Override Triggers

Dec 20, 2000


I have a update trigger on table a and table b to a staging table. I run a dts package which updates data in b based Based on the values in the staging table. At this stage I don't want the trigger on table b to be fired. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?


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Override Constraints

Jul 17, 2004

I have to change someones username in my database in a couple of tables. When I try to make any changes, I get an error that there is a constraint. Is there a way to make the changes without removing all the constraints then replacing them?

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Override SQL Character

Aug 12, 2004

I'm trying to search for all records that contain a quotation character in the database. These records were migrated from a mainframe system.

I use the following command:

The results are:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Unclosed quotation mark before the character string ' order by cliLastName, cliFirstName, cliBirthName'.

/ladds/lib/getrecordset.asp, line 6

Is there a way to override the quotation character temporarily?

Thanks ...

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How To Override Zero Rows Returned

Sep 13, 2005

Hi,I have a select statment that correctly returns zero rows at times. Iwould like to be able to return the value 0 (a single row with thevalue 0) whenever the logic returns zero rows.something like thisIf no.of.rows.returned = 0 thenoutput 0elseoutput query resultsend ifCan anyone poing me in the right direction to do this?many thanks,yohan

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Override A Foreign Key Constraint

Aug 9, 2007

A website that I'm working on has users sign in and keeps a log of the pages they go to. The log table has a foreign key in it that links to the username is the users table. I need to update the username for one of the users but the foreign key is preventing me from doing so. What is the benefit of having a foreign key like this? Can I delete it to update the username or is there a better way?

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Override Identity Column Using Datatable

May 21, 2007

I need copy a table from a remote (hosted) SQL 2000 database server to my local machine. I don't have access to backups and am unable to correctly configure my local machine to add a linked server. So I plan to retrieve the data to a datatable, copy it in code and save it to my local server. But the table contains an identity column which I will need to insert the values manually so they match the original.
Can anyone tell me how I can set the datatable's save to use my manual values instead of the autonumber value?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Stored Procedure With Override?

Nov 5, 2014

I received a request to create a stored proc with following:

I have a view with the following columns

(table1 - AppCode, AgencyID, CompnyID, CustCode, CustVal)

I have a proc that will take the following parameters and return all matching rows (AppCode, AgencyID, CompnyID, CustCode(optional))

The trick: Any customcode with the CompnyID should override the AgencyID parameter.

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Revert Linked Report Param To Have 'override Default' ?

Oct 26, 2007

How can I change a linked report to get the 'override default' button back.

Some idiot changed it to a hardcoded value and now I want to have the default back.

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Override Default Button In Properties-&&>Parameters Section

Feb 28, 2007

I wrote a report in Visual Studio with some parameters that I gave default values to in the report definition. I deployed it out to the report server and when I look at the report Properties, Parameters section to see the default values. Instead of seeing all of the default values, I see a bunch of "Override Default" buttons. When you click the buttons, you get a blank text box in which to enter a new value.

Someone before me created a report with default values and the parameters section of that report has text boxes with the default values in them.

Does anyone know how to have the default values show up rather than those "Override Default" buttons?


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SQL Server 2008 :: Is There Any Way To Override Explicit Nulls On INSERT / UPDATE

Nov 2, 2015

If a column is set to allow nulls I know that a constraint can be used to supply a default (i.e. GetDate() ) when no value is provided but what about when an explicit NULL is provided in an INSERT or UPDATE statement?Is there any way other then an AFTER trigger to substitute a value for an explicitly provided NULL? In other words, assuming that dtAsof is a NULL enabled column, is there any way to over ride what the following will do to MYTABLE:

INSERT MYTABLE(sCol1, sCol2, sCol3, dtAsOf)
SELECT 'a', 'b', 'c', NULL

If there's no way to do this in SQL Server 2008R2 then what about later versions of SQL Server? Do any more recent versions have a way to deal with this? We have a third party app that uses a SQL Server back end and many of the tables have columns for storing audit like data such as date/time but many are left to NULL values and I'd really like to fix that in as passive a way as possible so as to not break the app that uses the database. I know a constraint with a default can be sued to over ride a null but not when a null is explicitly provided.

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DB Engine :: Is There Any Possibility To Override Database Audit Specification File

Nov 10, 2015

Is there any possibility to override database audit specification file. suppose i want to change some logs forcefully . is it possible ?

