New Features Added In MSRS 2005?

Apr 30, 2007


Please can any one suggest me that, wht are the new features added in MSRS 2005?

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Custom Bootstrap Installer For SQL Express SP 2 With Replication Features Added

Mar 26, 2008

I'm trying to create a custom bootstrapper for SQL Express SP 2 Which enables the replication features of SQL Express. I read an article telling me that I could use the same command line arguments in the bootstrapper as does SQL Server 2008 unattended installation

How to install SQL Server 2008 from the command prompt :

Arron Stebners WebLog suggests using the following:

SQLEXPR32.EXE -q /norebootchk /qn reboot=ReallySuppress addlocal=all instancename=SQLEXPRESS SCCCHECKLEVEL=IncompatibleComponents:1;MDAC25Version:0 ERRORREPORTING=2 SQLAUTOSTART=1

What I€™m trying to do is something like this with my parameters:

-q /norebootchk /qn reboot=ReallySuppress addlocal=all SECURITYMODE=SQL SCCCHECKLEVEL=IncompatibleComponents:1;MDAC25Version:0 FEATURES=SQL SQLSVCACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM" SQLSVCPASSWORD="<password>" SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="sa" AGTSVCACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITYNetwork Service" INSTANCEDIR="C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server" SQLBACKUPDIR="C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerBackup" INSTALLSQLDATADIR="C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Servermssql.1mssqldata" /instancename=SQLEXPRESS /SQLSVCStartuptype=2 SQLAUTOSTART=1 ERRORREPORTING=2 ADDUSERASADMIN=0

This fails with an error code 110:

Here is the full install log:

