Network Packet Size
Jul 20, 2005
I was wondering is the following is correct with the network packet size.
I've installed sql server 2000 and made some changes in the configuration.
Now i've read that sql server's default network packet size is 4096 bytes,
but when i look up the advanced tab, in the optionsmenu of the enterprise
manager, the network
packetsize is 0!
Now i see that some connections are memoryconsuming, could the above has
something do with this and should i change the network packet size.
I would like to have some help with this.
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Apr 9, 2004
We have an application that runs across the WAN to multiple locations. Performance is poor and we are looking at ways to improve performance. One suggestion from our Sr. Network Administrator is to change our Network Packet Sizes across all points, SQL Server & NIC to match the outgoing Router. This would be a size of 1440.
Does anyone have any thoughts or recommendations on this?
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Oct 8, 2004
I have a dts package that transfers data from a view into
a table structure on another server. Occassionly the
scheduled package will fail with the following error:
Error = -2147467259 (80004005) Error string:
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead (recv()).]General network error.
Check your network documentation. Error source:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Help
file: Help context: 0 Error Detail
Records: Error: -2147467259 (80004005); Provider
Error: 11 (B) Error string: [DBNETLIB]
[ConnectionRead (recv()).]General network error. Check
your network documentation. Error source: Microsoft
OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Help file: Help
context: 0 DTSRun OnFinish: Copy Data from PS...
Process Exit Code 1. The step failed.
Once the package fails I will rerun it several times
without any modifications and eventually it will run to
completion successfully. One change that I have made while
troubleshooting is to change the default network package
size from 1 to 1024 or 2048. Although this has worked I'm
not confident that the package wouldn't have run without
that change.
Has anyone seen this error before or anything similar?
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Mar 8, 2008
Hello every one
I am getting this in my event log from time to time . not sure what is that ?
Is this a hacker trying to send rubbish data to SQL through the port ?
Any help is appreciated .
Length specified in network packet payload did not match number of bytes read; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library. [CLIENT: someip]
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Mar 2, 2015
Length specified in network packet payload did not match number of bytes read; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library. [CLIENT:]
Client IP address is same as the server its producing the error on. I get these messages around 12pm everyday.
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Jan 18, 2008
Hi All...Thanks in advance for any help...
I am having an issue with SQL 2005 SSIS package...Win 2003 SP2...SQL 2005...
We receive files in the format of .TRK into an input directory...These files then are copied to a local directory on server and a .bat file loops through renaming each .TRK to MyFile.Txt...MyFile.Txt is then uploaded to a SQL table via DTS...Nothing complicated...The DTS runs fine when MyFile.Txt is placed there manually and executed...The rub is the call through batch file...
Here's the bat file...
SET FromDir=D:DOFftp_in
SET ToDir=D:DOFconfirm
SET RemoteRoot=\MEMSRV079D$DOFGensrvnt
REM get files from remote server
MOVE %RemoteRoot%DOFOut*.trk D:DOFFTP_In
FOR %%F IN (*.*) DO (
SET File=%%F
COPY %FromDir%%%F %ToDir%%%F
RENAME %%F MyFile.txt
DTSRUN /S MEMSRV079 /E /R /N "DOF_SAP_Confirm" >
DEL %FromDir%MyFile.txt
Works fine on Win2000 / SQL2000 environment but DTS had to be in MetaData, not normal...
All the copy, renames, etc in batch file work correctly...
Here's the error from DTS .run from above...
DTSRun: Loading...
Error: -2147217355 (80041035); Provider Error: 0 (0)
Error string: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Packet size change not honored by server, server size used
Error source:
Help file:
Help context: 0
Here's my trouble shooting...Reinstall SP2 on Windows to get MDAC 2.8 version...MS KB article states that the ODBC registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREODBCINST.INISQLServerDriverODBCVer should be 3.7 or greater...It's 3.5 on this server...MDAC 2.8 (which is installed with Win2003 SP2) is supposed to take care of installing right driver...All registry keys point to the proper version of sqlsvr32.dll in .WindowsSystem32...
I'm at a loss...Currently we are looking at rewriting the bat file in C# or something similar...I would really like to get running as is...
Thanks in advance...
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May 22, 2015
I have an expression based project connection manager in an existing package and updating Packet Size parameter.
