Not Last 24 Hours Data But Yesterday Data

Dec 26, 2007

How do I write an expression which shows only previous day data. I use the following where condition .

(DATEDIFF(dd, 0,MoneyFlowTransaction.ProcessedTime) = DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE()) - 1)

I'm wondering whether this one shows yesterday data or last 24 hours data?


Also for my reports I used the following query.

Code Block
SELECT ProcessedTime, GETDATE() - 1 AS Yesterday, GETDATE() - 2 AS DaybfYesterday
FROM MoneyFlowTransaction

This shows data before 24 hours. Not exactly yesterday data(calander date).
can any one help me to fix this pls?

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Only Data For Yesterday

Sep 10, 2007

How do i get only the data for the last date in the query. I just want the most current date. Which is yesterdays information. But on monday, its fridays information. So is there a code for getting the most Current Data. If not whats the code for getting the last business day such as friday for today. But for tommorow it will be monday. My time_log field has the date converted into mm-dd-yyyy. Any help?

Code Snippet
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Testing_Visits_6_Daily]
(@Region_Key int=null)
SELECT dbo.Qry_Visits.Status,
dbo.Qry_Visits.cycle_day, dbo.Qry_Visits.Visits,
dbo.Qry_Visits.time_log, dbo.Qry_Visits.Mailing_Name,
CONVERT(varchar, dbo.Qry_Visits.time_log, 110) AS Date,
dbo.Qry_Sales_Group.Region_Key, dbo.Qry_Visits.[SR Code],
FROM dbo.Qry_Visits
INNER JOIN dbo.Qry_Sales_Group
ON dbo.Qry_Visits.[SR Code]
COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = dbo.Qry_Sales_Group.SalesPerson_Purchaser_Code
AND dbo.Qry_Visits.[SR Code] = dbo.Qry_Sales_Group.SalesPerson_Purchaser_Code
COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS
INNER JOIN dbo.Qry_Date_Dim
ON CONVERT(varchar, dbo.Qry_Date_Dim.Date_Dimension_Date, 110) = CONVERT(varchar, dbo.Qry_Visits.time_log, 110)
INNER JOIN ( Select COUNT(Visits)as VisitsTotal,[Sales Responsible],CONVERT(VARCHAR,(Qry_Visits.time_log),110)TheDate,Qry_Visits.Status
FROM dbo.Qry_Visits
WHERE Qry_Visits.Status=2
GROUP by [Sales Responsible] , CONVERT(VARCHAR,(Qry_Visits.time_log),110),Qry_Visits.Status
HAVING SUM(Visits) < 6)B
ON dbo.Qry_Sales_Group.SR_Name COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS = B.[Sales Responsible] COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS AND
CONVERT(varchar, dbo.Qry_Date_Dim.Date_Dimension_Date, 110) = B.TheDate

WHERE REGION_KEY=@Region_Key and Qry_Visits.Status=2 and CONVERT(varchar, dbo.Qry_Visits.time_log, 110)=GETDATE()
ORDER BY dbo.Qry_Sales_Group.SR_Name, CONVERT(varchar, dbo.Qry_Date_Dim.Date_Dimension_Date, 110)


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Yesterday, Last Month, Last Year Data

Jan 5, 2008

Can anyone tell me how to get data for yesterday, last month, and last year?

As a example, I wanna know how many loans disbursed for yesterday(not for last 24 hours).

It may be smthing like this. But when I run this one , it gave me a syntax error.

WHERE DATEDIFF(dd,Account.CommencedOnDate,GetDate()) = 1

can anyone help me out pls?

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Transact SQL :: Query For Yesterday Data

Dec 2, 2008

Howto write a query which will find the date from yesterday 12.00am till yesterday 11.59.59PM. that means yesterday 24 hrs only. If I use getdate it will show me the date which is right now which i don't want. everyday i need to search the data from yesterday whole day.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Load Data For Yesterday And Specific Date

May 31, 2015

I have a ssis package, which runs on date parameter. If we dont specify the date it always load data for yesterday's date. And if we give any specific date like '2015-05-10', It should load for that date. How can we achieve this dynamically (using package configuration)? Once we load for any specific date, package should be set for yesterday's date dynamically. How to achieve this as I am new to SSIS.

