Mixing Counts, Min Or Max ?

Nov 28, 2007

Hi I have this

select emailid,
count(emailid) as 'No.of occurences',

FROM tableA
where start_moment between '2007-11-01' and '2007-11-02'
GROUP BY emailid
having (COUNT(emailid) > 1)

Fair enough this returns the emailid along with the amount of times it appears (all greater then 1 .. duplicated in other words)

My question is , there is also a start_moment field in tableA
so i need to get the max or min start_moment along with the above result?

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Mixing Different Data Slices

Oct 30, 2007

My sales are broken into two different major categories: retail and internet. Rather than create two identical fact tables (ala AdventureworksDW) I created on fact table with a dimension that slices by retail or interent. I use that dimension as a parameter on nearly every one of my reports. The use can get retail, internet or both. So far, so good.

Now I need to create a report that shows retail sales and internet sales in adjacent columns on the same report. Is there a way to filter individual columns in a table? Or will I have to rethink how I store my data in the cube?


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Mixing INNER And OUTER Joins

Sep 26, 2006

I've encountered this problem multiple times in the past and I have a solution but wonder if there might be a more elegant method of achieving the same result...

Take the following example:SELECT * FROM [User]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [Profile] ON [Profile].[UserId] = [User].[UserId]
INNER JOIN [Department] ON [Department].[DepartmentId] = [Profile].[DepartmentId]

Users may or may not have a profile (but never more than one). A profile may or may not have a department (but never more than one).

Now, this will return only users that have a profile even though an outer join has been used. What I really want is to return all users and include their profile and department details but only when the profile has a department.

The solution I have used in the past is:

FROM [Profile]
INNER JOIN [Department] ON [Department].[DepartmentId] = [Profile].[DepartmentId]
) [ProfileDepartment] ON [ProfileDepartment].[UserId] = [User].[UserId]

The trouble here is that I've lost the ability to reference department and profile independantly in the outer query. Also, more complex scenarios can also become horribly complex if this needs to be done multiple times in the same query.

I could do this:SELECT * FROM [User]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [Profile] ON [Profile].[UserId] = [User].[UserId] AND [Profile].[DepartmentId] IS NOT NULL
LEFT OUTER JOIN [Department] ON [Department].[DepartmentId] = [Profile].[DepartmentId]

But again I feel that the intention is not at all clear. I want to inner join department to profile because I'm only interested in profiles with a department and departments referenced by a profile.

I would like to be able to specify that the departments should be inner joined to profiles and whichever profiles remain get outer joined to users whilst retaining department and profile as seperate entities within the query.

Is there any way to use brackets to indicate an order of precedance to the logical joins within the from clause?


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SQL Mixing Aggregate && Non-aggr Exprs

Jan 7, 2004

How do I create a query that emulates a mix of aggregate & �non-aggregate� expressions. I am using the query as the rowsource for a list box in Access.

Here is my query:
strSql = "SELECT tblTestHeader.TestHdrUniq, tblTestHeader.TestDate, " _
& "'" & Forms("frmCompanySearch").[lstCompanySrch].Column(2) & "'" _
& " + ' ' + tblLoadCell.Abbrev + ' ' + tblTestHeader.CertNumSequence AS CertNum, " _
& "tblLoadCell.Description AS LoadCell, " _
& "tblTestType.Description AS Test, " _
& "tblTester.Sname + ', ' + tblTester.Gname AS Tester " _
& "FROM tblTestHeader INNER JOIN tblLoadCell ON " _
& "tblTestHeader.LoadCellUniq = tblLoadCell.LoadCellUniq INNER JOIN " _
& "tblTester ON " _
& "tblTestHeader.TesterUniq = tblTester.TesterUniq INNER JOIN " _
& "tblTestType ON " _
& "tblTestHeader.TestTypeUniq = tblTestType.TestTypeUniq " _
& "WHERE CompanyUniq = " _
& Forms("frmCompanySearch").[lstCompanySrch].Column(1) _
& " ORDER BY tblTestHeader.TestDate, CertNum"

I want to include another column:
max(tblTestDetail.CertChar) as LastChar
but must have all or no aggregate expr. What is work around for this ?

