Ntext Vs. Nvarchar, Mysterious Data In The Database
Oct 2, 2007
I hope this is the right forum for this question, my apologies in advance if it isn't....
We have a web based CGI product (written in C++ VS 6) that uses ODBC and takes text from a submitted web page and stores it in a SQL Server table in a field of type "ntext". The user in question is copying and pasting this text from an MS Word 2003 document. After the initial save our app errors out trying to access the table it just wrote to, and when we look in the table we see that up to **200 carriage returns** have been mysteriously inserted into the ntext field!! (Our product has been out in the field with no such problem for several years, so we are thinking it's related to something specific the customer is doing - perhaps with using MS Word for the source text.) We have tried but cannot duplicate the problem, but the customer sees it with each attempt to modify the table in question. The only thing that I see out of the ordinary is that the field in question is of type "ntext" - which supports unicode, instead of nvarchar. Does any of this ring a bell for anybody? I'm thinking of changing the field type to nvarchar to see if that solves the problem.
Thanks, Steve Bradbery
I have a live SQL 2005 database that has ntext fields, when the ntext fields go over 4000 chars the record can no longer be edited. It throws a string or binary data would be truncated error. I tried turning text in row OFF, but it did not work. Can anyone forsee any problems with changing the ntext fields to nvarchar(max) in the live database? Also, I came across sp_tableoption N'MyTable', 'large value types out of row', 'ON', does this work for ntext also? sp_tableoption N'MyTable', 'text in row', 'OFF' did not do anything.Any help would be appreciated.
I am running this query to an sql server 2000 database from my aspcode:"select * from MyTable whereMySqlServerRemoveStressFunction(MyNtextColumn) = '" &MyAdoRemoveStressFunction(MyString) & "'"The problem is that the replace function doesn't work with the ntextdatatype (so as to replace the stresses with an empty string). I hadto implement the MySqlServerRemoveStressFunction, i.e. a function thattakes a column name as a parameter and returns the text contained inthis column having replaced some letters of the text (the letters withstress). Unfortunately, I could not do that because user-definedfunctions cannot return a value of ntext.So I have the following idea:"select * from MyTable whereCheckIfTheyAreEqualIngoringTheStesses(MyNtextColum n, '" & MyString &"')"How can I implement the CheckIfTheyAreEqualIngoringTheStessesfunction? (I don't know how to combine these functions to do what Iwant: TEXTPTR, UPDATETEXT, WRITETEXT, READTEXT)
I need to save some news text in an SQL table. The text can be long. 1. Should I use nvarchar(MAX) or nText? 2. And what is the difference between nText and Text?
my question concerns both desktop and device apps.
I'm using sql compact to store some data. I often have to store strings (descriptions, url, etc.) but I don't know when to use nvarchar or ntext.
Nvarchar needs to have a size limit, but I often set it to 8092 when I don't know the actual limit (urls can be very long !). I fear Ntext because I suppose there is performances impact.
Is there any "rules" to help to choose which data type I'd use ?
I need to sort by an ntext field, but it won't let me do it.
However, if I cast the field as nvarchar(100), I can use ORDER BY on that.
Is there any reason that this is a bad idea? In my testing, ordering by a converted ntext field was actually *faster* than ordering by an nvarchar (same data in the fields).
I have a table that contains an ntext column for storing values up to a couple of Mb in size.
However, I estimate that 95% of the values stored in this ntext field will fit into an nvarchar(4000) field.
Is it worth me having both fields in the table?
i.e. For rows where the values < 4000 characters I would store the value in the nvarchar column. Otherwise I would use the ntext column.
Can anyone confirm whether this technique would increase performance given that ntext values are sort of stored separately to the rest of the table data?
A colleague of mine is an Oracle DBA and he mentioned this technique is fairly caommonly adopted in the Oracle world.
When I tried to insert armenian by doing the following insert into tablex (field1) values (N'testdata') it does not display in query analyzer or in the database as armenian. When I copy this to word it does not convert it.
What else am I supposed to do to get that information to redisplay the correct way and I would appreciate any tutorials or samples you can show or direct me to.
Like in the subject: What are the cons and pros of using nvarchar(max) versus ntext? Does it have something to do with having to enable full text search perhaps in the latter case?
