Master Package - After Execution Empty Tables
Feb 12, 2008
I'm running a master package executing 8 child packages.
Each package contains the same connection managers and each package is stored within the MSDB database.
The master package executes the packages stored in the MSDB using the 'execute package task'.
When running the master package from either MSDB or visual studio directly the odd thing happens that some tables will be filled, but after package execution I notice each table to be empty. There's no rollback 'procedure 'specified within the package and each package executes successfully because of error row handling. Anybody any hints how to solve this one?
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Sep 13, 2006
We have been working with SSIS for a while and we have not found a solution or a reason for this. We have a master package that calls 10 packages in sequential order. (as shown below). If we execute each one of the package separately the run in less than 2 minutes, but when we call them through the master package the execution time start increasing as follows: Child 1 (2 min), Child 2 (3 min),, Child 3 (4 min), Child 4 (6 min), Child 1 (7 min), and so on. The execute package task has the ExecutionOutOfProcess = false (when we set it equal to True even takes longer to execute, it was creating a dtsHost.exe process for each child and always remain in memory after the package finished executing). Can someone please provide a solution or a workaround for this? Any help would be appreciated. Any help will be appreciated.
|------Child 1
|------Child 2
||------Child 3
||------Child 11
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Dec 6, 2007
Hi there
We have a SSIS run which runs as follows
The master package has a configuration file, specifying the connect strings
The master package passes these connect-strings to the child packages in a variable
Both master package and child packages have connection managers, setup to use localhost. This is done deliberately to be able to test the packages on individual development pc€™s.
We do not want to change anything inside the packages when deploying to test, and from test to production. All differences will be in the config files (which are pretty fixed, they very seldom change). That way we can be sure that we can deploy to production without any changes at all.
The package is run from the file system, through a job-schedule.
We experience the following when running on a not default sql-server instance (called dkms5253uedw)
Case 1:
The master package starts by executing three sql-scripts (drop foreign key€™s, truncate tables, create foreign key€™s). This works fine.
The master package then executes the first child package. We then in the sysdtslog get:
Error - €ścannot connect to database xxx€?
Info - €śpackage is preparing to get connection string from parent €¦€?
The child package then executes OK, does all it€™s work, and finish. Because there has been an error, the master package then stops with an error.
Case 2:
When we run exactly the same, but with the connection strings in the config file pointing to the default instance (dkms5253), the everything works fine.
Case 3:
When we run exactly the same, again against the dkms5253uedw instance, but now with the exact same databases defined in the default instance, it also works perfect.
Case 4:
When we then stop the sql-server on the default instance, the package faults again, this time with
Error - €śtimeout when connect to database xxx€?
Info - €śpackage is preparing to get connection string from parent €¦€?
And the continues as in the first case
From all this we conclude, that the child package tries to connect to the database before it knows the connection string it gets passed in the variable from the master package. It therefore tries to connect to the default instance, and this only works if the default instance is running and has the same databases defined. As far as we can see, the child package does no work against the default instance (no logging etc.).
We have tried delayed validation in the packages and in the connection managers, but with the same results (error).
So we are desperately hoping that someone can help us solve this problem.
/Nils M - Copenhagen
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Jul 9, 2015
I am facing a strange problem in executing stored procedure. Basically my sproc will take a values from Java application and create a Insert statement. see stored procedure below.Just to give some more background- I am re writing the procedure which was written in oracle already.
Problem I am facing now is with the statement below . When I execute the procedure for first time it works fine however when I execute for second time onwards it is setting to empty. Not sure what is the problem with my declaration and setting up with values. For reference I have pasted my complete stored procedure code below.
select @L_STMT= 'INSERT INTO '+ @l_table_name + '(' + LTRIM(RTRIM((substring (@L_INS_STMT,2,len(@L_INS_STMT))))) + ') VALUES (' + LTRIM(RTRIM((substring (@L_INS_STMT1,2,len(@L_INS_STMT1))))) +')';
@Arrlist varchar(max),
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May 21, 2007
I created a package which passes some infornmations( through parameters) to its child package.
I need to do some processing in parent package based on execution status of child package.i.e.
if child fails then some operation and if child succeeds then other operation.
To determine the status of execution of child package I am using two differnt constraint constraint is having value "Success" and other having value "Failure".
