Metadata Driven SSIS Package--table Variable

Aug 16, 2005

Is there anyone know if a simple SSIS package (moving data from source table to target table) or task can be called repeatedly using a variable that obtains value once a time from a metadata table containing only table names. Basically, I would like to pass in a table variable to the SSIS package or task to start the ETL for different tables. Thanks a lot!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Extract SSIS Package Metadata Details?

Aug 18, 2015

SSIS package meta data information is needed to covert SSIS into a Stored Proc.

100s of table mapping reside within SSIS, what tool/method would get those information so that they copied and pasted to SP to speed up efforts.

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SSIS Script Task Alters Package Variable, But Variable Does Not Change.

Oct 25, 2006

I'm working on an SSIS package that uses a script to grab some XML from a webservice (I'd explain why I'm not using a web service task here, but I'd just get angry), and I wish to then assign the XML string to a package variable which then gets sent along to a DataFlow Task that contains an XML Source that points at said variable. when I copy the XML string into the variable value in the script, if do a quickwatch on the variable (as in Dts.Variable("MyXML").value) it looks as though the new value has been copied to the variable, but when I step out of that task and look at the package explorer the variable is its original value.

I think the problem is that the dataflow XML source has a lock on the variable and so the script task isn't affecting it. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of problem, or know a workaround?

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Executing A SSIS Package With Variable Changes From ASP.NET

Mar 17, 2008

I am trying to execute a ssis package, where a user will be able to excute the package from an ASP page, the user will select a file, this will be the source file for the SSIS package, this will change when ever the package is executed, I was thinking of just using a sqlClient.sqlCommand and editing the command text and excuting it that way, or through a SP, would this be the best solution? Is there a better solution? and if not what would be the SQL command to execute the package, along with editing the variable?

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Cannot Insert A Variable In SSIS Package Designer

Feb 21, 2007

This morning I got an odd problem, I just added a new package to my dtproj and I cannot add a variable. Am I missing anything. ?

here is the image

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Copying A Column To A SSIS Package Variable

Sep 20, 2006

I need to use a value retrieved in one data flow in the second data flow. What's the best way to do this?

How do I copy the column retrieved to a variable so I can use that variable in the second data flow?

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SSIS Parent/Child Package Variable Passing

Feb 7, 2006


I have having trouble getting my hands around how to retrieve variables from a parent package. I read about the Environment variables and Configuration File at the parent package level and the Parent Package variable at the child level.

Here are my questions:

1. Can you only store/retrieve 1 variable in a config file at a time?

2. Does the child package have to define the variables and if so, do they have to be the same names as the parent package?

This seems so more more complex then the DTS2000 way of passing variables to and from packages.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Gordon Radley

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Passing SSIS Package Variable To Stored Procedure As Parameter

Feb 25, 2008

I've created a varible timeStamp that I want to feed into a stored procedure but I'm not having any luck. I'm sure its a simple SSIS 101 problem that I can't see or I may be using the wrong syntax

in Execute SQL Task Editor I have
conn type -- ole db
connection -- some server
sql source type -- direct input
sql statement -- exec testStoredProc @timeStamp = ?

if I put a value direclty into the statement it works just fine: exec testStoredProc '02-25-2008'

This is the syntax I found to execute the procedure, I don't udnerstand few things about it.

1. why when I try to run it it changes it to exec testStoredProc @timeStamp = ? with error: EXEC construct or statement is not supported , followed by erro: no value given for one or more requreid parameters.

2. I tired using SQL commands exec testStoredProc @timeStamp and exec testStoredProc timeStamp but nothing happens. Just an error saying unable to convert varchar to datetime

3. Also from SRS I usually have to point the timeStamp to @timeStamp and I dont know how to do that here I thought it was part of the parameter mapping but I can't figure out what the parameter name and parameter size should be; size defaults to -1.

Thank you, please help.

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SSIS Parent/Child Package Variable Handshake Issue

Jun 23, 2006


I having a problem getting the child package variable values into a parent package. Here is the scenario;

I have parent package(Master) calling two child packages using execute package task. I have no problem to pass variable values from the parent to child using the parent configuration but not able to get the variable values from the child to parent. I am setting the package status in each child package based on certain conditions and determine the final status in a parent based on child package variable statuses. Does any body have any idea? I will appreciate your thoughts.Thanks..Mako

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DTS Package - Variable Table Name

Feb 21, 2007

     I have created a DTS Package which copies data from a Access Database table to a SQL Server table. The DTS Package is scheduled to execute every 15 minutes. Everyday the source table name will change. Is there a way to reset the source table name everyday without changing it through DTS wizard.
Vivek Gupta

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Error While Trying To Assign A Value To A Read Write Variable In SSIS Package Script Component

Sep 26, 2006


       I am trying to develop a SSIS package which will read the records from the flat file and insert them into a destination table. I have some validations written in script component. I have declared two Read Write variables with package level scope. when i try to assign a value to the variable in the script component and run the package, the package throws me an error "The collection of variables locked for read and write access is not available outside of PostExecute".