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Need Option To Override Control Position Changes - Tables Force Other Controls To End Of Rows

Apr 14, 2007

I am creating printed questionnaires based on data in a table. Portions of the layout must be exact and not be moved on the page.

I have some textboxes and rectangles on the left of a report and a table on the right. The table forces all the controls on the left to appear AFTER the last row and I can find no workaround. Basically, no controls can appear to the left of a table. The texboxes on the left give instructions to the user on how to fill out the items in the table on the right and I need them to remain where I place them. I have many other reports that require fixed positions.

Other report writers have texbox and label options to work around this . For example Visual Foxpro has an "Object Position" property with options for "Float", "Fix position relative to top of band", "Fix position relative to bottom of band". This allows the position to be forced if necessary.

This is very much needed and wanted in the Report Writer and I request it for the next release or service pack.

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SSIS Check Pointing - Is It Possible To Override The Point At Which The Package Restarts On Custom Condition

Jan 17, 2007

I have created a package that use SSIS check pointing for failure-retry mechanism. I knew that when this package fails, on restarting the package it starts from the task where it got failed.
Is it possible for me to override this on a custom condition and start the package at an earlier task where it executed successfully?
Check pointing is enabled.
FTP task è Write to Staging Table è Write to Target table.
Assuming I am downloading XML file through FTP and writing to a table.

FTP Download is successful.

Read from XML file and write to Staging table task failed because of downloaded file is not a well formed XML.

Here, FTP task is completed successfully; it failed only in the second task. When I re-run the package; it starts from the second [Read from XML file and write to staging table] task because of check pointing.

Is it possible for me to restart from the FTP task on a custom condition where it executed successfully?

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Multiple Triggers On A Table Or Encapsulated Triggers

May 12, 2008

This isn€™t an problem as such, it€™s more of a debate.

If a table needs a number of update triggers which do differing tasks, should these triggers be separated out or encapsulated into one all encompassing trigger. Speaking in terms of performance, it doesn€™t make much of an improvement doing either depending upon the tasks performed. I was wondering in terms of maintenance and best practice etc. My view is that if the triggers do totally differing tasks they should be a trigger each on their own.


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Jan 3, 2007

Is it possible to achieve this using triggers:When someone tries to delete a row in table A, the trigger should first delete a corresponding row in table B and then delete the row in table A. The reason being that, there is a foreign key set on Table B that references table A. So any attempt to delete a row in table A without deleting the corresponding row from B, throws an error. 

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May 31, 2007

Hello All,
I have to write Trigger for Update,
I have two tables, one is for storing records of current values, and one is for storing history of values.
How to Write a Trigger on Main Table. As we have Inserted and Deleted Tables through which we can find Values, We dont have any Table for UPDATED Values.
 Help me.
 General Problem

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Triggers - Is This Possible?

Jun 15, 2007

I need to create a set of rows every time a new row is inserted into a table.
Example (I think this would work)...
select @insertedId = column1 from insertedselect @id = column1 from table1 where column2 in (select column1 from table2 where column2 = @insertedId)insert into table3 values(x, y, @id)
Is it possible to do the same kind of thing in a situation where the select statement returns multiple values and execute the insert statement for each of these values?
Also, if table3 was in fact the table on which the trigger acts, would it then be executed for every row created by the trigger?
Sorry if I sound confused. I am.

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Dec 6, 2007

 hi everybody..i tried to put thios loop in sql server 2000 But it is not taking The @ action taken value ,,it is only taking the default value of @actiontaken value.
SET @ActionTaken = 'A' 
IF (@AType = 'A')IF @Status= 'O' IF (@KAppInd ='Y' AND @DAppInd=null)BEGINSET @ActionTaken = 'O'END
Please tell me other option in sql server 2000 for setting variable value based on conditions

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Triggers In .net

Dec 21, 2007

Hi using triggers i try to insert some values in to my 2 tables: But its showing teh error as "The request for procedure 'Triginsert123s' failed because 'Triginsert123s' is a trigger object." This is my code in back end: sqlcon.Open() Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("Triginsert123s '" & txtID.Text & "','" & txtName.Text & "','" & txtRole.Text & "','" & txtDep.Text & "'", sqlcon) cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() sqlcon.Close() My trigger is: CREATE TRIGGER Triginsert123s ON [dbo].[EmpRole] FOR INSERT AS declare @Eid as tinyint, @Ename as varchar(50), @Role as char(10) Insert into Emprole(Eid,Ename,Role) values(@Eid,@Ename,@Role) insert into empdep(eid,dep) values(@eid,@Role) Whats the probs?, Plz i am new to triggers help me,

