Merging Data Values (HELP NEEDED!!)

May 7, 2007


i'm new to this and i am trying to create a statement that would add the values together for Hong Kong and China and then delete the Hong Kong road. (this is a example what i am trying to acheive)

anyone know how to do this.







Hong Kong



United Kingdom






Many thanks

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Merging Field Values From With Inner Join?

Apr 1, 2008

Hello Experts,
Been struggling with this issue all morning and beginning to get a headache.  Essentialy my problem is this.  I have a gridview control that ive bound to datasource where the select statement is using an inner join to retrieve textual info from one table in refernce to an object_id contained within both. i.e
<SelectParameters><asp:QueryStringParameter Name="fieldName" QueryStringField="value" Type="String" />
My problem is that this returns individual row results and are displayed on individual lines.  Where the object_id is the same i want all the textual info to be displayed within the same row.
Does anyone know how i can accomplish this?
Thanks in advance

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Merging Rows And Keeping Unique Values

Jan 14, 2015

I have this query and it works except for I am getting duplicate primary keys with unique column value. I want to combine them so that I have one primary key, but keep all the columns. Example:

Key column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4
A 1 1
A 2 2
B 2 3
B 5 5

it should look like:

A 1 1 2 2
B 2 3 5 5

Here is my query:

FROM [TLC Inventory].dbo.['2014 new$']
WHERE [TLC Inventory].dbo.['2014 new$'].mis_key LIKE '2%'
AND dbo_Product_Info#description NOT LIKE 'NR%'
AND dbo_Line_Info#description NOT LIKE 'OBSOLETE%'

Do I use a sum function?

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Power Pivot :: Merging Static Excel Data With Dynamic Data?

Aug 19, 2015

I have some data in Excel - sheet1 which would be static.

Now I need to import data from SQL Server (using a query) and Union above static data with this SQL data and later I will have to create PowerPivot table in Sheet2.

Which is suitable option for me to import data from SQL to excel as I see "From SQL Server" option under "Data" and "Power Query" tab as well.

How to merge above SQL data with existing static data?

(SQL Server 2012)

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Merging Data

Jun 3, 2008

I have 2 tables that have the exact same structure and have some common values.
T1 = a,b,c,d,e
T2 = e,f,g,h

I want to create a single distinct table which captures all unique in both tables. I have a common fields ID in both, I can match on. I don't want duplicates which is what's happening now..

CombinedT = a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h


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Merging Data

Jan 12, 2007

I have a function that returns a range of numbers and a query that returns a varchar field and an int field. I would like to replace the int field in the query with unique ranged numbers from the function(one per row).

Any ideas?


-- use ifms

select *
from dbo.fnRange(5101,5152)

select --distinct s.OrgKeyId, 10420 TableNumber, 5100 DetailCodeNumber, s.NewStratalabel CodeDescription, s.NewStratalabel CodeAbbreviation, 1 CodeActiveFlag, Getdate(), 0
distinct s.NewStratalabel, 5100
from _StrataLabel_xref s
Left Outer Join(select * from org_Detail_Code where tablenumber = 10420 and orgkeyid in (Select distinct OrgkeyId from _StrataLabel_xref)) o
on o.OrgKeyId = s.OrgKeyId and o.CodeDescription = s.NewStratalabel
where o.Detailcodenumber is null
order by s.NewStratalabel



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SSIS : Merging Two Data Sources Data

Jul 9, 2007

Hi guys,

I manage to get the SSIS working. Now I would need to do these tasks.

I first want to get data from 2 different sql servers. What would be the best method to accomplish this? Both are in Sql Server 2005.

Secondly I want to make sure if any of the servers couldn't be found on the network or in any case the getting data task failed for any one of them the package won't continue and an email should be send to an email address.

Thirdly If everything is ok then I should combine both and generate one sequence no for them and save them on to another location and then generate a file with modified values.

Can anyone help me regarding these tasks?

Thank you


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Merging Data From Two Databases

Sep 14, 2007

i have two databases one has
firstname, lastname
and the othere
firstname, lastname, emailaddress

how do i get to merge the data from emailaddress to the 1st datbase?

Melvin Felicien
IT Manager
DCG Properties Limited

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Merging Row Data Or Any Suggestions

Feb 5, 2008

I have been given a table that contains data in this format:

NULL NULL MARYSMITH 1/1/2008 12/31/2008 46
NULL NULL JANEDOW 1/1/2008 12/31/2008 24
NULL NULL TOMJONES 1/1/2008 12/31/2008 65
NULL NULL BEVBLACK 1/1/2008 12/31/2008 15
NULL NULL JEANTHOMAS 1/1/2008 12/31/2008 29

Basically this is ONE table that contains header and detail data ordered sequentially. There are not unique identifiers for the rows. The rows are ordered sequentially so that each SALESPERSON is followed by one or more CLIENTs.

