I have installed a new SQL 2005 server and successfully moved a db from one to the other. The users from that db were also imported, but the system security was not. Users cannot access the SQL system to even attempt to login to the db. What am I missing to import/transfer/migrate the system logins from SQL2000 to SQL2005?
We have an existing SSRS server, and have just created a new child domain. We'll be migrating users from the parent to the child, and want to add the users of that new domain with access to SSRS. In the parent domain they are able to access, but after migration with the child domain account, they cannot.
I have added the group CHILDDomain Users with a system user role on SSRS, and PARENTDomain Users was already there.
Is there any additional step I should/could take to get this active?
I'm looking to migrate a number of sql users to windows authentication, so I want a list of each login and for each login a list of all their roles. My plan is to write 2 WHILE loops that will go through each login and for each login the list of roles.The first Row_Number is not returning the order that I want, I was expecting results like this:
The first row_number used doesn't seem to use the partition.The second seems to work fine.I know I can break this up into 2 queries but I want to understand where this is going wrong.
Code used: SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY sp.Name ORDER BY sp.name asc) as UserRowNo , convert(char(45),sp.name) as srvLogin , 'WIN' + convert(char(45),sp.name) AS WinLogin
mates i have in my care around 10 applications. each application has it's own database and in each database i have a users table. in these tables i am also having columns for users rights for the applications.
since the users are the same for all 10 applications i am beginning to feel that it's time for a change. i am trying to develop a single database for users but i did not find an appropriate solution for the users rights management. i am afraid that if i put together too many columns in a single table it will decrease performance.
do you know any pattern / article / book for a users management system?
I'll be doing a migration of all my exisitng SQL7 databases to SQL2000. We are planning to buy new servers for the upgrade. What is the best way to move the entire database?
A) Use copy DB wizard? B) Create own DTS package to move everything? C) Script the entire DB and run it on the new server and then move the data? D) Do a backup and restore it onto the new server?
What are the best options? Are there anything that i should be aware of?
How can I hide the system tables (sys and INFORMATION_SCHEMA) from users? I am not talking about Management Studio. We have users who access the database with ODBC and I do not want them to see all these system tables.
I have created a Hide_System_Tables role and added users to it. I have tried denying all the permissions to this role, but they still see it. Oddly enough, in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA permissions, it shows access from grantors of INFORMATION_SCHEMA and dbo. I cannot deny permission for the entries with dbo as grantor.
Does anyone have any suggestions on where I have to go to remove all the places that give users access to these tables?
Can someone help me to hide all system views/tables from users? I do not want the users to see all system tables/views, so they can have a clear view for only user tables in their schema.
Is there a tool available (or planned) to migrate SQL Server 2000 database to SQL Server 2005 ? I came across this (http://www.timespring.net/TS_TD_SQL05offer.htm?track=NL-464&ad=524331) but are there any other tools ?
Has Microsoft planned anything of its own for this ?
i'm migrating my dbase from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005..i've restore the dbase to SQL 2005..but what about the SQL job?..do i need to create them back in SQL 2005?..how to do that?..1 more question..how to migrate DTS from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005?..i've ActiveX script in my DTS...really need help from all of u.. thanks
I am planning to migrate sql server 2000 databases to sql server 2005(sql server 2005 in a separate box) .I have few questions regarding the migration:
1. Do I have to run Upgrade wizard on 2000 even though I am not upgrading my sql server?
2.Which other databases do I need to move in addition to the user databases. (i.e. do i have to move any system databases?).
3. What do I need to do to move sql server logins with the password to the new machine?
I've got the responsibility over a small SQL server with 8 Database and approx. 100GByte data online. Most database are used and need to be available 24*7*366. Also a number of local data transformation packages are defined and used on a regular basis. Furthermore a number of third party applications rely on this database.
My question if it is worth the effort to migrate this to 2005? I know there are all kinds of nice migration wizards but do they really work? What if one of the 3rd party apps don't like 2005?
Love to hear both good and bad experiences migrating -> 2005 .
Hi Everybody, does anyone know how I can migrate SQL 2000 data to SQL 2005 database? I'm trying to create an application that will connect to SQL 2000 database using VS2003 and transfer data to SQL2005 database but it doesn't seem to work. Any suggestion is greatly appriciated. devmetz.
I need to take the records from my MS Access DB and migrate them to SQL. I have both db table structures somewhat mapped out and its only about 43 records or lines. The data in Access is all kept in a single table and in SQL I need to have it populate seperate individual tables.
I have to migrate SQL Server 7.0 data to SQL Server 2000. How to go about doing this migration. What are the steps? Any pre-requisit before doing the migration?
Is there any book or KB articles or White paper on this topic on the net.
