OnError And OnTaskFailed Can Not Fire Event

Apr 15, 2008

I have a package which have two sequence container, first container is used to transfer data to a staging area and second sequence container is used to transfer to destination from that staging area. And I also apply transaction required to second sequence container.
There are several execute sql tasks and several data flow tasks inside two sequence container.
first sequence container( 1.execution sql task-> flow ->3.execution sql task) ->
second sequence container(4.execution sql task-> 5.execution sql task-> flow-> flow -> 8.execution sql task-> flow...)

I create ExecutionLog table which is used to log status for this package on our sql server. First this status field is null, then during this package run , it change to 'in process', and after this package finished, it change to 'success' or 'failure' depending this package can run successfully or not.
This package can be run only if status is 'success' ,'failure' or null. So I need to change this status field during package execution.
For updating package to failure, I need to add event handler to change that status using execute sql task.

First time I perform to execute sql task on onError event handler tab (this event handler is applyed on package level ) .
And for testing envent handler I use old schema version to make sure I get failure for '8 execution sql task'.
But package seems to get stuck at '8 execution sql task' inside second sequence container( always yellow when I run from ssis) and never fire envent handler. '8 execution sql task' is used to update related table.

Second time I remove onError envent handler and change to use on onTaskFailed event handler tab (this event handler is applyed on package level ) .
But everything is the same as using onError event handler except I got error output but still can not fire event.
Why '8.execution sql task' can not fire onError or onTaskFailed?
For this case what kind of event handler I need to use, what kind of level I need to apply for this event handler.

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Will OnError Event Fire If I Use Try/Catch In Script Task?

Feb 4, 2008


We have a package that runs on 3 servers, all based in different countries and time zones. Each package does logging to a common SQL Server based in New York. (We log to the same server to make monitoring of the package run results easier.) We expect that our overseas servers will occassionally fail to make a database connection and have coded a Try/Catch block in our Script task to ignore errors that occur when attempting the SQL Server logging.

The problem is that the OnError event handler defined at the package level is being called whenever a server fails to make a database connection. The Catch block appears to not be called at all. I've included below the short method that does the SQL Server logging. The "Dts.Log" line logs to a SQL Server and usually works. However, when it fails, the "WriteEventLogEntry" method is supposed to be called to write an error to the server's event log. (I haven't included the "WriteEventLogEntry" code but it works fine when called elsewhere in the package to do our non-error event logging.)

Public Sub WriteSqlServerLogEntry(ByVal logMessage As String, ByVal dataCode As Integer, ByVal dataBytes() As Byte, ByVal rowsInserted As Integer)


Dts.Log(logMessage, dataCode, dataBytes)

Catch ex As Exception

WriteEventLogEntry("An exception was thrown while attempting to log the following message to the SQL Server provider: " + logMessage, EventLogEntryType.Error, rowsInserted)

End Try

End Sub

Shouldn't a Catch block prevent the OnError event from being raised? How can I change my package to ignore all errors that occur when attempting SQL Server logging?



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Bug? OnTaskFailed Vs. OnError

Nov 5, 2007

Hi everyone,

I have a package setup like this:

PackageA -> ContainerA -> ContainerB -> ExecutePackageTaskA (calls PackageB)
PackageB -> ScriptTaskA

If an error occurs in ScriptTaskA from PackageB, the OnError event handler in PackageA fires once and catches the event from ScriptTaskA; that is, the output of the SourceName system variable is "ScriptTaskA" from PackageB. So far so expected.

Now, the same error is handled differently by PackageA's OnTaskFailed handler. The OnTaskFailed handler fires twice - once for ScriptTaskA and once for ExecutePackageTaskA; that is, two outputs are returned - one for "ScriptTaskA" and the second one for "ExecutePackageTaskA". That's strange to me.

Why does the OnError handler only fire once and the OnTaskFailed twice? Is there a setting that does this?

