Need Help With Producing Data On One Live

Jul 20, 2005

trying to make a script to view data in a excell spreadsheet.

I can get all the data I need except one.

select ordernumber, itemcode, quantity, rate, total

from dbo.charges

where ordernumber = '45676'

the problem is there are more than one itemcode

example: run results

ordernumber, itemcode, quantity, rate, total
45676 fuel 123 .10 12.30
45676 stops 3 50 150

how do I get this data on one line?

to look more like this: run results

ordernumber, itemcode, quantity, rate, total itemcode, quantity, rate, total
45676 fuel 123 .10 12.30 stops 3 50 150

now just one ordernumber appears and its all on one line.

hope you can help, thanks for your time...


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Edit Live Sql Data?

Mar 31, 2006

I have a sql express database with a couple tables of information. I have a user modifying one of these tables with a data access page using Office Web Controls.

To backtrack a bit, the sql db used to be an access db. The same user modifying the data the same way. I also had a asp page making odbc calls to the access db to lookup information. But if the data access page was open, the odbc page would error. So i moved the data to sql.

Now, I'm getting ready to setup an application to make odbc calls to the sql db. I still want the user to modify the data using the DAP. Should I allow the user to modify the live data used for the app or should I make a copy of the data everytime its updated?

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I Want To Have A Live Link To Data From SQL Server

Jun 27, 2005

This is a bit confusing but here goes:  I need to access data in SAP via OLE DB.  I can't go direct to the back end database (Oracle), we have to use RFC or BAPI calls to access the SAP data.  That's part works, we have a DLL that accesses the SAP data we need.

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Data Transfer From Live To Backup Server

May 18, 2000

I have a live server running windows Nt and sql server We brought a new
backup server of higher configuration we wanted to swap the data we installed nt and sql server in the new server will a cut paste of the data directory of the live server to the backup server is sufficient or the data directory to be restored to the respective files through sql enterprise manager please do clarify me


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Restore Data From Live System To Test

Jun 16, 2015

I have two SQL Databases on separate servers, live and test. I have been asked to copy the data from the live system and put it into test. They are SQL Management Studio 2008 running on MS Server 2008R2.

Could a simple backup of the database, then copy that file to the test system and restore the database from that point work or it there more to it?

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Real Time Live Data On A Windows Application .NET 2.0

Jan 10, 2006

I want to build a windows application in Visual Studio 2005 that grabs some data from a SQL DB and displays it in a gridview. That is easy and I already have it done, but I also want to know how to show this data in real-time. For example: right now we have a application that pulls some login information for all the users and displays their phone extension, their name, and their status. They can change their status by clicking on some radios below the datagrid and on change it updates the data and then posts back. However, I dont know how the guy who did it made it so that these local changes are automatically shown on everyone elses computers around the office. In other words, they are shown the live data as it changes, without having to refresh it or anything. How would I go about doing this or does anyone have any places/resources that could help me accomplish this task. Thanks.
Oh and the guy who wrote this is no longer working here and he deleted the source code so i cant look at it.

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Generating Overnight Data Vs Live - Suggestions Needed.

Jul 20, 2005

We have an MIS system which has approx 100 reports. Each of thesereports can take up to several minutes to run due to the complexity ofthe queries (hundreds of lines each in most cases). Each report can berun by many users, so in effect we have a slow system.I want to seperate the complex part of the queries into a process thatis generated each night. Then the reports will only have to querypre-formatted data with minimal parameters as the hard part will havebeen completed for the users when they are not in. Ideally we willgenerate (stored procedure possibly) a set of data for each report andhold this on the server. We can then query with simpler parameterssuch as by date and get the data back quite quickly.The whole process of how we obtain the data is very complex. There arevarious views which gather data from the back office system. These arevery complex and when queries are run against them including othertables to bring in more data, it gets nicely complicated.The only problem is that the users want to have access to LIVE datafrom the back office system, specifically the Sales team who want toaccess this remotely. My method only allows for data from the nightbefore, so is there an option available to me which will allow me todo this ? The queries can't be improved on an awful lot, so they willtake as long as they take. The idea of running them once is the onlyway I can see to improve the performance in any significant way.True I could just let them carry on as they are and let them sufferwith the performance on live data, but I'd like to do something toimprove the situation for them.Any advice would be appreciated.ThanksRyan

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SSRS :Generate Live Data Report (Example Stock)

Feb 21, 2008


I have requirement to cache report server as soon as data get refreshed in datbase.My database get refreshed every 10 minutes.
I am working in stock and bond domain were data changes very frequently.My user want to see almost live data whenever accessing report in report manager.they also want to cache some data for better performance.Can any one tell me step's to improve performance of reporting services .
Kindly suggest me.

