I'm having problems with the query below. It works fine until the "NOT IN" part and I'm not sure why. Basically, I'm getting records where their educ_audio field is set to "no". I've messed with the parens to try to force SQL to process the NOT IN part before the other clauses without avail. Can someone shed some light?
SELECT distinct contacts.fname, contacts.lname, contacts.company, contacts.contact_id, contacts.business_phone, contacts.emailAddress, contacts.dateLastContact FROM journal INNER JOIN contacts ON journal.contact_id = contacts.contact_id INNER JOIN products ON journal.product_code = products.product_code WHERE ( journal.product_code IN ('ABLE') ) OR (( journal.product_code IN ('JOBS') ) AND ( journal.product_status IN ('12','14','15') )) OR (( products.prod_design IN ('audio') ) AND ( products.library_code IN ('hrss') )) AND (journal.journal_id NOT IN (SELECT journal.journal_id FROM journal INNER JOIN contacts ON journal.contact_id = contacts.contact_id INNER JOIN products ON products.product_code = journal.product_code where ( contacts.educ_audio IN ('no') ) )) ORDER BY contacts.lname asc, contacts.fname
How is the column precedence determined when more then one column is included in the group by clause? I am using T-SQL.
for example:
SELECT VendorName, VendorState, SUM(Invoices.InvoiceTotal) AS InvoiceSum FROM Vendors JOIN Invoices ON Vendors.VendorID = Invoices.InvoiceID GROUP BY VendorState, VendorName
I would expect this statement to group by VendorState first but my result set is grouping by VendorName and then VendorState.
I've a few tasks in my dataflow. Some of them are executed depending on an precedence constrain. Works fine.
The problem is following: I want to write a success message (execute SQL task), when all the tasks who have been executed have done this with success. For example, i ve ten tasks, and 2 of them are executed (successfully). This is good, i want to execute my task to write the success message.
I tried to set these precedence constraints with EvalOP = ExpressionOrConstraint, Values = Success and an expression, what returns TRUE, when the task above is not executed (the condition from a precedence constraint above). But the task to write my message will never be executed, because it seems the task does'nt give any result (neither success nor failure) when they ar not executed, and so my AND-Constraint for the success message task will only get TRUE, when ALL task are executed (and successful).
Is there any chance to get somethink like "isSuccess OR IsNotExecuted" into a precedence constraint?
hi all - this is the first time i've worked with SSIS / Business Intelligence, and I'm having an issue with a piece of basic functinoality.
I'm working with some dtsx jobs which were all conversions from Sql Server 2000 DTS jobs. The conversion process "seemed" to go smoothly. I used the Migration Wizard, and it successfully converted my outputted DTS job files into DTSX files.
In the Business Intelligence design environment (Control Flow) for a specific dtsx package, I have two tasks that are linked together by a Precedence Constraint.
* Task A Truncates all data in Database B --> Table A * the precedence constraint says that if Task A is successful, then go on to Task B (or at least i think it does) * Task B copies the newest data from Database A --> Table A over to Database B --> Table A
Everything appears to be correct, but if i right-click Task A and perform an "Execute Task" command, Task A will run successfully, but then stops short without running Task B.
Are there any common "gotchas" or issues that I might be missing which would cause this behavior? I deleted the existing precedence constraint, and added back a new one with the same settings, but Task B still will not run.
I have probably a dumb newbie question but I can't find the answer anywhere.
On my Control Flow design pane I have two objects: a SQL task object and a Data flow task object. The first 'points' to the second. From my digging I believed that by indicating with the arrow from 1 to 2 that 1 would execute to finish before 2 was started.
My SQL taks is to truncate a table to receive the new data coming from the data flow task object. Instead 2 executes first and then 1. You can imagine producing an empty table was not my goal for this package.
Hello, I've recently begun exploring Integration Services and have a question regarding a Control Flow element.
I'm trying to understand precedence constraints. Specificially, the logical AND and logic OR components. If I have two constaints A and B where A is using a logical AND and B is using a logical OR, how are the constraints evaluated? The Evaluation Operation is set to "Expression and Constraint" for both constraints.
If my understanding is correct, path A would be followed if both A AND B are true. Path B would be followed if A OR B is true. Is this correct?
