Math Notation In Db?

Dec 1, 2007

I'm not a professional dba or dbd, but I'm proficient in the basics of
database design and sql. I want to create a database of math
definitions, and I'm wondering how one would go about creating a
database that contains mathematical notation (and I'm not just talking
about basic symbols where I could get away with ascii code). I need
to be able to insert a wide variety of mathematical expressions, from
fractions to integrals, into fields (just like you can enter in-line
math symbols in MS Word using equation editor). I have no clue how to
go about this. Is it a matter of developing certain programming
skills/languages? Would such a capabliltiy be proprietary (dbms-
specific)? Is it possible at all? Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

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Convert From Scientific Notation

Jan 22, 2008

I've got some values stored in nvachar(255) field stored by mistake as scientific notation (eg 7.5013e+006 instead of 7501301) and I need to convert and update the field with normal entry, not scientific notation. Is there a way to do that?

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How Truncate Scientific Notation From Real?

Jul 23, 2005

HiWe've got some numbers stored as Reals which are returning values inscientific notation that we need rounded down to 3 digits to the rightof the 8.7499999E-2 needs to return 8.75.Round, cast, convert, formatnumber in the dts package all fail.Help!Thanks Moe

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Reporting Services Engineering Notation

Jun 1, 2007

In Reporting Services, is it possible to display a field in Engineering Notation or Scientific notation? I guess can do it by adding a format code, can somebody tell me the format for those notations.


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Stupid Text Box/notation Question

Mar 11, 2008

I'm in Visual Studios working on a data flow. I want to add some notes. I open a text box (by typing on the screen).

Why can I only get ONE line of text???? The return key doesn't work.

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Replication Autogenerated Procs - Interesting ;2 Notation

Jun 23, 2006

I was looking to modify how the INSERT happens with regards to replication only to find my solution in the proc itself. When I edit the proc this is what I am displayed in SQL QA or EM:


ALTER procedure "sp_MSins_dboMEETING" @c1 int,@c2 int,@c3 int,@c4 varchar(250),@c5 datetime,@c6 datetime,@c7 bit,@c8 char(1),@c9 datetime,@c10 bit,@c11 bit,@c12 bit,@c13 datetime,@c14 smallint,@c15 datetime,@c16 smallint,@c17 binary(8),@c18 bit,@c19 bit,@c20 bit,@c21 varchar(1000)


insert into "dbo"."MEETING"(

values (
@c1, @c2, @c3, @c4, @c5, @c6, @c7, @c8, @c9, @c10, @c11, @c12, @c13, @c14, @c15, @c16, @c17, @c18, @c19, @c20, @c21



create procedure "sp_MSins_dboMEETING";2 @c1 int,@c2 int,@c3 int,@c4 varchar(250),@c5 datetime,@c6 datetime,@c7 bit,@c8 char(1),@c9 datetime,@c10 bit,@c11 bit,@c12 bit,@c13 datetime,@c14 smallint,@c15 datetime,@c16 smallint,@c17 binary(8),@c18 bit,@c19 bit,@c20 bit,@c21 varchar(1000)
if exists ( select * from "dbo"."MEETING"
where "MEETING_ID" = @c1
update "dbo"."MEETING" set "MEETING_TYPE_ID" = @c2,"MEETING_STATUS_ID" = @c3,"TITLE" = @c4,"START_DATE" = @c5,"END_DATE" = @c6,"PUBLISH_IND" = @c7,"GROUP_IND" = @c8,"PUBLISH_DATE" = @c9,"MY_ADVISORS" = @c10,"SUBMITTED_IND" = @c11,"ACTIVE_IND" = @c12,"CREATE_DATE" = @c13,"CREATED_BY" = @c14,"LAST_UPDATE_DATE" = @c15,"LAST_UPDATED_BY" = @c16,"DATE_INDEXED" = @c17,"ON_DEMAND_IND" = @c18,"NOT_REPORTED_IND" = @c19,"MAJOR_PROJECT_IND" = @c20,"MAJOR_PROJECT_COMMENT" = @c21
where "MEETING_ID" = @c1


Is the second version listed at the bottom like a comment or can it actually get called? I am going to script out all of these procs and save them, and then remove the first version (listed at the top) and the use the second version since it does what I need. I just thought it was interesting to see two stored procedures in a single definition, never seen the "PROC_NAME";2 notation, have you? If so please tell me what it does, is it just a way to create a second version of the procedure in a comment type fashion or is it used another way?

