Need Help Migrating From MySQL 5.0 To MS SQL 2005 Express

Oct 18, 2007


so as you can see i want to migrate from My SQL 5.0 to MS SQL Express. Is there any free tool provided by microsoft or something else i could to use to migrate my databases. I need this cause old web page was developed on PHP and now it's redeveloped on ASP.NET and i have very strange issues with ASP.NET and MySQL Lots of incompatibility and performace degradation, so i would like to try out MS SQL i think it must be better.

please guys help me out.

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Migrating From SQL Express To SQL 2005

Jul 1, 2007

Hi,I move my website to our production server who use SQL 2005 instead of SQL Express.The website was, of course, developped with SQL Express.Where can i find the steps that i need to configure the SQL 2005 server for working with my SQL Express database.Thanks

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Migrating SQL EXPRESS In SQL 2000 Or 2005 Server

Mar 26, 2007

whenever i modified the connection of my current database...I'll always got an error,when asking for "server name" says [DBNETLIB...etc]Named Pipes etc current database was SQLEXPRESS and i want to change it as an SQL OLEDB,2000,2005.. but as i said il always got an error..sometimes it says "SQL server does not exit..ODBC" etc...when im entering the "server name" i could only used Access or SQLEXPRESS server database.. what should i do with the error?? thanks for helping again..   

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Need Help On Migrating A SQL 7 Database To SQL 2005 Server Express

Mar 25, 2008

Hi all,
I'm not sure if this is the right place to seek help. I'm trying to migrate a small sql 7 database to a new server runing sql 2005 server express. is that possible? if anyone has any instructions or point me to the information that i need to get this done. i'm not a dba so any details instructions would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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SQL Server 2005 Express VS MySQL

Feb 20, 2007

Hi guys,

im trying to develop a web application that uses a backend database, however im not quite sure what db backend to use. What are the diffrence between sql server express and mysql.. which is better to use in terms of small enterprises.? what are their limits..?

thanks you very much

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How To Migrate From MySQL 4.1 To MS SQL Express 2005

Nov 7, 2007

I am trying to migrate from MySQL 4.1 to MS SQL Express 2005
1. do i need to create an empty db under Express
2. can this be done from within Express by pulling from MySQL into Express or do I need to work from command lines
3. what would be the cleanest way to approach this

I have a MySQL dump and did look at the result from within Express, but it was not an import, I would like to find a way to import if possible that data. Table by table would be fine.

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Can't Connect To MySQL 2005 Express

Jun 30, 2006

I'm trying to upsize an Access database to SQL 2005 Express. When I follow the wizard and I've tried all ways of connecting to the database I get the following error

Connection failed
SQL State '01000'
SQL Server Error 53
[Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB] ConnectionOpen()).
Connection failed
SQL State '08001'
SQL Server Error 17
[Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB] SQL Server does not exist or access denied

I've tried using local host and typing the exact server connection string from the SQL Express Management tool and nothing is working

How come I can't do this? Everyone says this is easy and straight forward -- not for me.

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Help Please Migrating A DB From MySQL (INET_ATON)

Jun 27, 2007

Hi All,

I'm hoping someone can help me here as I've been googleing this for hours with little success.

Can Anyone please advise what the MS SQL equivalent commands are for Converting IP Address Strings into Unsigned Integers?

i.e. MySQL & Many Programming languages the commands are INET_NTOA() & INET_ATON().

I need to move a DB from MySQL to MS SQL and am not enjoying the experience one bit at the moment

Any Help would be gratefully received.

Many Thanks,


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Migrating From Mysql To MSSQL

Nov 25, 2005

Hi i have recently developed a perl/mysql application but now i need to migrate all my databases and tables from mysql to mssql can anybody explain the simplest way to do this. I already have used Mysql's migration toolkit to migrate from access to mysql does mssql have any tools like this? Please let me know


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Migrating From SQL Server To MySQL

Aug 4, 2004

Hello, anyone knows a good way to export a data base from MSSQL Server 2000 to MySQL? Any suggestion is accepted. Thanks

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Migrating MySQL To SQL Server

Nov 5, 2005

What is the difference between the SQL used in MySQL and on the MS SQL 2000 server?

