Odbc Error Linked Table Access

Sep 27, 2006

I have access97 front end , with linked tables to sql server 2005. when i change a table ID column (type int) to primary key so it is updatable, then try open the table i get odbc error with no msg, if i alter table again to remove primary key option table opens fine but is not updateable. any ideas would be a great help

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Users' Access Linked Table From ACCESS To SQL 7.0 By ODBC

Jan 12, 2000

Hi Everyone,

I have set up a link from ACCESS to a SQL 7.0 database using ODBC (File DSN saved on a shared DRIVE). The link works well only from the workstation where the link was created. But How can I create a link so a group of users can view the linked table in ACCESS without type a password? Any suggestion is appreciated.


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Odbc-timeout Error On A Linked Table From Access2k

Dec 12, 2006

Hi.I have the problem that some records in a ms sqlserver table is unableto update from Access.I get the error message odbc-time out error in linked table......I tried to copy this table to another database, where none but me wasaktive.And then it worked quit ok when I try to save the record.I am thinking about if there is some trigger och restraint that Idon't know about, but I don't know how to se all of this in thedatabase.I have changed the odbc-timeout settings in Access but that doesn'tseed to make any differenceSo what's the problem?Does anyone have an idea?/regards BigOlle

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Linked Table From SQL 2005 To Access Error...

Jan 15, 2008

I'm trying to set up a linked table from SQL Server 2005 to MS Access. The .mdb file resides on a network share and I'm unable to connect to it. If i copy the database to a folder on the server that SQL is installed, it works fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Below is the error message that I'm receiving.

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

"The linked server has been created but failed a connection test. Do you want to keep the linked server?"


An exception occurred while executing a Transact-SQL statement or batch. (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo)


Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "LINKSERVER".
OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "LINKSERVER" returned message "The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '\serversharedatabase.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.". (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 7303)

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Unexpected Error From External Database Driver (MS Access Linked Table)

Oct 19, 2006

OS: Windows XP (SP2)
App: MS Access 2003 (SP2)
DB: MS SQL 2000 (SP4, 2040)

User is using MS Access linked table to query database (using ODBC). User can open the query in MS Access. However when the user goes to export the data to MS Excel format, the user receives the error message:

"Unexpected Error from External Database Driver (22)."

A trace on the db, reveals that the user process is attempting to log in to the server as 'Admin'. However, when the query with the linked table is first opened, the user is prompted for username/password (non Windows authentication).

Any ideas? I googled and found some stuff, but nothing directly related and most of what I found was supposedly fixed with SP1.

Any help appreciated. I am not an Access guru.



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Append Query From Access Table To Linked SQL Server Table Failing

Jun 18, 2004

Strange one here - I am posting this in both SQL Server and Access forums

Access is telling me it can't append any of the records due to a key violation.

The query:

INSERT INTO dbo_Colors ( NameColorID, Application, Red, Green, Blue )
SELECT Colors_Access.NameColorID, Colors_Access.Application, Colors_Access.Red, Colors_Access.Green, Colors_Access.Blue
FROM Colors_Access;

Colors_Access is linked from another MDB and dbo_Colors is linked from SQL Server 2000.

There are no indexes or foreign contraints on the SQL table. I have no relationships on the dbo_ table in my MDB. The query works if I append to another Access table. The datatypes all match between the two tables though the dbo_ tables has two additional fields not refrenced in the query.

I can manually append the records using cut and paste with no problems.

I have tried re-linking the tables.

Any ideas?

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ODBC Access Driver Error In Vista

Mar 2, 2007

I am migrating my development environment from XP Pro to Vista, and my website is now serving up the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Disk or network error.

The code in question is as follows:

set dbConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
szProvider="Driver=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb); DBQ=" & szPath
szProvider=szProvider & "database" & szDir & "" & szDB & ".mdb;"
if bDebug then fpDebug.WriteLine("szProvider: " & szProvider)
dbConn.Open szProvider

The error happens on the last line where I try to open the connection. I've tried also using a dbConn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" line, to no avail. The item that is passed to the Open command is

Driver=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb); DBQ=C:obstuffdatabasedemoHMGA.mdb;

I'm not familiar enough with DNS and IIS to figure this out. Any suggestions -- other than porting over to SQL and .NET? You don't buy a Ferrari when you only drive in a 30 MPH town.

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ODBC And Error -7776 From Access And SQL Server.

