Noob 2005 Version Headaches

Dec 12, 2007

Sorry if this is a very simple couple of questions, i've tried searching the docs but I'm not even sure which docs I should be reading!

We run a few dedicated web servers with our web host. A new one of which has sql server 2005 on it until now we've only ever used 2000.

Anyway I wanted to restore a 2000 database into 2005 and so logged into the machine for the first time, there was no management server installed just Sql Server configuration manager, fine I thought i'd be able to use SQL Express built into visual studio (2008) on my own machine. However when trying to connect I realised I didn't know the admin login details so called the host, they said there are no login details because there is no management software installed on the server and they'll install the Express version. Is this correct? Can you install SQL Server without an administrative login and you then can't connect to it until you've installed the management console?

Secondly, As I mentioned I've got SQL Express installed as part of a visual studio 2008 install, we also have a copy of SQL Server 2005 standard for internal use only, I tried to use this to install the necessary client tools and it tells me I can't because I have a higher version already installed?

Begining to wish I'd taken a look at 2005 much earlier than now as it seems like quite a big jump from 2000 in terms of management and setup...

Any pointers much appreciated.


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Silent SQL SE 2005 Install Headaches...

Aug 17, 2006

Yet another roadblock: Does the standard SQL SE 2005 not install any of the query commands? (isql, isqlw, or osql.exe's). I could have sworn that they were, but every time I go to test the install on my VM none of them are ever installed. If it doesn't is it included in the advanced version of it (which I'd really rather not do)? If still no what's the easiest option I still have open? Can I have my app connect to the master db and run a restore script from the app? I've been arm wrestling with this install for over a week and it's just about brow-beaten me completely.



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Can I Install A Enterprise Version Analysis Service On A Standard Version Of SQL 2005 Server?

Jul 25, 2006

Hi all,

Since some analysis services features are only available in Enterprise version , I have to upgrade my SQL 2005 server from standard edition to enterpise edition.

So I uninstall originial standard version of analysis service and install a Enterprise version. However, the analysis service is still a standard version after installation.

Is it possible to keep data engine as standard version and install a enterprise version of analysis service?

Thank you very much


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Want To Upgrade Evaluation Version Of SQL 2005 To Full Retail Version. How Would I Do That. Thanks

Jan 31, 2007

Want to upgrade Evaluation version of SQL 2005 to full retail version. How would I do that. Thanks very much for your hel

Sam Commar

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Updading Sql Server 2005 From 32bit Version To 64 Bit Version

Mar 12, 2007

We have a 64bit os machine that we accidently loaded the 32 bit version of sql server on. We now want to upgrade it to 64 bit sql server, but we now have a production database on it. My understanding is that all I have to do is detach the production database, upgrade to 64bit sql server, then reattach the database. Is this really all I have to do?

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Noob To VWD 2005 - Insert From Textbox Into SQL DB

Feb 9, 2007

I have followed all the tutorials and I think I have a pretty good grasp on how to get info from the SQL database running on my machine in the App Data directory. My question is simple and probably the answer is nested in the 148 pages of this very informative forum. How do I take the 15 textbox fields worth of data and insert them into the SQL db? I am pretty familiar with general sql concepts (mysql, mssql, postgresql), but I have only been in this IDE for about a week now and I need to get my project up and running quickly. I am just unfamiliar with VB in general, but I do understand the object.method concept. I gathered that I need to make the insert statement part of the button click "event". I cannot find any good "starter" documentation on getting this process to work. I understand the grid and form and detail view really well and have tested my 2nd app with success, but it requires the db to be populated by a web front end. I have read a few MSDN links but they are not helping much, they just keep linking me back to grid and detal and form views.  Help? Please? Pretty Please?- Chris 

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Microsoft SQL Server Connection Headaches, PLEASE HELP

Feb 2, 2007

OK, heres the situation:

I am using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition along with SQL Server 2005 Express Edition on the same computer. ALL I WANT TO DO IS MAKE A SIMPLE CONNECTION TO THE DB. I have tried using every possible type of connection string that I can find on the internet (of which there seems to be WAY too many), but none of them seem to work. I can't believe how difficult this is. Any ideas? I am using windows authentication, and the management server utility connects fine. So this is really annoying. PLEASE HELP

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Headaches Moving An SQL2K Database Between Servers

Jul 20, 2005

Greetings all,This should be an easy task, and Im sure it is, but as many times as I havetried, I cant seem to get this to work properly.We changed ISPs recently from a shared host to a co-located server, and ourformer host was nice enough to send us a backup of our old SQL2000 database(about 5MB).I went into Enterprise Manager, created an empty database with the same nameand used the Restore Backup tool successfully. I took a look at the db andsaw all the Tables and data intact.Next I wanted to re-create the DSN to match the old one so that I wouldnthave to fiddle with any of the old connection strings in my asp pages.Thats where the fun began. The old DSN was created by our host via an emailrequest and I never got a look at the actual creation process of that DSN.I created one on our colo server with the same name, but it would only passthe connection tests when I used the Windows User Authentication rather thanSQL Server Authentication. No big deal I figured, and just went ahead andset it up using the same DSN name.Next I tried the main.asp page to test the DSN and lo and behold I got theODBC connection errors. I tinkered with the connection strings a bit andmanaged to get a wide variety of connection errors and fine-tuned to thepoint that it said "Unable to login with user 'SERVER169/nacog'". At thispoint, I went into Enterprise manager and added 'nacog' to the User list andthe connection string no longer produced errors. (By the way, my connectionstring simply contains "DSN=YAVAPAICONNECT;")My next step was to actually execute a SELECT statement which produced thefollowing error:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e09'[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]SELECT permission denied onobject 'ADMINS', database 'YAVAPAICONNECT', owner 'dbo'./nacog/admin/main.asp, line 189Why was I not surprised?I went back to Enterpise Manager, saw the all the tables had 'dbo' as theowner, and tried to give 'nacog' all the permissions at the table level, butthe error persists.To preserve my sanity I stopped there, because I spun my wheels for hoursand days the last time this happened. and my eye has not stopped twitchingsince ;)I am quite sure that this has something to do with one or all of thefollowing:1) The way SQL2K was installed (it was installed by someone else)2) My creation of the db with the windows login, rather than SQL auth, priorto import3) My creation and handling of the DSNMy background is mainly in ASP programming, and I understand bits and piecesof this puzzle, but for the life of me I cannot piece this thing together.Can anyone help point me in the right direction or suggest a good tutorial?I would be very thankful to anyone who could help put me on the right track.Best Regards,Ben M.

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Migrating A Db From SSE 2005 December CTP To SSE 2005 Release Version

Feb 22, 2007

I have a developer who built an application using the SSE 2005 December CTP and I would like to bring the db's into the official SSE 2005 released version. I have attempted the following:

1. Create the db's in the released version, detach and re-attach the CTP db's. I got an error telling me they were incompatible.

2. Installed CTP version on one server, backed up the db's and then attempted to restore the db's on another server running the official released version of SSE 2005. Got an error attempting that too.

3. Installed the Management Studio for SS 2005 Developer edition thinking that I could connect to the two seperate instances of each server and like I could in EM 2000 run the transfer wizard to move the db's and data from one server to the next. Problem with this is that I can't get an object browser connection established. I have TCP/IP all config'd correctly, too.

Any other ideas where I can go with this at this time?

Thanks in advance.


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What SQL 2005 Version Do I Have

Feb 23, 2008

Just started a new gig

When I run



, SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel')
, SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')

both return 2005 Developer Edition, however the Network Admin says it's Enterprise Edition.

Assuming the firm has possibly upgraded from Developer Edition to Enterprise Edition will these properties change?

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SQL Server 2005 Developer's Version Installation Problem -- No SQL Server 2005 Studio Manager Gets Installed.