If I could merge the rows, the result would look like:

TOM 12345 MARYSMITH 1/1/2008 12/31/2008 46
TOM 12345 JANEDOW 1/1/2008 12/31/2008 24
ED 56789 TOMJONES 1/1/2008 12/31/2008 65
ANTHONY 243546 BEVBLACK 1/1/2008 12/31/2008 15
ANTHONY 243546 JEANTHOMAS 1/1/2008 12/31/2008 29

I am not how to do this with this data.

I also thought maybe it would be better to add unique identifiers to each set of SALESPERSONs/CLIENTs, and work with the data that way, but I am not sure how to do that.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. I have no ability to change this data - I have to try to work with it if possible.


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Problem In Merging Data

Aug 13, 2006

Hello, i have a database which is subscrribed into two databases. It is subscribed to one database throught a PUSH SUBSCRIPTION and it is subscribed to another with PULL SUBSCRIPTION. The problem is that it is correctly syncronized with PUSH SUBSCRIPTION publication but it does not merge data correctly to PULL PUBLICATION.

When i try to run Merge Agent from subscriber it gives me following error:

Retrieving publication information
Retrieving subscription information
The specified subscription type is invalid.
Source:  Merge Process
Number:  -2147201020
Message: The specified subscription type is invalid.


P.S : When i run Merge Agent from EM, it says, " No Data to be merged "


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Merging Data From Excel To Server

Dec 24, 2014

Working on sql integration with hybris. i was new to this hybris environment previously my job was completly admin part. Now i got a project where i need to fetch data from hybris (Data Hub) and then i need to maintain the same records in sql server with same attributes and sometimes we need to add new attributes and tables even.

How we can import data from the excel sheet to sql server. For this i have gone through 2 approaches whether using merge statement through stored procedure or SSIS package (I don't know whether it works out for the same to merge data in sql server, if it works). Which of the procedure is more efficient. previously my tasks were completely admin tasks and i dnt have much knowledge about developing part.

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Merging A Data Cube With An Sql Database

Sep 3, 2007

I've seen posts about merging 2 databases but everyone is talking about 2 SQL based databases. I have a data cube based on MDX query giving me all the Sales data. I have a Excel sheet with the Budgets in it, thanks to the connector i can browse through my Excel file using SQL statements.

Now the problem that i have is i want to merge these 2 data's into one report i want to provide Sales figures from the cube with the budgets next to them which are stored in the Excel file.

So basicly is it possible to merge an MDX based database with an SQL database ? Cuz all the solutions i have found to far is by joining databases which is always done on SQL level.

Is this possible or just impossible ?

Thanks in advance

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Merging Intervals With Identical Data

Jul 10, 2014

I'm having issues building a cte sql statement for merging intervals. I have a table with data as follows:

declare @table table
startpoint int,
stoppoint int,
value int
[Code] ....

The resulting query returns the rows in the table, sorted by startpoint:

startpoint stoppoint value
----------- ----------- -----------
0 10 1
10 15 1
15 25 2
25 30 2
30 40 2
40 55 3
55 60 3
60 80 2

I'm looking for a merge cte that returns consecutive intervals with the same value, as follows:

startpoint stoppoint value
----------- ----------- -----------
0 15 1
15 40 2
40 60 3
60 80 2

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Data Access :: Merging Two Rows In Two Columns

Jul 8, 2015

I have a table data as shown below.


I want output as shown below.

I want the two duplicate rows to be merged into one. How to achieve it.

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Transact SQL :: Calculate DateTime Column By Merging Values From Date Column And Only Time Part Of DateTime Column?

Aug 3, 2015

How can I calculate a DateTime column by merging values from a Date column and only the time part of a DateTime column?

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NULL Values Returned When Reading Values From A Text File Using Data Reader.

Feb 23, 2007

I have a DTSX package which reads values from a fixed-length text file using a data reader and writes some of the column values from the file to an Oracle table. We have used this DTSX several times without incident but recently the process started inserting NULL values for some of the columns when there was a valid value in the source file. If we extract some of the rows from the source file into a smaller file (i.e 10 rows which incorrectly returned NULLs) and run them through the same package they write the correct values to the table, but running the complete file again results in the NULL values error. As well, if we rerun the same file multiple times the incidence of NULL values varies slightly and does not always seem to impact the same rows. I tried outputting data to a log file to see if I can determine what happens and no error messages are returned but it seems to be the case that the NULL values occur after pulling in the data via a Data Reader. Has anyone seen anything like this before or does anyone have a suggestion on how to try and get some additional debugging information around this error?

