Order By Common Lookup Table Matches

Mar 11, 2013

Basically I have a table of users (id, name), a lookup table preferences (id, title) and the table of user-pref (idUser, idPref).Given a user id X I wanted to select a list of users, ordered by the highest amount of coincidence in the preference table...

something like

SELECT * FROM users WHERE id <> X ORDER BY -number of common preferences-

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Transact SQL :: How To Apply Foreign Keys On Top Of A Common Lookup Table

Apr 29, 2015

I have an issue where i am mandated to enforce RI on an applications database (a good thing). but I have several common lookup tables where many of the "codes" reside for many different code types. I also have the mandate that i cannot change the underlying DDL to make composite keys to match the codes table PK. I am currently looking at creating indexed views on top of the Codes table to seperate the logical tables it contains. This is several hundred views.

I do know that I do not want to write several hundred triggers to enforce RI. Table schema below, the CdValue column is the column that is used throughout the hundreds of tables that use this codes table, and their corresponding column is not named the same.

CREATE TABLE dbo.CodesTable (
  , CdTyp  VARCHAR ( 8 ) NOT NULL
  , CompId INT  NOT NULL
  , CdValue VARCHAR ( 8 ) NOT NULL
  , CdValueDesc VARCHAR ( 255 ) NULL
  , AltValueDesc VARCHAR ( 100 ) NULL

[Code] ....

I did though run into one forum where a person brought up a great idea. Filtered Foreign Keys, what a novel concept, if it could work it would make so much less code to fix an issue like this.

ADD CONSTRAINT FK_dbo_BusinessStatus_CodesTable FOREIGN KEY (LoanStsDtCd) REFERENCES dbo.CodesTable (CdValue) WHERE CdTyp = 'Status'

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Lookup Transform With Multiple Matches

Aug 3, 2007

Please indulge my ignorance, as I have only been using SSIS for a couple of weeks.
I'm trying to create a data warehouse using two input tables.
A column needs to be added to one table by using a lookup into the second table.
SSIS seems to handle the "no matches" and "single match" cases perfectly.
I can't for the life of me figure out how to properly handle multiple matches.
SSIS defaults to the first match, but I need to compute the "best" match.

Many thanks in advance

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Lookup Transform Still Cannot Find Empty String Matches

Nov 24, 2007

Has anyone find solution for this problem.
i also checked
http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=298056&SiteID=1 and

Suppose have a Dimension table

ColorKeyPK(smallint) ColorAlternateKey(nvarchar(30))
-1 UnknownMember
2 Blue
3 Red
4 Black

Color with the ID 1 is empty string

OrderID Date Color Quantity

OrderID = 1 Color = 'Black' Quantity = 10
OrderID = 2 Color = 'Red' Quantity = 20
OrderID = 3 Color = '' Quantity = 10
OrderID = 4 Color = 'Blue' Quantity = 5
OrderID = 5 Color = Black Quantity = 10

When i use the Lookup transform it cannot find the ColorKeyPK

The result of the Lookup transform is.
OrderID = 1 Color='Black' ColorKey=4
OrderID = 2 Color='Black' ColorKey=3
OrderID = 3 Color='Black' ColorKey=NULL ----> This is the problem Lookup cannot find empty string. It should be 1.
OrderID = 4 Color='Black' ColorKey=2
OrderID = 5 Color='Black' ColorKey=4

Thanks from now.

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How Do I Query A Table For Matches With Keywords From Another Table?

Aug 24, 2007

This is what I wan to do: If I, for example, have a table containing articles, and I want to allow users to return any article that matches a filter, which is defined by any number of keywords, located in another table.

My tables:
Article table: [ArticleID, Headline, Content]
Filter table: [FilterID, Name]
Keyword table: [KeywordID, Word]
FiltersKeywords table: [FilterID, KeywordID]

(The FiltersKeywords table serves as a many-to-many relation table between the Keyword table and the Filter table)

In other words, a filter, which is used to selected articles with, can be made up of any number of keywords. The users would thus be able to build on the filters, adding new keywords as time goes, removing old none relevant etc. I suspect some filters could end having anywhere from 100 to 1000 keywords associated with them.