My problem is that when child packge is executed successfully the constraint with value = "Success" works properly but when child fails the constraint with value "Failure" does not work.
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Dec 4, 2007
Is it possible to call a package through the 'Execute package task' and force it to run in 32 bit while the master package runs in 64 bit?
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Mar 1, 2007
I've just creates a report with about 20 Tables. To my suprise, it almost runs as intended ;-)
But there is one flaw - Is there any way of hiding an empyt table?
I want to hide all tables that are not filled with data. But wich one is empty differs from the entered parameter.
So long
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Oct 29, 2007
I have created a SSIS master package. It is contains two child package. The master package is running in fine .
But i am calling the master package in the sql server agentjobs,the following error coming.
An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E4D. An OLE DB record is available.
Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E4D
Description: "Login failed for user 'test1'."
pl help me.
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Mar 19, 2003
I want to return a list of user tables from a database where the rowcount is 0. This will be a 3 step process: (1) truncate all 'New%' tables, (2) load data via ODBC/DTS into 'New%' tables, (3) list all 'New%' tables with zero rows (i.e. those that didn't get loaded, as all tables in the ODBC data source contain data).
I've tried:
select left(,32) as TableName, max(s1.rows) as Records
from sysindexes s1
inner join sysobjects s2 on
where type = 'U' and like 'New%'
group by
HAVING max(rows) = 0
ORDER BY TableName
but of course there are multiple rows in sysindexes and the routine does not reliably return the correct list; for example the data in sysobjects & sysindexes, without the max and group by, might look like:
I was hoping to come up with a single T-SQL statement that I could use in an xp_sendmail situation to email me the results.
Thanks for the suggestions.
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May 6, 2015
I would like to empty out my 2k8 database (remove all the data in the tables only) And reloaded it with the data from production (2k5). I know I would have to dis-enable any constraints, triggers and remove all indexes before I can run a Truncate/Delete on all tables correct And then import the data via Wizard or script And lastly enable all the constraints & triggers, rebuild the indexes. Is this the only way to go about this? I don't want to do a backup & restore because the 2k5 doesn't have a 20% of the tables that are in 2k8. The 20% of those tables in 2k8 i'm not going to remove.
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Apr 2, 2006
Hello I have 16000 tables in a sql database and I need a sql query command to delete empty tables from that sql database please help.
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Jul 20, 2006
Hi all,
I have a database which gets its daily feed from a ftp file. Now is there any way i can figure out the empty tables in the databese which doesnot get any data on the feed.
Thanks in advance,
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Oct 29, 2007
I have created a SSIS master package. It is contains two child package. The master package is running in fine .
But i am calling the master package in the sql server agentjobs,the following error coming.
An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E4D. An OLE DB record is available.
Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E4D
Description: "Login failed for user 'test1'."
pl help me.
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Aug 14, 2015
I need to copy data from warehouse tables to master tables of different SQL instances. Refresh need to done once in an hour. What is the best way to do this? SQL agent jobs or SSIS packages?
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Feb 19, 2001
does anyone know of a way that I can detect if a table is empty via a SQL Server job step?
Many thanks
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May 15, 2001
I have already created package which loads a text file to database.I wanted to execute that package based on the availability of the file using Visual Basic,Perl or VBSCRIPT whichever is easier.Please advise.Thanks
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Oct 30, 2000
I wrote a stored procedure that calls a DTS package that imports a file into a SQL Server table, then executes some commands on that table. How can I tell that the DTS package has completed, so that I can continue with the next command? Here is my code:
-- Run the DTS package
EXEC @Result = msdb..sp_start_job @job_name = 'MyJob'
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:02'
-- Call the table that the package created
SELECT * FROM <imported_table> WHERE ...
I had to insert a WAITFOR statement to make this work. Any other suggestions as to how to know when to continue?
Thank you.
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Mar 18, 2004
Is there a method to either:
A) Kick of a DTS package directly from a stored procedure without shelling out to the DTSRun facility.
B) Kick off a scheduled job containing a DTS task from a stored procedure?
What's the best method?
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Feb 11, 2008
Hi Friends,
I need help from you.
I am working on SSIS packages for ETL purpose.
The version of SQL Server i am using is SQL Server 2005.
In Brief , the working of current ETL is as follows.
In ODS database i have 2 tables i.e Table_A & Table_B which gets loaded from another 2 staging tables A & B.
