Mmc.exe Application Error When Deleting DTS Custom Task

Aug 28, 2001


I made my own DTS custom task with Visual Basic 6.0.
The DTS custom task work but when i delete it from the DTS package
a mmc.exe application error occur about written memory.

I trie an other DTS custom task that i dowloaded from this site, the
same error occur.

My SQL Server version is the 7.0 with Service Pack 1.

Many thank's for advance


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I Am Getting The Error When I Installed Custom Task

Mar 19, 2008

i am getting below error when i installed custom task

Cannot create a task with the name "Application.SendMail, SendMail, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=bf6c37fa78f5a648". Verify that the name is correct.
Please help me

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Custom Data Flow Task Throwing Error When Run From Command Prompt

Jan 17, 2007


I developed a custom data flow task in .net 2.0 using Visual Studio 2005. I installed it into GAC using GACUTIL and also copied it into the pipeline directory. This task runs absolutely fine when I run it on my local machine both in BIDS and using the script in windows 2000 environment. However, when I deployed this package into a windows 2003 server, the package fails at the custom task level. I checked the GAC in windowsassembly directory and it is present. Also I copied the file into the PipeLine directory and verified that I copied it into the correct pipeline directory by checking the registry. The version of the assembly is still Debug. I looked up documentation in MSDN but there is very little information about the errors I am seeing.

The error I get is pasted below, Can somebody please help me as I am currently stuck and running out of ideas to fix this problem.

Code: 0xC0047067

Source: DFT Raw File DFT Raw File (DTS.Pipeline)

Description: The "component "_" (2546)" failed to cache the component metadata object and returned error code 0x80131600.

Code: 0xC004706C

Source: DFT Raw File DFT Raw File (DTS.Pipeline)

Description: Component "component "_" (2546)" could not be created and returned error code 0xC0047067. Make sure that the component is registered correctly.

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Custom Task - Custom Property Expression

Aug 16, 2006

I am writing a custom task that has some custom properties. I would like to parameterize these properties i.e. read from a varaible, so I can change these variables from a config file during runtime.

I read the documentation and it says if we set the ExpressionType to CPET_NOTIFY, it should work, but it does not seem to work. Not sure if I am missing anything. Can someone please help me?

This is what I did in the custom task

customProperty.ExpressionType = DTSCustomPropertyExpressionType.CPET_NOTIFY;

In the Editor of my custom task, under custom properties section, I expected a button with 3 dots, to click & pop-up so we can specify the expression or at least so it evaluates the variables if we give @[User::VaraibleName]

Any help on this will be very much appreciated.


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Cleanup Task Deleting Everything - T-SQL

Apr 24, 2007

Hi all,

I created a maintenance plan with a cleanup task to delete bak files older than 4 days, but it keeps deleting everything but the current day files.

This is the generated T-SQL:

EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'F:SQLDBBACKUP',N'BAK',N'2007-04-20T11:59:30',1

Someone can tell what's wrong with it?

I've noticed that wheter if you put the condition on files' age or not it generates exactly the same T-SQL statement, it says that the actual one could be different if you set conditions on the task, but if it is so why they work the saem way?




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Installing The Application Services In A Custom SQL Express Database.

Nov 16, 2005

I know that by default 2.0
creates the aspnetdb sql express database for storing membership, role
management, profiling etc. And I saw we have the aspnet_regsql tool to
have this installed in a standard sql server. But what should I do to
have these stored procedures, tables etc installed in an existing sql
express database? Aspnet_regsql doesn't seem suited for that.

I've noticed some sql scripts in the framework folder like
InstallCommon.sql, InstallMembership.sql, etc. They seem to be used to
create the regular aspnetdb.mdf database, should I just modify those
and run them against my own sql express database or is there a tool or
an easier way?


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How To Packaging A SQL Server Database For Installation As Part Of A Custom Application

Sep 30, 2005

Hi all,             How to package sql server database as part of our custom application (VB application) using install shield or any software.   That setup should detect the presence of sql server. If sql server is not present in the client machine, then our set up should install the sql server and deploy our database.   If sql server is present in the client machine, then our set up should install our database alone. How to do that. Please help me.   Regards, S.Sevugan.

