Migrate Date To Express Edition

Sep 10, 2007

hello. i do have the free edition and i wanted to copy the exact dat a fromt he dev/production environment.

the destination pc is at my house and the source is at my dev/production at wo_rk.

how do i do this help.

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I Need To Migrate From Sql 2005 Express To Sql Workgroup Edition

Jun 6, 2006


i have no idea what i am doing here and could use some help from someone who knows what they are doing.

i have a proliant ml350 g3 server running windows 2003 server with sql express 2005 software.

all the databases are running in compatibility sql 7 mode.

I would like them to be in sql 2005 mode if possible. Is there a way to upgrade the databases in the process?

here's a plan I came up with:

take sql workgroup 2005 edition evaluation, install it on a machine.

Mount all databases on the machine.

Wipe out the sql express 2005 machine, reinstall workgroup edition on the new server.

but here is my question

is there a way to migrate the data from the workgroup edition over to the new server through a DTS copy process, and if so, will it create a new version of the databases with the proper collation or the proper english?

please let me know. if this works, i will be thrilled!

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Migrate ASP .net Web Site From Sql 2005 Express To Sql 2005 Standard Edition

Feb 14, 2007

Dear all,I've been using ASP.NET with SQL 2005 express for several months and everything has been fine. Now a customer asks me to install my application on an already existant instance of SQL Server standard edition.I was not able to use nor my application, neither a HelloWorld example.I created a simple Default.aspx that uses a simple database with a single table "Person" via a standard gridview. When I try to open the page I receive an error wich informs me that NT Network service is not able to access database.I've been searching on google for hours and I've tryed unsuccessfully several different way.Can anyone suggest me a scientific procedure to migrate an ASP .net web site from sql 2005 express to sql 2005 standard ?Thank you very Much Fabrizio  

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Migrate To Compact Edition

Aug 27, 2007

What is the fastest way to migrate a database from SQL server express to sql compact edition. My database includes one stored procedure. Do I have to rewrite it into the code of my application???

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Can You Yuse Express Edition Toolkit With Express Edition?

Dec 3, 2007

I am looking to using the express edition toolkit for its BI tools but noticed the that it doesn't support a Database engine.
If I am running SQL Express edition, & install the Express toolkit, will this remove the Database engine functionality of the Express edition? Will there be conflicts? Will they run as separate GUI's or is the toolkit added to the Express edition GUI?

Thank you very much for any suggestions anybody might have on this

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Sql Server 2005 Express Edition VS Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition

Dec 1, 2006


I've installed Visual Basic 2005 express edition & tried to connect to SQL Server 2005 express edition. I noticed that VB2005 Express Edition doesn't have any OLEDB provider for SQL Server. The only OLEDB Provider is for M.Access. Is this correct? if so, what should i do if i want to connect SQL Server 2005 express edition with VB2005 express edition by using OLEDB connection type?

I really appreciate any respond from you guys.. Thank's and waiting for the good news..

Best regards,

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Wots The Difference B/w SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition And Express Edition

Sep 23, 2006

Hello!M a newbie.. I just want to know, that wots the difference b/w SQL Server Standard Edition and Express Edition.?And can I use Visual Studio 2005 (Professional Edition) with SQL Server Express Edition.?

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Attach An Sql Express Edition Database File To Sql Developer Edition Instanse

Mar 17, 2007

Hi i have two version of SQL server express (with Visual Studio 2005) and developer edition i am trying to access an sql database file -created by the express edition integrated with Visual studio- using a developer edition instance can i just attach it and access it. and can i use BI and reporting services on that file

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Migrate Access To SQL 2005 Express

Aug 7, 2006


I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me here. I'm very new to SQL server and has been asked to convert microsoft access database .MDB to SQL server. In another word, i'd like to migrate access to SQL Server. It's not a huge database. The size of it is roughly 6MB. The reason for migration is simply because our clients don't have microsoft office running on their system. They use SQL Server. This's a new challenge to me as i'm more comfortable with using Access now.

I have been searching and studying it thru the online tutorial about what it's and what it does. I have also downloaded and installed the SQL Server 2005 Express edition because it has GUI Interface and it does have the ability to produce reports like Access does. Now my question is how do i start because when i created the database i didn't think of any client/server application? so if i want to run the Access, i just double click it and start using it. how do i migrate it to SQL Server for a testing sake?

I really need some guidance here please.

Thank you in advance

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How To Migrate From MySQL 4.1 To MS SQL Express 2005

Nov 7, 2007

I am trying to migrate from MySQL 4.1 to MS SQL Express 2005
1. do i need to create an empty db under Express
2. can this be done from within Express by pulling from MySQL into Express or do I need to work from command lines
3. what would be the cleanest way to approach this

I have a MySQL dump and did look at the result from within Express, but it was not an import, I would like to find a way to import if possible that data. Table by table would be fine.