Sep 3, 2007

I installed Visual Studio 2005 Professional then after that was installed and running, I tried to install the the SQL Server 2005 Developer's Edition which installed but I do not get the SQL Server 2005 Studio Manager. I have remove and reinstalled but it never gets installed. Any ideas?


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SQL Server 2005 64 Bit Version

Jan 4, 2008

Are the install files for the 64 bit version on the same cd/dvd as the 32 bit version?

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SQL 2005 - Version Upgrade.

Aug 2, 2007

Hi Experts,

We have SQL Server 2005 Standard edition in a box. We need to update (install) that box with SQL Server Developer editions. Please let me know what are the ways to do it.

Thanks in advance,


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SQL Server 2005 SP2 CTP Version

Dec 29, 2006


I m using Windows 2003 Server. I installed SQL Server2005 and now i want to apply CTP service pack on it. I downloaded all the SP2 patches available on the site . Each of them is giving an error and it is not getting installed on SQLServer 2005; Is it a problem with my hardware? or the version of Windows? or the version of SQLServer 2005?

Can anyone help me with this problem ?



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SQL 2005 - Version Upgrade.

Aug 2, 2007

Hi Experts,

We have SQL Server 2005 Standard edition in a box. We need to update (install) that box with SQL Server Developer editions. Please let me know what are the ways to do it.

Thanks in advance,


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2005 SP1 Select @@Version

Oct 10, 2006

I applied SQL Server 2005 SP1, everything appeared to run successfully but if I run select @@version, the version number did not update. I still see 1399 not 2047. Here is the last part of the hotfix log:

10/09/2006 22:50:05.646 Product Status Summary:
10/09/2006 22:50:05.677 Product: SQL Server Native Client
10/09/2006 22:50:05.693 SQL Server Native Client (RTM ) - Success
10/09/2006 22:50:05.708
10/09/2006 22:50:05.739 Product: Setup Support Files
10/09/2006 22:50:05.771 Setup Support Files (RTM ) - Success
10/09/2006 22:50:05.786
10/09/2006 22:50:05.818 Product: Database Services
10/09/2006 22:50:05.849 Database Services (RTM 1399 ENU ANNCL02DB01) - Success
10/09/2006 22:50:05.864
10/09/2006 22:50:05.989 Product: Notification Services
10/09/2006 22:50:06.036 Notification Services (SP1 2047 ENU) - Success
10/09/2006 22:50:06.068
10/09/2006 22:50:06.099 Product: Integration Services
10/09/2006 22:50:06.146 Integration Services (SP1 2047 ENU) - Success
10/09/2006 22:50:06.161
10/09/2006 22:50:06.177 Product: Client Components
10/09/2006 22:50:06.224 Client Components (SP1 2047 ENU) - Success
10/09/2006 22:50:06.255
10/09/2006 22:50:06.271 Product: MSXML 6.0 Parser
10/09/2006 22:50:06.286 MSXML 6.0 Parser (RTM ) - Success
10/09/2006 22:50:06.318
10/09/2006 22:50:06.349 Product: SQLXML4
10/09/2006 22:50:06.364 SQLXML4 (RTM ) - Success
10/09/2006 22:50:06.380
10/09/2006 22:50:06.411 Product: Backward Compatibility
10/09/2006 22:50:06.427 Backward Compatibility (RTM ) - Success
10/09/2006 22:50:06.443
10/09/2006 22:50:06.458 Product: Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer
10/09/2006 22:50:06.474 Microsoft SQL Server VSS Writer (RTM ) - Success
10/09/2006 22:50:06.505
10/09/2006 22:50:06.521 Hotfix package completed
10/09/2006 22:50:11.239 Hotfix package closed

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Version Of Sql Server 2005?