Monika Singh

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Transact SQL :: Replicating / Synching Data Between Two Tables On Same Database With Live Transactions

Oct 7, 2015

Client is running X- version of application and corresponding database size is huge. Now client's vendor is releasing Y-version of same application with many database schema changes (like new tables added, new columns added, renamed existing columns and etc) To upgrade to the Y-version, vendor is suggesting to my client that down the system and do the upgrade for application/database to Y-version. We are sure that this process will take days together to upgrade to the Y-version. My client is not ready to down the system for that long. So we are trying to find the solution with minimal down time.The approach we are thinking is, 

1) Create the replicated database to another server (server2) from production server(server1) using golden gate with X-version

2) Create new tables/schema updated tables from Y-version database on same server1. Here for  Updated schema tables we are planning to use the name <table_name_Y_version> as the same table name exists in X-version.

3)With above 2 steps, golden gate replicate the changes from production to server1 and server1 will have the new Y-version table schema (with different concatenate name ' _Y_version'). BTW , there is no affect for the production

4) At this stage we are planning to find best approach, to fill the '<table_name>_Y_version' from X-version tables. two challenges here a) all data needs to be moved to Y-version tables b) they have to sync data in real time.

we thought of going to

a) ssis package to pump the data to Y-version tables, but real time data will not sync.

b) trigger based technique, previous experience said, lot of load

c) thinking about sql replication.

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Need Help Producing A List.

Mar 18, 2008

I am not sure the SQL code to use...I am to produce a list that shows total sales by customer for the first two months of the year. I am to show the customer name, customer number, and total sales in that order. The current format I have it in list every invoice separately and what I need to do is find a way (the code) to combine the invoice totals into one total amount and only have the company name listed once. I also do not know how to set a date range so it includes invoices only from 1/1/2005 to 2/28/2005 Right now this is the current list and SQL code I have:

NameCustomer NumberDateSales
Ace Construction Co.100023/18/2005$62.25
Ace Construction Co.100022/13/2005$62.25
Ace Construction Co.100022/13/2005$97.50
Ace Construction Co.100022/13/2005$89.00
Ace Construction Co.100022/13/2005$194.25
Ace Construction Co.100021/29/2005$24.90
Ace Construction Co.100023/18/2005$67.80
Ace Construction Co.100023/18/2005$304.15
Ace Construction Co.100021/29/2005$695.00
Ace Construction Co.100021/29/2005$19.50
Ace Construction Co.100023/18/2005$299.00
Aho Electrical Services100233/20/2005$449.55
Aho Electrical Services100233/20/2005$149.55
Aho Electrical Services100233/20/2005$994.70
Aho Electrical Services100233/20/2005$276.45
Barren Construction100501/30/2005$298.41
Barren Construction100502/25/2005$62.85

SELECT DISTINCTROW tblCustomer.CustomerName, tblSales.CustomerNumber, tblSales.InvoiceDate, [SInvPrice]*[SInvQuantity] AS Sales
FROM (tblCustomer INNER JOIN tblSales ON tblCustomer.CustomerNumber = tblSales.CustomerNumber) INNER JOIN (tblInventory INNER JOIN [tblSales-Inventory] ON tblInventory.InventoryItemCode = [tblSales-Inventory].InventoryItemCode) ON tblSales.InvoiceNumber = [tblSales-Inventory].InvoiceNumber
ORDER BY tblSales.InvoiceNumber, [tblSales-Inventory].InventoryItemCode;

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Stored Procedure Producing Duplicate Records

Feb 11, 2004


I have written the following stored procedure:

alter proc GetProducts


select distinct pd.productcategory,pd.imagepath,pd.[description],p.productid,p.[name]
from productdescription pd inner join products p on pd.productcategory=p.productcategory
where @prodcat=p.productcategory
order by p.productid


My Results are:

ProductCategory ProductID (Rest of the columns)
22 47
22 47
22 58
22 58

In my productdescription table there are 2 rows in the productcategory column which has number 22. In the products table there are 2 rows(productid 47&58) in the productcategory column which has number 22. I believe this is many to many relationship problem but I do not know how to correct it. My results need to show only 2 records and not 4.