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Migrate To SQL Server Express From Access

Jul 31, 2007

Anything I should know about before I start?

Also I want to work with SQL Express from another workstation instead of directly with the server, which tool do I use to build with it?

Probably very obvious answers but since it is critical to do it right, I wanted to check.

What is the best tutorial in regard to these kinds of functions?


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Move Data Between The SQL Compact Edition And SQL Express Edition, Is This Possible??

Nov 14, 2007

Hello everybody,

Wrote before but did not go any answer , try again.

I have two question about SQL compact edition (SQLCE) (.sdf) and SQL Express edition (SQLED) (.mdf).

I have been testing SQLED and have many tables and data in it.

I want know to test SQLCD and hopefully be able to communicate with the SQLED.
For this reason I was wondering the following:

1. IIs it possible to move all the tables and it constratints into the SQLCE from the SQED ?

2. Another possibility I was thinking about was to use some tables in the SQLED in the SQLCE and move data between these two databases through RDA .

However, does this two versions aloud this kind of communciation...between them....?

Thanks in forehand,


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Migrate DB From MSDE To Sql Server 2005 Express

Oct 18, 2005

Hi - is it possible to migrate to SQL Server 2005 Express from MSDE - and still use ASP.Net 1.1?  Or will Express only work with ASP.Net 2.0?My MSDE database has simple SPs (no functions), and straight forward tables - can I just use DTS from Enterprise Manager to transfer this from MSDE to SQL Express, or create a backup, and import that into SQL Express 2005?Also, there was a sort of Enterprise Manager available for SQL Server 2005 Express at one point - does anyone know where to find that?Thanks for any pointers/help.Mark

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Migrate MS Access To SQL Server Express 2005

Jun 30, 2006

I have a database in MS Access that I would like to migrate to SQL Server Express 2005. How do I do this? Is there a software I need to download?

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Migrate Access 2002 To SQL Express 2005

Nov 26, 2005


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Migrate SQL Server 2000 DB On Hosted Environment To SQL 2k5 Express

Nov 26, 2005

I have web application and sql server 2k database in hosted environment. How can migrate my database to another server where I have SQL Server Express 2005.

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How To Reverse Migrate Databases From SQL 2005 Express To SQL 2000

Oct 3, 2007

I've got about 2 months worth of daily databases created in SQL Express 2005 for a pilot project, which the client is converting to a purchase. Unfortunately they're using SQL Server 2000 and I can't figure out how to migrate the databases to the older version. All my searching turns up how to do it in the expected direction.

Any pointers to how or where to search appreciated.


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Problem When Opening The Sql Server Express In Visual Web Developmer Express Edition

May 17, 2007

 hii download free starter kit timetraker application( i downloaded both Visual web devaloper and sql server express from the Internet) when i tried to run it it is showing the following errorAn error has occurred while establishing a connection to
the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be
caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not
allow remote connections. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 40
- Could not open a connection to SQL Server)plz give me the solution above error thanks in advance vittal 

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Issues With Microsoft SQL Serever 2005 Express Edition And Other Versions Of SQL Express

Feb 20, 2007

I have uninstalled the SQL Server Express Edition that I have installed from the CDs that were given to me during a Chicago Conference when READY TO  LAUNCH Visual Studio 2005, SQL SERVER 2005, and Biz Talk 2005.
Then I went to microsoft website: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/express/sql/register/default.aspx and downloaded and installed the so called Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and I got the messages Error that you read below. Then I Uninstalled Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition  and went again to msdn website and downloaded Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Advanced Services SP1 and installed it. I got again the same message as below.
1. First comes a window with the title: €œsetup.exe €“ Unable to Locate Component€?
And it displays a message:
This application has failed to start because MSTDCPRX.dll was not found.
Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
2. After I click the OK button of this window it comes another window with the title: €œMicrosoft SQL Server 2005 Server Setup€?
And it displays a message: Failed to load SqlSpars.dll
Does anybody can tell what is going on with the 3 times I tried to installed different SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and I get the same message?????
Thanks for your help and support when you have time to respond.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFiles
1. C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_Core.txt
Error: Action "LaunchLocalBootstrapAction" threw an exception during execution.  Error information reported during run:
"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup Bootstrapsetup.exe" finished and returned: 87
Aborting queue processing as nested installer has completed
Message pump returning: 87
2. C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_Core(Local).txt Running: InvokeSqlSetupDllAction at: 2007/1/20 1:22:8
Error: Action "InvokeSqlSetupDllAction" threw an exception during execution.
Unable to load setup helper module : 87
Message displayed to user
     Failed to load SqlSpars.dll
Error: Failed to add file :"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_.NET Framework 2.0.log" to cab file : "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSqlSetup0001.cab" Error Code : 2
Running: UploadDrWatsonLogAction at: 2007/1/20 1:22:17
Message pump returning: 87
3. C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_Datastore.xml
 <S,<Scope Type="SetupStateScope" Id="">
      <Property Id="machineName">B3-XP</Property>
      <Property Id="logDirectory">C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOG</Property>
    <Property Id="logSummaryFilename">C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt</Property>
      <Property Id="logSequenceNumber">1</Property>
      <Property Id="primaryLogFiles">{ ["C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_.NET Framework 2.0.log"], ["C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_Support.log"], ["C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_Core.log"], ["C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGSummary.txt"], ["C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90Setup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_B3-XP_Core(Local).log"] }</Property>
      <Property Id="watsonFailedAction">InvokeSqlSetupDllAction</Property>
      <Property Id="watsonFailedActionErrorCode">87</Property>
      <Property Id="watsonFailedFunction">sqls::InvokeSqlSetupDllAction::perform</Property>
    <Property Id="watsonFailedFunctionErrorCode">87</Property>
      <Property Id="watsonSourceFileAndLineNo">setupsqlsetupactions.cpp@1709</Property>
      <Property Id="watsonModuleAndVersion">setup.exe@2005.90.3042.0</Property>
      <Property Id="watsonMsi">None</Property>
      <Property Id="watsonMsiAndVersion">None</Property>
      <Property Id="watsonSourceFile">setupsqlsetupactions.cpp</Property>

