Move Logs On Production Db

Nov 26, 2007

I'm totally new to SQL. I have a SQL 2005 server with 3 sets of mirrors - 1 for the OS, 1 for the logs and 1 for the DB. SQL had already been installed and DB's put into production before I knew the logs and DB's were all on 1 mirrored set. I need to move the logs to their own drive. How do I accomplish this?

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How Can I Move My Production Data Only To My Dev Env.

Sep 14, 2007

I'd like to move data from my prod. env. to my dev. env. The data in dev would be replaced by the prod one. I cannot do a detach/attach or backup and restore due to some already existing dev objects located in the dev. env.

Any lead on how I can do this?

Thanks Marcel

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Move Database From Development To Production

Nov 2, 2006

What's the best way to move database from development to production environment?

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How Can I Move Transaction Logs?

May 4, 2000

Currently, my databases and their corresponding transaction logs are all on the same disk array. I finally was able to acquire a seperate disk, specifically to seperate the logs, in case of failure, etc.
Now, I need to figure out how to go about moving the tansaction logs off the current disk array and on to the new disk.
In Enterprise Manager, I brought up "Properties" for the first database, and went to the "Transaction Log" tab. Clicked on the "browse" or "..." button in the location field and got the following message:
"A transaction log file's physical name cannot be changed once the transaction log file has been created". :(

I have been looking through Books On Line, but have been unable to find anything helpful yet.

Can anyone help me figure out how to go about moving a transaction log's location? There has to be some way.
Even if it involves shutting down the server, altering system tables, etc. I need to get these moved.

Your help is appreciated. Thanks.

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Move A Subset Of Data From Production To Test

Nov 18, 2005

Here is my requirement.

There is a production database which has ever increasing data. For testing purposes though, I would like to build a test database with exactly the same schema but only a subset of data copied from the production database . I'll specify the criteria (something like a where clause in select query) for copying the data from the production database.

Is there a tool that anyone has come across to do this job ?

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How To Move Transaction Logs On-line?

Jul 4, 2006

Hi all,I have a database with 20GB transaction log file.The recovery model of the database is Full.I need to move the T. log file to a new location with the minimaldowntime.I know I can do this by dettaching the DB, copying the T. Log andattaching it at the new location. This will take some time though ascopying the T. log file will take up some time.I thoght that I could maybe create a secondary T. log file and deletethe primary T. log file.What does it take so I'm able to delete the primary T. log file? Canyou please explain how to accomplish this?Also, if you can figure out of a better way, then please let me know.

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DB Engine :: Write Logs To Windows Event Logs?

Aug 6, 2015

OS: Windows 2012 Enterprise

SQL Server: 2012 Enterprise

I was wondering if there is any way all SQL Server error log entries could be automatically written to Windows Event Log. 

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SSIS Logs Vs Custom Logs Components

Feb 12, 2007


In my case I have to log the errors raised by any task in a package to either windows event log, text file or SQL server. Also I need to send an email notifications to a group of people telling them about the error.

Now can I use SSIS package logging for logging the errors into the required destinations. I mean right clicking on the package and selecting Logging, then adding the required log providers and enabling the events for logging into those. I think I have to upfront select the log providers to log the error, I will not have the liberty to log the error to the destination, the name of which is passed as a variable to the package. This is okay with me though.

Now what will a custom log provider help me to do in this case. Also can I somehow configure my package to call the send mail task everytime an error is raised.

Also, one more option can be developing a package that only does the error handling. It will take in the paramters or the error codes and descriptions, the destination to write to and a flag to send mail or not for that particular type of error.

What do you think? Kindly advise.

Thanks in advance for your help and time.



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SQL Server Logs (error Logs)

Aug 28, 2001

When looking at SQL Server error logs, I noticed that the current error
log had grown to 1MB whereas most of the files are only a few KB.

QUESTION 1: Can I set the max size for an error log file? If so, how?

