Owner Name Cannot Be Omitted In Sql 2005 Querries?

Jan 4, 2006

Dear All,

Our project was done in SQL 2000, now we are migrating to 2005.
however, there are lots of command such as:

a) SELECT * FROM myTableName

which, shall be

b) SELECT * FROM myLoginId.myTableName

both (a) and (b) are ok in sql 2000, as long as you login with
myLoginId, but, only (b) works in sql 2005.

seems in sql 2005, you can not omit the "Owner Name" when speifying a
table, unless the table's owner is 'DBO'.

which means, even if I login with myLoginId, I have to use the detailed
format (b),not (a).

this causes trouble in our project -- developed in sql 2000, hundreds
of command omitted the owner name prefix, troublesome to modify one by

Any workaround or suggestions, please? Thanks.

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Two Querries In One

Apr 14, 2006

i have this two simillar querries :

SELECT allgestiuni.numegest, iesiri.nrdoc
FROM ((iesiri JOIN intrari ON ((iesiri.lotid = intrari.idlot)))
JOIN allgestiuni ON ((intrari.gestid = allgestiuni.idgest)))
WHERE (iesiri.tipdoc= 'tvliv') AND
(iesiri.nrdocsec like 'validat')


SELECT allgestiuni.numegest, iesiri.nrdoc
FROM ((iesiri JOIN intrari ON ((iesiri.nrdoc=intrari.nrdoc)))
JOIN allgestiuni ON ((intrari.gestid = allgestiuni.idgest)))
WHERE (iesiri.tipdoc = 'tvliv') AND
(iesiri.nrdocsec like 'validat')

as you see the querries returns the same columns only the
first join differs.
I want this two querries in one querry that will display
4 columns with data

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Database Owner Problems 2005

Apr 13, 2007

I am using SQL Server 2005 and I was having a problem with the owner of a particular database. When I go into Database Diagrams for the database I get:

"Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects."

So I tried some different things (assigning different users as the owner) I was only able to assign one user as the owner (someone that is no longer working here), then I deleted that user (oops.). Now I still don't have an owner assigned AND I can't get into the database properties because I don't have permissions.

Any help would be appreciated.

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How To Change The Schema Owner In Sql Server 2005?

Apr 22, 2008

While i trying to drop the user,i getting the following error:
(Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15138)"

Now,i wanna change the owner of that schema,Which is associated with the schema,which i am trying to delete.

How to transfer the owner?

Plz help me.

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SQL Server Express 2005 SP2 Change Db Owner

Jan 29, 2008

How do you change the owner on a db in express.

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MSSQL 2005: Backward Compatibility Problem With Database Owner

Nov 25, 2005

Hello all,i'm moving all my development to the new 2005/Fw2 environment.Now, i have an MSSQL 2005 server on the development server. To restore an existing database, i've created a new database with MSSQL 2000 compatibility level, and i've restored the backup over it. Everything seems ok, but when i try to create a diagram, i get the following error message:"Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because the database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects."I've checked the properties and there seems to be the right owner (sa). If i create a new database with 2005 compatibility level, everithing works fine.Where is the problem?Also, a side question: by setting compatibility level to 2000, is it correct that the database can be deployed to a 2000 Server environment with no problems?Thanks in advance for any advice. -LV

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CLR - SqlServer 2005: Boolean Values, Owner Of UDF And Opcional Parameters

Jul 4, 2006

Hi all

I have a few questions about writing User Defined Functions in VB.Net for Sql Server 2005.

1.- How can I return a Boolean value from my functions? I want that the next sql stament works:

SELECT * FROM Table_1 WHERE dbo.EMPTY(Column1)

2.- Its possible to use UDF without the €œdbo.€? String? Such as:


Thanks for all

Alejandro Font

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Getting Owner Name

Mar 20, 2003

I have a little problem regarding getting owner name of object. In my application, user is creating a table with no owner name. He is logged with some login other than 'sa'.

The table is created with db's default owner name (if no server roles specified for that login) otherwise it uses the login's owner name mentioned in db properties.

Please guide me if i want the correct owner name under which the table is created, shall i use CURRENT_USER for that?

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DB Owner

Aug 21, 2005

How to find out the login , that is the owner of the database .

I mean if i havea database say DB1
I want to find out , which login user is the owner of this DB


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Db Owner

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I currently have two databases (DEV & TEST) with the same users butdifferent owners. The TEST database is on a remote machine with 2database users - USR1 & DBO. The DEV database is exactly the same.However, when I create procedures etc the DEV database recognises theowner as DBO and the TEST database USR1.I have made USR1 an owner on DEV and I login using the correctcredentials. However it still is not recognising this when creatingprocedures.This is very frustrating when doing a SQL Compare as it thinks thestored procs are different!I have done a sp_changedbowner and this didn't work. There must beanother config value that need changing?Any ideas?Thanks.