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May 9, 2004

Hi All,
I'm using triggers to handle my transaction log to cature inserts and updates. It works fine except if the user clicks on the Save button more than once, the trigger is fired and the record is written to the log even if the record wasn't changed. Does anyone know how to check if the record was actually changed so that it isn't written to the table if it wasn't?

Thank you,

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SQL Triggers

Jun 17, 2004

When I execute a stored proc from my asp.net page, will the results of a trigger be returned to my program?

For instance say my stored proc is:

Update Employees set
(Lastname = @Lastname)
where ID = @ID

And my trigger is:

CREATE TRIGGER tr_Employees_U on Employees FOR UPDATE AS
IF UPDATE(lastname)
RAISERROR ('cannot change lastname', 16, 1)

It seems like since this is an AFTER trigger that my webpage would actually get a valid return code from my stored procedure however the trigger would rollback those changes correct? Or would the trigger get fired and send it's return code to my webpage?

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Instead Of Triggers

Mar 5, 2006

I'm trying to write an instead of trigger for a view in SqlExpress...the table and views are defined as such:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Work](    [WorkID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) Primary Key,    [ResourceID] [int] NOT NULL,    [TaskID] [int] NOT NULL,    [WorkDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,    [WorkQuantity] [float] NOT NULL,    [IsEstimate] [bit] NOT NULL DEFAULT ((0)),    [Project] [int] NOT NULL,);CREATE VIEW [dbo].[ActualWork]ASSELECT     WorkID, ResourceID, TaskID, WorkDate, WorkQuantity, ProjectFROM         dbo.[Work]WHERE     (IsEstimate = 0);CREATE VIEW [dbo].[EstimatedWork]ASSELECT     WorkID, ResourceID, TaskID, WorkDate, WorkQuantity, ProjectFROM         dbo.[Work]WHERE     (IsEstimate = 1);Given that, what is wrong with the following create trigger statement:Create Trigger trg_InsertActualWork ondbo.ActualWork Instead of InsertasBEGIN    Insert into dbo.Work(        ResourceID, TaskID, Project,         WorkDate, WorkQuantity, IsEstimate    )    values (    inserted.ResourceID, inserted.TaskID, inserted.Project,    inserted.WorkDate, inserted.WorkQuantity, 0    );END

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Dec 4, 2001

l'm trying to build a trigger on a table. The reason for the trigger is to check a certain field for the first three characters if it has ie abc it must update another field in this case loanbook to newabc.How do l write the trigger so that it also check if exists and perform the updates. Please help its Urgent. l've listed the trigger below.

FOR insert,Update AS

IF left('Loan_No',3)='ABC'
update Test_TRG
set loanbook = 'NEWABC'


IF left('Loan_No',3)='DEF'
update Test_TRG set
loanbook = 'NEWDEF'
where loanbook is null


update Test_TRG
set loanbook =left('Loan_No',3)
where loanbook is null

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Dec 5, 2001

I'm a bit confused on this bit please elaborate : " FROM Test_TRG t INNER JOIN inserted i ON t.PK = i.PK ".
The PK is on which field? Basically this trigger should ensure that on insertion of o new loan if
The left(loan_no,3)=MCG and its null then NEWMCG
left(loan_no,3)=MCG and its null then NEWMCG
left(loan_no,3)=KVS and its null then NEWKVS
left(loan_no,3)=MFS and its null then MFS
left(loan_no,3)=TCR and its null then TCR
left(loan_no,3)=ABL and its null then ABL

Listed below is what l've tried to do but l'm missing the PK part.Otherwise everything else you explained
in the script is clear. Thanks man its urgent. When l parse the query its fine , but When l run it
l get an error.