After update and clicking on OK, Packet Size value reverts back to 0 (which is old value). This connection manager is used by lot of Dataflow tasks in my package and recreating the connection manager and updating the reference is not a viable option.
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May 24, 2000
My group has recently begun ramping up #of users from 5-10 to 50 concurrent. I'm currently using a 10Mb/s Ethernet but am not sure if there is a fiber
or multiplexing solution that I could use to increase output. Basically, we're looking at up to 50 heavy duty data pulls (50MB+) at any one time.
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Jul 24, 2007
Hello all,
I will try to supply all of the information available to me to help generate some answers to the question I have. I am doing some benchmark testing of an application of how it deals with various database queries, for example oracle 10g, DB2 and MSSQL 2005.
I have a very simple database called "student" that has various tables, with various columns, all as mentioned very simplistic. Each table has a few hundred rows of data, the most being one table with 2000 rows. The same database (structure and dataset), is replicated across all 3 DB's.
In order to do the testing, I have been recording the same queries (select * from table_a, select * from table_b etc etc) for each database at an interface which monitors traffic between the client and db server, the problem starts here; The size of the tcpdumps are vastly greater for MSSQL vs oracle or db2. Some examples:
100 query or transaction dump:
50,000 query or transaction dump:
as mentioned each database's tables and data are identical to my knowledge and all queries are the same. The bloated dumps are making mssql performance numbers look bad.
So my question is: What could be the reason for MSSQLs client/server queries to contain so much information, has anyone else come across this? Is there any setting or something I could try to minimize it?
Thank you for your time.
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Aug 5, 2003
We are looking at installing a new Oracle server for a client but have been told that they have used Oracle in the past but had a lot of problems with slow response even though the bandwidth on the WAN was barely being used. He says that this was due to the fact that Oracle sends out very small packets across the network meaning that there are hundreds of packets being sent out. This caused a problem on the routers being used as it was killing the processors. Is this still the case and have you had other reports of slow response of this nature?
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Apr 22, 2014
I'm trying to organize this SQL query from a packet capture and I'm more of a network/application guy, not so much of a DBA. To me it looks like they are using variables in their query and the "@" is a delimiter.
S E L E C T [ t 0 ] . [ S E C T I O N N A M E ] , [ t 0 ] . [ P A R A M E T E R N A M E ] , [ t
0 ] . [ I N T V A L U E ] , [ t 0 ] . [ S T R I N G V A L U E ] , [ t 0 ] . [ D A T E V A L U E ] , [ t 0 ] . [ I N F R A S T R U C T U R A L ]
, [ t 0 ] . [ S i t e P a r a m e t e r s I d ] F R O M [ d b o ] . [ S I T E _ P A R A M E T E R S ] A S [ t 0 ] W H E R E ( [ t 0
] . [ S E C T I O N N A M E ] = @ p 0 ) A N D ( [ t 0 ] . [ P A R A M E T E R N A M E ] = @ p 1 ) @ 4@ @ p 0 n v a r c h a r ( 3
) , @ p 1 n v a r c h a r ( 1 0 ) @ p 0 4 W e b @ p 1 4 M a x Q u e r i e s
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Oct 13, 2007
How I can execute DTS packet form sql procedure ??
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Jul 23, 2005
I have 2 users that their client software must be going crazy.. theyare sending packets every .02 seconds to the db server... I know thisbecause I stuck a sniffer on teh traffic.. but now i just need to knowwhat user is doing this (all traffic is encrypted.. so i couldn’tsniff out that.. i could only get an IP).any ideas?--Posted using the interface, at author's requestArticles individually checked for conformance to usenet standardsTopic URL: Topic URL to contact author (reg. req'd). Report abuse:
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Sep 4, 2007
I am trying to resize a database initial log file from 500M to 2M. I€™m using€?
And I'm getting "MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than current size." I tried going into the database properties and setting the log file to 2M, but it doesn€™t keep the changes.
Any help with this process?
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Jan 26, 2008
When I was installing 2008, I chose to install sql server express. But after I installed it, I found I could only see the configuration tools of sql server, but I couldn't find the sql server express service. When I ran the surface area configuration for services and connections, I msgbox came out and told me "No sql server 2005 components were found on the specified computer.....". Why?