The following properties have been set:
Property: [AdminUser] = true {boolean}
Property: [ProcessorArchitecture] = Intel {string}
Property: [VersionNT] = 5.1.2 {version}
Running checks for package 'Windows Installer 3.1', phase BuildList
The following properties have been set for package 'Windows Installer 3.1':
Running checks for command 'WindowsInstaller3_1WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe'
Result of running operator 'VersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo' on property 'VersionMsi' and value '3.1': true
Result of checks for command 'WindowsInstaller3_1WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe' is 'Bypass'
'Windows Installer 3.1' RunCheck result: No Install Needed
Running checks for package '.NET Framework 3.5', phase BuildList
Reading value 'Install' of registry key 'HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftNET Framework SetupNDPv3.51033'
Read integer value 1
Setting value '1 {int}' for property 'DotNet35InstallSuccess'
The following properties have been set for package '.NET Framework 3.5':
Property: [DotNet35InstallSuccess] = 1 {int}
Running checks for command 'DotNetFX35dotNetFx35setup.exe'
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'DotNet35InstallSuccess' and value '1': true
Result of checks for command 'DotNetFX35dotNetFx35setup.exe' is 'Bypass'
'.NET Framework 3.5' RunCheck result: No Install Needed
Running checks for package 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP2 (x86) Build for Project Endeavor', phase BuildList
Running external check with command 'C:DOCUME~1CarrollDLOCALS~1TempVSD381.tmpSQLEXPRESS_PROJECT_ENDEAVORSqlExpressChk.exe' and parameters ''
Process exited with code 1
Setting value '1 {int}' for property 'SQLExpressInstalled'
The following properties have been set for package 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP2 (x86) Build for Project Endeavor':
Property: [SQLExpressInstalled] = 1 {int}
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'SQLExpressInstalled' and value '0': false
Result of running operator 'VersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.1': true
Result of checks for command 'SQLEXPRESS_PROJECT_ENDEAVORSQLEXPR.EXE' is 'Bypass'
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'SQLExpressInstalled' and value '0': false
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.1': false
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'AdminUser' and value 'false': false
Result of running operator 'ValueExists' on property 'Version9x': false
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.1.2': false
Result of running operator 'ValueNotEqualTo' on property 'ProcessorArchitecture' and value 'Intel': false
Result of checks for command 'SQLEXPRESS_PROJECT_ENDEAVORSQLEXPR.EXE' is 'Install'
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'SQLExpressInstalled' and value '0': false
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.2': true
Result of checks for command 'SQLEXPRESS_PROJECT_ENDEAVORSQLEXPR.EXE' is 'Bypass'
'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP2 (x86) Build for Project Endeavor' RunCheck result: Install Needed
EULA for components 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP2 (x86) Build for Project Endeavor' was accepted.
Copying files to temporary directory "C:DOCUME~1CarrollDLOCALS~1TempVSD381.tmp"
WinVerifyTrust returned 0
File trusted
Running checks for package 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP2 (x86) Build for Project Endeavor', phase BeforePackage
Running external check with command 'C:DOCUME~1CarrollDLOCALS~1TempVSD381.tmpSQLEXPRESS_PROJECT_ENDEAVORSqlExpressChk.exe' and parameters ''
Process exited with code 1
Setting value '1 {int}' for property 'SQLExpressInstalled'
The following properties have been set for package 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP2 (x86) Build for Project Endeavor':
Property: [SQLExpressInstalled] = 1 {int}
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'SQLExpressInstalled' and value '0': false
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.1': false
Result of running operator 'ValueEqualTo' on property 'AdminUser' and value 'false': false
Result of running operator 'ValueExists' on property 'Version9x': false
Result of running operator 'VersionLessThan' on property 'VersionNT' and value '5.1.2': false
Result of running operator 'ValueNotEqualTo' on property 'ProcessorArchitecture' and value 'Intel': false
Result of checks for command 'SQLEXPRESS_PROJECT_ENDEAVORSQLEXPR.EXE' is 'Install'
'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP2 (x86) Build for Project Endeavor' RunCheck result: Install Needed
WinVerifyTrust returned 0
File trusted
Installing using command 'C:DOCUME~1CarrollDLOCALS~1TempVSD381.tmpSQLEXPRESS_PROJECT_ENDEAVORSQLEXPR.EXE' and parameters '-q /norebootchk /qn reboot=ReallySuppress addlocal=all SECURITYMODE=SQL SCCCHECKLEVEL=IncompatibleComponents:1;MDAC25Version:0 FEATURES=SQL SQLSVCACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM" SQLSVCPASSWORD="Bade#doo" SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="sa" AGTSVCACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITYNetwork Service" INSTANCEDIR="C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server" SQLBACKUPDIR="C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerBackup" INSTALLSQLDATADIR="C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Servermssql.1mssqldata" /instancename=SQLEXPRESS /SQLSVCStartuptype=2 SQLAUTOSTART=1 ERRORREPORTING=2 ADDUSERASADMIN=0'
Process exited with code 110
Status of package 'SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP2 (x86) Build for Project Endeavor' after install is 'InstallFailed'

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Dynamically Connecting To Different Database In MSRS 2005

Oct 1, 2007


I need to create a MSRS 2005 report which needs to connect to differnt databases at runtime.

1. Can we create a report that connects to different databases at runtime and generate a report.
2. Is there any other way to implement the same using .NET 2.0.

Thanks in advance.


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I Have A Question On The Security Model For MSRS 2005

Sep 21, 2007

I have a question on the security model for MSRS 2005. I have been working with the permissions for the reporting server folders and reports at my company. Now it seems to me that I can let a user have access to a folder but they will not be able to see any reports that they do not have permissions to see. This would seem different from the Windows Security model where I can see an executable but not actually execute it. (ie. In MSRS the user would be able to see the report but not execute it)

Am I correct in this assumption or is there a way to allow the user to see the report but not execute it using the MSRS permissions.

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Problem Deploying A Custom Renderer On MSRS 2005.

