ALTER PROCEDURE usp_r_search_consultant
@head_line varchar(150)
,@func_area varchar(150)
,@loc varchar(50)
,@exp varchar(50)
,@k_skills varchar(50)
,@operator char(1)
--select * from RPO.dbo.REQUIREMENT_RESOURCE
declare @sql varchar(1000)
select @sql= --'select * from RPO.dbo.REQUIREMENT_RESOURCE where 1=1'
'''SELECT Resume_head_line,Employer,CTC,Qualification1'' + '','' + ''Qualification2 AS Education,Current_city as Location,Preferred_Location From RPO.dbo.REQUIREMENT_RESOURCE (nolock) where 1=1'' '
print @sql
IF @head_line !=''
SELECT @sql = @sql + ' and head_line='''+@head_line+''''
I am trying to search a multi words with “like� function using the following statement in a S.P.: @ITEM_desc nvarchar(10), @QUOTFIL nvarchar (200), @mfil nvarchar (500) = ''
SET @mfil = QUOTENAME('%' + @ITEM_desc + '%','''') exec ('select * from ims.item where adesc like' + @mfil + @QUOTFIL) Nrormaly one word can be send to SP for searching, is there any way to send multi word for the like function to search Like follows:
Is it possible to write a Stored Procedure that takes a string ofsearch keywords as argument and returns the recordset? At the mo I ampassing the WHERE String as argument.I got this technique from an Extreme Ultradev tutorial by Rick Curtisit looked quite ok: have to admit, one of the main reason for passing the WHERE string isthat I do not know how to do the string splitting / parsing and puttingtogether in a Stored Procedure. I bet T-SQL would be just as powerfulas VBScript if I just knew it well enough.What I liked about having built them on the web script was theflexibility allowing to potentially build an advanced search withouthaving to change the stored procedure - but this is not crucial I couldalways write several stored procedures or add parameters to the SP.Here is what I have achieved in this way:User can enter one ore more keywords separated by space.Search algorithm returns results across a number of fields where ALLsearch words are contained in any of these.Search results will always be formatted a certain way and displayed ina html table no matter how the search procedure / criteria is varied.Here is the algorithm (that now works in ASP)1. split search string into separate keywords2. build where condition based on single keyword, concatenating allsearched fields (" AND f1+' '+f2+{' '+f<n>} LIKE %<keyword>%")3. concatenate all these where conditions and pass to stored procedure.4. stored procedure takes care of all other logic (e.g. Joins, whichfields are searched etc.). It uses a string variable @SQL to build thecomplete search string and then doesexecute (@SQL);to create the recordset.I bet there is a way to move 1. 2. and 3. into the SP (and I would feelbetter if it was) but I don't have the expertise to do this. If anybodywants to help me this is very welcome.I can also post my original code to clarify, just want to avoid toolong posts.CheersAxel
Hi - I'm short of SQL experience and hacking my way through creating a simple search feature for a personal project. I would be very grateful if anyone could help me out with writing a stored procedure. Problem: I have two tables with three columns indexed for full-text search. So far I have been able to successfully execute the following query returning matching row ids: dbo.Search_Articles @searchText varchar(150) AS SELECT ArticleID FROM articles WHERE CONTAINS(Description, @searchText) OR CONTAINS(Title, @searchText) UNION SELECT ArticleID FROM article_pages WHERE CONTAINS(Text, @searchText); RETURN This returns the ArticleID for any articles or article_pages records where there is a text match. I ultimately need the stored procedure to return all columns from the articles table for matches and not just the StoryID. Seems like maybe I should try using some kind of JOIN on the result of the UNION above and the articles table? But I have so far been unable to figure out how to do this as I can't seem to declare a name for the result table of the UNION above. Perhaps there is another more eloquent solution? Thanks! Peter
I have a problem with multi-value parameter in ReportingServices2005, hope to find a solution here.
if I use ordinary parameter in a report(multi-value checkbox is not selected), after deployment I can click on drop down list and type possible value of that parameter using keyboard(it will be selected from what i typed).
if I use multi-value parameter somewhy it doesn't respond to anything i type from my keyboard.
