Overwrite Backup Don't Overwrite The Backup Device
Apr 26, 2007
I created a plan for a backup. This first truncates the log and after backups the data with overwrite mode and after backups the transaction log with overwrite mode.
The process is using different backup devices for the data and log backups.
The first 2 step is success (truncate and data backup) but in the last step the backup process don't overwrite the backup device. Why ?
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Oct 19, 2007
I have to created a Maintenance Plan in SQL 2005 to take the backup of 5 different DB at 2AM everyday. Each DB has its own sub-directory and backup file The total DB size is 35GB. I need to overwrite the exsisting backup instead of having new backup everytime.
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Jan 9, 2007
Error with SSIS FTP download task:
How to recreate the error:
Download a file using the task.
Go to the file in Windows Exploder and Open the file in notepad.
Copy the last line of text and paste in a few extra rows at the bottom. So if you had 100 rows, you'll now have 103 rows.
Save the file.
Go back to the task and make sure you have "overwrite destination" set to True.
Execute the task.
Go back to the file and look at the bottom of the file. You'll see the same 3 extra rows you pasted in there.
That is not how it should work if it was supposed to be released like that.
Are there any patches that fix this error?
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Sep 24, 2007
Dear All,
I know the basic defiinition of these two options, but i am not very clear why would someone choose one over another,
currently I am using Append to Media option, and every day backup, I see my backup files growing in size.
can someone give me nice example about these two options,
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May 10, 2001
This is probably a simple question but I have to ask it anyway. When backing up I can backup to a file on my local drive but I also can create a device to the same location on my local drive. Is this doing the same thing. If I so desire to backup to the local drive(bear with me) what is the difference between creating a device and a file called mybackup or just choosing to backup to a file called mybackup? Should I always create a device? I know these are dumb question but....
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Dec 7, 2001
How do we know the list of all the backups that are present in a particualr backup device like file# and time of backup taken etc for the purose of restore?
When I run :
it doesn't give that info. Can anyone tell me the exact command to list all the files of a backup device so that I can restore the right one??
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Jul 20, 2005
I wasn't able to figure out the vocab to search for this on usenet.I'm sure it's an easy solution, but I have no experience with SQLServer:Situation:tbl_CompanyDatais a 1735 x 20 table with a CompanyID key in the first columntbl_MergedCompanyDatais a 1735 x 20 table imported from Excel. We found it much easier toenter data into an Excel file.Problem:Keep the CompanyID field in tbl_CompanyData, but replace all the other19 rows with data from tbl_MergedCompanyData, which contains all thetbl_CompanyData PLUS new data that users filled in. At present, therows don't match up, but I suppose I could pre-sort the tables.Preferrably, any solution would be smart enough to find CompanyID N intbl_MergedCompanyData and replace the data in the fifth column intbl_CompanyData where CompanyID is N with data from the fifth columnin tbl_MergedCompanyData.Any thoughts would be appreciated. Please let me know if I canclarify my problem.Thank you,Ryan
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May 20, 2006
Hi :)
I have a website that uses SqlExpress ...on it i have a database that was working ok ...until i made a few modifications to the database (had a few rows).
I have upload the database (only the .mdf file) to the app_data folder ...but now i get this message :
One or more files do not match the primary file of the database. If you are attempting to attach a database, retry the operation with the correct files. If this is an existing database, the file may be corrupted and should be restored from a backup.Cannot open database "ArtWork" requested by the login. The login failed.Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.Log file 'c:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxApp_DataArtWork_log.LDF' does not match the primary file. It may be from a different database or the log may have been rebuilt previously.
I try to delete the .LDF file but it gives me access denied ...i cheched the permissions for the file and everything is ok
How can i solve this??
Thanks and Cheers
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Apr 27, 2001
I have daily scheduled full backups of each database and log backups scheduled for every 2 hours. My question is should they be scheduled for overwriting or appending? I have always had them set as overwrite, but I don't know if that is correct? Any recommendations would be appreciated
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Apr 12, 2008
I am trying to generate a fixed column text file with a timestamp. the file will be exported to d:current folder
how can I overwrite an existing file with different timestamp and move the existing file to d:archivefolder ?
Can you show me some examples?
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Apr 20, 2007
Is there are a way to set up a DTS package
to export data to an Excel format, overwriting or deleting the existing Excel file.
Thank you,
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Jul 28, 2006
After logging is configured in SSIS package, it seems that after each execution the output is appended to the log file (we are talking about log provider for text files in this case). As a result the file just keeps on growing. I would like to overwrite old information with each run, but I can't find where to configure this. Anybody knows?
Thank you!
