Hello all,
I am new to SQL and I was hoping someone could explain something to me about 'on update cascade'.
I understand what 'on update cascade' does (i think) - it updates the child table when the parent table is updated.
What i do not understand is that the 'on update cascade' works on the primary key of the parent table, but i was on the understanding that the primary key doesn't change often if at all so why would the 'on update cascade' be of use?
Sorry for my ignorance and i realise i must be missing something simple but would be grateful for any help.
Does anyone know how to do a cascade update in SQL 2005 using the studio manager?Basically, I have a project table with a status column. If the status is set to 2, then I need to update another table that references the project id.
Is it possible to cascade update and delete while DRI remains there ? That is without deleteing refrential integrity. If anyone have example of cascade delete and Update using Pubs or Northwind Example , i'll be really obliged.
i want to reffer A1,A2 column from a Table A to B1 column of Table B. when i use the on update cascade option for the columns A1 & A2 i get an error for the 2nd one. sql:
alter table A add constraint fk_key1 foreign key (a1) references b(b1) on update cascade;
alter table A add constraint fk_key2 foreign key (a2) references b(b1) on update cascade;
after executing the sql i get the following error for the 2nd sql:
Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_key2' on table 'A' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.
if i dont use cascade option then i dont get any error.
but i need to synchronize the data. now can anyone help me how to add the cascade option working for the 2nd column of Table A without seperating the column in a different table?
Hi!For the sake of simplicity, I have three tables, Employee, Department andWorkEmployee >---- Department / /^ ^WorkThe Work table have two columns, empno and depno and consists that theemployee has worked on another department.Here is my scripts:create table employee (empno int not null primary key, depno int not null)create table department (depno int not null primary key)create table work (empno int not null, depno int not null)alter table employee add constraint fk_employee_department foreign key(depno)references department (depno)on update cascadealter table work add constraint fk_work_employee foreign key (empno)references employee (empno)on update cascadealter table work add constraint fk_work_department foreign key (depno)references department (depno)on update cascadeMy problem is the last command. SQL Server responds:Server: Msg 1785, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'fk_work_department' on table 'work' maycause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ONUPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.But I want the depno in the work table to be updated when a department.depnochanges a value.Does anyone have a suggestion on how to overcome this problem?Thanks in advanceBest regards,Gunnar VψyenliEDB-konsulent asNORWAY
i run this cmd to execute a cascade update to another database but did not work.
USE [testdb1] GO /****** Object: Trigger [dbo].[tgr_Upddb2] Script Date: 07/29/2007 08:34:47 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[tgr_Upddb2] ON [dbo].[Table1] FOR UPDATE AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON
UPDATE U SET u.fk_fld = i.pk_fld FROM inserted AS I JOIN testdb2.dbo.table2 AS U ON U.fk_fld = I.pk_fld END
Hi, I have a database which saves data about bus links. I want to provide a information to passenger about price of their journay. The price depends on three factors: starting busstop, ending busstop and type of ticket (full, part - for students and old people, ...). So I created a table with three foreign key constraints (two for busstops and one for type). When the busstop is deleted or type of ticket I want all data connected with it to be deleted automatically. I wanted to use cascade deleting. But I receive a following exception: Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_TicketPrices_BusStops1' on table 'TicketPrices' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints. How can I achieve my task? Why should it cause cycles or multiple cascade paths?
I'm looking for a query I can use to alter table relationships. What I want to do in particular, is to set every relationship to cascade on update. Can anyone point me out to a solution? MSDN seems very vague in this subject.
Hello I need to be able to regularly, update or delete data from my parent table and subsequent child tables from A to Z, each table contains data. However, I have having problems. I have already created the tables with primary keys on each table and foreign keys linking each table to the next. I tried to delete a row from the parent table and was given this error: DELETE FROM [dbo].[DomNam]WHERE [DomNam]=N' football ' Error: Query(1/1) DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint 'FK_DomNam'. The conflict occurred in database 'DomDB', table 'Dom_CatA', column 'DomNam'.
I tried to insert an alter table query: ALTER TABLE dbo.DomNamADD CONSTRAINT FK_Dom_ID REFERENCES dbo.Dom_CatA (Dom_ID) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE But on Execute I saw this error: Error] Incorrect syntax for definition of the 'TABLE' constraint What is wrong with the above syntax? Or would it be better if I used a trigger instead because I already have foreign keys set within the tables?If so please give an example of the syntax for the trigger I would need to update and cascade data from all tables. I would be grateful for any advice. Thanks.