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What Data Type Is Best For Hours

Feb 1, 2007

What is the best data type to use when tracking hours, for example;
2.30 < this is stored in DB
(two hours and thirty minutes)
5.15 < this is stored in DB
(5 hours and fifteen minutes)

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Filter Data By Hours

May 22, 2008


I need to create a report that shows daily events per hours, like this:

15.5. Example
00:00 8
01:00 9
02:00 34

Is this possible? The data should be filtered by the datetime. If the datetime is for example 15.5.2008 00:45, it goes to the first row of that example table I created.

Edit. I am using Sql server 2005.


Aleksi Rytkönen

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Issue Charting Data Over Last 24 Hours...

Sep 5, 2007

I have a table which contains data regarding calls to the Help Desk, I want to chart this using a simple line chart in SSRS 2005 with the chart displaying the number of cases opened by the help desk each hour for the last 24 hours. Although our Help Desk provides 24/7 support, there are periods of an hour in which no calls are received. The issue I'm having is I want the chart to still display these hour periods of time even though there are no records created in the time span. I want the x-axis to display every hour for the last 24 hours.

Anyone have any suggestion on how I can accomplish this? The only idea I've come up with is creating a new table containing a list of every hour in a day and referencing this to build the x-axis...but it seems as though it should be easier than that?

Thanks in advance for any input or assistance.

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Getting The Past 24 Hours Worth Of Data?

Aug 16, 2007

I have a need to query my data and return only the last 24 hours (versus last day) worth of data.

My date and time fields are called:

calc_date = the date
Calc_time= the time
RealTime = Calc_date+Calc_time as realtime

I know if I use getdate()-1 that will get me the last day, but I need the last 24 hours. Any ideas on how would I do this?

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Right Data Type To Store Hours And Minutes

Mar 1, 2007

Hello friends
what is the right datatype to store the hours and minutes part in the database?
i found some info which says we have to convert the duration(hrs and min) into minutes and then store
is it the right approach?

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Import Data From Textfile Evry 2 Hours Automtically

Feb 23, 2001


Can somebody please help me with the following problem.

I want to import data from a textfile called "Links.txt" into a SQL-server database called "LinkData". The data in this textfile is separated by pipelines. And this import should be done every 2 hours automatically. How can I make a proces or something in SQL server 7 that will fill the database with the data out of this textfile every 2 hours. Please help me. I really don't know.


R. Jacobs

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Import Data From Textfile Evry 2 Hours Automtically WITH DTS

Feb 23, 2001

I want to import data from a textfile called "Links.txt" into a SQL-server database called "LinkData". The data in this textfile is separated by pipelines. And this import should be done every 2 hours automatically. How can I make a proces or something in SQL server 7 that will fill the database with the data out of this textfile every 2 hours. Please help me. I really don't know.

I was planning on using DTS for this Only I really don't know how. I tried it with "Data driven query task" in combination with "Text file (source)" and "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server". But when I run it, it gives an error. What am i doing wrong??? Help me please


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Nvarchar Fields With Time Data - Calculate Difference In Hours

Sep 19, 2014

I have two nvarchar fields with time data 12:34:34 and the second one 12:34 I want to calculate the difference in Hours. The first field is called (OTIM) the second field is called (ReportedTime) if the name matters. I tried substring to trim the OTIM, I am unable to make it work.

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Sampling Data Set Via Integration Services Data Flow For Data Mining Models Without Saving Training And Test Data Set?

Nov 24, 2006

Hi, all here,

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

I am wondering if it is possible to use SSIS to sample data set to training set and test set directly to my data mining models without saving them somewhere as occupying too much space? Really need guidance for that.

Thank you very much in advance for any help.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

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Transact SQL :: To Display Days Hours Mins Format Based On Business Hours

Apr 22, 2015

I want to display Days Hours Mins Format.