Thanks in advance,

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OnPostexcuteEvent And OnTaskFailed Event Execution

May 30, 2008


I've a sql task, and I would like to filled a log file at the end of the task execution.
If execution OK -> SUCCES Task XXXX
If execution KO -> FAILURE Task XXXX

I use OnPostexcuteEvent and OnTaskFailed with a script task. But the problem is that the OnPostExecuteEvent is always lauched. So when the task failed I've got two lines in my logfile :

Is there a way to block OnPostExecuteEvent when task failed ? Or Is there a way OnPostExecuteEvent script task, to test the if tere's an error message ( ex. : if error message do nothing else write in log file). ?



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Logging Using OnError Event

Aug 30, 2006


We are generating log file in our SSIS package by enabling the built-in feature of SSIS tool. We are generating log for the "OnError" event. This also recorded the error/failed task messages in the text file "log.txt". That error information is too complex with more unwanted information like below

----------------OnError,,,pkgExtract,,,8/30/2006 11:50:04 AM,8/30/2006 11:50:04 AM,-1071636471,0x,An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E21.
An OLE DB record is available. Source: "Microsoft SQL Native Client" Hresult: 0x80040E21 Description: "Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.".

OnError,,,pkgExtract,,,8/30/2006 11:50:04 AM,8/30/2006 11:50:04 AM,-1071607780,0x,There was an error with input column "create_user_id" (116) on input "OLE DB Destination Input" (103). The column status returned was: "The value violated the integrity constraints for the column.".

OnError,,,pkgExtract,,,8/30/2006 11:50:04 AM,8/30/2006 11:50:04 AM,-1071607767,0x,The "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (103)" failed because error code 0xC020907D occurred, and the error row disposition on "input "OLE DB Destination Input" (103)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

This is infact not in a better readable format. We also don't want to do our error logging in database.

Is there any way of defining our error log and create error error log with customization of our messages . Can we do it using OnError event handler.

Please help us with some good solution to avoid giving this confused error log messages.



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Onerror Event Handler

Oct 19, 2006

Is the Onerror Event Handler from the tabbed window in the IDE the same as the red arrow paths that can be used in the control flows and Data Flows?

If yes, what and where is the best practice to use?

If not, can you elaborate?


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OnError Event Handeling

Apr 17, 2007


I am having a few problems getting the opomum configuring the OnError event hendler for my new package. What im trying to do is log the Error event and sound out an email (which i am achiving) where i am encountering a problem is trying to determin the severity of the error.

What i would like to achive is to send an email and log the error (as i currently do) but if the error has the power to stop the package from executing i would like to fire an additional script to move the loading files to a failed location.

My initial thoughs were to put an expression the on the procdural constraint in he error handeler but i cant find which System variable to apply the logic to.

Anyone any suggestions?



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Question About OnError Event

May 20, 2008

Hi guys,

I have a package name "Package1" and I have a few data-flow tasks in it.
whenever anything fails in the "Package1", I want to send out the failed email to alert myself.
So first step, I went to EventHandler tab, and select Executable as "Package1" and Event Handler as "OnError".
and then I added SendMailTask. I manually ran SendMailTask, failed email send to me okay.
But when I run package from Microsoft visual Studio (IDE), the package failed but it doesn't send out failed email.

Error code:
[174]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "xxx" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.

Maybe I misunderstand OnError eventhandler, or I set up it wrong.


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Send Email -OnError Event

Oct 19, 2006

I have included the Send email task and sending email from SSIS package on Error event.

But for an error I am receiving multiple atleast 10-15 email generated. i got only 2 emails with revelant error message and other email gives message like "

Thread "WorkThread1" received a shutdown signal and is terminating. The user requested a shutdown, or an error in another thread is causing the pipeline to shutdown."

I have included ''@[System::ErrorDescription]' as an email attachment.

Is there any way to get only specific relevant error email.

Please suggest

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Get The Err�?r Message In OnError Event Hanlder

Aug 10, 2006


I want insert data into table from csv file, so I put a data flow task on control flow tab,

a flat source and a ole db dest on data flow tab. They work well.