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Need Help Mixing A Couple Of Queries Into One Quer

Jan 26, 2008

I want to create a filtered view according to some information provides.
for example I want to create in form 2 check boxes male and female and when either both or one of them is unchecked, the query filters out the unchecked content from view according to the other filtering conditions.

the exact thing I need is:
a text box for string looking (in a specific column).
male & female checkboxes.
two datetime textboxes to specify a range to focus in.

it is very important to me, so if you misunderstood my question, please contact me.

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Sp_trace_setfilter Mixing AND/OR Operators In Profiler

Jul 24, 2007

Hello, how do you setup a Profiler filter, that has mixed AND/OR operators. Thru the Profiler GUI, I don't even see how you would ask for any statement/proc with READS over 10,000 OR DURATION over 1000ms. How do you do an "OR" thru the GUI?

Forgetting the GUI and doing traces thru scripts, the @logical_operator isn't too logical, and I can't find any description for setting this parameter. If you only have one filter, it doesn't matter if you set it to 0 (AND) or to 1 (OR)... But if you want multiple filters, so one filter is Reads >= 10,000 and the other filter is Duration >= 1000ms., how do you do that? I tried it with the @logical_operator of "1" on both, but then I also got other events with a NULL value in READS.

Code Snippet

-- @traceID = 1
-- @columnID = 13 (Duration)
-- @logicalOperator = 1 (OR)
-- @comparison_operator = 4 (greater or equal)
-- @value = 1000000 (1000 ms)

sp_trace_setfilter 1, 13, 1, 4, 1000000

-- @traceID = 1
-- @columnID = 16 (Reads)
-- @logicalOperator = 1 (OR)
-- @comparison_operator = 4 (greater or equal)
-- @value = 10000 (# Reads)

sp_trace_setfilter 1, 16, 1, 4, 10000

Looks like DURATION is never NULL for these events>>>






but the READS value cane be null (for SP:Completed at least).

Any ideas on how to mix AND/OR operators in multiple filters of one trace?

Thanks, Bruce

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Update Command In SQL DateSource Mixing Up My Parameters

Dec 14, 2007

I have an update command with 7 parameters, but at run time the order to the parameters gets mixed up.
I'm using a stored procedure. At first I have the command type set to text, and was calling it using EXEC spName ?,?,?,?,?,?,?
I then named each of the parameters and set their sources.  The parameters are like this (samepl name, then source, then type):
A : QueryString - intB: Control - intC: Control - intD: None - intE: None - decimalF: Control - datetimeG: Control - datetime
At run time I was getting an error that an integer couldn't be converted to date time. So I put a breakpoint in the Updating event and then looked at the parameters prior to update.
This is how they looked (Parameter index, paramter name):
[0] A[1] B[2] D[3] E[4] F[5] G[6] C
It didn't maek any sense. Do, I deleted all of the paramters and readded them. That didnt' work. Then I changed the command to StoredProcedure and refreshed the parameters from the stored proc and it brought them in the right order, but the problem remains the same.
I looked at the page source, and there are no indexes in the page source, but the parameters are listed in the proper creation order, as follows:<UpdateParameters><asp:QueryStringParameter Type="Int32" Name="PROJ_ID" QueryStringField="pid"></asp:QueryStringParameter><asp:ControlParameter PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" Name="TASK_UID" ControlID="fvTask"></asp:ControlParameter><asp:ControlParameter PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="Int32" Name="ASSN_UID" ControlID="gvResources"></asp:ControlParameter><asp:Parameter Type="Int32" Name="RES_UID"></asp:Parameter><asp:Parameter Type="Double" Name="Work"></asp:Parameter><asp:ControlParameter PropertyName="Text" Type="DateTime" Name="Start" ControlID="TASK_START_DATETextBox"></asp:ControlParameter><asp:ControlParameter PropertyName="Text" Type="DateTime" Name="Finish" ControlID="TASK_FINISH_DATETextBox"></asp:ControlParameter></UpdateParameters>
No mater what I do, at run time ASSN_UID is always the last parameter. I've also run a SQL trace to see how it is actually being executed, and sure enough, its passing the value for ASSN_UID as the last parameter, which obviously doesn't work.
Any ideas as to why this would happen or how to fix it?
(I guess I can reorder the patameters in the stored proc to match how they are being passed, but still, that wouldn't be a very comfortable solution, since it could perhaps revert at some point or something)

