Nocount On Problem

Jul 23, 2005

i use
set nocount on inside the stored procedure at the beginning however the
Number of Rows Counted/Affected shows up when I execute the stored
procedure in query analyzer using execute sprocName. I also tried to
add the

SET NOCOUNT ON at the beginning of the procedure and it still shows the
number of rows affected.
if i set

set nocount on
exec sprocName then the result set does not show the number of rows

Any idea why this happens? I know that NOCOUNT is set on runtime not
parse time.


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Set Nocount

Sep 28, 2006

Is set nocount on or off by default if you dont type anything for set nocount??cheers!!

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May 18, 2004

what does SET NOCOUNT ON do??

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Aug 9, 2004

If I understood correctly from some reading SET NOCOUNT ON is use so that my sp does not return the number of row affected and this should improve greatly the performance of my sp. I should use if for all insert, delete adn update sp. Is this correct? Is there any situation I need to have it set to OFF?
What about if I only do a SELECT * FROM Table, is there any point to turn this ON?

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Set Nocount On

Jan 8, 2001

I'm trying to write some stored procs. Can somebody help me?
What does "set nocount on" do? And when should I use it?

Thank you,

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Set Nocount On???

Aug 31, 2004

Hi, i have the next problem...
I work with:
- Sqlserver 2000
- Web server, Tomcat.
- Java Aplication.

I notice that when I call a store procedure from the aplication java, I usually set no count on in my sp because of some exception errors in my aplication.
But I have one special version of a jdbc that it doesnt work with this parameter. I wish it could be a parameter of the database that is set by the jdbc, but i´m not sure.

Any idea?????


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May 29, 2007

in stored procedures i don't want to display message as
these many rows

eg: (1 row(s) returned)
for that i wrote
but also it displays
is their any ather solution
or else iam going in wrong way

Malathi Rao

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The Meaning Of Set NoCount On And Off?

Jul 12, 2006

Any one help me out ?
Thank you very much .!

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How To Use SQL NOCOUNT In Store Procs???

Feb 19, 2008

I donot know how to use SQL NOCOUNT . I have written store procs for select and insert , Below are the store procs ,Can anyone tell me how to use SQL NOCOUNT in this StoreProcs???
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('[dbo].[GetAllLinks]') )drop Procedure [dbo].[GetAllLinks]
CREATE Procedure [dbo].[GetAllLinks]
 Select * from UsefulLink
Insert Storeproc:
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id('[dbo].[InsertLink]') )drop Procedure [dbo].[InsertLink]
GOCREATE Procedure [dbo].[InsertLink]
@Title varchar(100),
@Location Varchar(100),@ID int OUTPUT
Set @ID = -1Begin Transaction
Insert Into UsefulLink(Title, Location) Values
(@Title,@Location)if @@error <> 0
RollBack Transaction
Commit Transaction
Select @ID = @@identity

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OLE DB Connection &#043; SET NOCOUNT ON Problem

Mar 20, 2008

What I am Trying To Achieve
I am trying to get the ID of the row I am inserting - using code that works fine on: SQL Server 2000 with an ODBC connection and SQL Server 2005 with an ODBC connection

When the code is executed it inserts the row 4 times.

My Settings
I have the following OLE DB connection string:-
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;User ID=myuserid;Initial Catalog=dbname;Data Source=dbserveraddress;User Id=myuserid;PASSWORD=mypassword;

and I am executing the following SQL:-
session("sessionID") = dbExecuteRS("SET NOCOUNT ON;INSERT INTO myTable (ipAddress) VALUES('"& request.serverVariables("REMOTE_HOST") &"');SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();SET NOCOUNT OFF;")(0)

dbExecuteRS = a function that executes a query

I know my asp page is only executing this sql once but the SQL Profiler says it is running multiple times.

What I've Tried So Far
1) A normal insert works fine - only inserts one row
2) The same SQL with an OLE DB connection string on SQL Server 2000 encounters the same problem - the insert sql with the set nocount on inserts 4 rows
3) I've tried using this bit of SQL/ASP which causes the same problem:-
set tmpRS = dbExecuteRS("SET NOCOUNT ON;INSERT INTO mytable (ipAddress) VALUES('"& request.serverVariables("REMOTE_HOST") &"');SELECT newID = SCOPE_IDENTITY();")
if not tmpRS.eof then
response.write("tmpRS('newID'): " & tmpRS("newID") & "<BR>")
end if
set tmpRS = nothing

From all of my tests I can conclude that this problem ONLY happens when we are connecting to the database via the OLE DB connection string and using an INSERT statement with SET NOCOUNT ON

All ideas/suggestions appreciated, thanks.

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NOCOUNT Not Working? Suppress Resultset

Jan 16, 2008

I have a SP that has a cursor, and loops. Each loop executes SQL, and inserts values into a temp table on each loop. I want to just have the values in the temp table to show up in QA not the loop's sql results.

I thought:

at the begining of my proc would suppress the results, and then

prior to my select on my temp table would do this, but the resultset of the loop still shows up in QA. It does suppress the count values on the message tab of QA, but that is it.

I tried something simple like:

SELECT * FROM [Contact]

And it still show the results in the grid

Any thoughts?

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How To Configure Replication Triggers To SET NOCOUNT ON?

Jul 16, 2007

Hopefully simple question:

How to configure replication so that replication triggers issue a SET NOCOUNT ON?

Also: are there any negative consequences of adding a SET NOCOUNT ON to replication triggers?

I'm not a DBA so my experience with replication is pretty much non-existent. Hopefully, there's a simple configuration option that I can apply when setting up replication for a database. If not, is it going to be feasible for me to write a script that runs over the replication triggers/procs to add this SET statement (any pointers on inbuilt procs that would help here would be real useful)?

Thanks in advance

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