Using SQL 2005, is there anyway to query for articles in an efficient manner? How would the code look?

Thanks, Egil.

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Update Table Where It Matches Criteria From Another Table

Aug 20, 2007

I am trying to clean up an old database someone developed. I took the data and grouped the information that matched
I then imported it into a trips table. The matching data is all in the where statement. It shrunk 16k records for just under 2k records. Now I am trying to right a query to relate the 2 tables and update the tripid# to the triplist of people who actually attended.

Declare @Trip varchar(500)

Declare @Destination Varchar(500)

Declare @LeaveDate varchar(500)

Declare @LeaveTime Varchar(500)

Declare @ReturnDate varchar(500)

Declare @ReturnTime varchar(500)

Declare @Comment varchar(500)

Declare @RescheduleDate Varchar(500)

Declare @Rec int

Select @Rec = Rec# From Trips

Select @Trip = Trip from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Select @Destination = Destination from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Select @LeaveDate = LeaveDate from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Select @LeaveTime = LeaveTime from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Select @ReturnDate = ReturnDate from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Select @ReturnTime = ReturnTime from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Select @Comment = Comment from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Select @RescheduleDate = RescheduleDate from [Trips] where Trips.rec# = @Rec

Update TripList

SET tripid# = @Rec

WHERE (Trip = @Trip) and (Destination = @Destination) and (LeaveDate = @LeaveDate) and (LeaveTime = @LeaveTime) and (ReturnDate = @ReturnDate) and (ReturnTime = @ReturnTime) and (Comment = @Comment) and (RescheduleDate = @RescheduleDate)

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Performance Expectations For Fuzzy Lookup Against 25mill Row Lookup Table

Oct 31, 2007

We did some "at scale" fuzzy lookup tests today and were rather disappointed with the performance. I'm wanting to know your experience so I can set my performance expectations appropriately.

We were doing a fuzzy lookup against a lookup table with 25 million rows. Each row has 11 columns used in the fuzzy lookup, each between 10-100 chars. We set CopyReferenceTable=0 and MatchIndexOptions=GenerateAndPersistNewIndex and WarmCaches=true. It took about 60 minutes to build that index table, during which, dtexec got up to 4.5GB memory usage. (Is there a way to tell what % of the index table got cached in memory? Memory kept rising as each "Finished building X% of fuzzy index" progress event scrolled by all the way up to 100% progress when it peaked at 4.5GB.) The MaxMemoryUsage setting we left blank so it would use as much as possible on this 64-bit box with 16GB of memory (but only about 4GB was available for SSIS).

After it got done building the index table, it started flowing data through the pipeline. We saw the first buffer of ~9,000 rows get passed from the source to the fuzzy lookup transform. Six hours later it had not finished doing the fuzzy lookup on that first buffer!!! Running profiler showed us it was firing off lots of singelton SQL queries doing lookups as expected. So it was making progress, just very, very slowly.

We had set MinSimilarity=0.45 and Exhaustive=False. Those seemed to be reasonable settings for smaller datasets.

Does that performance seem inline with expectations? Any thoughts to improve performance?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Table Compare - Getting False Matches

Mar 26, 2014

I have two tables I am trying to compare as I have created a new procedure to replace an old one and want to check if the new procedure produces similar results.

The problem is that when I run my compare I get false matches. Example:


[Code] ....

Which gives me two records when I really do not want any as the tables are identical.

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Creating A Common Table Expression--temporary Table--using TSQL???

Jul 23, 2005

Using SQL against a DB2 table the 'with' key word is used todynamically create a temporary table with an SQL statement that isretained for the duration of that SQL statement.What is the equivalent to the SQL 'with' using TSQL? If there is notone, what is the TSQL solution to creating a temporary table that isassociated with an SQL statement? Examples would be appreciated.Thank you!!

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Common Table Expressions With Table Creation

May 20, 2008

I have multiple Common Table Expressions i.e CTE1,CTE2,...CTE5.

