Nested Joins - Joining One Table To Another Multiple Times

Jan 9, 2006


I'm having problems constructing a nested join. It's quite complex, so
here's a simplfied example of the problem. Any thoughts on what I'm
doig wrong - or if I've got the whole approach wrong are welcome.

I've two tables :-

one is a contact table contacting name, addresses etc. Three of the
fields represent users - 'created by', 'last modified by' and 'owner'.
They contain usernames - eg. JDOE, BSMITH etc.

The other table contants usernames and new ID codes.

What I want to do is create a new dataset by joining the contacts table
with the user table on all three fields - so the new dataset contains
the ids for the creator, last modifier and owner.

I've tried things similar to:

select c.*,, u2,id,
from contact c
left outer join users u1
left outer join users u2
left outer join users u3
on (u3.username = c.owner)
on (u2.username = c.modified)
on (u1.username = c.creator )

But it compains that
"The column prefix 'c' does not match with a table name or alias name
used in the query."

The problem is referencing c (contact) through the whole set of joins.

I would like to do this in some similar format as the query is within a
cursor and post-processing would be very long-winded.


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Transact SQL :: Avoid Same Table Multiple Times Rather Than Put Records In Single Table And Use It Throughout

Nov 19, 2015

There are 3 tables Property , PropertyExternalReference , PropertyAssesmentValuation which are common for 60 business rule

 PE.PropertyExternalReferenceValue  [BAReferenceNumber]
, PA.DescriptionCode
, PV.ValuationEffectiveDate
, PV.PropertyListAlterationDate


Can we push the data for the above query in a physical table and create index to make the query fast rather than using the same set  tables multiple times 

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Analysis :: Hierarchy Based On Dimension Table Joined Multiple Times Against A Fact Table?

Aug 11, 2015

I am working on a model where I have a sales fact table. Each fact record has four different customer fields (ship- to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer). I have one customer dimension table that joins to the sales fact table four times (once for each of the customer fields above).  When viewing the data in Excel, I would like to have four hierarchies (ship -to, sold-to, payer, and bill-to customer) within Customer. 

Is there a way to build hierarchies within my Customer dimension based on the same Customer table?  What I want is to view the data in Excel and see the Customer dimension.  Within Customer, I want four hierarchies. 

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Alaising The Same Table Multiple Times

Oct 18, 2004

To All--

First off, I'm new to SQL Server and apologize if this is a trivial question.

What I'm trying to do is alias the same table with 2 different names so that I may join them on two different fields.


Table2 (Contains a list of codes and their related descriptions)

I'm trying to query Table1 for the Emp_Number but I want to get the Short_Desc from Table2 for both Emp_Code1 and Emp_Code2. I'm using Microsoft Access as the front end (using Pass Through Queries) and SQL Server on the back end.

Hope this makes sense.


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Transact SQL :: How To Do Pagination When Multiple Table Used By Joining

Sep 22, 2015

I know people use ROW_NUMBER() function to do the pagination but my below two query is bit complex. Sohow to use pagination there ? I used ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY IsNull(A.OEReference, B.OEReference) ASC) as Line in one but not sure am i right or wrong.

IF IsNull(@GroupID,'') = ''
SELECT IsNull(PartGroupName, 'UnMapped') AS PartGroupName,
CASE IsNull(PartGroupName, '')
ELSE IsNull(IsNull(K.GroupID, IsNull(C.PartGroupID,'')),'')
END AS PartGroupID,

[Code] .....

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Multiple Joins To The Same Table

Oct 29, 2006

I'm trying, with little success, to achieve something that should be quite easy (I think!) and any advice would be appreciated.

I have a leagues table structured so:

LeagueID | Name | Player1 | Player 2 ... Player6

and the data in the player columns is a userid from the users table and I'm trying to display the Leagues but with the player names rather than player IDs.

I'm working along the lines of


u1.displayname as Player1,
u2.displayname as Player2
from DCMLeagues as L
inner join Users as u1 on L.player1 = u1.userid
inner join Users as u2 on L.player2 = u2.userid

but with little success so far. Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks very much in advance.