Dec 13, 2007

I have a weird problem.

I have an SQL Server running my database, I connect to it through a VPN, I'm linking tables with it using ODBC from my Access database. I can see the data without problems. But when I attempt to run a query in my Access which basically creates a local copy of a table I sometimes get the following error: -7776.

After having searched a bit for the error, I found out that it is an ODBC error that is concerning date/time conversion.

Illegal date/time value returned.

I do not have any timestamp datatypes in my SQL server table, they are all datetime datatypes. I have checked the data, all of the dates seem legal dates, no NULL values.

The problem is not consistent, it does not occur at every attempt, it appears about every third time but not consistently. And not at the same location each time. If I stop importing my datetime column, I avoid the error.

From my home location I do not get the error, and neither if I run without my company firewall. However from within the company firewall the error occurs at random times, and at random locations (always the datetime column though).

I find this extremely weird, and even though the problem could seem to be my firewall I somewhat doubt that, since I'm able to see the data if I use a SELECT query, but not when making a Make table one. And since it is always concerning my datetime column (which is not called datetime, datetime is simply the datatype).

I am using Access 2003 and SQL Server 2005.

If you need any further details, please do not hesitate to write.

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Linked Table To Access

Nov 7, 2005

I've created a linked table to Access. I want to be able to delete records and modify existing records through this linked table. I used the account with sa privelleges yet i am unable to delete/update any records.

Does anyone know if there is any fix or am i doing anything wrong ?

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SQL Table Linked To Access

Apr 30, 2004

I'm using ODBC to link a SQL table to access and using Access as the frontend, so to speak. Trying to write a query, but I get Timeout Error.
I need to resolve the timeout error, I've tried several things in the ODBC
configuration, but no solution yet.

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Updating A Linked Table In Access

May 26, 1999

I currently have a database that I can update in Microsoft Access by going into datasheet view of the table and just changing the value of a given field.

Here is the problem. I have made a copy of this database by backing it up and restoring to a new database. Now when I go into Access datasheet view to update, I get the following error: "ODBC--update on a linked table '<tablename>' failed". I have tried restoring to a database on the same server as well as others and have checked for differences set for each database as well as differneces in indexes. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Linked Server To Access 97 - Error 7399

Oct 16, 2000

Hi all,

I have built several Linked Servers from my SQLServer 7 database to some Access 97 MDB files sitting on a Novell file server. When I am physically sitting at the SQLServer I can access/modify data through the links just fine. I have successfully built views, stored procs and jobs referencing these links and they all work perfectly ... As long as I am sitting at the SQLServer. So if I execute 'Select * from RT1...Emp' I get data back.

Now my problem. If I connect to the server from Query Analyser on a different machine I can not execute and anything that references a linked server. If I execute 'Select * from RT1...Emp' I get.

Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error
[OLE/DB Provider returned message: DIsk or Network error.]

I want to be able access various views and stored procs via a VB app so. Eventually I will be moving all of the Access data into the SQLServer but for now I must access the data via links.

Any ideas?

Mark Armer

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Access Linked To SQL Server - 2 Day Offset Error

Jul 20, 2005

We recently translated the backend db from Access(97) to SQL Server.We are still using Access frontends. I have an update query in theAccess front end that uses a lookup table to populate fields. Thecommon fields between the table and the lookup table are the primarykey (LocID) and date & time fields. The query is:UPDATE tblPT_Offsets INNER JOIN tblPT ON tblPT_Offsets.LocID =tblPT.LocID SET tblPT.Offset_ft = [tblPT_Offsets].[Offset_ft],tblPT.Salinity = [tblPT_Offsets].[Salinity]WHERE (((tblPT.Offset_ft) Is Null) AND ((tblPT.Salinity) Is Null) AND((Format([Date]+[Time],"mm/dd/yy hh:nn")) Between [StartDate] And[EndDate]));This worked fine in Access and seemed to work fine after switching toAccess, but on closer look, there is exactly a 2 day error beingintroduced. A quick search of the newsgroups brings up lots of Accessto SQL date problems, but a 2 day offset seems rather strange? Anyideas??I know the field names Date and Time are inappropriate, but legacyissues are a pain in the butt to resolve!! Could this be a problem?David

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[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Syntax Error Or Access Violation'

Apr 25, 2003

Where i try to create stored procedure in sql server 2000 using query analyzer i'm getting an error

'[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Syntax error or access violation'

and the same stored procedure if i try after some time without any changes it gets created..

how is wrong?