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Dbo Owner

Jul 30, 2007

We are using SQL Express and I have a problem with dbo.
On my machine if I logon to SQL Express using windows authentication
and create a new database I automatically have db_owner role membership
on the new database.
On a colleagues machine, if he logs onto his SQL Express using windows authentication
and creates a new database he does NOT have db_owner role membership
on the new database.

How come?
I have checked pretty much everythng - windows built in admins, SQL express sysadmin roles
service pack versions but I can not find any difference in setup.
What should I do to his machine/SQL Express setup so he automatically has db_owner role membership
for every newly created database?


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The Owner Of The Table

Jul 27, 2006

I need to user full name for the table as seen below.
SELECT @RowCount = COUNT(*)
FROM  T1 c  INNER JOIN [MyInstance].MyDB.dbo.T2 b ON c.T1_ID=b.T2_ID
T2 may be re-created by different users, how can I get this working for all users if the creator is not dbo?

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Owner Of Db---------urgent

Oct 17, 2005

hi: I get a  database called"linlin".But the  owner of database is not  dbo or sa,but user "ss".I revert the database into my SQL server. When  I use it with user sa, I need add linlin. before the name of the table and storage processes.But what influnce to do this?  When insert ,update,delete something from linlin with user sa,is it OK?My SQL is personnal edition. Appreciate  your help! 

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Change Owner To Dbo

Aug 6, 2002

I just imported my access database into sql server 2000 and apparently during this importation the owner was set to my name. This gives my a problem retrieving the data in asp.net though. I found out that the problem (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name 'tablename') is situated at this ownership by stripping the query to a bare minimum and trying it on a new table created in sql server with dbo as the owner.
My problem now is that I can't seem to find the way to change the owner to dbo from 'peterj'. Can you help me on this one ??

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DTS Job Owner - Urgent

Aug 17, 2001


Is there any way to change the owner of DTS package after it has created?


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How Can I Get Different Between DBO Owner And Another User?

Oct 5, 2000

How can I get different between DBO owner and another user when I select SP name from SYSOBJECTS? How to compare a SP's create by DBO and another user?
Example for, I want to list all SPs of DBO owner to excute my statement (as sp_changeobjowner...), but when I select all SPs in SYSOBJECTS to cursor, if there is any SPname's created by another user (no DBO), I'm getting error.
Thanks in advance,

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Change Owner

Nov 4, 1999

How Can I change table's owner

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Database Owner - Sa Or ?

Aug 6, 2002

I want 'sa' to own all the user databases. Currently the database properties screen shows the owner as myself, 'al', but the list from the Users tab in EM for the database doesn't list me, but lists the dbo as login name 'sa'. DB_changedbowner 'sa' says:

Server: Msg 15110, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_changedbowner, Line 46
The proposed new database owner is already a user in the database.

BUT, who really owns the database; if it's 'sa' then why am I showing up on the properties page as the owner???



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SQL Agent Job Owner

Nov 7, 2001

Hi, can a SQL Server Agent job owner be a userid instead of sa? I tried to changed it to my own
userid with sysadmin role but the job wouldn't run unless it is own by sa.

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Change DB Owner

Mar 2, 2005

I have several Production Databases on my SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition Server (mixed mode authentication) that I'd like to change DBO Permissions on. When I look at the Properties of the DB(s) from EM, the Database owner is showing up as a Windows NT USer who is no longer even with the company!!

Can I use the sp_changedbowner 'sa' command to change the database owner to sa without disrupting Production? Might sound like a dumb question.. but ya never know!!!!! Also, I had someone on another forum tell me that 'sa' as db owner is a bad idea but I don't know why??????? can anyone elaborate on that?????

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How Do I Get Table Owner?

Mar 9, 2005

I need to the table owner.
Not from in Enterprise Manager, but from my app. (it's written in Delphi).

Any suggestions?

Thank you,

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Table Owner

Nov 24, 2005


I've a database table named MYTABLE
It's owner is T01.

Now when I log on as MA I want to do a select like this:

select * from MYTABLE -- Gives me an error.
Select * from T01.MYTABLE -- goes fine..

I really don't want to specify the owner for every table. All tables have the owner T01.

Is it possible to use some statement before executing my sql statement.
Something like this :-=

Use owner T01
select * from MYTABLE.

Is it possible ?


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Change Owner Of All Sps

Aug 6, 2005


I need to change the owner of all stored procedures from x to y. I know there is a sp_changeobjectowner sp, which does that, but in that way I will have to write a loop to get all sps which are owned by user x. Can somebody help me with that?

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Table Owner

Aug 4, 2006

hi,how do i change the table's owner as dbo using sql server 2000 query.kalai

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DTS Package Owner

Jul 20, 2005

Hello there,Im trying to change the owership of the DTS package but am a littleconfused.sp_changeobjectowner changes the ownership of table, view, or storedprocedure in the current database...How could i change the DTS package ownership?Thank you in advance.Leo*** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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Change Owner

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a system SP to change object owner in the DB?