-- Chris

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Multiple Joins On The Same Table

Jan 5, 2006

I'm new to SQL 2005 & C# - I'm a MySQL/PHP crossover.

I'm using s Stored Procedure and I'm trying to do multiple joins onto
one table.  I have 6 fields in one table that are foreign keys of
another table:










Table 2





The fields in table 1 (except is obviously) hold the id of a row in
Table 2.  When displaying data I want to display "Title" -
"CommCode" for each item in Table 1.  I got myself started by
searchig on the net and I have a stored procedure.  The obvious
problem is that as it goes through the Query only the last value
remains in place - since each value before it is cleared in the
UNION.   How can I do this??  Here's my Stored Procedure:


ALTER PROCEDURE GetRegistersSpecific

@SearchTxt int


PrimaryCode AS MyID, Title, CommodityCode

FROM registrations

JOIN CommodityCodes ON PrimaryCode =


SecondaryCode1 AS MyID, Title, CommodityCode

FROM registrations

JOIN CommodityCodes ON SecondaryCode1 =


SecondaryCode2 AS MyID, Title, CommodityCode

FROM registrations

JOIN CommodityCodes ON SecondaryCode2 =


SecondaryCode3 AS MyID, Title, CommodityCode

FROM registrations

JOIN CommodityCodes ON SecondaryCode3 =


SecondaryCode4 AS MyID, Title, CommodityCode

FROM registrations

JOIN CommodityCodes ON SecondaryCode4 =


SecondaryCode5 AS MyID, Title, CommodityCode

FROM registrations

JOIN CommodityCodes ON SecondaryCode5 =

WHERE registrations.ID = @SearchTxt



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Multiple INEER JOINS Between Two Table.

Sep 16, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I have a quite unusual problem, and I have hard time finding the answer.

I have a table with Locations - lets say that it has just ID, and Name,
and a Transport table containing the ID, ArrivalLocationID and DepartureLocationID.

Now - when I select the Transport table I want to get names of the Arrival and Departure locations from th other table.

If it was a single link I woul do an INNER JOIN like:

Locations.Name AS ArrivalLocation
FROM TransportProductOperationPeriods
Transport.ArrivalLocation = Locations.ID

But I want to do a double INNER JOIN between two same table. And here I get a problem - how to do it? Something like:

Locations.Name AS LArrivalLocation,
Locations.Name AS LDepartureLocation,
Locations.ID AS LArrivalLocationID,
Locations.ID AS LDepartureLocationID
FROM TransportProductOperationPeriods
TransportProductOperationPeriods.ArrivalLocation = LArrivalLocationID
TransportProductOperationPeriods.DepartureLocation = LDepartureLocationID

but obviously that does not work ;)

Thanks in advance,

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Multiple Table Joins Makes Query Go To Sleep

Jul 23, 2005

Hello All & Thanks in advance for your help!Background:1) tblT_Documents is the primary parent transaction table that has 10fields and about 250,000 rows2) There are 9 child tables with each having 3 fields each, their ownPK; the FK back to the parent table; and the unique data for thattable. There is a one to many relation between the parent and each ofthe 9 child rows. Each child table has between 100,000 and 300,000rows.3) There are indexes on every field of the child tables (though Idon't believe that they are helping in this situation)4) The client needs to be presented a view that has 5 of the mainfields from the parent table, along with any and all correspondingdata from the child tables.5) The client will select this view by doing some pattern-matchingsearch on one of the child records' detail (e.g. field-name LIKE%search-item% - so much for the indexes...)Problem:When I do the simple join of just the parent with one of the children,the search works *fairly* well and returns the five parent fields andthe corresponding matching child field.However, as soon as I add any one of the other child records to simplydisplay it's unique data along with the previously obtained results,the resulting query hangs.Is the overall structure of the tables not conducive to this kind ofquery? Is this a situation where de-normalization will be required toobtain the desired results? Or, more hopefully, am I just an idiotand there is some simpler solution to this problem?!Thanks again for your assistance!- Ed

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Transact SQL :: Capture Data Change From Multiple Table Joins

Jun 9, 2015

I have 5 tables that are joined respectively,

Each one of the tables listed below has a “CreateDateTime” and “UpdateDateTime” fields, I need to get yesterday changes, I can get any record where either CreateDateTime or UpdateDateTime is greater than midnight yesterday butI need to watch dates on all of the tables so I need to do atleast 10 date checks.

