how can i make mathematical operations with the DateTime format from thw Sql? -- this is the format 9/6/2007 11:09:00 PM --
how can i substract 30 days from that date and know the resulting one?
if i have two dates, how can i know what number of hours and minutes are between them (if they are fewer than 24), or what number of days and hours and minutes are (if the difference is grater than 24 hours)
I'm new to SQL Server and relatively new to database design and I have a specific problem I'm trying to resolve. I have a collection of records in a table (let's call them 'tasks') which represent some list of things that needs to be completed. Each task has an associated datetime on which this action is to commence, and my applications is responsible for executing these tasks. My first instinct is to regularly poll the 'tasks' table to determine if there are any tasks which have not been processed and are past their schedule start datetime. But, I'm wondering if there is some sort of database feature that would recognize that a task's starttime has arrived, and could somehow communicate this to my application without my application having to constantly poll the database. Thanks.
in the below sql why is year(classdate) " + " a " + " MONTH(classdate) a math command giving me 2006 - 12 = 167 and not "2006/12" as text? please help me cmdGetCat = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT DISTINCT year(classdate) " + " a " + " MONTH(classdate) AS monthcode FROM dbo.classT INNER JOIN dbo.classgiven ON dbo.classT.classcode = dbo.classgiven.classcode WHERE ( = '-1') AND (dbo.classT.coned IS NOT NULL) ", conNorthwind)
How do i update a sql table so that the result cannot be less than zero?for example, lets say I have the column "Number"I have a sql update statement that subtracts 1 from number:"Update oTable SET Number = (Number - 1)"Except that Number cannot be less than zero. Is there a way to do this in sql statement so that I don't have to have a select statement just to check that Number is greater than zero to begin with? Thanks
I have a database for one of my websites, a picture rating site. Anyways, right now there are quicte a few tables, and I was wondering how to give the server a break and was wondering if this was possible:
Basicly I have a members table, and a votes table. Members will rate other users pcitures on a scale of one to ten, then the votes will be inserted into the votes table. The only problem with this is that calcuating all the votes a user has can put a straing on the server. I was wondering if it would be possible to create a math column in the members table that would automaticly figure out the users average and having it stored in a field in the members table, so all I would have to do is query the members average located in the mebers table, rather than tallying all the votes in the votes table for each member.
Hope this makes sense, a tutorial or any suggestions would be great!
select convert(float,'1.2334e+006')1233400.0select convert(decimal(20,2),'1.2334e+006')Server: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1Error converting data type varchar to numeric.can I set some options arithabort etc to have a workaround to thisproblem?Thanks.
I'm not a professional dba or dbd, but I'm proficient in the basics ofdatabase design and sql. I want to create a database of mathdefinitions, and I'm wondering how one would go about creating adatabase that contains mathematical notation (and I'm not just talkingabout basic symbols where I could get away with ascii code). I needto be able to insert a wide variety of mathematical expressions, fromfractions to integrals, into fields (just like you can enter in-linemath symbols in MS Word using equation editor). I have no clue how togo about this. Is it a matter of developing certain programmingskills/languages? Would such a capabliltiy be proprietary (dbms-specific)? Is it possible at all? Any help would be appreciated.Thank you.
Hi AllI'm trying to find a math function (if it exists) in SQL Server. If itdoesnt exist, then maybe someone can tell me what its called so I cando a bit more reading on itBasically I want to do this:Parameter Components1 12 23 1, 24 45 1, 46 2, 47 3, 48 89 1, 8and so onI'd like to be able to call a function and it would return true orfalse like sofunctionname(1, 9) = trueso 1 is a component of 9functionname(2, 9) = falseso 2 is not a component of 9functionname(4, 5) = trueso 4 is a component of 5If anyone could tell me if it exists in C#, VB.NET, VB6 or VBScript,I'd appreciate it!Thanks in advanceSam
Below is my table layout, query, and results. I need to perform some date math to display how much time is elapsed between locations as patients are checked into each care_unit. I believe I could use the unique careunit_key but am not sure how to go about this.