Why is that? What should i do to make that multi-value parameter select possible result from what i type?
I wrote a Stored Procedure spMultiValue which takes Multi Value String Parameter "Month". The stored procedure uses a function which returns a table. when I Execute the stored procedure from SQL Server 2005 with input "January,February,March" everything works fine. In the dataset , I set command type as Text and typed the following statement. EXEC spMultiValue " & Parameters!Month.Value &" its not returning anything. can anyone tell me how to pass multivalue parameter to stored procedure. Thanks for your help.
What is the best way to design this stored procedure for speed?
I want to pass in a list of IDs and have a return value of a table that contains the ID and its associated value. Is there a way to pass in as table and come out as table?
I am greener in using SQL Server 7.0. I created a stored procedure named usp_Test (please see the following codes for reference). It worked fine when passed through a single keyword into it (for example usp_Test 'Satellite'), but it did not return the query results what I wanted when passed through multiple keywords into it (for example usp_Test 'Satellite Remote'). In fact, it returned nothing but the column names specified in SELECT statement. Below is the sample of procedure how it looks like. Where am I wrong? Any idea?
CREATE PROCEDURE usp_Test @strKeywords varchar(50) AS
SET @DelimiterPos = 0 SET @Delimiter = CHAR(32) SET @strWHERE ="" SET @strKeywords = RTRIM(LTRIM(@strKeywords))
SET @DelimiterPos = CHARINDEX(@Delimiter,@strKeywords,1)
IF @DelimiterPos > 0 BEGIN WHILE (@DelimiterPos > 0) BEGIN IF LEN(@strWHERE) > 0 BEGIN SET @strWHERE = @strWHERE + " AND tblClips.Title Like %" + LEFT(@strKeywords,@DelimiterPos - 1)+ "%" + CHAR(13) END ELSE BEGIN SET @strWHERE = @strWHERE + "%" + LEFT(@strKeywords,@DelimiterPos - 1) + "%" + CHAR(13) END SET @strKeywords = LTRIM(RIGHT(@strKeywords, LEN(@strKeywords) - @DelimiterPos)) SET @DelimiterPos = CHARINDEX(@Delimiter, @strKeywords, 1) IF @DelimiterPos > 0 BEGIN CONTINUE END ELSE IF LEN(@strKeywords) > 0 BEGIN SET @strWHERE = @strWHERE + " AND tblClips.Title Like %" + @strKeywords + "%" + CHAR(13) BREAK END END END ELSE BEGIN SET @strWHERE = @strWHERE + "%" + @strKeywords + "%" END PRINT 'WHERE tblClips.Title Like ' + @strWHERE SELECT tblClips.Title,tblTapes.ClassificationNo,tblTapes. Inventory FROM tblClips INNER JOIN (tblClipTape INNER JOIN tblTapes ON tblClipTape.fkTapeID = tblTapes.TapeID) ON tblClips.ClipID = tblClipTape.fkClipID WHERE tblClips.Title LIKE @strWHERE
I got issue when passing multiple values to a single parameter. Here is my stored procedure as following:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[School] @Grade AS varchar(50), @Class As varchar(50) AS BEGIN SELECT Name, Grade, Class FROM School WHERE Grade = (IsNull(@Grade, Grade)) AND Class IN (IsNull(@Class, Class )) END
In the front end, I got multiple values for Subject parameters such as Math, English, Reading, etc... in a specified class. How do I can modify my above stored procedure to receive multiple values for a single parameter.