Hi all,I need to store data into about 104 columns. This is problematic with MSSQL, since it doesn't support rows over 8kb in total size.Most of the columns are of type NVARCHAR(255), which means we can't havemore than 8092/(255*2) = 15 columns of this type.With a row length of more than 8kb, SQL gives a warning that any rows overthat amount will be truncated.So far I'm seeing two possible solutions to this problem:1. Split data into multiple tables with the same ID column accross alltables, and then join them on SELECT statements.2. Use NTEXT instead of NVARCHAR. NTEXT's length is 16 bytes because itcontains a pointer to the actual value stored somewhere else. However, NTEXTdoesn't support regular indexing, only through a Full-Text Index catalog. Inthis case I'll need to user "WHERE CONTAINS(columnName, 'sometext')" toperform searches, which is bearable.I'm inclined toward #2. However I haven't used Full-Text indices before anddon't know their limitations. Will I run into problems with NTEXT? Is therea better solution?Thanks.-Oleg.
I want to retrieve data from SQL containing non English character but fail, can anyone shed me some light?
What I use currently:
Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "SELECT ArticleID, " strSQL &= "ISNULL(Body, '') AS Body, " strSQL &= "ISNULL(Subject, '') AS Subject " strSQL &= "FROM Articles " strSQL &= "WHERE (Subject LIKE N'%' + @Keyword + '%' OR [Body] LIKE N'%' + @Keyword + '%') " Dim con As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("ConnectionString")) Dim cmd As New SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, con) cmd.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@Keyword", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = keyword ...
I'm not so sure where should I place the letter "N", I use :
SELECT ArticleID, ISNULL(Body, '') AS Body, ISNULL(Subject, '') AS Subject, FROM Articles WHERE (Subject LIKE N'%SomeNonEnglishString%' OR [Body] LIKE N'%SomeNonEnglishString%')
in Query Analzyer, it works! But it failed in my program... oh my god...
Hi, We are in process of converting all of the data type of the fields from CHAR/VARCHAR/TEXT into NCHAR/NVARCHAR/NTEXT (DBCS). Having more than 900 store procedure its look like real pain to make modification in all of the SPs.
After failed to find any help from GOOGLE, I am posting this request. I am basically looking for any automated tool which are convert data type in SP based on the field of the table used in the SP. Or at least which can provide me some sort of list which can helpful for doing manual reactoring.
/* INFO USED HERE WAS TAKEN FROM http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;262499 */ DECLARE @X VARCHAR(10) DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500) DECLARE @Num_Members SMALLINT SELECT @X = 'x.dbo.v_NumberofMembers' DECLARE @SQLString AS VARCHAR(500)
SET @SQLString = 'SELECT @Num_MembersOUT=Num_Members FROM @DB' SET @ParmDefinition = '@Num_MembersOUT SMALLINT OUTPUT'
Just Need Help On This Error Server: Msg 214, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_executesql, Line 11 Procedure expects parameter '@statement' of type 'ntext/nchar/nvarchar'.
I dont know why im getting a errrror b/c I followed http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;262499 exactly
I have a simple invoice, inventory, billing program that is doing something strange but I can't track it down.
I can't figure out what triggers it but occasionally when I add an invoice to a customer all the other invoices are added to the last customer updated.
My update statement on the invoice table is
UPDATE Invoices SET Date = @Date, InvoiceTotal = @InvoiceTotal, SubTotal = @SubTotal, Tax = @Tax, CustomerID = @CustomerID WHERE (CustomerID = @CustomerID)
The only triggers on the table are to update the qty in Inventory and another trigger that fires when a payment is entered.