I am Having two columns Like below,

Col1 (in days)    col2 (In Hours : Mins)
3days  4:5 

In this first have to  add Col1 and Col2 (Here one day is equals to 9 hours ) so the addition is 31.5

From this 31.5 I should display 3 Days 4 Hours 30 Mins because 31.5 contains 3 (9 hours) days 4 Hours and .5 is equals to 30 mins.

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Breaking Down Total Hours Worked Into Day And Evening Hours

Sep 21, 2006

I have data coming from a telephony system that keeps track of when anemployee makes a phone call to conduct a survey and which project numberis being billed for the time the employee spends on that phone call in aMS SQL Server 2000 database (which I don't own).The data is being returned to me in a view (see DDL for w_HR_Call_Logbelow). I link to this view in MS access through ODBC to create alinked table. I have my own view in Access that converts the integernumbers for start and end date to Date/Time and inserts some otherinformation i need.This data is eventually going to be compared with data from someelectronic timesheets for purposes of comparing entered hours vs hoursactually spent on the telephone, and the people that will be viewing thedata need the total time on the telephone as wall as that total brokendown by day/evening and weekend. Getting weekend durations is easyenough (see SQL for qryTelephonyData below), but I was wondering ifanyone knew of efficient set-based methods for doing a day/eveningbreakdown of some duration given a start date and end date (with theday/evening boundary being 17:59:59)? My impression is that to do thiscorrectly (i.e., handle employees working in different time zones,adjusting for DST, and figuring out what the boundary is for switchingfrom evening back to day) will require procedural code (probably inVisual Basic or VBA).However, if there are set-based algorithms that can accomplish it inSQL, I'd like to explore those, as well. Can anyone give any pointers?Thanks.--DDL for view in MS SQL 2000 database:CREATE VIEW dbo.w_HR_Call_LogASSELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.TRCUsers.WinsID, dbo.users.username ASInitials, dbo.billing.startdate, dbo.billing.startdate +dbo.billing.duration AS EndDate,dbo.billing.duration, ASPrjName, dbo.w_GetCallTrackProject6ID(dbo.projects.descript ion) AS ProjID6,dbo.w_GetCallTrackProject10ID(dbo.projects.descrip tion) AS ProjID10,dbo.billing.interactionidFROM dbo.projects INNER JOINdbo.projectsphone INNER JOINdbo.users INNER JOINdbo.TRCUsers ON dbo.users.userid =dbo.TRCUsers.UserID INNER JOINdbo.billing ON dbo.users.userid =dbo.billing.userid ON dbo.projectsphone.projectid =dbo.billing.projectid ONdbo.projects.projectid = dbo.projectsphone.projectidWHERE (dbo.billing.userid 0)ORDER BY dbo.billing.startdateI don't have acess to the tables, but the fields in the view comethrough as the following data types:WinsID - varchar(10)Initials - varchar(30)startdate - long integer (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00)enddate - long integer (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00)duration - long integer (enddate - startdate)ProjID10 - varchar(15)interactionid - varchar(255) (the identifier for this phone call)MS Access SQL statement for qryTelephonyData (based on the view,w_HR_Call_Log):SELECT dbo_w_HR_Call_Log.WinsID, dbo_w_HR_Call_Log.ProjID10,FORMAT(CDATE(DATEADD('s',startdate-(5*60*60),'01-01-197000:00:00')),"yyyy-mm-dd") AS HoursDate,CDATE(DATEADD('s',startdate-(5*60*60),'01-01-1970 00:00:00')) ASStartDT,CDATE(DATEADD('s',enddate-(5*60*60),'01-01-1970 00:00:00')) AS EndDT,DatePart('w',[StartDT]) AS StartDTDayOfWeek, Duration,IIf(StartDTDayOfWeek=1 Or StartDTDayOfWeek=7,Duration,0) ASWeekendSeconds,FROM dbo_w_HR_Call_LogWHERE WinsID<>'0'

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Converting Decimal Hours To Hours And Minutes

May 13, 2008

I have a float variable that holds a decimal number of hours.

