Organize And View Datasets Using Toad

Jul 23, 2005


i want to use toad to work with sql-Server for my business. But i cant
get rid of it, after extracting the packets i find the toad ss.exe.

I dont know how to connect to my database, as i never worked before
with the odbc-database driver. I think it must be about the manager
"start -> controls -> odbc...".

All i want is to view the datasets in my db, but i dont want to write
the nesassery querys, like in mysql-admin for mysql databases.

Is toad the right applikation or should i use an other manager?

plz help me, thanks - xunling

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Toad && S2K5

Dec 13, 2005

Does anyone know if Toad (freeware) that currently works great for SQLServer 2000, will also work for 2005?

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Toad && SQL Server

Jul 20, 2005

Have just downloaded Toad for SQL Server, and by accident noticed thatdecimal and number fields have a dollar sign in the column values, only inToad, not when I access these tables in Enterprise Manager. These columnsin question are all autoincriment fields. Integer fields display correctly.How can I remove this, so that only the number with no dollar sign isshowing? They are not money fields. The column in question is defined inthe table structure as decimal. Some are defined as number. All show datavalues with a dollar sign, which doesn't belong.

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TOAD Or SQL Server 2005?

Sep 13, 2007

Does anyone use TOAD? I liked it when I was using Oracle. It was a lot nicer that command-line. Does anyone take the time to get used to the GUI?

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Toad For Mssql Problem

Jul 23, 2005

HelloJ have a problem with connecting to database using toad for ss on windowsXP.the error is: class unregisteredPlease helpthanks

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Toad And Oracle Vs. Mssql And ?X?

Jul 20, 2005

hi all ms sql specialists.....i am a newbie on ms sql buti am used to oracle and toad ...and now a question (i guess this was asked xxx times befor but icouldn't find the answer easilly) :is there something powerfull like toad on oracle for mssql server? (notenterprise manager)

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Problem Connecting Toad To SQL Server

May 9, 2005


I have the MS SQL Server 2005 CTP installed and working and I can access the database from Java and a free SQL Server Client called "Foxy SQL Free", but I am unable to connect to my database using Toad. When setting up the connection (Data Source Name (ODBC), User, password, etc) everything seems ok, I hit the Test Connection buton and says "Test Connection Succeded", but when I try to use that connection to start using the client, after putting the user and password information I received an error: "Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server".

I've tryed to change the remote connection configuration of the server to make sure is nothing related to that, but same results. By the way, everything is local.


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MySQL Server (Toad Freeware)

May 4, 2007

Hi all,
trying to import csv data to mysql server using Toad. however, there is no import function. What other options I have? thanks in advance..

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How Do 'you' Organize Reporting

Jan 9, 2007


This is more a informational question. Until now we had over 50 reports ready in our system, we are almost ready to go into production and are starting to link all reports with eachohter. The first problem was that we had them all nicely grouped in different projects so that we could publish in a logical folder-tree. Problem is that we can't jump to reports that are nog in the same folder. Going by url changes the layout and parts of the report manager are gone.

We then started to have a look at Sharepoint but i can't find books on the topic SharePoint & SSRS that describes the possible options. I've seen quite some documents and ways to publish reports but until now we prefer to mail the periodical reports to the users with data-driven subscriptions.

So at this moment we don't know quite wha direction to take. Putting all reports in one folder would solve many linking problems but makes it quite messy for the users.... And the linking issue is a must. As we now will start to create our dashboards with SSRS too.

So, any suggestions on what road to take or what publications to read are welcome.

Kind Regards


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Organize Data

Feb 12, 2008

I have data like this in Excel table:
ID GameScore1 GameScore2 GameScore3 ClassScore1 ClassScore2 Classscore3

10 10 20 27 5 35 23

I have to arrange like this in SQLServer table:
ID TestRecord GameScore ClassScore

10 1 10 5
10 2 20 35

10 3 27 23

Test Record 1 for score1, 2 for score2, 3 for Score3.
Which way to organize this data in SSIS?

