Off Topic - Calling Procedures From MS Access

Nov 15, 1999

Hi all!

Is there a possibility to call (and receive records) SQL Server (or other databases) procedure from MS Access?

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Calling Stored Procedures In MS Access

Nov 3, 2000

can anyone tell me how to call SQL stored procedures in MS Access97...
appreciate any help

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Slightly Off-topic Topic

Feb 14, 2006

Hi,I wanted to know how actually a database converter works.I am working on a converter from DBF to MS SQL server 2000using Visual Basic 6.0. I wanted to know that once a legacy databaseis enterd in the program, how does it get normalised.I have aboout 40 tables in DBASE IV format. I want to convert theminto relational database and store them on server. But on conversion,how can the converted data be normalised by itself.Awaiting the replies,Thanks

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Calling Stored Procedures From C#

Jul 1, 2007

Hi All...  I'm calling a stored procedure from C#.  I'm sending it input parameters as follows:SqlCommand c = new SqlCommand("AddAuthor", myConnection);c.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
c.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LastName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100));c.Parameters["@LastName"].Value = "Last";
c.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@FirstName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100));c.Parameters["@FirstName"].Value = "First";
In my opinion, that works nice - and it's easy.  The reference I'm using says I can also specify "output" parameters - instead of supplying a value, one needs to change a property called direction. 
But my stored procedure doesnt return any output parameters per se, but it does return a value.  That is the last statement in the stored procedure is "RETURN @@IDENTITY" - it returns the identity field after an INSERT...  So how do I get that value back in my C# code?
Thanks for the help in advance.  Happy 4th to all!  : )    -- Curt

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Calling Stored Procedures Via

Jan 16, 2008

 I was wondering if someone can tell me why my sub for calling stored procedures doesn't work.The string strFinFileId is not null.
I keep getting the following error System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Total
Here's my sub.
 '//get GrandTotal    Protected Sub GetGrandTotal(ByVal finfileid As String)        Dim myConnection As SqlConnection        Dim connString As String        Dim strFinFileId As String        Dim strGrandTotal As Decimal
        strFinFileId = finfileid        connString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("PMOConnectionString1").ConnectionString
        myConnection = New SqlConnection(connString)        'you need to provide password for sql server        myConnection.Open()
        Dim sql1 As String
        sql1 = "GetGrandTotal " & Convert.ToInt32(strFinFileId)
        Dim myCommand As SqlCommand
        'Response.Write(sql1)        'Response.End()
        myCommand = New SqlCommand(sql1, myConnection)
        Dim reader As SqlDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader()        While reader.Read()            strGrandTotal = reader.Item("Total")            LabelGrandTotal.Text = strGrandTotal            'Response.Write(strFinFileId)            'Response.End()
        End While        reader.Close()        myConnection.Close()    End Sub
Mark :) 

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Help W. Calling Stored Procedures

Apr 16, 2008

I have a stored procedure written to update a table:
The stored procedure  has the following parameters:
@Original_TypeID int,
@Type_Desc varchar(35),
@Contact_Name varchar(20),
@Contact_Ad1 varchar(25),
@Contact_Ad2 varchar(25),
@Contact_City varchar(10),
@Contact_Phone varchar(12),
@Contact_Fax varchar(12),
@Contact_Email varchar(35)
And I want to call this procedure when the "update" button is clicked, my code is:Protected Sub UpdateButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("myConnectionString").ConnectionString)Dim myCommand As SqlCommandDim UpdteParam As New SqlParameter()
myConnection.Open()myCommand = New SqlCommand("[dbo].[sp_Update_Types]", myConnection)
myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
End Sub
Can you please help me with the ????? areas? I don't know how to pass the parameters into the procedure, and also the second set of ??? s, I'm not sure if I am executing the command correctly.
Thank you.

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Stored Procedures Calling DLL's

Jun 21, 2001

I'm relatively new to SQL Server and I was wondering if there is any way to call a DLL from a regular stored procedure? I believe I've read that the extended stored procedure is a DLL and therefore should be able to call another DLL. Can this also be verified? We're looking to speed up some sections of Visual Basic code which does some heavy I/O work. I've also asked this once before but didn't get an absolute answer - can you write the extended stored procedures in Visual Basic or is C/C++ the only language supported right now?


