Need Help With Dynamics SL (Solomon) Templates
Apr 26, 2007
i hear of a feature called TEMPLATES where you can save the data thats entered into any particular Dynamics SL screen and paste the data in to the same screen at a later time (saves time if there is data that is constantly inputed into the same screen over and over). my question is, where are the templates saved at on the hard drive? and can it be opened/edited in notepad or something else if say we want to make changes to the data before pasting/loading it back?
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Feb 5, 2007
can someone explain or link me to some reading material regarding best practice for setting up a sql server (solomon dynamics server)... we are using windows server 2003 R2 and SQL Server 2005. We have partitioned two drives... one 36GB for solomon Log files and 36GB for solomon Data files... our actual solomon database will be hosted on a huge MSA1000 device. Just wondering if this is the best practice for setting it up
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Apr 23, 2007
okay... this is a long one.
we have field workers who use these nicely made excel sheets to log the times they work on a certain project for the week. generally, we have a solomon clerk take these excel sheets and enter them into solomon using the tm.pta.00 (time sheet w/amount and rate entry screen)... we are trying to make this process easier, hoping to somehow make the excel sheet take the information/data they enter and convert it into a useable csv or something that the solomon transaction import feature can read and all the user has to do is click a few command buttons and have it automate this process... does anyone here do that? get data from a nicely made excel form and have solomon automatically dump the data into a screen for input?
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Aug 30, 2006
hi all
i'm currently installing MS Dynamics CRM 3.0. on the check page before installing is an error:
The Web Site for Installing SQL Server Reporting Services {0} uses an application pool of non-supported identity. Supported identity is Network Service.
so, when i open the properties (tab identity) of the reportserver under application pools in iis manager prefered "Network Service" is choosen, this should by right. do i made any failure? have anyone an idea, tanks
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Jul 2, 2006
Hello Guys
can anyone please tell me where can i download a trial version of Microsoft Dynamics GP because i lost my cd , and tells me that the shipping will take about 6 weeks.
thanks in advance
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Sep 27, 2007
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)
Cannot create a connection to data source 'dsGP10FA'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)
Setuser failed because of one of the following reasons: the database principal 'domainusername' does not exist, its corresponding server principal does not have server access, this type of database principal cannot be impersonated, or you do not have permission.
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Aug 27, 2007
I have a Table say
Col 1 Col2 Col 3
A X1 1
A X2 2
B Y1 3
C Z1 4
C Z2 5
( Col1 represents Entity names, Col2 represents there respective field name and Col3 represents the values of those field name)
How can i use the above Table1 and update table A, B, C
Table A
X1 X2
1 2
Similarly Table B
and Table C
Z1 Z2
4 5
2 Question:
I was trying to use for each loop container. I am getting this error:
Error: Variable "User::ADOVar" does not contain a valid data object
I followed all the steps in the links
and check out other sources but unable to track where the problem is?
Can some body help me out please
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Aug 25, 2006
I'm new to SQL and am looking to see if there are simple templates.
I need a personel database where I can attach documents and a log to certain people in the database.
Any ideas?
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Feb 9, 2007
so we been running on a decent server now for a couple years. we just bought a new proliant dl380... faster, more ram, etc.
are there documents to reference to how to make the move successful?
-how to copy the log files and db data files onto the new partitions on the new server.
the actual solomon db is on an MSA 1000 and we plan on keeping it there.
so far on the new server...
-installed sql 2005
-dynamics sl 6.5
any documentation about taking solomon from old server to new server is greatly appreciated
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Jul 30, 2006
Just finished my first upgrade of 9.0 GP Dynamics and SQL 2005 - I am having lots of trouble with my users and there passwords. I have tried deleting them in SQL and GPS and start over but still cannot log in for the user - can you help me?
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Feb 26, 2007
i try to find on internet ready made sql tables but i still struggling,do enyone know some advices from websites where i can find sql files?
thank you
Regards gigi
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Nov 27, 2006
Greetings SSIS friends,
I am currently reading Ralph Kimball's "The Microsoft Data Warehouse Toolkit". In the book it mentions creating template packages to speed up the creation of future packages. In the book they also mention creating solutions and projects.