So 1.5 equals 1 hour 30 minutes.

I need to change this to the format 1:30

Any idea how to do this?

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Specifing Yesterday In SQL 200

Sep 12, 2005

I am trying to specify a SELECT statement to only capture yesterdays data.

The best i can come up with is

from applytracking
where hitDate = (CAST(STR(MONTH(@Date))+'/'+STR(-1)+'/'+STR(YEAR(@Date)) AS DateTime))

But its not right, can anyone set me on the right path?

Thanks for any help

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Yesterday's Info

May 25, 2007

how do i get yesterdays records only?

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From 1st Of Each Month To Yesterday

Jan 5, 2008

Please can anyone tell me How to calculate the time period from 1st of current month to yesterday?


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How To Get Yesterday's Date Without The Time?

Jan 26, 2006

I am trying to get the yesterday's date without the time, eg "1/25/2006 " but I will get "2006-01-25 17:10:21.403" instead. Can somebody tell me the sql for it? currently I am using :

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Convert GETDATE To Yesterday 1st/last Second

Jun 25, 2001

In search of SQL to obtain "yesterday's" begin/end times for a batch process:

GETDATE() needs to be converted to Yesterdays FIRST and LAST second:
------- --------------------------------
2001-06-25 14:23:56.054 ---> 2001-06-24 00:00:00.001 (1st sec. of yesterday)
2001-06-25 14:23:56.054 ---> 2001-06-24 23:59:59.999 (last sec. of yesterday)

Will CAST and/or CONVERT fucntions assist? The follwoing SQL returns GETDATE()-1 (yesterday along w/ a time) I need the time converted to 1st and last second...

declare @date_time_accessed datetime,
@DateAccessed varchar(80),
@TimeAccessed varchar(80)

select convert(varchar(10),getdate()-1,120) as dateaccessed,
convert(varchar(8),getdate()-1,114) as timeaccessed

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Can't Run Query Today That Ran Yesterday

Nov 15, 2007

I converted an MS Access db to SQL Server 2005 Express yesterday. I used FullConvert Enterprise for the conversion and it worked great. I ran several queries and saved them, and they ran fine. Today, running the same queries, I get this error message:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid object name 'tblTXMup'

I googled the message and found someone who had a similar problem and their answer was they were not the dbo. I checked the new database and it was owned by sa so I logged in as sa and got the same error.

Can anyone set me straight so I can get into this db?


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Find The Date For Yesterday, And Delete?

Feb 2, 2008

Hello there,Im not quiet sure this is the right forum, but what the...I got a database with eg. dates in..(Day-Month-Year)01-02-200802-02-2008 <-- Today03-02-2008
Then i want to find the date for yesterday, in this example 01-02-2008, and delete the record.. - How is this done?Hope you understand and can help me,Regards Jeppe Richardt

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Can't Run Query Today That Ran Fine Yesterday

Nov 15, 2007

I converted an Access db to SQL Server 2005 Express using FullConvert Enterprise and the conversion went well. I ran a few queries. When I logged in today and run the same exact query (saved it) I get this error:

Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

Invalid object name 'tblTXMup'.

I googled the error and someone in another forum said to check ownership, that it would throw that error if another user who was not dbo tried to run a query. I checked and the owner is sa. I logged in as sa and get the same error.

Anyone have an idea what happened?

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Compare Today And Yesterday Time Range On Sales

Aug 23, 2014

I have to do a report for each hour compare yesterday each hour of sales amount their output is below, how to write a query.

desire output 08:00 am -23:00pm
shop today Time yesterday current Amt Yest Amt diff amount
001 13:00-14:00 13:00-14:00 $10000 $20000 -10000 (down)
002 14:00-15:00 14:00-15:00 $10000 $15000 500 (up)

Time as at HH:MM
Yesterday Total $20000
today Total $35000

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Integration Services :: Yesterday Date To SSIS Variable

May 7, 2015

I need to create a variable expression that will be passing yesterday's date to a sql command but when I create the variable there is only the datetime datatype, how can I trim the time portion from this expression to get the date portion :

