Newline Character In Query

Feb 28, 2002

Can I use a newline character in my query? I want to dynamically generate a statement, split on several lines. Simple example:

declare @cmd varchar(100)
select @cmd = 'select user_name(), getdate()'
select @cmd

The output will be: select user_name(), getdate()

Can I use something like this:
declare @cmd varchar(100)
select @cmd = 'select user_name(),
select @cmd

so as to get an output like this:
select user_name(),


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Newline Character In Sqlserver

Jun 1, 2004

what is the newline character in sqlserver.
My problem is ,I have to display text (say "Hi abcd hhh") where is the newline.
But when i print this in sqlserver storedproc,Its displaying as it is instead of newlines.

please help


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Newline In C# + SQL?

Feb 26, 2008

Hi everyone!I'm be stuck by a simple issue about newline in C# and has relative with SQL. I wrote a SQL sentence like that:                        IF EXISTS(SELECT NAME FROM SYSOBJECTS WHERE NAME =  'TG1' AND TYPE = 'TR')" +                          " DROP TRIGGER TG1" +                          " GO " +                          " CREATE TRIGGER TG1 ON FILES FOR DELETE AS DELETE table1 FROM" +                          " table1 INNER JOIN DELETED ON DELETED.ID = table1.ID" +                          " GO " +                          " DELETE FROM table2 WHERE ID = 'ID00001'It's executing ok in SQL but when execute programming then " GO " have to break newline (
or System.Environment.NewLine), However seem have not mean for SQL Execute becoz will be appear
in SQL sentence.  I'm not  have experience about GO and TRIGGER so have any idea for this problem! Thanks so much. 

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Help With Newline

Jun 25, 2007

Hey guys, how do I return a string from a stored proc that displays some of its text on a newline?


"some text goes here
some more text goes here
etc etc etc"

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How To Add A Newline Sequence

Apr 9, 2007

I have a SQL 2005 stored procedure to generate an email when passed parameters such as receipient, subject etc
 One of the paramteres passed to it is @body which is the body text of the message.  I want to be able to add a couple of blank lines and then some footer information.  This is working right now except I can't find the right way to add newlines into the string within the store procedure, so my footer information just tags right on after the bodytext.
I have tried but that literally adds the two characters  and n
Can anyone advise how to generate newlien sequences in T-SQL.

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Newline In Data

May 10, 2005

I have data in a database table that has newline data in it.  It has a newline character in front of the text of the data, and for some reason, I can't figure out how I can replace it. I've tried entering in a return character between '' and I've tried trimming the text...  How do I represent a newline character to remove it from the text?

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Newline In String

Sep 21, 2006

hi all..

i have a text field which has to be shown in the result of a query execution as several lines..

eg: the result should be like this

8STK :: L/2
: M/2
: S/1

Original string is stored as "8STK :: L/2 : M/2 : S/1"

expect a positive reply soon..

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Redirect URI Cannot Contain Newline Characters

Apr 25, 2005

Hi i get the above error when moving from one page to another. the following code is used. Can u help

Response.Redirect("Applicationform2.aspx?Id="+StudentID.Text+"&nam="+Name.Text+"&surNa="+ SrName.Text +"&DOB="+Ddate+ "&addr="+address.Text+"&pCode="+postal.Text+"&Cntry="+country.Text+"&email="+email.Text+"&ph="+phone.Text);

i dont understand the problem, can u help resolve the problem

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How Can I Put A Newline Within A String Column?

Apr 20, 2006

I am using Derived Column Transformation Editor. I have 3 string values which I would like to combine them into one string and have a newline character inbetween the 3 strings. I cannot see a Char() function similar to TSQL to use for this purpose. I thought about creating a Variable but even to that I don't know how I can assign a newline character.

Any ideas?