Aug 2, 2006

I have run exec xp_msver on the sql server management studio
please can anybody tell me which edition of sql server 2005 i am using...
thanks in advance

1 ProductName NULL Microsoft SQL Server
2 ProductVersion 589824 9.00.1399.06
3 Language 1033 English (United States)
4 Platform NULL NT INTEL X86
5 Comments NULL NT INTEL X86
6 CompanyName NULL Microsoft Corporation
7 FileDescription NULL SQL Server Windows NT
8 FileVersion NULL 2005.090.1399.00
9 InternalName NULL SQLSERVR
10 LegalCopyright NULL © Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
11 LegalTrademarks NULL Microsoft® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Windows(TM) is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation
12 OriginalFilename NULL SQLSERVR.EXE
13 PrivateBuild NULL NULL
14 SpecialBuild 91684864 NULL
15 WindowsVersion 170393861 5.1 (2600)
16 ProcessorCount 1 1
17 ProcessorActiveMask 1 00000001
19 PhysicalMemory 510 510 (534757376)

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Can/should I Put SP1 On SQl 2005 Evaluation Version?

Aug 1, 2006

This will become a recommendation for my customer; we are struggling with performance on this new install which is temporarily done with the Evaluation version and I see a Service Pack has been published. Please advise?

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Check Version Of Sql 2005

Nov 21, 2006

how do i check whether i have installed 64 bit /32 bit sql server 2005... if i see Program files and Program files (x86) directory can i be sure...

one more query..Is windows 2003 enterprise edition 64 bit Itanium based operating systems

Thanks in advance

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MS OLE DB For ODBC With Oracle ODBC Source Headaches

Dec 25, 2005

Hi all,I am having trouble getting linked Oracle 9 server in MS SQL Server2005 Express to work properly. My machine is running Windows XP.The Microsoft and Oracle OLE DB Providers have problems dealing withOracle's Numeric Data Type, so I decided to use Microsoft's OLE DB forODBC Provider and an Oracle ODBC source. When using the Microsoft ODBCfor Oracle Driver in my ODBC source I have inconsistent behavior.Sometimes my queries are processed properly, then other times I get thefollowing errorOLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "ODBCBEAST" returnedmessage "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttrfailed".OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "ODBCBEAST" returnedmessage "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLSetConnectAttrfailed".OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "ODBCBEAST" returnedmessage "[Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle][Oracle]".Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL"for linked server "ODBCBEAST".I have no idea why sometimes I can connect to the linked server with noproblems andwhy other times it performs like this. I'm not changing anything aboutthe system I can think of. When I use an Oracle client (PL/SQL) I haveabsolutely no problems connecting. TNSPING returns that the connectionis good.This is unacceptable so I decided to try my luck with the Oracle 10gODBC driver. However when I use this and perform an openquery selectagainst the linked server I get back only 11 rows, when I know that thedatabase has over 100 rows (in fact when using the Microsoft ODBCdriver and it works that's what I get). I figured maybe the buffersetting needed to be raised in the ODBC configuration so I took it from64000 to 600000 (a magnitude of 10) but I still get back only 11 rows.I'm at my wit's end.Any suggestions on resolving one or the other problem would be muchappreciated.Thanks much

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How To Apply SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 To The Version Of SQL Server 2005 Express Which Installs With Visual Studio 2005?

Aug 8, 2006

When I installed VS 2005, it installed the default version of SQL Server 2005 Express that ships with Visual Studio 2005 installer media.

How can apply SQL Server 2005 Express SP1 to update this existing instance?

Currently, if I run this query:

SELECT @@version

I get the following:

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1399.06 (Intel X86) Oct 14 2005 00:33:37 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Express Edition on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)

After applying SP1, I should get 9.00.2047.00.

Should I just go to this link and download & install the SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP1:

Thank you,


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Install Which Version Of SQL Server 2005?

Jul 8, 2006

I am going to install SQL server 2005 for my company. Can someone tell me which version should I install between the 32-bit and 64-bit?

Thank you for the help in advance!


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Optimizing TCP-IP Settings For 2005 Version?

May 12, 2008

I see in several recommendations I found from searching for answers why we were losing the connection to the database. One of these was tweaking the Network Interface Card to ensure it is set to 1024 in the registery. Another was twaeking the TCP-IP setting for windows under


Most of these did not mentioned SQL Server 2005. I wondering if someone of more experience with SQL Server 2005 than I can address if this action is required in the newer version.