Dear All, at present all our servers are running with sql server 2000. we are planned to upgrade to sql server 2005 standard edition. what is the approach i need to follow? can i directly go for installation of sql server 2005, and then use copy database wizard? this is a production environment, and we even not give 5 min of downtime. please help me in this regard
Arnav Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.
Initially, the articles I read suggested that doing an "in place" upgrade is the simplest path, with the drawback that if something goes wrong, I'll have to re-install 2000. And that migrating is more difficult since I'll have to recreate all the logins , security, replication ....
Then I saw a series of posts saying migration is the best ... backup & restore (or detach, reattach) the DBs to a new instance of SQL 2005. What about the systems DBs, such as MSDB and the DTS packages ?? Also, If I migrate to a new instance of SQL, how will I re-establish the connections from other servers ? They are replicating or DTS-ing to ServerA, but now SQL2005 is on ServerASQL2005 (Same server, different instance.
In the scale of things, we have fairly simple environments, although our Production database is almost 300 Gig.
If I install a new instance of SQL 2005 on my SQL 2000 server, and migrate everything from 2000 to 2005, I now have 2 instances: ServerA and ServerASQL2005. All my other servers are referencing the original instance name of ServerA. How do I resolve that problem so that communication between the other servers will still work ??
We are moving all databases from a SQL version 7 server to a version 2000server. Which of the following is the preferred method?1) Detach the DB on the version 7 server, move it to the new server viaWindows Explorer and reattach it there.2) Use SQL Enterprise Mananger with the DTS Export Wizard to "copy objects &data between SQL server databases" from the version 7 server to the 2000server.With the changing of the version, I thought maybe option 2 is best. Thoughts?--Mike CzizekIowa Network Services, Inc.Join Bytes!
Hi all, in my current environment, I have a single server SQL 2000 setup that's being replaced. I'm in the process of installing a new SQL 2005 cluster with the thought of taking advantage of 2005 mirroring and clustering, but have a few questions.
1. My thinking is that I can migrate my 2000 databases to 2005, but leave the databases in 8.0 (2000) mode. Are there any issues with this? I know they won't take advantage of the 2005 performance boost
2. Some of the apps don't support 2005 yet so I need to leave them in 2000 mode until they do. Is SQL 2005 fully backwards compatible with a SQL 2000 database?
3. Will mirroring work on SQL 2005 with a database that is still in 2000 mode?
I've try to use DTS to import data from Sybase 11 database to MSSQL2000 database. After the import process completed, I found that all the Keys, triggers disappeared. How do I solve the problem???
I'm stuck with this and I haven't idea how to solve it. I'm trying to migrate a dts 2000 package from BIDS and I obtain this message:
This wizard will close because it encountered the following error:
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index (mscorlib)
I'm going to Migrate DTS 2000 Package select my current sql2k production server (it has almost 600 dts although I think that is not any problem at all)
Wizard recognize without problems my server and then I put a folder for save them but on the next step appears the aforementioned message.
Hi, I wanted to see what are all the users in a windows nt group that has a group access to sql server 2000. I have a windows 2000 group access to sqlserver 2000 as "xxxsomegroup". How can I list all users that belongs to this windows 200 group? is there any stored procedure to find out this? any information could be greatly appreciated.
I have web application and sql server 2k database in hosted environment. How can migrate my database to another server where I have SQL Server Express 2005.
I plan to migrate a SQL 2000 instance with everything in it to another SQL2000 server, and eventually in the future to SQL 2005.
I've pretty much figured out how to migrate everything execept the linked server configuration (there're many linked servers configured in the old server with different security credentials). I'm wondering if there's way I can save the linked server configuration and restore it to the other server.
I've got about 2 months worth of daily databases created in SQL Express 2005 for a pilot project, which the client is converting to a purchase. Unfortunately they're using SQL Server 2000 and I can't figure out how to migrate the databases to the older version. All my searching turns up how to do it in the expected direction.
Any pointers to how or where to search appreciated.
I have two Windows 2000 servers (Advance Edition) to form a Windows Cluster. I also install MS SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition on the cluster to form a MS SQL cluster. Now, I want to upgrade the hardware and OS (but keep on using SQL 2000), so I install Windows 2003 server Enterprise Edition on two new servers to form a new Windows Cluster. I am planing to install MS SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition on the new cluster, so the old SQL cluster and new SQL cluster are side by side. I would like to know how to setup a new SQL cluster (I know it has problem to rename SQL Cluster name, so how to fix this problem)? And how to transfer everything (such as system databases, users database, sql user account, password and maintenance plan jobs etc) from old SQL cluster to new SQL cluster? And how to switch over from old SQL cluster to new SQL cluster?
I coding an ASP.NET app. I'm getting some error messages about the ASPNET user can't access the DB. How can I manage a user (specifically add one) in SQL Server 2000? Thanks in advance for your help!