If any table shows an updated or created record, I need to gather ALL of the information for that customer.  So, if my name didn’t change (SCUS table), but my email does (SEML table), I have to pull out both the SCUS and SEML tables (and the others, of course).  So It may not be simple WHERE clause, How can I achieve this:

[Code] ....

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Nested Loop Joins

Jan 26, 2006


I have came across a situation -
When there are no indices on the tables and if we force SQL server to use the "Nested Loop" joins, the query becomes very slow. Since there are no indices then Nested loop join should not be used.

The background for this problem is -
Analysis services is sending some query to SQL server while doing the cube processing. SQL server is using Nested loop joins even though there are no indices on any of the tables. Is there any way by which we can force the SQL server/Analysis services not to use Nested loop joins since there are no indices in any of the tables.


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SQL Server 2012 :: Joining Dim To Fact Table Where Dim Table Key Exists In Multiple Fact Columns

Oct 26, 2015

Say you have a fact table with a few columns that all reference the same key column in a dimension table, you want to write a view to return the information for those keys?

IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.FactTemp' ,'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE dbo.FactTemp;

[Code] ....

I'm using very small data at the moment, and the query plan and statistics don't really say which way.

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Complexity Of Nested Self Left Joins?

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I'm curious about the computational complexity of a query I have. Thequery contains multiple nested self left joins, starting with a simpleselect, then doing a self left join with the results, then doing a selfleft join with those results, etc. What puzzles me is that the timerequired for the query seems to grow exponentially as I add additionalleft joins, which I didn't expect. I expected the inner select toreturn about 25 rows (it does), then I expected the self join to resultin about 25 rows (it does), etc. Each join just adds another column; itdoesn't add more rows. So the left part of the join is staying the samesize, and so is the right part of the join, since I'm always joiningwith the same table.So I would think the time for this query should be (time to join 25rows against the source table) * (num joins), but it seems to besomething like (num rows) ^ (num joins). Any ideas? I'm just trying tounderstand the system a little better. (But if you have any ideas aboutimproving the query, I'm always open to those, too.)The execution plan is what you'd expect: an index seek loop-joined withanother index seek, the results of which are merge-joined with anotherindex seek, the results of which are merge-joined with another indexseek, ad nauseum, until a final "compute scalar cost (39%)" and "select(0%)"For the brave and curious, I've pasted the query below.Thanksselect right(x.cp_yyyymm, 2)+'-'+left(x.cp_yyyymm, 4) as [Month],table0.cp_num_loans/1 as [AFCM9704], table1.cp_num_loans/1 as[AFC9104], table2.cp_num_loans/1 as [BFAT01C], table3.cp_num_loans/1 as[BFAT02B], table4.cp_num_loans/1 as [BFAT03D], table5.cp_num_loans/1 as[BFAT03E], table6.cp_num_loans/1 as [BFAT03F], table7.cp_num_loans/1 as[BFAT04A], table8.cp_num_loans/1 as [BFAT04C], table9.cp_num_loans/1 as[BFAT04D], table10.cp_num_loans/1 as [BFAT99C] from (((((((((((selectdistinct cp_yyyymm from cp_deal_history where cp_deal_id in('AFCM9704', 'AFC9104', 'BFAT01C', 'BFAT02B', 'BFAT03D', 'BFAT03E','BFAT03F', 'BFAT04A', 'BFAT04C', 'BFAT04D', 'BFAT99C') and cp_yyyymmbetween 200304 and 200504) as x left join (select cp_yyyymm,cp_num_loans from cp_deal_history where cp_deal_id='AFCM9704') astable0 on x.cp_yyyymm=table0.cp_yyyymm) left join (select cp_yyyymm,cp_num_loans from cp_deal_history where cp_deal_id='AFC9104') as table1on x.cp_yyyymm=table1.cp_yyyymm) left join (select cp_yyyymm,cp_num_loans from cp_deal_history where cp_deal_id='BFAT01C') as table2on x.cp_yyyymm=table2.cp_yyyymm) left join (select cp_yyyymm,cp_num_loans from cp_deal_history where cp_deal_id='BFAT02B') as table3on x.cp_yyyymm=table3.cp_yyyymm) left join (select cp_yyyymm,cp_num_loans from cp_deal_history where cp_deal_id='BFAT03D') as table4on x.cp_yyyymm=table4.cp_yyyymm) left join (select cp_yyyymm,cp_num_loans from cp_deal_history where cp_deal_id='BFAT03E') as table5on x.cp_yyyymm=table5.cp_yyyymm) left join (select cp_yyyymm,cp_num_loans from cp_deal_history where cp_deal_id='BFAT03F') as table6on x.cp_yyyymm=table6.cp_yyyymm) left join (select cp_yyyymm,cp_num_loans from cp_deal_history where cp_deal_id='BFAT04A') as table7on x.cp_yyyymm=table7.cp_yyyymm) left join (select cp_yyyymm,cp_num_loans from cp_deal_history where cp_deal_id='BFAT04C') as table8on x.cp_yyyymm=table8.cp_yyyymm) left join (select cp_yyyymm,cp_num_loans from cp_deal_history where cp_deal_id='BFAT04D') as table9on x.cp_yyyymm=table9.cp_yyyymm) left join (select cp_yyyymm,cp_num_loans from cp_deal_history where cp_deal_id='BFAT99C') astable10 on x.cp_yyyymm=table10.cp_yyyymm order by x.cp_yyyymm