I want to Create Temperory Table and inserting data from CTE5. Is this possible to create?


create table #temp (row_no int identity (1,1),time datetime, action varchar(5))

insert into #temp select * from cte5

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Analysis :: Order Of Rows In Tabular Table Not In Same Order Data Was Retrieved?

May 19, 2015

I never paid much attention to this before but I noticed this today in a new table I was creating.

For tables defined in the tabular model the table properties have something like SELECT Blah FROM TableName ORDER BY Blah Then in the tabular model the table's data is in the same order it was ordered by in the data source for the table.

I have a date table I setup and I noticed it is NOT respecting the sort order.

I have it sorted by DateID which sorts with the oldest date first and newest date as last row.However, the table that is imported and stored in the data model is not in that order.

I can of course manually sort the rows in BIDS/DataTools, but I find this discrepancy odd.

Would this have negative impacts on the EARLIER function for example if the data rows are not in the order specified?

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Common Table Expression

May 28, 2008

I was studying Common Table expression in Sql server 2005.
I have written the code
Declare @PictureArray as varchar(200)
Set @PictureArray = '';
with UserProfile_CTE(UserPicture)
select @PictureArray = @PictureArray + '~' + PictureName from UserPicture where UserProfileID = 1102
select @PictureArray
select * from UserProfile_CTE
But I am getting the error
Incorrect syntax near '='
I am getting the error in the lineselect @PictureArray = @PictureArray + '~' + PictureName from UserPicture where UserProfileID = 1102
But I don't know the reason for this,
Kindly advice

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Delete The Common Row Of A Table

Jan 7, 2006

hi i am using MS SQL Server 2000, i want to delete the common row from a table

table name EMP
Eno Name Sal
1 Jim 1000
2 Mark 1200
1 Jim 1000
2 Mark 1250
1 Jim 1300

no primary key defile in to the table ....

i want to delete the row of
1 Jim 1000

please anybody can can help me ...


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Common Table Expression?

Jul 20, 2005

What is the SQL Server equivalent of DB2 common table expressions? Forexample,with gry(year,count) as(select floor(sem/10),count(distinct ssn)from gradesgroup by floor(sem/10))select year,sum(count) Head_Count from grygroup by yearhaving year >= 1980;N. ShamsundarUniversity of Houston

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Common Need: History Table

Jan 22, 2008

Hi there!

I'm working on an application designed like this:
There's a table "DailyTransations" (DT) containing daily transactions...
Then there's an archive table "TransationsArchive" (TA) with the exact same structure.

When a record is inserted in DT, it is also in TA (via a trigger) and the reporting is done against TA.
Now for performance issues, we delete from DT the records older than 2 days since they are not needed for processing.

First, what do you think of that implementation?

We thought about using partitions based on the transaction date and completely eliminate TA, but it seems once a record is assigned to a partition, it is not moved automatically...

What is the common solution for this need?


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Common Table Expressions

Aug 31, 2006

Hi guys,

I know its not a good idea to give you a big query...but/...

I have a query (given below) with Common table expressions. It is giving me error : The multi-part identifier "dbo.tmpValidServices_ALL.Service" could not be bound. for all the fields .. Do you have any idea.. I fed up with analysing query.. made me mad.. please help me...



DECLARE @sql nvarchar(MAX), @paramlist nvarchar(4000)

SET @sql = 'WITH Q1 (SiteID,Programme,Complete,PID,COC,NotionalSum,TVMinsSUM,Postcode,Suburb,Qty)

 dbo.tmpValidServices_ALL.Complete AS Complete,
 dbo.tmpValidServices_ALL.RID AS PID,
 dbo.tmpValidServices_ALL.COC# AS COC,
 (dbo.lkpService.Notional$) AS NotionalSum,
 (TVMins) AS TVMinsSUM,
                count(*) as Qty

FROM  lkpService

INNER JOIN dbo.tmpValidServices_ALL vs  ON dbo.lkpservice.code = dbo.tmpValidServices_ALL.Service
INNER JOIN dbo.tmpDemographics_ALL ON dbo.tmpValidServices_ALL.RID = dbo.tmpDemographics_ALL.RID '

SELECT     @sql = @sql + 'LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.lkpCOC c ON dbo.tmpValidServices_ALL.COC = c.pvcode '