Then to get the error log I put a script task on event handler tab, in this script task I want to

output the error description to a txt file while the data flow task fails for any reasons

such as constraint failure etc.

In this script task I think I can get the error description by using property Err.Description,

but Err.Description is empty while data flow task fails.

How can I get the error description in the script task on event handler tab.


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How Can I Handle OnError Event In My Stored Proc.

Apr 15, 2004

Dear All:
I want to ask how can I handle OnError events in stored procedure in MSSQL.

Actually I wanted to place some Rollback procedure on this.

Can you suggest some methods for me?


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OnError Event Firing Multiple Times

Oct 22, 2007

I have an SSIS package that contains a For Each Loop Container. I have three Data Flow tasks within the container. I have an OnError event handler associated with the encapsulating container. When one of the Data Flow tasks within the For Each Loop Container fails, the OnError for the Loop Container gets called 5 times. The OnError handler is just a script task that sends a notification email. I am not explicitly Dts.taskresult = failure, nor am I calling FireError.

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OnError Event Handler And Custom Logging

Apr 18, 2008

I'm trying to implement a custom log table. To keep the discussion simple, let's say I only have 1 column in this table and all I want to write in it are

"Start" when the package starts
"Error" when it encounters an error
"Finish" when the package finishes. Even if there was an error, I still want to enter "Finish'.

My Control Flow has 3 task objects, 2 Execute SQL Tasks, and 1 Data Flow Task in between them.

The first Execute SQL Task does an insert statement for the Start and the second Execute SQL Task does an insert for the Finish.

To capture any package errors, I also have an Execute SQL Task (to insert "Error") in the Event Handler for OnError. I see that when I cause an error in my package it can raise multiple OnError events, which will envoke my Execute SQL Task multiple times. (This is good because it will allow me to write a line per error event with the error description.)

The problem I have is, how do I write the "Finish" log when I have an error? If I put the insert for the finish in the same Execute SQL Task with the errors, then it will write a "Finish" for every error. But I can't put it anywhere else because if I put it anywhere else, the package never makes it there because it stops at the OnError Event Handler.

Or is there a way for me to tell the package to do the 2nd Execute SQL Task all the time?

Lastly, is there a better way to do this kind of custom logging?

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Package Level OnError Event Handler Not Firing (as If Not There)

Mar 26, 2008

Hi all,

I have a package on which i've applied a package level OnError event handler. The OnError event handler includes a Script Task (that builds up a string of errorCode, errorDescription, MachineName etc...) and a WebService Task that calls a webservice to send an email including the built up string from the script task in the body of the email. This has worked fine in one package where i've applied it but for some reason in a second package the existence of an OnError package level event handler seems to be completed ignored. I'm causing various package object to fail but the OnError handler never fires. I know the obvious answer is find what's different between the two packages but i can't see that any is different (in relation to package level OnError event handling).

Has anyone else come across this? Any suggestions?



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Integration Services :: OnError Event Handler Not Firing

Aug 25, 2009

I have created an OnError Event Handler to catch an error in the Execute SQL Task in the Control Flow. On error I am simply inserting a few parameters in a DB table using Execute SQL Task. I followed the instructions in: [URL]....

Now when I run this error hanlder task manually it runs fine but when I purposely fail the SQL Task it never fires the error handler. I am not sure why. I checked the DisableEventHandler property and it is set to False.

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SSIS OnError Calling Package Level Event Handler Twice..little Help Here!

Oct 6, 2006

My project currently has task which have their own individual event handlers that get called onError (setup event messages). I also have a package level event handler that performs a generic task (sending events to the windows eventviewer) In the package level event handler there is a script task that decides on a boolean variable whether to "Success" or "Failure" to different task. When I fail one task of the main control flow, the task level event handler runs, then the package level event handler runs, and then it also runs again for some unknown reason. The second time it runs it picks up the value of a variable set in the variables window. However, I change this value at runtime to the value from a database. I can't understand why it would run the second time, and if it did run why it would have the value from the variables window and not the value that is set in memory. It's like the event handler runs with the value from memory and then runs and picks the values back out of the variables window, replacing the db values and re-runs.