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Nested SQl With Count, Percent And Joins: How?!

May 14, 2008

I have a need for a complex SQL statement to provide reporting information, but the SQL is way over my head and although I have some of the elements, I can't seem to pull them together to create a working SQL statement.
My database structure is as outlined below:

ID IRVitems
ABC A1,A2,A3,A4,A5

ID IRVvalues
001 1,5,text1,10,3
002 2,1,text2,1,3
003 2,4,text3,1,1
004 1,4,text4,4,1
005 1,2,text5,4,1

lblID lblVALUE lblTXT
A1 1 AAA
A1 2 BBB

I currently query tblDef to get IRVitems and in turn then query the other two tables to get statistical information to present in a report (via ASP).

For each item returned from IRVitems, I would like to report the spread and frequency of different values as follows:

Value Label Count Percent
1 AAA 3 60
2 BBB 2 40

and then for A2, etc (although missing out A3 as it is a text item, but I can deal with that via ASP code beforehand). I would expect to have to hit the DB for each of the IRVitems (so once for getting the data for A1, againfor A2, etc).

I was provided a great bit of code to use SUBSTRING and GROUP BY to get this data (thanks zuomin), but I didn't consider the possible text values or numbers >9 when defining what I was trying to do (to be fair, they're new requirements):

SELECT SUBSTRING(IRVvalues, 1, 1) AS Value, COUNT(ID) AS Count
ORDER BY value

which returns like this:

Value Count
1 187
2 163
3 2

Can I do a similar query to get all the info I need in one go? I saw the articale on a user-defined 'split' function ( that can be used to split up the IRVvalues string to access the position I need in the array, but I'm a little clueless on how to then embed that into a SQl statement.
Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Left Joins And Query Plan Compile Times

Mar 8, 2015

We have a view with many left joins. The original creators of this view might have been lazy or sloppy, I don't know. I have rewritten the query to proper inner joins where required and also nested left joins.

So rather then the following exemplary fragment

select <many items>
from A
left join B on B.id_A =
left join C on C.id_B = B.idthis now looks like
select <many items>
from A
left join (B
join C on C.id_B =
) on B.id_A =

Compilation time of the original view was 18s, of the new rewritten view 4s. The performance of execution is also better (not counting the compile of course). The results of the query are identical. There are about 30 left joins in the original view.

I can imagine that the optimizer has difficulty with all these left joins. But 14s is quite a big difference. I haven't looked into detail in the execution plans yet. I noticed that in both cases the Reason for Early Termination of Statement Optimization was Time Out.