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Merging Data From Multiple Databases With Multiple Tables (all With The Same Structure)

Nov 15, 2006


I have 7 source databases and one target database, all using the same structure. The structure is made of 10 tables, with foreign key constraints.

I need to merge the source databases into the target (which won't have any data before that process, but will already have the correct schema), and to keep the relationships between the records.

I know how to iterate over the source databases (with SMO foreach), but I'd like to know if someone can advise the best copy method for that context in SSIS ? (I don't want to keep the primary keys, but I need to keep the relationships...)

Any pointer most welcome!

best regards and thanks


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Meta Data Help Needed[:(]

Aug 1, 2007

Hi Guys,
I have a DataBase in which I have several Tables.
What I want is an SP or Query which takes as its parameter the "tablename".
The Output Should be a having three fields only.
Field name, DataType Of the Field, Length of the DataType.
For Example
Suppose the StoredProcedure Name is "SP_GetTables" 
if i have a table named "tbl_Users" with fields
UserName varchar(50)
UserPass varchar(20)
UserAge int
UserStatus bit
In my program side if I pass the parameter as "tbl_Users" to the StoredProcedure SP_Users,
I should get the O/P as
Field Name    DataType  Length
UserName      varchar      50
UserPass       varchar      20
UserAge         int
UserStatus     bit

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ASP Data Grid Needed

Aug 12, 2004

I need to display data from a sql server 2000 db on an asp web page and I need a vertical split. Does anyone have any solutions? I really can't afford to spend much/any money so freeware/shareware or coding suggestions is what I am interested in.


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Needed Query To Move Data....

Feb 7, 2008

Hi Guys,
I am having a table in a database.....and i need to write a query to move tht table to microsoft access.......
so is tht possible with a query???


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Specific Data Needed For Testing

Jan 15, 2008


I am looking for a number of concept hierarchies (i.e. hierarchy with is-a relationships) describing the same domain that are accompanied with the instances from which the concept hierarchy was obtained. I have been trying to find some data suitable for representing the extracted knowledge in form of concept hierarchies so that can obtain at least two concept hierarchies from the same domain that differ slightly. In this sense the data needs to have multiple class (target) values and there has to be a hierarchical relationship between the classes. I have looked at the datasets publically available from 'uci' website and some others, but so far it appears that only the Zoo dataset is suitable to be represented in a form of concept hierarchy but it is still closer to a decision tree. I have seen some bird-domain or more specifc animal kingdom hierarchies but I cannot find those more specific datasets. Does anyone know where some concept hierarchies with instances can be obtained or datasets with multiple hierarchically related class values? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Web App To Export Sql Data To XLS, Etc. -- Beginner Advice Needed

Feb 1, 2007

Hi,Is there a programmatic wasy to convert the results of a sql data set to xls, csv, etc. Ideally a user would be able to make a selection to view the data (result set has, E.g. make, model, year, condition viewed in a datagrid or similar control) and then be able to export the file to the format they choose, and have a download box popup from the browser to download the file.E.g. Export this data  to:    __ XLS  __ CSV __TXT  .  I know DTS can do this but any advice on how to encapsulate this in a C# web app woudl be greatly appreciated! Thanks! 

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Script Needed To Insert Data To A Different Dbase

Oct 12, 2000


I need a sql server 7 script that will migrate data from
my DEV dbase to my WEB dbase. The data desired is for the field
rig_id for rig number 0018. The shell of both dbases are similar.
The table is called rig. An snapshot is below:

DBASE name - DEV

TABLE name - rig

customer rig_id amount
Williams 0011 328
Borsha 0013 256
Kaila 0018 411
Yoida 0021 347

The rig table also exists on the WEB dbase. However, the Kaila data
for rig_id number 0018 needs to be added to the WEB dbase's rig table.
The Williams, Borsha, and Yoida data already exists on both tables.

I need to perform this migration w/ a TRANSACT-SQL stored procedure.

Thanks Very Much IN Advance,


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SQL Command Needed To Edit Table Data

Feb 23, 2006

I have an existing SQL 7 server named HHARBR. HHARBR has a database namedSPR with a table named "reportname" in it, the table has the name HHARBRembedded the table data.I migrated the HHARBR database SPR to a second server called HHARBR2. When Ilook into the table in HHARBR2 I still see the name HHARBR in the data.What command can I run on HHARBR2 to change the table entries of HHARBR tothe new server name of HHARBR2?I prefer something I can run in the Query AnalyzerSource server: HHARBRSource Database: SPRSource Datbase Table: reportnameDestination Server: HHARBR2Destination Databse: SPRDestination Table: reportnameSummary:Change wrong server name in destination server to reflect the destinationsserver name

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Merge Replication - One Way Data Flow - Help Needed...