Thanks in advance

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Organize Into Tables

Feb 6, 2008

I have information like this:
Apllicant information: Firstname, Lastname, Address, Phone, SSN, county, workphone..
Each applican can earn 3 certificates:

1st Certificate

2nd certificate

3rd certificate

Status of certification

Status of certification

Status of certification

Status of dues

Status of dues

Status of dues




Validation date

Validation date

Validation date

Renewal date

Renewal date

Renewal date

Effective date

Effective date

Effective date

Date of cert # changed > means earned the next(second or third certificate).

These don€™t have this column information

These don€™t have this column information
Some common information for all 3 certificates like NOTE,€¦

How to organize the above information in SQLServer tables. how to apply the normalization . I can store all the contact information in one table and put the SSN as primary key. How to organize the certificates into tables? I have to made 3 tables for 3 certificates and linked to contact information table?

Thanks in advance

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Best Way To Organize Multiple Databases?

Jan 21, 2008

I'm very new to SQL, so you'll have to excuse the nubishness of this question. I've got my trusty O'Reilly book here!

We're using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 on our web server. I'm currently working on a project to get a few MS Access Databases available on the web page.

The web part is actually working fine, with the DBs exported into SQL for performance reasons. (From what I've read pulling data from the .mdb file could cause me problems in the future, so I'm tossing it all onto the SQL server from the start.)

Before I get into the project full-tilt, though, I'm curious about how best to organize all the data?

I'm using the Upsizing Wizard in Access for the conversions, and every new DB gets added under Databases. If this gets approved I may be looking at well over a hundred DBs which will eventually be converted and made web accessible.

I can keep everything neat and tidy on the web server by just tossing things in a few directories, but the menu on the SQL Server Management Studio is going to become a mess really quickly if I let it just keep adding to +Databases.

Is there a way to sort everything into a series of folder/groups, like how System Databases has it?

Thanks in advance,


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Organize DFT Components In Designer

Jul 4, 2007


I have DFTs with around 50 components and future ETLs will have 100+ components in DFTs.
I was wondering that is there anyway to group components like we have #region in C#.



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Organize Big Solution Tree

Jul 17, 2007


I need some advice regarding organizing packages.

I am in starting phase of a data conversion project. As my ETL target, I have to produce around 70 flat files. I am creating one package for each target file. Some target files may be a result of 2-3 packages.
I have some common packages that get called from many other packages.

Before my solution tree grows into unmanageable state, I would like packages to get organized based on their target and purpose of the package.
The ideal solution to this problem would be to organize packages in a folder structure but I couldn€™t see any option to create folders in a solution.
I also noticed that we can€™t easily put package files next to each other even after renaming packages.

I was wondering is there a better or any way to organize packages in solution tree?


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Articles In More Than One Category - How To Organize Tables?

Jun 10, 2005

Greetings,I have one table, named Article, and one table name Category.The problem is, one Article could be in just one or in several categories.What is the best way to connect data between Article and Category according to fast search performance?I have several ideas:1. To have third cross table Article_Category with fields Article_ID and Category_ID, and search Article_Category table 2. To have several INTEGER columns in Article table (like Category_ID1, Category_ID2,..) and search those columns3. Add one VARCHAR field in Article table where I could write Category ID's delimited by some character (e.g. by comma), and do text search in only that column.What is recommended for solving problems like this?

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SQL Security :: How To Organize And Secure Database Users

Apr 21, 2015

Is there any way in which I could distinguish a group of Database users from the other users. Say for e.g. store the Database users hierarchically, etc. Adding a Prefix/Suffix to the user name as a distinguish-er will not work in my case. I want to restrict the deletion of these Database users. Even the login with sysadmin or serveradmin rights should not be able to DROP those Database users.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Dynamic Pivot Statement To Calculate And Organize Columns

Mar 11, 2015

How to write a Dynamic Pivot Statement to Calculate and Organize Columns like:

Name varchar(50),
GA int,
GB int,
startdate DATETIME,
enddate DATETIME

[Code] ...