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Distrib.exe Application Error , Application Failed To Initialize Properly(0xx0000142)

Apr 13, 2008

have SQL Server 2005 std edition SP1 installed on Windows 2003 Std edition .Configured Transactional (single Publisher and no clustered environment.)
Replication past two months working fine, Now
1.Distrib.exe application err is coming.

Due to which my job is failing (Distributor to Subscriber).
Iam attaching thw file.

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DTS Custom Task

Jul 5, 2002

I've created a custom task in VB6 and compiled the DLL. wHen I run the task in DTS designer as a step it runs ok, however when I try to exectue the whole package nothing happens??

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SSIS Custom Task

Nov 19, 2007

Hi there,
I'm still pretty new to SSIS, what I am really battling with is getting a custom task to work.
I have developed a custom task, digitally signed it added it to the Global Assembly Cache, written the UI for it - Pretty much as it is done here:
but my problem is that when I drag it from the tool box into the control flow pane, I get this message: "The task user interface specified by type name 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' could not be loaded.

Does anybody have an idea of what I am doing wrong here?


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Custom Task Deployment

Nov 20, 2006

Hello All,

We have developed some custom tasks which we currently deploy the standard way. That is, we install the custom task assemblies in the DTSTasks folder and we also install the assemblies in the GAC. Due to some deployment practices we are trying to implement we would like to be able to remove the assemblies from the GAC and install them in some other location. I have tried installing the assemblies in the DTSBinn folder, but this does not appear to be working. When I drop the custom control flow tasks onto the package's control flow tab I get the "Cannot create a task with the name ..." error.

Is it possible to not have the custom task assemblies in the GAC? Are there any tricks to getting it to work?

FYI, our assemblies are signed. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with our troubles.



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Custom Task UI And Propertygrid

Jan 27, 2008


Had anyone code a custom task UI and used the propertygrid like most of the SSIS components do?

I am having an issue while trying to get the connections from my UI FORM.

They way i did was to get the parent of the form (The package) and then get the connections but that will only work for the FORM if i use the property from the properties panel i throws an error because obviously i dont have the FORM neither the parent...

I now i should use the service provider and get the IDTSconnection... but somehow it always comes = "Nothing"....


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Cannot Create A Custom Task

Apr 23, 2007

I've gone through all the steps, and when I finally drag the custom task I've made into the control flow, I get the error

"Failed to create the task. ... Cannot create a task with the name "SSISExportToExcel.ExcelExport.ExcelExport, SSISExcelExport, ... Verify the name is correct"

Here's the beginning of my class... any help would be appreciated...

Namespace ExcelExport
<DtsTask(DisplayName:="Excel Export Task", _
Description:="Exports a SQL query results to an Excel Document")> _
Public Class ExcelExport
Inherits Task

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Referencing A CLR DLL In A Custom Task

Jul 24, 2006

Is there a way you can reference a prebuilt CLR function in a custom dataflow task?

The CLR and the custom dataflow task are one in the same. The reason that I'm designing the custom task is that I find that it's time consuming to make a call to the database to retrieve a function to work on something that's already in memory. Also, another reason is that if the code needs to be updated, it doesn't have to be done in 2 places allowing for less confusion.

I tried adding a reference to the CLR function in my SSIS dataflow task, but when I try running it in SSIS, I get the error saying it cannot use a SQL CLR defined task in the package which I believe is due to this reference in the CLR code:

public static string toCase(string text, string caseType)

Is there a way to circumvent the [...SqlFunction] line of code when the DLL is referenced by an SSIS dataflow task, or do I just have to deal with having 2 copies of the same code?

Thanks in advance!

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Custom Task Deployment

Mar 19, 2007

Hi all,

I'm having a nightmare trying to test my custom task.

I get the following error message when trying to add the task from the toolbox...

Cannot create a task with the name "myTask, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b8e53511af163eb7". Verify that the name is correct.

