One Remote User Can View My Report Another Cannot?

Dec 4, 2007

I have Developer's Edition of SQL Server installed on my PC. I want my users to run and view my new RS report from their PCs across the network without installing SS on their machines.

We experimented a little bit by asking one user to use these URLs...http://mymachine/reports$myinstance and http://mymachine/reportserver$myinstance) after giving her browse rights in report manager from my PC.

When she uses the first URL, she gets a popup asking for sign in info, but gets nowhere when typing in her windows sign in info. When she uses the second, she gets thru to the report choices but gets an error like...

* An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)

* Cannot create a connection to data source 'xxxxx'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)

* For more information about this error navigate to the report server on the local server machine, or enable remote errors

...after choosing my report. xxxxx is the name of the only datasource in the report.

Before we began, we also turned off 'enable anonymous access' and instead clicked 'integrated windows authentication' in IIS on my pc.

My user is on a different domain controller than I am. I asked a colleague who is on the same domain controller to try the URLs and he had no problems running my report from either. He wasnt given any explicit permissions/rights at either the reporting or db level.

Does anyone have a clue?

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Printing Remote Ssrs Report From Report View Does Not Work

Oct 9, 2007


It appears to work fine on my end however on my clients end, whenever they try to print a report that displays perfectly within the report viewer to their printer by selecting the printer button in the report it never ends up printing.., however if they go into printer setup and change the page range to print from all pages to just maybe one page and then select the print button it seems to print fine..

The printer seems to receive the information as the light flashes but no page kick out when all pages is selected to print..

Any help would be greatly appreciated..

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Error 15185: There Is No Remote User 'sa' Mapped To Local User '(null)' From The Remote Server 'DTS_FSERVER'.

Nov 10, 2006

I am trying to add a linked server from a AMD x64 server (Windows 2003) with SQL Server 2005 64 bit to a Server running SQL 2000. These are not in the same domain.

I can create a linked server using the option "Be made using the login's current security context" but can not when trying to specify the security context, i.e. sa and the sa password. When I try I get the following message:

Msg 15185, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_addlinkedsrvlogin, Line 98
There is no remote user 'sa' mapped to local user '(null)' from the remote server 'DTS_FSERVER'.

I have several other x64 server that I have no problem creating a linked server and specifying sa and the sa password.

The problem with using "the login's current security context" option is that I get an error when trying to run any Jobs against the linked server. The job fails withe the following error:

Executed as user: NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM. Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 7416). The step failed.

I'm sure the two errors are related. Any ideas what is going on?

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This Feature Remote Access To Report Data Sources And/or The Report Server Database Is Not Supported In This Edition Of Report

Jun 16, 2006

SQL server 2005 express reporting problem.

error message:

This feature "remote access to report data sources and/or the report server database" is not supported in this edition of reporting service

I got this error message when I try to connect to database hosted in another PC running SQL server 2000.

Is it true that SQlL server Express can only use Local Database Engine to host the database?

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Sp_addlinkedsrvlogin: There Is No Remote User Xxx Mapped To Local User

Sep 7, 2007

I am creating a linked server to Sybase via ASE OLEDB provider

The following statement

EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
@rmtsrvname = N'QRY1', @locallogin = NULL ,
@useself = N'False', @rmtuser = N'beg', @rmtpassword = N'4502342'

gets error:

Msg 15466, Level 16, State 2, Procedure sp_addlinkedsrvlogin, Line 91
An error occurred during decryption.
Msg 15185, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_addlinkedsrvlogin, Line 98
There is no remote user 'beg' mapped to local user '(null)' from the remote server 'QRY1'.

Did I missed anything?

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Can't Connect To Remote Report Server Model From Report Wizard

Mar 6, 2008


I have created and deployed a data source (which uses "Credentials supplied by the user running the report") and a model which uses this data source.
Also I have built a report using Report Builder and all works well.

Now I wish to use Visual Studio to build a report, so I'm trying to create a data source from my computer which the report should use and I want it to use the model on the remote server. In the Report Wizard I am using "Report Server Model" and the following connection string:


IHowever I can't make the credentials to work. I've tried them all with no luck. What username/password must I use? Because so far nothing of what I have tried works.

Any help is highly appretiated.

Kind Regards,

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Remote Access To Report Data Sources And/or The Report Server Database Is Not Supported In This Edition Of Reporting Services.

Apr 24, 2006

I'm using SQL Express with Advance Services & I get this error when I try to deploy my reports. Why do I get this error

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)

Cannot create a connection to data source 'EDPSYS'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection)

The feature: "Remote access to report data sources and/or the report server database" is not supported in this edition of Reporting Services. (rsOperationNotSupported)

Justin Song

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Remote View Security

Oct 21, 2007

We have a Foxpro database on our local machine and a shared sql server database on our remote machine. We have created a remove view that updates or inserts data into the sql server db using the local foxpro data.