hi need help i have this stored procedure the problem is that i canot update like this not more than 20 - 30 rows (i send it from a web page from check box) it work but it limited rows for update not more than 20 - 30 rows in one time
Code Snippet SET ANSI_NULLS OFF GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [sto_update_snha] @id varchar(1000) as UPDATE Snha SET fld5 = 3 WHERE charindex(','+CONVERT(varchar,[id])+',',','+@id+',') > 0 AND (fld5 = 2)
Hello, Im not as good as I should be on my sql skills, but Im working on it. Im just wondering if the following SPROC can be cleaned up some or if there might be a better way of doing it? It uses a dropdown with different values (filterby) and a textbox (filter). This is a search feature. ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.AGENTS_SEARCH ( @filterby varchar(15), @filter varchar(25) ) as set nocount on
if (lower(@filterby) = 'city') begin select agent_id, first_name, last_name, middle_name, city, state from agent where city like '%' + ISNULL(@filter,city) + '%' and deleted<>1 and (terminated_dt is null or terminated_dt > getdate()) and status_id <> 26 order by last_name asc end else if(lower(@filterby) = 'name') begin select agent_id, first_name, last_name, middle_name, city, state from agent where (first_name like '%' + ISNULL(@filter,first_name) OR last_name like '%' + ISNULL(@filter,last_name)) and deleted<>1 and (terminated_dt is null or terminated_dt > getdate()) and status_id <> 26 order by last_name asc end else if(lower(@filterby) = 'state') begin select agent_id, first_name, last_name, middle_name, city, state from agent where state like '%' + ISNULL(@filter, state) + '%' and deleted<>1 and (terminated_dt is null or terminated_dt > getdate()) and status_id <> 26 order by last_name asc end else if(lower(@filterby) = 'all') begin select agent_id, first_name, last_name, middle_name, city, state from agent where (first_name like '%' + ISNULL(@filter,first_name) OR last_name like '%' + ISNULL(@filter,last_name)) OR (state like '%' + ISNULL(@filter, state) + '%') OR (city like '%' + ISNULL(@filter,city) + '%') and deleted<>1 and (terminated_dt is null or terminated_dt > getdate()) and status_id <> 26 end else if(@filterby is null and @filter is null) begin select agent_id, first_name, last_name, middle_name, city, state from agent where deleted<>1 and (terminated_dt is null or terminated_dt > getdate()) and status_id <> 26 end Thanks!
Dear friends, I trust that you will give me a solution. I have a table of item names like this:
Small trolley spiderman bag Large trolley spiderman bag Small spiderman pencilcase Round white rubber Small metalic double holes sharpener
I need a procedure or a function which allows the user to enter some parts of letters in any order and it returns the items which contain those letters. For example: When a user enters: "tr ma" the function returns the first item which contains the both words "trolley" and "Small" When a user enters: "sp" the function returns the three items which contain "spiderman"
I hope that I could explain the issue Thanks in advance for your help.
Hi..I am working With using Vb for a Music Project.i have the requirment for serach songs according to catagory wise(Singer,Actor,Music Director, etc) i have code like this... If Not Page.IsPostBack Then searchword.Text = Request.QueryString("SearchWord") Response.Write(Request.QueryString("SearchWord")) Response.Write(Request.QueryString("Language")) Response.Write(Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory")) 'Response.Write(Request.QueryString("Query")) Dim str As String = "select * from Music_SongDetails where Music_Clip_Id>0 and Music_Clip_Lang='" & Request.QueryString("Language") & "'" If Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Song" Then str = str & " and Music_Clip_Name like '%" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "%'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Movie" Then str = str & " and Music_Folder_Name='" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Actor" Then str = str & " and Music_Clip_Actor='" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Actress" Then str = str & " and Music_Clip_Actress='" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Music Director" Then str = str & " and Music_Clip_MusicDir='" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "Singer" Then str = str & " and Music_Clip_Singer='" & Request.QueryString("SearchWord") & "'" ElseIf Request.QueryString("SelectedCategory") = "All" Then str = str End If........... I need to write this code using Store Procedure.... Kindly Help me out Thanks in Advance
hi iam working with search for the first time,in the GUI i have 3 fields Audit Name,Year,Audit ID.After enetering any or all these details and pressing submit i must show the gridview with complete details. I have problem with the procedure for searching depending on the details given,here is the procedure: Select Aud.Ad_ID_PK,Aud.Audit_Name,Ind.Industry_Name,Cmp.Company_Name,Pla.Plant_Name,Reg.Login_Uname,Aud.Audit_Started_On,Aud.Audit_Scheduledto,Aud.Audit_Created_On from Industry Ind, Company Cmp, Plant Pla, RegistrationDetails Reg, Audits Audwhere Ind.Ind_Id_PK =Aud.Audit_Industry and Cmp.Cmp_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Company and Pla.Pl_ID_PK =Aud.Audit_Plant and Reg.UID_PK =Aud.Audit_Engineer and Ad_ID_PK in (select Ad_ID_PK from Pcra_Audits) and year(Audit_Created_On)=year(@YrofAudit) order by Audit_Created_On DESC iam getting the data when the user enters year but i want the procedure where i can check for the three fields(Audit Name,Year,Audit ID) which user is entering.If he enters only one field it must check which field is enetered and must get the data.if more than one field is entered then all the conditions must be checked and must get the details.please help me.......... Its very urgent..Plz...
