I am trying to migrate the default repository that is created when you install OLAP on a server. I have done this on my local server and several other servers without a problem. When I goes through the steps to migrate the repository it says it completes sucessfully but leave the repository pointing at the mdb file. On the other servers it has updated the pointer to the SQL database. I am running SQL2000 SP2, AS SP2 and W2000. The only difference I can find it that the server where it doesn't work also has two named instances on it.
Any help would be appreciated.
I've installed OLAP, SP1 & 2. But when I try to register that OLAP server from my machine using the OLAP Manager interface, I get the error: 'Cannot retrieve the repository information..'. Any ideas?
Our OLAP environment involves an ETL/Data Warehouse/Data Mart server and a cube publisher server. We would like to learn how to automate the Archival/Restore of OLAP databases. We are currently doing it manually though OLAP Manager. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. James.
-- James E. Bothamley Senior Database Administrator Dave & Buster's, Inc. 2481 Manana Dallas, TX 75220
Work Phone (214) 904-2296 email jbothaml@DaveAndBusters.Com
"Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right"
The DTS packages I saved in Repository is found disappeared But when I tried to save a new one with old package name I got an error message that its already there. What should I do in order to veiw all the stored packages in the repository ? Thank You all
I have several Repository DTS packages on my server, but these are not available on all client machines. I have no problems working on these packages from my workstation, or some of my coworkers, but others cannot even see the packages. In fact, when logged onto the server itself, the packages don't show up!!
I am working with SQL Server 7.0 SP 1. Everything seemed to be running OK but from some days ago when I create a new DTS package and I save it in MS Repository, the package doesn´t appear under the "Repository Package" folder even when I refresh it.
I know it is there because I can see it in the Metadata folder, but there I can not modify it. What happened? Are DTS packages secure? Should I better use local packeges and save them in SQL Server?
I'm trying to create a Data Dictionary view from system table info like tablename, fieldname, datatype etc. I can find all that I need except for the "description" field which is displayed in Enterprise Manager/ Repository metadata pane.
How can I locate this field so I can reference it in a view? Isn't it stored in a system table? Master, model? Where is it?
We configured IDERA SQL Safe for backups and restores.we setup an email for notifications. One day we performed manual backup operation for 150 databases from SQL Safe tool. Unnoticed it backed up to C:Backup folder.
We got alerts with the report of backups on C: drive. Then we moved backup files to respective folders.But, I could not clear the records from the report, its been 25 days, still we are receiving the alerts as below.How can I clear this report or to configure or setup anything to avoid this, in future as well.
Below is the sample records from the report. I need this report to be cleared.
Subject: SQL Safe Validation Report
The following files are recorded in the SQLSafe repository, but no longer exist in their locations:
C:BackupLUXOR_DB_GroupEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe C:BackupLUXOR_DB_InsightEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe C:BackupLUXOR_DB_IMEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe C:BackupLUXOR_DB_SiteEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe C:BackupLUXOR_DB_SiEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe C:BackupLUXOR_DB_ICEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe C:BackupLUXOR_DB_vdbEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe C:BackupLUXOR_DB_M_SEPF_Diff_201402050045 (1 of 1).safe
Hello to all members. I am using SQL Server 2005 std edition 32 bit The database is configured in compatibility mode to sql server 2000 The backup mode for the database is configured as simple
With SQL Server Agent I am running schedule task of the backup script
The question is:
I would like to save only the last 7 days in repository. This means that when the 8th days has become then the 1st day backup is deleted. in the 9th day the 2nd day backup file is deleted. and so on
I am using the the T-SQL BACKUP DATABASE command with the following arguments: RETAINDAYS = 7 NOFORMAT NOINIT SKIP
I am in situation that the command above only append to the backup file and without deleting the expired backup days.
What I need to change in the parameters that the script will delete the expired backup days.
Hello to all members. I am using SQL Server 2005 std edition 32 bit The database is configured in compatibility mode to sql server 2000 The backup mode for the database is configured as simple
With SQL Server Agent I am running schedule task of the backup script
The question is:
I would like to save only the last 7 days in repository. This means that when the 8th days has become then the 1st day backup is deleted. in the 9th day the 2nd day backup file is deleted. and so on
I am using the the T-SQL BACKUP DATABASE command with the following arguments: RETAINDAYS = 7 NOFORMAT NOINIT SKIP
I am in situation that the command above only append to the backup file and without deleting the expired backup days.
What I need to change in the parameters that the script will delete the expired backup days.
It is too much work when working with Database Maintenance Wizard. lets take a scenario that I have 10 database. I would like that each database will backup into seperate file. I need to create 10 * 7 Maintenance plans.
I have created a directory with the name SDBbackup. Now under the directory SDBbackup I have created 7 directories (1,2,3,4,5,6,7). Each directory is for Sunday=1 , Monday=2 , and etc.
It's very much work if I need to accomplish it with Database Maintenance Wizard.
This is why I am asking a specific question regarding T-SQL.
Greetings: I am trying to gather into a central location the missing index data from the sys DMV's for dynamic index creation in the next step. In trying to use a cursor, I get the following errors:
Msg 154, Level 15, State 3, Line 20
variable assignment is not allowed in a cursor declaration.
Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 94
Incorrect syntax near 'Get_Data'.
Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
A cursor with the name 'Get_Server' does not exist.