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Owner Of The Table

Jul 20, 2005

I've got this question:Is it possible to assign the 'current owner' using a query like thefollowing one:set current schema OWNER1 (in DB2 sql, this allow me to reference the tableswithout an explicit indication of the owner (es: after this query I cansimply write 'Select * from dummy', instead of 'Select * fromOWNER1.dummy')).Thank youFederica

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The Owner Of The Table

Jul 27, 2006

I need to user full name for the table as seen below.

SELECT @RowCount = COUNT(*)
FROM T1 c INNER JOIN [MyInstance].MyDB.dbo.T2 b ON c.T1_ID=b.T2_ID

T2 may be re-created by different users, how can I get this working for all users if the creator is not dbo?

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AdventureWorks Owner

Aug 15, 2006


I've installed AdventureWorks, attached it to SQL Express and wanted to see its Database Diagrams. When I click on the Database Diagrams, I get this error message:

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner. To continue, first use the Files page of the Database Properties dialog box or the ALTER AUTHORIZATION statement to set the database owner to a valid login, then add the database diagram support objects.


I really see that in properties for this database there's no owner, while if I do

sp_helpdb 'AdventureWorks'

It shows that the owner is 'IDB-SERVMichael' , which is my user.

I further tried to set this user as an owner in AdventureWorks properties-files window (where it showed no owner), but it says :

TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

Set owner failed for Database 'AdventureWorks'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.2047.00&EvtSrc=Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ExceptionTemplates.FailedOperationExceptionText&EvtID=Set+owner+Database&LinkId=20476


An exception occurred in SMO. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink?ProdName=Microsoft+SQL+Server&ProdVer=9.00.2047.00&LinkId=20476


The login 'IDB-SERVMichael' does not exist on this server.

Are all these bugs, or did I miss something?

Please, help

Thanx a lot !!!!

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DB Owner Problem After Restore On A New PC

Aug 31, 2006

I am using SQL2000. I took a backup of the database on the live server to setup the database on my new development computer. When I restored the data base it created 2 sets of tables for each table. One set owned by dbo and the other set by indiankarma. So I have a table that is indiankarma.ikuserinfo and a table right below it that is dbo.ikuserinfo. All the site data is in the indiankarma owned tables. (see below 1.1)1.1The problem is that the 'indiankarma' database user has no login name. (See below 1.2).1.2   Also, the security login 'indiankarma' does not have access to the database (see below 1.3) and when I try to give it access, I get this error 'User 'Indiankarma' already exists.' (see below 1.4)1.31.4I need to know what I can do to get database user 'indiankara' a login name and how to permit security login 'indiankarma' database access with the user 'indiankarma'. So it looks like the figure below (see below 1.5) but when I click ok, it does not give me the error. I have tried sp_changedbowner 'indiankarma' which does give the security login name indiankarma database access but it makes the user dbo not indiankarma. Please help!!! Sorry for all the images, I am bad at explaining problems thought they might help!1.5

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Database Owner Change

Jun 27, 2007

 Hello,I'm using tableadapters in VWD 2005 Express to link our ASP.NET application to a SQL Server 2000 database.  Initially, I used Database Explorer to drop tables into the DataSet object, which picks up the owner of the tables from the database.Recently, we had to change the owner of all objects in the database, including tables and stored procedures.  When we run our application it chokes on stored procedures because the owner of the SP's has changed.  My question is: how can I update tables and tableadapters in the DataSet to reflect the change in owner, without having to recreate everything in DataSet?  

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How To Change Owner Of Database? Please Help!

Jul 29, 2007

 Hi,I just transferred my website and database (SQL 2000) to a new host who's SQL Manager doesn't support the previous username I had for the database.The previous owner of database tables etc was Database_master and now I want to change it to just Master.Please advise! Someone else designed the website for me, and honestly I have just some basic knowledge of databases and such.I would appreciate help and if possible with detailed steps.Many thanks in advance,Isje 

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Dynamic Database Owner

Nov 11, 2007

I've got a GridView on my webform bound to a SQLDataSource (called sqlZKEWILL). Works fine as long as I hard-code the "dbo" database owner in the Select statement, as in:
 select EXIDV, Carton_Count, Carton_Total,  dbo.ZINSPECTION where EXIDV = @CartonID
The problem is that I need the database owner name to be dynamic. This will be a parameter that I read from another SQL table. For example, I'm doing this:
 Select USERID, DatabaseOwner from tblUsers where UserID = 'Kimm'
 I need to take the DatabaseOwner from this second Select statement, and use it as part of that first select statement.
 On the CodeBehind page, I tried replacing "dbo" with the Database Owner field (which I saved in a session variable) with the following code:
  Private Sub gvLineItems_DataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles gvLineItems.DataBinding
sqlZKEWILL.SelectCommand = sqlZKEWILL.SelectCommand.Replace("dbo", Session("DatabaseOwner").ToString.Trim)
End Sub
But I am still getting the error message: "Invalid object name: dbo.ZINSPECTION". It doesn't seem to recognize that I've replaced "dbo" with a different value.
Any thoughts on getting this to work would be appreciated.

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