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Executables.Add(String moniker)
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtsBasePackageDesigner.CreateExecutable(String moniker, IDTSSequence container, String name)

Any ideas?


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SQL 2005 Maintenance Cleanup Task Is Not Deleting Files On Remote File Share

Jan 16, 2008

I have the following issue with Maintenance plan backups that work for BAK DIF and TRN to a remote server share.
When I try and remove the old files with a clean up task I get an error and the files don't get deleted.

The version is as follows
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.3054.00 (X64) Mar 23 2007 18:41:50
Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on
Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 2)

The error result is as follows,

Failed-1073548784) Executing the query "EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file
0,N'\\EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'\ABCD-A1\BACKUPS\ABCD_BACKUP\ABC_DAILY\ABCD',N'trn',N'2008-01-13T12:52:49'" failed with the following error: "xp_delete_file() returned error 2, 'The
system cannot find the file specified.'". Possible failure reasons: Problems
with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set
correctly, or connection not established correctly.

The maintenance plan seems to be adding extra "" though when i enter the
code directly in a query i get same error.


EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_delete_file 0,N'\ABCD-A1BACKUPSABCD_BACKUPABC_DAILYABCD',N'trn',N'2008-01-13T12:52:49'


xp_delete_file() returned error 2, 'The system cannot find the file specified.'

The servers belong to the same domain and are using the same Service account which has all the necessary rights to the share and the file directory location. The backups work but i get the error on the cleanup task.

Trying to figure out how to get the Cleanup task to delete old files. The same happens for all file extensions and I have tried other locations with simpler file paths same error.


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Help - DTS Custom Task To Handle Job Failuer

Feb 4, 2005

I need to find a better way to handle DTS Job Failure issue. Currently, we have about 50 jobs which executed through DTS packages. Everytime when sources were not there or came in late, the DTS sent out an email to my page which I carried every day. Some those came in during the holidays even though I know the source party won’t generate the source files at that day.

Trying to avoid to get beep everytime when job was failed. Someone suggested that it is possible to add kind of executable file within the Custom task and let it trigger the DTS packages. If, for example, a holiday then don’t run the package so I won’t get the page.

Any hints suggestions would be greatly appreciated


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Problem Updating A Custom Task

May 24, 2007

I've created a custom task, and now I want to upgrade it. There's actually no change in the task itself, but I've changed the assembly version number, and now I need to upgrade all the tasks that reference the old version number.

So I rebuilt the task, and I created a policy assembly with a bindingRedirect that forwards to my new assembly. I removed the old version of the assembly from the GAC. All good so far - I've even run the task through the debugger, I open the package as "Reload with Upgrade", and the breakpoints in my CanUpdate, Update and Version overrides are being hit fine. This approach works fine in my custom pipeline components, and the PerformUpgrade override updates the UserComponentTypeName to reflect the new assembly version number (see Milen's post in

But the task itself won't upgrade, or at least, it seems to require the old assembly version number. I get an error message:

Code SnippetThe task with the name "My Task" and the creation name ",, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xxxx" is not registered for use on this computer.

Has anyone got any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I've got 40 or so packages with 2 tasks in each, and I don't really want to have to delete and add them to each one ...

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Implementing A Custom Task UI Problem...

Jan 23, 2008


Anyone experienced in creating custom tasks?

I am currently having problems while trying to use a UI form within my task.

This is the way i am coding it:

In the same project i have two classes and one Form: A CustomTaskExample, a CustomTaskExampleUI and a CustomTaskForm

Class: CustomTaskExample

Code Snippet
< FONT>"CustomTaskExample", _
UITypeName:="CustomTaskExampleUI," & _
"Version=,Culture=Neutral," & _
"PublicKeyToken=b853fe59589b971f", _
TaskType:="PackageControl", _
TaskContact:="CustomTaskExample; Testing", _
RequiredProductLevel:=DTSProductLevel.Enterprise)> _

Class: CustomTaskExampleUI

Code Snippet
Public Function GetView() As ContainerControl _
Implements IDtsTaskUI.GetView

Return New CustomTaskForm(Me.taskHost, Me.connections)

End Function

When i try to drag the task to a new Package i get the following error:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
Failed to create the task.
The task user interface specified by type name 'CustomTaskExampleUI,Version=,Culture=Neutral,PublicKeyToken=b853fe59589b971f' could not be loaded. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design)
For help, click:
The given assembly name or codebase was invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131047) (mscorlib)

What am i doing wrong?