Caroline Kaplonski

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Calling Stored Procedures

Jul 20, 2005

Hi AllI was wondering if there is a way to call a stored procedure from insideanother stored procedure. So for example my first procedure will call asecond stored procedure which when executed will return one record and iwant to use this data in the calling stored procedure. Is this possible ?Thanks in advance

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Calling Stored Procedures From Different DBs

Jul 20, 2005

Is it possible to have a stored procedure in database A while callingit from database B and have it manipulate the tables in database B(whatever the calling database happens to be)?We have a large-scale app that uses many complex stored procedures,and as of now, we're copying the SPs to every new database that iscreated, and it will soon become a nightmare for propagating updatesand fixes. We'd like to keep a master set of the SPs in one DB and"use" them from other DBs so that they only query data and manipulatetables in the calling DB. I hope someone has some suggestions. Thanks.

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Calling Stored Procedures In SQL Statement

Aug 25, 2007

How can we call Stored Procedure inside any SQL Statement
For Example.
If we have procedure name sprocCurrentPriority
select * from tablename where colmunname = exec sprocCurrentPriority

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Calling Stored Procedures On Different Servers

Oct 4, 2004

I'm using reporting services to build a report and I plan on using a stored procedure to gather my data for the report. My question is:

I know it's possible to call a stored procedure from a stored procedure, both within the same dB and in different dB's, but is it possible to call a SP that's on a different server? My gut says "definitely not. at least not easily." But I wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts on this before I pursue a different course of action.

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Calling Stored Procedures From A Web Page

Jan 15, 2001

I am currently developing web pages based on data pulled from SQL Server with ASP. I've mastered the art of SELECTing, INSERTing, etc, but want to know if it is possible to run STored Procedures from a page by clicking on a button on a particualr web page.

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Calling Sql Server Stored Procedures From C#

Apr 3, 2008

I have a simple stored procedure:

create procedure sp_testres

@mult1 int,

@mult2 int,

@result int output


select @result = (10*@mult1) + @mult2


When I call it

declare @result int

exec sp_testres 5, 6, @result output

print @result

(Result is correctly shown as 56).

I then in C# wrote the following:

m_cmd.CommandText = "sp_testres";

SqlParameter param2 = new SqlParameter("@mult2", SqlDbType.Int);

param2.Value = 6;

SqlParameter param1 = new SqlParameter("@mult1", SqlDbType.Int);

param1.Value = 5;

SqlParameter param3 = new SqlParameter("@result", SqlDbType.Int);

param3.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

m_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;





This works and param3.Value holds the result value.
I also notice that I can supply the parameters in any order, and things work fine.

What I want to know is: can I call the stored procedure with parameters, where I haven't supplied the parameter name, and just rely on the parameter order matching instead?

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Calling Stored Procedures Using Plain ADO In C#

Sep 7, 2006

Hello All,

We are trying to figure out how to make a stored procedure call and pass some inputs using C# and plain ADO. We are able to call an empty stored procedure but cannot pass parameters into a stored procedure.

Does anyone have sample code in C# whereby we can open a connection and pass inputs into a stored procedure? The following is a sample code we are using:

ADODB.Parameter param = new ADODB.Parameter();

param=cmd.CreateParameter("@StoreID", ADODB.DataTypeEnum.adInteger, ADODB.ParameterDirectionEnum.adParamInput,sizeof(int) , 9);


          ADODB.Recordset rsInv = cmd.Execute(out objAffected, ref objAffected,-1 );

In the above example, we create a parameter of type integer and try to add it to the ADO Command object. It is supposed to return a recordset. It returns a recordset with record count -1.



Dwight Kulkarni

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Calling Stored Procedures Inside Cursors

Aug 13, 2001

I have created a cursor using the following type of syntax:

SELECT ID FROM tblEmployees
OPEN MyCursor
CLOSE MyCursor

Instead of the SELECT statement (SELECT ID FROM tblEmployees), I actually have a very complex select statement. I have created a stored procedure to handle this select. However, I cannot find a way to call a stored procedure in place of the SELECT statement in the cursor. Is this possible? Thanks.

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Calling DB2 Store Procedures From SQL Server 2000

Feb 5, 2004

I am trying to call DB2 stroe procedure from within SQL server 2000 using DTS. I have the IBM odbc driver installed on the server. I have created an ACtiveX script to run in DTS and it fails staing it could not findor load the DB2 store procedure.

Has anyone come across doing this and how they did it?

THanks for the help....