All sounds fair enough but I am confused a little.
Where should the template package be stored?! I created a Project and renamed the default package as "TemplatePackage". I setup some standard data sources and package variables. Do I now create a new package and place it in the same project? Or should my template package be deleted from the project?!
Hope my questions makes sense.
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Nov 15, 2006
How to Add Reporting Services in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 3.0
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Sep 1, 2006
I am trying to install an evaluation copy of Dynamics GP on my laptop but it keeps giving me the following error:
msde failed to install. Return code 1603
Any idea what I need to do. I am not a techy so you'll have to be gentle with me.
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Apr 28, 2006
Has anyone tried mirroring any of the Dynamics GP databases yet?
I am looking at using this and what to see if anyone has had any problems or even know if it can be done.
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Jan 23, 2008
I've created a new Stored Procedure template and saved it to .Microsoft SQL Server90ToolsShellTemplatesSqlStored Procedure. I can view (and use) the template via the Template Explorer, however, I want this new template to become my default template.
What do I mean by this? - I want to be able to right-click on stored procedures in my object explorer, click New Stored Procedure, and be forced to use my new template, rather than Create Procedure (New Menu).SQL.
Jon Derbyshire
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Oct 16, 2006
I can't locate them on disk.
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Feb 5, 2008
I've got several templates that we use for creating stored procs and such and they all include a standard header for author and version information. One of the fields is the creation date. Is it possible to have the template automatically populate that field with the current date when a new file is generated from the template?
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Mar 6, 2006
I just installed SQL2005 (and VS2005). When I run VSSQLCLRTemplates.vsi from the SQLCLR Project all the templates fail to install. It gives the error "Installation stopped because the directory for the ProjectType value did not exist. The project type is invalid for your installation of Visual Studio."
I do have a my documentsvisual studio 2005 directory. I am trying to start writting user defined aggregates. If I can install the templates manually, that'd be fine.
Thanks in advance.
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Dec 17, 2014
I've noticed that indexes in my AX 2012 database get very fragmented very quickly. Is this normal and that I should just defragment them regularly or is there a possible issue here that needs investigated?
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Mar 16, 2007
I'm currently working on a project that I'm having some design difficulties with and I was hoping that some of you could help me out. What I'm designing is sort of a webbased directory service based on different custom made templates. Imagine the yellow pages with different column requirements for each branch. Example:
Template: Restaurant
Columns: Name, Adress, TakeAway
Template: DBAForHire
Columns: Name, Adress, YearsExperience
I have designed a few tables that look like this:
DECLARE @templates TABLE
(TemplateID INT IDENTITY(1, 1), TemplateName VARCHAR(50))
DECLARE @attributes TABLE
(AttributeID INT IDENTITY(1, 1), AttributeName VARCHAR(50))
DECLARE @template_attributes TABLE
(TemplateID INT, AttributeID INT)
(ValueID INT IDENTITY(1, 1), TemplateID INT, AttributeID INT, Value VARCHAR(200))
INSERT INTO @templates
INSERT INTO @attributes
SELECT 'TakeAway' UNION ALL SELECT 'YearsExperience'
INSERT INTO @template_attributes
SELECT 1, 1, 'Lumbagos TexMex' UNION ALL SELECT 1, 2, 'Mainstreet Oslo' UNION ALL
SELECT 2, 2, 'Somewhere IN Sweden' UNION ALL SELECT 2, 4, '10'
SELECT TemplateName, AttributeName, Value
FROM @templates a
INNER JOIN @template_attributes b
ON a.TemplateID = b.TemplateID
INNER JOIN @attributes c
ON b.AttributeID = c.AttributeID
INNER JOIN @values d
ON b.TemplateID = d.TemplateID AND c.AttributeID = d.AttributeIDThe problem I need help with is that with the current design all "Values" are defined as varchar(200) it possible to change the design so that it's equally flexible but also fasilitates different datatypes? In some cases I would like to have a description column with way more than 200 characters, and I'd also like to save numbers as actual numbers...not like my example above with "YearsExperience". Is it at all possible?? I would appreciate your insight on this...