[CAREUNIT_KEY] [decimal](37, 0) NOT NULL,
[EPISODE_KEY] [decimal](38, 0) NULL,
[CARE_UNIT] [char](20) NULL,
[ROOM_NO] [char](5) NULL,
[BED_NO] [char](5) NULL,
[DATE_IN] [datetime] NULL,
[TIME_IN] [char](6) NULL
convert(nvarchar,e.ADMISSION_DATE, 101) as Admit_Date,
convert(nvarchar,e.EPISODE_DATE, 101) as Discharge_Date,
convert(nvarchar,cu.date_in,101) as date_in,
substring(cu.time_in, 1,5) as time_in,
convert(nvarchar,cu.date_in,101) +
convert(datetime,substring(cu.time_in, 1,5)) as date_time_in
FROM srm.episodes e
inner join srm.CDMAB_CAREUNITS cu on cu.episode_key = e.episode_key
inner join srm.item_header ih on ih.item_key = e.episode_key
inner join srm.patients p on p.patient_key = ih.logical_parent_key
Does anyone know if there is such a quary that can be written which would add up(or any math functions) a line of cells (on different rows) similar to that of working with a excel document?
If so please steer me towards the correct syntax for this.
I have a column coming from DB2. It is the time is stored as 6 decimals of a second. So the value I got coming in is 44846(DT_I8), which needs to be divided by 60 to get minutes (747 minutes remainder 26 seconds). Then divide 747 by 60 to get 12 hours remainder 27 minutes. Thus the time is 12:27:26.
I have got a dervived column doing (DT_R8)(SUBSTRING((DT_WSTR,8)PSCCLOGTIM,1,5)) / 60 but the answer I am getting out is 747.433333. Close, but not close enough. Now I assume my problem has something to do with the Math being done on actual numbers not Time based numbers.
Anyone got any ideas on where I am going wrong and what the expression should look like?
I have been trying to make a database that counts up and down votes (like eBay ratings or reddit votes). I think (hope) I have got the database design right. I know that you can perform math functions in SQL, but I want to use two COUNT()s from the same table and subtract one (the down votes) from the other (the up votes). I have been learning ASP.NET 2.0 and it's going well, but I really need help with this. I asked a question on this forum before and the answers were great and really helpful. If anyone can help that would be great. Thank you. Jack.
The business rule is, the sales manager is commissioned on the avg. numberof appointments set up per salesrep per day during the month.I have 2 tables: The UserLog table records only 1 entry per day per user(salesrep). This will log how many salesreps worked a particular day. Thesecond table logs any appointments set up.UserLog: ID, UserName, EnteredTimeAppointment: ApptID, EnteredTime, ApptDateI figured that, for a given date ranged, I could1. sum the number of appointments2. sum the number of days worked2. sum the salesreps / number of days = avg number of salesreps per day3. number of appointments / avg number of salesreps per day = avg numberof appointments per sales repBut this logic is flawed. If I average out every day and then take anaverage of this daily average, I get a different result. Any ideas on howto best solve this problem?Thanks.
To set the stage, Tables are set up as such for this question: -----------
Table: Answers ID - Integer - Auto Answer - Integer QuestionID - Integer - FK from the QuizMaster table StudentID - Integer - FK from the Students table
Table: QuizMaster
ID - Integer - Auto Answer - Integer
Table: Students ID - Integer - Auto StudentName - Varchar(50) ---------- I would like to have an either a sql statement (1st) or a stored procedure (2nd) that would give me the percent correct for each student on the test.
In Access I could cheat and use this:
Code BlockSELECT Students.StudentName, Count(Students.StudentName) AS TotalCorrect, (SELECT Count(QuizMaster.ID) FROM QuizMaster;) AS TotalQuestions, ([TotalCorrect])/([TotalQuestions])*100 AS PercentValue FROM (Answers INNER JOIN Students
ON Answers.StudentID = Students.ID) INNER JOIN QuizMaster ON (Answers.Answer = QuizMaster.Answer) AND (Answers.QuestionID = QuizMaster.ID) GROUP BY Students.StudentName ORDER BY Students.StudentName, PercentValue;
Which is composed of the following...
Code Block
SELECT Students.StudentName,
Count(Students.StudentName) AS TotalCorrect FROM (Answers INNER JOIN Students
ON Answers.StudentID = Students.ID) INNER JOIN QuizMaster ON (Answers.Answer = QuizMaster.Answer) AND (Answers.QuestionID = QuizMaster.ID)
GROUP BY Students.StudentName;
SELECT Count(QuizMaster.ID) AS TotalQuestions FROM QuizMaster;
([TotalCorrect])/([TotalQuestions])*100 AS PercentValue
But... that wont fly in SQL Server...What would work without using temp tables? What would be the EASIEST way to do this?