And using this 2 tables data will be loaded into a target table i.e Trg_A.
The ETL packages are executed by stored procedures by creating a job within the stored procedure.
The loading of the trg table is little tricky.
Before that loading of Table_A is implemented in a single SSIS package.
and loading of Table_B is been implemented in another SSIS package.
In the trg table there are two columns which will be getting updated as and when each table is loaded.
so for the first time if i run the package which is resposible for loading Table_A, it loads values into Table_A and once done it will updates (col1) in the target table.
Once after the complete of the execution of Package1.
Now i will kick off the second ssis package which loads the data into Table_B and updates the trg table's columns (col2).
Now the actual problem what i am facing is:
For loading Table_A and updating the col1 in Trg table i will be receving more than 5 excel file every month on weekly basis.
I cannot even gather all the files and run using a For-Loop counter.
So presently i am loading data excel file per week .
Similarly loading of table_B.
For a week if i am executing both the packages which loads the Table_A and updates the Trg(col1) and Table_B and updates Trg(col2), then i am getting a Deadlock Error and the entire ETL is getting messed up.
Now my requirement is , Eventhough the 2 packages are run in parallel , there could certain milli seconds time difference while start of the execution in Job Monitor.
I need to implement a Queing Mechanism which takes care of running the packages in a sequential manner rather than in parallel. i .e i need to ensure only one SSIS package is running in Job Monitor. Only after successful execution of either one the package, then only the second package should start its execution.
If we can implement such a queing mechanism , then my problem is solvedl.
I need some suggestions on this regard in implementing the Queing mechanism in a programatic approach using SQL Server Job Related MetaData Tables.
or else is there in server parameter or initialization parameters which can be set at Database level which suffice my requirement.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Looking for sincere comments on this regards.
Thanks in advance.
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Dec 2, 2007
I have a master package which calls two package one after an other.
1) I will be passing parameters to master package using dtexec with /set property to set the variables in the master package. I would like to know how can child package access these variables.
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Apr 23, 2007
I have a SSIS Project thats been running fine for months up until yesterday.
There's a master package that calls other packages, and when i run it now in Visual Studio, i get a Message Box after each of it's child packages run. The message states:
TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio------------------------------The designer window cannot be closed while a package is running.Stop the debugger before attempting to close the window.------------------------------BUTTONS:OK------------------------------
This seems to be causing issues, because VS seems to hang on my machine at some point when running master packages, and i think it might due to a message box.
Anyone know how I can get rid of this?
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Jun 21, 2007
Hello All,
When creating my database I have modeled some of the tables after the Adventureworks sample database.
There are some fields or entire tables in Adventureworks that I do not see an imediate use for, however; I would hate to ommit them to find out later they would have been benificial. (.eg territory table).
In general terms what would the impact be on size and performance of a database which contains tables or fields that do not contain data.
Thanks for your help!
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Jan 23, 2007
Hi,I need to list all the tables in northwind database.I'm using sql server 2000.In query analyser i'm in master database.I don't want to change the database to northwind.How to list all the tables in northwind database when the databasecombobox has master in query analyser.I want to run this query with database name.I won't want to run forcurrent database.Kindly help me to solve the problem.Thanks & Regards,Mani
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Nov 17, 2004
I have a package that has 12 data pump tasks all executing in parallel.
It is transferring raw data from an AS400 DW to a MSSQLSvr Staging area.
Each pump task on completion assigns values to a set of global variables, then having done this passes these as parameters to a sproc which inserts them into a table.
This seems to work for 4 or 5 of the pump tasks but, the rest of the rows in the table are all the same because the remaining pump tasks are all executing before the sprocs.
Is there a way to make sure that the entire set of job steps completes, before starting another job set of steps while still keeping them running in parallel.
I had wondered if there was a way to use the PumpComplete phase of each pump step to fire off the sproc, but can't see how you execute the step.
Any ideas would be much appreciated.
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Nov 25, 2004
I want to finsih the execution of a DTS package from an ActiveX task. If a condition is ok, the package would continue as normal. If not, I want to finish the package without any error. Just without executing the next tasks. Do you have any idea?
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Jun 11, 2007
I need a user to pass an input to a package from a VB form, and then want to show progress/errors in the form.