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How To Used ' Character In Sql Query

May 2, 2008

SET @STR='INSERT INTO tbl_Level1' + '(' + @columnName + ',orgID' + ')' + 'Values' + '(' + @Level1Name + ',' + @orgID + ')'


ERROR :- Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'INSERT INTO tbl_Level1 (Level1Name_HIN,orgID ) Values (@Level1Name,' to data type int. pls help me out


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Including Newline In SQL SELECT Statement

Nov 21, 2006

I'm trying to write a SQL SELECT statement where the phone numer ("telnr") is divided on three rows. How do I write a newline? I've tried , NEWLINE, and a few others.
Thanks in advance!
Pettrer, Sweden (VB, Sql Server, VWD Express, Asp.Net 2.0)
SelectCommand="SELECT [gID], [enamn], [fnamn], telnr1 + ' ' + telnr2 + ' ' + telnr3 As telnr, [epost] FROM...
The corresponding gridview's cell's value is
08-43 244 234 08-432
23 08-424333
and should be
08-43 244 234
08-432 23

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How To Add Newline In Column Of Type Nvarchar

Nov 7, 2005

Hi, I want to add a newline in a content of sql column (using t-sql and not textbox) so when content is being rendered in a .net textbox I get separate rows, so insteadcol1 col2 col3 I woule like to havecol1col2col3Thanks

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BCP To Ignore Newline Characters Within The Data?

Mar 9, 2000

I exporting a table of comments. There are some line returns in the comments. Some of these data are paragraphs of data! For some reason, when I am exporting the data, it treats the line return within the comment column as a new record. I am using a -c character data type so (newline character) is the row terminator. How do I get the BCP OUT to ignore a newline character within a record?

For example:
-- -------
1~This is a comment
2~Hi,how are (user hit carriage)
you (you is part of next row in bcp out)
3~Next record



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Urgent Help!-how To Format After Getting Rows? For Newline

Oct 8, 2004

print 'inside while'

set @BodyContents = @BodyContents+@gotclientName+@gotproductName
set @Body= @Body + @BodyContents + ','

fetch next from resultcursor into @gotclientName,@gotproductName

print 'going outside of while'
end --while end

Client Name Product Name
aaa test1
bbb test4

how to format row like above. currently i am getting

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Ascii Character Query

Mar 18, 2008

item custclass totalcustclass
06-5841 INST-MKT/MEDIA 2
06-5841 PROGRAM 1
06-5841 STANDARD 4
06-5845 STANDARD 1

i want condition like if item is starting with number then totalcustclass whcih is count(*) remain same giving correct results...but if item startign with ascii character then totalcustclass r getting double so i have to /2..

i want results:

item custclass totalcustclass
06-5841 INST-MKT/MEDIA 2
06-5841 PROGRAM 1
06-5841 STANDARD 4
06-5845 STANDARD 1

item, custclass,

case when item is <ascii> then count(custclass)/2
else count(custclass)
as totalcustclass

from itemcustclass

can anyone tell me what condition will come in case?

thanks for help.

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Feb 5, 2015

I need to import a CSV file to a table and the CSV has an Address field that has a carriage return in it.

123 Main St.
Anywhere, CO, 99999

I'm working in Windows with SQL Server 2008. What can I do to the CSV file or from within SQL Managment Studio to get the BULK INSERT to work?

Here's my query:

From 'C:UsersBrianDownloadsImport-FilteredContact9c.csv'

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Simple Excluding Of Character Query

Feb 25, 2005

i have a field with 2 characters(many of them ) and spaced inbetween them
which are codes for something

ie XA OX YY BY CY DY XC XD OE In any or all combination

i want to make a count of rows which contains BOTH XA
BUT DOES NOT CONTAIN any one or all of XC,XD & OE

SO I write the query
select count(colname)
from tablename
where colname LIKE ('%XA%')
AND colname NOT LIKE ('%XC%')
OR colname NOT LIKE ('%XD%')
OR colname NOT LIKE ('%OE%')

iS this correct
why then it does not exclude the XC,XD,OE

is there a better way ?

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Single Unique Character Query

Oct 27, 2014

I have a huge database (20 columns and 56000 lines) and I need a query that can return each single unique character from all this database.

For example if character "a" appears at least one time in this database I need this query to show it to me.