SELECT     @sql = @sql + 'LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.lkpAgency ag ON vs.SiteID = ag.EXACT# '      

SELECT     @sql = @sql + 'WHERE dbo.lkpService.Schedule = @Schedule '

 IF @StartDate IS NOT NULL
     SELECT     @sql = @sql + ' AND (dbo.tmpValidServices_ALL.Complete  >= @StartDate ) '

      SELECT     @sql = @sql + ' AND (dbo.tmpValidServices_ALL.Complete <= @EndDate ) '

       SELECT     @sql = @sql + 'AND (ag.EXACT# = @SiteID) '

 SELECT     @sql = @sql + ' AND (c.pvcode = @COCGroup OR c.pvcode IN (SELECT COC FROM lkpCOCGroup WHERE COCGroup = @COCGroup)) '

 IF @Provider IS NOT NULL
 SELECT     @sql = @sql + 'AND (dbo.tmpValidServices_ALL.Provider = @Provider) '

 IF @Postcode IS NOT NULL
SELECT     @sql = @sql + 'AND (dbo.tmpdemographics_ALL.Postcode = @Postcode) '

SELECT     @sql = @sql  + ' GROUP BY dbo.tmpValidServices_ALL.SiteID,
                                                              dbo.tmpValidServices_ALL.Complete ,
                                                              dbo.tmpValidServices_ALL.RID , 
                                                              dbo.tmpValidServices_ALL.COC# ,
                                                              (dbo.lkpService.TVMins)  ) 

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT PID + CAST(Complete AS varchar(20))  + CAST(COC AS varchar(20)) + CAST(SiteID AS varchar(20)) + CAST(Programme AS varchar(20))) AS Visits,
 COUNT(DISTINCT PID + CAST(SiteID AS varchar(20)) + CAST(Programme AS varchar(20))) AS Patients, 
 COUNT(DISTINCT  CAST(COC AS varchar(20)) + CAST(SiteID AS varchar(20)) + CAST(Programme AS varchar(20)) + CAST(PID AS varchar(20))) AS COCs,
 SUM(NotionalSum) AS NotionalSum,
 SUM(TVMinsSUM) AS TVMinsSUM,Postcode,Suburb,sum(Qty) as Qty

Group by Postcode,Suburb

Order by Postcode,Suburb  '

SET              @paramlist = '@SiteID as numeric,
@COCGroup as varchar(20),
@Postcode as varchar(20),
@StartDate DateTime,
@EndDate DateTime,
@Schedule varchar(20),
@Provider varchar(20)'
 EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @paramlist, @SiteID, @COCGroup, @Postcode, @StartDate, @EndDate, @Schedule, @Provider

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Default Sort Order - Open Table - Select Without Order By

Mar 27, 2008


I recently run into a senario when a procedure quiered a table without a order by clause. Luckily it retrived data in the prefered order.

The table returns the data in the same order in SQL Manager "Open Table"

So I started to wonder what deterimins the sort order when there is no order by clause ?

I researched this for a bit but found no straight answers. My table has no PK, but an identiy column.



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Distinct In Common Table Expressions CTE

Feb 20, 2007

I have managed to write my first CTE SQL that handles recursion but I have a problem with distinct - can't get that to work!!
My CTE:WITH StudentsHierarchy(SystemID1, GroupID, AccessType, AccessGroupID, StudentID, HierarchyLevel) AS
--Base Case
1 as HierarchyLevel
FROM UserGroup a


--Recursive step
uh.HierarchyLevel + 1 as HierarchyLevel
FROM UserGroup u
INNER JOIN StudentsHierarchy uh ON
u.GroupID = uh.AccessGroupID

Select sh.SystemID1, sh.GroupID, sh.AccessType, sh.AccessGroupID, sh.StudentID, sh.HierarchyLevel, (select StudentName from Student s
where sh.StudentID = s.StudentID) AS StudentName from StudentsHierarchy sh
WHERE AccessType = 'S'
and I would like to have a distinct on the StudentID like:Select DISTINCT sh.StudentID, sh.SystemID1, sh.GroupID, sh.AccessType, sh.AccessGroupID, sh.StudentID, sh.HierarchyLevel, (select StudentName from Student s
where sh.StudentID = s.StudentID) AS StudentName from StudentsHierarchy sh
WHERE AccessType = 'S'
How should I do?