I just don't have the skills to work this out...maybe there is an SQL guru out there that can solve this:I can't work out how to do a recursive query so I'm using this function:Public Shared Function FindFriendsFriends(ByVal userID As Integer)Dim iUserID As Integer = userIDDim friendAdapter As New TableAdapters.FriendsTableAdapterDim oFriends As New FrontEnd.FriendsFriendsDataTableDim oTemp As New Data.DataTableDim oContainer As New Data.DataTableoFriends = friendAdapter.GetFriendsByUserID(iUserID)For InLoopCounter As Integer = 0 To oFriends.Count - 1oTemp = friendAdapter.GetFriendsByUserID(oFriends.Rows(0)("UserID"))oContainer.Merge(oTemp)NextReturn oContainerEnd FunctionWith this SQL statement in the table adapter is:SELECT tblFriends.FriendHashID, tblFriends.cCreated, tblFriends.UserOwnerID, tblUsers.UserID, tblUsers.Displayname, tblUsers.EmailAddress, tblFriends.RequestStatus, tblFriends.FriendUserID, tblUsers.ProfilePhoto FROM tblFriends INNER JOIN tblUsers ON tblFriends.FriendUserID = tblUsers.UserID WHERE (tblFriends.UserOwnerID = @UserID) AND (tblFriends.RequestStatus = 2) UNION SELECT tblFriends_1.FriendHashID, tblFriends_1.cCreated, tblFriends_1.UserOwnerID, tblUsers_1.UserID, tblUsers_1.Displayname, tblUsers_1.EmailAddress, tblFriends_1.RequestStatus, tblFriends_1.FriendUserID, tblUsers_1.ProfilePhoto FROM tblFriends AS tblFriends_1 INNER JOIN tblUsers AS tblUsers_1 ON tblFriends_1.UserOwnerID = tblUsers_1.UserID WHERE (tblFriends_1.RequestStatus = 2) AND (tblFriends_1.FriendUserID = @UserID)I want to replace the SQL statement with a recursive query that I simply pass the UserID to and get rid of the function which is very inefficient!
Ok, here's the problem. I have CA's Unicenter ServiceIT Enterprise Edition 5.0 running on a production box that has NT4 (SP6) and SQL server 2000 running on it.
Just before we continue, this is about backing up the database that ServiceIT connects to.
I know that you can schedule EM to make backup's of a specific database over a certain time, but this is part of the problem. What i have since discovered is that ServiceIT will not run on a database backed up and restored by EM.
It will however run on the restored backup created through the dos command pdm_backup (comes with ServiceIT).
What i am trying to figure out is to try a find a way that i can run a dos prompt command to do the following tasks at a specific time of day:
Stop the Paradigm Server Daemons (service) Run a DBCC CHECKDB on the database AHDTEST50. If there are no errors, create a verbose backup using the dos command pdm_backup -v -fC:ackup[todaysdate] If there are errors run a script to correct them, then run a backup Restart the Paradigm Server Daemons
I have two packages - one works, the other doesn't. Both have two tasks: an Execute SQL Task and a dependent Send Mail Task. I am using a precedence constraint where the evaluation operation is an expression evaluating a variable created by a select count(*) as variable in the query. Both variables are defined as int32, initial value of 0 with a scope for the entire package.
The expression that works tests for an error_counts > 0 condition; the one that doesn't tests for load_counts < 24. The > 0 sends mail when the error_count is greater than 0 but doesn't send mail when it is 0, which is as I intended. The less than 24 package always sends mail even though the variable resultset_singlerow is usually 24. When I look at both properties for the Execute SQL Task steps side by side, they have no differences. When I look at the properties for the constraint, the only difference is in the EvaluatesTrue, which is set to False for the one that works and True for the one that doesn't. Unfortunately, that property is grayed out (not modifiable) and doesn't seem to be an option when I edit via the Precedence Constraint Editor.
I've looked a Books Online & Google with no references to a similar situation. Does anyone have a solution? Is the EvaluatesTrue the problem? And if it is, how can I change the setting? If not, what is the problem?
An application filters records based on names found in them. Forexample, looking through property buyer names, looking for banks andrelocation companies.I have a table of names and patterns:CREATE TABLE #Filters (Pattern varchar(100), IfWildCard int, Categoryint)INSERT #Filters SELECT 'Bank Of America', 0, 1INSERT #Filters SELECT '% Bank %', 1, 2INSERT #Filters SELECT 'Bank %', 1, 2INSERT #Filters SELECT '% Bank', 1, 2INSERT #Filters SELECT 'Credant Reloc%', 1, 3INSERT #Filters SELECT '%Relocation%, 1, 3The filtering matches the table of candidate names against the filters,and returns Category, where the where clause or join is(Candidate = Pattern AND IfWildCard = 0)OR (Candidate LIKE Pattern AND IfWildCard = 1)"Bank of America" matches an exact pattern, and also a wildcardpattern, and the two different matches give different values forCategory. Is there a way to control which match takes precedence, oris necessary to do it multiple times in the desired order, removingthose that hae already matched from consideration?Thanks,Jim Geissman
Has anyone seen precedence constraints disappear in a package after closing and opening again? In this case, it's not package-wide. Only constraints inside one Foreach Loop container disappeared. Any idea what causes this to happen?
p.s: Yes, I did Save All. Most of these contraints were saved in the package for more than a week anyway.