Hi All,I'm trying to track down a mysterious problem we're experiencing inwhich updates and inserts to tables in our mssql2k server appear to be'disappearing.'To explain our situation:We have a web page (written in ASP, if that's relevant) on which weaccept enrollment information.When that page is submitted, the form data is passed to a storedprocedure on our mssql2k server, which performs several operations,all of which are wrapped in a transaction.In particular, the stored procedure performs an update operation on arecord in one table (i'll call it TableA) and an insert into anothertable (TableB).If the procedure encounters a problem (ie after each update / insertoperation in the procedure we test for IF @@Error<>0) it performs arollback, performs a select similar to the one immediately below, andthen RETURNs.SELECT '1' as error, 'Unable to update TableA' as errormsgIf the procedure doesn't fail any of the @@Error tests, thetransaction is committed, and a membership number is SELECTed to bereturned.SELECT '0' as error, @memnum as membershipnumberThe @memnum variable is populated within the transaction.Back in the ASP page we test both for the proc returning an emptyrecordset, or for it passing an explicit value in the error field, andpush the page to an error page if either of these conditions are met.If, on the other hand, none of these conditions are met, and themembershipnumber field in the recordset is populated with a validmembership number, we push to a confirmation page.This confirmation page receives the membership number in a sessionvariable, performs a SELECT against TableB (the table that receivedthe insert during the proc) using that membership number in the WHEREclause, and the resultant recordset is used to populate theconfirmation details on that page. That recordset is also then used topopulate the details of a confirmation email, which is automaticallysent by the confirmation page.And now here's our problem: we've become aware of a handfull of peoplewho have gone through the enrollment process, have received theconfirmation email containing the information they supplied asexpected, but the data appears to be entirely missing from our tables.By that I mean that the record in TableA does not appear to have beenupdated (under normal circumstances that record should have hadseveral flags set, and several other fields updated with informationsupplied by the person enrolling), and the record in TableB does notappear to have been inserted.In essence, looking at our tables, it *feels* like the transaction inthe stored procedure for that particular enrollment hit a problem andwas rolled back. However, the evidence that we have in the form of theconfirmation email argues strongly that the data must have existed inour tables (particularly in TableB), if only for an unknown period oftime.We're kind of at our wit's end to work out what is going wrong withthese enrollments. From my understanding of transactions (and I couldwell be wrong) any changes to data (ie updates, inserts etc) containedwithin are essentially 'invisible' to any other operation (ie theSELECT that happens in the confirmation page) until the transaction iscommitted, implying that the effect of the update and insert shouldhave been 'permanently' successful if no error code is received and ifa valid membership number was returned. I ask, because someone in ourteam has suggested that maybe the operations in the transaction'lasted long enough' in the tables to have been visible for the SELECTon the confirmation page to have worked, but were then subsequentlyrolled back, explaining why the confirmation email is appropriatelypopulated and why the data then appears to be missing. However, as Isaid, this doesn't match my understanding of how transactions behave.Sorry for the length of this post, but I felt it was best to explainthis as best as I could.Does anyone have any advice they can give us on this situation? ie,are there any known problems with operations in transactions 'bleedingover' into tables, but then being rolled back at some later point?Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on how we can furtherdiagnose this issue?Truly, any help will be immensely appreciated...Thanks in advance,M Wells
Hi All,Further to my previous long-winded question about a situation in whichwe appear to be mysteriously losing data from our mssql2k server.We discovered an update statement, in the stored procedure we believeis at fault, after which no error check was being performed.Under certain conditions, this update is fired against the same recordin the same table as the immediately preceding update statement withinthe transaction. We are now suspecting that under some circumstances,these two updates get into a locking conflict that is eventuallyforcing the transaction to be rolled back.However, I'm still left with three questions.1) Where an update in a transaction gets locked, and an error isn'ttested immediately afterwards (ie no 'IF @@Error<>0' test is made),would the transaction proceed as normal?2) Most critically, would statements in the stored procedure thatappear after the COMMIT TRAN statement also be executed, even if anunresolved lock existed within the transaction?3) Assuming that (2) does happen, would a SELECT made on anotherconnection with a 'WITH(NOLOCK)' locking hint be able to see thechanges made in the locked transaction even if the server is set toREAD COMMITTED, and the SELECT takes place some time after the COMMITTRAN is issued? More to the point, given (2), how long would thelocked transaction survive before being rolled back after the COMMITTRAN has been issued? Is it possible that the COMMIT TRAN takes place,the transaction is flagged for potential rollback while a lockresolution is attempted, the stored procedure exists as thougheverything was fine, a subsequent SELECT (ie performed as one of thenext operations in the same application) using WITH(NOLOCK) 'sees' thechanges made by the transaction, reinforcing the impression that thetransaction succeeded, and then at some point thereafter the lock isdetermined to be unresolvable and the transaction is rolled back,making it seem as though the data disappeared, even though it had beenSELECTable via a different connection to the server?Thanks, by the way, to Simon and Erland for your advice on my previousquestions about this problem.Much warmth,M Wells
When I enter over 4000 chars in any ntext field in my SQL Server 2005 database (directly in the database and through the application) I get an error saying that the data could not be updated because string or binary data would be truncated.Has anyone ever seen this? I cannot figure out what is causing it, ntext should be able to hold a lot more data that this...