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Calling Stored Procedures In A Select Statement

Feb 26, 2004

I am trying to call a stored procedure inside a SQL SELECT statement. Has anybody had to do this in the past? I have a SELECT statement in a Microsoft Access database and I need that SELECT statement to call the stored procedure in the SQL server. Any help would be appreciated

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Calling Stored Procedures From Back End C# Codings In ASP .net Designing

Nov 21, 2007

I writte a stored procedure for username , password ....
How can i call that stored procedure to verify the username & password 
then if both match in the database redirected to next page..? in asp with back end programming

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Problems Calling A Stored Procedures Depending On Parameters

Dec 10, 2007

Hi guys, hoping one of you may be able to help me out. I am using VS 2005, and for a Windows application.
I have a table in SQL that has a list of Storedprocedures:  Sprocs Table: SPID - PK (int), ID (int), NAME (string), TYPE (string)The ID is a Foreign key (corresponding to a Company ID), the name is the stored procedure name, and Type (is the type of SP).
On my application I need to a certain SP depending on the company selected and what page you are on. I have a seperate SP that passes in parameters for both Company, and Type and should output the Name value:
Unfortunately I dont seem to be able to get the output in .Net, or then be able to fill my dataset with the Stored Procedure.Has anyone done something similar before, or could point me in the right direction to solving this problem.

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Using EXECUTE Statements Calling An Extended Stored Procedures From Function..

Apr 29, 2004

Hi, all
I'm using Sql server 2000
I want to make select statement dynamically and return table using function.
in sp, I've done this but, in function I don't know how to do so.
(I have to create as function since our existing API..)

Following is my tials...
alter Function fnTest
( @fromTime datetime, @toTime datetime)

RETURN Exec spTest @from, @to

Yes, it give syntax error..

2. So, I found the following

From Sql Server Books Online, Remark section of CREATE FUNCTION page of Transact-SQL Reference , it says following..

"The following statements are allowed in the body of a multi-statement function. Statements not in this list are not allowed in the body of a function: "
* EXECUTE statements calling an extended stored procedures.

So, I tried.

alter Function fnTest
( @fromTime datetime, @toTime datetime)

RETURN Exec master..xp_msver

It doesn't work... syntax err...

Here I have quick question.. How to execute statements calling an extended stored procedures. any examples?

Now, I'm stuck.. how can I create dynamic select statement using function?

I want to know if it's possible or not..

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Calling A SP From Access 2000

Jun 6, 2001

Is there a way to call a sqlserver stored procedure from an access database?



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Calling MS Access Function From DTS

Mar 10, 2004

Does anyone know if you can call an Access function from DTS?
I'm trying to delete data from an Access database, Compact the database, and load new data. My snag is calling a function in Access to compact the database.


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Calling Stored Procedure From ACCESS

Jul 27, 2001

Can someone tell me how to call a stored procedure from Access?


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Calling DTS Package From VB/Ms-Access 2000

Sep 2, 2004

Hi All,
My name is kanishk. I am facing some issue in calling the DTS package from Visual Basic code.
The brief history of issue is :
We have a application which uses Ms-Access as front end and MS-Sql server 2000 as backend. Perviously we has MS-Access 97 version and MS-Sql 2000 .In this comination the DTS package was working fine.
Now We have changes the fornt end to MS-Access 2002. Here the DTS package is not working .

Can you please help me out to get the proper syntax to call the DTS package from VB code.

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Calling SSIS From Access .adp Project

Nov 15, 2007

Not sure if this is the right place to ask but I'll try...

I have to execute an integration service package in an .adp project. In other words, click of the button on the adp window has to start a package or a job.

Can that be done? And if yes, how? I've been searching the Web but without success.

Thanks for your help.

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Off Topic Question?

Jun 20, 2003

Does anyone know if there is a way to set a screensaver to auto log off users?

thanks for your time.

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Emergency Topic 3.

Dec 4, 2006

I absolutely agree with you.

I managed to find the error, it was a typo.

Here is the code, if somebody is interested about it. It is oracle, not SQL server, but the idea is the same.

drop view a;
drop view b;
drop view figure5_9;

create view a
select d.donorID, dt.donortype, dt.donortargetq1
from donortype dt, donor d
where d.donortype=dt.donortype;

select * from a;

create view b
select a.donortype, sum(c.ContributionAmount) as amount
from Contribution c, a
where c.ContributionDate between '01-JAN-06' and '31-MAR-06' and a.donorID=c.donorID
group by a.donortype;

select * from b;

create view figure5_9
select b.donortype, a.donortargetq1, b.amount, b.amount/a.donortargetq1 as percentage
from a, b
where a.donortype=b.donortype
group by b.donortype, a.donortargetq1, b.amount;

select * from figure5_9;

Thanks for the help anyway ;-)

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MySQL To MS SQL(Not This Topic Again!! ;-))

Feb 26, 2008


I am trying to extract data from a MySQL DB. I have installed the MySQL Connector (mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.23-win32), then set up an ODBC connector in the Control Panel > ODBC.