Mar 4, 2007


I have been struggling to deploy a custom rendering extension onto
Reporting services 2005. I have followed all the steps given in the
MSDN article

Especially -

1. Copied the dll generated to the reporting service bin folder.

2. Made the entry in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.
3Reporting ServicesReportServer
sreportserver.config file as
<Extension Name="CUSTOM_RENDERER"

3. Made an entry in C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.
3Reporting ServicesReportServer
ssrvpolicy.config file as

<CodeGroup class="UnionCodeGroup" version="1"
PermissionSetName="FullTrust" Name="Custom Render Extension"
Description="This code group grants data extensions full trust.">
<IMembershipCondition class="UrlMembershipCondition" version="1"
Url="C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting Services

I am able to see the extension being listed in the Report manager list
of available rendering options,
But I get the following error from the report server when I try
exporting to the custom rendering extension

An attempt has been made to use a rendering extension that is not
registered for this report server.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of
the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more
information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Exception: An attempt has been made to use a
rendering extension that is not registered for this report server.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the
current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of
the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace

Stack Trace:

[Exception: An attempt has been made to use a rendering extension that
is not registered for this report server.]
isAbortable, String url, Stream outputStream, String& mimeType,
String& fileNameExtension) +489
isAbortable, String format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection
urlAccessParameters, Stream reportStream, String& mimeType, String&
fileNameExtension) +958

format, String deviceInfo, NameValueCollection additionalParams,
String& mimeType, String& fileExtension) +84

urlQuery, HttpResponse response) +143
context) +75

System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step,
Boolean& completedSynchronously) +64

Looking at the logs of the report server at Max trace level, gives me
the following dump

w3wp!processing!b!03/01/2007-22:35:22:: e ERROR: Throwing
An attempt has been made to use a rendering extension that is not
registered for this report server., ;
An attempt has been made to use a rendering extension that is not
registered for this report server.
w3wp!chunks!b!03/01/2007-22:35:22:: v VERBOSE: ###
ID=3f94a6f1-8ff7-448c-8cf3-494ab8fe4837, Length=0, CompressedLength=0,
TimeCompressing=0, TimeUncompressing=0, Ratio=0, Buffering=0,
w3wp!library!b!03/01/2007-22:35:22:: v VERBOSE: Transaction rollback.
w3wp!webserver!b!03/01/2007-22:35:22:: e ERROR: Reporting Services
error Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.RSException:
An attempt has been made to use a rendering extension that is not
registered for this report server. --->
An attempt has been made to use a rendering extension that is not
registered for this report server.
format, IReportServerInformation serverInfo)
createChunkCallback, RenderingContext rc, GetResource
reportContext, ClientRequest session, RenderingResult& result)
reportContext, ClientRequest session, Warning[]& warnings,
ParameterInfoCollection& effectiveParameters)
reportContext, ClientRequest session, Warning[]& warnings,
ParameterInfoCollection& effecectiveParameters, String[]&
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
rs, CatalogItemContext reportContext, ClientRequest session, JobType
type, Warning[]& warnings, ParameterInfoCollection&
effectiveParameters, String[]& secondaryStreamNames)
w3wp!dbcleanup!9!3/1/2007-22:35:41:: v VERBOSE: Starting database
w3wp!library!9!3/1/2007-22:35:41:: v VERBOSE: Call to CleanBatch()
w3wp!dbcleanup!9!3/1/2007-22:35:41:: v VERBOSE: Cleaning expired
sessions from DB
w3wp!library!9!3/1/2007-22:35:41:: v VERBOSE: Transaction begin.
w3wp!library!9!3/1/2007-22:35:41:: v VERBOSE: Transaction commit.
w3wp!dbcleanup!9!3/1/2007-22:35:41:: v VERBOSE: Cleaning expired cache
from DB
w3wp!library!9!3/1/2007-22:35:41:: v VERBOSE: Transaction begin.
w3wp!library!9!3/1/2007-22:35:41:: v VERBOSE: Transaction commit.
w3wp!dbcleanup!9!3/1/2007-22:35:41:: v VERBOSE: Cleaning orphaned
snapshots from DB
w3wp!library!9!3/1/2007-22:35:41:: v VERBOSE: Transaction begin.
w3wp!library!9!3/1/2007-22:35:41:: v VERBOSE: Transaction commit.
w3wp!library!9!3/1/2007-22:35:41:: i INFO: Cleaned 0 batch records, 0
policies, 0 sessions, 0 cache entries, 0 snapshots, 0 chunks, 0
running jobs, 0 persisted streams
w3wp!dbcleanup!9!3/1/2007-22:35:41:: v VERBOSE: Database cleanup

Any inputs will be of great help to me. Thanks

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SQL Server Express 2005 Features

Sep 2, 2006

Hi All, Just curious about the features that are not available in the Express version.  Can you import data from other sources?  Can you perform DTS packages?