hello, once upon a time when i created my db (originally in access then used the conversion tool, which i now know is wrong!) i thought it would be an amazing idea to have cascading updates and deletes, however it turns out now this is exactly not what i want! if i leave them in then it throws errors when i delete records out of my stock table as related records are in the order_line table here is the code (well i think so, im not the best at sqlserver as you probably can tell already) that im using if anyone can help or point me in the right direction that would be great, thanks USE [nashdfDB1]GO/****** Object: Table [dbo].[tbl_stock] Script Date: 07/13/2007 02:52:14 ******/SET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOSET ANSI_PADDING ONGOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_stock]( [Stock_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [cat_id] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__tbl_stock__cat_i__15502E78] DEFAULT ((0)), [sub_cat_id] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__tbl_stock__sub_c__164452B1] DEFAULT ((0)), [location] [int] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__tbl_stock__locat__173876EA] DEFAULT ((0)), [n_or_sh] [varchar](50) NULL, [title] [varchar](255) NULL, [description] [varchar](255) NULL, [size] [varchar](50) NULL, [colour] [varchar](50) NULL, [cost_price] [decimal](9, 2) NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__tbl_stock__cost___182C9B23] DEFAULT ((0)), [selling_price] [decimal](9, 2) NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__tbl_stock__selli__1920BF5C] DEFAULT ((0)), [qty] [varchar](50) NULL, [date] [datetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__tbl_stock__date__1A14E395] DEFAULT (getdate()), [condition] [varchar](255) NULL, [notes] [varchar](255) NULL, [visible] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__tbl_stock__visib__1B0907CE] DEFAULT ((1)), [picture1] [varchar](50) NULL, [picture1_thumb] [varchar](50) NULL, [picture2] [varchar](50) NULL, [picture2_thumb] [varchar](50) NULL, [picture3] [varchar](50) NULL, [picture3_thumb] [varchar](50) NULL, [picture4] [varchar](50) NULL, [picture4_thumb] [varchar](50) NULL, [display_price] [varchar](50) NULL, [created_by] [varchar](50) NULL, [buying_in_recipt] [varchar](255) NULL, CONSTRAINT [tbl_stock$PrimaryKey] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Stock_ID] ASC)WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY] GO SET ANSI_PADDING OFF
I'm looking for a query I can use to alter table relationships. What I want to do in particular, is to set every relationship to cascade on update. Can anyone point me out to a solution? MSDN seems very vague in this subject.
I have contract table which has built in foreign key constrains. How can I alter this table for delete/ update cascade without recreating the table so whenever studentId/ contactId is modified, the change is effected to the contract table.
************************************************** ****** Contract table DDL is
create table contract( contractNum int identity(1,1) primary key, contractDate smalldatetime not null, tuition money not null, studentId char(4) not null foreign key references student (studentId), contactId int not null foreign key references contact (contactId) );
I have a Sql Server 2005 table with 3 fields, an ID field (primary key), a parent ID field, and Name. The parent ID references the ID field (foreign to primary - many to one) within the same table so that records can reference their parent. I would like to place a cascade delete on the ID field so that when the primary ID is removed it will automatically remove all those records with a parent ID that match. Sql server does not allow me to establish this cascade delete.I was considering a trigger instead but only know how tio use the AFTER paramter and not an alternative. Thanks
We are developing a new oltp application using SQL Server 2000 and are debating whether to use "cascade delets" or not. In earlier apps, we had issues using cascade deletes like someone deleted parent by mistake and all child records got deleted OR SQL Server crashed in middle of cascade delete and records were lost or performance became an issue when there were huge # of child records to be deleted,etc.
Are there any recommendations for/against using Cascade deletes and when to use and when NOT to use cascade deletes ?
i just got a job and i have to learn triggers to pass my test , however,i'mfinding the cascade trigger a bit difficult, does it update other tables automatically when a column is updated?
I am a C# programmer also acting as the dba for a SQL Server project. I have a table called Folder that has child records in a table called FolderItems. When a Folder is deleted I want the FolderItems to be deleted. I know how to accomplish via code, but I would prefer to have SQL Server perform the delete just in case a folder is deleted via SQL Management Studio or other method.
Is a trigger the way to go about this? I know how to create triggers For Delete, but I just wondering is this the best method to create a Cascade delete or does SQL have any built in "Cascade" delete features.
Helle people. The question is: I have two tables: Directories and SubDirectories. SubDirectories table has foreign key for DirectoryId. Now if I define this key with ON DELETE CASCADE attribute then in case of I delete a Directory record, all SubDirectory records will also be deleted. But if I have only one table Directories that have field named ParentId and in this field I save an Id of parent direcory. Can I define a parentId field as a foreign key to the same table and define it with ON DELETE CASCADE? Will it work too? Thanks
Hi, I have the following tables: Categories {Category_ID, Column2, ...} Articles { Article_ID, Category_FK, Column3, ...} Discussions {Discussion_ID, Article_FK, Column3, ...} Now, all what I have is just category_ID value (Let us say 3), how can I do cascade delete to delete category's record that its ID = 3 and delete all articles and all discussions that found in that category?