Apr 24, 2007


We have configured one-way merge replication in our topology. That is data flows from Subscriber to Publisher only. We have a publisher and a subscriber. There are 3 publications in this category and each publication has a subscription. We use SQL Server 2005 SP1 in both the servers. The retention period is the 14 days (default). After this period, I get the following error in the subscription in Replication Monitor. The Error message is

Error messages:

The Merge Agent failed after detecting that retention-based metadata cleanup has deleted metadata at the Publisher for changes not yet sent to the Subscriber. You must reinitialize the subscription (without upload). (Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_REPL-2147199402)

I read the post

which said that this error might be solved in the SP2. We have not yet applied SP2, but even after applying SP2, will this error be solved for One Way Merge Replication since the data from publisher will not go to the subscriber always in this type of topology??.

Kindly get back to us regarding this as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.



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Merging Data From Table 1 To Table 2??

Jan 11, 2006

I don't know the correct syntax to accomplish this. I've looked in the on-line help but am not coming up with anything.

Basically I have two identically structured tables in two separate databases.

I wanted to select anything from the dbo2.table that isn't in the dbo1.table and insert it into dbo1.table.

I thought I could do something like... quote:

Select INTO dbo1.table

and then add my select statement. But that throws an error:
quote:Server: Msg 2714, Level 16, State 6, Line 1
There is already an object named 'bkupproceduresfeeschedule' in the database.

And the on-line documentation says an INTO is only for a new table.

How can I merge records from one table into another table?

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Urgent Help Needed ! TempTable Doesn&#39;t Store Any Data

Jun 6, 2002

Hi group,

I don't know what I should try next, all of my tries have been without results in this case. I just wanted to create a temporary table, then insert one row into it and then use this row to compare if this row exists in another table or not. This is my script:
CREATE PROCEDURE imp_Tippimport (@TGName char(33)) AS


CREATE TABLE #tTippgeber (
TGName2 char(33)

INSERT INTO #tTippgeber (TGName2)
*** see below ***

IF NOT exists (select TGName FROM Tippgeber WHERE TGName = @TGName)

INSERT INTO Tippgeber SELECT TGName2 FROM #tTippgeber
/* SELECT * INTO Tippgeber FROM #tTippgeber */


UPDATE Tippgeber SET
TGName = t.TGName2
FROM #tTippgeber AS t, Tippgeber
WHERE TGName = t.TGName2


I also created a cursor and used a fetch in to a veriable in the line with the stars to see the value of TGName2 but it was NULL.

Any ideas ?!

Thanks for any help !!


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Opinion About Design Needed (splitting String Data)

Dec 14, 2006

Hi to everyone,My problem is, that I'm not so quite sure, which way should I go.The user is inputing by second part application a long string (let'ssay 128 characters), which are separated by semiclon.Example:A20;BU;AC40;MA50;E;E;IC;GREENNow: each from this position, is already defined in any other table, asa separate record. These are the keys lets say. It means, a have someproperities for A20, BU, aso.Because this long inputed string, is a property of device (whih alsohas a lot of different properities) I could do two different ways ofstoring data:1. By writing, in SP, just encapsulate each of the position separatedby semicolon, and write into a different table with index of device,and the position in long stirng nearly in this way:Major device data tableID AnyData1 AnyData2 ... AnyData3123 MZD12 XX77 .... any comment text124 MZD13 XY55 ... any other commentString data Tablefk_deviceId position value123 1 A20123 2 BU123 3 AC40.....123 8 GREENThe device table, contains also a pointer (position), which mightchange, to "hglight" specified position.Then, I can very easly find all necessary data. The problem is, I needto move the device record data (from other table) very often into otherhistory table (by each update). That will mean, that I also need tomove all these records from 1 -8 for example to a separate historytable, holding the index for a history device dataset. This is a littleinconvinience in this, and in my opinion, it will use to much storagedata, and by programming, I need always to shift this properities intohistory table, whith indexes to a history table of other properities.2. Table will be build nearly in this way:Major device data tableID AnyData1 AnyData2 ... AnyData3 stringProperty pointer123 MZD12 XX77 .... any comment text A20;BU;AC40;MA50;E;E;IC;GREEN 3124 MZD13 XY55 ... any other comment A20;BU;AC40;MA50;E;E;IC;GREEN 2By writng into device table, there will be just a additional field forthis string, and I will have a function, which according to specifiedpointer, will get me the string part on the fly, while I need it.This will not require the other table, and will reduce the amout ofdata, not a lot ... but always.This solution, has a inconvinance, that it will be not so fast doing asearch over the part of this strings, while there will be no real indexon this.If I woould like to search all devices, by which the curent pointervalue is equal GREEN, then I need to use function for getting thevalue, and this one will be not indexed, means, by a lot amount ofdata, might be slow.I would like to know Your opinion about booth solutions.Also, if you might point me the other problems with any of thissolution, I might not have noticed.With Best RegardsMatik