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URGENT! -SQL Server 2005 Express Advanced Features

Nov 19, 2007


I wish to know that whether SQL Server 2005 Express Edition ables to integrate with DTS and analysis Manager?
Thank you very much.


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SQL Server 2005 EXPRESS Advanced Features - URGENT

Nov 20, 2007

Can anyone tell me is it possible for SQL Server 2005 Express Edition to open DTS and Analysis Manager?

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MsiInstaller Errors: SQL 2005 Express With Advanced Features

May 22, 2006

My machine environment is as follows:

- Windows Server 2003 Standard with SP1
- IIS 6.0 with some "classic ASP" applications running under it (not ASP.NET)
- SQL Server 2000 Client (Enterprise Manager, Query Analyzer etc)
- .NET Framework Runtime 1.1 & 2.0
- Visual Studio.NET 2003 & 2005

I've never installed (or even trusted) any beta/CTP version of either Visual Studio or SQL 2005 (or any other MS trial products for that matter) on my machine.

Initially I installed SQL 2005 Express, and then the RTM version of SQL Management Studio Express.

Later i found this "SQL 2005 Express with Advanced Features" download, and figured that this must be a roll-up of all those features (and then some), so i removed all the old SQL 2005 components and installed this SQLEXPR_ADV.EXE.

I did this twice: the first time with Reporting Services; then removed the whole thing due to errors to be described below; the second time without RS.

The installation process itself is relatively painless, but after it's completed, whenever I open an ASP page from the local IIS server, dozens of warning messages like this would show up in the eventlog:

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: MsiInstaller
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1015
Date:  2006-05-22
Time:  2:01:24 PM
Failed to connect to server. Error: 0x80070005

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: MsiInstaller
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1001
Date:  2006-05-22
Time:  2:01:24 PM
Detection of product '{A4512736-8D63-4298-9271-5329931FA46B}', feature 'SQL_SSMSEE' failed during request for component '{6EC5DFBD-F6B5-4F02-8432-BFB8B03562B8}'

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: MsiInstaller
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1004
Date:  2006-05-22
Time:  2:01:24 PM
Detection of product '{A4512736-8D63-4298-9271-5329931FA46B}', feature 'SQL_SSMSEE', component '{180F515D-F56C-40DD-9D71-CC532EA8E286}' failed.  The resource '' does not exist.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

I can use the Management Studio Express to create a database and tables, but having tons of errors flooding my eventlog is still a serious problem.

Any ideas on how to resolve this?

By the way, I think the total experience with SQL 2005 installation is far worse than SQL 2000, which is a very mature product. It seems that SQL 2005 was rushed out of the door to meet some deadlines so quality was seriously comprised as a result. Sending out a service pack less than 6 months after the RTM release is a testament to this conclusion, right?

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Features Not Supported In Compatibility Level 80 Of SQL Server 2005

Oct 23, 2007

Hello All,
I am in the process of upgrading my current database in SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005. I have finished my analysis using the upgrade advisor and have found a lot of SPs having upgrade related issues. From what I estimate I think it will take around 3-4 weeks to resolve all of those issues. I wanted a quicker way to upgrade my database since we have very little time for the final release. The main reason for upgrade to 2005 was use of new features like Database Mirroring and/or peer to peer replication alongwith the Partitioning features and the new T-SQL enhancements.

The question I wanted to ask was does the compatibility level 80 of SQL Server 2005 supports these new features.
From what I have read on the KB article at is that mirroring is supported in any compatibility level, but there is no specific mention on the peer to peer thing.
Also when I personally tried using the New Partitioning Features of 2005 on the database having compatibility 80, it worked fine. Also other features like SQLCLR and TRY...CATCH works fine.
One thing I observed was that new T-SQL statements like PIVOT/UNPIVOT is not supported

It will be nice if someone can give out the entire list of features that will be supported in the compatibility Level 80 and also the list of the ones that are not supported.