Does anybody have any suggestions.

Thank you in advance,


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SELECT And Stored Procedure Producing Different Results?!?!?

Aug 29, 2005

I ran my SP in QA and it brought back some data from my live database but I had my test DB selected from the DDL at the top of the screen.  So i ran a Select statement on the whole table in a different query window (with the same parameters)and it gave me the correct info.  Any idea y?  They both should be bringing back information from the same table not one from my live DB and one from my TEST DB.  Please help me--I'm so lost!min max rate <----This is what my stored procedure brought back(data from my live DB) ---it has parameters 90 100 .4080 89 .3070 79 .2559 69 .1549 58 .10The stored procedure is as follows:  CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_WageMatrix_GetRate( @CompanyID nvarchar(2), @FacilityID nvarchar(2))AS SET NOCOUNT ON;SELECT [Min], [Max], Rate FROM Performance.dbo.WageMatrix WHERE (CompanyID = @CompanyID) AND (FacilityID = @FacilityID) AND PeriodID = dbo.fn_GetCurrentPeriod(CompanyID, FacilityID)ORDER BY RangeIDmy select statement brought back the following:min max rate 90 100 .4080 89 .3070 79 .2560 69 .15and I ran the following select statement:  SELECT [Min], [Max], [Rate] FROM [PerformanceDEV].[dbo].[WageMatrix] where companyid = '21' and facilityid = '01' and periodid = 2order by rangeid

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Stored Proc Date Range Nor Producing RS

Oct 11, 2004

I am going crazy. I have a typical date field in tbl_Feedback(smallDateTime) that is storing just the date portion. I have a stored proc that I want to dynamically retrieve records within a certain date range (typical!). I am using ASP/ADO, etc. When I run the following Stored Proc in SQL Analyzer, it works (if I replace the variable "@sDate" with '10/01/2004' --There ARE records within this date range.) Further more, If I run a simple Query on the Feedback table and do the same, it produces results, but when I call the stored Proc from the web page, I get 0 results when attempting to PASS date values dynamically. I tried to pass them as actual date types, still 0. I'm now attempting to pass it as a 10 length string ("10/01/2004") and converting it to a date, still 0. What am I MISSING???

-- Procedure



--DECLARE @CurDate datetime
DECLARE @StartMonth int
DECLARE @StartYear int
DECLARE @StartDay int
DECLARE @StartDate varchar(10)

SET @StartMonth = DATEPART( month, Convert ( datetime, @sDate ))
SET @StartYear = DATEPART( year, Convert ( datetime, @sDate ))
SET @StartDay = DATEPART( day, Convert ( datetime, @sDate ))
SET @startDate = CONVERT( varchar(2), @StartMonth ) + "/" + CONVERT( varchar(2), @StartDay ) + "/" + CONVERT( varchar(4), @StartYear )
Print @startDate

WHERE tbl_Feedback.DateIn >= @startDate

--- ADO Web page

' Stored Procedure Name: sp_009_SiteLead
' Site Lead Default Query

set cmd=server.CreateObject("ADODB.command")
set psDate = cmd.CreateParameter("sDate", adDBTimeStamp, adParamInput)
set cmd.ActiveConnection=DBConnection
cmd.Parameters.Append peDate
cmd.Parameters.Append psdate
psDate.Value = "10/01/2004"
Set rsObj = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsObj.ActiveConnection = DBConnection
rsObj.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsObj.PageSize= 20
rsObj.Open cmd

Again, If I replace the @startDate variable in the stored proc with a date surrounded in single quotes, I get the expected results, but it just does not understand my date if I pass it.
Can anyone help?



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Combining Two Queries Producing Unexpected Results

Mar 5, 2008

I'm having difficulty coming up with the right syntax for a query. Suppose I have a database containing a Stores table, an ProductInventory table, and a Customers table. The Stores table has an ID field that serves as a foreign key in both the ProductInventory table and in the Customers table. I'm trying to write a query that, for each Store record, will return the total number of records in the ProductInventory table and the total number of records in the Customers table.