Hello, I have a SQL Task the executes the following statement;
SELECT COUNT(SettleDate) AS CountResult FROM SettleDateCount
I have the SQL Task Editor configured for a Single Row result set. The Result Name is CountResult, and the variable it populates is RowCountRes. RowCountRes is Int32 with EvaluateAsExpression set to False.
I have a boolean variable called RowCountStatus. It evaluates as the following expression;
@[User::RowCountRes] > 1
From the SQL Task, I have two different constraints, both of which evaluate with an expression. One constraint evaluates this way; @[User::RowCountStatus] = True The other evaluates this way; @[User::RowCountStatus] = False
The idea is that if the count comes back from the sql statement greater than 1 then execution continues down one path, else it goes down the other path. Currently, the result comes back = 1. I expect that the 'False' path will execute, but the 'True' path executes instead.
I have two packages - one works, the other doesn't. Both have two tasks: an Execute SQL Task and a dependent Send Mail Task. I am using a precedence constraint where the evaluation operation is an expression evaluating a variable created by a select count(*) as variable in the query. Both variables are defined as int32, initial value of 0 with a scope for the entire package. The expression that works tests for an error_counts > 0 condition; the one that doesn't tests for load_counts < 24. The > 0 sends mail when the error_count is greater than 0 but doesn't send mail when it is 0, which is as I intended. The less than 24 package always sends mail even though the variable resultset_singlerow is usually 24.
When I look at both properties for the Execute SQL Task steps side by side, they have no differences. When I look at the properties for the constraint, the only difference is in the EvaluatesTrue, which is set to False for the one that works and True for the one that doesn't. Unfortunately, that property is greyed out (not modifiable) and doesn't seem to be an option when I edit via the Precedence Constraint Editor.
I've looked a Books Online & Google with no references to a similar situation. Does anyone have a solution? Is the EvaluatesTrue the problem? And if it is, how can I change the setting?
I have three sequence containers setup to run in parallel. I have a final step that parses the log file and displays results, and I want to this to occur when all three containers have completed, success or failure. I therefore have a constraint from each container that feeds into my final step, and all three constraint types are set to "completion".
When I run the package and one of the tasks within a container fails (and fails its parent, but not the package) the final step is not executed.
If I take off all the constraints except one, the final step is executed as expected.
I am using checkpointing if that has any impact. Disabling it makes no difference.
I have 3 data flows connected sequentially on my workflow before processing dimensions and facts which checks data from different databases and if conditions does not meet then writes to log table. So if it writes to log table , I have to quit and finish the workflow. How can I do that?
I have a package that executes 2 sql tasks then another SSIS package. My precedence constraints between sql task 1 and sql task 2, and sql task 2 and the SSIS package check that @ErrorValue == 0.
@ErrorValue is set after each sql task (both of which execute stored procs) with the value of the output parameter for the stored proc. I have run both stored procs on the server and both return 0 in the output parameter.
When I run the package the two sql tasks execute as expected (tasks turn green indicating success) but the package stops at that point and the SSIS package task never executes.
If I remove the second sql task and connect the first sql task to the package task with the @ErrorValue == 0 precendence constraint the package task still does not execute (even though the constraint worked to get the sql task 2 to execute).
The package only runs if I remove the expression in the second precedence constraint (between sql task 2 and the package) thus changing it to simply 'on success'.
Is it possible to use objects in precedence constraints? For example, I have a collection object that may or may not be populated in a script at some point and want to be able to execute different paths depending upon whether the Count property equals zero or not.
I realize I could very easily just create another int variable and populate it accordingly, but I am just curious about this. I couldn't get it to work, but then I am really just starting out here and just not sure if I am doing it wrong.