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Index On Used Table Common Fields

Jan 6, 2012

I would like to know if SQL Server creates automatic index on the used tables' common fields.

For example:


[Code] .....

On the above view example, if table PARSEL has 1 million records do I have to create an index for PARSELDURUM or when I create a view does SQL server create automatic virtual index?

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When Connect Two Table Should They Always Have Column In Common With Each Other?

Jun 27, 2014

When I connect two table should they always have a column in common with each other?For example the 'patients' and 'doctors' tables in that ER are connected to say each doctor can have many patients and each patient can have many doctors, but they have no columns in common. Is it right?

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Join A Table With Different Tables But With A Field In Common?

Jan 27, 2014

I have a table activity which show the activities of the site. An activity could be related with no other entity or it could be related with an account, or with a contact or with an opportunity. An opportunity and a contact could be also related with an account.

My problem is that I need to show the activity and the related account (if there is any) but because the relationship with an account could be done by different ways, I dont know how to do it without join the account table several times.

This is my current query:

SELECT AC.IdActividad, CU.idcuenta
FROM Actividades AC LEFT JOIN Tareas TA ON TA.IdActividad = C.IdActividad
LEFT JOIN ActividadesXCuenta AXC ON AC.IdActividad = AXC.IdActividad LEFT JOIN dbo.Cuentas CU ON axc.IdCuenta = CU.IdCuenta
LEFT JOIN dbo.ActividadesXOportunidad axo ON AC.IdActividad = axo.IdActividad LEFT JOIN dbo.Oportunidades o ON axo.IdOportunidad = o.IdOportunidad LEFT JOIN dbo.Cuentas CU1 ON o.IdCuenta = CU.IdCuenta
LEFT JOIN dbo.ActividadesXContacto axco ON AC.IdActividad = axco.IdActividad LEFT JOIN dbo.Contactos con ON axco.IdContacto = con.IdContacto LEFT JOIN dbo.Cuentas CU2 ON o.IdCuenta = CU.IdCuenta

As you see, I have the table Cuenta joined 3 times. That means that I need to put the ActivityID field 3 times but based on how the report was developed, I could not do that.

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SQL 2012 :: Common Table (CTE) In Store Procedure?

Jul 31, 2014

While writing store procedure in db most of Time i will Use common Table to write select queries for selecting more than seven table whether it reduce speed performance or it won't

;with cte

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Recursive Common Table Expression Data?

Jan 10, 2014

With my new data, need result for below scenario ( use CTE )

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Travel_Master](
[Load_Id] [int] NULL,
[Mode_Id] [nchar](2) NULL,
[Mode_Info] [nchar](10) NULL,

[Code] ....


INSERT INTO [dbo].[Travel_Master] ([Load_Id] ,[Mode_Id] ,[Mode_Info] ,[Has_Nodes]) VALUES ( 1,'AP' ,'AIR' ,'Yes')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Travel_Master] ([Load_Id] ,[Mode_Id] ,[Mode_Info] ,[Has_Nodes]) VALUES ( 1,'FL' ,'FLIGHT' ,'Yes')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Travel_Master] ([Load_Id] ,[Mode_Id] ,[Mode_Info] ,[Has_Nodes]) VALUES ( 1,'FP' ,'FLIGHT-Pas' ,'No')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Travel_Master] ([Load_Id] ,[Mode_Id] ,[Mode_Info] ,[Has_Nodes]) VALUES ( 1,'SE' ,'SEA' ,'Yes')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Travel_Master] ([Load_Id] ,[Mode_Id] ,[Mode_Info] ,[Has_Nodes]) VALUES ( 1,'SP' ,'SHIP' ,'No')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Travel_Master] ([Load_Id] ,[Mode_Id] ,[Mode_Info] ,[Has_Nodes]) VALUES ( 1,'RD' ,'ROAD' ,'No')
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Travel_Master] ([Load_Id] ,[Mode_Id] ,[Mode_Info] ,[Has_Nodes]) VALUES ( 1,'BU' ,'BUS' ,'No')