SET LoanBook = CASE WHEN LEFT( i.Loan_No, 3 ) = 'MCG' THEN 'NewMCG'
WHEN LEFT( i.Loan_No, 3 ) = 'KVS' AND i.LoanBook IS NULL THEN 'NewKVS'
WHEN LEFT( i.Loan_No, 3 ) = 'MFS' AND i.LoanBook IS NULL THEN 'MFS'
WHEN LEFT( i.Loan_No, 3 ) = 'ABL' AND i.LoanBook IS NULL THEN 'ABL'

WHEN i.LoanBook IS NULL THEN LEFT( i.Loan_No, 3 )
FROM Test_TRG t INNER JOIN inserted i ON t.PK = i.PK
-- Fill in Primary Key or other Join Column(s)
WHERE LEFT( i.Loan_No, 3 ) = 'MCG'
OR ( LEFT( i.Loan_No, 3 ) = 'KVS' AND i.LoanBook IS NULL )
OR i.LoanBook IS NULL

====== Error message =================

Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Procedure UpdTest_TRGData, Line 11
Invalid column name 'PK'.
Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Procedure UpdTest_TRGData, Line 11
Invalid column name 'PK'.

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Jan 11, 2002

I an loading records from a flat file into a table, which is done everyday by a scheduled job in SQL Server 7.0.

How can I make sure that if the job is run twice in a day for some reason that the same rows are not inserted into the table again? Do I have to write a insert trigger on the table ??? If so how can I achive the objective ??

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Jan 31, 2002

Hi! i have a simple question...is possible to create a trigger who affect multiple tables?
The idea will be something like this:

create trigger mytrigger
on sales, users

of course, this don´t work :)

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Aug 3, 2001

Hey everyone...

I'm working on trying to figure out how to update the child table from the parent via a trigger. This works fine as long as the value is in the child table. If it's not, then I get my foreign key violation. So, My next thought was to simply put in a begin tran / rollback tran within the trigger... My question is this : If I have multiple triggers on the parent table all based on the update of the key field (and the child tables... some 7 of them) all have FK's, if I rollback one trigger does it rollback the entire transaction? Or just the functionality of that trigger? From what I've read, it appears as if it's the entire transaction... if so, how do I get a trigger to 'ignore' itself or not fire based on a select criteria that i have within that same trigger...

Thank you...

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Oct 24, 2001

I just tried creating my first trigger and I'm a little bit confused. I am trying to see if certain fields have changed and will do that by checking the values of the fields in the "master" table and the "Inserted" table. I wasn't sure which table would have the old data and which would have the new, so I created the following trigger to help me determine which was which:

CREATE Trigger upd_cost_master On tbl_cost_master
For Insert, Update As

Declare @U_Name varchar(65)
Declare @O_Name varchar(65)

Select @U_Name=I.submitted_by, @O_Name=O.submitted_by
From tbl_cost_master O Inner Join Inserted I On O.autokey = I.autokey

Print 'Inserted: ' + @U_Name
Print 'tbl_cost_master: ' + @O_Name

Commit Tran

To my surprise, @U_Name and @O_Name contained the same values. I though that one table contained the old values and one contained the new. Was I wrong? If so, is there anyway to compare the Old and New values through a trigger?


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Jul 20, 2000


I'm using SQL Server 7.0. I have an insert trigger on table t05r. I populate table t05r with a DTS package. The trigger is supposed to add the record which was inserted into t05r, into t39r. After I run the DTS package to populate t05r, I checked t39r and no records where added. What is going wrong? Is it that DTS uses bulk copy and triggers don't fire on bulk copy?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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Nov 1, 1999

I have an insert trigger on table A which inserts records into table B.
This insertion into B fails( or may fail ) at certain conditions.
I do not want the insertion into A to be affected because of this. Any ways to achieve this ?

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Oct 8, 1999

I have 3 tables A,B C and Triggers on each table like.

for insert/update on table 'C' calculates sum(xxfield) and updates
table 'B'.

for insert/update on table 'B' calculates sum(yyfield) and updates
table 'A'.

This works fine if I insert rows OneByOne.
Problem :- Doesn't work if I post entries(hundreds) in to table 'C' using a Query.

whats happening. Can anyone help Me????????

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Nov 12, 2001

How do I know if the triggers on table has been disabled or not. Thanks for your ideas!!!!

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Triggers Off

Nov 21, 2002


I've update triggers on my table, But for some of the transactions, I don't want the triggers to fire. I know in Sybase there are set triggers off. In MS SQL, Is there any similar commands which will set triggers off for particular sql statements.

Thanks A Lot


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