I wrote a stored procedure that searches for user on my table depending on the search option chosen by the person doing the search. But my challenge is displaying users without a picture. On my members table, i used -1 to indicate a user that doesn't have or set his/her picture, this makes it difficult for me to track that person when the person searching chooses to display members with or without pictures. What happen is that my inner join of the photos table dat reference the user primarypictureid does not exist in the photos table. How do i overcome this challenge. My script
IF (@withpicture = 'True') SET @withpicture = '%[0-9][^-]'
IF(@countryId = '-1') SET @countryid = '%'
BEGIN SELECT m.UserName, m.MemberId, m.Gender, m.PrimaryPictureId, DATEDIFF(year,m.BirthDate,GETDATE()) AS 'Age', c.CountryName, p.PicFileName FROM Members AS m INNER JOIN Photos AS p ON m.PrimaryPictureId = p.PictureId INNER JOIN Countries AS c ON m.CountryId = c.CountryId WHERE (m.Gender = @searchfor) AND (DATEDIFF(year,m.BirthDate,GETDATE()) BETWEEN @firstage AND @secondage) AND (m.CountryId LIKE @countryid) AND (p.PictureId LIKE @withpicture) AND (m.UserName <> @username) ORDER BY m.BirthDate ASC END
I have a challenge for all DBAs. I am getting INCONSISTENT TIMINGS for Querry Results from a SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition on a HP Proliant 2 CPU Server with 4 GB RAM and SCSI DrivAFAe. Our Database is 72 million records and have 8 columns. Most of them are indexed, which are used in the “Where…� clause. In addition to independent indexes, we also have a covering index for 3 most frequently searched fields. My challenge is that out of the 7000 odd queries that hit the server with various search conditions in a Week, 5% of the queries return result in less than a minute. The same query at a different Time or with a different Value, returns results inconsistently. For e.g. searching FirstName = “Anna�; LastName = “Williams� returns result in 0.01 sec. Searching for FirstName “Benjamin�; LastName = “Watson� returns in 5 minutes. Any kind of help is welcome and will be highly appreciated. - Santy san.rely@gmail.comNote: Edited to fix white on white font.
I have a query that I am trying to optimize. It works on some 9000 records and runs too slow. What the query does is takes the multiple assignment of a single contact record to multiple attributes (a.k.a many-to-many). For example:
Membership table. Contact_ID 1 2 3
Relate table 1 1 1 3 1 4
Relate Item 1 item1 2 item2 3 item3 4 item4
The query will take all ocurrences of the related items and place them in a single field while delimiting by comma "item1" , "item3", "item4"
Here is the query as it exists now:
insert into #unionlist (CONTACT_ID, UNIONS) select distinct CONTACT_ID, UNIONS = '' from MEMBERSHIP
while exists(select CONTACT_ID from #tmp) BEGIN update #unionlist set UNIONS = UNIONS + '"' + ( select min(UNION_NAME) from #tmp where #unionlist.CONTACT_ID = #tmp.CONTACT_ID ) + '",' where CONTACT_ID in (select CONTACT_ID from #tmp)
update #unionlist set UNIONS = UNIONS + '"",' where CONTACT_ID not in (select CONTACT_ID FROM #tmp)
delete FROM #tmp where UNION_NAME in ( select min(UNION_NAME) from #tmp tmp2 where #tmp.CONTACT_ID = tmp2.CONTACT_ID ) END
I believe that the slow down is in the process of deleting from #tmp every time it loops through the recordset.
On march 23, Micorosoft was supposed to benchmarch their SQL server 7.0 versus Oracle 8i. I didn't watch the benchmark... I figured that I would be able to read about it in the news. But it seems like there is some moritorium on the subject. I haven't found any result information whatsoever.
Does anybody know who won the challenge? Did microsoft win $1 million from oracle?
Tom Mack, MCSE Database Administrator Advancia Corporation
We're having to work with some legacy data. The tables in the so-called database seem to have way more nulls than actual data. One table appears to have around 100 or more columns in it. It has close to 40,000 rows.
This Db has pretty much 0 normalization present.
IOW, your worst nightmare.
Is there a way we could run a query that would return the total number cells inthat contain NULL and another that could return the total number of data-bearing cells so we could come up with a % or a ratio.
Can anyone tell how I can parse the WHERE clause of an SQL statement to check for special characters such as ''' (single quotes) in fields of type varchar?
Well i wanted to prove to some guys that cursors are not really that important:shocked: . :D So this code is suppose to remove duplicate tuples from a table without temporary tables or cursors:D. Except it needs some optimization(and alot of system down time, not sure about that:confused: ). I would like it, if some one could find an instance of the table when the below code fails or some way to optimize the code or anything;) .
