New Sql 2000 Install - Then Restore Sql 7.0 Db's

Jul 1, 2002

Junior Member

Posts: 2
Joined: Jun 2002
Monday July 01, 2002 11:00 AM (NEW!)

I am installing SQL 2000 on a brand new server. Once installed I will need to restore my db's from our current SQL 7.0 server. I know I can restore the user db's. I've read that you can not restore the MSDB and master db's. So What steps would I take to make sure I get all the info in these db's? I found an article on how to transfer logins and passwords, so that should get me my logins. I'm guessing I'll have to script up my packages /jobs somehow. How do I go about doing this? And what else am I missing that I will need to do in order for my master/msdb to contain everything that it contained on the SQl 7.0 server?

Also should I make the server name the same as the server name on the current box or do I have to make it another name? I'm talking about under the SQL server group.

Also I would like to keep the 7.0 version up for a bit and just make sure the 2000 side is working the way I want to . Our db are datawarehouse db that we use with another software package. So I will need to make changes there before I can totally turn it over to use the SQL 2000 db's One I've done this then I'll be ready for the switch. I will then restore the SQL 7.0 db again on the sql 2000 server and should be ready to go at that time.

What else am I missing. Any tips/precautions?

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Sql Server 2000 Developer Edition W/MSDE 2000 Release A Install

May 21, 2005

Can you install Sql Server 2000 Developer Edition with MSDE 2000 release A already installed?

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Sql 2005 Sql 2000 DB Diagrams, Re-install Sql 2000, Need Help.....

Jan 19, 2007

Most of our sql servers ar still sql 2000. Our programmers created many sql 2000 database diagrams using EM. But they can not access them under sql 2005. (They now have only sql 2005 tools installed on their boxes.)

Question: can we reinstall the sql 2000 client tools on their boxes without affecting the current sql 2005 install on their boxes?

Question: is there any workaround negating the need to ihstall the sql 2000 client?



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New Install Of Sql Server Express Fails To Restore Master Database

Sep 20, 2006


I have a fresh install of sqlExpress and Management Studio Express on my test server. I want to restore my master database from backup.

From the command prompt I set the Sqlservr -s SQLEXPRESS -m

Then I opened another comand prompt and ran my SQLCMD script to restore the Master Database.

here is the sql script:

I recieve the following error.

Msg 3154, Level 16, State 4, Server COPLEYNEWSSQLEXPRESS, Line 1
The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing 'Master' dat
Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Server COPLEYNEWSSQLEXPRESS, Line 1

How do I restore a Master Database on SQL Express?

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Install Sql 2005 Instance With Reporting Service 2005 On Sql 2000 With RS 2000 Server

Aug 18, 2006


We would like to install Sql 2005 Enterprise Edition (including database engine, reporting service, integration service and analysis service) as a sepearte instance on a server which already has Sql 2000 with reporting services and analysis services. We do not want to disturb the existing sql 2000 setup.

If we do that then what will happen to my earlier sql 2000 reporting service? Will it be upgraded to sql 2005 reporting service? I heard that reporting services are instance unaware application. Where will be the default reporting service database available?

Please help us.


Sankar N

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Restore From SQL 2000 To SQL 7.0

Feb 16, 2001

I am trying to restore a database that was backed up in SQL 2000 to our server which is running SQL 7.0 and I'm getting an error message. Is there a compatibility issue and if it is how can I resolve it?

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Restore From V7 To 2000 ?

Jul 1, 2004

I have encountered a slight problem restoring a SQL Server 7 database to Server 2000.
In some of the tables, all records are duplicated.
When I try to delete them naturally I get an error "Too many rows were affected by update". What are my options here?

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Restore Database From Sql 2000 To Sql 7.0

Oct 11, 2000

Hi everyone,

Can you let me know, how to restore a database backup of sql 2000 into sql 7.0. If it is explain me the process of it.


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SQL 6.5 Dump - Restore - Into SQL 2000

Mar 8, 2002

Hi all,

Can someone tell me if I could get db dumps from sql server 6.5 and restored them into SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition Server.

If yes, could you please tell me the trick to achive this.


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SQL 2000 Restore Problem

Feb 10, 2004


I am trying to restore a week-old backup from a file of one database to a different (new) database for development. This is something that I do on a regular basis and have never had issues before. Now it is failing using both QE and Enterprise Mangler and am getting this error message:

Server: Msg 3135, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
The backup set in file 'D:BACKUPS......bak' was created by BACKUP DATABASE...FILE=<name> and cannot be used for this restore operation.
Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

I have tried this....
FROM DISK = 'D:BACKUPS..mybackupfile.bak'

And this....
FROM DISK = 'D:BACKUPS..mybackupfile.bak'
RESTORE DATABASE temp_bio_remote
FROM DISK = 'D:BACKUPS..mybackupfile.bak'
WITH MOVE 'Original_DB' TO 'D: emp_new_db.mdf',
MOVE 'Original_DB_log' TO 'D: emp_new_db..ldf'

What am I doing wrong? Any ideas?

Thanks in advance...