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[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Syntax Error Or Access Violation

Apr 17, 2008

Hi guys! I am using SQL 2005 and I wonder why I am encountering the error "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Syntax error or access violation" everytime I am trying to create stored procedure with temp table and table variable.
See my code below with temp table.

Any thoughts will be appreciated!







(TrackNum, ASSETID)


IF @@ERROR != 0
RAISERROR('There was an error in here', 11, 1)

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DTS Execute SQL Task On Access Linked Table

Mar 11, 2004

Can the DTS execute SQL task recognize a table in an Access database that is linked from another Access database?

I'm attempting to use a DTS Execute SQL task connected to Access1.mdb to make a new table in Access1.mdb that is using a Subquery from a linked table in Access2.mdb . (I know it sounds convoluded..) Its giving me an error in my FROM clause as if it can't recognize the linked table from Access2.mdb.

The reason why I'm doing this is that I'm not sure how to run an Access make table query from DTS that will overwrite the existing table in Access. I get an error that the table already exists.

Any Help?

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Access - SQL Server Linked Table : Insert Failed

Oct 12, 2000

Good afternoon one and all,

I have the folowing problem that I could use some help with :

I have an SQL server database acting as a back end to an access dbase. The SQL srv table contains over 32 million records and I am trying to use an append query (in access) to import a further 2 million records to the SQLSRV table. The append query fails with the message 'Insert on table bcdsales failed' followed by an ODBC timeout error message. I can append one record fine but a mass import fails.

Unfortunately i can't use SQL srv to do the import (internal policy says we must stick with access front end for now).

Any and all ideas welcomed.

TIA for your time and attention


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Can't Add A Linked Table To SQL Server 2005 With Access 2003

Oct 26, 2006


I have an Access 2003 front end that contains a number of linked tables on SQL Server 2005 SE. I recreated the application on a second network for testing and was able to use the Linked Table Manager to refresh the database connections. The problem is when I try and add another linked table. I select Link Tables from the menu and then when I select 'ODBC Databases()' from the 'Files of Type' list box, the Link window closes right away.

Any suggestions?

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SQl 2005 Express - Linked Server - Access ADP - MSDASQL Error

Jan 8, 2008

Hi everyone,

I'v finally managed to get a New Linked Server setup on SQL 2005 Express SP2 using the 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers' MSDASQL. I have a Database setup on the SQL 2005 Express Database Engine which contains a query that OPENQUERY's the linked server. The query executes OK.

The problems in when I link an Access 2003 SP2 .adp file to the SQL 2005 Database Engine database. All objects, including the query containing the OPENQUERY (to the linked server) appear. However, when I run the same query within Access I get the following error:

"The OLE DB Provider for Linked Server "name" reported an error."
"The Provider reported an unexpected catastropic failure"

So the query works running within SQL 2005 Management Studio, but the same query doesn't work running within an Access 2003 SP2 ADP. I've closed down SQL 2005 Management Studio, but the same error is displayed.

I didn't know if the problem lies in Access 2003 SP2 or SQL 2005 Express SP2.

Any takers?? (I haven't logged this Thread in an Access forum)

Any assistance is appreciated.


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VFPOLEDB Provider Access Denied Error On Linked Server

Apr 11, 2008

i'm trying to connect a VFP DBC as a linked server on MSSQL2000sp3a, using following parameters:

Product name: VFP

Data source: \networkpath odbc

Provider: VFPOLEDB.1

No security context
I'm trying the same operation both from a W2000sp4 server (+ MDAC 2.8sp1 ?) and a WXPPsp2, against two identical copies of the DBC that resides on two different path (one on the final path and one on a test path).
From WXPPsp2 everything runs ok, from W2000 i'm always getting this error:
Error 7399: OLE/DB Provider 'VFPOLEDB' IUnknown::QueryINterface returned 0x80070005: Access Denied
(already reported in this thread, http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1832362&SiteID=1 but it didn't helped me)

The error happens independently from the user the query runs under (basicly AD account, both domain admin and normal user).
MSSQL runs under a domain account which have full permissions (for test purpose) on the directories where DBC reside.

I did no further modifications on the WXP machine in order to have the linked server running, simply it ran smoothly from the beginning.