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Float Column Not Show Scientific Notation

Oct 16, 2013

We sometimes have small values stored in a column with datatype of float like 0.000644470739403048 which is being converted to -5.8E-05. Perhaps that is OK to be stored in the database however I need the value in decimal format to use. (I'm using longitude values in google maps).

is there anything I can do at the database level. I was looking at the properties which is 53 numeric precision and 8 length.

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Formatting A Float In Varchar But NOT In Scientific Notation

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to find a way to format a FLOAT variable into a varchar inSQL Server 2000 but using CAST/CONVERT I can only get scientificnotation i.e. 1e+006 instead of 1000000 which isn't really what Iwanted.Preferably the varchar would display the number to 2 decimal placesbut I'd settle for integers only as this conversion isn't businesscritical and is a nice to have for background information.Casting to MONEY or NUMERIC before converting to a varchar works finefor most cases but of course runs the risk of arithmetic overflow ifthe FLOAT value is too precise for MONEY/NUMERIC to handle. If anyoneknows of an easy way to test whether overflow will occur and thereforeto know not to convert it then that would be an option.I appreciate SQL Server isn't great at formatting and it would be fareasier in the client code but code this is being performed as adescription of a very simple calculation in a trigger, all stored tothe database on the server side so there's no opportunity for clientintervention.Example code:declare @testFloat floatselect @testFloat = 1000000.12select convert(varchar(100),@testFloat) -- gives 1e+006select cast(@testFloat as varchar(100)) -- gives 1e+006select convert(varchar(100),cast(@testFloat as money)) -- gives1000000.12select @testFloat = 12345678905345633453453624453453524.123select convert(varchar(100),cast(@testFloat as money)) -- givesarithmetic overflow errorselect convert(varchar(100),cast(@testFloat as numeric)) -- givesarithmetic overflow errorAny suggestions welcome...CheersDave

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Float Data Types And Scientific Notation

Jan 10, 2008

Hi All,

Am I missing something or is there something odd with float data types. i know that float is not the most precise definition but i came across something really odd today.

first let me define the scenario.

this is sql server 2005, standard edition build 3042.

I have a table defined as


[Property_Num] [numeric](10, 0) NOT NULL,

[Accrual_Factor_Val] [float] NULL


the accrual_factor_val was updated to a value of 0.00005 then the web service failed because the proc returned 5E-05!

i opened the table, and discovered this is the stored value. is this correct?

thoughts and ideas?

thanks for your input!

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Format Output As Scientific Notation (was Sql 2000 Question)

Jan 29, 2005

SELECT membername, outputval
case when choice = 0 then outputval else null end as outputval
from MyDatabase
group by membername, outputval

how to format outputval:
if outputval < 40000
format outputval as:
5 - 5.78 - 6.9 - 6,778 - 4,567.8 - 12,456.78 - etc.
if outputval >= 40000
format it as a scientific.

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Scientific Notation While Taking Data From EXCEL Into SSIS

Apr 25, 2008

Hi ,

I have one problem regarding format of mixed data columns in excel. I am using this query to retieve data from my excel spreadsheet

Select * from OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

'Excel 8.0;IMEX=1;IHDR=yes;Database=E: est.xls;HDR=YES',

'SELECT * FROM [original$]')

to retrieve data from excel sheet.

I am able to retreive all data (numaric and text) , but for few cells I am getting wrong values.

like this
15106749310-> 1.51067e+010
70400672657-> 7.04007e+010
48110753143-> 4.81108e+010

registry setting are €œtext and 0€³. I am also using IMEX=1 in connection string.