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Restore From 2005 To 2000

May 28, 2007

Dear experts, I've a backup in sql server 2005. how can i restore that in 2000? and is it possible to do the same from 2000 to 2005?

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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SQL Server 2000 Cannot Restore

Jul 23, 2005

Hello All,I am not a SQL Server expert, but I have been put in a prettyprecarious situtation and I am close to panicking :( I have need torestore a SQL database from backup (through Enterprise Manager). Thedatabase got corrupt and I detached it, then was unable to attach itagain. I created a new database with the same name and file names torestore to. When I go to All Tasks, restore, and restore from apreviously run full backup, it says "SQL Server is currently in theprocess of restoring the backup set," but the progress bar does notbudge. I look in the data folder and see the full sized transactionlogs (35GB I know, need to be shrunk). The .mdf file remains at 1024Kthough. Do I need to just wait longer? Normally when restoring from aSQL Server .BAK file, the progress is shown to me as it goes along. Ido not know what to do here. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Iapologize for sounding like a newbie, but with SQL Server, I amdefinitely in that category.Thanks,-D

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Restore Sql 2000 Bak To 2005

Nov 22, 2006

Hi,I have an old 2000 bak file for a db that I would now like restoredonto sql server 2005. I keep erroring out though, this is what I'mdoing:Went to Restore Database in sql 2005, selected the db I want itrestored to, and File (say c: empxyz.bak)Checked the restore checkbox, went to options checked Overwrite theexisting database.Do I need to do anything else, maybe in the Restore the database filesas section? As those path are listed as:C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdataxyz.mdfC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdataxyz_log.ldfIf I just run it without updating those mdf and ldf paths, I keepgetting an error:Exclusive Access could not be obtained because the database is in use.Thanks.

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How To Restore SQL 2005 DB To SQL 2000

Jan 2, 2006


I'm tring to restor a DB from sql 2005 (which is located on my local computer) into sql 2000 (which is located  on the server) and I am getting this type of message:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


Too many backup devices specified for backup or restore; only 64 are allowed.
RESTORE HEADERONLY is terminating abnormally. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 3205)

For help, click:



Why? and how to restore SQL 2005 DB to SQL 2000?


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Sql Server 2000 Restore

Aug 15, 2007

Dear all,

I have a backup for SQL server database.
It use differential backup.

I use following steps to restore the database to one of date's backup,because I want to monitor this date's data.

(1) restore a set of the complete backup first.
and select " Leave database nonoperational but about to restore additional transaction logs"
(2) restore one of date's backup, the backup number is 70.

if I restore the backup number by sequence after a set of complete backup is restore, it is ok
But I can not restore them by sequence,because there are many diffenential backup.

The error message is :

Cannot apply the backup on device 'c: empCk2006backup' to database 'CK2006'.
Restore database is terminating abnornally.

I have tried to use following choice :

Force restore over existing database
Leave database operational. NO additional tracsaction logs can be restored.
Leave database nonoperational but able to restore additional transaction logs.
Leave database read-only and able to restore addtional transaciton logs.

But it also failed to restore.

How should I do?

Thanks you

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Restore Back To SQL 2000

Oct 1, 2007

Is it possible to uninstall SQL 2005 and reinstall SQL 2000 if I need to? I would obviously have a backup copy of the database(s) from the SQL 2000 version. If so, is this a major ordeal to perform?

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Can We Install SQL Server 2000 EE On ...

Feb 2, 2004

Hi Folks,

Can We install SQL Server 2000 Enetrprise Edition on Windows 2000 Professional , i tried but gives me an error.

Is there any turnaround or any SP needed. Pls let me know how can we install SQL server 2000 Enetrprise Edition on Win 2000 professional.

Thanks in Advance

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Re-install SQL Server 2000 SP3

Nov 23, 2005

I 've re-install SQL Server 2000 SP3 just to change password
And while installation I got an error that the instillation fails the message as the following:" setup Failed to configure the server, refer to the server error logs and setup error logs for more information. "
Any idea,

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Sql Server 2000 Install

Feb 21, 2001


I'm geting the following error when trying to install SQL 2000 on a new server:

warning the server and client code pages do not match - some ansi cahracter mappings may not not be possible

any ideas??

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SQL 2000 Install Failure

Mar 6, 2002

I am attempting to install SQL 2000 onto a new Win2K Advanced server and it fails. Event log shows event id:4097 with an exception error @ c0000005. Install progress achieves 99% and just hangs at that point. I cannot find anything relating to this issue, any ideas?

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SQL Server 2000 Install

Oct 5, 2004

Hi, I have to install SQL Server 2000 on NT (don't know the version yet)...and I am fairly new to this. Please point to some online documentation for the install or if anybody has created their own documentation which they would like to share that would be great.



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SQL 2000 Install Trouble

Jun 4, 2008

I am trying to install sql 2000 evaluation version from the microsoft website and am having a "fun" time! I cant seem to get the exe to extract...when it nears finishing it prompts me that I need to clear 478 MBs on C: but there is AMPLE room on the drive. Am I missing something, or has anyone ran into something similar before. Thanks for any help!