Maybe the package itself is failing all together and then re-runing the package level event handler?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Should SqlDataSource Selected Event Always Fire?

May 2, 2007

 In the page load of my webpage I call a databind for a gridview.
It generally calls this event handler :
protected void SqlDataSource1_Selected(object sender, SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs e)
However sometimes (seemingly randomly) it doesn't.
Any ideas?

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (searchText != "")
    SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["search"].DefaultValue = searchText;
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters["search"].DefaultValue = "";

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A Trigger That Fire Every Insert Event?

May 21, 2004

This trigger fired once ONLY during an insert event. My web form inserted 4 news records so it should fire the trigger 4 times correct?

CREATE TRIGGER trInsertImplementationTaskP1
on dbo.ImplementationTasks

from inserted)

EXEC TrigSendNewIMAlertP1 @ITID

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Event Notifications Don't Fire When Raised By Activated Procedure

Oct 23, 2006

I have an activated SP that is issuing PRINT statements.

These are raised as ErrorLog and EventLog events when using SQLProfiler

However if you attach an event notification for ERRORLOG and EVENTLOG, nothing appears in the queue. Any other ERRORLOG or EVENTLOG event caught by profiler is caught by the event notification as expected.

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Recovery :: Configure Extended Event To Trigger A Mail Whenever Any Event Occurs

Jun 2, 2015

Recently we migrated our environment to 2012.

We are planning to implement Xevents in all the servers in place of Trace files and everything is working fine.

Is it possible to configure Extended event to trigger a mail whenever any event (example dead lock) occurs.

I have gone through so many websites but i never find.

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DB Engine :: Event Tracing For Windows Failed To Send Event

Oct 25, 2011

My SQL Server 2005 SP4 on Windows 2008 R2 is flooded with the below errors:-

Date  10/25/2011 10:55:46 AM
Log  SQL Server (Current - 10/25/2011 10:55:00 AM)
Source  spid
Event Tracing for Windows failed to send an event. Send failures with the same error code may not be reported in the future. Error ID: 0, Event class ID: 54, Cause: (null).
Is there a way I can trace it how it is coming? When I check input buffer for these ids, it looks like it is tracing everything. All the general application DMLs are coming in these spids.

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WMI Event Watcher Task Continual Firing Event When Not Triggered

Apr 8, 2008

I have been testing with the WMI Event Watcher Task, so that I can identify a change to a file.
The WQL is thus:

SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent within 30
WHERE targetinstance isa 'CIM_DataFile'
AND = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Backup\AdventureWorks.bak'

This polls every 30 secs and in the SSIS Event (ActionAtEvent in the WMI Task is set to fire the SSIS Event) I have a simple script task that runs a message box).

My understanding is that the event polls every 30 s and if there is a change on the AdventureWorks.bak file then the event is triggered and the script task will run producing the message.
However, when I run the package the message is occurring every 30s, meaning the event is continually firing even though there has been NO change to the AdventureWorks.bak file.

Am I correct in my understanding of how this should work and if so why is the event firing when it should not ?

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Help - Security Event Log Posts Error Event ID 560 Every Few Seconds

May 31, 2007

Server 2003 SE SP1 5.2.3790 Sql Server 2000, SP 4, 8.00.2187 (latest hotfix rollup)
We fixed one issue, but it brought up another. the fix we applied stopped the ServicesActive access failure, but now we have a failure on MSSEARCH. The users this is affecting do NOT have admin rights on the machine, they are SQL developers.
We were having