INSERT INTO [Travel_Quantity]([Load_Id],[Mode_Sno],[Mode_Id],[Mode_Parent_Sno],[QA]) VALUES ( 1,'1' ,'AP' ,'-1','4' )
INSERT INTO [Travel_Quantity]([Load_Id],[Mode_Sno],[Mode_Id],[Mode_Parent_Sno],[QA]) VALUES ( 1,'2' ,'FL' ,'1','2' )
INSERT INTO [Travel_Quantity]([Load_Id],[Mode_Sno],[Mode_Id],[Mode_Parent_Sno],[QA]) VALUES ( 1,'3' ,'FP' ,'2','1' )
INSERT INTO [Travel_Quantity]([Load_Id],[Mode_Sno],[Mode_Id],[Mode_Parent_Sno],[QA]) VALUES ( 1,'4' ,'SE' ,'-1','0' )
INSERT INTO [Travel_Quantity]([Load_Id],[Mode_Sno],[Mode_Id],[Mode_Parent_Sno],[QA]) VALUES ( 1,'5' ,'SP' ,'4','1' )
INSERT INTO [Travel_Quantity]([Load_Id],[Mode_Sno],[Mode_Id],[Mode_Parent_Sno],[QA]) VALUES ( 1,'6' ,'RD' ,'-1','6' )
INSERT INTO [Travel_Quantity]([Load_Id],[Mode_Sno],[Mode_Id],[Mode_Parent_Sno],[QA]) VALUES ( 1,'7' ,'BU' ,'6','3' )


1.QA of Parent Row value Greater than 0- Consider Parent and 1st Node.From the available result,

2.HasNodes = Yes, Display Parent and 1st Node

3.HasNodes = No, Display Parent Only.

Expected Result

My Query

learning CTE To apply for HasNodes Rules.

;with MyCTE1 as (
CONVERT(nvarchar(MAX),RTRIM(T2.Mode_Info)) Mode_Info, T1.Mode_Parent_Sno, T1.Mode_Sno, T1.QA ,T2.Has_Nodes
from [Travel_Quantity] T1
left join [Travel_Master] T2 on T1.Mode_Id = T2.Mode_Id
) ,
MyCTE2 as (


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Writing ETL Error Records To A Common Table

Jun 13, 2007

I am working on building a template/design pattern for a DTS to SSIS upgrade project.

During our ETL processing, if we encounter a record that cannot be inserted into a destination table, we'd like to be able to write the entire record out to a common error/reject table. The obvious problem is that every SSIS package that is using this template will of course be dealing with varying table schemas.

I was thinking that if there were a way that I could transform the error record/buffer row into XML, I could then achieve my goal of having a common table to receive errors/rejects.

Has anyone done something like this, or have suggestions on how we might accomplish?

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Multiple Operations On A Common Table Expression

Jan 28, 2008

I'd like to perform a number of different operations on my Common Table expression but I seem to be limited to only one operation. For example I cannot both delete duplicate rows and then perform a select statement. I can only execute one of the statements referencing the common table expression.

What is wrong with my syntax?

;With OrderedTable



select Row_number() OVER (partition BY SSNumber order by Department_Id desc ) AS ROWID,* from Employee


delete from OrderedTable where RowId != 1

SELECT COUNT(*),SSNumber FROM OrderedTable group by Department_Id order by count(*) desc

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Conditional Processing From A Common Table Expression (CTE)

Sep 5, 2007

I want to do conditional processing depending on values in the rows of a CTE. For example, is the following kind of thing possible with a CTE?:

WITH Orders_CTE (TerritoryId, ContactId)
SELECT TerritoryId, ContactId
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader
WHERE (ContactId < 200)
IF Orders_CTE.TerritoryId > 3
/* Do some processing here */
/* Do something else here */

When I try this, I get a syntax error near the keyword 'IF'

Any ideas? I know this kind of thing can be done with a cursor but wanted to keep with the times and avoid using one!