I have numeric and text data both in same column,

Could you please help me to get the correct value from excel .

thanks in advance ,

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Math Or Text

Dec 13, 2006

in the below sql why is    year(classdate)  " + " a " + " MONTH(classdate)  a math command giving me   2006 - 12 = 167
and not "2006/12" as text? please help me
 cmdGetCat = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT DISTINCT   year(classdate)  " + " a " + " MONTH(classdate) AS  monthcode  FROM  dbo.classT INNER JOIN dbo.classgiven ON dbo.classT.classcode = dbo.classgiven.classcode WHERE ( = '-1') AND  (dbo.classT.coned IS NOT NULL) ", conNorthwind)

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Sql Math Question

Nov 18, 2007

How do i update a sql table so that the result cannot be less than zero?for example, lets say I have the column "Number"I have a sql update statement that subtracts 1 from number:"Update oTable SET Number = (Number - 1)"Except that Number cannot be less than zero.  Is there a way to do this in sql statement so that I don't have to have a select statement just to check that Number is greater than zero to begin with? Thanks 

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Doing Math On Tables

Oct 26, 2004

Hello everyone:

I have a database for one of my websites, a picture rating site. Anyways, right now there are quicte a few tables, and I was wondering how to give the server a break and was wondering if this was possible:

Basicly I have a members table, and a votes table. Members will rate other users pcitures on a scale of one to ten, then the votes will be inserted into the votes table. The only problem with this is that calcuating all the votes a user has can put a straing on the server. I was wondering if it would be possible to create a math column in the members table that would automaticly figure out the users average and having it stored in a field in the members table, so all I would have to do is query the members average located in the mebers table, rather than tallying all the votes in the votes table for each member.

Hope this makes sense, a tutorial or any suggestions would be great!


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Some Math Logics

Feb 2, 2004

I have 2 questions.

1) Lets say we have a table


These table have 10 records - the numbers from 1 to 10.

I need 1 query ONLY which will update the table and make it with 100 records - the numbers from 1 to 100.

2) How with 1 query ONLY i have select only the prime numbers

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Date Math In SQL - How To Do?

Jan 16, 2006

I have some dates stored in a field named "visit"

In a select they show as the format:
2005-07-28 10:45:00.000

So I need to write a query that will select Visits that are more than 90 days old. I thought it might be something simple like:

Select * from patientVisit where ((getdate())-Visit>90)

But that is pulling all visits not just 90 day old ones.

How do I pull the current date/time and compute the cutoff date time that would be 90 days prior for my selection Where clause?


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Math Between Columns

Jun 30, 2006

I need to create a new column where I subtract one column by another.
I've been looking fo that for a while now, can someone explain how to do this?

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Math Functions

Mar 31, 2006

Hi,How to find the list of SQL math functions in SQL Server 2005?ThanksKai

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Math Error

Nov 23, 2006

select convert(float,'1.2334e+006')1233400.0select convert(decimal(20,2),'1.2334e+006')Server: Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1Error converting data type varchar to numeric.can I set some options arithabort etc to have a workaround to thisproblem?Thanks.

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Math Function

Jul 20, 2005

Hi AllI'm trying to find a math function (if it exists) in SQL Server. If itdoesnt exist, then maybe someone can tell me what its called so I cando a bit more reading on itBasically I want to do this:Parameter Components1 12 23 1, 24 45 1, 46 2, 47 3, 48 89 1, 8and so onI'd like to be able to call a function and it would return true orfalse like sofunctionname(1, 9) = trueso 1 is a component of 9functionname(2, 9) = falseso 2 is not a component of 9functionname(4, 5) = trueso 4 is a component of 5If anyone could tell me if it exists in C#, VB.NET, VB6 or VBScript,I'd appreciate it!Thanks in advanceSam

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Date Math

Jan 9, 2008

Below is my table layout, query, and results. I need to perform some date math to display how much time is elapsed between locations as patients are checked into each care_unit. I believe I could use the unique careunit_key but am not sure how to go about this.


[CAREUNIT_KEY] [decimal](37, 0) NOT NULL,

[EPISODE_KEY] [decimal](38, 0) NULL,

[CARE_UNIT] [char](20) NULL,

[ROOM_NO] [char](5) NULL,

[BED_NO] [char](5) NULL,

[DATE_IN] [datetime] NULL,

[TIME_IN] [char](6) NULL




convert(nvarchar,e.ADMISSION_DATE, 101) as Admit_Date,

convert(nvarchar,e.EPISODE_DATE, 101) as Discharge_Date,

convert(nvarchar,cu.date_in,101) as date_in,

substring(cu.time_in, 1,5) as time_in,

convert(nvarchar,cu.date_in,101) +

convert(datetime,substring(cu.time_in, 1,5)) as date_time_in

FROM srm.episodes e

inner join srm.CDMAB_CAREUNITS cu on cu.episode_key = e.episode_key

inner join srm.item_header ih on ih.item_key = e.episode_key

inner join srm.patients p on p.patient_key = ih.logical_parent_key

where e.account_number = '11111777777'