What is the recommended way to secure these updates or inserts? We're worried that since our data is not encrypted, it is a security risk.

Thanks in advance.

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Remote View Question

Jul 20, 2005

I am connecting through EM to another SQL server for my website, is there a way to limit it so that I only see my database andnot all the 100's of others that are listed.Also, sorry if this sounds dumb but I applied the sp3 sevicepack and I dont know how to verify this, normallly one would go tohelp>about and see it there, there was a sp3 and a sp3a, but afriend told me to only apply the sp3, needless to say it seems slowconnecting and I would like to verify that everything is in workingorder.Thank YouReply to newsgroup as email address is bogus due to spamMichael

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Initial Load Of Report. Wait For And Trap View Report Button

Oct 25, 2007

I have some date criterias on my report that default and so I would like for the report not to display until the user clicks on the "view report" button.

Also, I would like to trap that button to send my own internal parameters to the report. How and where would I do that.

I'm running the report through report viewer and I have a subroutine that would refresh the report with my desired internal parameters. I just need to hook it up.

Thanks for any help or information.

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Double Click On The View Report Button To Get The Report To Render.

Jul 26, 2007

I've got a SQL Reporting Server 2000 SP2 report that takes 3 parameters. FromDT, ToDT, and LocationCD. The first two parameters are free form text fields that expect a date. The last one is a drop down box. For some reason, when I'm viewing the report through the standard reports folder on the report server I have to click the "View Report" button two times to get the report to render. Clicking it just once, doesn't seem to do anything. The report is a line graph.

There are default values in the FromDT and ToDT parameter fields.

Anyone have any ideas what would be causing the need for the second click?

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Visual Studio Report View Establish Report Path

Sep 4, 2007

I am having a hard time finding the report path for the web report Viewer in visual studio 2005. I have tried entering the absoute path to the folder containing the reports. this gave the error that the path is invalid. I have also tried reletive paths using / and // in the front of the name for each report. these all fail. could someone please assist with finding the path to the reports? the reports reside on another server away from the one being used for development of the web site.



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SQL 2012 :: How To Query Remote Procedure Or View

Sep 5, 2015

I have 2 server A and Server B(remote 3rd party) both SQL server 2012. We need to query the data from remote Server B, we are planning to use either view or stored procedure. The query contain multiple joins to fetch data from around 10 tables(minimum 10 tables is there in initial analysis may be more tables will be added in future).If we are going to access the data through VIEW then we are going to write the below query

SELECT * FROM view-name WHERE Column1 ='abc' My first question

Q1. I have a doubt whether this query will load all the data from table joined in the view and then the WHERE condition implement as in the VIEW definition we are not implementing the filter condition.

Q2. Which will has better performance a stored procedure or view.

Q3. How to call a remote stored procedure or View. linked server is not allowed.

Does the 4 part server.DB.Schema.SPorView name will work.

I had search and find about OPENROWSET/OPENQUERY does it works without linked server.

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[JavaScript Error] Cannot Delete User Or User's Authority In Specific Report After Install SQL SP2

Jan 23, 2007


I have several reports for users to view on our Intranet. After installation of SQL 2005 SP2 patch, I cannot delete user or user's authority from Report in Properties Tab. An error message was shown on the status bar. It indicated that JavaScript Error: 'Return' statement outside of function. Seems something wrong with the 'Delete' funciton in SQL 2005 after update. The other functions worked fine. Could you point me out how to fix it or need to install any updates / hotfix. Thanks a lot!


Kenneth Lai

Error Pic

Message Box


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Show User Groups Associated With User ID Report From Active Directory

Jan 11, 2008

Hello. I am trying to write a report that pulls information in from Active Directory. I have a view created that gets a listing of users and a view that creates a listing of user groups, but I can't seem to figure out how to get all user groups that are associated with the users. This is what I have.

FROM OPENQUERY(ADSI, 'SELECT cn, groupMembershipSAM FROM ''LDAP://wmdomain.local'' WHERE objectcategory=''group''') Rowset_1

'SELECT title, displayName, sAMAccountName, givenName, telephoneNumber, facsimileTelephoneNumber, sn
FROM ''LDAP://wmdomain.local''
WHERE objectCategory = ''Person'' AND objectClass = ''user''')

Let me know if you have any suggestions!


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Can Not View The Report Embeded In Report Viewer

Mar 19, 2008


I added a page to exsisting web site. Then I used report viewer to show a report. But when I try to view it in the browser, I get the following error message.