DECLARE @TotalQuestionsAsked as Integer; DECLARE @StudentName as VarChar(50); DECLARE @QuestionsCorrect as Integer; DECLARE @PercentCorrect as Float;
set @TotalQuestionsAsked = select COUNT(*)FROM QuizMaster; set @StudentName = select StudentName from Students where ID = @StudentID;
set @QuestionsCorrect = select count(Answers.ID) from Answers LEFT JOIN QuizMaster on Answers.QuestionID = QuizMaster.ID where StudentID = @StudentID AND QuizMaster.Answer = Answers.Answer; set @PercentCorrect = (CAST (@QuestionsCorrect AS FLOAT) / CAST (@TotalQuestionsAsked AS FLOAT)) * 100.0;
select @QuestionsCorrect as TotalCorrect, @StudentName as Student, @TotalQuestionsAsked as NumQuestions, @PercentCorrect as CorrectPct;
But I need this as a datasource for a datagrid that would show all students etc... so using a parameter isn't really what I want. So... could a stored procedure work for this?
The value in the table of one DB is 17869 sq. ft. Now to insert this value in a new table of other database the reporting basis is 1000 i.e I need to do 17869/1000 = 17.8 so I have to take the value as 18. Another thing to be kept in mind is the value in the new table should have leading Zeroes. If the value is 18 it should be displayed as 0000018 ( data type in new table is Varchar(7) and in old table char (9) ). What can be the best way to implement this??
I realize this gets into business logic, but a DB based solution might be best. Possibly some pre-calculated measurement tables.
Business problem: Creating a cut list for a window covering (blinds) system. It's preferably a fast calculation I could execute while the user awaits "order confirmation and pricing". A .5 second delay per order would be acceptable.
An order can have unlimited number of line items, but typically between 1 and 20 (number of windows in a single house).
(For this problem) the raw material is man-made, and therefore is always the same length for a particular pattern/color (take 12' for this example; we stock patterns in 9', 12', or 16' but it's always the same for a given pattern/color). I need to tell the cutters how to use the rawmaterial with minimal waste. Note: The saw blade takes 1/16th inch.
For each line item; I have pre-calculated the exact cut size and number of slats. Measurements are in inches at 1/8 (.125) inch increments. The length of raw material length we stock for this pattern is an easy link.
The goal is to average less than 6 inches waste per 12' piece of raw material.
Example order:
5 line items for pattern/color FAUX/white, stocked in 12' lengths.
Line 1: 34 slats at 35.125 inches. Line 2: 36 slats at 36.875 inches. Line 3: 50 slats at 42 inches. Line 4: 55 slats at 70 inches. Line 5: 52 slats at 30 inches.
The resulting cut-list-workorder would evaluate all lines together and tell them how many 12' slats to pull and how to cut them with minimal material waste.
My question:
I'm left wondering if a database style pre-populated answer list (or some other database based solution) might be a lot faster and simpler than some chess-style complex trial-and-error array based VB algorythm (that I haven't even begun to imagine how to write). If so; how would it look?
In addition; the cutters get something like $10/hr so we can't make it too complex. I'd rather waste a little material and avoid undue confusion, but not much. With $5+ million in this material per year, excess waste can really add up. Imagine the difference between 12% and 15% waste. It's an area worth investing in.
Sorry; I know it's not a simple question. Someone might find it interesting enough to solve, or at least provide hope for a DB solution. At present; I just can't imagine it.
Christine the Pharmacist writes "Please pardon as I am not horribly advanced with SQL...
Using SQL Server 2000, Windows 2000, Service pack 4
I'm trying to figure out marketshares for "preferred" products. I have a table put together by hospital and month of medication use with the totals of each drug dispensed in columns as well. (example table below)
Hospital Month Drug A Drug B Drug C Drug D A 7 5 10 58 73 B 7 NULL 26 98 43 etc.
** Drug C and Drug D are the preferred drugs
I'm getting correct preferred % in all cases except when a value is NULL (result is NULL). I'm using an aggregate (sum), which should ignore NULLs, but it ignores NULLs within a column, and not ignoring across columns. I've tried setting concat_null_yields_null off and I'm still getting NULL (since I'm using the plus sign).