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Apr 10, 2008
Hi all I was wondering how to do an ALTER command on a Table but without specifying Column Names but rather attempting to overwrite the Table itself with the new fields specified? For instance if I have Table_1 consisting of the following fields:
Then use the following ALTER command:
Code Snippet
ALTER Table Table_1
ID Int,
FirstName VarChar(50)
This would then drop Surname from the Table and leave only ID and FirstName inside it. Is this possible? I have been searching google but can't seem to find what I am looking for.
Thank for comments + suggestions. Regards, Onam.
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Jul 19, 2007
First off, I am not a DBA, not even remotely close. Anywho, I have been given the task of figuring out how to import from a comma delimited text file into 2 columns of an existing database. The task is as follows:
- A daily text file is created by a Unix DB and placed on a folder local to the SQL Server.
- I am to take this file and import into an existing MS SQL2005 DB that has 3 columns.
- AccountID, AccountName, DateRecordCreated
- The imported data has to overwrite all existing SQL DB data.
- This is to run automated on a daily schedule.
Being a SysAdmin, this sounds super simple to do but I have wasted 2 full days in trying to figure out how to make this happen using SSIS. All I want to know is if I am in the right track in focusing on SSIS for a solution. Any additional How To's would be greatly appreciated. BTW, the text file looks something like this...
A123456,Joe Smith, M.D.
A234567,John H. Dude,M.D.
Thanx much
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Sep 25, 2000
Is there any benefit in creating a backup device and using that in the backup statement over just using a disk file in the backup statement. It seems like extra work to create the backup device with sp_addumpdevice with the file location. Whereas I could just specify the file location right in the BACKUP statement by specifying DISK as the backup device.
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Apr 16, 2004
I dump my databases to backup devices each night.
However would like to purge old backups - say older than a week - from the device.
Is it a case that I have to drop and re-create the devices every 7 days or can SQL do this for me?
I have seen the RETAINDAYS claus but it applies to tape backups only?
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Jul 20, 2005
In SQL 2000, is there an advantage to defining and using a backupdevice versus just backing up to disk?Currently, I've got a SQL Backup job set to run once per day, withtransaction log backups running every hour. The db and backups arewritten directly to folders on an external disk array. I've neverconfigured an actual Backup Device within SQL. Does creating a BackupDevice offer any advantages not available with my current backupmethod?Thank you for any help.Jason
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Mar 19, 2007
Good Morning, I need some assistance with SQL Server 2000 Importing Data.
When I import data from a text on a routine basis, three things must happen:
1. New records identified by primary key get appended to table.
2. Exisiting records identified by primary key get overwritten with new/(updated) data.
3. All other existing records are left alone.
Does anyone know how to Import Records with the following the criteria above? It cannot insert duplicate primary keys by nature, so it must overwrite those records!
This is being built into a DTS Package, but I need to get over this obsticle! Thanks for any guidance!
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Feb 13, 2014
Aim – when Fee_Code = ‘42B’ and month_end_date =>2013-02-01 change the Fee_Code from “42B” to “42C”. Anything prior to 2013-02-01 the fee_code needs to remain the same
I can do this as a case statement(as seen below) but this creates a new column. How can i overwrite this logic in the fee_code column ?My query is
sum(Fact_Fee_History.Retail_amount) as 'PCI',
fee_code = '42B' and (month_end_date >='2013-02-01') then '42C' end as Test
from Fact_Fee_History
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Jul 12, 2007
anyone know how you can do this?
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Oct 24, 2007
i have SSRS project which has 40 reports and one datasource. I have deployed my reports to report server and tested. every thing is working fine. but recently when i made changes to the reports and tried to deploy them, they are not getting overwritten. although the data source is getting overwritten as i set the Overwrite property to true. can any one help me?
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Jun 20, 2006
I have 3 packages that run consecutively in a main package. Each of these packages read data from a flat file and import it into the Database and then perform some updates and then I use a script component to write the data to a flat file destination and have overwrite flag on the flat file destination to false, however the flat file is not being appended to. All the 3 packages are set to wirte to the same flat file destination each package overwrites the content of the flat file created by the previous packages.
I am wondering why the overwrite = False does not work on the flat file destination. Is there something else that I need to set or is this a defect? Any inputs will be much appreciated.
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Jan 3, 2007
When calling the RS SOAP API's CreateReport method, it doesn't seem like the report description is updated, unless I first delete the report and then recreate it.
Here's what my call looks like -
Warning[] warnings = rs.CreateReport(reportName, "/" + folder, true, buffer, null);
Is this a known issue?
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Nov 1, 2007
This is more of a philosophical post, but feedbacks are welcome!