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Unpivot Or Custom Script Task?

Feb 18, 2008

Hi there,

I have an issue that feels like it requires an Unpivot task, but I'm struggling to visualise the best way to do it. I'd be grateful for any advice on this.

I have this dataset in my pipeline






Basically, each module has a start date and an end date. Therefore, with a simple datediff, we can get to MonthsOnModule.

Each module attracts an amount of revenue, which need to be allocated equally to each month over which the module runs.

In the example above, Module 800091 lasts 3 months, generates £150 revenue, so in September 2007, it attracts £50, in October 2007 It attracts £50, In November 2007 it attracts £50.

I'm using this package to populate a fact table in an OLAP Data Warehouse. The destination table needs to hold the data like this:










Now that looks like a pretty straight unpivot, but in order to unpivot, you have to have columns to unpivot into rows. In this case, I would need one column for each month that the module lasted. Modules can last any number of months. Some last 40 months, and there is no reason why one couldn't last 100 months or more.

I just can't really seem to visualise my approach to this transform. Anyone got any ideas?

Thank you

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Custom SSIS Task Deployment

Oct 4, 2006

I've written several custom Control Flow and Data Flow components for SSIS. I'm trying to deploy a new Control Flow Task, however it will not show up in the "Choose Toolbox Items" window.

I have my dll's all in the right place. Because of other painful issues we have not used the GAC, and instead have put our DLL's that are referenced in the following directory: C:program filesMicrosoft SQL Server90DTSBinn. This has worked fine for other custom tasks, but not for this one.

The only things that are different about this transform are the following:

1. Not only does the task inherit from Task, it also implements two interfaces that I wrote.

2. One of the assembly references is actualy an executable instead of a dll. This is unusual, but I've done it with other .NET projects and not had any trouble.

I could move the code I need from the EXE out to a DLL. If somebody knows what could be causing this please respond?

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Errors With Custom Task (Could Not Get Value For Property ...)

Jul 5, 2007

I wrote a custom task following the outline on MSDN. I signed it and installed it into the Tasks folder and in the GAC.

When I go to an SSIS project and add my task, the properties window shows "Could not get value for property 'd61935d9-430b-4c93-9f3e-a29f720d8659'. Specified cast is not valid." (where the guid is different obviously) for many of the properties.

What have I done wrong?

Update: I know this isn't my code because I tried a simple task that just returns success and doesn't do anything. I get the exact same errors, so I must be installing it incorrectly.

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Selecting Connection In Custom Task UI

Nov 2, 2005

Hi there,

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Custom Task W/ Runtime User Interaction

Sep 14, 2007

I've been playing around with building custom components for SSIS. I've been doing workflow for years (using Java and Oracle). The company I worked for had a framework for publishing data that allowed for user interaction. That's something I'd love to be able to do in SSIS.

Is it possible to create a custom task that interacts with the user at runtime? So, the user starts the SSIS package. At some point, the process pops up a dialog (Windows Form) that asks the user to set a date using a calendar control.

Any thoughts?

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Help! Creating Custom Data Flow Task

May 19, 2007

I'm trying to create a custom data flow destination, and it has a custom property that needs to get value from variable(similar to the FileNameVariable property of Raw File Destination), how can I do that?

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How To Access Package Variables In A Custom Task

Jul 3, 2006

Hi Everyone,

I created a script task that uploads a file to a HTTPs site. The script task works well and now I want to turn this script task into a custom component...

I'm having problems on how to call the variables I have in the package, I already locked them for reading, but how am I suppose to access them and how can I put their values into strings so I can easily call them in the WebClient.UploadFile method?