Can anyone recommend a good reference on translating a mySQL dump to a format that could be easily uploaded to a MS SQL server?


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Migrating Data From MySQL

Feb 12, 2007


I am looking for a way to migrate my data from a MySQL database to a SQL2005 Express data base. All of my MySQL Schemas only have 1 or 2 tables in them so I would imagine that it isn't that hard to do. I treid just exporting it to a CSV file with the intention of just using import/export in MSSQL but in the express edition, it ain't there. Like I stated all of my schemas are only 1 or two tables none are linked in any way they are independant table and the most records any one of the tables contain is around 250. Any suggestions?

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Migrating Access XP Database To SQL Server 2005 Express

Sep 5, 2006

I want to migrate my Access XP database to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. The Start Menu does not display any migration assistant in SQL Server 2005 Express menu list.

How to migrate it?

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Convert MySQL To SQL Server 2005 Express

Oct 3, 2007

I have a database that is in MySQL and would like to import it into SQL Server 2005 Express.

Can this be done? Any tutorials anywhere?


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Simple Migration From MySQL To SQL Server Express 2005?

Mar 18, 2006

Normally I'd go and write a bunch of code for doing it manually... But instead of that, maybe there is a smarter way?

What I know is that you can get some kind of dump out of MySQL but I would be very surprised if that could be directly read into SQL Express ??

So if you have a few step guide to migrate from MySQL to SQL Express, I am all ears (and eyes)!


(Yes I am aware there is some DTS thingy for this but could not find it in the Express folders)

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Performance Is Degraded Drastically After Migrating To SQL Express 2005 From MSDE 2000

Dec 29, 2006


Recently we have migrated our application from MSDE 2000 to SQL Server Express 2005(SP 1). This has significantly reduced the performance of our Windows.NET application which is developed using C#.

For example : While logging in to the application two databases are being attached.

Time taken in MSDE: 16 secs

Time taken in SQL Server Express 2005 : 58 secs
Also note performance is degraded for normal screens where data is retrived from database using inline queries.


1) Is there any special(optimum) configuration(installation parameters) while installing the SQL Server Express 2005 setup?

2) Is there any query optimization to be done w.r.t SQL Server Express 2005 ?

We highly appreciate any help towards resolving the above problem.

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Problem Migrating Application Database From SQL Server 2000 To Express Edition 2005

Jan 21, 2008

Hi there

I am new to SQL Server, but the current project that I am working on has the following requirement:-

1) Migrate the application (a servlet based web application on Apache Tomcat) from Solaris to Wintel
2) Migrate the supporting database from SQL Server 2000 to Sql Server 2005
3) Get IIS to communicate with Tomcat for serving servlet/jsp etc to the client

Though I successfully completed item 1 above, am stuck at item 2. Details are below

Actions taken for item 2

A. Installed MS 2005
B. Created new database in MS 2005 (logged in as user 'sa')
C. Generated SQL scripts (such as create table table_A etc) from existing MS 2000
D. Genearted SQL scripts (such as insert into table_A etc) from existing MS 2000
E. Created new schema in MS 2005
F. Ran scripts C & D in the new schema. All tables are records populated.
G. Obtained new JDBC driver and test run to see if connection is working fine, and it worked. Even ran an sql statment

Code Block[select count(*) from sa.table_A]

and got appropriate response.

H. When I made the application to talk to this new database (which is a copy of Production from step C, D above), it's behaving as though it cannot find the record.
I. When I further debugged, I realised that the web application is excuting queries without mentioning the schema. For eg.

Code Block[Select firstName, lastName from table_A]

Or rather it assumes that the user connecting to database is same as the schema name.