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Dec 17, 2007
On one of the workstations being used by a developer we see the following entries in the event log:
Event Type: Error
Event Category: (4)
Event ID: 17828
Date: 17/12/2007
Time: 10:24:25
User: N/A
Computer: <removed>
The prelogin packet used to open the connection is structurally invalid; the connection has been closed. Please contact the vendor of the client library. [CLIENT: <local machine>]
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
Searching on the internet we don't get a satisfying answer. This connection to the database is made through a .NET web service using the default client libraries from the Base Class Library. We are talking about a fully patched SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition and .NET Framework 3.5.
Any clues?
I only found the following "relevant" link:
But I am the kind of guy that likes to know what went or goes wrong instead of trying out hacks like the one described in the above link.
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Mar 16, 2007
How investigate type of a connection to DB( MS SQL or Oracle) during execution of a packet?
In the time of executon of packet I must determine type of connection? What do good practices exists?
Thanks In Advance.
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Sep 30, 2004
Hello all,
We have a Windows 2003 Web Edition server serving a site through IIS. It connects to a Windows 2003 Standard Edition server running SQL 2000 SP3a.
This site receives the following error as seen in the topic:
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionRead (recv()).]General network error. Check your network documentation.
We've configured the server network utility to only allow TCP/IP connections. The connection string for the site is as follows:
' FileName="Connection_ado_conn_string.htm"
' Type="ADO"
' HTTP="false"
' Catalog=""
' Schema=""
MM_connSpankMSSQL_STRING = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=SERVER_IP,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=ourmaindb_1;User ID=ourmaindb_1;Password=hotcookies;"
Any ideas or tips on solving this issue? We've noticed it is due to larger queries as smaller ones do work with no problems.
The servers are behind a BSD box running iptables, has 1433,1434 along with standard web ports wide open. Anything outbound is allowed.
Some further testing via ODBC on the IIS server improved things. No more connection pooling for the SQL Server driver allows for 1/3 of the query to run. Still 2/3s of it doesn't show up, and that general network error message appears.
Should have 330 rows if it works right.
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May 19, 2004
While running a DTS, many times the error message: "[DBNETLIB][ConnetionWrite (WrapperWrite()).]General network error. Check your network documentation." appears.
Does somebody knows why?
I am running the DTS from a computer (not the server where the DTS is stored) and it is connected without any problem when this happens.
Lautaro - Argentina.
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Oct 4, 2007
Hi Every one,
I am using .Net 1.1 for my web application.
And my database server is SQL Server 2005.
My application is running fine, as i can login to it and also able to view pages. But when i open Order management(having 3K records) its give me error,
General Network Error. Check your network documentation
I have also searched many articles and tried following solutions but nothing working
- connectiontimeout = 0, max pool size = 7500/100, pooling = false
- SSL disabling enforce security false as mentioned in microsoft kb article.
And there's nothing any issue with hardware/firewall as my application's login and other forms are working fine(which use same database with same connection string)
Can any one please help me to solve this error?
With Regards,
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May 26, 2007
Hi We have a written a error log in Global.asax. which capture below mentioned error in the prodcution server. Same applications is working fine in some locations and some loactions we are getting the error.Any body knows why this error is occurs.Any body knows why this error is occurs. Error Message:General network error. Check your network documentation.Stack Trace: at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OpenAndLogin() at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection..ctor(SqlConnection connection, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() at datalayer.sqldb.Execute(String ProcedureName, SqlParameter[] Parameters) at lms.User.GetUserDetails(String strUserid)ITs at LMS.Login.w_btn_Login_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument) at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData)
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Oct 4, 2007
Hi,I am using .Net 1.1 for my web application.And my database server is SQL Server 2005. My application is running fine, as i can login to it and also able to view pages. But when i open Order management(having 3K records) its give me error,General Network Error. Check your network documentation I have also searched many articles and tried following solutions but nothing working- connectiontimeout = 0, max pool size = 7500/100, pooling = false- SSL disabling enforce security false as mentioned in microsoft kb article. And there's nothing any issue with hardware/firewall as my application's login and other forms are working fine(which use same database with same connection string) Can any one please help me to solve this error?
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Feb 8, 2004
When I try to update the site setting, I get this Error and I don't know how to fix.
Server Error in '/DotNetNuke' Application.
General network error. Check your network documentation.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: General network error. Check your network documentation.