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Is WITH / Common Table Expression A Syntactic Sugar?

Oct 4, 2006

I tried to use WITH to factor out the shared star join portion from a sql statement as it's usually the most expensive part.

However, examing the execution plan shows that the WITH clause is merely a syntactic suger that will internally be plugged back as derived tables where the same star join is executed repeatedly.

Is the intermediate rowset produced by a WITH caluse ever shared during the query execution?

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Encountered Problems With Multiple Common Table Expression

Feb 20, 2006

Hi guys,

I'm trying to have two common table expression in my stored procedure, but I'm receiving errors when executing it, I found that they can't exist side by side,once I removed 1 of them, the stored procedure executed successfully.

The following are the errors


Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure GetProductsByCategory, Line 27
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'With'.
Msg 319, Level 15, State 1, Procedure GetProductsByCategory, Line 27
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon.
Msg 319, Level 15, State 1, Procedure GetProductsByCategory, Line 33
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'with'. If this statement is a common table expression or an xmlnamespaces clause, the previous statement must be terminated with a semicolon.

I'm using SQL Server Express

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SQL Server 2005 Common Table Expression(CTE) Implement Reg.

Aug 30, 2006


We are developing the web application using ASP.NET 2.0 using C# with Backend of SQL Server 2005.

Now we have one requirement with my client, Already our application live in ASP using MS Access Database. In Access Database our client already wrote the query, those query call the another query from same database. So I want to over take this functionality in SQL Server 2005.

In ASP Application, We call this query €œ081Stats€? from Record set.

This €˜081Stats€™ query call below sub query itself

Master Query: 081Stats

SELECT DISTINCTROW [08Applicants].school, [08Applicants].Applicants, [08Interviewed].Interviewed, [Interviewed]/[Applicants] AS [interviewed%], [08Accepted].Accepted, [Accepted]/[Applicants] AS [Accepted%], [08Dinged].Dinged, [Dinged]/[Applicants] AS [Dinged%], [08Waitlisted].Waitlisted, [Applicants]-[Accepted]-[Dinged] AS Alive, [08Matriculating].Matriculating, [Matriculating]/[Accepted] AS [Yield%]
FROM ((((08Applicants LEFT JOIN 08Interviewed ON [08Applicants].school = [08Interviewed].school) LEFT JOIN 08Accepted ON [08Applicants].school = [08Accepted].school) LEFT JOIN 08Dinged ON [08Applicants].school = [08Dinged].school) LEFT JOIN 08Waitlisted ON [08Applicants].school = [08Waitlisted].school) LEFT JOIN 08Matriculating ON [08Applicants].school = [08Matriculating].school;

Sub Query 1: 08Accepted

SELECT statusTbl.school, Count(1) AS Accepted
FROM statusTbl
WHERE (((statusTbl.decision)=1) AND ((statusTbl.yearapp)="2008"))
GROUP BY statusTbl.school

Sub Query 2: 08Applicants

SELECT statusTbl.school, Count(1) AS Accepted
FROM statusTbl
WHERE (((statusTbl.decision)=1) AND ((statusTbl.yearapp)="2008"))
GROUP BY statusTbl.school

Sub Query 3: 08Dinged

SELECT statusTbl.school, Count(1) AS Dinged
FROM statusTbl
WHERE (((statusTbl.decision)=0) AND ((statusTbl.yearapp)="2008"))
GROUP BY statusTbl.school

Sub Query 4: 08Interviewed

SELECT statusTbl.school, Count(1) AS Interviewed
FROM statusTbl
WHERE (((statusTbl.interview)=True) AND ((statusTbl.yearapp)="2008"))
GROUP BY statusTbl.school

Sub Query 5: 08Matriculating

SELECT statusTbl.school, Count(1) AS Matriculating
FROM statusTbl
WHERE (((statusTbl.userdec)=True) AND ((statusTbl.yearapp)="2008"))
GROUP BY statusTbl.school

So now I got the solution from SQL Server 2005. I.e. Common Table Expressions, So I got the syntax and other functionality, Now my doubts is how do implement the CTE in SQL Server 2005, where can I store the CTE in SQL Server 2005.