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Using INSERT INTO Mixing SELECT And Static Text

Jan 26, 2008

 I'm trying to populate a table of pending emails. The problem is I need
to populate the email field using a select statement but the message
field with static text. Can this be done or is another approach more
prudent? What I have is below but is kicking errors:DECLARE @msg varchar(300) SET @msg = 'New users have applied for accounts. Please review their information.'IF @Type='CreateUserApply' INSERT INTO cdds_Email (Address,Message)VALUES (SELECT M.EmailFROMdbo.aspnet_Membership MINNER JOINdbo.aspnet_UsersInRoles UINNER JOINdbo.aspnet_Roles RON U.RoleId = R.RoleIdON U.UserId = M.UserIdWHERER.RoleName = 'Manager',@msg)

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Mixing Parameter Syntax In Execute SQL Task

Feb 5, 2006

Hi all,

As part of the logging process for data input, I want to update two fields in a logging table. The first is a datetime, derived from looking up the maximum value in another table (the table I've just imported), and the second is an integer - the number of rows captured in a variable during the task.

I can do this in two separate Execute SQL tasks as follows:

Task 1 syntax

DECLARE @maxDate datetime
SELECT @maxDate = max(dtLastChangedDate)
FROM dbo.tblCancel_RAW

UPDATE dbo.tblLogging
SET PreviousFilterValue = CurrentFilterValue,
CurrentFilterValue = ISNULL(CAST ( @maxdate as varchar(25)),CurrentFilterValue),
DateSourceTableLastRead = GetDate(),
RowsReturned= -1
WHERE SourceTableName = 'cancel'

Task 2 Syntax, with the variable user::rowsimported mapped to parameter 0

UPDATE dbo.tblLogging
RowsReturned= ?
WHERE SourceTableName = 'cancel'

However I cannot make this work with a single SQL statement such as

DECLARE @maxDate datetime
SELECT @maxDate = max(dtLastChangedDate)
FROM dbo.tblCancel_RAW

UPDATE dbo.tblLogging
SET PreviousFilterValue = CurrentFilterValue,
CurrentFilterValue = ISNULL(CAST ( @maxdate as varchar(25)),CurrentFilterValue),
DateSourceTableLastRead = GetDate(),
RowsReturned= ?
WHERE SourceTableName = 'cancel'

because no matter how I try to map the parameter (0,1,2,3,4 etc) the task fails.

Is this behaviour by design, is it a bug, or is there something I've missed?

Thanks as ever,


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Analysis :: SSAS Tabular - Dynamic Security Roles - Mixing Together DAX Filters

Oct 10, 2015

I have two different roles, each one with a dax filter. One is for filtering users that access by Excel, and other for filtering users that access by Reporting Services, respectively:


To create only one role that serves Excel and Reporting Services users, is it viable to use only the || (OR) operator?, is there any other regard i should take?

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Mixing Dynamic SQL With Non-Dynamic In Stored Proc

Mar 24, 2007

I have a Stored Procedure for processing a Bill of Material.

One column on the Assembly Table is a Function Name that contains some busniess rules.

OK, now I'm doing a Proof of Concept and I'm stumped.


I will ultimately have about 100 of these things. My plan was using Dynamic SQL to go execute the function.

Note: The function just returns a bit.

So; here's what I had in mind ...

if isnull(@FnNameYN,'') <> ''
exec spinb_CheckYN @FnNameYN, @InvLineID, @FnBit = @FnBit output

@FnNameYN varchar(50),
@InvLineID int,
@FnBit bit output

declare @SQL varchar(8000)

set @SQL = '
if dbo.' + @FnNameYN + ' (' + convert(varchar(31),@InvLineID) + ')) = 1
set @FnBit = 1
set @FnBit = 0'

exec (@SQL)

Obviously; @FnBit is not defined in @SQL so that execution will not work.
Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 4
Must declare the variable '@FnBit'.
Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 5
Must declare the variable '@FnBit'.