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Poor Performance - Nested Views && Complex Joins

Sep 27, 2006

The code below is from a nested view, which I've read should be avoided. I've also noticed GETDATE() is used, which I believe causes GETDATE() to be executed for every record selected (correct me if I'm wrong). I'm also guessing a JOIN containing a UNION against a SELECT statement is not a good idea. What other problems do you notice?

SELECT trans.Entry_Code, trans.D_C, trans.ADP_Security_# ,
trans.TRID, trans.Batch_Code, trans.Last_Money,
null as Shares, Settle_date as Process_Date,
null as Closing_Price, trans.Dwnld_Date, trans.Acnt,
null as Mktval,
cast(Null as varchar(20)) as Cusip_#,
ACT.dbo.account.account_key AS account_key
WHERE (DATEDIFF(mm, Process_Date, GETDATE()) <= 15)
ON ACT_DATA.dbo.account.account_key = RIGHT(trans.Acnt, 5)
INNER JOIN tbl_Accounts_TransactionalData
ON trans.Acnt = tbl_Accounts_TransactionalData.Acnt

Thanks, Dave

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Cursor, Conditional Split Task, Nested Joins In SSIS

Aug 27, 2007


Can anybody help me out in
1) implementing cursors in SSIS. I want to process each row at a time from a dataset. I was trying to use Foreachloop container but in vain. Can you please answer in detail.

my few other questions are:
1) Can i do nested inner join in SSIS. If yes, how? ( I have three table i need to join Tab1 to table 2 and get join the table 3 to get the respective data)
2) I have a resultsets. I want to split the data according to data in a col.
Say for instance:
Col1 Col2
A 1
A 2
B 3
C 4
C 5
i want to split the data according A, B and C . i.e., if Col1= A then do this, if Col1= B then do this..etc. How can i do this using conditional split task in SSIS

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Querying Multiple Tables Multiple Times

May 31, 2007

I am trying to query the Topics in my discussion forum...The Topic contains a "last_poster_id" and a "author_id" I need the username and userid for both "last_poster_id" and "author_id" in the table "aspnet_Users"How do I do this?I would guess I need to use sub select statements. Can someone help me? 

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Run A Task Multiple Times

Oct 20, 2006

I have a situation where I run the same taks multiple times during the execution. I would like to have one task which runs every time, instead of duplicating the task over and over 14 times in my script.

Basically, it is an audit log, which I set variables and then insert into a SQL table the variables.

I would like to do this:

Task1 ------Success-----> Set Vars -----Success--> Log
Task2 ------Success-----> Set Vars -----Success-| (do the Log task again)
Task3 -------Success-----> Set Vars -----Success-| (do the Log task again)

This works, however, I have to duplicate Log over and over and over. No OR does not work, because it still only executes the Log task once.

Another option I thought of, but cannot find a way to implement is: Make the Log task "disabled" with no dependencies, then in the Set Vars script, enable and execute Log and disable again.

Any ideas?

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Rda.push Multiple Times?

Oct 14, 2007


After doing some research it seems like you can only push the same table once using rda.push -- is this correct? If yes, are there any other alternatives for saving changes to the table back to SQL Server aside from merge replication?

One idea I am toying with is to pull the tracked table with 0 records, save changes to the tracked table, push, drop table and pull, repeating this process everytime I push the data. Wondering is somebody has any advice?


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Multiple Left Joins (2 Left Joins 1 Big Headache)

Sep 1, 2005

Hi All,

Im having a problem with a statement i cannot seem to get 2 left joins working at the same time 1 works fine but when i try the second join i get this error:-

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'children_tutorial.school_id=schools.idx LEFT JOIN regions ON children_tutorial.region_id=region.idx'.

My SQL statment is as follows :-
SELECT children_tutorial.*,schools.schoolname,regions.rname FROM children_tutorial LEFT JOIN schools ON children_tutorial.school_id=schools.idx LEFT JOIN regions ON children_tutorial.region_id=region.idx

I am using an Access database i have tried all sorts to get it working and its driving me mad!! any help would be really appreciated.