I have been able to use Application. LoadFromSqlServer and I then set pkg.Variables.(MyVariable) to the required value before calling Execute.
Works fine so far.
I dont know how to show progress. The DTSExecResult just returns a Cryptic Success /Failure status message.
Is there a way to log the errors if any to my Windows form? I have seen samples on Console Apps(see below) but I would prefer to show it in my Windows form in a text Box or something, appending each error result to the text.
Code Snippet
Class EventListener
Inherits DefaultEvents
Public Overrides Function OnError(ByVal source As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsObject, _
ByVal errorCode As Integer, ByVal subComponent As String, ByVal description As String, _
ByVal helpFile As String, ByVal helpContext As Integer, _
ByVal idofInterfaceWithError As String) As Boolean
' Add application€“specific diagnostics here.
Console.WriteLine("Error in {0}/{1} : {2}", source, subComponent, description)
Return False
End Function
End Class
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Feb 28, 2008
I have basic knowledge of SSIS and will appreciate if some can suggest a way (with example if possible), to solve this problem.
I have an SSIS package that requires execution of another package, lets say B. This I am able to do using the 'Execute package' task. Now, what I really want to do is, I wish to check if a perticular table 'A' has rows that satisfy a given condition. In other words, I wish to execute Package 'B' onle if Table 'A' has rows. How can I do this?
Thanks in advance.
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Aug 2, 2006
Hello all
I want to cause the package to fail in DataFlow. I wanted use the script component for this purpose.
How I can do it?
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Nov 24, 2006
I tried to execute the package,which is importing the data from the Flat file(flat file from map network drive on other computer).But Packages are created and executed on Server.While i executing that package it shows error as "Package could not be found.".
Please help me ASAP.
Thanks in advance
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Feb 21, 2007
hello to every body.. well i have a problem.. well i created a package the task of which is to update thedimensions and the fact tables from the tables of source.
i created a configuration file with all the parameters that are nedded (connections managers; parameters of packages).this config file will include all the paremeters need for the execution of other packages
In that package i call an other package (execution package task). this package normally will take the parameters of the parent package isn't it??(i put the parameters of this package to the config file of the parent package).
i must also note that for the second package called there is also a package...
i must also note that i have 2 DWHs (a and b) for testing.
the problem is that when i execute the parent package to DWH b , the sacond package called do not take the parameters of the parent package. instaed it looks to its XML configuration file(in a different location of the config file of the parent package) which contains the connection parameters to DWH a and it calls strored procedures from the DWH a (instead of calling at SP from DHW b).
any ideas??
thnx a LOT0
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Sep 13, 2006
Hi All,
I have a problem in getting the info about the execution of a DTS Package.
I have a SQL-2000 Client installation on my Desktop to connect to SQL-2000 Server Database system to do all of my work. i had a DTS package stored in my SQL Server2000 Local Packages. Now i have to schedule the DTS Package from my Desktop. And the DTS package is processing some files from a shared network folder. when i used to run the DTS package manually from my desktop my desktop login have access to that shared folder so there is no problem to run the package.
suppose i scheduled the DTS to execute on daily basis at 10:00 AM. Now my doubt is wher the DTS will be executed after scheduling, which starts DTS execution and is it required my Desktop to be up daily at 10:00 AM, and how the network shared folder is going to be accessed by the DTS, means where to specify the authentication to the shared folder.
somebudy plz help me out.
Thanks in advance.
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Apr 4, 2008
Hi all,
Which is the best way to execute SSIS packages? I have no problem to use dtexec command but I want it to run every night. Is this going to be done through the SQL Server (SQL Server Agent under Jobs)? Is the type going to be Operating System (CmdExec) or Transact Sql? How exactly is the command written there?
Thanks in advance.
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Jul 13, 2007
I am running into some issue that i have found any good clue on this forum... although have seen a few threads dicussions. I have a master package which invokes a dozen of child packages.
1) If I only open master package inside IDE, I am keeping getting the following error when i run the master packages inside Visual Studio 2005 IDE.
The connection type "FLATFILE" specified for connection manager "XXXXX Flat File Destination Connection Manager" is not recognized as a valid connection manager type. This error is returned when an attempt is made to create a connection manager for an unknown connection type. Check the spelling in the connection type name
2) If I opened up all child packages inside IDE, the master package run fine most of time.
Any suggestions?
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