So; is there a way to get a value out of a Dynamic SQL piece of code and get that value INTO my OUTPUT variable?

My many thanks to anyone who can solve this riddle for me.
Thank You!

Sigh: For now, it looks like I'll have a huge string of "IF" statements for each business rule function, as follows:
Hopefully a better solution comes to light.

------ Vertical Build1 - Std Vanes -----------
if @FnNameYN = 'fnb_YN_B1_14'
if dbo.fnb_YN_B1_14 (convert(varchar(31),@InvLineID) ) = 1
set @FnBit = 1
set @FnBit = 0

------ Vertical Build1 - Scissor Vanes -----------
if @FnNameYN = 'fnb_YN_B1_15'
if dbo.fnb_YN_B1_15 (convert(varchar(31),@InvLineID) ) = 1
set @FnBit = 1
set @FnBit = 0

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Row Counts

Feb 5, 2007

If I right click and browse the properties for the table I can get the value of rows. But for the same table if I do select count(*) from table the value does not match the table properties rows. Please can some one tell me why this is so?

SQL Newbie

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Counts By Groups

Jan 8, 2007

I expect to get a record below with a count of 0 (and I do), but when I take the comments out (--) of lines 1 & 6 I don't understand why I get no records at all. I need to be able to see all teams in EvalAnswers even if none of the records satisfies the where clause.1 select Count(*) as cnt--, TeamID
2 from EvalAnswers
3 where CoID=@CoID
4 and EvaluatorID=@EvaluatorID
5 and (Scr0=0 and Sugg0 is NULL)
6 --group by TeamID

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Need Help Bracketing Counts

Sep 6, 2007

I need to create a view that shows the number of times that clients made payments, how many clients, and how much they paid over a period of time. I'm not sure if I can use a case for this. How can I put something like this together?
I have a tblClients with a clientid field
I have a tblPayments with the clientid, pmtdate, and pmtamount
For example:
1 Payment ----- 23 Clients ----- $16000
2 Payments ----- 12 Clients ----- $32000
3 Payments ----- 4 Clients ----- $13000

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Nov 15, 2000

I need a procedure that will go to a database and give me all the row counts for the user tables.

Does anyone know how I can get this?


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SQL Is Giving Different Row Counts

Apr 20, 2004


...giving a very 'summarized' scenario of the problem I have trying to
solve all day (make it 2 days now).

Below are the relevant DDLs... I am not listing the DDLs of my other tables:

[varchar] (10),
[TransDate] [varchar] (10),
[SaleAmt] [float],
[CustCode] [varchar] (10)
. . .

I populate the above table via a DTS and have checked and have verified that correct data is coming in... I also have a product master table; for business reasons we can have the same product created with different ProductCodes though the rest of the Product details are EXACTLY the same. We have covered this using a field named 'UniqueProdCode'.

[ProdCode] [varchar] (10),
[ProdName] [varchar] (35),

[UniqueProdCode] [varchar] (10),

... many other product fields e.g. unit price, category etc...

First a small Request:
Please note that I have NOT defined links between my tables (in the diagram editor) nor have I defined Primary keys (or any constraint) for any of the tables. When you kindly reply, please suggest I should define primary keys for the tables and also link them in the diagram editor.

When I do a count(*) query on the table 'SalesFACT', I get the correct number of records.

If I create a view, add table 'SalesFACT' and table ProdMaster, link the
UniqueProdCode field of table 'SalesFACT' with the UniqueProdCode field of ProdMaster (so that I can also get the name, category, etc. for the products in the SalesFACT), and run a count(*) query I get a much higher and incorrect number of rows. The SQL for the view is:

SELECT dbo.SalesFACT.TransDate, dbo.SalesFACT.UniqueProdCode,
FROM dbo.SalesFACT INNER JOIN dbo.ProdMaster ON dbo.SalesFACT.UniqueProdCode = dbo.ProdMaster.UniqueProdCode

Kindly note that I have checked and the contents of the table SalesFACT' UniqueProdCode field DOES contain the correct data i.e. it contains the UniqueProdCode and NOT the ProdCode.