Thanks in Advance,

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BOL Documentation On Sql 2000 Upgrade To Sql 2005 T-sql Changed Features

Feb 1, 2008

Some time ago I saw a section in sql 2005 BOL describing the t-sql features that have changed from sql 2000 to sql 2005. For example, some NULL handling and that "*=" is no longer supported. Can anyone find that refernece for me?



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Command Line Installation Of SQL Server 2005 Express With Advanced Features

Oct 19, 2006


I'm trying to install SQL Express 2005 with Reporting Services using Install Shield 11.5. The command line parameters which i am using is:


It installs the SQL Server and Reporting Services. It configures (creates Virtual Directories for report server and database) but it is not initializing the Report Server.

Having done the installation when i check the Report Server Status it was running and everything seems to be OK except it wasn't initialized.

Any idea??



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What Advanced Features Can Be Built With Code In SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services?

Apr 16, 2007

Hi, all experts here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

As we know the limited features on SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services, but we can build advanced features for it with coding on it. Would please any experts shed me any light on it in a summary like what advanced features could be added with coding on SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services?

Thanks a lot in advance for your kind help and advices. And I am looking forward to hearing from you.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Dashboard On MSRS

Aug 7, 2007

Hi Everybody,
I am new to MSRS, just want to ask, can we create a dashboard on MSRS. Which will have tabs on top for different analysis.

Thanks in advance,
Siddharth Rai.

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MSRS + Fit To Page

Aug 9, 2005


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MSRS Report Migration To SSRS

Oct 31, 2006

I am trying to migrate Reports from MSRS 2000 to (Existing)SSRS 2005. I already have reports in 2005 for diferrent application. I need to add reports which were there in 2000. I don't get any issue if I just download the Report from 2000 and upload them to 2005. The issue I get is that by doing so I loose all the history and subscription which was available with my MSRS 2000 Reports . I cant move the MSRS ReportServer 2000 database as I already have a existing SSRS Report Server Database.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.



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Features Of Sql

Jan 10, 2008


how i know the extra features added in the sql2005 than sql 2000

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SQL 2000 Features

Mar 8, 2000

Does SQL 2000 support nested tables? Also, how many columns does it support?

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Discontinued Features ???

Sep 14, 1998

Are there any features in 6.5 that have been discontinued in 7.0? I read in Technet that "future versions of SQL Server might not support some statements where the same functionality can be achieved using other means." Technet gave the following examples:

- Device Mirroring
- Outer Join Syntax
- Handling of NULLs

I`m curious how our applications will be effected. Will we be making a lot of code changes when we migrate to 7.0?

Thanks, Dave Holtz
First Penn-Pacific

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New Features And Comparison.

Aug 13, 2004

Folks, i want some links where i could find healthy stuff regarding New Features and Compliance levels, performance comparisons, TPC tests etc about SQL 2000 and Yukon specially.
I've to submit a document regarding Top database features that shall be used for a Medical-Billing Software in plan.


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Does SSIS Have These Features????

Feb 20, 2006

1> Support for rules based and change-data-capture extracts

2> Push and Pull methods supported

3> Convert between ASCII and EBCDIC

4> Ability to extract from packages like SAP and Peoplesoft natively

5> Extract from multiple sources simultaneously

6> Support for native database features like database bulk loaders

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SQL Server Security Features

Jul 2, 2003


Can any one give me the details of the Security level or measure which are supported my MS Sql Server.
How much it is security while we are accessing any database over the internet and what are the Security measure we have to take and level did Software provides.


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Advanced Features For DTSs?

Apr 17, 2006


Since I am new to DTSs therefore currently I am making my DTSs in a manner where there probably is a room for improvement e.g. When I have to Import data from one server to another I use the Import feature and then I go through all the steps of the wizard (at the end of which I get the option to save my DTS)....

In the DTS "design window" there are many options under the TASK menu option and is there a url from where I can learn how to use these options (under TASK i.e. File Transfer Protocaol task, ActiveX Script Task, Transform Data Task, etc. etc.).

Maybe if I know how to use these options, I might be able to write my DTS in better and flexible manner...

Hope my posts is making some sense????


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Advanced Features For DTSs?