The following query returns, for each store, the total number of records in the ProductInventory table:

SELECT Stores.Name,
COUNT(ProductInventory.ID) AS ProductInventoryItemCount
FROM Stores
LEFT JOIN ProductInventory ON Stores.ID = ProductInventory.StoreID
GROUP BY Stores.Name

The following query returns, for each store, the total number of records in the Customers table:

SELECT Stores.Name,
COUNT(Customers.ID) AS CustomerCount
FROM Stores
LEFT JOIN ProductInventory ON Stores.ID = Customers.StoreID
GROUP BY Stores.Name

I combined the two queries:

SELECT Stores.Name,
COUNT(ProductInventory.ID) AS ProductInventoryItemCount,
COUNT(Customers.ID) AS CustomerCount
FROM Stores
LEFT JOIN ProductInventory ON Stores.ID = ProductInventory.StoreID
LEFT JOIN Customers ON Stores.ID = Customers.StoreID
GROUP BY Stores.Name

When I run this last query, however, I get an "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int" error. Using COUNT_BIG instead of COUNT eliminates the error, but the numbers that are generated are astronomical in size. This indicates to me that there is a *lot* more table joining going on than I expected

What is the correct syntax to produce the desired results? I have a few other tables similar to ProductInventory and Customers; I'm hoping to extend the correct syntax so as to be able to get a comprehensive record count list for each store. Thanks for your help!

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Producing A Summary Table Of Amounts Per Status Per User

Jan 5, 2012

I want to produce a summary table of amounts per status per user.

I have 2 tables:


user_id, amount, status
1, £10, S
2, £20, P
3, £30, P
3, £40, E


user_id, name
1, user A
2, user B
3, user C

And I want to produce a summary table like this:

S P E Total
user A £10 £10
user B £20 £20
user C £30 £40 £70

What I have is:

(SELECT SUM(amount) FROM Invoices AS t1 WHERE t1.user_id = Invoices.user_id AND (t1.status = 'S')),
(SELECT SUM(amount) FROM Invoices AS t1 WHERE t1.user_id = Invoices.user_id AND (t1.status = 'P')),
(SELECT SUM(amount) FROM Invoices AS t1 WHERE t1.user_id = Invoices.user_id AND (t1.status = 'E')),
(SELECT SUM(amount) FROM Invoices AS t1 WHERE t1.user_id = Invoices .user_id AND (t1.status IN ('S','P','E')))
FROM Invoices
LEFT JOIN Users ON Users.user_id = Invoices .user_id
GROUP BY Invoices.user_id,

This does give me what I want, however the real situation has lots of status codes, many more fields in the Invoices table, hundreds of users and hundred of thousands of records in the Invoice table and I have run out of system memory.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Exec Producing Table Out Of Scope

Dec 17, 2013

I am generating some dynamic sql which I would like to run and return the data from, however when I run EXEC(@TEMP_TABLE_STRING) it cannot return the table I think because it is out of scope.

Is there a way around this.

declare@Tablename VARCHAR(150) = 'TEMP_LOCATIONS'
declare@FilterClause VARCHAR(512)=NULL
declare@Classes VARCHAR(100)=NULL
declare@IsExcel BIT = 1
DECLARE @SQL Nvarchar(MAX) = ''

[Code] ....

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Script As Transform Not Producing Output

Jan 30, 2015

I have an SSIS with several data flows I need to do some complex data evaluations so I have used a script as transform in two of the DFT's. If I run these separately everything works great and there are no problems what so ever. If I run them together I notices I was getting an error on the second one. I discovered that this seems to be some kind of namespace problem since both Scripts were using Input_0 buffer. So I changed the name of the second one and retested.

Well I no longer get the error and in fact it seems to run through the entire SSIS just fine. However when I look closer I notice that the second Script task just does not seem to do anything at all. The script task does a lot of evaluation of the incoming data and then does some calculations depending on the value in the service code. however when it runs through this in the second script task all of the define output rows are just empty.