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Get Specific Range Of Character Through Query

Mar 19, 2008

Hi !
i have a query like select top 3 column1 from table 1 order by Id desc

here the column1 is of varchar(512) data type but i want to get only first 250 chars of it and if they are less than 250 then get the whole range

plz let me know how it is possible throguh query or any other way


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Find String Before Character When Character Appears Multiple Times

May 17, 2015

I have a table that contains file paths as


and I need a query to return


I tried

SELECT DISTINCT left(Source, charindex('', Source)- 0) AS String
FROM Table

But that removes everything after the first and I need it to return all data before the last

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Replace Multiple Occurrences Of Same Character With Single Character

Aug 6, 2015

I have the following scenario, The contents of main file are like :


And I need the output in the following form:


The logic being that multiple and consecutive occurrences of the special character, here - pipe , should be replaced by a single special character.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Tab Character In Query Results

Jul 9, 2015

I am getting a tab character at the end of my query fields, been trying various things to fix, such as using the replace function below but still i get the tabs!


[Code] ....

Gießanzeiger groß ,04260376730475 04260376730475 730475 00
Gießanzeiger klein , 04260376730352 04260376730352 730468 00
Gießanzeiger klein , 04260376730468 04260376730468 730468 00

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Turkish Character I Creates Problem In My Query

Oct 9, 2006

Dear all,

i am using SQL server for turkish language and i have a problem with turkish character "i". Whenever "i" comes in any word of query it gives wrong result. It also not able to recognize the small and capital "i" of turkish.

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Select Part Of Character String Based On A Character

Apr 15, 2004

I have data in a column that starts with 1-4 characters followed by a dash then followed by an number of characters (ex: EU-Surgery).

How do I select everything to the right of the dash when the number of characters to the left of the dash varies?

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Character String Query Doesn't Fill Dataset

Mar 15, 2007

I'm working in a ASP.NET 2.0 application with a SQL Server 2000 database on the back end.  I have a strongly typed dataset in the application that calls a stored procedure for the select.  I'm having trouble filling the dataset at runtime though.
I am trying to use a character string query because I setup different columns to be pulled from a table each time and in a different order so my T-SQL looks like this:
set @FullQuery = 'Select ' + @FieldsinOrder + ' from tblExample'exec (@FullQuery)
This works fine in query analyzer.  The results return and display correctly.  However, when I run the application, the dataset does not get filled.  It is like the results do not output to the application.
If I change the query to be a normal select it works.  For example:
select * from tblEmample
That works fine.  What is it about a select query setup as a character string and then executed that ASP.NET doesn't like?

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What Collation To Have Ascii Character 160 Display In Query Results

Feb 11, 2008

I have an issue with some data that has a leading ASCII char 160 (the "a" with the accent mark) but it shows in query results as a space.

... where customername like char(160) + '%'

returns 2 rows but shows the customer name with a leading space. How would I change the collation or do otherwise to get this character to display correctly in the results?



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Loading Flat File With Embedded Column, Text Delimiters And Newline

Jun 14, 2007

I have the misfortune of converting a DTS package to SSIS that loads a flat file that has a text fields that can contain embedded text delimiters ("), column delimiters (,) and even new lines (CR+LF i.e.,hex 0D 0A) in it. A sample line from the file is posted here, remember this is just one line though it shows as three lines, since the third field has embedded new line in it:

Internet Sales / HELP

If you open in excel it handles it perfectly showing four fields, as below, and this is what I want ( I cannot get it aligned right in the posting, just save the above line in *.csv and open to see what it should be):

Internet Sales / HELP

Now, SSIS errors on the embedded text delimiters and breaks into two or three lines based on which option I chose. I have tried few options based on postings in the forum:
a). Using undouble and undoubleout: Does not work when there are embedded column delimiters (,) in the text field
b). Modified undouble script posted by lvovg at Handles the embedded column delimiters (,) perfectly, but the embedded new lines (CR+LF i.e.,hex 0D 0A) are breaking it.
Since, I am using the ragged right format to read from the file then use transform script on the line by lvovg, the line is already broken by the ragged right format at the embedded new lines, hence does not work.