I am an inexperienced SQL programmer and need to write a SP which will be used to search a Call table within a Call Logging System used to log support calls for my company. The search criteria are fields like Call Reference No, Logged By, Call Status etc
The problem I have is that individual or a combination of these criteria may be used to search on -can anyone advise how I can write a SP which will take account of the possible different combinations of parameters which may be passed to the Stored Procedure
i.e. if 2 fields are populated during the search and 4 are empty
Hi to All, I am new to Prpgramming, I need to create a Stored Procedure for my requirement here is my requirement,I have two tables from those I need to get data. Table_One consists UserID,Name,Address,ContactInfo,EmailID, and Table_two consists UserID,CitizenShip,HieghestEducation,ExpectedJob But I need get data search report Name,EmailID,HiehestEducation,ExpectedJob. User should able to wile card search. Pls help me in this regards. Thanks in Advance..
Could anybody please tell me how I can search for a stored procedure in SQL Server 2005? I know the name of the stored procedure and I want to find in which database that stored proc is located/stored and I want to see the code of it. (I have all the necessaary previleges.) Please tell me how I can I do this.
I have a text box on my web form where the user can enter multiple comma delimited search words. The value from this text box goes to my search stored procedure in the form of a search string.
I am able to parse this comma delimited search string and get the words into a temp table.
If there are 2 words in the temp table then this is the sql that I want
select * from Items where (description like word1 or tagnumber like word1 or user like word1) and (description like word2 or tagnumber like word2 or user like word2)
description,tagnumber, user or the fields of the Items table.There could be any number of words in the search string.
Any ideas of how to get this done with any number of search words being matched against number of column/s.
I need to write a stored proc that will do the following :
Input : requestid
Logic : check the customers who already have a status of 'deleteme' and have now filed a status of 'addme'. For this, inside the stored proc, i will retreive the customername and address using the requestid and then check in the table for all the customers who have the samename, address and status=0. How can i detect this.
Output : 0 for no entry found and requestid if a request of 'deleteme' for the same person was found.
I admit I am a novice to queries and stored procedures but understand stored procedures are more secure, so I am choosing to challenge myself with a stored procedure and have not been successful at all.
What I am looking for is a stored procedure which would query the single table named Hospital, which would search from a single textbox the end user would enter the text they are searching for on a Windows VB application but is dependant on a few end user selected items.
1. The end user can select a radio button either "Starts with" or "Contains" 2. The end user can select from 6 checkboxes (Hospitals, Address, City, State, Zip, Type) to limit or expand their search from the columns in the table.
The table has 17columns (CO, PARENTCO, ADDR, POBox, CITY, State, ZIP, TEL, FAX, WEBSITE, HOSP_TYPE, OWNERSHIP, BEDS, CONTACT, TITLE, Email) but I am only allowing the end user to search by the above 6 columns and need to display the above 6 columns plus the phone, fax and website columns.
After the user clicks the search button it displays the results in a listbox and the user will then select the one they want and it displays the information in another set of textboxes.
Hopefully someone can get me pointed in the right direction! Thanks for your help!
HIi want to create a procedure, basically i'll have 4 input parametres (Title, Category, ReleaseClass and BuyPrice)title will come from a textbox, the rest from dropdownlistsif a user enters a title, selects a ReleaseClass and BuyPrice, But doesnt select a category, all categories should be returned - You know what i meanhow do i go about this - Any Ideas??Cheers!!!