Event Type: Failure Audit
Event Source: Security
Event Category: Object AccessEvent ID: 560
Date: 5/23/2007
Time: 6:27:15 AM
User: domainuser
Object Open:
Object Server: SC Manager
Object Name: ServicesActive
Handle ID: -
Operation ID: {0,1623975729}
Process ID: 840
Image File Name: C:WINDOWSsystem32services.exe
Primary User Name: MACHINE$
Primary Domain: Domain
Primary Logon ID: (0x0,0x3E7)
Client User Name: User
Client Domain: Domain
Client Logon ID: (0x0,0x6097C608)
Connect to service controller
Enumerate services
Query service database lock state

Privileges: -
Restricted Sid Count: 0
Access Mask: 0x20015

Applied the following fix

Now we are getting

Event Type: Failure Audit
Event Source: Security
Event Category: Object Access
Event ID: 560
Date: 5/23/2007
Time: 10:51:23 AM
User: domainuser
Computer: MACHINE
Object Open:
Object Server: SC Manager
Object Name: MSSEARCH
Handle ID: -
Operation ID: {0,1627659603}
Process ID: 840
Image File Name: C:WINDOWSsystem32services.exe
Primary User Name: MACHINE$
Primary Domain: domain
Primary Logon ID: (0x0,0x3E7)
Client User Name: user
Client Domain: domain
Client Logon ID: (0x0,0x60D37C1A)
Query service configuration information
Query status of service
Enumerate dependencies of service
Query information from service
Privileges: - Restricted Sid Count: 0 Access Mask: 0x2008D

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Query Or Script To Get The Event Viewer Event Properties?

Nov 2, 2007

Hi all,

Can we get the event properties by using a query?
Are there any extended stored procuder to get the above?


>Desktop>Right Click on My Computer
>Go to Manage and click
>Expand System Tools
>Expand Event Viewer

click on one event.We can get the log info which is the manual procudure.

But now i want to get the event properties through the Query analyzer...

Any help would be great?


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EVENT ID 18456 STATE: 16 Login Failed For User 'DOMAIN/user'. [CLIENT: &&<local Machine&&>] Every Minute In Event Log.

Oct 22, 2007

We recently upgraded to SQL 2005 from SQL 2000. We have most of our issues ironed out however about every 1 minute there is a message in the Application Event log and the SQL log that states:

EVENT ID 18456 Login Failed for the users DOMAIN/ACCOUNT [CLIENT: <local machine>]

This is a state 16 message which I thought meant that the account does not have access to the default database. The account is actually the account that the SQL services run under.

Any ideas? We can't seem to figure this one out. We actually upgraded to 2005 from 2000 and had an error appear after every reboot that prevented the SQL Agent from running(This application has failed to start because GAPI32.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.) We did a full uninstall of SQL and reinstalled fresh and restored the databases from .bak files and that is when the EVENT ID 18546 started occuring every minute.

We don't have any SQL heavy hitters here so please be detailed with any possible solutions. That you very much for any help you can provide!


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What Does The Return Value Of IDtsEvents.Onerror() Do?

May 25, 2008

The IDtsEvents.OnError method has a boolean return type whereas most of the other methods on that class are voids.

Why does OnError return a boolean?
What is the effect of returning true?
What is the effect of returning false?

Thanks in advance


[Microsoft follow-up]

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OnError Script Error

Nov 2, 2006

I am using following script to combine all the System:ErrorDescription on OnError




Dts.VariableDispenser.LockOneForWrite("Errordesc", vars)


errNumber = CType(vars("ErrorCode").Value, Integer)

errDescription = vars("ErrorDescription").Value.ToString()

errSource = vars("SourceName").Value.ToString()

errdesc = vars("Errordesc").Value.ToString()

vars("Errordesc").Value = errdesc + errNumber.ToString() + vbNewLine + vbNewLine + _

errDescription(+vbNewLine + vbNewLine + _


Please note that "Errordesc" is the variable which I declared on script as readandwrite variable.

But on execution of this script I get error

Error: A deadlock was detected while trying to lock variables "User::Errordesc" for read/write access. A lock cannot be acquired after 16 attempts. The locks timed out.

any sugestion...