Also, I am very new to custom tasks in SSIS.. and would appreciate if anyone of you can send me something (code, link, etc.) of a very simple custom task without any form or properties, that I can try to study.

Basically, what I want my custom task to do is,

1. Read the varialbes in the package.
2. use the variables values as input in my WebClient.UploadFile("varURLstring", "PUT", "varFilePath")

as you can see, my custom task is really simple... but I'm a noob here and I don't know where to go.

Thanks in advance,

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Custom Task And Reading Package Configuration

Oct 27, 2006

Hello All,

I have searched on this forum for a similar question but couldn't find it so I apologize if this has been asked. If so, I'd greatly appreciate a link to the question. I have created a custom task and am trying to read an xml package configuration file within my custom task. To be more specific, I have added an ADO.Net Connection to my database onto the package and have generated the appropriate tags within my package's configuration xml file. I'm not seeing the classes I should use to access the configuration file of the package I've created. Does anybody have any ideas how I can accomplish this or a link to a document that might cover the material? Thanks!


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Deploying Custom Task To Production Server

Apr 12, 2006

This seems like a rather simple questions that I've hesitated posting for a day now, but as of yet I can't really find an answer through my searches online.

My SSIS package is using a couple of the Konesans Transforms, this worked fine on my development box with my dev SQL server. The time has come now to deploy my package to my production SQL server. The instructions on installing the transforms on my dev box all uses Visual Studio to add the components.

Is there a way to deploy 3rd party (own my own) SSIS tasks with the package? Does it require a seperate install? How can I do it without Visual Studio?

Thanks for any help,


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Developing A Custom Task Using OLE DB Destination Adapter

Jul 25, 2007

I am writing a custom task to import data from delimited files into SQL tables. I use the standard Flat File Source adapter, a custom transformation to add a URN column and a filename column to the data and the standard OLEDB Destination Adapter.

Most of my test data files work fine except for ones with a lot of columns (around 350 columns). I get an error when I call the ReinitializeMetaData() method for the destination adapter.

Q1) Is there a restriction on the number of columns (or data row size) that can be imported into an OLEDB Destination Adapter?

Q2) The reason I use this adapter rather than the SQL Server Destination Adapter is that I need to set the destination table name using a variable. I don't believe I can do this with the SQL Server Destination Adapter. Is this the case?

Q3) Anyone know of a better/alternative way of acheiving the above? One way I have thought of is to create a custom destination adapter using the SQL Server Destination adapter as the base but I'm not sure whether this is a) possible and b) worth the hassle.

Hope someone can help...



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Boilerplate Code/template For Custom Task UI?

Aug 2, 2006

does anyone know of any boilerplate code or templates (codesmith or other code-generation software) that can be used to produce a UI for a custom task?

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SSIS Custom Component/task Examples

Feb 8, 2006


Near the end of 2005 Microsoft made available some sample C# apps that implemented custom SSIS tasks and components. I think Doug Ladenshlager may have had a heavy hand in building them.

Does anyone know where they are? I can't darned well find them!


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OleDB Connection Class In Custom Task?

Jun 9, 2006

I have OLE DB Connections set up in my connection manager (Native OLE DBMicrosoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server). I would like to reference and query these connections from a custom task, written in C#. I currently reference it as follows:

using System.Data.OleDb;


OleDbConnection connection = (OleDbConnection) connections["MyConnection"].AcquireConnection(null);

What may be obvious to some (though wasn't to me, as I am new at this), when I run the task, I get an error saying that I cannot make this cast. After perusing the boards, I understand that this is because I am not making a cast to the right connection type. Well, that is where I am lost. What connection type (and corresponding library) do I need to reference? I want to continue to use the "Native OLE DB..." connection.


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Enable Error Handling When Writing Custom Source Component /custom Error Handling Component.

Apr 21, 2006

1) We are writing a custome Source component for Oracle with OCI calls, Could some one please let me know how to Enable Error Handling for the Same,

2) Is it possible to write Custome Error Handeling Component for SSIS? if yes could you please help me on how to write it.

Thanks in advance.

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