Server Error in '/Website' Application.

The type CustomReportServerConnection, APP_CODE does not implement IReportServerConnection or could not be found Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.InvalidConfigFileTypeException: The type CustomReportServerConnection, APP_CODE does not implement IReportServerConnection or could not be found

Source Error:

Line 272: <asp:View ID="vwWARRatingChangeReport" runat="server">
Line 273: <aspanel ID="pnlWARRatingChangeReport" runat="server" Width="683px">
Line 274: <rsweb:ReportViewer ID="rvWARRatingChageReport" runat="server" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt"
Line 275: Height="100%" ProcessingMode="Remote" Width="100%">
Line 276: <ServerReport ReportPath="/CRMReportsQA/ORA/WARRatingsChange" ReportServerUrl="http://wiismab00035038:8095/Reportserver" />

Source File: c:Dev EnvironmentWebsiteApplicationsORAPDCRD.aspx Line: 274

Stack Trace:

But I created another website using visaul studio in my local machine and then used report viewer to disaply the same report. Its in server mode same as earlier. This one can be viewed without any trouble.

I'm not familiar with ASP.NET thing. Can anyone help me to resolve this one?


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Grid And Details View Not Showing Remote Database Data

Oct 27, 2006

hi,i have an sql database on my server on the world wide web.i can make a connection  to the database in visual web developer and all the tables etc are shown in the 'database explorer' of visual web developerwhen i make the query in visual web developer it does retrieve the data froom the remote server database when i 'test query'.... so looking great!the connection string in the webconfig file is left as the default when i run the prgram on my LOCAL HOST with the inbult server that comes with visual web developer it runs on my local pc it will connect to the database on my www host server and does display the data from that database.i need to change the webconfig files path to the connection  by default it is |DataDirectory|if i change this to the path i suspect is correct as this is the connection i use to the database  C:Inetpubvhostsarcvillage.comhttpdocsApp_DataTestdatabase.mdfwhen i change the path in webconfig then it stops working on my localhost and the error when i ftp it to my host is:Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to failure in retrieving the user's local application data path. Please make sure the user has a local user profile on the computer. The connection will be closed. any ideas? 

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Remote User

Sep 16, 2007

Hi, im new to here and SQL server.

I am building a program in 2005 as a booking system using SQL server as backend. I have just finally managed to get SQL server working on the server, DIY Windows XP Server, but I cannot make remote logins. I have my client computers connected through a workground called JNKVPN. I can connect to all the client computers on the network through the workgroup computers menu off network places. I want to add a remote user account to SQL Server management studio express but none of the client computers are listed as domains.

Is there any way I can get them listed. I have been getting very fustrated with this and i need to have the program i am writing completed by 28th Sept 2007 so this is really delaying me substatially.

Thanks in advance for reply's


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Reporting Services :: Domain User - Unable To Run Report In SSRS Report Manager?

Oct 9, 2015

I have done the following and a domain user would not access report created a login to the SQL server to the user (this SQL Server is where data source DB is)went to site setting in Report Manager and made this use a system userright clicked on report folder and made this user in the browser roleeven checked that in the report in question, the user is already in the browser role Still the user would not access the report! "User .......... does not have required permission" is the error message I am getting. 

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User Unable To Save/Open Report In Report Builder

Feb 21, 2007


I have environment that use SSRS 2005 ad hoc reporting.

One of the users (out of 200) is unable to open or save reports in the report builder.

the user succeed to open the report builder, when he try to save report that he build from shema he get error. as well when he try to open an existing report that build in the report builder he also get an error,

On open the error is:

The numeric portion of 2pt cannot be parsed as a unit of the type point.

The Initilizer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Design.Constants' threw an exception

On Save the error is:

System.IO.StreamReader: Deserialization failed: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Design.Constants' threw an exception. Line 2, position 2

Please note that I succeed with second user to create ad hoc report on the first user

computer. I also failed to with the first user to create ad hoc on another computer.

It seems like permissions issue



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Remote User Login Error

Oct 31, 2007

Hello guys and girls! I need help for this error. Could anyone be so kind to enlighten me on this? Thanks!
When i attempted to login to my local page, this occurred:

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Checking Last User Identity On Remote Server

Oct 12, 2006

Is it possible to get the latest inserted Identity value on a remote server?

(The following gives a NULL result:

select ident_current('[my_linked_server].thedatabase.dbo.thetable')


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Query To Add Windows Authenticated User Via Remote

Jun 17, 2007

I was able to do this on a Windows XP machine but I am not able to get this to work on a Windows 2003 Server machine.
I am connecting to the Windows 2003 Server and MS SQL Express via remote desktop on the lan.

