Master DB Backup File Issue

May 21, 2004

I have my master database with 10 MB datafile and 4 MB log file,But my backup file for the master DB is 11 GB in size.How could it possible.
Can i delete that backup and create a newone...

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Backup Master Key, Cannot Write Into File 'c: Empmaster'. Verify That You Have Write Permissions, That The File Path Is Valid.

Jul 12, 2006


I tried to backup the master key by the following syntax :



but it failed and i got the following message:

Cannot write into file 'c: empmaster'. Verify that you have write permissions, that the file path is valid, and that the file does not already exist.

NB: I am using the "sa" user to execute this command.

I know that we have a security permission issue , but where and how ?


Tarek Ghazali

SQL Server MVP

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Backup Master

Apr 17, 2007

im performing a backup on the master and i receive this error
"backup database permission denied in database master"
anyone input will be appreaciated.

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Cannot Backup Log Of Master

Mar 23, 2006


Server: Msg 4212, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Cannot back up the log of the master database. Use BACKUP DATABASE instead.

The recovery mode is set to full. Why am I not able to back up the log of master?


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Master DB Won't Backup W/MaintPlan

Oct 25, 2001

Environment: 2 different SQL 2000 servers both with service Pack 1 installed. OS is NT5/Windows 2000 server. Dell 4300 dual processor Servers.

Problem: When I create a maintenance plan to backup the system databases only the model will be backed up. (The model & the msdb are skipped). This occurs whether I select the 'System Databases Only' option, or whether I explicitly select each individual database (from the first page of the Create New Maint Plan Wizard). I can back up the master and msdb manually. But, I cannot get it done through creating a maintenance plan. I find nothing in the SQL Errorlog to explain why this is failing.

Do you have a solution? Even any suggestions? Most appreciated!

Mark Blackburn
Consultant to
California Department of Parks & Rec
Sacramento, CA


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What Will Be A Good Way To Backup Master Db?

Mar 9, 2005

Currently, I have set up maintenance plan to backup all the databases and I am only the most recent copies. This works very good for me on most of the databases. However, I am having a potential problem with backing up master database.

Based on what I know, I cannot perform a restore on master database. So I am wondering if anyone is able to advise me on a good method to backup the master database and restore it when it needs to be.

Thank you.

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Master Log Backup Issue

May 20, 2008

We run a script to check the blocking issues every morning. We find a LogBack up job for master db running everyday. But the Backup team doesn't see it on their systems. The backup team says, they are not running any backup job . But this backup job shows up in the process Info. So, we manually kill it everyday. It takes a lot of wait time. We can't find where it comes from ?

Below is the info from the Process Info Page

Process ID : 86
User: ABCAdmistrator
Database: Master
Status: Runnable
Open Transactions: 0
Command: Backup Log
Application: Symantec Backup Exec for Windows
Wait Time: 42600844
WaitType: NetworkIO
CPU : 0
Physical IO: 12
memory Used: 1
Login Time: 5/19/2008 10:04:53 PM
Host: XYZ
Network Library : LPC
Network Address: 0015C58947C3
Blocked by : 0
Blocking : 0

This is the info from the Process details
BACKUP LOG [abc_xyc] TO virtual_device = 'abc_xyz_00__bfbdb0fa_9b94_4392_8ce0_0719ad2a00c5_ ' WITH NO_TRUNCATE

Master DB Properties
Size: 71MB
Space Available : 17MB
No of users: 49
Data File location: c:ProgramFilesMicrosoftSQLserverMSSQLdatamast er.mdf
Automatically grow file (enabled) 10%
Transaction Log File: c:ProgramFilesMicrosoftSQLserverMSSQLdatamast log.ldf
Automatically grow file (enabled) 10%
Reocovery Model (Master): Simple
Auto update stats, and Auto create stats enabled.

Please let me know if any one knows what the problem was??



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Master Backup Frequency

Feb 18, 2004


On a large production SQL servers how often should the Master and MSDB Backups be performed?

We currently do one every night but I am thinking this is overkill, would once a week be sufficient?