I have a column in SQL server which is of type ntext. Selecting the specific column to view it in report builder, an error message appears with the following description:
- Cannot run this report. The grouping expression 'nameofcolumn' returns the datatype binary. The Grouping Expression cannot return binary data.
Report Builder recognises this as if it was an image...
Hi. I am stuck with error: An error occurred while receiving data: '64(error not found)'. My Service Broker configuration: Server A initiator, Server B target. Server A sends message to Server B, Server B sends back reply. On this stage I receive problem. Server B message does not come to server A. It stays on sys.transmission_queue on server B. This problem occurs only during initial setup. During initial setup, on Server B messages, queues, services, contracts, routes, bindings are created. On Server A: routes and bindings. As a last step, a message is sent to Server B. So, reply on this message never comes. Initial setup is run using procedure with execute as €˜owner€™, owner=€™dbo€™. But, whenever I send messages after that, everything works fine.
My organization have a web-based application and needs it to support multilingual so we will be adapting our app to use unicode. However, one of our problems is to convert existing data from text to ntext. I couldn't find anything that document this. What is the best way to do that? I would like to be able to migrate the data from an existing text column to another ntext column in the table.
I brief you about my system, I used List manager system to store the messages and distribute to all members. Right now,by design the Lyris system keep the message in the text field which mean it 's not support multilanguage directly because of unicode field. We needs to create new Db which has the data structure as same as Lyris but just one difference is keep the message in unicode format (ntext) which we need the sql script to automatically update the new record get from Lyris to new DB.
If I can't do that, what are the options? If it's possible, I would like to be able to do this in sql script.
The sql database has an ntext (16) field which contains "information" and is used as a free form turnover log. When I bring this data into an ASP page the "information" gets truncated.
I have tried getchunk, however all formatting on the field is lost. I have tried putting the field at the end of my query - no change. I have tried querying the data as a separate sqlrs connection - no change. I have tried using substring to break it down, the first substring works, however I get errors on the second (Expression result length exceeds the maximum. 8000 max, 12000 found).
I also tried to use substring in sql query anaylzer - and only get the first ~4180 characters.
Is there a way to split this field into multiple nvarchar fields in my temporary table in sql and then concatenate back together in asp report???
I have some text in an NText column that could be quite long.
for the web page that displays it, i want to show the first 200 characters and then have a "more..." link to bring up the full text.
i'd like to create a stored procedure that takes the left 200 characters and copies them to a ShortText column (NVarChar) for initial display and then id like to set a bit column to indicate if the length of the NText column is greater than 200.
Len and Left cant be used against NText so how can i work with the NText data ??
Hi! ALL I 'm writing an ASP.NET Application(1.1) , but i 've problem. I used ntext data type to store my data as follows "Ä?ể sá» dụng các dịch vụ của VUNGOIMORA.COM bạn phải Ä‘á»?c kỹ các thông tin quy định và phải tuân thủ các Ä‘iá»?u quy định sau:
My organization have a web-based application and needs it to support multilingual so we will be adapting our app to use unicode. However, one of our problems is to convert existing data from text to ntext. I couldn't find anything that document this. What is the best way to do that? I would like to be able to migrate the data from an existing text column to another ntext column in the table.
If I can't do that, what are the options? If it's possible, I would like to be able to do this in sql script.
Have a table storing nText data tied into a Cold Fusion front end. The Cold Fusion returns the values fine, but when querying in Query analyzer the messages are being truncated. In Enterprize Manager I get a <Long Text> message.
I ran OBJECTPROPERTY and found that TableTextInRowLimit was set to 0, but even after i set it to 1 on our test system with a value of 2000, it still truncated.
Also, the field is set to ntext with a length of 16. I havent worked much with nText, anyone with advise would be much appricated.
Hello, I have around 7 ntext fields in my data base table and I am getting data from the data base table through executing stored procedure, But when I am displaying data using record set, few of the ntext fields in recored set are empty .Iam sure that these are having data in table. I am not sure why recordset is lossing that ntext field data?Because of this I am unable to display that data in web form. any ideas really appriciated. Thanks Ram
I am running a Access97 front end with a SQL Server 7 backend. On records with an ntext datatype, you are only allowed to update records if the ntext field is null. The tables are linked from access. You get a "cannot update linked table" and "ODBC error #306." Any suggestions??