This is what worked for me before:
EXEC sp_grantlogin '4800X2ASPNET'
EXEC sp_grantdbaccess '4800X2ASPNET'
EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', '4800X2ASPNET'

But for some reason now I am getting this error:
Msg 15401, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_grantlogin, Line 49
Windows NT user or group '4800X2ASPNET' not found. Check the name again.
Msg 15401, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Windows NT user or group '4800X2ASPNET' not found. Check the name again.
Msg 15410, Level 11, State 1, Procedure sp_addrolemember, Line 75
User or role '4800X2ASPNET' does not exist in this database.

I thought what I needed to add was the name of this pc that will connect remotely, but that doesn't seem to be working.
What weird is the old copy of this query I used had the local pc as the computer name. If I exchange the computer name from the remote pc name to the local 2003 Server machine name, the query works fine. Although that still doesn't let me add connections via Web Developer Express without error. It doesn't make sense to me anyhows, how could I have used the local machine's name and not the remote machine's name to get this to work previously. So confused.

Thank you in advance for help.

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Use Report Server Project To Connect To Report Model Project Data Source View?

Jan 17, 2008

I've created a Report Model Project that can be used by Report Builder to generate ad-hoc reports. I'm trying to create a connection string in my Report Server Project that points to the Report Model Project data source view.

All I can do is create a regular datasource, which bypasses the metadata contained in the Data Source View.

Basically I want my Report Server Project and my Report Builder reports to leverage the same metadata. Is this possible? If so how do I get the connection string?


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How To View All User Permissions?

Mar 14, 2007

I've seriously looked, but this simple concept eludes me. How do I go about viewing all the permissions granted to a database user? Like whether or not they can execute a stored procedure.

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SQL User Defined View

Aug 22, 2007

I've a view in which one of the fields were  DATEDIFF(day,contract date,received) AS AgeOfAccount. I changed it to DATEDIFF(day, m.received, CASE WHEN m.clidlp > m.clidlc THEN m.clidlp ELSE m.clidlc END) * - 1 AS AgeOfAccount. When I execute the view  I'm getting an error. But the results are getting displayed properly. That's what's puzzling me. Could someone tell me what the error is.
The following errors were encountered while parsing the contents of the sql pane. 
Your entry cannot be converted to a valid date time value.

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System/User View

Mar 7, 2005

:confused: How can we determine which views in SQL-database is system or user, by making a query to any system tables?

Thanks in advance,

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How To Assign The View To A User?

Oct 29, 2006

im using the Northwind database, i use T-SQL commands to create a view that restricts users from seeing the address, city for all employees.
i dont know how to assign the view to a user in the database using Enterprise manager.
pls help me, im really needing a answer.

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A New User Cannot View Reports

Nov 28, 2007

i have a prob;lem while using report manager.when i login As "administrator" to the report manager i can see all the folders and i can check also reports. when i create new users with some role and i login as new user i can see the specified folder and report but when i click to see the report this message appear:
" Your browser does not support scripts or has been configured not to allow scripts".
Note that these same reports i can check them when i login as administrator

i am using sql server 2005

please it's important to resolve this problem as soos as possible

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Login Failed For User - Remote Database Connection

Mar 26, 2008

I have an ASP.Net web application running in groupnamewebservername. I am trying to connect it to the remote database server groupnamedatabaseservername using the ASPNET user id. The remote database is SQL Server 2005 and the web server has IIS 6.0 installed. My web.config connection entry has username as "groupnamewebservernameaspnet" and I have a database user in remote database server under the login name groupnamewebservername$. When I try to connect, I keep getting the following error:
  System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'groupnamewebservernameaspnet'.
Could you please let me know what I am doing wrong here? Thanks.

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Set Grid View Header According To User

Apr 10, 2008

i have one grid view in a web page

then i want to set GRIDVIEW header value according to user input

how can i do this pls help me ....


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User Can View All Database Names

Apr 17, 2008

I create a user then I create a database and assign my newly created user as owner

When I login as this new user everything works fine BUT my newly created user can still see other database names even though he is not allowed to use them.

How can I prevent him from seeing other database names.

P.S. I use the GUI

Thank you

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How Do I Grant User To View Folder

Mar 22, 2007

We have a custom security working with forms authentication. When we browse to http://servername/reports the UILogon.aspx page comes up, and login with the Admin account is fine we can reach the report manager and see the folders. But when we login with account User1 , which is not an admin account.Login is fine but User1 does not see any folders in report manager. So how do i assign roles to User account when using custom security extension.


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