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Backup - Restore Of Master Problem

Apr 22, 1999

I am trying to replicate our production SQL 6.5 environment on an isolated network for Y2K testing. I have installed SQL 6.5 on the test server, then ran sp_help_revdatabase on the production server to generate scripts for recreating the databases for testing. I used a zip drive to move dumps of the user databases from production to test. I now need to move over data from the master db, to recreate security and logins. But I don't think I can simply do a dump and restore, as I am not creating copies of all the production databases from our production server, just a few of them. Does anyone have a suggestion for a procedure to replicate the info I need from our production master database? Am I correct that restoring a dump of our production master database to the Y2K environment would be inappropriate?

Please advise.


Fred Smith
Physio-Control Corp.

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Master Transaction Log Backup Fails

Nov 9, 2004


Okay. I changed the times that the transaction logs are backed up, via the built in maintenance schedule. It was then that I started to get failures only on the Transaction log backup for the master. The error that I get from the history log is Backup can not be performed on this database. This sub task is ignored. If I look in the file that is saved to disk :

Starting maintenance plan 'DB Maintenance Plan1' on 09/11/2004 02:30:00
Backup can not be performed on database 'master'. This sub task is ignored.

[1] Database onyx: Transaction Log Backup...
Destination: [R:BACKUPonyxonyx_tlog_200411090230.TRN]

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 23 secs **

[2] Database onyx: Verifying Backup...

** Execution Time: 0 hrs, 0 mins, 8 secs **

Deleting old text reports... 1 file(s) deleted.

End of maintenance plan 'DB Maintenance Plan1' on 09/11/2004 02:30:31
SQLMAINT.EXE Process Exit Code: 1 (Failed)

I changed the backup back to its original time as this was the only change made. This has not resolved the problem. As I am new to SQL and still finding my feet All the other SQL maintenance plans that I changed are working fine.



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Restore Tables From Master Backup

Nov 28, 2012

Version: 10.00.1600 (I believe the first 2008 release)

I made a backup from the master, model and msdb system tables. Now I travelled to a different country, and I only have the backups and would like to access them. I was able to restore the master db to a new installation of mssql but, it wont start. I do know why: as I read after I quickly realised that master backups take the accounts, serverID, groups, directory structure, and lots of other things.Basically I have no chance of doing a master restore. The question here: Is there any way of getting my data out from the master backup file (thats where my stuff is)? I'm thinking of "restoring" it to a separate non-master db, table, anything. I know now that I did the most stupidest thing ever, but believe me I don't want the last half years work to just disappear.

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Restore Master Database From Backup

Feb 24, 2004

I wish to restore master database which was located on "e:" on my server.
the restored copy is residing on "f:"
when i restore the backup and restart, the server does not start.

is there any way to avoid this and perform the restoration succesfully.
or the process followed by me is wrong/incomplete.

do let me know...TIA

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Can We Take Differential Backup Of Master Databae?

Feb 13, 2008

Can we take differential backup of Master databae?
If yes please give me details how?
if No Please give me details why not?

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Failure Of Diff Backup Of Master Database

Mar 25, 2008

My master database (MS SQL 2005) has simple recovery model, however, when performing diff backup of "all databases", I am getting the following error:

Executing the query "BACKUP DATABASE [master] TO DISK = N'X:\Database Backups\diff backups\master\master_backup_200803251235.bak' WITH DIFFERENTIAL , NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'master_backup_20080325123514', SKIP, REWIND, NOUNLOAD, STATS = 10
" failed with the following error: "You can only perform a full backup of the master database. Use BACKUP DATABASE to back up the entire master database.
BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

If I choose to back up only "All user databases", then it performs just fine. Why I cannot run diff backup of master?

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Master Table Differential Backup Not Working.

Oct 17, 2006

Newbie to backups here. I'm trying to setup a Maintenence Plan for backing up the system tables. For some reason the Differential backup on the Master table is failing.

Can you NOT run differential backups on the Master table?


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Backup Failed: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Backup And File Manipulation... Must Be Serialized

Jul 11, 2007

Using SQL Server 2005 Server Management Studio, I attempted to back up a database, and received this error:

Backup failed: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Backup and file manipulation operations (such as ALTER DATABASE ADD FILE) on a database must be serialized. Reissue the satement after the current backup or file manipulation is completed (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

Program location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Backup.SqlBackup(Server srv)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlManagerUI.BackupPropOptions.OnRunNow(Object sender)

Backup Options were set to:

Back up to the existing media set

Overwrite all existing backup sets

I am fairly new to SQL 2005. Can someone help me get past this issue? What other information do I need to provide?