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MS SQL Server Management Studio Express (2005) Express Edition

Jan 8, 2008


I am trying to "import" a .dbf into SQL Server Compact Edition, but I cannot find a way to do so. Can someone tell me how this is done?

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Can't Login To SQL 2005 Express Edition Through Mangerment Studio Express

Apr 29, 2007

Hi, all

I installed SQL 2005 express edition in my pc (Pro XP), then I can login from SQL 2005 Managerment Studio Express. After a few days later, I can't do it and an error message as belows:

An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)
It seems that the default setting does not allow remote connections, however, I connected it before and havn't change any setting. I try to reinstall the studio express but still not working.

Any idea / solution will be welcome.

Kevin Cheang

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Using VB2005 Express To Access A SS2005 Express Edition DB: O/S Error 32

Feb 4, 2006

Looking for help in diagnosing this error:

Unable to open the physical file "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatacartracker.mdf". Operating system error 32: "32(error not found)".
An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDatacartracker.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share.

I am using Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition along with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.

Now here's what I did:

Rather than use the Database Explorer within VB2005 EE to create my database, I thought I would try creating my database externally using the downloadable "SQL Server Management Studio Express" tool. (I figured that if I had a stable data model for my database, I could side-step the copying/overwriting issues that come with creating a database as part of a VB solution.)

So having gotten my database setup and populated with some sample data, I am now trying to connect to it from Visual Basic. In VB (in the context of working on a VB Solution), I do the following:

Select Add New Data Source... from the Data menu to bring up the Data Source Configuration Wizard.
Choose "Database" for the data source type and click Next.
Click "New Connection..." to bring up the Add Connection dialogue.

For data source I choose "Microsoft SQL Server Database File", with ".NET Framework Data Provider..." as the data provider.
Navigate to my existing database file (in "C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLData" folder).
Use Windows Authentication.

When I click "Test Connection" or just click "OK", i get the Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition error shown at the top of this message.

Is this occuring because I'm trying to access my database as an .MDF file rather than through Named Pipes / Shared Memory / TCP/IP? If this is the case, is there any way that I can tell VB2005 EE to use Named Pipes / Shared Memory / TCP/IP? Is this a fundamental limitation of VB2005 EE?

Thanks in advance to the guru who is able to explain this to me...

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Error While Trying To Install SQL Server Express 2005 Express Edition

Mar 8, 2008


I'm getting an error while trying to install SQL Server Express 2005 Express Edition. I'm attaching the log of the installation process here. Please throw some light on the same.

Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."
The error is (3) The system cannot find the path specified.


<Func Name='GetCAContext'>

<EndFunc Name='GetCAContext' Return='T' GetLastError='203'>

Doing Action: Do_sqlShutDownRANUInstance

PerfTime Start: Do_sqlShutDownRANUInstance : Sat Mar 08 21:39:12 2008

<Func Name='Do_sqlShutDownRANUInstance'>

Service SQLEXPRESS with parameters '' is being started at Sat Mar 08 21:39:12 2008

Unable to start service (3)

Error Code: 0x80070003 (3)
Windows Error Text: The system cannot find the path specified.

Source File Name: sqlsetuplibservice.cpp
Compiler Timestamp: Wed Jun 14 16:29:04 2006
Function Name: sqls:ervice:tart
Source Line Number: 316

---- Context -----------------------------------------------

Setting status of unmanaged components and removing unmanaged resources

Error Code: 3

MSI (s) (D0!64) [21:39:17:257]: Product: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 -- Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."
The error is (3) The system cannot find the path specified.


