,     user_lastname = @user_lastname,     user_birth = @user_birth,     user_gender =  @user_gender  WHERE user_id = @user_id  RETURN
When I tried to save this procedure, I faced on "Invalid Object : UpdateUserProfile" error message.
What's the problem ? 

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Can SQL 2005 Make Full Use Of A Quad Core Processor

May 22, 2008

I am new to this so I hope I'm doing it right.

We are in the process of replacing a computer that currently has SQL 2005 Management Studio Express installed. We are looking at a Intel Core 2 Quad processor (Q6700) and want to know if SQL will be able to make full use of a quad core. Thanks

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How To Make Sure A Upgrade From Sql 2005 Standard To Enterprise Edition?

Apr 16, 2007


I did run upgrade advisior to check the existed sql 2005 standard edition to upgrade to enterprise editon. I got the following error message:

SQL Server version: 09.00.1399 is not supported by this release of Upgrade Advisor

Is it means the upgrade advisor can only work on from 7.0, 2000 to 2005? If I need check from standard to enterjprise in 2005, what kind of tool I can use?

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How To Make Password Field Case Sensitive In Sql Server 2005

Jan 14, 2007

SELECT     UserID, UserName, Password, PublisherID, CurrencyFROM         [User]WHERE     (Password = 'Anitha') I am using the above mentioned it is working but int the password field i had given it as anitha. Now the querry is retriving the record for anitha, it shouldnot happen. The querry should retrive the record of anitha only for where condition anitha and not for Anitha or ANITHA etc..

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How Do I Use The Visual Studio 2005 To Make A Data Base Column Unique?

Jun 14, 2007

I am sorry if this is the wrong forum for this question but I can not find better fit.
I am using Visual Studio 2005 to write an web site which includes an SQL data base. In the databaseI have a table called 'ACCOUNTS' which has primary key column called 'ID' and a nvarchar column called 'Name'.
I want the values in the 'Name' column to be unique in the table so that all accounts have unique names. I don't want to make the 'Name' column the primary key because I want people to be able to change the name of their account after it has been created.
It seems to me there must be some way to add such a constraint to the table but I can find none. I have searched the documentation and seen loads of references to unique columns but I can't find any way to set a column to unique thru the IDE (or any other way). Can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance for any help. 

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Make Multip Page Report To Be Shown In One Page

Jan 23, 2008

I made a report that is 10 pages long. I like to show all the data in one page (after deployment). Any idea if this is possible?

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Passing Report Parameters To An SSRS 2005 Report Hosted In Sharepoint 2007

Nov 18, 2007

Here is a situation in my company:

We have an Office SharePoint 2007 site, we developed a couple of web parts and added them to our site. We used SQL Server Reporting services 2005 as our reporting solution. The reports are hosted on the report center and when we need a report, we open it by sending a URL requesting the report, passing the report parameters in the URL query string. So the report is filtered based on the parameters passed from the web parts.

But since best practices say that you should host reports directly under SharePoint, by configuring the reporting services to run in the SharePoint integrated mode. We followed the steps and installed SharePointRS and we finally succeeded to publish the reports to a SharePoint folder, but we had a limitation: we are unable to pass the report parameters internally to the report hosted in SharePoint. If we passed them in the query string as the report center case, SharePoint neglects them totally.
So the question is: how can I pass parameters internally between a SharePoint web part and a SQL server 2005 reporting services report hosted in SharePoint?

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While Exporting A SSRS 2005 Report In CSV Format ,can We Include The Report Headers And Footers Also To Be Exported

Nov 7, 2007

While exporting a SSRS 2005 report in CSV format ,can we include the report headers and footers also to be exported .
Thanks .

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Deny Builtin/administrators Full Access To Report Services Report Manager 2005

Apr 14, 2008

I need to prevent domain and local administrators from having full control over our report manager. (I want them to be assigned permissions just like everyone else, some reports they can see other reports they can not.)

How can I accomplish this? I tried going into Report Manager -> Site Settings -> Configure Site Wide Security and re-assigning BUILTINAdministrators to the System User role instead of the System Administrator role. (A different set of report manager admins was given the system administrator role).

However, it appears that members of the BUILTINAdministrators group still have full control in Report Manager.

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Report Builder Not Appearing In Report Server 2005 Web Page

Sep 17, 2007

I have provided required permissions, still user not able to view report builder option in his console.

what could be wrong? what needs to be done to provide report builder to users.

Deleep P

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Large Report Time Out On Report Server 2005.

Mar 24, 2008


I am getting timeout or connection closed error on report server when i try to create snapshot for a large report on my development machine.Snapshot are getting created for small reports.

I have done following changes to rsreportserver.config
<Add Key="SQLCommandTimeoutSeconds" Value="1000000"/>

<Add Key="DatabaseQueryTimeout" Value="1000000"/>


IIS time out to some large value.

But everytime it shows timeout or connection closed forcibly.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

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Cannot Set The Subscription For Any Report Created By AS 2005 Through Report Builder.

Jan 23, 2008

I have created couple report through report builder which using AS cube as the data source. Every time when I try to access the New Subscription from the web UI. It complains about "Subscriptions cannot be created because the cedentals used to run the report are not stored, or if a linked report, the link is no longer valid.".

So I went into "Properties" -> "Data Source" and use the custom data source. I've selected "Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services" and put in the following Data Source=SQLTEST;Initial Catalog="Data Warehouse AS". I've select "Crednetials stored securely in the report server", using my Windows login and password.. and I've got the following error.

An error has occurred during report processing.

Query execution failed for data set 'dataSet'.

The SemanticQuery element at line 7, column 351 (namespace cannot appear under Envelope/Body/Execute/Command. "

Please help!!!

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Convert From SQL Report 2005 To SQL Report 2000

Jan 10, 2008


I have made a big mistake. I was suppose to make a report for SQL 2000 but I made it in 2005. Now the Reporting server does not take the report. Obviously, as suggested in other topic here that 2005 report wont work on 2000 server.

Is there any way of converting this report from 2005 to 2000 so that I dont have to redesign it again.


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