But if i link the "wrong fields", I get the correct count count :confused: i.e. I create a very similar view (as mentioned above) but instead link the UniqueProdCode of table SalesFACT with the ProdCode field (not the UniqueProdCode field) of ProdMaster
table I get the correct count. This is really driving me nuts and I just can't understand what's going on and why the "REVERSE" logic. For your convenience here is the SQL for the 2nd view:

SELECTdbo.SalesFACT.TransDate, dbo.SalesFACT.UniqueProdCode,
FROM dbo.SalesFACT INNER JOIN dbo.ProdMaster ON dbo.SalesFACT.UniqueProdCode = dbo.ProdMaster.ProdCode

Please guide... I have run out of all the things that I could check and thus this SOS and F1

Billions of thansk in advance.

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How To Do Multiple Counts

Dec 12, 2006

I just inherited an app, where I have two tables that look like this:


I need a query to get results that look like this:
# of cases records where Status='Open'
# of cases records Where Status='Pending'
# of cases records WHERE Status<>'Closed' AND Assigned=''

I have one query that works already, but it's using several nested selects. I know I ought to be able to do this using group by instead, and I like to know how.

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Multiple Counts

Jan 24, 2006

I am creating a database for a soccer league.

I would like to write a query that would give me results in a league table form .

How could I combine different count queries such as:

select hometeam, count(*) as homegames from matches where comp="en1pp" group by hometeam
order by hometeam

select hometeam, count(*) as homewins from matches where homescore>awayscore group by hometeam order by hometeam

into one query giving a three column result homteams, homegames, homewins.


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Do Lots Of COUNTs

Sep 19, 2006

Hello :)

I seem to have somehow got myself into a situation where I'm having to run the following SELECTs, one after another, on a single ASP page. This is not tidy. How can I join them all together so I get a single recordset returned with all my stats in different columns?

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblQuiz WHERE [q3] = '5 years +' OR [q3] = '2 - 4 years'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblQuiz WHERE [q4] <> '' AND [q4] IS NOT NULL
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblQuiz WHERE [q5] = 'Unhappy'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblQuiz WHERE [q6] = 'Yes'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblQuiz WHERE [q7] = 'Yes'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblQuiz WHERE [q8] <> '' AND [q8] IS NOT NULL

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Compare Row Counts

Oct 6, 2006

Hi all,

I have a need to compare the number of rows returned from table A when it is joined to table B to the number of rows returned when there are no joins involved. If the number of rows returned are the same, then I need to proceed to execute my next step else end.

So, If RowCount A = RowCount A when A joined to B
THEN Goto Next Step
Else End

I need to put the above logic in a sp that I want to execute using a job.

Help is appreciated.


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Counts On Subquerys

Apr 22, 2004

OK I have a query that bring back a unique identifier and text value
for instance

Select Distinct global_id, Page_url from PageList

global_id page_url
---------- ---------------------------------
4306549 /true/attitudes.htm
1460753 /true/current/answerthis.htm
4303667 /true/current/answerthis.htm
4306549 /true/current/answerthis.htm

Now I want to do a count of the page_url.
Can this be done in one SQL statement using a sub query of some kind

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Retention Counts

Dec 4, 2007

I have members in a database who have paid thru dates. I am creating retention reports

I created a cross tab in Crystal (using SQL) that counts records that paid within a certain year. I need to create a script that will let me find when members skip payment for a year. Any ideas?

I was thinking of running a count of all paid (Activity) records, but still kind of stuck.


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Getting Table Counts

Jul 20, 2005

I want to get a resultset of every table in the database, with thecurrent record count of each. What is the easiest way to do this?I can get the list of tables with:Select s.name from sysobjects s where xtype = 'U'each s.name is a table name, but I'm not sure how to join a record countcolumn to the resultset.Thanks,RickN