Source Error:
Line 281:
Line 282: myConnection.Open()
Line 283: myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
Line 284: myConnection.Close()
Line 285: End Sub
Source File: C:DotNetNukeComponentsAdminDB.vb Line: 283
Stack Trace:
[SqlException: General network error. Check your network documentation.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream) +721
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() +196
DotNetNuke.AdminDB.UpdatePortalInfo(Int32 PortalId, String PortalName, String PortalAlias, String LogoFile, String FooterText, Int32 UserRegistration, Int32 BannerAdvertising, String Currency, Int32 AdministratorId, String ExpiryDate, Double HostFee, Double HostSpace, String PaymentProcessor, String ProcessorUserId, String ProcessorPassword, String Description, String KeyWords, String BackgroundFile, Int32 SiteLogHistory) in C:DotNetNukeComponentsAdminDB.vb:283
DotNetNuke.SiteSettings.Update_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:DotNetNukeadminPortalSiteSettings.ascx.vb:287
System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.OnClick(EventArgs e)
System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument)
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData)
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:1.1.4322.573; ASP.NET Version:1.1.4322.573
Please Help!
Thank you,
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Jan 9, 2006
I use sqlclient to connect directly from my mobile 5 pocketpc to a sql server 2005 database on my desktop.
I use a sqldatareader to traverse the results of a query that delivers 2 fields: (1) the filespec, and (2) the image field.
I use a filestream with a binary writer to write the contents of the image data to the pocketpc's storage card.
I have a test table with 10 images, not one more than 4 MB. I cannot complete a test run prior to receiving the general network error.
The pocketPC is connected via activesync to the desktop, and I connect to the database with:
Integrated Security=false;
user id=sa
Any help with this strange error would be greatly appreciated.
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Oct 11, 2006
Hi I get a "General Network Error Check network documentation" error sometimes, but its only while insert or update statements are fired while selects keep working perfectly.
The Error details are as follows:
General network error. Check your network documentation.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: General network error. Check your network documentation.
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
Stack Trace:
[SqlException: General network error. Check your network documentation.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior, RunBehavior runBehavior, Boolean returnStream)
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Jun 11, 2007
While doing performance testing on a Tomcat based web application using the v1.1 JDBC driver connecting to SQL Server 2005, the tomcat server has been throwing the above exception at a fairly low rate. I have seen some related issues in the forums with v1.1 of the MS JDBC driver, but those were asking about connection reset related errors. In this case the 'invalid packet header' exception is consistently seen. I am in the process of repeating the test with some additional application side logging turned on, and have tried enabling FINEST level logging for the driver, but that leaves me with a 500MB log file and so far no instances of that exception in question being thrown. This is not unusual, the error has only been seen about 14 times in about 20 tests, with each test running about an hour and a half.
A few quick tests with the 1.2 driver did not throw this exception, but did throw a high number of '[Connection|Statement|Resultset] Closed'
While I gather more information, I was wondering if there is anything significant in this particular exception type that could point to a more specific set of tests I could run?
The exceptions seen so far:
Exception #1:
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at com.X.db.CSInternalDB.close(
at com.X.db.CSQuery.close(
at com.X.BaseHandler.processDOM(
at com.X.Dispatcher.execIt(
at com.X.Dispatcher.execCommand(
at com.X.X.execute(
at com.X.HttpReceiver.doRequest(
at com.X.HttpReceiver.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at Source)
java.sql.SQLException: The DBComms.receive operation resulted in an invalid
packet header type:-86. PktNum:0. nReceived:8.
at com.X.db.CSAnalyzer.executeQuery(
at com.X.db.CSQuery.sqlPrepareExecute(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor75.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at com.X.BaseHandler.processDOM(
at com.X.Dispatcher.execIt(
at com.X.Dispatcher.execCommand(
at com.X.X.execute(
at com.X.HttpReceiver.doRequest(
at com.X.HttpReceiver.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at Source)
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Dec 4, 2007
I'm getting the following error from a few hosts that are querying a db in SQL Server 2005. The error has occurred while executing various queries that we would expect to return various sized result sets (from a couple rows to a couple million rows). Many hosts have never experienced the error but it is occurring fairly frequently on a couple.
using Windows Server 2003 on both the jdbc client and the DB host.
using jdbc driver from sqljdbc_1.1
netstat doesnt increment the TCP connection reset count after this error occurs.
using standard sql server authentication.