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Joining Multiple Tables

Mar 5, 2007

table - employee
empdcno name
1 jon
2 peter
3 john
4 n1
5 n2
6 n3
7 n4
8 n5
9 n6
10 n7

table - personalinfo
empdcno telno address
1 111 aaa
2 222 bbb
3 333 ccc
4 444 ddd
5 555 eee
6 666 fff
7 777 ggg
8 888 hhh
9 999 iii
10 000 jjj

table - hrappempeducs
empdcno schoolcode degree
5 A3 degree1
9 A3 degree2
10 A2 degree3

table - hrsetschools
schoolcode schname schaddress
A1 Harvard usa
A2 LaSalle philippines
A3 UP india
A4 s1 peru
A5 s2 japan

Result expected:

name telno address degree schname

jon 111 aaa BSCS Harvard
peter 222 bbb null null
john 333 ccc BSIT LaSalle
n1 444 ddd null null
n2 555 eee degree1 UP
n3 666 fff null null
n4 777 ggg null null
n5 888 hhh null null
n6 999 iii degree2 UP
n7 000 jjj degree3 LaSalle

I am not quite familiar with joins.

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How To Connect To A DB Multiple Times Through Page

Dec 21, 2007

Hey all,
I am still pretty new to all of this and I am having problems accessing a the same DB twice in my page.  I want to pull information once in one spot, but then pull different information in a different spot on the page.  Anyway, in the first spot, I have the following code:
Dim conString As String = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("DataConn").ConnectionString
Dim con As New SqlConnection(conString)Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("Select Team1.TeamID as Team1ID, Team1.TeamName as HomeTeam, Team2.TeamID as Team2ID, Team2.TeamName as AwayTeam, Football_Schedule.ScheduleID as ScheduleID from (Select * from Football_Teams) as Team1, (Select * from Football_Teams) as Team2, Football_Schedule where Football_schedule.team1 = Team1.teamid AND Football_Schedule.team2 = Team2.teamid order by Football_Schedule.WeekNum, Team1.TeamName, Team2.Teamname", con)Using con
Dim RS As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
While RS.Read()
blah blah blah
End While
End Using
Then in my other spot on the page I have the following:
Dim cmdresults As New SqlCommand("Select Users.Firstname, sum(PointsID) as TotalPoints from Football_Input, Football_Schedule, Users where Football_Input.TeamID = Football_Schedule.winID and users.userid = Football_Input.UserID Group by Users.firstname")
Using con
con.Open()Dim RD As SqlDataReader = cmdresults.ExecuteReader()
While RD.Read()%>
<%End While
End Using
 When I try to execute I get this error, "ExecuteReader: Connection property has not been initialized." on the following line, "
RD As SqlDataReader = cmdresults.ExecuteReader()"  Any ideas?  If possible a little explanation on how multiple connections to the same database work would be nice just for future reference.
Thanks in advance!!,

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Linked Server Multiple Times

May 15, 2000

I need to create a linked server that can access more than one database.
I assume, the only wat this can be done by creating two separate links from the local server using Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL server. But the
problem is the Server Name. I cannot use the same servername twice and
if I use a name that is not an exisiting SQL server name I get an error
that "server not found".

So, how do I addlink the same server a mulitple times to access different databases in the server?



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Running The Same Subquery Multiple Times

Mar 2, 2005


I was wondering if this can be done...

I have a complex query which has to do a few calculations. I'm using subqueries to do the calcs, but most of the calcs have to use a value gotten from the first subquery. I don't want to have to type the subquery out each time, so is there a way of assigning it to a variable or putting it in a UDF or SP?

I have a table with 2 cols - amount, date.

SELECT total_amount, closing_amount,
FROM table1
GROUP BY month(date)

Total amount is the SUM(amount) for the month.
Closing amount is the Total Amount plus the amounts for the current month with a few extra calcs.

As I have to use SUM(amount) in the second subquery, is there a way I can do it without having to type hte subquery out again?

This is only a basic example, what I'm trying to do will invovle a lot more calcultions.

Hope someone can help,

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Same Field On Same Line Multiple Times

Apr 4, 2008

I'm new to SQL Reporting Services but have made some decent headway. I'm stumped by one issue though: How do I repeat a field over and over on a single line?