What should be done to over come the problem please help me on this regard 




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Variable Table Names In DTS Package

Jul 20, 2005

I am attempting to export data on a daily basis via DTS to an XLspreadsheet. I would either like to: a) have a separate worksheet inthe spreadsheet for each export or b) a completely differentspreadsheet for each export. Whenever I attempt to use a variable asthe name of my table in the DTS package, it will not let me.Constructing a string and attempting to execute it also fails,although both of these work in query analyzer. Any advice?Peter

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SSIS Metadata...

Mar 18, 2007


Is there a way to find out which user defined procs/child packages etc are been called in SSIS packages using some metadata. The idea is to have a document which lists the number of packages called, whats sprocs and child packages are executed by those pkgs..

I have checked the SSIS metadata whitepaper but that is too generic.

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SSIS Metadata

Feb 26, 2008

I'm working on capturing metadata from my SSIS packages. I have found multiple postings and a white paper that

reference a download toolkit for just this purpose. The link is dead and a search renders no results - can anyone help?

SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence Metadata Whitepaper

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Use Table Variable In SSIS

Sep 30, 2015

How to use table variable in SSIS 2012, is it possible to use table variable in SSIS.

I want to insert some results from EXECUTE SQL TASK to this table variable and use this variable in OLEDB SOURCE task in data flow where it is used in SQL query with IN Operation.

The table variable contain multiple values like '100','234','XYZ' Is it possible to do or is there any other solution to achieve this?

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SSIS Package Foreach Loop Container - For Each File Enumerator - Ger Enumerator Configuration From Variable

Apr 21, 2008


I am trying to use Foreach loop container - Foreach File Enumerator

Is there easy way to retrieve enumerator configuration folder from variable - so I can easily move package from server to server?

I would like to have name of the folder we getting files from retrieved from variable by using this control

Thank you in advance
Armine Bell

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SSIS EVent Driven Query

Jun 21, 2006


We have 8 SSIS jobs which need to be made dependent on the arrival of a single file.

All the flows need to be triggered based on the presence of a file

Whats the way to do this



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Metadata Model In SSIS 2005

Aug 9, 2006

Hi *,

Can anyone tell me what Metadata Model Microsoft supports with SSIS 2005? DTS in 2000 was supporting OIM but I was not able to get some information about this topic on SSIS 2005.

The reason I need to know is that I wanna import some metadata from Business Objects Data Integrator into SSIS 2005 and Business Objects is supporting CWM....

I would appreciate your help!

Thank you,

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Integration Services :: How To Compare SSIS Variable And Column In Table

Apr 21, 2015

My Requirement IS : 1<sup>st</sup>run: if the record does not exist in the table insert the record (file_name, last_modified_file_date) and create a copy in the archive folder with file_name_currentdate.csv

Daily run: retrieve the last_modified_file_date from the input file and check if the retrieved date is greater than the last_modified_file_date in the table:

If true: create a copy of the input file in the archive folder and update the last_modified_file_date in the table with the retrieved date

If false don’t do nothing because the file has been archived in one of the previous runs.I have already retrieving the modified date and File Nae iserting into Filename Table: (That table has 2 columns which are FileName and FileDate) so In script task everytime the variable getting Modified date(retrieve the last_modified_file_date from the input file). How I can Compre the existing table record and variable. I have already imported the all Filenames and Modified into table like below.

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Integration Services :: INSERT Variable Values Into Table In SSIS

May 12, 2015

I am trying to insert in table using execute sql task.

I want to pass value of Load_Frequency through parameter

But I am getting below error

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "Insert Into [dbo].[ETL_LOAD_MAIN] (
[Load_Fr..." failed with the following error: "The statement has been terminated.". Possible failure reasons:
Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.
Insert Into [dbo].[ETL_LOAD_MAIN] (
) Values (?,getdate(),'In Progress')

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Transpose Source Data From A System Via Metadata Lookup Table Into Destination Table

Apr 1, 2014

I am stuck on finding a solution to transpose source data from a system via a metadata look-up table into a destination table. I need a method to transpose/pivot the source data into columns (which are by various data-types). The datatypes for each column are listed in a metadata table.