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Dividing Counts

Sep 19, 2007

I'm sorry if someone has already posted this but I've looked through a few pages to see if someone had already posted and I couldn't find anything. Anyways, I have two counts and I would like to divide them to get a percentage. Basically I would like to see a percentage of how many tickets are overdue. Here's my SQL:

select count(*)[No. of Tickets Overdue],
when sum(datepart(dd,getdate() - j.report_date))>= pt.due_hours then 'Over Due'
when sum(datepart(dd,getdate() - j.report_date))>= pt.due_hours then 'Over Due'
when sum(datepart(dd,getdate() - j.report_date))>= pt.due_hours then 'Over Due'
when sum(datepart(dd,getdate() - j.report_date))>= pt.due_hours then 'Over Due'
end [Ticket Status]
from whd.priority_type pt
inner join whd.job_ticket j on pt.priority_type_id = j.priority_type_id
where j.status_type_id = '1' and j.deleted = '0' and not j.priority_type_id = '5' and not j.priority_type_id = '6'
group by pt.due_hours
order by pt.due_hours desc
COMPUTE SUM(count(*))

select count(*)[Count2]
from whd.job_ticket jt
where jt.status_type_id = '1' and jt.deleted = '0'-- and not jt.priority_type_id = '5' and not jt.priority_type_id = '6'
--COMPUTE [No. of Tickets Overdue]/[Count2]

I know this isn't correct but basically the commented line at the bottom is what I want to do. I've only been doing SQL statements for a few months now, so I know its novice but any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

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Record Counts

Oct 8, 2006


I have 10 databases created. each data base has arround 100 tables . i need to keep track of the number of records in each table of 10 databases and the last modification date on that table. The solution should be programatically by running a T-sql program or any stored procedures or any other but mechinical.

the output should specify the following:

Table #number_of_recs Last_date

database_name.Table_name ###,###,### DD/MM/YY

I will appreciate any assistance in this regard.


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Multiple Counts In A Query

May 20, 2008

I have a table that is linked to other tables in one to many relationship.I have a query using LEFT OUTER JOINs to join the tables together.There are multiple counts in the query and count numbers are messed up.(if there are 4 records from one table and 3 from the other  - it shows 12 as the count)  Your help is appreciated. 

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Multiple Counts In A Sql Statement

Jan 26, 2004

How would I create a sql statement with 3 or 4 counts which would represent 3 or 4 different columns in a datagrid?

For example

SQL = "SELECT Count(department_id) as "totals1" FROM nonconformance WHERE department_id = '1'"

How would I make additional counts in this SQL statement that looks for when department_id=2 and 3 etc....


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SQL Query For Multiple Counts

Dec 8, 1999

I need to build a table to combine data into a single table but I need it to include a count on more than 1 column. For example, I have a table containing a store number, an isbn, an on hand quantity, and an on order quantity. It's probably easier to explain with an example. I have a source table containing this:

store isbn OnHand OnOrder
===== ========== ====== =======
104 0394572368 2 0
108 0394572368 0 1
109 0394572368 2 0
104 3321695545 2 1
108 3321695545 1 0
109 3321695545 3 1

And I need a table that will combine the isbns and give me sums
and counts like this:

Isbn OnHandLocations OnHandQty OnOrderLocations OnOrderQty
========== =============== ========= ================ ==========
0394572368 2 4 1 1
3321695545 3 6 2 2

Does anyone know of a query that can accomplish this? Thanks in advance.

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Script For Table Counts

Feb 13, 2006

I need a generic script that will query every table (minus system tables) within a database and generate record counts for each table.

Anybody have a script that will do this ???

Thanks in advance,

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2 Grouped Counts On 1 Table

Oct 10, 2007

I am trying to get a count of a job received date and a job closed date from the same table. I need these counts to be grouped by which team they are for. This is what I have and it isn't working:

SELECT HEAT.dbo.Profile.PrimaryTeamName,
COUNT(CallLog1.RecvdDate) AS OpenCalls,
COUNT(CallLog2.ClosedDate) AS ClosedCalls
FROM HEAT.dbo.Profile,
HEAT.dbo.CallLog CallLog1,
HEAT.dbo.CallLog CallLog2
WHERE HEAT.dbo.Profile.CustID = CallLog1.CustID AND
HEAT.dbo.Profile.CustID = CallLog2.CustID AND
CallLog1.CallID = CallLog2.CallID AND
((HEAT.dbo.Profile.PrimarySupportGroupID = 'ATS') OR
(HEAT.dbo.Profile.PrimarySupportGroupID = 'ats'))
GROUP BY HEAT.dbo.Profile.PrimaryTeamName,
HAVING (CallLog1.RecvdDate = CONVERT([VARCHAR](10), GETDATE(), 120)) OR
(CallLog2.ClosedDate = CONVERT([VARCHAR](10), GETDATE(), 120))

I can get both counts to work individually, but as soon as I try to get them to go together I get some very interesting returns. I am drawing a complete blank as to what to do. Any info would be very helpful.