I have gone through and made sure that all input and output buffers are unique names thinking this was a similar problem but no luck. I even changes all column and variable names to unique with no luck. Again If I run them separately everything work fine it is only when I run the entire package that this problem occurs.

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SQL Statement Not Producing Any Error For Invalid Column In A Table

Sep 2, 2006


I am using SQL Server 2005 with SP1 patch update.I have tow tables

X table fields:


Y table fields:


If i run a query for X table:

SELECT RegisteredNumber FROM X it produces the error like this

Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Invalid column name 'RegisteredNumber'.

But if i run the query for X,Y table:


(SELECT RegisteredNumber FROM X)

It's not producing any errors.

Why this? Is this the SQL Bug or my query problem?

Can anyone explain how to solve this?


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: OUTER JOIN Not Producing Non Existent Record With IS NULL

Aug 17, 2015

I have this View and want to also see Clubs that do not have current memberships.I have the IS NULL but not seeing the Clubs that do NOT have memberships. attribute.PersonMembership is a SQL table that has membership information.

SELECT dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot.ClubNo, dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot.SortName, dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot.ClubName,
dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot.BSProgram, dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot.ClubSection, dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot.Code,
RTRIM(attribute.PersonMembership.InvoiceNumber) AS InvNo, dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot.President, dbo.v060ClubOfficersPresOrNot.Email,


The "PersonMembership" has all the membership records from 2015 through 2019 of membertypeid 1-4 for the sampling.Since the syntax used in Access do not carry over without modifications to SQL, SQL syntax to make it work in SQL.And if you know the proper SQL syntax for "Between Year(Date())+IIf(Month(Date())>=7,1,0) And Year(Date())+IIf(Month(Date())>=7,1,0)+4" instead of what I currently have in SQL, that would be wonderful.

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Exported File In CSV Format, Empty Fields Are Producing A Space

Sep 20, 2007

Hello, I attempt to export a CSV formatted file from SSRS and if the field is not containing data, a space is added to the field.


4, ,1, , , ,

desired output:


I know it is just a property setting. If someone can instruct me on the correct setting to adjust, I would greatly appreciate your help!

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SQL Server 2012 :: Producing Running Total Column In Select Clause

Jul 27, 2014

I want to create the following scenario. I have a table that stores employees working on projects and their project hours by week, but now I also need a running total per week for each of those projects. For example take a look below:

EmployeeID, Project, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,....Saturday, ProjectHours, TotalProjectHoursPerWeek(this is the column I am trying to derive), FiscalWeek

101, ProjectABC, 5,5,5,...5, 20, 40,25
102, ProjectXYZ 4,4,4,....4, 20 ,40,25
103,ProjectQWE, 2,2,2,...2, 8, 32,26
104, ProjectPOP, 6,6,6,...6, 24, 32,26

What I have tried so far:

Correlated Subquery:
SELECT EmployeeID,Project, Sunday, Monday,....Saturday, ProjectHours, SELECT(SUM(ProjectHours) FROM dbo.TableABC ap GROUP BY FiscalWeek),
dbo.TableABC a

I got this to work one time before, but now I am getting the following error:

Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

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Appending Data From Database 1 To Database 2 (live Into Dev Env)

Feb 1, 2005

have 2 databases in sql server 2000


I need to append all the data from LIVE into DEV environment. I have tried using MS Access (linking tables & importing tables and running APPEND query to update the rows from LIVE to DEV but PK & FK is causing problems as some data will have the same ID's....

Could I use DTS--Access wizard in SQL Server.

What is the best option to use?

Thanks all in advance

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Issue With MDX Query Builder In Producing Results For Measures That Reference To Levels In Dimension

Feb 20, 2008

I have an issue in producing output for the following query in MDX Query builder avaialable in BIDS. the error message I get is:
The query cannot be prepared: The query must have at least one axis. The first axis of the query should not have multiple hierarchies, nor should it reference any dimension other than the Measures dimension..
Parameter name: mdx (MDXQueryGenerator)