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Difference Between Partial Backup (SQL 2005) And File Group Backup

Dec 5, 2006

What is the difference between "Files aned File Groups" backup and Partial Backup?

Looks like both are same.. Please comment.

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DB Engine :: Compressed Backup While Restoring Backup File

Sep 8, 2015

I got full backup on daily schedule its taking more space on Drive because each file has more than 25GB.I am using SLQ server 2008R2 so I'm looking to take the backup with compression instead of uncompressed Backup. What are the impacts of compressed backup. Is there any problems with compressed backup while restoring the backup file.

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How To Restore A Database From Backup With A Splitted Backup File

Apr 1, 2008

I should restore a SQL Server 2005 Database from backup. The backup contains three files, named user.bak0, user.bak1 and user.bak2.

How is the syntax of the restore filelistonly and the restore database ... ?

I usualy write
restore filelistonly from disk = 'path and filenam.bak'
restore database. zy
from disk = 'path and filename.bak'
with replace,

This works but I cannot use it with a splitted backup file. The files are much too big to put together to one file.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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DTS Load Master File To Different Tables

Feb 24, 2004

We need to load a "master" flat file to SQL Server tables. The file is a dump from mainframe. Based on a field called "record_type", each record in the file has different columns. I would use the following as an example (the real file is much more complicated than this, but you get the idea):

For instance, my file has:


If "M", the fields are "age", "gender", "birthdate", "state", "salary"

If "F", the fields are "age", "gender", "birthdate", "state", "company", "salary"

We need to load the file (only one file) into two different tables, M_table, and F_table. But I have researched and discovered in DTS the source (TEXT file) can not be queried against to filter on the gender field.

Since each record may have different number of fields, I cannot really load the flat file into a "staging" table.

Does anyone has any idea on how to achieve this? Thanks in advance!!!

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Restore SQL Master Database From A File

Jul 23, 2005

Hello,I need to restore the Master DB in my SQL 2k server (with sp3). Theproblem is that i don't have SQL backups of this file I only havegeneral backup of the entire c: drive i made using NTBackup. So itried all I know and succesfully run the rebuildm utility. Now when Itry to restore it from the general backup (not SQL backup) using"restore database master from gen_backup" i got error: "The file ondevice 'gen_backup' is not a valid Microsoft Tape Format backup set."RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.Any ideas how I can restore it?

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Master File Not Accessible For Copying

Sep 23, 2006

Re SQL Server 2005 ExpressWhen I attempt to copy the master file for backing up, it is being used byanother application, even after shutting down the PC completely and poweringit up again. What can I do to make back-ups?Zach

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Loading In .txt File W/ Master/detail Recs

Feb 19, 2004

SQL Server 2000

Help! Surely this has happened to others before me. A new customer wants to send updates in a fixed-width txt file in which master and detail rows alternate.

How do you do this?

Do you:
1) Painfully muck around with 100,000 rows in the .txt file first--split it into 2 files, one for master records and one for detail records and then process? If so, what do you use? I'd probably hack at it with a VB Script module in a DTS package.


2) Is there a way to feed it into 2 tables where rows starting with x go to one table and rows starting with y go to another?

The plan was to use a fast and dirty DTS package to shove this stuff into a table (probably 2 but we might just toss the stuff we don't need and put in in one) but I'd like some advice on how to proceed.

Thanks for any suggestions!

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Recover Master Database Fron Only MDF File

Jul 20, 2005

I have SQL server 2000 which recently crashed. I try to recover it andfound out that the Master database is corrupt. I never backup myserver using inline sql backup nor any third party backup program thataware to SQL server. But I have full system backup of volume c on tape(using NTBackup), which includes old version of Master database. Myquestions are:1. How can I recover this file into SQL server?2. If so, it is not risky to recover Master database from two weeksago?Thanks in advance!

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Loading Sql Files From A Master File Oracle Equivalent

May 19, 2006

Hi.I need to give my customer an sql file that they can run in query analyzer.All the stuff they need to run is in a set of existing files.I'd like to just tell them to load this file (this is oracle syntax):@file1.sql@file2.sql@file3.sqlis there some way of calling these files (that are in the same dir) from amaster sql file?ThanksJeff Kish

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Could Not Locate File 'xxx_Log' For Database 'master' In Sys.database_files

Nov 12, 2007

Hi All,

I am truncating Transactionlog€¦ following the steps mentioned in MSKB.. what is the problem?