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Performance Issue With Qty Counts By Day

May 16, 2007

I have an issue with the performance of the below script. I was under the impression that 1 select query would be fast than a while loop, but right now, that isn't the case... I'm on sql 2005 sp2, but the query plan is mostly the same on sql 2000 sp4 as well.

I've tried as best as possible to reproduce my situation with the below script. The data is limited to 2000 rows in CustomerDates, but in our environment, there are over 2million rows of customer activity. I want to summarize the Quantity owned per day, even if there was no activity.

Even though the below script is a small subset of data, the query plan given for it is the same as when there is a full set of data. The biggest hog of the execution is the Hash Match (Aggregate) section, being somewhere around 2-6 cost for this small set of data. That number times 1000 makes for a pretty massive query cost.

Does anyone have some ideas of what could be done to speed up the last query (there are 2 copies of it - each one using a different index).

SQL Code:

- SQL Code


insert into Integers
values (0)
insert into Integers
values (1)
insert into Integers
values (2)
insert into Integers
values (3)
insert into Integers
values (4)
insert into Integers
values (5)
insert into Integers
values (6)
insert into Integers
values (7)
insert into Integers
values (8)
insert into Integers
values (9)

SELECT DATEADD(DAY, dt.i, '12-1-2006') as dtDate
INTO Dates
SELECT ones.i + tens.i * 10 + hundreds.i * 100 as i
FROM integers ones
CROSS JOIN integers tens
CROSS JOIN integers hundreds
) dt
WHERE dt.i < 150--limit the data to extend only into April 2007


SELECT CustomerID,
CASE WHEN CustomerID > 100 THEN ProductID ELSE 1 END as ProductID, --override productId of 1 to be 2 for some customers
CASE WHEN CustomerID > 100 OR ProductID = 1 THEN 10 ELSE -10 END as Qty,
CAST(CASE WHEN CustomerID > 100 OR ProductID = 1 THEN '1-1-2007' ELSE '3/1/2007' END AS datetime) as ActivityDate
into CustomerDates
(--make some customerIDs
select 1 + ones.i + tens.i * 10 + hundreds.i * 100 as CustomerID
from integers ones
cross join integers tens
cross join integers hundreds
) c
cross join
select i as ProductID
from integers dbl--double the records
where i IN (1, 2)
) p

CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX cnxUnique ON CustomerDates(CustomerID, ActivityDate, ProductID)

--make a copy of the table w/ a different style of index
SELECT * INTO alt_CustomerDates FROM CustomerDates
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX cnxUnique ON alt_CustomerDates(ActivityDate, CustomerID, ProductID)

SELECT c.CustomerID, d.dtDate, SUM(c.Qty) AS quantity, c.ProductID
FROM Dates d
INNER JOIN CustomerDates c
ON c.ActivityDate <= d.dtDate
GROUP BY c.CustomerID, c.ProductID, d.dtDate
HAVING SUM(c.Qty) > 0

SELECT c.CustomerID, d.dtDate, SUM(c.Qty) AS quantity, c.ProductID
FROM Dates d
INNER JOIN alt_CustomerDates c
ON c.ActivityDate <= d.dtDate
GROUP BY c.CustomerID, c.ProductID, d.dtDate
HAVING SUM(c.Qty) > 0