Thanks for any feedback,


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Version Control For Sql 2000 And 2005

May 3, 2007


Our compnay is looking for version control for MS SQL 2000 and 2005. Any recommendation? thx

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Latest Version Of Sql Server 2005 Sp2

Nov 7, 2007

I have sql server 2005 - version 9.00.3054.00 -SP2 - Enterprise Edition. Is there any latest version than this to upgrade. I am having lot of troubles on the server these days. Whenever Analysis server cube is processed, the server is going really slow and before the cube process analysis service is stopping. I don't understand what the problem is? Analysis services is getting stopped whenever a cube is processed and server performance is getting really slower.
Please let me know how to trouble shoot this.

Thanks in advance.

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Sql Server 2005 Evaluation Version

Feb 1, 2008

Hi everyone
I've just installed the microsoft's evaluation version of sql 2005 at my home computer.
Now i'm trying to connect ("sql sever management studio") but i dont know the server's name nor user name. I dont rememeber ever asked to produce any during the installation.
Bottom line- the evaluation version of sql server 2005 is installed but i cannot log in. How do i get to know my user name ? server name ? What ever i try i'm announced that the present version is not working for remote connections. I try to connect from the same very machine of the sql server. What is wrong ?

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Hide SQL Server DB; 2005 Version On Win 98

Jul 7, 2006

I would like to know if it's possible to embed a SQL Server 2000/2005 DBwithin a desktop application so that the end users cannot view the DB.Also, this will prevent them from copying the database on to their otherSQL Servers.Also, what are the options to load SQL Server 2005 on Win 98*** Sent via Developersdex ***

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VS 2005 Invalid Database Version SQL CE

May 11, 2006

VS 2005 windows application

SQL CE 2000

dim strSQL As String
Dim ssceconn As New SqlCeConnection("Data Source = c:atisoftatisoft.sdf")
Dim sqlInsertRow As SqlCeCommand = ssceconn.CreateCommand()

Invalid database version. [ Db version = 0,Requested version = 0,File name = c:atisoftatisoft.sdf ]

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How To Install The 64 Bit Version Of SQL Server 2005

Jul 17, 2007

I have Windows Vista Ultimate 64 installed on my computer, along with IIS 7 and the required IIS 6 components for SQL Server 2005. I also have Visual Studio 2005 Pro installed, but I have uninstalled SQL Server 2005 Express.

When I try to install SQL Server 2005 Pro, with all features, the 32 bit version always wants to install. I can't find a way to get the x64 version of SQL Server to install.

What am I doing wrong?

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Uninstalling The Beta Version Of SQL 2005

Dec 3, 2005

   I cannot install the new version of sql 2005 because it will not install when the beta version is installed.  However when I try to uninstall the beta version it says it needs .Net framework 2.0.  I have .Net framework 2.0 and so I am stuck with what to do next.  Ideas anyone?

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SQL 2005 Mobile Version Problem

Feb 9, 2006

I created a .SDF inside 2005 and transfer to a PPC. When I tried to open it with "Query Analyzer" in the PPC, I got a error message said "The file is not a valid database file. A internal error has occurred.[,,Databasename,,] Interface defining error: IID_IDBInitialize". Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance.

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MSSQL 2005 Trial Version

Aug 31, 2006

Is it possible to install the MSSQL 2005 Trial Version and then upgrade it right away to a Standard Edition when I receive my license?


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Restore A Database Of Higher Version To Lower Version?

Sep 1, 2014

Is there any way to restore a database of higher version to lower version.

E.g. I have created a database in sql server 2012, created some tables & procedures in that.I took Full backup of that database. Can I restore it to sql 2008r2 or any lower version.

I know direct restore is not possible, I have to use either import or export option or generating script,but i want to know is there any easy step to do so.

Vimal Lohani
SQL DBA | MCP (70-461,70-462)

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