12/10/07 3:00

12/10/07 5:54

12/10/07 11:05

12/10/07 12:37

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Doing Math With Cells

Apr 19, 2007

Good day all

Does anyone know if there is such a quary that can be written which would add up(or any math functions) a line of cells (on different rows) similar to that of working with a excel document?

If so please steer me towards the correct syntax for this.



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Date Math

Mar 12, 2008


I have a column coming from DB2. It is the time is stored as 6 decimals of a second. So the value I got coming in is 44846(DT_I8), which needs to be divided by 60 to get minutes (747 minutes remainder 26 seconds). Then divide 747 by 60 to get 12 hours remainder 27 minutes. Thus the time is 12:27:26.

I have got a dervived column doing (DT_R8)(SUBSTRING((DT_WSTR,8)PSCCLOGTIM,1,5)) / 60 but the answer I am getting out is 747.433333. Close, but not close enough. Now I assume my problem has something to do with the Math being done on actual numbers not Time based numbers.

Anyone got any ideas on where I am going wrong and what the expression should look like?

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SQL Math Functions With COUNT() - Can Anyone Help, Please?

Mar 28, 2007

I have been trying to make a database that counts up and down votes (like eBay ratings or reddit votes).  I think (hope) I have got the database design right.
I know that you can perform math functions in SQL, but I want to use two COUNT()s from the same table and subtract one (the down votes) from the other (the up votes).
I have been learning ASP.NET 2.0 and it's going well, but I really need help with this.  I asked a question on this forum before and the answers were great and really helpful.
If anyone can help that would be great.  Thank you.

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Performing Math Problem

Nov 19, 2003

I need to perform some division on the results of two alias columns that perform counts in a query. What is the best way to do this?

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Math Is Driving Me Nuts

Jul 20, 2005

The business rule is, the sales manager is commissioned on the avg. numberof appointments set up per salesrep per day during the month.I have 2 tables: The UserLog table records only 1 entry per day per user(salesrep). This will log how many salesreps worked a particular day. Thesecond table logs any appointments set up.UserLog: ID, UserName, EnteredTimeAppointment: ApptID, EnteredTime, ApptDateI figured that, for a given date ranged, I could1. sum the number of appointments2. sum the number of days worked2. sum the salesreps / number of days = avg number of salesreps per day3. number of appointments / avg number of salesreps per day = avg numberof appointments per sales repBut this logic is flawed. If I average out every day and then take anaverage of this daily average, I get a different result. Any ideas on howto best solve this problem?Thanks.

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Math - Division Question..

Dec 6, 2007

To set the stage, Tables are set up as such for this question:

Table: Answers
ID - Integer - Auto
Answer - Integer
QuestionID - Integer - FK from the QuizMaster table
StudentID - Integer - FK from the Students table

Table: QuizMaster

ID - Integer - Auto
Answer - Integer

Table: Students
ID - Integer - Auto
StudentName - Varchar(50)
I would like to have an either a sql statement (1st) or a stored procedure (2nd) that would give me the percent correct for each student on the test.

In Access I could cheat and use this:

Code BlockSELECT Students.StudentName,
Count(Students.StudentName) AS TotalCorrect,
(SELECT Count(QuizMaster.ID) FROM QuizMaster;) AS TotalQuestions,
([TotalCorrect])/([TotalQuestions])*100 AS PercentValue
FROM (Answers INNER JOIN Students

ON Answers.StudentID = Students.ID)
ON (Answers.Answer = QuizMaster.Answer)
AND (Answers.QuestionID = QuizMaster.ID)
GROUP BY Students.StudentName
ORDER BY Students.StudentName, PercentValue;

Which is composed of the following...