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After Sql 2005 Install, Sql 2000 Still There

Mar 30, 2007

Hi.I just downloaded and installed Sql 2005 from the MS site.I see that my instance of Sql 2000 is still on the same computer.I assumed that Sql 2005 would upgrade but it didnt. Should Isimply delete my instance of 2000 or will this cause complications?Sorry - newbie question.

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SQL 2000 Install Anomaly

Jul 20, 2005

Hi allIn a new installation, if the data directory is stipulated as d:data, itinstalls alldata in d:dataMSSQLdata.I need to place the data in d:mssql7data to incorporate backsup from olddata backuspAny ideas ?CheersRay

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Install SQL 2000 On Win XP Home

Jul 20, 2005

Hello there!I am trying to install MS SQL 2000 Server on Windows XP Home edition.I found in Microsoft that the above installation is possible.But when i run the installation, i am getting a black screen that iscloses after a second. Nothing else happens.Any ideas how to troubleshoot this?Thank you

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Can't Install 2000 Developer

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to install a default instance of Developer edition on alaptop. I'm getting the following promblems shown in sqltp log. Thelaptop has previously had the SQL Developer installed but has sincehad OS installed.I've tested named pipes to another server (net view, net use) and itseems to be working.any ideas ?Starting Service ...Latin1_General_CI_AS-m -Q -T4022 -T3659Connecting to Server ...driver={sql server};server=J6Y741J;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]Connection broken.[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]ConnectionRead(GetOverLappedResult()).driver={sql server};server=J6Y741J;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]Connection broken.[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]ConnectionRead(GetOverLappedResult()).driver={sql server};server=J6Y741J;UID=sa;PWD=;database=master [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]Connection broken.[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]ConnectionRead(GetOverLappedResult()).SQL Server configuration failed.

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Cannot De-install SQL 2000 Properly

Sep 5, 2007

Long story, Ihad SQL 2000 happily installed and running for a long time. Attempted to load SQL 2005 alongside, but in retrospect see that I used the same install directory as SQL 2000. Found that the SQL 2000 databases still ran, in that I was able to run applications that rely on them. Enterprise manager ans Query Analyzer are still in the start/program list, but when I try to open them they say that the DSN isn't there, and the odbc driver is missing. Also if I try to configure the system SQL DSN in ODBC datasources I get the same message. I guess the SQL 2005 install has scrambled the ODBC setup.Tried deinstalling SQL 2005, but the problem persists. Tried reloading mdac-typ, same problem. Tried reinstalling SQL2000, same problem. Tried fully deinstalling SQL2000 from Add/remove program, said it completed, but the shortcuts are still there, the applications that use the db's still work, only it no longer appears in Add/Remove programs.
Is there a command line string to manually remove it, or where do I go to repair my mdac, or is this what I actually want to do?

Thanks in advance

Hugh Esler

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Install SQL 2000 And SQL 2005

Nov 6, 2007

I installed SQL 2005 developer edition in vista business OS with SP2. it is working fine now i want to install SQL 2000 standard edition. when i am putting SQL 2000 CD into my system it is not run even setup.exe not working.

Thank You.

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Install .NET 2.0 And J# 2.0 On SQL 2000 Machine

Dec 7, 2007

Hi all

I have a machine running SQL2000. And I have to share the machine to run another application that runs .NET2.0 and J#2.0.

Will it have any impact on the existing SQL 2000 server? Any experience could share?


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MSSQL 2000 Does Not Install

Jul 28, 2007

Dear Community,

I have recently downloaded the MSSQL 2000 Evaluation package from microsoft website,but i can't get it to install.I run the autorun normally,but when i select the option install database server nothing happens.I am trying to install it on Windows XP Service Pack 2 Edition 5.1....As this would help,in 3-4 hours of computer inactivity,i see the setup loader but nothing happens,it says not responding.

Thanks in advance,

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Already Have Sql 2005 Sp1 Want To Install Sql 2000 On Same Box

Aug 3, 2006

Most of the posts here for co-existence of sql 2005 and sql 2000 are for upgrades to 2005 or installing sql 2005 on a box already having sql 2000. This is a bit different..

I have an application installed on sql 2005 sp1, on a default instance, no other instances installed. Because of issues the application is having with sql 2005, the vendor is recommending install of sql 2000 on the same box ('should not have any problems' they say), then script out the user databases in SQL 2005 and back in to the sql 2000 instance.

Has anyone tried this (installing sql 2000 after install of sql 2005) or can point me to an article about it? I've googled around and searched the knowledgebase to no avail.


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Install 2000 After 2005 ?

Mar 1, 2007

My dev. machine already has SQL Server 2005 (sp2) installed.

Can I install SQL Server 2000 on this machine as well (as a named instance) ? Or does 2000 need to be installed before 2005 ?


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Sql 2000 Install From Sql 2005

Oct 5, 2006

Have app that will only run on Sql 2000, am currently using MSDE, we have outgrown and need to upgrade to 2000. I purchased SQL 2005 open license, I was told that 2000 wasn't availabe and that I could intall SQL 2000 from the 2005 cd's I received. How do I do this? They sent me all the 2005 cd's and SP4 for SQl 2000. I installed 2005 but did not see any way to roll back to 2000.

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