How can I call that CTE from ASP.NET 2.0 using C#?

CTE is replacing the Stored Procedure and Views, because it is memory based object in SQL Server 2005.

How can I implement the CTE, where can I write the CTE and where can I store the CTE.

And how can I call the CTE from ASP.NET 2.0 using C#.

It€™s Very Urgent Requirements.

We need your timely help.

With Thanks & Regards,

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Common Table Expression Calling Stored Procedure

Nov 19, 2007


I have a stored procedure that return 0 or 1 row and 10 columns. In my subsequent queries I only need 1 column from those 10 columns. Is there any better way other than creating or declaring temp table and than making a select from that table.

So I am looking int CTE to execute stored procedure and than make a selection from CTE, but CTE does not allow me to execute stored procedure. Is there any other better way of acheiving this.

This is what I want to change:

Declare @Col Varchar(10)
Decalre @TempTable(Col1 Int, Col2 Varchar(10), Col3 Varchar(10), Col4 Varchar(10))

Insert into @TempTable
Exec Procedure @Paramter

select @Col = col2 from @TempTable


With CTE(Col2, Col3, Col4) AS

Exec Procedure @Paramter)

select @Col = col2 from @TempTable


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Microsoft OLE DB Provider For IBM DB2 Does Not Accept Common Table Expressions

Oct 26, 2007

After reading all the comments about microsoft ole db provider for db2, I've started converting a project from ibm db2 provider to microsoft ole db provider, for the reason that the server would not need a ibm client software installation anylonger.
However in one of the dataflows there is a select statement on the DB2 database (AS400 iseries DB2 V5R4) that uses common table expression. The Oledb data source in the Dataflow returns zero input columns when I use the microsoft provider instead of the ibm provider. When I set it back to use the ibm oledb provider the input columns are available again.
The common table expression is used in the select statement like:
WITH x AS (SELECT ... FROM mytable WHERE ...)
SELECT x.*, (x.a - x.b) As diff

We are not allowed to change anything in the DB2 database, so using views or sprocs is not an option.

Did anyone else experience this and can it be avoided without changing the selct logic?

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Grouping By Month In Common Table Expression Counts Wrong

Sep 26, 2012

I'm using CTEs to try and get the totals of two different criteria queries that I want to group by Month depending on the associated Inquiry Date. Here is what I have right now;

;With CTE(total, InitDate) as
SELECT count(Inquiry.ID), Inquiry.Date from Inquiry
Inner Join Inquirer on Inquirer.ID = Inquiry.InquirerID_fk
Left Join Transfer on Transfer.TransferInquiryID_fk = Inquiry.ID
WHERE (Inquiry.Date >= '3/1/2012' AND Inquiry.Date <= '9/26/2012' AND Inquiry.Date IS NOT NULL)
AND (Inquirer.Program = 'Res. Referral Coord.')AND TransferInquiryID_fk IS NULL
Group By Inquiry.Date


I get 170 for InitCount, but for TransCount I only get 19, not 26. I assume it is with my left outer join statement grouping but I am not sure how I would change this to get the proper counts. All I want to do is group the values together depending on the month they were done in.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Aggregating Data From Common Table Expression

Apr 2, 2015

I am trying to create a small data set for use in a charting program. However, I am not getting the results that I expected.

********QUERY BEGIN*****************
DECLARE @BeginDate datetime
DECLARE @EndDate datetime
SET @BeginDate = '2014-01-01'
SET @EndDate = '2014-12-31';

SELECT bkg_nbr

[Code] ....

The raw data from the CTE is:

Bkg_nbr STATE_NBR Ranking
20140000943200060000 1
20140000131500140000 1
20140000682200140000 2
20140000504100210000 1

The result of the query above was:

Category RecCount
Recidivists 1

The outcome I was looking for was:

Category RecCount
Recidivists 1

What I am trying to do is count persons in buckets "non-recidivists" and "recidevists" based on how many bkg_nbr they have per STATE_NBR. If they have more than 1 bkg_nbr per STATE_NBR then put them in the "recdivists" bucket. If they only have a 1 to 1 then put them in the "non-recidivists" bucket.

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