QUESTION 2: If not, is there a workaround?


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Sql Express On Dev, MS Sql On Production

Sep 13, 2006

How easy it is to deploy a solution that uses SQL Express on Development, but a MS SQL database on the production server (host)I am using the membership provider of 2.0 Many thanks.  

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Production Database

Feb 26, 2001

Someone please explain what is a Production Database. Is it a database to which data is keyed in from many data-entry operator terminals?

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Where Are All Of The Production DBAs?

Apr 21, 2002

Where are all of the Production DBAs?

Is there such a thing as a Production DBA in the SQL Server world or is this an outdated concept? Is there a market for people who specialize in database administration as distinct from software development or general network admin? I believe there are such people in the Oracle world, is the SQL Server world different in this regard? Can anyone give me suggestions about how to go about filling such a position?

I am a New York City area employer seeking to fill a position that I think would be ideal for a DBA with 3-5 years of experience in a production environment. The salary would be somewhere between $50K and $60K.

The position involves administering a SQL Server cluster and SAN running our core business application, plus several ancillary SQL Server installations. The application that we are implementing is a third-party product, so no real development is being done at our site. It is, however, fairly complex and requires customization and we do have significant reporting and EDI requirements, so strong T-SQL skills are required.

We are a medium-sized operation, with 900 employees and an eight person IT Dept; the organization’s main focus is insurance not IT, so candidates with a lot of experience might not find it challenging enough, but I think it would be an excellent opportunity for a candidate who might be stuck in the back of a large IT Dept. who wants to move up to a more visible position in a smaller organization.

I would think that there would be a lot of people in this category and, indeed, we have received a lot of resumes, but few of them are from the type of candidate that I had in mind. Most of the resumes are from people whose main focus is development or, if they have had experience in a production environment, have had 10+ years and are seeking salaries way beyond what we can pay. As for the former, I would not automatically reject someone whose prior experience was as a developer—and these skills would certainly be useful to us--I would just be worried that they wouldn’t be happy if they weren’t spending all of their time developing.

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Help On Production For Creating An Sp

May 8, 2008

Hello !

I just deleted a stored procedure in order to replace it with a corrected version (DotNetNuke).
Now I had the following problem : When I try to create the SP with the following :

IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = object_id(N'{databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}GetUserRolesByUsername') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
DROP PROCEDURE {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}GetUserRolesByUsername

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetUserRolesByUsername

@PortalId int,
@Username nvarchar(100),
@Rolename nvarchar(50)


IF @UserName Is Null
U.DisplayName As FullName,
FROM{databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}UserRoles UR
INNER JOIN {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Users U ON UR.UserID = U.UserID
INNER JOIN {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Roles R ON R.RoleID = UR.RoleID
WHERE R.PortalId = @PortalId
AND (R.Rolename = @Rolename or @RoleName is NULL)
IF @RoleName Is NULL
U.DisplayName As FullName,
FROM{databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}UserRoles UR
INNER JOIN {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Users U ON UR.UserID = U.UserID
INNER JOIN {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Roles R ON R.RoleID = UR.RoleID
WHERE R.PortalId = @PortalId
AND (U.Username = @Username or @Username is NULL)
U.DisplayName As FullName,
FROM{databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}UserRoles UR
INNER JOIN {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Users U ON UR.UserID = U.UserID
INNER JOIN {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}Roles R ON R.RoleID = UR.RoleID
WHERE R.PortalId = @PortalId
AND (R.Rolename = @Rolename or @RoleName is NULL)
AND (U.Username = @Username or @Username is NULL)

I get the following error :

"Syntax error, permission violation, or other nonspecific error"

Thanks a lot for any advice !


my favorit hoster is ASPnix : !

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Production Version

Sep 19, 2006

I looked around and here, but I don't see a target date for the production version. Is that info posted anywhere?