Clearly the difference rely on the different OS... but what else?

i ran component checker to determine the MDAC version but some components version numbers slightly differs from the expected ones (eg. resulting version is 2.0.1064 versus 2.0.1022 expected in MDAC 2.8) so i suppose to have MDAC2.8 sp1 on the server.
thanks in advance

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VFPOLEDB For Linked Server Reported An Error. Access Denied

Jul 8, 2007

Hi Cindy,
After hours (days?) researching this, your name keeps popping up, you must be the GOTO person for VFP. So:

We have a server that runs a VFP application and stores .dbf free tables in a directory shared as F:apps ele.

I am working on an XPPro box running SQL Server Express 2005 using Management Studio Express.

I am logged on as a user with administrator rights for the domain

We would like to be able to query this data and move it to our SQL tables as needed.

Here is what I have:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server = 'tele',
@srvproduct = 'VFP',
@provider = 'VFPOLEDB',
@datasrc = 'F:apps ele',
@provstr = 'VFPOLEDB.1'


Here is what I get:

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The OLE DB provider "VFPOLEDB" for linked server "tele" reported an error. Access denied.
Msg 7301, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot obtain the required interface ("IID_IDBCreateCommand") from OLE DB provider "VFPOLEDB" for linked server "tele".

I have tried:

exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
@rmtsrvname = 'tele',
@useself = false,
@locallogin = NULL,
@rmtuser = 'admin',
@rmtpassword = NULL

Same result.

I have also tried:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
'Jet 4.0',
'F:apps ele',
'dBase IV'

When I run:

select * from tele2...prospect_divu

I get:

OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "tele2" returned message "The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'prospect_divu'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.".
Msg 7311, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Cannot obtain the schema rowset "DBSCHEMA_COLUMNS" for OLE DB provider "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" for linked server "tele2". The provider supports the interface, but returns a failure code when it is used.

What would you suggest?

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How Can I Use Create Or Alter Statements With ODBC And Microsoft Access ODBC Driver (*mdb)?

May 13, 2007


I am using VB.NET 2005 and set up an ODBC connection via ODBC.ODBCConnection to a MDB database. Therefor, I use the "Microsoft Access ODBC Driver (*.mdb)".

When I set up a ODBCCommand like "ALTER DATABASE..." or "CREATE TABLE..." and issue it with the com.ExecuteNonQuery() command, I get an error from ODBC driver, that a SQL statement has to begin with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE.

How can I use DDL statements via ODBC?

I would appreciate if you could help me to use ODBC for that - no OLE, no ADO.

Thanks for help!


Stefan D.

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Access Crashes Filtering A Linked SQL Table On A Date Field

Jun 29, 2006

I have an MS Access 2002 application that is distributed to a number of PCs around our office. The data for this application is stored on a central SQL Server that is linked in through ODBC.

This application has been in place for two years and working fine. We recently formatted and restored a PC, and now that particular PC has issues with the Access application.

Every time it tries to filter one of the linked SQL tables on a date field, Access goes unresponsive and GPFs out. If it's in a query that is behind a report, I get the old standard 'Catastrophic Failure'. If I open the table and right-click filter or run a query manually, Access GPFs.

I've tried recreating the ODBC, linking the tables through TCP/IP as well as Named Pipes. Nothing fixes it. All Windows and Office updates have been applied. This is not the first time we've reformatted a PC in the office, but we've never had this issue.

Has anyone run across this before?



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Linked Table From Server To Access Doesn't Show Data?

Oct 25, 2013

I linked an SQL server table into Access, but when I open the table in Access, no data shows. Do I need to set some permissions on the sql table?

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HOWTO Insert Into ACCESS Linked Table Via OLE DB Destination Task

Jun 22, 2007

I have used an access linked table to import data from a sharePoint list hosted on SharePoint 2007 server.

I hope someone else has done this. (1)I Does anyone know of any other way to pull data from a SharePoint 2007 list.

(2)Has anyone pushed data to a SharePoint List from a SQL Server table?

I tried doing that via the linked table but the destination task of the data flow task does not allow me to push data into the table.

(3) Has anyone designed an SSIS package to write data to an AccESS table from a SQL Server table?

Any help would be appreciated

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Connecting To An Access DB Using Linked Server Gives The Error, System Resource Exceeded

Oct 18, 2007

I am using SQL 2000 (Standard Edition, SP4) and have created a linked server to access a Access MDB file. When I run a simple query against that server, I get the error:

Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' reported an error.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: System resource exceeded.]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' ICommandText::Execute returned 0x80004005: ].