Source Data Table:

Table Name: Source

SrcID AGE City Date
01 32 London 01-01-2013
02 35 Lagos 02-01-2013
03 36 NY 03-01-2013

Metadata Table:

Table Name:Metadata

MetaID Column_Name Column_type
11 AGE col_integer
22 City col_character
33 Date col_date

Destination table:

The source data to be loaded into the destination table(as shown below):

Table Name: Destination

SrcID MetaID col_int col_char col_date
01 11 32 - -
01 22 - London -
01 33 - - 01-01-2013
02 11 35 - -
02 22 - Lagos -
02 33 - - 02-01-2013
03 11 36 - -
03 22 - NY -
03 33 - - 03-01-2013

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Replicate Data Driven Query Task(DTS) In SSIS

Sep 6, 2007

I am migrating DTS packages to SSIS (recreating all the logic).
I have a Data Driven Query task in DTS with

Source query - select x,y from table1 (from database db1)
Binding - table2 which contains columns which match table1 x,y (fron database db2)
Transformation - maping from source table1 x,y to Binding table2 x,y
Queries - type update update table2 set x=? where y=?

I know that there is no similar task in SSIS,can someone tell me how to replicate this in SSIS

Thanks in Adv

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Project Real SQL Agent Is Ignoring @[User::RootDir] + \ And Finding An Old Package Path Somewhere In Bids SLN Metadata

May 12, 2008

Executed as user: xxxxxx-sql. Microsoft (R) SQL Server Execute Package Utility Version 9.00.3042.00 for 32-bit Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1984-2005. All rights reserved. Started: 4:14:05 p.m. Error: 2008-05-12 16:14:07.84 Code: 0xC00220DE Source: EPT Dimensions - x Description: Error 0x80070003 while loading package file "E:ETLLoadGroup_Dimensions_Daily.dtsx". The system cannot find the path specified. . End Error DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1). Started: 4:14:05 p.m. Finished: 4:14:07 p.m. Elapsed: 2.25 seconds. The package execution failed. The step failed.

Hi Im using project real framework and have BIDS installed on same server as SQL Server 2005, when I run from BIDs all
good when I run from SQL Server agent via File system --the first package that master package calls fails
I have double checked the environment variables in Project Real and all good because otherwise BIDs would have failed
and of course in each package the expression data uses @[User::RootDir] to point to the package file path
@[User::RootDir] + \LoadGroup_Dimensions_Daily.dtsx

the issue is the package under SQL Agent is ignoring @[User::RootDir] + \ and finding an old package path somewhere in Bids SLN metadata

Any clues how can refresh the metadata of the package for deployment

thanks in advance

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Job Running SSIS Package Keeps Failing But The SSIS Package By Itself Runs Perfectly Fine

Aug 30, 2006

Hey, I've a few jobs which call SSIS packages. If I run the SSIS package, it runs fine but if I try to run the job which calls this package, it fails. Can someone help me troubleshoot this issue? None of my jobs that call an SSIS package work. All of them fail.

Thank you


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SSIS OLEDB Source Data Access Mode (Table Name Or View Name Variable)

Apr 3, 2007

Thanks for any one can give me a help.

I am try to transfer some tables data from one database server into another database server. I create a package in SSIS, and I use a variable to pass each table name. In Data flow, I use a OLEDB Source, but I cannot set the Data access mode to Table name or view name variable. Ever time, I will get this following error info "===================================

Error at Data Flow Task [OLE DB Source [31]]: A destination table name has not been provided.

(Microsoft Visual Studio)


Exception from HRESULT: 0xC0202042 (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper.CManagedComponentWrapperClass.ReinitializeMetaData()
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.DataFlowUI.DataFlowComponentUI.ReinitializeMetadata()
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.DataFlowUI.DataFlowAdapterUI.connectionPage_SaveConnectionAttributes(Object sender, ConnectionAttributesEventArgs args)".

Some one can tell me what is the reason, or give me some examples.

Thanks in advance.

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Update Target Table Using Metadata And Source Table

Oct 4, 2013

I'd like to figure out how to use the @FieldDescription table below as an intermediate table between the @SourceData and @Stops data.

declare @Stop table (StopId int, UserField varchar(20))
declare @FieldDescription table (Label varchar(10), ColumnName varchar(10))
declare @UpdateSource table (HasPathway varchar(10))
insert into @Stop (StopId, UserField)
values (1, 'Yes')


I want to update @Stop.UserField with thevalue from @UpdateSource where @UpdateSource.HasPathway=@Stop.UserField...but I need to use the @FieldDescription table to determine how to map the columns.

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How To Refresh Access Table From SSIS Package?

Nov 18, 2007

Hi all,
I have created an SSIS package to export rows of data from SQL to Access using SSIS package. The package is executed from web application. Below is what i want to achieve:
-User enters a date range
-SSIS package will export data between the date range from SQL to Access database.
-When user enter another date range, I want to clear the contents of the Access database. (Im using Execute Sql Task--- Delete tablename)
The problem is that when I look at the table after the second user request, the fields will show #deleted. Only after i click refresh will the new data appear. How can I make the data appear without manually refreshing the Access table.
 Thks alot.