Below is Our Sample Table Data.

Name GAGBstartdateenddate
Pavan 261/1/20151/1/2015
Hema 561/1/20151/1/2015
Surya 501/1/20151/1/2015
Pavan 811/2/20151/8/2015
Hema 311/2/20151/8/2015
Surya 121/2/20151/8/2015
Pavan 1041/9/20151/15/2015
Hema 301/9/20151/15/2015
Surya 6131/9/20151/15/2015

How to write Pivot Satement to get Oupt like below:

1/1/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal
Total 8 11 5 24
GA 2 5 5 12
GB 6 6 0 12

1/8/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal
Total 9 4 3 16
GA 8 3 1 12
GB 1 1 2 4

1/15/2015 Pavan Hema Surya SumTotal
Total 14 3 19 36
GA 10 3 6 19
GB 4 0 13 17

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Where Did The Datasets Go In .NET 2.0???

Jul 5, 2006

I typically use  DataAdapters and Datasets from the toolbox when connecting to a SQL database.  Since switching to VS 2005, I am not able to find (or add) these items to the tool box for web site development.
   Any ideas on how I can get them back?  Or is there a better alternative to retrieving the data so I can process it?  Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you

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About Datasets

Apr 19, 2007

Can anyone advise me on how to view the contents of a dataset in VS dotnet 2003..

I had filled a dataset from a query...But i don know what happens after filling the qry results.It might be helpful if someone tells me to view the contents of the dataset

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Ado Datasets

Jun 6, 2007


i am using older ado datasets in a borland 6 program.

i need to retrieve the data per record count....

example is that i need all 1000 records but i only want to retrieve them 100 at a time....

how will i accomplish this?

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Datasets And SQL Injection

Oct 25, 2007

I have become a big fan of the datasets in Visual Studio 2005.  I usually create the SQL for each method in the table adapter; however, I am wondering if there is any 'built-in' functions in the C files for sql injection prevention?  I have read that using stored procedures is a good method for prevention.  Should I be using SP rather than SQL within my methods in the data table?

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Working With Datasets

May 3, 2007


Is there any possibility of combining data from two datasets to a single report item. If there is any thing that we can do, can any one please tell me what to do, so that my problem will be solved.



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Large Datasets

Mar 27, 2008


I have a table which has over 450,000 records in it, I have now split this into 4 so each table has around 100,000 records in it but I'm still having the problem of the data being returned really slowly.

What I need to do to this data is group it by a code and show the total for each code for every month of the year (this is currently based on one column and selecting the data accordingly). I have created views and put some indexes onto my table but the results are still being returned slowly. Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can speed this up?



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Datasets And Iff Statements

Sep 6, 2007

Hello experts,

I have a report with four different datasets that slice certain record by different days of the week. I can do the individual summing for each dataset by putting a , "datasetname" at in the expression. I also have 4 matrixes in the report that are grouped on certain transactions within each timeslice. My problem is that if I use the dataset name in the fields, the groups get ignored. Do I have to put the dataset name in each group expression? for example, here is my group expression...

Code Snippet
=iif(Left(Fields!TestName.Value,4)="VTAM","VTAM Logon",
iif(Left(Fields!TestName.Value,4)="CICS","VTAM Logon",
iif(Left(Fields!TestName.Value,4)="Shaw","SHAW Main Menu",
iif(Left(Fields!TestName.Value,7)="Inquiry","Inquiry Menu",
iif(Left(Fields!TestName.Value,6)="Search","Search Menu",
iif(Left(Fields!TestName.Value,6)="SEAX A","SEAX Auxiliary Search Menu",
iif(Left(Fields!TestName.Value,8)="SEAX - B","SEAX",
iif(Left(Fields!TestName.Value,4)="STLN","STLN","Other Value"))))))))

Not sure where I put the dataset name in this.


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Joining Two DataSets

Jan 2, 2007

How do you join two datasets in reporting services... one from sql and another from oracle?


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Cached Datasets?