Right now I am stuck. Can someone please help (anyone from MS) ? I am already baffled at the amount of coding required to convert a very basic ( and working ) flat file load DTS package to SSIS. I am willing to persist bit longer to convert this to SSIS, before I give up and stick with DTS and wait for a fix / workaround.


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Specifyin The Row Delimeter As Newline (Unix Style) In Bulkinsert Format File

Sep 28, 2007


I am bulk inserting the data from a file into a table using the following format.

1 SQLCHAR 0 10 "
" 1 MSISDN SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

This works perfectly for me.

But my problem is that the firmat may not be generated in Windows and i can't user "
" as row delimeter.
It could be generated in Unix and want to use LF as the row delimeter.

Questions :

1) How do i specify this kind of new line (LF ) in formatfile?
2) Is there anyway that i can specify both the delimeters and let it use which ever is appropriate ?

Please provide some inputs on this??

Thank u so much

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Return Left-most Character From 8 Character String

Oct 1, 2014

I'd like to return the left-most character from an 8 character string & the third from the left character too.

Like this ABC00123 returns AC

$query = "SELECT LEFT(uninum,3), RIGHT(uninum,5), clmarea, Date FROM tblunimov";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());

echo "<div class='tblstyle1'>";
echo "<table class='tblstyle1'>";
echo "<tr><th>ini</th><th>item</th><th>area</th><th>date</th></tr>";
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

[Code] ....

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Read Chinese Character From SQL(SQL Server 2005) Database Table Column And Display Chinese Character

Feb 1, 2008


I have a table like this below and it doesn't only contain English Names but it also contain Chinese Name.
(FirstName NVARCHAR (50),
LastName NVARCHAR (50));
I tried to view the column using SQL Query Analyzer, It didn't display Chinese Character.
I know that SQL Server 2005 is using UCS-2 Encoding and Chinese Character uses Double Byte Character Set (DBCS) Encoding.
I want to read the FirstName and LastName columns and display in Window Form Data Grid and ASP.NET Grid View.
I tried to use this code below and it didn't work. It convert some of the English Name to Chinese Character and it display the chinese character and some still in the original unreadable characters.
Does anybody know how to read those character from SQL Table and display the correct Chinese Character without converting the English Name into Chinese also?

int codePage = 950;
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
Encoding targetEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(codePage);
byte[] encodedChars= targetEncoding.GetBytes(str);
message.AppendLine("Byte representation of '" + str + "' in Code Page '" + codePage + "':");
for (int i = 0; i < encodedChars.Length; i++)
message.Append("Byte " + i + ": " + encodedChars);

message.AppendLine(" RESULT : " + System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(encodedChars));

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Character Set

Oct 6, 2000

Anytime I BCP data from a table containing characters like ö it gets muddled up when I look at it in the text file. The code page of the NT OS is 850 and the character is included in it. Why is the character changed during the BCP ?


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The ' Character

Nov 16, 2006

Hello all.

Ok this is going to be a little hard to describe but here goes

I have a table within which one column is used to store a SQL select statement as a string. This means that the whole select statement has to be enclosed within two ' characters. The problem is that the SQL statement itself contains these characters. The specific SQL statement i wish to save as a string is:

'<A HREF=DisplayOnlyDiscipline?SESSION_ID=' + :SESSION_ID +
'&DISP_REF=' + cast(DISP_REF as varchar) +
'&EDIT_REF=' + :EDIT_REF + '>' + cast(DISP_REF as varchar) + '</A>' as Reference,
V.DESCRIPTION as Discipline_Stage,
left outer join
order by

Can anyone suggest how i get round this?

thanks for reading peeps

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Using BETWEEN With Only One Character

Nov 17, 2006

Pls, what d this query return if applied on char type (string type)
select * from myTable where myNameColumn Between 'B' AND 'E'

would return all the names that start with : B, C, D, E
like these:

Bob, Chris, Edward, David

but not :

Marry, Jean....
or how does it work exactly when applied on string type but only putting one character in the search.

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