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Export A Table In SSIS Package Problem

Mar 26, 2007

I tried to write a package for transferring SQL 2005 table to a flat file in
Visual Studio. However I got the unicode error message at the destination
even though I only use English. Does anyone has idea? Thanks.

The message is as following :

Error: Column "Status" cannot convert between unicode and non-unicode
string data types.
Error: ... ( The same message with all the column in the source table)

Please help. Thanks.

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General SSIS Package To Export Any Table Into CSV

Mar 18, 2013

I need to create an SSIS package that takes a table name as a parameter and exports out its data in a CSV file.The challenge is that if I use a data flow task and a flat file connection manager (for csv export), I have to specify the file/table structure. I will not know the table structure until the run time because it is input specific.I was thinking along the lines of using C# in a script task, but could not come up with a full blown solution.

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Renaming An Access Table In An SSIS Package

Sep 7, 2007

My current project requires me to both rename the MDB file for an Access database and rename the table it contains. The Access files comes in with random names, each containing one table with a specific name. Based on the table name it contains, I rename both the file and the interior table to a standard name which a later package in the process references.

A foreach container loops through all the mdb files in the applicable directory, containing a script task and a file system task. The script task uses GetOleDbSchemaTable to extract the table name, then loops through an array of table names from the client's configuration, comparing it to a similar array of constant names and getting the matching one. The file system task then uses that found name (or the original table name if a conversion is not found) to rename the file to match that standard name. So far, so good.

Now I have to rename the table within the file as well. All of the examples of code I'm finding on the 'net refernce ADOX, but I haven't been able to figure out how to use that in a script task, assuming that's what I want to do in the first place.

Anyone have any experience with doing things like this?

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Dynamic Source Table For SSIS Package

Oct 20, 2007

I have created an SSIS package that is designed to move data from SQL Server 2000 to an Access db. I have set the package up to accept four parameters. They are:

the name of the SQL Server Database, which is used in an expression to provide the source connection manager connection string;

the full path to the Access db destination database which is used like #1 above.

the SELECT statement used in an OLE DB Source object to get the data from the source table

the table name which is used by an OLE DB Destination object.
I know that the source and destination tables have exactly the same structure and do not require a transformation.

In order to change variables 3 and 4 from above and have it work, I go through the following steps:

I change the variables to appropriate values.

Go to the Advanced Editor for the OLE DB Source object and click on "Refresh". This produces an error in the OLE DB Destination object that is something like "Validation error. Data Flow Task: DTS.Pipeline: input column "strRECTYPESUFFIX" (301) has lineage ID 17 that was not previously used in the Data Flow task.

Go to the Advanced Editor for the OLE DB Destination which brings up the "Restore Invalid Column Reference Editor". I mark all the columns that show up with the option to <Delete invalid column reference> and click OK

I then reopen the Advanced Editor for the OLE DB Destination, go to the 'Column Mappings' tab click 'Refresh', then in the upper pane where the input and output columns list appear I right click and choose "Map Items by Matching Names"
At this point I no longer have the error and the package will execute without any problems.

I am doing this so that I can load the SSIS package in VB.NET (2.0) so that I can then set these variables programmatically and then execute the package. The problem is that this actually performs steps 1 and 4 above. 2 and 3 are left out and the package fails miserably.

I have found some information that would be helpful if I could get my hands on the appropriate object. I realize that the data flow component would return VS_NEEDSNEWMETADATA from the Validate method, and that could be repaired with the ReinitializeMetaData method of the data flow component ( I assume that is the object to be using in this case). But I do not know how to grab the "Data Flow Component" as an object based upon the "Package" object I have loaded so that I can check if it is valid and manipulate it if necessary.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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SSIS Package Not Using Configuration From SQL Server Table

Apr 19, 2007

Hello all,

I have an issue with my SSIS package not using the package configuration specified in my SQL server table. This is a simple scenario where I need to move data from a csv file to a SQL server table.

I have 2 connection Managers - one for the location of CSV file and another for the SQL database connection string. I chose to Enable Package configuration. Two configurations -

a. Environment variable to store the database connection string.

b. SQL server table configuration for flat file connection manager.

The location of the CSV file is the idea is to change the path as and when needed in the SQL table.

No errors..everything works fine except that the properties of the flat file connection manager is not being pulled from the SQL server configuration table. It uses the location I had specified during design time.

How do I force the SSIS package to use the configuration specified in the SQL table always.

I've been spending a lot of time on this with no success. Please help..



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Creating A Table In Access From An SSIS Package

Sep 29, 2006

I need to run a make-table query against an Access database out of an SSIS package. I tried to do this with an OLE DB Command Task but it fails to create the table even though the task execution comes back successful. Any thoughts???

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