I have a few textboxes on a page that I would like to use as a search page and have clients shown in a gridview that meet the users entry into one or more of the textboxes. I have ClientID, LastName, FirstName, Address, and Keywords. How would I build a stored procedure to allow me to do this?
Hello, Is it possible to search in two tables, let's say table # 1 in specific field e.g. (age). If that field is empty then retrieve the data from table #1, if not retrieve the data from table # 2. Is it possible to do it by using SQL Stored Procedure?? Thank you
I have a store procedure that search by Firstname and Lastname. I want it search by either both (Firstname and Lastname) or any of them. For example if only FirstName passes to it shows all the record with that Fistname. Currently I have to pass both Firstname and Lastname to my store proc to get the result.
This is my stor proc:
Hi Guys, I hope someone here can help me. I am writing a stored procedure that simply searches for a given value across multiple databases on the same server. So far all well and good.Now, the problem is if the user types in more than one word into the search field.I have put a partial section of code here, there is obviously more, but most of it you wouldn't need to see. SELECT @sql = N'SELECT @count = COUNT('+ @dbname +'.dbo.orders.order_id) FROM '+ @dbname +'.dbo.orders '+ N' INNER JOIN '+ @dbname +'.dbo.customer ON '+ @dbname +'.dbo.orders.cust_id = '+ @dbname +'.dbo.customer.cust_id '+ N' WHERE '+ @dbname +'.dbo.customer.forename LIKE ''%'+ @SearchStr + '%'' OR '+ @dbname +'.dbo.customer.Surname LIKE ''%'+ @SearchStr + '%'''
EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@count int OUTPUT', @count = @results OUTPUT Now this code works perfectly well if the user only enters one word, however i need to make sure that the Stored procedure will function if the user enters 2 words, such as John Smith. I need the procedure to search the forename for 'john' & 'Smith' and the same for the surname. It should also work if the user type 'John Michael Smith' - if you understand.I am really struggling with this one.Thanks in advance.Darren
I am trying to inject dynamically generated text into a Sql2000 stored procedure. What am I doing wrong?A code behind routine generates the following string value based on a visitor entering 'sail boats' in TextBox1. The routine splits the entry and creates the below string.Companies.L_Keywords LIKE '%sail%' AND Companies.L_Keywords LIKE '%boats%' I am trying to place this string result in the WHERE statement of a Sql2000 Stored Procedure using parameter @VisitorKeywords. PROCEDURE dbo.KWsearchAS SELECT DISTINCT Companies.L_Name, Companies.L_ID, Companies.L_EnabledWHERE ( @visitorKeywords ) AND (Companies.L_Enabled = 1)ORDER BY Companies.L_Name I am wanting the resulting WHERE portion to be: WHERE ( Companies.L_Keywords LIKE '%sail%' AND Companies.L_Keywords LIKE '%boats%' ) AND (Companies.L_Enabled = 1) Thank you
Hi, I need to implement a search procedure for my site that is able to traverse so many tables for results but at the same time making sure not to expose information that is sensitive and I sort of need help to do this as I have not actually done one as big as this one. I need to go through data on Petitions, users, schools and so many other tables in my database to find strings that match the search criteria but I am also conscious that this may cause some security problems with the way I think of it now and i was wondering if any one has a better idea on how to write a search procedure to allow user's to search my site for information. Thanks in Advance
Hi I want to give the user the ability to search based on a number of criteria, however i do not know how to build my statement properly this is what i have so far; ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stream_StoreFind] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @StoreName varchar(250),@subCategoryID INT AS SELECT Stores.StoreName ,StoreCategories.storeIDFROM Stores INNER JOIN StoreCategoriesON Stores.storeID = StoreCategories.storeID INNER JOIN SubCategories ON StoreCategories.subCategoryID = SubCategories.subCategoryID WHERE
My problem is how will i pass the parameters into the statement, taking into fact that sometimes they may be optional. Thank you