"Real programmers don't document, if it was hard to write it should be hard to understand"
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Feb 26, 2008
I'd like to use OLE DB consumer templates, but I have troubles with changing values in my test DB. I've created a simple MS access DB 'ZK2Test.mdb' with one table 'pokus'. This table consist of one column with number (short integer).
I can read values, thats works fine. But when I try to write something, it is not propagated into DB.
I call SetValue and Update on cTable object and every call returns S_OK. When I try to read value of first row after my write, I get my new value of first column. But after moving cursor somewhere else and back to first row, reading first column of first row returns again the previous value.
In code example is my attempt to change value 1 from first row to 421
Sequence of commands is (C1 means Column 1):
GetValue(C1) = 1
SetValue(421 to C1)
GetValue(C1) = 421
GetValue(C1) = 1
Could anybody please tell me, what is wrong?
Thanks for your answers
Code Snippet
CDataSource DTSrc;
CSession DTSession;
CTable<CDynamicAccessor, CRowset> cTable;
// Open DB
res = DTSrc.Open (L"Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0", "..\ZK2Test.mdb");
res = DTSession.Open(DTSrc);
propset.AddProperty(DBPROP_IRowsetUpdate, true);
res = cTable.Open(DTSession, L"pokus", &propset);
// Move to first row
res = cTable.MoveFirst();
dataPtr = cTable.GetValue(1);
x = *((SHORT*)dataPtr);
// Now the value of x is 1
x = 421;
if (!cTable.SetValue(1, x)) {
return FALSE;
res = cTable.Update();
dataPtr = cTable.GetValue(1);
x = *((SHORT*)dataPtr);
// Now the value of x is 421
// Move cursor to the second row and back
res = cTable.MoveNext();
res = cTable.MoveFirst();
dataPtr = cTable.GetValue(1);
x = *((SHORT*)dataPtr);
// Now the value of x is 1 (the original value, WHY!?)
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Mar 30, 2007
I have a limited selection of projects.
I want to be able to create business intelligence project for reporting but the business intelligence project option is not there when I go to file/new/project.
When I first installed visual studio I chose visual basic/web development as the preference would this prevent other project types from being displayed?
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Jan 7, 2008
I have a question regarding oledb templates in Visual Studio 2005. For some time I was trying to get through but I can't. Can anyone tell me how can I read the properties of the DataSource class being inside Rowset or Command class?
I mean: DataSource class is creating Session class. Session is creating Rowset or Command and so on.. But how can I read the INIT_DATASOURCE property of the DataSource class while for example a Command is called?
Could you give me a sample of code which retrieves the INIT_DATASOURCE property in the Execute method of the
CRowsetImpl class?
class ColedbRowset :
public CRowsetImpl< ColedbRowset, ColedbWindowsFile, ColedbCommand>
HRESULT Execute(DBPARAMS * params/*pParams*/, LONG* pcRowsAffected)
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Apr 16, 2014
I have view something like
Create view All_employee
SELECT Emp_Name, Emp_code FROM dbo.Employee
SELECT Emp_Name, Emp_code FROM Emp_201402.Employee
But we have a different "Schema" for same table because we have archive table with same table name but with different schema name. Now we have req to make view which contain data of all table. But I can't seem to figure out how to do it in a view.
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SCHEMA_ID), Name FROM sys.schemas where name like '%emloyee%' ORDER BY schema_id ASC
[Code] ....
Don' think that works.
Is this possible with a view or it other way to do it?
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Apr 9, 2008
I can't find a Dynamics CRM topic and I'm hoping someone here will recognize the problem that we are having with integration between Dynamics and SRS.