I am working at migrating SQL 2000 DTS packages that pulls data from MAS90 via ODBC connections.
At first, I REALLY tried to learn SSIS and I hated it at first, with all the new things one has to do to get a simple import to work. After a while, I begin to appreciate some of the new design and the more tiered approach. Indeed, I tried to use SSIS to import the tables and even learned how to overcome the Unicode/non-Unicode conversion errors by using the Import Wizard to do the grunt work.
But today I came across a show stopper: My imports are failing because the source lied about its metadata type and I am getting a "Value too large for output column" error. I tried to recreate the Task to no avail. I searched on the web and there are very few posts regarding to this and unfortunately I don't have a way to tweak my ODBC connection properties for MAS90 to some how "fool" SSIS. I finally give up and migrate the DTS 2000 package instead.
I am not too happy about this solution because I know that more likely or not Microsoft will discontinue support for such legacy approach and then it is more work down the road. I REALLY wanted to do it right, to rebuild it natively in SSIS but why does SSIS have to make things so hard by enforcing the type checks so tightly? Is it so bad to allow users who know the data better to by pass the validations? We are not working in a perfect Comp Sci 101 world where every thing is scrubbed clean, we work in a world of bad, old, malformed data.
If there is a way for me to overcome that "value too large" error, I am all ears.
Thank you for reading.
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Feb 23, 2004
Hi all,
I want to store bakup file on the computer on netword, so make a backup device on the other computer, it ok. after that i make an full backup, there is an error : "Can not open the bakup device " .
please show me,
best regard.
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Mar 15, 2004
is there a stored procedure which allows me to query if there is an existing backup device? or which gives me a listing of existing backup devices?
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Mar 26, 2004
request you all to clear mine one doubt that,
Can creating a backup device for sql backup reduce the backup time comparing to giving full backup path.
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Sep 24, 2007
Hi guys,
I've been assigned the task of setting up access to our SQL Server 2005 box. A consultant developing for us has accessing to 2 databases and I've set this up fine. It appears however that one of these databases is re-copied over to the server every night to keep data reasonably current.
I'm not interesting in changing this method as I'm not the maintainer (as yet).
Basically I would like to know if I've setup access to this database (it works fine), when the database is updated (with an SSIS package) the account seems to get deleted. Do the original permissions from the source database overwrite those of its destination?
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Sep 21, 2000
I have a transaction log which is backed up 5 times a day to a device.
The Transaction log is growing quite quickly in between each backup. The backup device is also growing at a much quicker rate.
realistically i would like to only keep 2 weeks worth of transaction log backups in the device.
for the transaction log backup i have tried the following transact-Sql
'Backup Log [imsv23] to [imsv23_TL_2] with RetainDays = 7, Init, NoUnload, Name = N'imsv23 TL V2', NoSkip,Stats=10,Noformat'
but due to all of the contents in the backup set not having expired the backup fails.
i need to reduce the size of the backup device. all of the backup sets have expiry dates but none of them are being deleted from device.
so my problem is 1 i need to remove the excessive backups from the device
2 i need to set up the automatic backups so that these datasets are removed when the expiry date is reached.
thanks in advance
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Jul 27, 2001
If it can, is there some special way to set it up? I can only be successful setting up a tape drive.
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Jan 13, 2005
Hi Folks,
I have a SQL Server 7.0 with and exteranl SCSI tape device.
When I attempt to backup a database in EM the tape device is being greyed out.
I have add the backup device using sp_dumpdevice and made sure that it is in sysdevices table. It will not allow me to add this backup device from the drop down.
1. Why does EM not see this device ?
2. If I try to back this up using T-SQL will I be able to use the registared tape device.
Thanks Folks
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May 21, 2007
I'm trying to set a backup job to back up my databases to a server other than the server where Sql server is installed. The only options I can see are the local drives on my sql server when I try to set a location or backup device. If I want my backups to go to another server , How do I do that. Currently I'm trying to use a UNC path like \ServerNameBackups. When I try to use a UNC path I get an invalid directory error.
I'm fairly new to SQL Server as you can tell!
Can anyone help me? (I'm using sql server 2000)
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Mar 23, 2004
I am a newbie in SQL Server Administration. I decided to make the move within my company that no one else wanted.
I have SQL Server 2000 running at this time; users are connecting and using it. My question I guess pertains to the backups.
I have two drives setup for data and transactions logs (D: E:)
My backups are running but backups are being sent to the d:systems datamssqlackup folder. once backups are comlete I normally copy the backups to a network share that is being backed up nightly to tape.
My question is this:
How do i create a device location under backup properties to point to a network share? i would like for the backups to go straight to a network drive so i do not have to copy the backups every morning when i come in.
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