To elaborate:

I have a table of backup job failures, with a reason and the time it failed.
ID | Reason | Time
1 | No tape | 3/13/3008
2 | Bad drive | 3/14/2008

I'm trying to create a summary, and I want to list the information as follows:

There were 2 failed backup jobs on 3/13/2008, 3/14/2008

My SQL query is as follows:
SELECT Time, COUNT(*) AS NumFailures FROM FailedBackups GROUP BY Time ORDER BY Time ASC

How do I "loop" the Time field on a single line in Reporting Services?

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Transact SQL :: Update Same Row Multiple Times

Nov 9, 2015

I am trying to update the same row of the table multiple times. in other words, i am trying to replace the two stings on same row with two different values.

Example: if the column has a string "b" then replace with "B" and  if the column has a string "d" then replace with "D" . I can  write multiple updates to update it but i was just wondering if it can be done with single UPDATE statement

column before the update : bcdxyz
after the update: BcDxyz

Following is the sample data

declare @t1 table
    c1 varchar(5),
    c2 varchar(10),
    c3 varchar(5)
insert into @t1 values ('a','bcdxyz','efg')

[Code] ....

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Joining Multiple Tables In A View.

Dec 5, 2005

I have three tables
1st table is Student
StudnetID (pk)
Other fields…
2nd table is PhoneType
PhoneTypeID (pk)
3rd table is StudentHasPhone
SHPID (pk)
StudnetID (fk)
PhoneTypeID (fk)
PhoneType is an auxiliary table that has 5 records in it Home phone, Cell phone, Work phone, Pager, and Fax. Is there a way to do a join or maybe make a view of a view that would allow me to ultimately end up with…
StudnetID: 1
Name:  John
HomePhone: 123-456-7890
WorkPhone: 123-456-7890
Pager:   123-456-7890
Memo: This is one student record.
Some students will have no phone number, some will have all 5 most will have one or two. If possible I would like to do a setup like this in my database to keep from having to have null fields for 4 phone numbers that the majority of records won’t have.
Thanks in advanced,
Nathan Rover

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Trouble Joining Multiple Tables

Dec 14, 2004

This seems like a basic problem but I can't figure out how to resolve it.

I have a query :

SELECT PR.WBS2, SUM(LedgerAR.Amount * - 1) AS Expr5, LB.AmtBud AS budget
WHERE (PR.WBS2 <> '9001') AND (PR.WBS2 <> 'zzz') AND (PR.WBS2 <> '98') AND (PR.WBS3 <> 'zzz') AND (PR.WBS2 <> '') AND (PR.WBS1 = '001-298')

The output of the above query:


I want to sum up the middle column and last column grouping by wbs2. However, when I do SUM(lb.amtbud) the budget column is not summing correctly it is summing the column as if the data appeared like this:


So as a result I am getting 9000 where wbs2 = '0141'

I figure that in my top query I am not joining something correctly. Could someone point out what I am doing wrong?

Thank You.


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JOINing... But Not With The Multiple Rows Thing.

Jul 19, 2006

My thread titles need work, I know. :o

Ok, lets say I've got:

documentName VARCHAR

userName VARCHAR

userID INT
documentID INT
approvalDate DATETIME

If I want to get a list of documents, and the users who've signed them off (if any), I'd do something like:

SELECT [tblDocuments].[documentName], [tblUsers].[userName ], [tblDocumentApprovals].[approvalDate ]
FROM [tblDocuments]
LEFT JOIN [tblDocumentApprovals] ON [tblDocumentApprovals].[documentID] = []
INNER JOIN [tblUsers] ON [tblUsers].[id] = [tblDocumentApprovals].[userID]

...which is lovely. Except - I don't want a row returned for each user that's signed it off. I want one row for each document, with a field containing a list of the people who've signed it off.

I know that it's bad design. I was reading an article only yesterday on how they're putting this kind of thing into the latest version of Access, and how it's a bit of a kludge. But it'd really, really help me.

How do you do it?