Use master

Backup log xxx with truncate_only
Dbcc shrinkfile(xxx_Log)

Msg 8985, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Could not locate file 'xxx_Log' for database 'master' in sys.database_files.
The file either does not exist, or was dropped.

Please help me.

Thanks in advance

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DB Design :: Specifying Table Types - Master Or Transaction File

Jul 17, 2015

Is it possible to categorize a table by "type"; for example "Master file" or "Transaction file"?

If yes, then:

Where is this specification made on the table, and how can I interrogate the table to determine the "type" ....

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Setup Was Unable To Load The Master Information File (ERROR)

Jan 17, 2008

I receive this error "Setup was unable to load the master information file' when I lanch Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, Add/Remove Windows Components.

I was going to add ISS but recieved this error.

Running Windows XP Professional SP2

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SQL Security :: File Size And Space Used Is Not Displaying For All Database Other Than Master

Aug 26, 2015

I executed the below query and getting the capacity values only for master database.All other DB shows NULL values for spaceused. I'm actually looking for a query to get all the capacity information other than using temp table and the procedures. Is there any way using SQL query ONLY.

db.[dbid] as 'DB ID',
db.[name] as 'Database Name',
af.[name] as 'Logical Name',
convert(decimal(12,2),round(size/128.000,2)) as FileSizeMB, 
convert(decimal(12,2),round(fileproperty(,'SpaceUsed')/128.000,2)) as SpaceUsedMB
from sys.sysdatabases db
inner join sys.sysaltfiles af
on db.dbid = af.dbid

Below is the output

DB ID Database Name
Logical Name FileSizeMB
1 master
master 4.00
1 master
mastlog 2.00

[Code] ....

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DB Engine :: How To Restore From Current LDF Log File And Old BAK Backup File

Jun 11, 2015

My customer got a total hard drive failure.After sending it to drive recovery specialist we were able to recover the LDF log file (MyDB_0.LDF).But the MDF file was completely destroyed (MyDB.MDF).They have a good full backup from a month ago.

1) Installed SQL Server 2012 on a new PC
2) Created a new database of same name (MyDB) - with same MDF and LDF file names as original
3) Took the new database offline
4) deleted the MDF and LDF files of the new database
5) put "MyDB_0.LDF" in the place of the LDF file I just deleted 
6) put the database back on-line
7) after hitting F5 to refresh databases - it shows "MyDB (Recovery Pending)"
8) tried to do Tail Log Backup with this command

And I get this error...

Msg 3447, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Could not activate or scan all of the log files for database 'MyDB'.

The sad thing is I know we can get this data back using ApexSQL-Log. I can see all the transactions since the last full backup in this program - so the log file is not damaged. But my client doesn't want to pay the $2000 fee for this software.There has to be a way to restore this data, without having to purchase a third party tool.

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DB Engine :: Extension FILE Among Backup File

May 8, 2015

I checked quickly one network  and I ran into the folders; I found out the folder MSSQL backup, nothing strange so far. Within that folder, anyway, I found out several backup and one very huge file (datawarehouse) with extension FILE. I am wondering what can be? I got datawarehouse mdf of course and datawarehouse log but what is that huge file (1 TB)?

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SQL Server 2008 :: How To Update The Database Physical File Location In Master Database

Mar 8, 2015

I had to to relocate the database log file and I issued an Alter database command but by mistake I put a space in the file name as below. The space is at the beginning file name. Now I am unable get the database loaded to SQL Server. The database has 2 replications configured, so deleting and re-attaching the database means the replication needs to be re-configured. Is there an alternative way to issue a command to update the database FILENAME ? Not sure if this can be edited in master database (sys files).

MODIFY FILE (NAME = User_DB_log, FILENAME = 'I:SQLLogs User_DB_log.ldf')

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Master Information And Details: How Can I Get The Master ID?

Jun 19, 2007

I got a File with sales orders and their details.

Step 1. First I am filtering the Sales Order information and inserting it in my Sales Orders table.
Step 2.Then I am filtering the details from the sales Order and inserting them in the respective table.

My Problem is that the Sales Order File does not contain the Sales Order key (ID), this is generated by the SQL Server. How can get it in order to use it in the second step? I need it because it is a foreign key in the details table.

Any Idea?

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