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SSIS In Production

Feb 21, 2007

We have developed a project with many SSIS packages. Now we are in a stage where we are deploying this into production.

The operaitons team has asked us what are the things they need to known and do to make sure that the production system of SSIS keeps running.

Can you help me in comming up with a detailed list which I can give to the operations/admin folks so that they can ensure that this project keeps running?

I would appriciate any help in this matter.


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Ready For Production?

Mar 20, 2006

I must release a new Db on 4/1 into an isolated small network (pier workgroup) and my choices are MSDE or Express. I'm new to both (MSDE yesterday, Express today). I am familiar with SQL Server and prefer using the tools with Express, but is it stable enough to use in this type of production environment?

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Probably A Bug In Production Environnement.

Jul 6, 2007


I€™ve got an issue concerning setting the background color of a particular cell of my matrix.

This is how my report is designed and should be shown:

My Report

















The expression of the background color of my count cell is

=iif( InScope("SubCategory"),"Transparency","#c0ffc0")

Everything works well in development mode when I click on Preview, the report is shown as I want.

But In Production this is how my report is shown

My Report

















I don€™t understand why the Total column returns false for the InScope("SubCategory")," statement and that only when my report is deployed on the production server.

Thanks in advance

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How To Test Before Putting In Production

Jul 17, 2006

Hi all,
I have a asp .net 1.1 application running on the intranet which uses SQL Server 2000.
The application is in production and everytime I want to do some changes, i do the changes on my
development machine then I copy the application dll on the server.
The problem is that I'm using Stored Procedures for all my Select, Insert and Delete statements.
These stored procedures are live on the server so I can't do the modifications locally and test them then copy to the server.

How can I do modifications without affecting the production server and the users ???

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Is SQL Expresss Production Ready?

Jul 12, 2007

I will be hosting my website in the next few months and doing more testing and I was having trouble finding a place to host the site that allows enough space for my sqlserver2005 database. I am estimating that the database will be around 40-50GB. Most hosting companies only give about 500MB for the database. Does anyone know of a company that provides more space? Also, is SQL Express production ready, or is it just for developing applications? If it is production ready, is there any "major" performace impact in using it over the full version. The reason I am asking is because hosting companies only give 500MB for a database, but alot more space for the web page. If I can put the SQLExpress file in the App_Data folder, then I will have more space. Does this even sound like it will work? Opinions are appreciated!

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Moving The .LDF On A Production Server

Dec 7, 2001

ok ok, stop laughing. for real, is there any programatic way of doing this? whom ever created this database i inherited (SQL 2000) created the LDF and DATA files on the same drive and in the same folder for that matter. just trying to do a little disaster magament.


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Transferring Changes From Development To Production

Nov 27, 2000

we have a situation where modifications to the stored procs and views keep happening in the development databse environ while there is a live production database also up and running.

periodically we need to ensure that the development and the production are in synch where all changes made to dev are transferred to prod. however the entire prod database obviously cannot be overwritten as it contains production data. therefore what we need to do is to transfer all SPs and Views from the development to prodn. ( we do not prefer incremental transfers as there are many SPs and views and we can never really be sure that all changes have been transferred )

the obvious way is to script out all SPs and views in dev and run the scripts in prodn. but what we encountered was the enterprise manager does not script out the objects in heirarchical sequence - ie parent objects first and then the objects that refer the parent objects. this leads to errors when running the scripts as the objects required for the creation of a SP, say another SP run from within that SP , may not have been generated by then as the "contained" SP is lower in the alphabetical order in which SQL server scripted out the objects.

finally we had to look at each and every error and manually set the process right.

moreover in the way we did things the "sysdepends" table got all screwed up and therefore we can no longer depend on enterprise manager to show dependencies within the database.

is there any elegant way of going about this ? we also tried transfer manager in DTS but it also gave the same error. moreover can the sysdepends table be rebuilt from scratch ?