Msg 16916, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
A cursor with the name 'Get_Server' does not exist.
Here is the SQL:
--CREATE PROCEDURE usp_Get_Missing_Index_Data
--Declare @Sql2 nvarchar(4000)
Declare @Sql nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE Get_Server Cursor -- gets a server name from a list of servers
Select MachineName from rsqlaudit1.DBStatistics.dbo.servers
Open Get_Server
Declare @Server nchar(20)
Fetch Next from Get_Server Into
While (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) --and (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2)
DECLARE Get_Data Cursor
select @sql= 'select distinct id.*
, gs.avg_total_user_cost
, gs.avg_user_impact
, gs.last_user_seek
from '+@Server+'.master.sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats gs
,'+@Server+'.master.sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups g
,'+@Server+'.master.sys.dm_db_missing_index_details id
where gs.group_handle = g.index_group_handle
and id.index_handle = g.index_handle
order by gs.avg_user_impact desc'
exec (@Sql)
Open Get_Data
DECLARE @Handle int,
@database smallint,
@object int,
@equality nvarchar(4000),
@inequality nvarchar(4000),
@Included nvarchar(4000),
@statement nvarchar(4000),
@avg_user_cost float,
@avg_user_impact float,
@last_seek datetime,
@compiles bigint
While (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) --and (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2)
insert into rsqlaudit1.DBStatistics.dbo.Missing_Index_data
How do I use vba string functions in MDX queries? The on-line help says that the functions can be used but I can't figure out the right syntax for it. PLEASE HELP! I want to take the first letter from a level i.e.([NET INCOME] in the e.g. below) and display it.
I have install OLAP srvice on SQL Server 7.0 server. When I try to connect to OLAP server I get the following error: 'cannot connect to the registry on the server computer'
Has anyone tried installing an OLAP Manager 2000 instance on a server that already supports SQL 7.0 and OLAP 7.0? We will not be using the OLAP 7.0 instance so we would like to either upgrage OLAP 7.0 to OLAP 2000 or unistall OLAP 7.0 altogether. Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks. James.
I have DNN installed on one server and now i need to move whole site to another server. I have moved the FTP files, and changed the conn string in config. How can i move the database? I dont have the database publishing webservice installed so i will need some other way. Does anyone know of a simple way to migrate from one sql server to another?
i have an application that runs on sql server, that is all working fine on the development environment, and nearly ready for deployment in production.
a large part of this application is based on complex dts packages.
is there a straightforward way to migrate all of these packages AND change all the connections to point to the live box rather than the development box, without painstakingly changing all the connection objects (in around 100 packages!!)?
I'll be doing a migration of all my exisitng SQL7 databases to SQL2000. We are planning to buy new servers for the upgrade. What is the best way to move the entire database?
A) Use copy DB wizard? B) Create own DTS package to move everything? C) Script the entire DB and run it on the new server and then move the data? D) Do a backup and restore it onto the new server?
What are the best options? Are there anything that i should be aware of?
Hi I need to move some DTS packages from SQL7 to SQL2K What is the best way to do this? I realise the problem is because a SQL7 master database cannot be restored to a SQL2K master database Is there some way these can be scripted out of 7 and the script run in 2K
I am exploring the feasibility of migrating from DB2 (v7) to MSSQL server 2005. My current applications are using UDB, but the DBA wants to change to MSSQL. I believe the impact is huge. For example, how to create schema in MSSQL, how to migrate the data...
Anyone had the experience before? Could kindly suggest some reference for such a migration? Thanks!
I'm migrating from DB2 to SQL 2005 workstation. I have tried all kinds and type of migration tools. The best way so far is using the import wizard to created an SSIS package. One little problem so far. I cannot get past the "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page" error. I get quite a few rows before it stops. I've looked for any "invalid characters" in the source data. The row it seems to stop on doesn't make sense. Is there a way to modify the SISS package file to not stop on truncation errors? Or, can I determine the proper code page to use? I've adjusted column data types and lengths but can't find a combination that works.
- Copying to [tsi].[TSI].[CNOTES1] (Error) Messages Error 0xc020901c: Data Flow Task: There was an error with output column "CNLINE" (20) on output "OLE DB Source Output" (11). The column status returned was: "Text was truncated or one or more characters had no match in the target code page.". (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc020902a: Data Flow Task: The "output column "CNLINE" (20)" failed because truncation occurred, and the truncation row disposition on "output column "CNLINE" (20)" specifies failure on truncation. A truncation error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc0047038: Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. The PrimeOutput method on component "Source - CNOTES1" (1) returned error code 0xC020902A. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc0047021: Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc0047039: Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADCANCELLED. Thread "WorkThread0" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread was cancelled. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Error 0xc0047021: Data Flow Task: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_THREADFAILED. Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the thread has exited. (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
Hy all, my english is not so good so i try to explain... I have this environment
2 Servers, one is sql 2000 an the other is sql 2005 (cluster) My server 2000 is very old and we dont want to upgrade(hardaware) them and it have a lot of DTS´s packages (actually only DTS packages). I need to rewrite every package to SSIS, but my priority is take off this server transfering de DTS packages to SQL2005 and use in legacy mode.
How do i do this ?..In this moment i just want to transfer the packages to 2005 and use in legacy mode..there´s a diference between migrate and use in legacy mode ?