This is my admittedly confused select statement, suspect this is where my problem lies (problems with saying "sum", but using "+" as well?):
select a.Hospital,a.month,convert(float,sum(c.Drug_C+d.Drug_D))/convert(float,sum(a.Drug_A+b.Drug_B+ c.Drug_C+d.Drug_D)) as preferred_share
Hi all,I just start using SQL Server for my project. I have some questionsrelated to set operations. Suppose I have two tables, Table A andTable B, as following.TableA TableB======= =======--------------- ---------------| ID | DATA | | ID | DATA |--------------- ---------------| 1 | Val-01 | | 1 | Val-01 || 2 | Val-01 | | 2 | Val-02 || 3 | Val-02 | | 3 | Val-02 || 4 | Val-03 | | 4 | Val-03 || 5 | Val-04 | ---------------| 6 | Val-05 |---------------In DB2, I can write SQL statements as followingSQL 1:===========================SELECT DATA FROM TableAEXCEPTSELECT DATA FROM TableBAnd the result will beVal-04Val-05===========================SQL 2:===========================SELECT DATA FROM TableAEXCEPT ALLSELECT DATA FROM TableBAnd the result will beVal-01Val-04Val-05===========================1. How can I handle the EXCEPT (ALL) operator in SQL Server?2. Are there equivalent SQL queries for the above SQL queries?Thank youErwin Leonardi
I'm still a newbie with MS SQL DB. I was asked to perform some tasks within 3 days at maximum as follows:
1- Refine unique names from over than 80,000 students' names (Firstname, Middlename and Lastname) into a unique table so that we take all those name and translate them from local language to English through data entry employees (a dictionary).
2- Replace local names by English names into a new columns.
3- Creating a procedure that auto generates aliases based on Firstname, Middlename and Lastname as follows:
Assume the name John Edward Smith is found 5 times between 80,000 students, to create a unique ID do the following:
I want to evaluate a math formula inside of a function, so I can't use dynamic SQL.
I found that the query on an XML-variable with a literal works well.
DECLARE @sParsedFormula varchar(200); DECLARE @xFormula xml; SET @xFormula = ''; SET @sParsedFormula = '1+2'; SELECT @xFormula.query('3+3') , @xFormula.query('sql:variable("@sParsedFormula")')Output (1st value is correctly evaluated, 2nd not): "6", "1+2"
I can't directly pass @sParsedFormula to the query otherwise I get "The argument 1 of the XML data type method "query" must be a string literal". What is the correct XQuery-syntax to evaluate the SQL:variable?
I would like to know if there is a way to disable logging within SQL. (SQL7) I set all of the obvious options (select into/bulk copy; truncate on checkpoint...) -- and not using SQL Servers conditions set in books online.
Here is the situation:
We have a VB app that updates about 14million records on a monthly basis. The commands are INSERT, UPDATE.. (no select into OR write text) There is no way to use this app that I know using BCP, or bulk insert since we are updating and not simply importing? So now when this process runs, first the Tempdb fills(problem 1). I shut down SQL and re-initalized the TEmpdb. The data "update" should take ~3 days. Initial run shows the Tempdb filling, then the thread halts. Basically, the application copies records from a user defined "staging" database into a second user database. The second db's transaction log is growing considerable (say 6GB and growing after only a day) (problem2). I am concerned that after resolving the Tempdb from filling (unrestricted size set, and I know Tempdb automatically truncates on checkpoint..) but then we still face the issue to the db that the data is updated will fill out of control!
Ideally, I would like to set a db option that disables logging during this UPDATE statement, in other words operate with no integrety. We backup before so a restore should take care of things in the event. I think this will also aid in performance.
I need to push data from a temporary table into a master table in sql server database(Both tables are in the same database).
I need to follow these conditions. tables used: 1. temporary table: Temp 2. master table: Master
for every record or row in Temp check if exists(Temp.field1)in Master.Field1 then update Master with this row. else Insert into Master this row.
I performed a research through the net, and found various suggestions. like usage of cursors, usage of while loops etc. I have to use nearly 50,000 to 60, 000 rows minimum or even more. Time complexity is also to be considered
I request all who visit this thread to place any possible solutions/suggestions how shall i make this task.
Using a reporting services model/report builder we have two related tables: - Fundings, (parent) - Draws, (child)
Report Builder reports that subtract "Total Fundings.Amount", (which is SUM(FundingAmount)) from "Total Draw Amount", (which is SUM(DrawAmount)) to get a balance work as expected except when there are no Draw rows, in which case a NULL is returned. Obviously we want to convert NULL values of "Total Draw Amount" to zero so that when subtracted from "Total Fundings.Amount" the correct value is displayed. I've searched for a function similar to COALESCE (Transact-SQL) in report builder but found nothing.