CREATE TABLE Integers(    i int PRIMARY KEY)    INSERT INTO Integers   VALUES (0)   INSERT INTO Integers   VALUES (1)   INSERT INTO Integers   VALUES (2)   INSERT INTO Integers   VALUES (3)   INSERT INTO Integers   VALUES (4)   INSERT INTO Integers   VALUES (5)   INSERT INTO Integers   VALUES (6)   INSERT INTO Integers   VALUES (7)   INSERT INTO Integers   VALUES (8)   INSERT INTO Integers   VALUES (9)  SELECT DATEADD(DAY, dt.i, '12-1-2006') AS dtDateINTO DatesFROM   (   SELECT ones.i + tens.i * 10 + hundreds.i * 100 AS i   FROM integers ones      CROSS JOIN integers tens      CROSS JOIN integers hundreds   ) dtWHERE dt.i < 150--limit the data to extend only into April 2007 CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX cnxDates ON Dates(dtDate)  SELECT CustomerID,        CASE WHEN CustomerID > 100 THEN ProductID ELSE 1 END AS ProductID, --override productId of 1 to be 2 for some customers       CASE WHEN CustomerID > 100 OR ProductID = 1 THEN 10 ELSE -10 END AS Qty,       CAST(CASE WHEN CustomerID > 100 OR ProductID = 1 THEN '1-1-2007' ELSE '3/1/2007' END AS datetime) AS ActivityDateINTO CustomerDatesFROM   (--make some customerIDs   SELECT 1 + ones.i + tens.i * 10 + hundreds.i * 100 AS CustomerID   FROM integers ones      CROSS JOIN integers tens      CROSS JOIN integers hundreds   ) c   CROSS JOIN    (   SELECT i AS ProductID   FROM integers dbl--double the records   WHERE i IN (1, 2)   ) p CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX cnxUnique ON CustomerDates(CustomerID, ActivityDate, ProductID) --make a copy of the table w/ a different style of indexSELECT * INTO alt_CustomerDates FROM CustomerDatesCREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX cnxUnique ON alt_CustomerDates(ActivityDate, CustomerID, ProductID)   SELECT c.CustomerID, d.dtDate, SUM(c.Qty) AS quantity, c.ProductIDFROM Dates d   INNER JOIN CustomerDates c      ON c.ActivityDate <= d.dtDateGROUP BY c.CustomerID, c.ProductID, d.dtDateHAVING SUM(c.Qty) > 0 SELECT c.CustomerID, d.dtDate, SUM(c.Qty) AS quantity, c.ProductIDFROM Dates d   INNER JOIN alt_CustomerDates c      ON c.ActivityDate <= d.dtDateGROUP BY c.CustomerID, c.ProductID, d.dtDateHAVING SUM(c.Qty) > 0

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Count Of Counts In SQL Server

Jun 9, 2006

Hi folks,

I have the following query to run:

select count(
select count(*)
from student
group by firstName
having count(*) > 1)

Basically, I first need to get a count of all students that have the same first name, then I need total count of all those students. How can I change the above query to get the result I need?

Thanks so much!


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Duplicate Counts Per Column

Nov 6, 2006

I'm have a problem with trying to generate a view that has a count of duplicates values per column in a table.

example I have a table with the following structure:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TestDpln](
[CountryCode] [smallint] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
[NPA] [smallint] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
[NXX] [smallint] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
[XXXX] [smallint] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
[3-Digit] [nvarchar](3) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[4-Digit] [nvarchar](4) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[SiteIdx] [int] NULL DEFAULT ((0)),
[CountryCode] ASC,

the data loaded looks like this

INSERT INTO dbo.TestDpln VALUES('1','312','555','1212','212','1212','1')
INSERT INTO dbo.TestDpln VALUES('1','312','555','1213','213','1213','1')
INSERT INTO dbo.TestDpln VALUES('1','525','555','2212','212','2212','2')
INSERT INTO dbo.TestDpln VALUES('1','525','555','2213','213','2213','2')

the results I need are

SiteIdx 3 Digit Count 4 Digit Count
------- ------------- -------------
1 2 0
2 2 0

I've tried various queries the closest being:

SELECT DISTINCT SiteIdx, COUNT(*) as "3-Digit Count"
FROM dbo.TestDpln
GROUP BY SiteIdx, "3-Digit"

but it only shows one column and one site I'm not sure how to get the '4 Digit Count' column to show up and the rest of the sites. below are the results I get so far.

SiteIdx 3 Digit Count
------- -------------
1 2

any help would be great.

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