Code Snippet
WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Annualized Vs Target] AS
'[Measures].[Revenue]-[Measures].[Target Revenue]'
([Measures].[Balance],[Year].[Year - Year].&[2006]) ,
([Measures].[Balance], [Year].[Year - Year].&[2007]),
([Measures].[Revenue], [Year].[Year - Year].&[2006]),
([Measures].[Target Revenue], [Year].[Year - Year].&[2007]),
([Measures].[Revenue], [Year].[Year - Year].&[2007]),
([Measures].[Annualized Vs Target], [Year].[Year - Year].&[2007])
NON EMPTY { ([Client - Coverage Region].[Region Name].[Region Name].ALLMEMBERS *
[Client].[Client Name].[Client Name].ALLMEMBERS)} ON ROWS

Do Anybody has a solution for this? I require the output to be in the following format :

Region_Name(RegDim) Client_Name(ClientDim) Balance_2006 Balance_2007 Revenue_2007 TargetRevenue_2007
USA A 20000 30000000 40000000 5000000000

B 60000 70000000 80000000 9000000000

Note: We can execute the above query in SSMS-MDX Query window without any issues.

Many Thanks in Advance for any assistance.
Subhash Subramanyam, Suraj Magdum

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Live Links

Jul 31, 2001

How do you make a live link in SQL 7 to another database? I currently do such
things in Access 97 but how do you do it in SQL? I just want to keep a permanent live link to a table in another database.

Thank you in advance.

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In Live Problem

Jun 17, 2008

A problem.................
Actualy in my local the work is fine..
when i shifted the files to live...
it is saying invalid column name ,even though iam having that column in the table.....
when i had executed the query in live it is working...
The database to which iam connecting is also correct.


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Where Do The Contraints Live?

Mar 19, 2008

Can someone write for me an example query that would select all the constraints that are applied to specific table?

something like:


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Live Of Certificates

Apr 17, 2008

I am looking for a good introduction into the handling of certificates in SQL 2005.

I need to sign a procedure to allow it to access a dm view.
I do understand the theory and the syntax, but I have trouble coming up with an easy but still secure way to create these certificates on all customer servers without allowing misuse.
All articles I could find are going through creating a new database, setting up a certificate with or without password, signing an example proc and then dropping the database.
Non seems to care about the problems that occur later on during the life of a certificate.


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Updating Live Site

Jun 29, 2007

Hi:I have a site that is getting close to production.  I am using SQL Server 2005 express and VWD express.  Up to this point, I have been updating the live server by deleting the file and copying the MDF file from my development machine in its place.  This clearly won't work once the site goes live - but I still expect to be doing a lot of upgrading of stored procedures etc.  Can someone point me to a resource or make any suggestions that would help me in this regard?Thanks,Roger Swetnam 

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Restoring T-logs To A Live Db

Apr 28, 2000

I'm trying to configure log shipping When I retore the full disk dump of my databaseto my standby server, I need to be able to go in and drop and recreate several user logins(so they can do reports, read-only).
Once I do this though, I will be unable to restore T-logs, right?

Anyone know a way to get it back into a read only state and able to accept T-log restores? Thanks.

Pete K.

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Live DB Version Upgrade

Jun 13, 2001

I need to create a DB version upgrade schema on client site that will preserve the existing data.
Provide the user with a patch that he can run on his database that wiil apply changes to his DB structure and keep the old data.
One approach that I am thinking of is to create a differential DB patch - a and apply that to the client database.
Is there any strategy any algorithm to do that. Can it be automated?
If there any accomplishments or approaches known on the subject?
I would greatly appreciate any ideas you can come up with.


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Help A Newbie And Live Forever... Maybe

Feb 22, 2006

Hi, sorry if this has been asked before but I'm pretty strapped for time...

I have two tables: [photos] and [photoFolders]

[photoFolders] contains information about photo albums on the site im creating. The information in [photos] lists information about all photos along with which [photoFolder] they belong. When the user logs in, I want to present a list of all 'folders' in their name along with the TOP image with the corresponding folderId...



Any help would be GREATLY appreciated

We're all going to hell... I guess I'll see you there!

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Ready For Live - Need Hosting With MS SQL?

Aug 2, 2007

do i need a host with MS SQL SERVER? how do i upload my database? hmm

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Message Time To Live

Sep 4, 2007

Hi There

I have issues around forwarding message being dropped because they exceed the forwarding message time to live.

I cannot find anything in BOL or the net regarding changing the message time to live value to be higher, does anyone know where i change this setting ?


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