J. To further ascertain my point, I ran the query

Code Block[Select firstName, lastName from sa.table_A]

and it worked!

Now the real problem is that I cannot modify the existing code to append a schema name and this approach is rather not recommended best practise.

I tried to match the user name with the schema name, even made this schema as default to the user. But still not finding any luck.

I request all you experts out there to help me out with this problem.



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Migrating From SQL Express 2005 To Sql 2005

Feb 3, 2007


I want to move my sql express DB to a sql 2005 server located at a service provider. I can detach or back, but I am limited on attaching or restoring the DB because the servers are on two limted/seperated networks.

Is scripting an idea? I have SQL manager 2005 running.



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Limit Client Ip To Login SQL Server 2005 Express.(compare MySQL)

Jan 10, 2007




This gives the permission to 'root' user from ''. Another user or another ip couldn't connect to this server.

In SQL Server 2005 Express, can I implement like above query statement?

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Migrating Sql Server 2005 Express Database To Sql Server 2005 Database

Mar 16, 2007

Hi, I have an application developed using VWD and sqlserver express database. The express database is turning out to be small in size and we need to migrate to larger sqlserver 2005 database. What are the steps for this migration, please list in detail.
Regards, Sandy

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Migrating From MSAccess To Sql Express

May 30, 2006

Hitaishi writes "We have recently migrated from MSAccess as our back end system to SQL Express, but the dialogs showing records of the table which were taking lesser time in Access are taking more time in opening and doing any database operations.......

We are using .Net Framework 2.0. Does it have anything to do with lowering down the performance ?

Any help would be appreciated."

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Need Help In Migrating From Access To SQL Express

Feb 21, 2007

Hi there,

I am totally new at SQL/SQL express.I have downloaded the sQL express server and wanted to know how i can go about exporting my tables which i created using MS access into SQL express.

Also my application is currently working by using Access and ASP...what will be the changes i would need to incorporate in my code other than the queries and Data connection string.

How would the data connection string in SQL look like if i am using it in my asp code?

Any help or useful links would be a very good help!

thanks in advance


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Express Vs MySQL

Feb 23, 2006

Where can I go to get information on supported features on Express?

I had heard that express does not support functions.

I have a dotnet application that is connecting to Access and the client wants to go to either mysql or express and I am looking for a pro or con on both. I usually use SQL2000 but I am wondering if there is a limit on the size of the database for express. Which is not a concern for about year but will be an issue after that.

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Migrating From SQL Express To CE - Easy Import?

May 23, 2007

I have an application using Express with a smallish user base that is moving to CE in version 2.

Is there some easy way I can move their databases to CE? They don't want to lose their history, and I don't blame them.

I'll code something if I have to, but I would rather do something administratively.




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Convert A Sql Express To Mysql

Jun 1, 2006


I have created a web site using visual web developer (free download) The website was created using 2.0. The vwd I have incorporated the cool new roles and membership features of 2.0. When i did this vwd automatically created a sql express database (aspnetdb.mdf) to hold the login stuff.

I then purchased som e web hosting from a company and found out that they only support MySQL databases.

My questions are;

1. Can anyone tell me the difference between the two types of database (i know what sql express is but am not sure what MySQL is)

2. Secondly, is there a tool or way I can convert the SQL Express database to a MySQL database?



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Sql, Sql Express, Access Or Mysql For Data

Mar 30, 2008

If this has been discussed before i apologise as i am fairly new to the asp forum and was not sure where to search for threads.
I am upgrading to a new web plan that supports asp and i noticed that godaddy supports all of the above databases.  I was curious if there are any advantages to using one db over the others as far as web is concerned? 
What i am looking to do is handle guestbook,  logins for registered users which would control access to certain downloads and possibly pages as well.  And it was also advised that i look into using a database to store and display dynamic information in my master page to only show the updated information instead of a complete new page each time.  This would save on having to manage so many pages.
 So i would really appreciate any advice on the databases as i will be making my decision to go with a specific web host based on this.  I would also appreciate any advice on a good web host for asp and database support.
Thank you Jeff

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Problem Installing Express Mysql

May 19, 2007

After downloading Express my SQL erver Express I can't seem to launch it.