Code Block

SELECT Students.StudentName,

Count(Students.StudentName) AS TotalCorrect
FROM (Answers INNER JOIN Students

ON Answers.StudentID = Students.ID)
ON (Answers.Answer = QuizMaster.Answer)
AND (Answers.QuestionID = QuizMaster.ID)

GROUP BY Students.StudentName;

SELECT Count(QuizMaster.ID) AS TotalQuestions
FROM QuizMaster;

([TotalCorrect])/([TotalQuestions])*100 AS PercentValue

But... that wont fly in SQL Server...What would work without using temp tables?
What would be the EASIEST way to do this?

Another way someone suggested is:

Code BlockCREATE PROCEDURE GetStudentGradeByID @StudentID Integer



DECLARE @TotalQuestionsAsked as Integer;
DECLARE @StudentName as VarChar(50);
DECLARE @QuestionsCorrect as Integer;
DECLARE @PercentCorrect as Float;

set @TotalQuestionsAsked = select COUNT(*)FROM QuizMaster;
set @StudentName = select StudentName from Students where ID = @StudentID;

set @QuestionsCorrect = select count(Answers.ID) from Answers LEFT JOIN QuizMaster on Answers.QuestionID = QuizMaster.ID where StudentID = @StudentID AND QuizMaster.Answer = Answers.Answer;
set @PercentCorrect = (CAST (@QuestionsCorrect AS FLOAT) / CAST (@TotalQuestionsAsked AS FLOAT)) * 100.0;

select @QuestionsCorrect as TotalCorrect, @StudentName as Student, @TotalQuestionsAsked as NumQuestions, @PercentCorrect as CorrectPct;


But I need this as a datasource for a datagrid that would show all students etc... so using a parameter isn't really what I want.
So... could a stored procedure work for this?

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Please Help Me W/ My Query, Simple Math!

Jan 29, 2008


declare @query1 varchar(1000)
declare @query2 varchar(1000)
set @query1 = 'select count(*) from table1'
set @query2 = 'select count(*) from table2'

select @query1 - @query2

basically, i want to show the difference of this 2 select statements.. how do i do it?

thanks in advance!

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Interesting Math In A T-SQL Query

Oct 2, 2007

The value in the table of one DB is 17869 sq. ft. Now to insert this value in a new table of other database the reporting basis is 1000 i.e I need to do 17869/1000 = 17.8 so I have to take the value as 18. Another thing to be kept in mind is the value in the new table should have leading Zeroes. If the value is 18 it should be displayed as 0000018 ( data type in new table is Varchar(7) and in old table char (9) ). What can be the best way to implement this??

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Make Math Operations With DateTime

Sep 23, 2007

how can i make mathematical operations with the DateTime format from thw Sql? -- this is the format 9/6/2007 11:09:00 PM --
how can i substract 30 days from that date and know the resulting one?
if i have two dates, how can i know what number of hours and minutes are between them (if they are fewer than 24), or what number of days and hours and minutes are (if the difference is grater than 24 hours)
please help me, thanks

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Math Over Datetime In Varchar Format??

Jun 17, 2008


I have this column of time values:

It is in varchar format. I tried converting it to datetime but get an invalid format error message.

How can I sum up these values and average them out?



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Evaluating Varchar String With Math

Mar 5, 2008

In reference to this thread:

madhivanan asks for sample table data to avoid using a cursor. I could really use this, so here is the table

ANSWER decimal(15,8)





I would expect this output:

1.0 + 2 NULL
1/2 NULL
1/2+2 NULL
1/(2+2) NULL
3*7.5 NULL
3/2*.6-2 NULL

1 1.00000000
1.0 + 2 3.00000000
1/2 0.50000000
1/2+2 2.50000000
1/(2+2) 0.25000000
3*7.5 22.50000000
3/2*.6-2 -1.10000000
(1-1) 0.00000000

Any help appreciated, thanks,

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Pseudocode To SQL Stored Proc Math Operation

Jan 30, 2006

How do i implement this pseudocode in a SQL stored proc?

In my stored proc, intDS and intSS are the corresponding locally declared variables: @cnt1 and @cnt2 (both are int's).

double intRating = 0;
if (intDS != 0)
intRating = ((intDS - intSS ) / intDS) * 100;
if (intRating < 0)
intRating = 0;
intRating = RoundUpDown(intRating);

The last line should round up or downd the decimal value, if it has decimals, to the next round/whole number... e.g. 28.4352635 to 28.

Thank you!

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