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Generating Overnight Data Vs Live - Suggestions Needed.

Jul 20, 2005

We have an MIS system which has approx 100 reports. Each of thesereports can take up to several minutes to run due to the complexity ofthe queries (hundreds of lines each in most cases). Each report can berun by many users, so in effect we have a slow system.I want to seperate the complex part of the queries into a process thatis generated each night. Then the reports will only have to querypre-formatted data with minimal parameters as the hard part will havebeen completed for the users when they are not in. Ideally we willgenerate (stored procedure possibly) a set of data for each report andhold this on the server. We can then query with simpler parameterssuch as by date and get the data back quite quickly.The whole process of how we obtain the data is very complex. There arevarious views which gather data from the back office system. These arevery complex and when queries are run against them including othertables to bring in more data, it gets nicely complicated.The only problem is that the users want to have access to LIVE datafrom the back office system, specifically the Sales team who want toaccess this remotely. My method only allows for data from the nightbefore, so is there an option available to me which will allow me todo this ? The queries can't be improved on an awful lot, so they willtake as long as they take. The idea of running them once is the onlyway I can see to improve the performance in any significant way.True I could just let them carry on as they are and let them sufferwith the performance on live data, but I'd like to do something toimprove the situation for them.Any advice would be appreciated.ThanksRyan

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Pass Data In Script Component When No Transformation Needed

Mar 26, 2007

I have 56 fields coming into the input of an script component, The need for script component was to just to check if one of those 56 columns has a valid date or not, If valid it will parse and put in an output date column, if not, it will put in NULL.

The 55 fields should be passed on. I dont really wanna write code and define output columns. How do I do this ?

Any input in this would be appreciated.


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Help Needed ! , Data Migration From MS Access2003 To SQL Express 2005

Dec 27, 2006

Hi ,

I have a requirement to migrate the data from an existing MS Access database to a newly designed SQL Express 2005 database . Need less to say the table structures in both are totally different.I would like to know how can i handle a scenerio where i want to map table A in access to table B in SQL express (the schema of both different and the number of columns can vary too) , how do i migrate the data from table A in Access to Table B in SQL express using SSMA?

Also i would appreciate if some one can tell me is SSMA the right tool for this , or should i use the upsizing wizard of MS Access.If there is no change in schema between source and destination databases (more of upsizing) then the process is pretty straight forward , The constraint here is that the data needs to be migrated to a new schema where the column names and number of columns can vary between the source table and destination table.. I just need to migrate data only and no other objects.

Need Help!



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Advice Needed - Regarding Data Transfer Between Databases On Seperate Servers

Aug 29, 2007

Hello everyone,
Here's my situation...
I'm running a web service which involves 51 seperate servers and databases.
There are fifty licensee servers (One for each US state) and one corporate server.
Each night I need to upload sales and membership data from the licensee's databases to the corporate database to compile reports.
The application platform I'm using is ASP.NET 2.0 and the the database is SQL2005 express.
I want this process to be run automatically, so I believe it's a scheduled windows service I need to setup up in .NET to make the data transfers.
If anyone has already set something up like this, or knows the steps to take? I would love to have your input.
Thanks in advance,

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Urgent Help Needed: How To INSERT Into A Field Having UniqueIdentifier Data Type

Jan 8, 2008

I am new at and I am having problems inserting data using C# in ASP.netI have created a table named "Profile" in the MS sql server database named "MyDataBase". There is a field named "ID" that has data type 'uniqueidentifier'.I am confused how to INSERT data into this data field. I have used MS Access and MYSQL in which there is an option of auto increment so we don't a unique identifier for each record.Please tell me what can I do to  If I want to have a uniqueidentifier for each new record I INSERT in the "Profile" table of MS sql server database.While trying to insert, I get following errorsCannot insert the value NULL into column 'ID'and I don't know how I can insert something in this field that is of value type unique identifier.Please help me I will be very thankfull of you.

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