From the Start Menu I have Programs -> Microsoft Server 2005 -> Configuration Tools then a choice of 3 programs (none of these seem to be the actual program for creating databases etc)


There were no problems / errors during the installation.

Any ideas what might have went wrong?


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Convertinf Mysql To Sql Server Express

Aug 16, 2006

Hi, I am trying to convert mysql to sql server express, but don't know how to go about it. Can anybody please help me?

Thanks! /Eva

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MS SQL Express Advanced Vs MS SQL Full Version Vs MySQL

Jul 23, 2007

I'm planning to transport a desktop application to the web. A spin-off ofthis application has already been put on the web by another programmer. Heused ColdFusion with MS SQL, Access, VC, and Java. It is faster than thedesktop application (written in VFP).1. Can I get the same results using MS SQL Express Advanced and Access forthe internet version if used with .net?2. Are the select statements limited in power, accuracy, size, etc. for MSSQL Express Advanced when compared to SQL?3. If Access will perform poorly, can VFP be used instead with .net? Ialready know it can't be used with ColdFusion. 4. If MS Express Advancedwill not sufficiently replace SQL, will MySQL do the job better?Thanks

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Migrating A Db From SSE 2005 December CTP To SSE 2005 Release Version

Feb 22, 2007

I have a developer who built an application using the SSE 2005 December CTP and I would like to bring the db's into the official SSE 2005 released version. I have attempted the following:

1. Create the db's in the released version, detach and re-attach the CTP db's. I got an error telling me they were incompatible.

2. Installed CTP version on one server, backed up the db's and then attempted to restore the db's on another server running the official released version of SSE 2005. Got an error attempting that too.

3. Installed the Management Studio for SS 2005 Developer edition thinking that I could connect to the two seperate instances of each server and like I could in EM 2000 run the transfer wizard to move the db's and data from one server to the next. Problem with this is that I can't get an object browser connection established. I have TCP/IP all config'd correctly, too.

Any other ideas where I can go with this at this time?

Thanks in advance.


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Migrating To SQL 2005

Jun 9, 2008

Hey y'all, I'm looking to migrate several databases on SQL 7 and SQL 2000 to a new SQL 2005 box. Has anyone done such a migration? What would you recommend as a good methodology for it? Also, should I expect stored procedures, triggers, indexes, other complementary stuff to break? I'd love to hear about your migration experiences.

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Migrating A SQL 7 DB To SQL 2005

Feb 5, 2007

We are planning on upgrading a SQL 7 Server to 2005 SP1. I ran the Update Advisor and one of the issues listed was that the Database Maintenance Plan would not work in Server 2005. The Advisor mentions a tool to use but not which one, which is my first question.

I went online and found some documentation regarding copying the database etc., however, when attempting to copy from the SQL 2000 (DB in SQL 7) to 2005 (I have SQL 2000 and 2005 on my machine) when I try and connect to the 2005 box, its listed as one of the instances but will not connect.

For grins and kicks I backed the database up in the 2000 environment and restored it on a test machine which is in 2005. The Advisor was correct, I am unable to create a Database Maintenance Plan, which I find odd. The Database shows up under the databases but will not show up in the list of db's to create a plan for. So, I attempted to create the jobs and alerts manually.

There has to be an easier way to do this, can anyone help?

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Need A Leg Up On Migrating From SQL 7 To SQL 2005 (HOW TO????)

Sep 6, 2006

I have a SQL7 server that runs one database for our company. The rest of the datastore is on a SQL2005 server. How best can I transfer the SQL7 database to SQL2005?????

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