I have a logins table, a loginroles table (intermediate), and a roles table When I delete a login from logins I need to delete the roles for that login from loginroles. I know I have to use cascade deletes, but I cannot find the option in sql 2005. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You,Jason
I am attempting to clarify how the cascade delete works. For example I have a Parent table and two child tables used for lookup that have the ID_FK = ID_PK from the Parent table.
tblUsers --------------- ID_PK Fname Lname ...
tblUser_Phone ---------------- ID_FK Phone ...
tbUser_Email ---------------- ID_FK Email ...
If I needed to delete all records from tblUser_Phone would this delete my USER entry from the parent table tblUsers if I have cascade delete enabled?
I follow sql coding for cascading combo boxes that populates them if the first one populates the cdname the second one should populate the cd group and the third one the composers with the songs or the samthing with music hymnals. I am trying the steps they aren't populating. Where are simple books on this?
Hi all, I've been reading for a couple of weeks but this is my first question so please be gentle with me.
I'm pretty new to SQL Server, though I've worked with Access for years. I've got four tables (I'm simplifying) and I need to set up cascade deletes between them. I understand how to create foreign keys and all that, but SQL Server is telling me it can't create my keys because it will create multiple cascade paths. I understand that too, I just need to find a way around it. Here are the tables...
dbo.JOBS Job_Number
dbo.COLUMNS JOBS_Job_Number Column_Number
dbo.ROWS JOBS_Job_Number Row_Number
dbo.GRID_DATA JOBS_Job_Number Column_Number Row_Number Data
Currently I have keys set to cascade delete between JOBS>COLUMNS and JOBS>ROWS so that when the user deletes a job, the columns and rows for that job are deleted as well. No problem there.
If the user deletes a column, I have to delete all the grid data for that column and job. Same with rows. So I tried to establish cascade deletes between COLUMNS>GRID_DATA and ROWS>GRID_DATA and that's where I got in trouble. I assume the reason is that if the user deletes a job, it's going to delete the columns and rows, and I've got multiple cascade paths coming from COLUMNS and ROWS to GRID_DATA. I get it.
The question is, what can I do about it? I don't have a cascade delete between JOBS>GRID_DATA, although I do want that behavior, but I was assuming it just would flow through COLUMNS or ROWS. I haven't bothered to add that key as I'm guessing that would just make the situation worse. Anyone got any advice for me on this one?
Hi. I am trying to log (Not SQL Transaction log) all deleted rowsinto a custome log file after performing "cascade delete".I couldn't find any reference for this in SQL manual or News group.Byung Choi
Hi, I have a Configuration Table tblConfig with 45 fields- PK_Config_Id ConfigCreatedOn ConfigEditedOn ConfigStartDate ConfigEndDate ConfigFor ¦. ¦. ¦.
And an Employee table tblEmployee PK_Emp_Id EmpName ¦. ¦. ¦.
I would create a Configuration and then apply this config to some Employees So, I created a table tblEmployee_Config with 2 fields FK_Config_Id FK_Emp_Id
But I MAY need to change(Edit) few of the properties(fields) of the Configuration record associated to an emp. Therefore I need all the fields of tblConfig table along with employee key in tblEmployee_Config So, I modified tblEmployee_Config to FK_Emp_Id FK_Config_Id ConfigCreatedOn ConfigEditedOn ConfigStartDate ConfigEndDate ConfigFor ¦. ¦. ¦. i.e. putting all the fields of the tblConfig into tblEmployee_Config along with emp key
But instead of having 2 almost similar tables (tblConfig and tblEmployee_Config), I merged both the tables into 1 table having Configurations as well as Employees associated to Configs as PK_Config_Id FK_Emp_Id FK_Config_Id ConfigCreatedOn ConfigEditedOn ConfigStartDate ConfigEndDate ConfigFor ¦. ¦. ¦. Where FK_Emp_Id and FK_Config_Id would be NULL for Configurations.
Here record 1 is a Configuration and records 2 and 3 are Emps records that are associated to Config 1.
Now my question is 1. Is it correct if I put a relation like Primary key Foreign Key tblEmployee_Config tblEmployee_Config PK_Config_Id FK_Config_Id
2. Can I perform cascade delete on the same table tblEmployee_Config such that When record 1 is deleted, records 2 and 3 should also get deleted because they refer to the first record?
I Use SQL Server 2005 Express edition. I have a few tables, which are inter-related. For e.g. I have a project table (ProjectID, Name, ...)
I also have a Project invoice table, in which ProjectID is referred as Foreign key.
Now, I want all the rows in Project invoice (child) table table to be deleted (for a particular ProjetID), if I delete the coresponding ProjectID in Projects (parent) table. If I use the 'on delete set null' or 'on delete cascade' constraint, only the ProjectID (in child table) is nullified whereas rest of the columns have data.
Is there any way out, where the whole ROW (not just that field) is deleted? Or, is it that this can be achieved only by some stored procedure / external program?