Error 29503. The SQL Server service failed to start. For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server Manually."
The error is (3) The system cannot find the path specified.


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Standard Edition Fails To Install, Express Edition Fails To Uninstall

May 8, 2008

We are trying to install the Standard Edition of SQL Server 2005. We already have SQL Express installed. Standard won't install and Express won't uninstall.

We have tried every suggestion we can find and some we made up. When we try to install Standard, we get to the bit where you choose what you want to install and the only thing available is workstation components.

There are so many cases of this on the Internat that I can't believe MS have not solved the issue. And I am stunned that they want to charge us more money to talk to us about how to fix something we just paid them an arm and a leg for!

What do I need to tell you to get some idea of where to go next with this?

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Replication Between SQL 2005 Express Edition And SQL 2005 Standard Edition

May 10, 2007

Hello everybody,

I got a problem in my development phase. I'm developing a web-application system that running merge database technology which is centralized database and distributed database. This is because my customer want a highly optimum system standby.

My centralized database running SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition and the distributed database running SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (because it is free). Each of these database, the users can change the data on its database. So, every database must have the same data. from my understanding, each server must act as Publisher and Subscriber. Can SQL Server 2005 Express Edition be a Publisher?

If not, what the solution you all may suggest, because cost is the first factor. If my architecture is not correct, so what you all suggest to me to resolve the problem.

Thanks so much. Any suggestion and opinion is highly appreciate and I'm highly thanks to you all.

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SQL Server Express Edition Versus SQL Server Developer's Edition

Nov 2, 2006

I recently purchased a copy of Visual Studio 2005 Professional last month and it came with SQL Server Developer Edition. However, I noticed it also installs the express edition. If I choose not to install the Developer Edition (Im quite new to SQL) can I deploy a database I develop in the express edition on a regular SQL server?

Regards and thanks,


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How Migrate SQL Server 2000 Database To SQL Server 2005 Express

May 9, 2005

I  have a  SQL server 2000 database.I have to migrate it to SQL Server 2005 Express.But I don't know how to do.
Is any one can help me ?

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Migrate Data From SQL Server 2000 To SQL 2005 Server Express

Nov 12, 2005

Hello:Does Sql Server 2005 Express support data migration  from Sql Server 2000.

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Windows CE 5 Device With SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Sync With SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Oct 25, 2007

I have:

A server computer running SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition.

A industrial computer running SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.

And now also a Psion WorkAboutPro with CE 5 that should run SQL Server Compact Edition.

The industrial computer syncs its data with the server, basically saying "this has happened".

Now I want the Psion to sync with the industrial computer, but this sync must two-way.

I have tried to find a guide or something that can tell me "do this to sync" but the information i have found is sketchy at best.

If someone could point me in the right direction of a guide or something else it would be much appreciated.


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SQL Server 2005 Express Edition With SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE)

Jun 7, 2007

Hi all,

I have installed SQL server 2005 express edition with SQL server Management studio express (SSMSE).

I have installed also SQLce and I would know how I can manage sql compact edition databases (.ldf) with sql SSMSE, if it is possible!

I would be grateful if you could explain it trought a detailed guide (I am a beginner user of sql server tools) or trought a link to useful sites.

I'm Looking forward for your reply and still trying...


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Replicating From SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition To Remote SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

Aug 13, 2007


I have been unable to create a replication from an SQL Server 2005 standard edition database to remote SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. The remote express edition is on a Virtual Private Server we are leasing from a hosting company. The name of the remote DB is similar to vs572.si-vs572.com. I can connect to this with SQL server authentication through Management Studio and also with SSIS. But, I have been unable to create a push subscription (I have tried a test push subscription with the same publication to a local SQL Express server here in our office and this works fine).

Here is the error message: SQL Server Replication requires the actual server name to make a connection to the server. Connections through server alias, IP address, or any other alternate name are not supported. Specify the actual server name, 'VS572SQLEXPRESS'.

The hosting company had originally installed a shared SQL server which would not support replication. They then installed SQL Express edition and I was hoping this would allow us to run a replication.

I tried to connect to VS572SQLEXPRESS with out any luck. I check the remote connections, made sure replication was installed, etc., but no luck.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

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SQL JOB In Express Edition

May 4, 2006

Is SQL Agent (for SQL JOBS) available for Express Edition with Adv. Services ?

Is it possible to setup a SQL JOB in Express Edition with Adv. Services ?

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Everywhere Edition And VS Express

Sep 4, 2006

Is Sql Everywhere supported by VS Express Edition? Steve Tasker's team video mentions something at the very end which made it appear that it would not work.

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