Apr 17, 2006


Since I am new to DTSs therefore currently I am making my DTSs in a manner where there probably is a room for improvement e.g. When I have to Import data from one server to another I use the Import feature and then I go through all the steps of the wizard (at the end of which I get the option to save my DTS)....

In the DTS "design window" there are many options under the TASK menu option and is there a url from where I can learn how to use these options (under TASK i.e. File Transfer Protocaol task, ActiveX Script Task, Transform Data Task, etc. etc.).

Maybe if I know how to use these options, I might be able to write my DTS in better and flexible manner...

Hope my posts is making some sense????


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Sql Server 2000 New Features ?

Jan 28, 2004

Please help ,

What are the major differences between SQL SERver 7 and 2000 ?
Looking for a job and found a position where the client prefers the database developer specifically expericenced in SQL 2000.
What is really so hot and important to know?

THanks a lot .

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Transact-SQL Common Features?????

Jan 12, 2007


The white paper which compares SQL Express and SQL Compact says that they both share Common Features

Can someone please indicate if SQL Compact will support functions like

Average, STDEv etc



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Using SSIS Security Features

Apr 22, 2007

I have simple package and trying to use the security feature of ssis. I set the protection level as "EncryptSensitiveWithPassword" and also specify the password. But it doesn't prompts me for the password. Can anybody help me in that?

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How To Use Web Services And Interactive Features

Dec 26, 2006

I've been having trouble getting my RS2005 reports with interactive features (drilldowns) to work in an Iframe and rendered with SOAP.

The main problem now is that the toggle buttons (+ / -) point to the reporting services server and do a URL Access call. I've tried the <ReplacementRoot> element in the DeviceInfo parameter but it doesn't appear to do anything.

I keep on reading about how everything is possible through the web services but it looks as if these interactive features are only available using the URL Access. Is this true?


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Lack Of Enterprise Features Support.

Oct 2, 2006

Hi,I've read that SQL Server 2005 ED lacks 'enterprise feature support'. What does this mean?

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Dynamically Creating Features Grid

Mar 17, 2006

I was given what at first seemed a simple task (and maybe it is, but with everything else on my plate, I can't seem to get my head wrapped around this)...create a grid or table something similar to below:
               Plan A           Plan B                  PlanC                  PlanD
Item1         yes                yes                        no                        no
Item2         yes                 yes                      no                        no
Item3         yes                  no                     yes                        no
The "plans" are stored in one db table, the "items" in another. What I can't seem to get straight in my mind is how to relate the yess and nos and then generate a tabular layout similar to the above.
I don't need anyone to do it for me, but a push in the right direction would sure be nice (using SQL 2005) Thanks!

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Advanced Topics/features/usage Of DTS's

Mar 13, 2007


I know the basics of DTSs and have been using them for a while. Now I REALLY want to learn the advanced concepts related to DTS's e.g.

How to make use of the "Inner Package Global Variables" Tab (which is visible in the DTS Designer "window")

How to make use of the "Outer Package Global Variables" Tab (which is visible in the DTS Designer "window")

How to make use of the "Outer Package Global Variables" Tab (which is visible in the menu bar option #4 Designer "window")


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Advanced Topics/features/usage Of DTS's

Mar 13, 2007


I know the basics of DTSs and have been using them for a while. Now I REALLY want to learn the advanced concepts related to DTS's e.g.

How to make use of the "Inner Package Global Variables" Tab (which is visible in the DTS Designer "window")

How to make use of the "Outer Package Global Variables" Tab (which is visible in the DTS Designer "window")

How to make use of the "Outer Package Global Variables" Tab (which is visible in the menu bar option #4 Designer "window")

Many advance thanks for your help.

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SQL 2012 :: Add Features With Existing Installation?

Oct 29, 2014

We use SQL Server 2012 sp1.We want to install a feature that we did not install the first time.

So we run the "SQL Server Installation Center" from our server.At the step "Setup Support Rules", we received this error:

Rule "consistency validation for sql server registry keys" failed.

The SQL Server registry keys from a prior installation cannot be modified.

To continue, see SQL Server Setup documentation about how to fix registry keys.

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