Aug 8, 2007

Hello all,
I have a report with a table and a chart. It uses dataset1 as the data source.
All works fine.
I create a new dataset called dataset2.
The queries are exactly the same. The only differences between the 2 datasets is the database server and the fact that one of the columns is a smallint (in dataset2) and an int(in Dataset1)
I change the datasetName property of both the table and the chart to use dataset2.
When I run the report I get a conversion error stating that there was an overflow of int2 while using dataset1. I have verified the report is not using dataset1 anywhere. If I delete dataset1 and run the report the error goes away. If I add it back, I get the error again. Why is the report looking at dataset1 if it is not referenced at all in the report? Does SQL RS cache the datasets and verify each when it compiles?


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Relationship Between Two Datasets

Apr 29, 2008

If I have a dataset that has ID and CODE, and another dataset that has CODE and DESCRIPTION, is it possible to relate these two datasets to one another so I put the ID and Code in columns 1 and 2 and then put the related DESCRIPTION in column 3 on the report table layout? In other words, can you "JOIN" two datasets, or must all that be done in the query and create a unified dataset for the report contents?

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Multiple Datasets

May 31, 2007

I have a report that I have created with multiple subreports and datasets. There should be a better solution so I am asking the question here.

The report should display like this:

Object Title
% Remaining




Each column represents another dataset.

Each column right now is a subreport so I can use the object as a parameter to the subreports dataset. Each column needs to have the object as a parameter.

Is there a way I can pass a field from the first dataset as a parameter for the next dataset without using subreports?

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Joining Two Datasets?

Mar 8, 2007

Hi All,

I have got two datasets. Some 'normal' rows with state values and an addtional dataset with the translation from state value to plain text (value / text pair).

A table object is attached to the first dataset, but I would like to show the plain text from the second dataset in a group header. So I'd like to do some kind of 'look up in another dataset'.

I wasn't able to find a function that could help me solve this problem. Does anyone has any ideas on this?

Kind regards.

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Connect To SAS Datasets

May 4, 2006

Is it possible to connect to SAS dataset using MS SQL Server 2005? If yes, then please explain how do I access SAS data source.

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Using Two Datasets In A Report

Feb 25, 2008

hello everyone!

i have a report in which i use two datasets
the problem is that when i was using only one, there wasn't any scope argument you know, to tell in which dataset i am , because there was only one and all fields and cells in my table returned me the correct values

but as soon as i add the second data set and i drag and drop the datasets fields in my table

instead of having for instance

Code Snippet



Code Snippet=(Fields!Consultant.Value, "dataset1")

it automtically applies the function "first"

Code Snippet=First(Fields!Consultant.Value, "dataset1")

and i don't understand why

please can you give me precious help on this

because it returns me the name of the first consultant only and if i deleter the function first in the expression, the report doens't work anymore

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2 Datasets In One Report?

Nov 29, 2007

Dear Experts,

I have a problem regarding my report.

Can we use 2 datasets in one report (tabular or chart, either one)?

my report get its data-fed from OLAP database (Cubes) and Oracle tables.

Let say the cube contains the actual sale (all aggregated and query using MDX) and the Oracle table contains the budget value for specific period.

And I am trying to construct a tabular like this:

date item type Revenue Budget Actual (Sale - Budget)
Jan calls regular 2000 1800 200
Jan calls super 3000 2500 500
Feb calls new 1000 900 100
Mar calls super 4500 4000 500
..... and so on

The data for date, item, type and Revenue are available in the OLAP (cubes) and the Budget value is available in Oracle table and we can't afford to transfer the Budget value to the cube.

Is this possible in SSRS? Please let me know if more information needed.

Thanks very much

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2 Datasets For 1 Table

Sep 28, 2007

Hi !

I'm creating a report with SSRS (2005). In that report I have a table, and in that table I need to put fields from two different datasets. But I don't know how to link those both datasets (because if I don't I get a cartezien product)...

Could someone help me please ??

PS : Excuse my poor english please...

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