DATEADD( "day", - 1 , GETDATE() )

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My Today Morning Date Is Interpreted As Part Of Yesterday

Oct 16, 2007

OK, the thread's name is not very self explanatory so here I go:

The fact
I'm working on a simple APP where I store the date of a transaction. I use in my Stored Procedure the getdate() as the default (and untouchable) value for the transaction date

The problem:
These transactions are made all day long and there are transctions made on the morning and afternoon. Now, when I make a report of the transactions for one specific range of days, all the transactions made in the morning of the start date are ignored completely.

Say I have these transactions
TCode TType TDate
45 REQ 03/09/2007 08:20:16 a.m.
46 REQ 03/09/2007 11:59:43 a.m.
47 REQ 03/09/2007 12:01:30 p.m.
48 REQ 03/09/2007 06:01:49 p.m.

and I make this query
SELECT * FROM <Table Name> WHERE TDate BETWEEN <Start Date> AND <End Date>
(where <Start Date> && <End Date> are 03/09/2007 selected from a DateTimePicker control)

I only get these results 47 REQ 03/09/2007 12:01:30 p.m.
48 REQ 03/09/2007 06:01:49 p.m.

if I make a cast as integer I get these results:
TCode TDate TCast
46 2007-09-03 11:59:43.000 39326
47 2007-09-03 12:01:30.000 39327

so my question is
Why are the Morning Transactions from the start date ignored (or interpreted as part of previous day transactions) ?

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System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The Conversion Of A Char Data Type To A Datetime Data Type Resulted In An Out-of-range Datetime Value.

Dec 14, 2005

After testing out the application i write on the local pc. I deploy it to the webserver to test it out. I get this error.

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a char data type to a
datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range datetime value.

Notes: all pages that have this error either has a repeater or datagrid which load data when page loading.

At first I thought the problem is with the date, but then I can see
that some other pages that has datagrid ( that has a date field) work
just fine.

anyone having this problem before?? hopefully you guys can help.


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Data Reader Or Data Adapter With Data Set?

Dec 4, 2007

I have used both data readers and data adapters(with datasets) in the projects that I have worked on. I am trying to get some clarification on when I should be using which one. I think I am doing this correctly but I want to be sure I am developing good habits.

As the name might suggest, it seems like a datareader is for only reading data. I have read that the data adapter and dataset are for a disconnected architecture. Or, that they can be used for this type of set up. I have been using the data adapter and datasets when writing to a database and the datareader when reading from a database.

Is this how these should be used? Is the data reader the best choice for reading data? Am I doing this the optimal way from a performance stand point?

......................................................thanks in advance

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Master Data Services :: Master Data Services - Data Push Back To Excel Sheet

Nov 2, 2015

We already integrated different client data to MDS with MS Excel plugin, now we want to push back updated or new added record to source database. is it possible do using MDS?  Do we have any background sync process to which automatically sync data to and from subscriber and MDS?

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Ntext Over 4000 Chars Causes 'Data In Row (n) Was Not Update... String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated...'

Oct 18, 2006

When I enter over 4000 chars in any ntext field in my SQL Server 2005 database (directly in the database and through the application) I get an error saying that the data could not be updated because string or binary data would be truncated.Has anyone ever seen this? I cannot figure out what is causing it, ntext should be able to hold a lot more data that this...

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Change Data Capture(CDC) For Data Warehouse / Reporting?

Aug 12, 2015

I have a requirement to implement CDC for 50+ tables to implement incremental data changes warehouse/reporting rather than exporting the whole table data. The largest table is having more than half a billion records.

The warehouse use a daily copy of OLTP db (daily DB refresh). How can I accomplish this. Is there a downside in implementing CDC just for the sake of taking incremental changes on the tables?

Is there any performance impact if we enable CDC on OLTP db?

Can we make use of the CDC tables on the environment we do daily db refresh so that the queries don't hit OLTP database?

What is the best way to implement CDC to take incremental changes for reporting.

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