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Joining Three Tables With Multiple Record

Dec 9, 2014

We have Three Tables in sqlserver2012

Master Table

OrderID PackageID CustomerName
1 1 Abc
2 2 Bcd
3 1 xyz

Child1 Table

OrderID ControlName
1 Row1COlumn1 (It Means Pant in Red Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
1 Row3Column1 (It Means Gown in Blue Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
1 Row4Column3 (It Means T Shirt in White Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
2 Row1Column2 (It Means Tie in Green Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
2 Row3Column1 (It Means Bow in Red Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))

Child2 Table

PackageID Product Color1 Color2 Color3
1 Pant Red Green Blue
1 Shirt Blue Pink Purple
1 Gown Blue Black Yellow
1 T Shirt Red Green White
2 Tie Red Green White
2 Socks Red Green White
2 Bow Red Green White

We want to have result like

OrderID PackageID CustomerName Pant Gown T Shirt Tie Bow

1 1 ABC Red Blue White x x

2 2 Bcd x x x Green Red

I have tried

;with mycte as (
select ms.OrderID,ms.PackageID
, Replace(stuff([ControlName], charindex('Column',ControlName),len(ControlName),' '),'Row','') rowNum
,Replace(stuff([ControlName], 1, charindex('Column',ControlName)-1 ,''),'Column','') columnNum

[Code] .....

it works if we have a product in one color only. like if we have pant in red and blue then its showing just first record

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Joining Tables Through Multiple Criteria

Oct 14, 2013

I have two tables a and b, where I want to add columns from b to a with a criteria. The columns will be added by month criteria. There is a column in b table called stat_month which ranges from 1 (Jan) to 12 (Dec). I want to keep all the records in a, and join columns from b for each month. I do not want to loose any row from a if there is no data for that row in b.

Here is table a:

naics INT,
ust_code INT,
port INT,
all_qty_1_yr FLOAT,

[Code] ....

And here is table b:

naics INT,
ust_code INT,
port INT,
stat_month INT,
Cum_qty_1_mo FLOAT,

[Code] ....

I do not know how to have the multiple joins for 12 different months and what join I have to use. I used left join but still I am loosing not all but few rows in a, I would also like to know how in one script I can columns separately from stat_mont =’01’ to stat_month =’12’

/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/
SELECT a.[naics]

[Code] ....

output should have all columns from a and join columns from b when the months = '01' (for Jan) , '02' (for FEB), ...'12' (for Dec): Output table should be something like

* columns from a AND JAN_Cum_qty_1_mo JAN_Cum_qty_2_mo JAN_Cum_all_val_mo JAN_Cum_air_val_mo JAN_Cum_air_wgt_mo JAN_Cum_ves_val_mo FEB_Cum_qty_1_mo FEB_Cum_qty_2_mo FEB_Cum_all_val_mo FEB_Cum_air_val_mo FEB_Cum_air_wgt_mo FEB_Cum_ves_val_mo .....DEC_Cum_qty_1_mo DEC_Cum_qty_2_mo DEC_Cum_all_val_mo DEC_Cum_air_val_mo DEC_Cum_air_wgt_mo DEC_Cum_ves_val_mo (FROM TABLE b)

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Joining Tables With Multiple Criteria

Jun 9, 2014

I have a straight-forward select query to show work orders for a particular customer as below. I want to add a field value from another table, deltickitem diwhich contains contract records. I need to include the field di.weekchg to show the weekly hire rate, but the joined query must ensure that the both the contract number matches that in the original select and that the item number matches that in the actual select. Additionally, there is the problem that the item can appear more than once in the deltickitem table against a particular contract (if item has been off-hired and then re-hired on the same contract number) - in this case the query must select the record with the highest di.counter number, which I haven't worked out how to put in my query.

This is my basic code, but I keep ending up with duplicate work order lines in my result set.

Select wh.worknumber, wh.custnum, wh.contract, wh.sitename, wh.itemcode, wh.regnum,, di.weekchg,
wh.date_created, wh.task_descr, wh.actual_labour_sale+wh.actual_parts_sale as [Repair Cost]
From worksorderhdr wh Left Join
inventory iv On iv.item = wh.itemcode inner Join
models m On = iv.model_id left join deltickitem di on di.dticket = wh.contract
where wh.custnum = 'BARRATNE' and wh.rejected <> 1 and wh.charge_to_cust = 1
order by wh.date_created

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