Please note that without ErrorDesc, the script runs successfully

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SSIS EventHandler (ONERROR)

Sep 20, 2007

hello all,

im looping on a folder with excel files via a script and a foreach loop, what i need to do is:

while looping if a file generate an error , to store that error in a row in a SQL table and continue with the next file.

any help is appreciated.

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Send Email Message - OnError

Nov 2, 2006

I used onError event to send email in case ssis pckage fails

but it send multiple email with errordescription. for ex below are the errordescription of four diferent emails i received.

Thread "WorkThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047039.
An error occurred with the following error message: "The connection "{01AF859A-CF97-4F6C-9C78-1AA4B1C9C27B}" is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found.".
Thread "SourceThread0" has exited with error code 0xC0047038.
The PrimeOutput method on component "Flat File Source - Read from source file" (1) returned error code 0xC0202092. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.

Can anyone suggest if we can combine all this error description and send this as one email.

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Locked Excel File Due To OnError

Sep 2, 2007

I have a package the looks for any Excel files in a folder, moves the data to a SQL table, then archives the file to one of two archive folders--a success folder or an error folder. I have an OnError handler on the Data Flow that sets a flag that lets the archive process know where to move the file.

This works when the processing is successful. It also works when the error in the Data Flow occurs right off the bat, i.e., in the Source. When the error occurs later on, say in the Destination, it doesn't work correctly. In this case, the OnError sets the flag, but when the archive process tries to move the Excel file, it can't because it's locked. I assume this is because OnError interrupted the Data Flow before the Excel file could be closed properly.

Any ideas on how I can avoid this problem? Can I manually get the Data Flow to close the Excel connection somehow?

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OnError Alert User Though Interface??

May 22, 2006

I have a SSIS package which takes excel spreadsheets (exported from MS Project) and imports them into tables in my database. I have each step of my control flow set up with "On Success" so it only continues if the previous step was successful.

My next step is to create a page and/or web part so that I can have my user click a button to launch this SSIS and import this data. I have seen articles on how this could be done via code - so I assume it can be done. But what I cannot find is how alert the user if an error has occured in the execution of the SSIS.

How can you alert a user that a package you executed though in the front end errored?

Could I build something in to the OnError handler that returns the error and have that error returned to the front end App??

Any insight/examples for this would be much appreciated.


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System:ErrorDescription Vs. OnError Error Details

Nov 12, 2007

Hi all,

I have a Script Task in an OnError EventHandler, the Script Task is used to send an Email to notify about the Execution Error. I'm currently using the System:ErrorDescription variable in my Script Task to provide details about the error but I have noticed that the Error Description written in the Windows Event Log when using OnError Logging is much more detailed than the content of the System:ErrorDescription variable. How can I use the same Error Description in my Script Task ?

I'll appreciate any help.

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Rerun Data Flow Task OnError

Oct 3, 2007

I'm very new to using SSIS. I have a large number of SQL databases (archived .mdf/.ldf files) with data that needs to be imported into one giant database. My problem is that half of the databases are missing a column that was introduced in a newer version of the database schema and when my package executes my data flow task it errors out. I basically get a message stating that it cannot prepare any statements because the SQL command that I am using is trying to select column data from a column that doesn't exist.

I figured that I could set the OLEDB Source inside of my Data Flow to have a Data Access Mode = SQL command from variable. The variable bound to the component is called "MySelectQuery" and is initially set to my "new format" query. From there I could create an event handler for the OnError event of the Data Flow Task, switch value of "MySelectQuery" to equal the "old format" query and rerun the Data Flow Task.

I'm not sure how to accomplish restarting my Data Flow Task after changing "MySelectQuery" in the OnError event. I just tried setting up the package to use CheckPoints but it doesn't seem to be working right for me. When I restart the package it starts over even though there is a checkpoint file that seems to have captured the state after the failure.

Any ideas?


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