I am able to connect to this same Access MDB file from another SQL server (SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition, SP4). I have compared the two servers and they both have the same version of MDAC (2.8) and the same version of the Jet OLE DB Provider.

Any idea why this would work from one server and not from the other. Also, I was able to perform the same queries from the first server a week back.

Thanks in advance for you help.

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ODBC Error Code = S0002 (Base Table Not Found)

Nov 20, 2001

I have converted a access database to sql server 2000 for some reason i keep getting this error base table not found.
I know the sql database is there and i also know the table is there. I'm not sure why i keep getting this error..


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Cannot Link To SQL Tables Using ODBC Link Table In Access 2003

Feb 3, 2006

When trying to link to an SQL table in Access 2003, the software appears to be malfunctioning. 

The sequence of events is File - Get External Data - Link Tables - Files of Type: ODBC Databases().

The Problem: On two of my computers, the select data source window does not pop up, preventing me from linking to any ODBC data source. 

Observations:  This function has worked normally in the recent past and works on other computers running Access 2003.  One difference between the computers working and non-working computers is Norton Antivirus 2006 (recent upgrade).

Has anyone experienced anything like this?  What's going on?

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Linked Server Update Table Error

Jul 31, 2015

We have 2 instances. One is sqlgpscluster and another is [sqlcdsclustersqlcds]. We have created linked server between sqlgpscluster and [sqlcdsclustersqlcds]. We run the below query on sqlgpscluster instance

UPDATE [sqlcdsclustersqlcds].CDSBusiness.dbo.tblInsertNowAppMonitoring
SET NoCabsDateTime = GETDATE(),City=@City
,Area = dbo.fn_FindAreaSubAreaBasedOnLatLong(@PickUpLat,@PickUpLng)
WHERE CustomerMobileNo=@CustomerMobileNo

We are seeing the below error:
The OLE DB provider "SQLNCLI" for linked server "sqlcdsclustersqlcds" could not UPDATE table "[sqlcdsclustersqlcds].[CDSBusiness].[dbo][tblInsertNow AppMonitoring]". The rowset was using optimistic concurrency and the value of a column has been changed after the containing row was last fetched or resynchronized.

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Linked Server 2000 To 2005: Error 17 Sql Server Does Not Exist Or Access Denined.

Aug 30, 2006

I'm trying to link SQL Server 2000 sp3 to SQL 2005 64 bit. I keep getting Error 17 sql server does not exist or access denined. I tried adding remote user mapping and chaning the linked server properties to "Be made using this security context" without any success.
Any help is appreciated.

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ODBC Linked Tables

Mar 23, 2001

In order to use Access 97 as your frontend and SQL 7 as your backend on a
network (where the frontend is located on the same computer as the backend and
people just map to Access frontend) where security for the data is recognized
by your domain login account and what domain group you belong to..do you
have to have the same System DSN on everyone's computer for linking? I am
still having problems with people linking to the SQL server through the network and only my account is working correctly from my desktop. Everyone
else who tries to link gets an ODBC failure error message when trying to
open one of the linked tables. I have heard from one person that you must
have the same system DSN on every client's computer but to me that makes no
sense as I do not have the DSN listed on my individual computer...I am just
going through the network as myself..not as an admin..and getting directly
to the data. Everyone else can get to the shared folder on the server but
cannot get to the linked tables. Any ideas?

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Linked Server - ODBC

Jul 25, 2000

I have a linked server set up to a FoxPro database. I have used the 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC' as the Provider name, the datasource name is 'TestFoxPro' and the Catalog is AssetTracker.

I have set it up and I am able to see the table objects in the Enterprise manager, but I am unable to select from the tables in the Query analyzer. I I have tried

select * from Test2.assettracker.dbo.assets

but i get the following error

Server: Msg 7312, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Invalid use of schema and/or catalog for OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL'. A four-part name was supplied, but the provider does not expose the necessary interfaces to use a catalog and/or schema.

So i have tried three part name, but then it does not find the object.

Any suggestions??


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Linked Server To ODBC

Jul 14, 2002

I am trying to create linked server in sql2000 using odbc which point
to foxpro free files.
I tryed a lot but the following errro message is displayed:

Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]File 'data1020.dbf' does not exist.]


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