Dynamics CRM server deployed fine. But we are having this problem when trying to install the Dynamics SRS Data Connector (an additional component that is supposed to be installed locally on the SRS server):
Trouble is, the SQL server is a default instance, and SRS is hosted on a default web site listening on port 80. In fact, this is just a plain default install of SQL 2005 and SRS 2005 on one server. Nothing has been customized. And yet we get this error when we try to install SRS Data Connector on the local SRS machine:
"Unable to validate SQL Server Reporting Services Report Server installation. Please check that it is correctly installed on the local machine."
But the SRS is installed and running fine! I can even see and run reports that the Dynamics CRM Server install had created on the SRS server! And yet the setup program insists that SRS is not installed and it won't proceed with installation. It obviously runs some strange prerequisite check. (Devs: Why not just run a connect test to the SRS Web service?)
Environment: Win 2003 native domain on server A, Dynamics CRM 4.0 Pro on server B (Win 2003 VM 32bit), SQL 2005 SP2 and SRS 2005 SP2 on server C (Win 2003, physical server, 64bit). Data Connector failing to install on server C. I've even tried using a domain admin account, and went as far as running the installer in SYSTEM context. Still it fails.
I've also tried every variation of SRS and IIS configs that I know of (disabling SSL, enabling anon auth, etc etc etc etc...) I've gone as far as setting up a separate domain, separate SQL and SRS, and making a local Dynamics install, and STILL I got the same error while installing the Data Connector.
This is most frustrating. There's obviously something wrong with the method Dynamics CRM setup program uses to determine whether or not SRS is installed. But how come there isn't any info about this except for that one KB article that doesn't apply to us?
Please if you know anything post a reply! Thanks.
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Jul 28, 2006
In 2000 you could look at templates and find templates for global or system functions where are they in 05?
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Oct 25, 2015
I have installed Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows Desktop and Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2013 yet there are no project templates for Analysis Services, Integration Services, and Reporting Services available when I attempt to create a new project.
Details of install are:
Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
Version 12.0.40629.00 Update 5
Microsoft .NET Framework
Version 4.5.51209
Installed Version: Desktop Express
Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2013 06157-004-0441005-02546
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Feb 14, 2007
We are using Reporting services 2005 and have been for some time. Recently we have started using the subscriptions as well. However we have come across a problem with this.
Currently we are updating our report templates by removing them and then creating them again. This worked fine until we started using subscriptions. Now, when the reports are removed, the subscriptions that are associated with the reports are also removed.
Is there a way to update a report template, without having to remove the report first? And can this be done programmatically? The code is currently publishing the reports by calling ReportingService2005.CreateReport(name, "/" + reportFolder, false, template, null);
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Jun 15, 2006
Is there any way to change variable scope while using package templates?
I have created a package template that has several variables, a "typical" control flow and data flow. My goal was to try and use this as a starting point to create other packages within the same project and edit as required in the new package. I couldn't find any way (yet) to change scope of variables...these still show as belonging to the scope of package used to create the template.
Appreciate any help...thanks.
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Feb 3, 2008
I could not find The Reporting Service Project Template with Visual Studio 2008. It was available with Visual Studio 2005.
How i can add the reporting service project into VS2008?
any post will be appreciated.
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Nov 5, 2014
Doing a data migration from one CRM to another and need to get a listing of all entities in current CRM, together with fields and field types. OK, I got the XRMToolBox which gives me that, but I'm hoping there is a sql tool out there that will do the same, plus give me a count on each field of the number of entries in that field in the database.
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May 7, 2015
I am running into a problem where Excel 2010 is freezing when I try to work with data coming from a Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 pre-built cube.
What is happening is that when I go to add a second dimension to my pivot table, excel locks up and becomes completely unresponsive for at least 2 hours. If I add the dimension to the table before the measure though, everything is fine.
For Example, I am trying to build a sales report with the product name and customer name as dimensions, and Sales as the measure. If I add the product name to my pivot table as a column and then sales as a measure, Excel will freeze when I try to add the customer dimension. However, if I add both dimensions to the pivot table first and then the measure, Excel seems to work fine.
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