--trashtable for real data create table abc (col1 tinyint, col2 tinyint, col3 tinyint)
--trash values for trash table insert into abc values (1,1,1) insert into abc values (1,1,1) insert into abc values (1,1,1) insert into abc values (1,1,1) insert into abc values (2,2,2) insert into abc values (2,2,2) insert into abc values (2,2,2) insert into abc values (3,2,1) insert into abc values (2,2,3) insert into abc values (3,2,4)
--check that there are ten rows select * from abc --check that there are only five distinct rows select distinct * from abc
--run code : next 15 line as a batch declare @lp tinyint declare @col1 tinyint,@col2 tinyint,@col3 tinyint set @lp=1 while @lp>0 begin if not exists (select top 1 * from abc group by col1,col2,col3 having count(col1)>1) set @lp=0 else begin select top 1 @col1 = col1,@col2 = col2,@col3 = col3 from abc group by col1,col2,col3 having count(col1)>1 delete from abc where col1=@col1 and col2=@col2 and col3=@col3 insert into abc values(@col1,@col2,@col3) end end
--only distinct values left in trash table select * from abc
--think code can be optimized --just wanted to prove: can be done without cursors or temporary tables
I have a database with three tables: Employees, Assets, and Recovery.
I have the following SELECT statement:
SELECT Employees.EmployeeID, SUM(Assets.Amount) AS [Case Value:], SUM(Recovery.Recovery) AS [Recovery:] FROM Assets INNER JOIN Employees ON Assets.EmployeeID = Employees.EmployeeID INNER JOIN Recovery ON Employees.EmployeeID = Recovery.EmployeeID GROUP BY Employees.EmployeeID
Here is the challenge:
You will always have data in the Employee table, but not neccesarily in the Assets or Recovery table.
If there are no Assets or Recovery I would still like the query to show 0.00 for the Assets or Recovery for each Employees.EmployeesID
With the above SELECT statement it will only return values that have data created in each of the three tables.
How do you modify the SELECT statement so a row is returned for every Employees.EmployeeID?
Here is the table:CREATE TABLE [child]([pk_child_id] [int] NOT NULL ,[fk_parent_id] [int] NOT NULL ,[code] [char] (2)NOT NULL ,[dt] [datetime] NOT NULL ,[newcode] [int] NULL)There is a situation where there will be more than one record with thesame [fk_parent_id] value, but different values for the [code]field.If one of those records has a [code]= 5, but the [dt] is AFTER asimilar record where [code]= 6 or [code]= 7 (but same [fk_parent_id]value), I need to set [newcode] = 10. How can I pull this off? Again,the group of records can have different [code] values, different [dt]values, but a common [fk_parent_id].Help!
This code is attempting to find records that have a RegJrnID that doesnot occur more than one time in the table.The reason that I want to find records with non-duplicated RegJrnIDvalues is to create "reversal" records for these such that the reversalrecord has identical values for every column except the TaxableAmountwhich will contain a negative amount. (see: example data below)./* Set up */CREATE TABLE t1(RegJrnID INTEGER, InvoiceDate VARCHAR(8), InvoiceNumberVARCHAR(20), TaxableAmount DECIMAL(32,8))/* Example data */INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, '20060101', '2321323', 100.00)INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9, '20060213', '2130009', 40.01)INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3, '20060101', '9402293', 512.44)INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, '20060104', '2321323', -100.00)INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4, '20060105', '9302221', 612.12)INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (5, '20060105', '0003235', 18.11)INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (6, '20060111', '5953432', 2101.21)INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3, '20060111', '9402293', -512.44)INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (7, '20060115', '4234444', 44.52)INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (8, '20060115', '0342222', 95.21)INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (6, '20060119', '5953432', -2101.21)INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2, '20060101', '5440033', 231.01)/* Show what's in the table - just because */SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY RegJrnID, InvoiceDate/* Query for records to reverse */SELECT *FROM t1 a/* Ignore records that have already been reversed */WHERE a.RegJrnID != ALL/* This subselect finds reversed records (i.e. those that have aduplicate RegJrnID) */(SELECT b.RegJrnIDFROM t1 bGROUP BY b.RegJrnIDHAVING COUNT(*) > 1)/* User selection criteria are appended here *//* AND InvoiceNumber >= '5000000' AND InvoiceNumber <= '7500000' *//* Make the results look pretty (optional) */ORDER BY RegJrnID/* Housekeeping */DROP TABLE t1