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SQL 7 In Production - Feedback Requested

Jan 18, 1999

I am interested in hearing from those who are using SQL7 in production. Please include size of database, number of users, implementation date and experiences to date - good bad or indifferent. Thank-you, Leo

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Beta 3 On A Production Server.

Oct 14, 1998

This feels like a silly question, but I`m going to ask it anyway...

I have limited SQL Server experience, but have run into a wall with a client`s Web/Access combination. I need to upgrade to SQL Server. I have Beta3 installed on a development box and am very happy with it. Is anyone running this thing in a production environment? This isn`t going to be experience huge loads, so I`m tempted. Tell me if I`m crazy for wanting to try it.

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Production And Test Environment

Jun 25, 2004

Sould one has a seperated environment for production and test system? How do you do it on a same server? Install two instance? How do you seperate test DBs from the production DBs?
Please advise...Thank you

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Copy Production Db To Another Server

Jan 31, 2007

I have a brand new database server with system databases.
I need to copy like four production database from another server to this new server. Can i do restore of the last production backups and restore them on the new server without creating the empty databases on the new server.If any one has better approach i will appreciate

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Reflecting Changes In Production Db Onto Staging DB

Jul 21, 2004

I have a database db1 on server1 and server2.The Db On server1 is a production db and the Db on server2 is a staging Db.All the new data will be coming into production Db.And i wanted to update the data and database structures on staging Db from production Db on weekly basis.So how can I reflect the data and datastructures on my staging Db from my production Db.


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Deploying Performance Changes To Production?

Oct 14, 2014

Was wondering, when performance changes have been made to existing code and deployed to a production environment, should anything be done regarding clearing old cache?

Is there a risk of the new code picking up cold or wrong cached query plans etc?

I know you can't clear the cache for the full system as it will affect everything else. But are the ways to target the changes? I.E run the new code with an OPTION (RECOMPILE) few times to build up new clean plans for it to use?

Or will the update stats see it is using bad plans and then start creating new clean ones over time?

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Scrambling Production Data

Apr 1, 2008

This is probably an easy solution for some of you seasoned DBA Vets but here is my problem.

I have to take production data and scramble certain sensitive columns such as SSN, DOB, Address, First Name so that our Management team can use it as demo material. Is there a quick solution to this issue?



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Production Server Issue

Apr 4, 2008

1.First issue
The port number already allocated was 2059. We have changed that into the default port 1433 in the node. Now we are able to connect the node from the client application. But we are not able to see the configuration manager in any of the environment now.

2. 2nd issue
Cluster Environment

Error while executing the Package The connection details are not loaded in the connection manager tag

The same error with advanced information.

Another error window


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Difference Between Production & Developement

May 10, 2006


Heard a lot of people talk abt production & development environment what all do they mean .....

Does supporting a production environment mean that its only administration of the box

& does Development mean codint the T SQL statments

Someone please help & clarify this doubt....


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Emulate Production Traffic

Nov 2, 2007

OK, I'm troubleshooting a performance issue on one of our production servers, but I really can't t-shoot and tweak in real-time, so I took a snapshot of "a day in the life of" my production server using the profiler.

I want to run the sql commands I collected on another server I set up identical to production, and play around there.

Does anyone know of a good tool to "replay" those captured commands onot another server?

Geek At Large

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Production Server Probs

Nov 9, 2007

I have production server 2000. The server gets disconnected sometime by itself and sometime it is working fine.Sometimes it even doesn't get restarted. Is there any problem with service packs and some performance issues.
Can you SQL guru give me best suggestion and how should i proceed.

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Make Changes To A Production Database!

Jul 23, 2005

Hello faculties,We've a production database that is being used by one of our clientsas a backend for his website. The database size is around 1GB.Recently we added some tables to our local database which is areplica of the production database. Now we need to apply the samechanges at the production one aslo.I've no clue about what steps should i implement.Please guide me!Thanks in advanceDebian*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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