----------------------------------------- A DBComms.error occurred while reading input. Context:Read packet header, Unexpected end of stream, readBytes:-1. Negative read result PktNumber:0. ReadThisPacket:0. PktDataSize:4,096. Source) Source) Source) Source)$StatementExecutionRequest.executeStatement(Unknown Source) Source) Source) Source)
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Aug 16, 2005
Hi,I am getting the following error (When i am trying to update the column thru windows service) Please let me know the solution for the following.The following error is comming only when i set CommandTimeout to infinity (Commandtimeout=0).General network error. Check your network documentation. Number 11 Procedure ConnectionRead (recv()). Class 20 State 0 Source .Net SqlClient Data Provider Server Line number 0 Thanks and Best RegardsNagaraju A
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Jun 15, 2006
I installed sql 2005 a while back. Then I recently found out my file system was fat32 (I don't understand why the hardware people did this...) and I had to convert to NTFS. Naturally the sql service no longer worked so I uninstalled inorder to reinstall now I can't reinstall it I keep getting this message
native_error=5039, msg=[Microsoft][SQL Native Client][SQL Server]MODIFY FILE failed. Specified size is less than current size.
I'll try to post the full log in a new post.
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Mar 16, 2007
Hi folks,Can anyone enlighten me here? I'm trying to use a SPROC which, when supplied with an int, looks up the table and returns certain columns from it. I'm using a SqlCommand, here's my codebehind: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SqlCommand dataSource = new SqlCommand("retrieveData", new SqlConnection(dbConnString)); dataSource .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; dataSource .Parameters.AddWithValue("id", poid); dataSource .Parameters.AddWithValue("title", title).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; dataSource .Parameters.AddWithValue("creator", creator).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; dataSource .Parameters.AddWithValue("assignee", assignee).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; etc, etc... And the SPROC:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------set ANSI_NULLS ONset QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[retrieveData] @id int, @title varchar(50) OUTPUT, @creator varchar(50) OUTPUT, @assignee varchar(50) OUTPUT, @contact varchar(50) OUTPUT, @deliveryCost numeric(18,2) OUTPUT, @totalCost numeric(18,2) OUTPUT, @status tinyint OUTPUT, @project smallint OUTPUT, @supplier smallint OUTPUT, @creationDateTime datetime OUTPUT, @amendedDateTime datetime OUTPUT, @locked bit OUTPUT AS /**SET NOCOUNT ON; **/ SELECT [title] AS [@title], [datetime] AS [@creationDateTime], [creator] AS [@creator], [assignee] as [@assignee], [supplier] as [@supplier], [contact] AS [@contact], [delivery_cost] AS [@deliveryCost], [total_cost] AS [@totalCost], [amended_timestamp] AS [@amendedDateTime], [locked] AS [@locked] FROM purchase_orders WHERE [id] = @id; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The id being passed in is definately not null, and is set to a value of an item I know exists. The resulting error is:
Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: String[1]: the Size property has an invalid size of 0.Line 63: retrievePODetails.Connection.Open();Line 64: retrievePODetails.ExecuteNonQuery();[InvalidOperationException: String[1]: the Size property has an invalid size of 0.] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter.Validate(Int32 index) +717091... ... Can anyone see anything I'm missing? Thanks,Ally
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Nov 14, 2007
Using C#, SQL Server 2005, ASP.NET 2, in a web app, I've tried removing the size from parameters of type NCHAR, NVARCHAR, and VARCHAR. I'd rather just send a string and let the size of the parameter in the SP truncate any extra chars if need be. I began getting the error below, and eventually realized it happened only with output parameters, as in the code snippet below.String[3]: the Size property has an invalid size of 0. par = new SqlParameter("@BusinessEntity", SqlDbType.NVarChar); par.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.Parameters.Add(par); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();What's the logic behind this? Is there any way around it other than either finding out what the size should be, or assigning a size larger than would ever be needed? ThanksMike Thomas
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Jul 25, 2007
I have one db test with one .mdf and .ldf file...mdf file size is 100mb and for some reson i removed all the tablesfrom that .mdf file and transfer it into new secondary file so all thetables moved into secondary file now i want to reduce the first .mdffile from 100 mb to 50mb is that possible,it's showing 90mb is free.Please reply
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Jan 24, 2006
I want to know encrypted data's size for designing database field size.
For example, cardnumber varchar(20) Encrypted by Triple_DES and PassPhrase, How match size does need to encrypted data store field.
I think the size does not depend to PassPhrase char length.
Yoshihiro Kawabata
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