Then in BIDS I have setup a new ODBC connection in Connection Managers, and then used the ODBC connection I setup above so at that point everything looks cool.

Now what? Do I setup a Execute SQL Task or how do I get the data out and into a Data Flow Task?


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401 Unauthorized Access When Calling Report Server From ASP.NET Application

Feb 11, 2008

I receive the following error when i call report server web service from an application:

"The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized."

Here are the IIS logs on the reporting services server. When i open IE and browse to the web service i provide my user credentials and i can access the web service just fine. However when i call the web service via my application it looks like my credentials are not being passed??

Browsing web services via internet explorer.

2008-02-11 21:26:13 W3SVC1836052065 HQSQLDEV1 GET /Reports/images/16fold.gif - 8080 triwestdbloom HTTP/1.1 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.2;+WOW64;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322) 200 0 0 15

Call from ASP.NET App

2008-02-11 21:26:13 W3SVC1836052065 HQSQLDEV1 GET /Reports/images/16fold.gif - 8080 - HTTP/1.1 Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+6.0;+Windows+NT+5.2;+WOW64;+SV1;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+1.1.4322) 401 1 0 0

Here is my code:

RSWebService.ReportingService rs = new RSWebService.ReportingService();

rs.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(@"triwestdbloom",

"blah", "triwest");

//rs.PreAuthenticate = true;

//Get all folders

RSWebService.CatalogItem[] allItems = rs.ListChildren("/", false);

//Get only folders not hidden to the user.

List<RSWebService.CatalogItem> visibleItems = new List<RSWebService.CatalogItem>();

foreach (RSWebService.CatalogItem item in allItems)




Any ideas?

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Problems Calling SQL Express Stored Procedure From Access (using VBA)

Oct 4, 2007

Crossposted from VBA forum:

I'm upsizing a database from Access 2003 to a SQL Express backend combined with an Access frontend. Along the way, I'm trying to shift the larger queries into stored procedures, but many of our queries require variables. I'm having a hard time with the VBA to run this stored procedure, and looking for suggestions that make sense to a relative newbie to VBA.

Here's my code, which is being triggered by a button click on a form containing input boxes StartDt and EndDt for the date range:

Code Block

Private Sub btnDateFormQuery_Click()
'On Error GoTo Err_btnDateFormQuery_Click

If CreateDSNConnection("server", "database", "user", "password") Then
'// All is okay.
'// Not okay.
End If

Dim rs_sp As Recordset 'Set in Global Module
Dim qdf As QueryDef 'Set in Global Module
Dim SP_SQL As String 'Set in Global Module
Dim Db As Database
Set Db = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = Db.CreateQueryDef("qry_Donors") 'Set in Global Module
qdf.ReturnsRecords = True 'Set in Global Module
qdf.ODBCTimeout = 15 'Set in Global Module
SP_SQL = "Execute sp_DonorQRY " & "'" & StartDt & "'" & ", " & "'" & EndDt & "'"
qdf.SQL = SP_SQL 'Set in Global Module

'Check Dates for errors
Call CheckDates 'Procedure to check dates
If CheckDatesErr = True Then
Exit Sub ' don't continue
End If

'Here is where we need to enter the code that will drive the query.

Set rs_sp = qdf.OpenRecordset



Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_btnDateFormQuery_Click

End Sub

During Debugging, when I reach the line "qdf.SQL = SP_SQL", I receive the following error:
Runtime Error '3129'Invalid SQL Statement; expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT', 'PROCEDURE', 'SELECT', or 'UPDATE'.

I've been able to copy out the value of SP_SQL and paste it into a pass-through query, and it runs beautifully. Just not having any luck trying to script it.

Thanks in advance.

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Off Topic: Paul OOF Until 2nd October

Sep 14, 2006

I'm in China doing TechEds in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Beijing and Hong Kong - returning to the office Monday 2nd October.

There may be significant delays in my replies to any topics on this forum. Just fyi so you don't sit waiting for me to respond.


Paul Randal
Lead Program Manager, Microsoft SQL Server Core Storage Engine (Legalese: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.)

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Off Topic: Paul OOF Until January

Dec 13, 2006

It's been pretty quiet here recently - hopefully people either aren't experiencing corruptions or they're finding what they need in the previous threads.

Just a quick note to say that I'll be totally offline from tomorrow until January - going diving in Indonesia (

Happy holidays and may your pagers be silent throughout


Paul Randal
Principal Lead Program Manager, Microsoft SQL Server Core Storage Engine (Legalese: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.)

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How To Find My Previous Topic??

Jul 23, 2005

Plz helpHow to find my previous topic??CheersDishan

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